#ah yes this silly little guy who is um. totally original
cyberiada · 1 year
would you guys still like me if you knew I had a cyberiad oc. hypothetically
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
Grellrin and Sebamey for the ship asks!
Yoooou got it honey! 🖤❤️💖
Who always wins when they play Trivia Crack: Ah yes, everyone doing this ask meme will get this reference, totally... >___>; I had to look it up, myself and it’s a basic trivia with friends thing on a mobile app. Uh, so, I think Mey and Grelle would both be neck in neck with this in a modern au... Although I think history stuff is more Grelle’s than Mey’s and Mey would be a bit more better at Entertainment than anything else. But when it comes to stuff like that overall they both are very good and both very competitive! However in the long run, both don’t like seeing their girlfriend lose TwT Its never fun and they don’t like rubbing it in for each other!
Who laughs when their partner trips on something: Uhhh, neither, probably, they are both big worry warts about each other when one has the slightest accident! They’d never laugh at each other!
Who would drop ice down the back of the other’s shirt as a joke: Er I can’t see either of them doing this really, maybe Mey once? But only if she and Grelle were very very close at that point and she knew it wouldn’t be taken badly! XD;;
Who spoils the ending of books/movies: Well they both TRY their hardest not to, but we all know both ladies are big blabber mouths if even a tiny winy hint of an exciting thing comes their way. XD It’s very much torture if they are watching something, but one of them has seen it already! But they DO love seeing the other’s reaction to said thing in certain points they know about and have been anticipating their lover reaching!
Who always posts a picture of the other as their MCM or WCW: YRHEYDTFUYG 🙈 another thing I had to look up boy howdy 😂😂😂😂 Since it stands for “Man Crush Mondays” or “Women Crush Wednesdays”, the latter would be used in this case, and I mean... well... duh, probably both! Though I think Grelle is likely more vocal about how much she loves her Mey Mey on social media than Mey. uwu (Mey likely uses insta acc. for it’s original purpose, to take pretty pics! But doesn’t do twitter really..)
Who eats the last piece of cake in the fridge before the other can have it: htjftuygiu I can see Grelle being the sweets hog more than Mey, she likes sweets on occasion, especially holidays and stuff, but Grelle loves them more! A guilty pleasure I think of the red head! And really, Mey doesn’t mind TOO much, she just sasses her a little! >:3 (Which sometimes leads to some interesting scenarios involving convos like “Oh, I’ve been so naughty haven’t I~? W-will you... be punishing me for this?” “G-GRELLE STOOOP!” “WHAT?! I must PAY for my crimes! Oh, please be gentle~” “UTDyktfuygiuh 🙈🙈🙈 ” 😂😂😂)
Who obnoxiously celebrates Monday Punday every week: (Wow... that’s a thing. An actual thing. Unbelievable. 😒 ) This is.. definitely neither girl’s thing. XD
Who makes loving hack posts on the other’s Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter etc: Uhhh neither??? They are very loyal and sweet and loving and are NEVER that way to each other TwT (these questions really really don’t fit these two, do they 🙈)
Who has to beat their partner in every game: Again, neither girl is like that TwT
Who keeps their partner up half the night talking about random stuff: Well, I think this only applies on rare occasions when one- usually Grelle I think - has dealt with a bad day, and can’t get to sleep, and thus Mey Mey doesn’t MIND staying up and listening to her, until she likely wears herself out. ;w; BUT also maybe, more in canon verse, Mey might stay up all night and need to talk and just cuddle too, because of her past as “Owl”, and thus the nightmares she sometimes still has on occasion, so she can’t get sleep. 😭
Who eats too much garlic and tries to kiss their partner anyway: jyfygiuhoij I can only see this weird idea happening if one of them is like drunk a bit and they’d had maybe a meal with garlic bread and they are all lovey dovey and maybe also wanna thank the other for the meal and date!! XD But I can’t choose, because they both are silly, cute drunks, probably. >w< (Mey just gets there FASTER ;3 )
Who always wins when they play Trivia Crack: Sebastian probably is better overall at such games, but he never EVER rubs it in with Mey Rin, and finds himself going a bit overboard with praise when she does win XD He’s such a sweet dork.
Who laughs when their partner trips on something: Definitely neither in this either! If Sebastian actually ever trips (which is RARE), Mey Rin is way too full of WORRY to laugh!! And if Mey Rin trips, Sebastian is VERY quick to scoop her up and make sure she’s alright!! ;w;
Who would drop ice down the back of the other’s shirt as a joke: Again MAYBE Mey Rin would try, she’s a bit more childishly whimsical and prone to enjoying tiny little pokes at her love, but only ONCE or TWICE >w>;;
Who spoils the ending of books/movies: Definitely neither with these two, they LOVE seeing each other’s reactions to things!!
Who always posts a picture of the other as their MCM or WCW: ykutgiyuhoi I definitely don’t think either are into this, unless pressured online to do it by friends XD Since Sebastian is definitely a very private guy unless its things like opinions on media and politics, he probably WOULD only do it once, and obviously it would be Mey >w< He loves his girl! (Again like with the Grellerin answer, Mey’s not into this stuff either!)
Who eats the last piece of cake in the fridge before the other can have it: As I cannot see a human Sebastian even being into sweets that much at all, it’s likely obviously gonna be Mey! >w< (”Oh my, wherever could that last piece of cake gone that Agni specifically gave to us, hmm?” “Uh- Um... I-I dunno..” “Oh? Are you suuure dearest? You have been going through some cravings lately, and you did eat most of the cake in the FIRST place..” “I- I... Ohhhh, Sebastian!!” “Oooo, dear oh dear, my little Mey has been a naughty girl, whatever shall I do~?” “S-Seb... Seb-! N-No! No not the sides! NOOOO!!! HEEEHEHEHEEEE~!!!” )
Who obnoxiously celebrates Monday Punday every week: Well, I’m sure we know by now who would REALLY, TRULY be into such a ridiculous thing...Pffft, but let’s see if the stupid dork GETS AWAY WITH IT WITHOUT MEY SHUTTING HIM UP EVENTUALLY. >:3
Who makes loving hack posts on the other’s Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter etc: Neither would be into that!!
Who has to beat their partner in every game: Again, neither! They’re too soft for each other to be even a little mean like that!
Who keeps their partner up half the night talking about random stuff: Again, likely Mey in this too, in modern au and canonverse. Especially since I can totally see human Seb as a bit of a light sleeper, bordering on insomniac. TwT He’s just like that!
Who eats too much garlic and tries to kiss their partner anyway: Uh, probably a drunk Mey Mey, and Seb doesn’t really mind since his girl is too cute when drunk OR sober! >w<
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staytheb · 5 years
All In Fun and Games
Pairing: MX’s Shownu x OC [Chaewon] || MX’s Wonho x OC [Chaeyeon] || MX’s Jooheon x OC [Bohwa] || MX’s I.M x OC [Soomi] Genre: slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 4,362 Summary: When playing simple games become more than that, especially when your friends are involved and you're not even aware that there's something more going on within them. part two (The Aftermath)
Warning: swear words and matured themes. also hasn’t been proof-read when it was last shared about three years ago~
it also features SISTAR! but other than that... i just had feelings and it was supposed to turned out differently than how it became to be. i’m not upset with it, just surprise how my writings really get a life of its own and deviate from what i originally had planned out. anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"Hey, everyone!" Soomi announced excitedly while standing in the living room. "Let's play Truth or Dare." "You're drunk, Mi." Bohwa, her twin sister, stated with a disapproving expression. "What? No I'm not. I'm barely tipsy." She looked at everyone else in the room. "Who wants to play?" Several voices let out quiet 'I'll play' as they joined Soomi in the center of the living room while sitting in a circle. Bohwa turned to look at her friends who were also sisters, Chaeyeon and Chaewon. "This is not gonna end nicely." She told them while taking a sip of her own drink cup. Chaeyeon chuckled. "If anything, just let her do what she wants." Bohwa stared at the older woman. "The last time she got crazily drunk she fell onto train tracks and busted her chin." "Ouch." Chaewon answered while rubbing her own chin. "Seriously?" "Seriously."
Just as Chaeyeon was about to speak, she felt someone grabbing a hold of her hand, and turned to see Hoseok standing before her with a silly grin. "Yes?" She let out in confusion while trying to tug her hand out of the male's grip, but he held on to hers firmly. "Come join me." He innocently said, but the way his eyes danced told her something else. "Join you where?" "IN THE CLOSET!" Someone yelled out and Chaeyeon and the other two turned to look for the source among the circle of players. "Excuse me?!" Chaeyeon let out as she finally got her hand out of Hoseok's grip. "What did you say, Changkyun?" The younger male grinned at her. "Hoseok got dared to play Seven Minutes in Heaven with you." "I'm not even playing. Why do I have to do it? Who dared him anyways?" Changkyun proudly pointed at himself. "Now go have fun with Hoseok in the closet."
Chaeyeon was about to protest once more, but Hoseok had already grabbed a hold of her hand again and pulled her towards the nearest closet with Changkyun aiding the resisting Chaeyeon. "I am not-" The door was slammed shut with Minhyuk and Jooheon pushing the sofa in front of it so that the duo inside couldn't get out and then sat on it to add more weight. Loud banging could be heard from the other side. "You guys do know that she's going to kill you once this is over, right?" Chaewon told them with a laugh after taking a sip of her drink. "We know." The trio answered with a nod of their heads as Changkyun passed them their cups. "We know." "Alright, so who's next?" Soomi asked once that little excitement was over. "Since Hoseok is preoccupied."
"He might be preoccupied for more than seven minutes." Changkyun chuckled as he returned to his spot and cast a glance at the closet. "Actually, he might not even return for the rest of it." "Yah, don't even start." Hyorin scolded him, but let out a chuckle afterwards. "Although they would have like the cutest babies if they do more than just kiss." "Well, it's more like if Chaeyeon stops denying her feelings for the guy." Jihyun added with a laugh while looking over at Chaewon. "Right, Chaewon?" "Yeah, totally, Jihyun." Chaewon agreed. "I'm more than happy to be an aunt in ten months." "Wow, guys." Bohwa let out with a shake of her head although a smile was apparent on her face. "Just wow."
"Hey, can we continue with the game and not discuss Chaeyeon and Hoseok's possible future life?" Kihyun asked trying to get them all back on track. "I have a good dare that I want to give someone." "And what dare is that?" Bora asked him while Kihyun grinned in her direction. "That's for you to find out like everyone else." "Alright, alright, guys. We keep getting distracted. Go, Changkyun since it's still your turn since Hoseok's not here." Soomi told him as Changkyun looked about the room to see who could be his next possible target. "Hyungwon, truth or dare?" "Hmm? I'm not playing." Hyungwon stated as he lazily looked at his friend while leaning against another sofa. "Then why are you a part of the circle?"
"I was already here before you guys decided to set up the circle here." Hyungwon answered curtly. "I never said that I would play." "Why didn't you just move?" "I was here first." "Ah, whatever. Dasom, truth or dare?" Changkyun asked to the person next to him. "Truth." Dasom answered as Changkyun groaned. "That is just too safe. Um..." He pondered on what question to ask her. "Out of the people in this room, who would you date?" "No one." "DON'T LIE!" Minhyuk practically screamed twice as loud as Changkyuk has first screamed, but toned done his voice when the girls shot him a look. "I mean, don't lie." "I'm not lying. None of you are my type." "Wait, Hyunwoo is a tough guy. You like tough guys." Jooheon stated as he patted Hyunwoo on the shoulder who had joined him and Minhyuk on the couch.
"He's too robotic for me." Dasom chuckled as Hyunwoo just stared blankly not even sure what was going on. "Don't you fall for the innocent type anyways that have no experience?" Hyorin asked before dowing her cup and getting up to get another one. "Yeah, but whatever. Enough about me. Soomi, truth or dare?" "Dare!" Soomi answered with a ready expression. "Uh, I dare you to..." "Please make it a small dare, Dasom. I do not want to take care of her later tonight." Bohwa told the younger female. "Psh, I can take care of myself, Hwa." "Says the girl who gets crazy when she drinks." "Yeah, so what?" "I don't know what to do then." Dasom let out with a sheepish laugh until Kihyun butted in. "Here. Make her do this." He whispered his dare into Dasom's ear who relayed it for Soomi to do. "Soomi, I dare you to go skinny dipping in the swimming pool." "KAY!"
Soomi abruptly stood up and dashed out of the apartment with Bohwa glaring at Kihyun. "Why?!" Kihyun shrugged indifferently as Bohwa chased after her older twin. "Soomi, please don't!" A majority of the others followed after to see what would the outcome be while Chaewon, Hyungwon, and the two in the closet stayed behind. Of course Hoseok and Chaeyeon had no idea what was going on on the other side of the door. "Can you pass me a pillow, Hyungwon?" Chaewon asked as she crashed onto the sofa that was blocking the closet door. "No. These are mine." Hyungwon smirked as he horded all five pillows against his body while lying on the other couch now. "Don't be stingy. I just want one." "That's still one less than what I would already have."
"Fckn Hyungwon, just give me one you brat." Chaewon let out a bit frustrated as she marched over to the tall male and tried to pry a pillow from him. Hyungwon turned over making it harder for her to take one from him. "Ugh, you're so annoying." Chaewon then sat on top of him. "Ahh, my back. Get off me, Chaewon." "Give me a pillow first." "Get off of me first." "No. "Why don't you just go sleep in one of the bedrooms instead?" "Because I don't trust Bora and the other three. Who knows what they could have done in their rooms." "Like the sofas any better." "True, but it's safer than their bedrooms." "That's true, too." "Now give me a fckn pillow." Chaewon grabbed a hold of one and tried to yank it from underneath Hyungwon while Hyungwon was trying to buck Chaewon off of him, but the two ended up tumbling off of the couch in the process.
"OK, this is unexpected." Bora let out with a surprised tone seeing the duo's limbs tangled together. "I thought you wanted to be an aunt?" Jihyun asked with an amused expression while watching the duo try to untangle themselves from one another. "I do." Chaewon answered in a huff once she freed herself from the tall male. "Why?" "Weren't you and Hyungwon just getting it on just now?" Chaewon and Hyungwon stared at one another while standing up and then at the others and then back at one another. "No. I was just trying to get myself a pillow, but this brat wouldn't give me one." Chaewon clarify as Hyungwon gathered his pillows and settled back onto the sofa like nothing happened. "This bish." Chaewon eyed him as Hyungwon tiredly smiled at her.
"Where are the others?" Chaewon asked noticing only the two of them had returned. "Uh, let's just say that Soomi's dare ended up including the others going down with her." Jihyun laughed while looking over at Bora. "Yeah, they're all outside waiting for us to bring them towels." A few seconds later, the quartet then heard weird noises and sounds coming from the closet. "Oh, they're finally doing it." Hyungwon nonchalantly commented as the female trio looked at him. "I don't think so." Bora said otherwise just as a male high pitched scream could be heard and the four looked at one another in alarm. "What is she doing to him in there?" Jihyun asked to no one in particular as Chaewon shrugged. "I don't even wanna know."
Another scream could be heard to which it was Hoseok again, then a very loud and hard thump sound was made against the door, and then it went quiet. "Should we call one-one-nine?" Hyungwon asked in concern as he stared at the closet door. "She could have literally killed him, y'know." The quartet soon heard soft muffled and scuffling sounds that neither of them could make out. "Or maybe they just like it rough and are trying to restrain themselves from being too loud." Jihyun chuckled as Bora walked off somewhere. "What do you think Chaewon?" Chaewon looked at her friend. "I don't know what to think, Ji. They're both weird and unpredictable." She then smirked. "I just know that they liked one another, except Yeon just likes denying her feelings for Hoseok like always." "Tell us something we don't know." Hyungwon stated as he closed his eyes to return to the Dream World.
"Alright, Chaewon, take the towels to the others as Jihyun, Hyungwon, and I try to check out the scene within the closet." Bora instructed the younger woman once she returned with several towels. "Wait. Why do I have to stay?" Hyungwon asked with a pout after opening his eyes. "Because you're a man and we may need male strength." Bora stated with a grin. "But I don't want to be involve. Not if it's something like that." "You already are." Jihyun grinned at him while patting his shoulder and then looked at Chaewon. "Since it was practically our fault those two ended up like that, we'll take care of it as you deliver those towels to the others. You might wanna hurry. It's been a while." "Oh yeah." Chaewon left the apartment as Hyungwon glared at the two older woman. "You're just gonna leave the two in there, aren't ya?"
"Yup." The two females grinned as they high-five one another. "Then why do I need to be involve in the first place?" He asked still annoyed that his sleep was being disturbed. "You don't. We just wanted to send Chaewon down with the others." Bora informed him while Jihyun pulled him off of the couch. "Now, let's go get something to eat as we leave the two lovebirds in the closet." "But what if Chaewon and the others returned?" Hyungwon asked as he sadly look at the couch. "Chaewon won't. She'll get occupy at the pool once she gets there. So will the other pairs. Trust me." Bora stated as she pushed him out of the apartment with Jihyun leading the way. "And the others will join us to get food when everything works out." "When what works out?" Hyungwon asked as he looked at his friends. "Don't worry about it. Let's just go get food. I'll buy you all the spam you want." "Call."
Chaewon soon entered the pool area and saw that everyone was actually playing in the water in their undergarments. She dropped the towels onto a nearby folded chair and walked over to the edge of the pool. "So you guys are all okay now?" She asked as Minhyuk was the closes one to her and answered. "Yeah, you should join us." "Haha, ahh, no thanks." Changkyun swam over and splashed her. "Ugh, you brat." "It won't matter when you get in. You'll love it, especially when Hyunwoo is shirtless." Changkyun grinned while pointing with his thumb behind him. "I know how much you wanted to see his bod." "I do not." "That's not what you told me." "I didn't tell you anything." "Maybe that was Chaeyeon."
"They're not that alike, Changkyun." Minhyuk told him. "Even I know the difference between the two at a glance." "Whatever." Changkyun splashed Chaewon again. "C'mon, get in." "No and stop splashing me." "No. Don't want to." He splashed her again and Chaewon moved out of the way, but felt herself back into someone. "Oh, hi, Hyunwoo." She greeted the bulky male with an awkward smile. "I didn't see you there. Weren't you on the other side of the pool?" "Hi, Chaewon. I was, but I noticed you brought the towels." He smiled at her with those cute eye-smiles of his. "Are you going to join us, too?" He asked tossing the used towel onto another chair "Uh..." "Yeah she does! She also wants you as her chicken partner." Changkyun inputted with a playful look. "Oh, yeah, let's play chicken!" Soomi let out with excitement as she pointed at Changkyun. "Changkyun's my partner!!" "Call!"
"And Bohwa and Jooheon can be partners!" Soomi continued with laughter as Bohwa splashed her twin. "Soomi!" "Oh, but I wanted Jooheon." Hyorin pouted in a playful manner. "OK, Hyorin, you can have him." Bohwa simply agreed with a laugh as Jooheon looked from one female to the other in disbelief. "I know I'm a hot commodity and all, but you ladies can't just treat me like this." "Oh then you can be with Dasom instead." Hyorin told him with a laugh as she placed an arm around Kihyun. "Kihyun's my partner." "Since when?" "Since now." "Alright." Kihyun agreed easily with a chuckle. "Wait a minute." Minhyuk interrupted. "Dasom's my partner." 'Yeah, I already agreed to be his for the chicken game." Dasom added with a smile as she looked over at Bohwa with a grin. "That means you and Jooheon are partners."
"I guess he is." Bohwa answered with an indifferent shrug as Jooheon looked over at the older girl. "Do you not want to be my partner, Bohwa?" "I didn't say that." "You make it sound like you did." "I didn't say anything, Jooheon." "Ugh, either get a room or come and play." Soomi told them as she was already on Changkyun's shoulder. "The others are already ready, too." She swept her right arm at the other two pairs while Jenny looked at Chaewon and Jooheon looked at Hyunwoo. "Chaewon/Hyunwoo isn't ready either." The duo said at the same time. "We were just getting ready." Hyunwoo answered for the both of them as he slowly jumped into the swimming pool and turned his back towards Chaewon. "Hop on."
Chaewon was hesitant and looked at the others where Bohwa was already situated onto Jooheon's shoulders. "Sorry. I don't have my swimsuit on." "Girl, who cares. We're all in our panties anyways." Soomi dismissed with a laugh. "Yeah, you don't have to be so shy, Chaewon." Hyorin teased as she gathered up some water in her cupped hand and tossed some in Chaewon's direction. "It's only for tonight anyways." "Yeah, Chaewon. Join us since Chaeyeon is busy." Dasom added with a chuckle. "If she wasn't, then she would have totally joined us." "Yeah right. She and Hyungwon would have destroyed us all." Minhyuk stated with a laugh while patting Dasom's calves. "I think we would have lost within a second with those two as a team." "Yeah, I agree with that."
"C'mon Chaewon. We're not playing Truth or Dare anymore. We're just playing Chicken." Kihyun tried to persuade the older female to play so that he could finally get his revenge on Changkyun from last time as soon as possible. "I guess." Chaewon finally relented as she quickly stripped off her shirt and shorts with the others letting out catcalls and whistles. "Haha, funny. Not." Chaewon told them as she gingerly held onto Hyunwoo's shoulders as she debated how to position herself onto his shoulders. "Oh my gawd, Chaewon. Just hurry up and wrapped your legs around his neck like you would wrap them around his body like you two would during sex." Jooheon let out annoyed with how long Chaewon was taking.
Chaewon was about to put one leg over Hyunwoo's shoulder until hearing the words coming out of Jooheon's mouth where she instead fell into the pool in the process. "I can't believe you just said that, Jooheon!" Chaewon said in shock as she resurfaced. "Why would you even say that?!" She glared at the laughing male who accidentally dropped Bohwa when he tilted back in laughter. "Whaa!" "Oh shit. Sorry, Bohwa." "What is even going on now?" Soomi asked as she joined in the laughter and was holding onto Changkyun's hair. "Ahh, stop tugging, Soomi." Changkyun winced as he tried to ease Soomi's fingers out of his hair. "That hurts." "I thought you like it rough?" Soomi countered with even more laughter as Hyorin just looked at everyone with a wry smile. "Why is everyone being so dirty tonight?"
"Hyo, I thought you enjoyed dirty stuff?" Kihyun asked her with a sly look as Hyorin bopped him on the head. "I like dirty jokes, Kihyun, thank you very much." "Oh, please, Hyo. You're not that innocent." Dasom remarked with a laugh. "Don't you remember that guy, Jooyoung or whatever from Club Starship?" "Oh yeah, right, Som. Whatever happen to him after that night?" "You told him a false name and number." "Oh yeah, I did." Hyorin laughed at the memory. "He was definitely a cutie and real good in bed. Damn. I wish I gave him my real name and number." "Please, Hyorin. We don't want to hear about your sex escapades." Minhyuk let out with a roll of his eyes. "We all know how much of a hoe you are when we go out clubbing, Hyo."
"Oh whatever. Hyuk." Hyorin splashed him. "I'm only a hoe when it comes to sexy good-looking men I totally wanna lie with." "That's like practically every time we go out clubbing. Or anywhere, actually." Soomi remarked with a laugh as her arms were now wrapped around Changkyun's neck. "You're a total hoe, Hyo." "Well, that's better than being incredibly wild and crazily drunk, Mi." Hyorin countered playfully as Soomi shrugged her shoulders in agreement. "I am what I am." "Hey, that's my line." Changkyun told her while glancing up at her. "Well then, I learned from the best." She patted him on the cheek. "You're so cute." "Wait, no. Listen, listen. I am not cute. So don't go around saying shiet like that, Mi." "Haha, you're so adorable, Kyun." Changkyun let out a defeated sigh as Soomi laughed.
"So, are we playing or not?" Chaewon finally asked once she was situated onto Hyunwoo's shoulders. "We've been waiting for like ten minutes." Hyunwoo added expressionless. "Yeah, right." Minhyuk retorted. "It hasn't even been that long." "You're one to talk." Kihyun snorted. "You can't even tell time." "I know that it's time to kick your ass when the game starts." "Yeah, bring it on then." "I thought you had beef with Changkyun?" Jooheon asked Kihyun as Kihyun shrugged. "I can have beef with whoever I want." "Which reminds me. Don't you owe Chaeyeon beef noodles from that one bet?" Bohwa asked the younger male as Kihyun's eyes went wide. "Oh, shit. I do. How long ago was that again?" "Three weeks ago, I think." "Fuck. Now I owe her macarons, a Gudetama doll, and that Harry Potter screenplay book thing on top of the damn beef noodles."
"How did it go from a bowl of noodles to all of that?" Dasom asked confused as Kihyun explained. "For every week that I'm late on delivering my promise to her, Yeon adds in another item that I now owe her." "Damn, you fucked up." Soomi told him with a laugh as Chaewon added her input. "You better get on it or she'll keep adding more shit." "I know. I know. Don't remind me." Kihyun let out a bit annoyed. "I should have not bet against her on who could hold their own." Minhyuk tsked. "Kihyun, you should have known Chaeyeon is a heavyweight." "Yeah, Hyuk, I learned that three weeks ago. Thanks for the late reminder." "Welcome." "Yo," Hyunwoo spoke up. "Are we going to play or not?"
"Um, can we not?" Hyorin asked changing her mind. "I forgot I work in six hours." "I agree. It's getting pretty chilly, too." Dasom added while rubbing her shoulders and letting out a yawn. "Plus, I'm getting super sleepy." "Oh, me, too." Bohwa second letting out a yawn of her own. "I want sleep. Need sleep. Like right now." Chaewon glared at the three of them. "And here you guys insist I join you guys. What a waste of my time and getting wet." "Well, at least we helped you get wet for some sexy time later on, Won." Soomi stated with a loud laugh. "I think you'll make a great mom than an aunt." Chaewon looked over at Soomi with a slightly mortified look. "You did not just say that."
"I did and I will totally add more to it, girlfriend." Soomi wriggled her eyebrows mischievously before Chaewon could stop her friend. "Hyunwoo, Chaewon likes you and wants you to fcuk her senseless since the day we all met at Changkyun's eighteenth birthday." "Oh, my, gawd." Chaewon let out in horror as she slid off of Hyunwoo's shoulders and got out of the pool. "I am so out of here." She hurried to gathered her clothes, a towel, and darted off as she was completely embarrassed by what Soomi had just told Hyunwoo and the other boys as the girls knew how she felt for the guy already. "Are you being serious right now?" Hyunwoo asked with a shock look, but a silly grin was becoming apparent upon his lips. "She likes me for two years now?"
"No shit, Sherlock. It's kind of obvious." Kihyun stated, but then pondered for a bit. "But then again, you are kind of clueless about such things anyways." Hyunwoo soon got out of the pool, grabbed his used towel, and chased after Chaewon. "Well, it looks like the Lee sisters are gonna get some tonight." Jooheon chuckled while Bohwa splashed him and then he looked up. "What? You wanna get lucky, too, Hwa?" "Don't tempt me, Jooheon." Bohwa told him as she pushed his head away from looking at her. "There's just too much shit to take in right now." "Shit, girl, I'll take you right here, right now." "Ugh, Jooheon, please don't. I wanna enjoy the pool while it's still clean." Minhyuk told them as Changkyun splashed him. "It's not though. I peed like five times already."
Everyone made a face. "Ugh, T-M-I, Changkyun. T-M-I." Soomi told him as she slid off of his shoulders and swam away from him. "And I was on your shoulders when you did that. Nasty." Changkyun grinned at her. "Hey, I never said that I was always a good boy, Mi." "Dirty boy." Soomi splashed him, but Changkyun splashed her back in response. "Seriously though, why is everyone being so dirty tonight?" Hyorin asked again with a laugh. "We're usually not like this, but tonight everyone is just way too comfortable or something." "What kind of alcohol did you mix together?" Kihyun asked her as Hyorin looked down at him. "Good question." She laughed as she shook her head and slid off of his shoulders. "I don't remember what we put in. Do you Dasom?"
Dasom shook her head. "I have no idea either. I think Bora did all the mixing." "That would explain it." Minhyuk said as Dasom slid off of his shoulders as well while he massaged them. "After tonight, I'm afraid of what the outcome would be once we slept this off." "You're telling me." Bohwa let out tiredly as she got out of the pool. "I don't think I can handle another situation after this one." "Actually, Bohwa," Jooheon joined her afterwards. "Could you help me with something?" "With what?" "I'll tell you on the way." He grinned at her while dragging her off somewhere else as she questioned him what he needed help with. "Damn, six people are definitely getting lucky tonight." Soomi remarked with a pout. "Lucky people." "Why? Do you wanna join the lucky club, too?" Changkyun asked her with a suggestive smile.
Soomi looked over at the younger male with a knowing smirk. "If you're game for it." He returned the same gesture. "I'm always game when you're the other player." "Let's go." The duo also got out of the pool and headed off somewhere like the other two pairs. "Damn, we should of have Bora make the drinks and done this a long time ago." Kihyun let out with a shake of his head although he let out a laugh. "But that was so awkward just now." "Not as awkward as hearing the whole shiet from Hoseok and Chaeyeon to Soomi and Changkyun." Minhyuk added with a shudder. "I could have gone without that." "You're telling me." Dasom agreed. "I don't think I'm ready to babysit four kids at once." Hyorin laughed and then thought about it. "Actually, I wouldn't mind babysitting." "Alright, let's go join the others." Kihyun said getting out first. "I'm done playing games and I'm hungry."
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i7pinyaapples · 6 years
IDOLiSH7 3rd Anniversary Story Part 2 Translation
Find me on twitter @pinyaapples. Please credit me on any reposts. Video is unlisted for a reason, it’s just for people who don’t play the game but want to hear the voices. Please don’t repost or link elsewhere. Thanks!
Part one  Part three Part four
Kaoru: An offer has come in for you guys to guest on the third anniversary episode of NEXT Re:vale.
Kaoru: IDOLiSH7 will be there too. Be careful not to let IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale pull you into their antics too much.
Kaoru: Make sure to maintain TRIGGER’s brand image of luxury for the fans.
Tenn: Of course, Anesagi-san.
Gaku: Third anniversary eh? How exciting.
Gaku: We’ve participated in NEXT Re:vale numerous times so there’s a lot of memories involved for us as well.
Ryuu: That’s right. The activities on their show are always so fun and unique compared to our other jobs.
Kaoru: Ryuu! Did you hear what I just said?!
Ryuu: uh, yes!
Kaoru: You don’t need to be silly, you’re TRIGGER!
Tenn: However, we’re appearing in a variety-focused show with both Re:vale and IDOLiSH7… If we completely refrain from participating then we’ll sour the atmosphere of the program.
Tenn: We have to maintain a presence that won’t get overshadowed by the other two groups so as not to disappoint our fans.
Kaoru: I suppose that’s true…
Gaku: But it’ll be hard to keep up without being at least a little silly too… What if we kept a straight face while wearing full-body tights?
Ryuu: pfft…. I imagined it…
Gaku: It’s kinda funny, right?
Tenn: I said not to disappoint the fans, remember? I’m fairly certain seeing us in full-body tights is not what they’re asking for.
Ryuu: ahahaha…. Tenn… Please...You can’t just say that with a straight face...It’s making me laugh harder…
Tenn: Ryuu. Take the me in your head currently wearing full-body tights and dress him in an idol costume. You have three seconds.
Ryuu: Uh- Ok.
Tenn: Is he dressed?
Ryuu: Yes, he’s wearing it.
Gaku: What about me?
Ryuu: I just dressed him too, we’re good.
Gaku: Now that’s a quick costume change.
Ryuu: As one would expect of Gaku!
Tenn: Right. Let’s get to coming up with countermeasures against Re:vale and IDOLiSH7 stealing the spotlight without ruining our own image.
Gaku: Both Re:vale and IDOLiSH7 have pretty lively and fast-paced coversations. It’ll be tough to get our turn in.
Ryuu: What about interjecting? [1]
Gaku: Interjecting?
Ryuu: Yeah! If we can pull off the interjections in a smooth way, maybe we’ll seem cool like Yuki-san or Iori-kun!
Tenn: Those two also have moments when they’re the ones getting called out. If we’re going to do it, we have to aim to be even cooler than them.
Gaku: I see… A cool interjection…
Kaoru: ...Wait, I have an objection to this plan.
Gaku: What is it, Anesagi?
Kaoru: Well I mean… You guys… All three of you are idiots. [1]
TRIGGER: …..*soft gasp*......
Tenn: You’re absolutely correct...about the other two at least.
Gaku: I don’t know about the other two but I’m good at interjecting!
Ryuu: I think I interject when you guys are arguing to calm things down pretty often…
Kaoru: Haaah… See, you don’t understand at all… My head hurts.
Tenn: Are you alright?
Gaku: Want medicine?
Ryuu: Would you like to lie down?
Kaoru: That’s exactly it!! You’re all too sincere and earnest to play the straight man! You’re like innocent stalks of barley growing on the gentle plains! [2]
Ryuu: Barley on the plains? Sounds nice!
Gaku: Right?
Tenn: Do you perhaps have some kind of problem with barley?
Kaoru: I do! As far as variety shows go, Re:vale and IDOLiSH7 are on the level of a ravenous dinosaur from the Jurassic Period!!
Kaoru: Whether you get gobbled up by them or become comedic monsters yourselves, it’s TRIGGER’s loss…
Tenn: That isn’t the case at all, Anesagi-san. These two aside, I believe I have a talent for interjections.
Tenn: Gaku, Ryuu.
Gaku: Yeah?
Ryuu: What’s up?
Tenn: Say something dumb.
Ryuu: This is so sudden…
Gaku: Leave it me, Ryuu.
Gaku: The house next door put up some bamboo sticks against the bamboo fence. [3]
Tenn: …..Hm…..
Gaku: What, you’re not going to call me out?
Tenn: Gaku, is what you meant to say “The house next door enclosed their place in a wall, wall cool!” [4]
Gaku: Yeah, that’s the one. The sounds for “wow” and “wall” overlap, right?
Tenn: “Cool” and “closed” do as well.
Ryuu: Anesagi-san… These two really are idiots.
Kaoru: Right?!
Gaku: Wait a sec!
Tenn: I don’t want to hear that from Ryuu!
Ryuu: Sure there’s times when I’m a little dumb, but I’d say I’m pretty used to calling out my little brothers.
Tenn: Like how?
Ryuu: Hey, stop chewing on your chopsticks!
Gaku: Does that count as a call out?
Ryuu: It’d be easier if we had some kind of catch phrase like “What the hell!” or “Why are you soaked!”... [5]
Kaoru: “What the hell!” isn’t appropriate for TRIGGER’s catch phrase…. We need something more cool and sexy…
Gaku: What if we tried English? Maybe it’ll seem more polite in a Western language.
Tenn: For example?
Gaku: Like, “WHY?”.
Kaoru, Ryuu, Tenn: ……..
Gaku: or like, “WHAT?!”
Tenn: Won’t that shtick overlap with a certain someone?
Ryuu: It totally would…
Gaku: With who?
Kaoru: Uh… For example… perhaps a beautiful half-Japanese Prince from IDOLiSH7 that certain capable women would stan?
Gaku: Oh, Rokuya!
Kaoru, Ryuu, Tenn: YES! [in english]
Ryuu: That style is kind of their original thing, I don’t think it’d be a good idea for us to try and fight on the same ground.
Gaku: Are you assuming we’re gonna lose? We won’t know until the battle is done!
Kaoru: I said you can’t fight them head on! You’ll get pulled in and become comedic monsters!! You have to keep to your own cool image!
Ryuu: Keep our cool…
Kaoru: Yes, keep it cool and sexy like TRIGGER ought to. Something that’ll stop Momo and Mitsuki-kun in their tracks!
Gaku: Doesn’t Tenn have a pretty sharp tongue? He’s got such a bad personality, he’s always bitter or cynical. Even then, he’s bad at interjecting properly?
Tenn: I said I’m good at it. Don’t lump me in with someone like you who can’t even tell the difference between idiocy and a proper joke.
Gaku: What, why are you mad?
Tenn: I’m not angry. I’m just bitter and cynical all the time apparently.
Ryuu: Hey, hey, stop fighting.
Gaku: Just like that, interject stronger!
Tenn: Shut the hell up. [6]
Ryuu: That’s it! Like I thought, catchphrases like “What the hell” and “Shut the hell up” work perfectly!
Gaku: Exactly. Right, Anesagi?
Kaoru: Nope! Even if you look at me with those faces, you can’t just use comedy catchphrases like that!
Kaoru: No means no! Put it back on the shelf you got it from! You can’t put it in the shopping basket in your heart!
Gaku: But the rest of the groups can…
Tenn: That’s their business.
*Knock knock*
Kaoru: Oh, who could that be? I’ll go answer.
Gaku: Ok.
*Door opens*
Kaoru: President! Oh, thank you for coming out all this way. Please, come in!
Gaku: Old man?
Ryuu: The president came! ...Wait, he’s a cool person right?
Gaku: Cool? Him?
Ryuu: He gets heated at times, but he’s generally pretty cool right? Maybe he can teach us how to do a smooth interjection.
Ryuu: Gaku, try saying something stupid in front of the president.
Gaku: Excuse me?
Tenn: True, he could be a good reference.
Kaoru: Come right this way president.
Sousuke: Greetings. It sure is hot out. Are you taking care of your bodies? That should be your priority as idols.
Tenn: Of course. It’s been a while, president. Did you bring us something?
Sousuke: Hmph. It’s not a present or anything. I just happened to pick up a watermelon on the way. Gaku, go put it somewhere to chill.
Gaku: Ah, thanks. I was just looking for something like this. Next time I ride my motorcycle I’ll wear it on my head.
Sousuke: …….
Kaoru, Tenn, Ryuu: …..snicker….
Sousuke: What?
Ryuu: ….haha….this is bad….I’m gonna lose it…
Tenn: Ryuu, hold it in.
Sousuke: Gaku.
Gaku: Yeah?
Sousuke: This is a watermelon.
Gaku: Hm? Yeah?
Sousuke: You don’t wear melons on your head. Is this for summer Halloween or something?
Gaku: Summer Halloween?
Sousuke: Hmph! Wearing a pumpkin in the fall or wearing a melon in the summer, it’s all stupid! There’s been too many ridiculous fads lately.
Sousuke: However, if you can’t keep up with the accelerating pace of culture, you’ll fall behind on the fads… Idols are the very ones who are to stay on top of the trends.
Sousuke: If TRIGGER is to continue being the pioneers of culture, if you’ll do anything to remain current...if it’s for that reason, will you do it?
Sousuke: Will you wear the melon Gaku?
Gaku: …..
Sousuke: So?
Gaku: Ah- Um.
Sousuke: Will you?
Ryuu: He’s serious….
Tenn: The idiot apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I see.
Kaoru: ...President, no one wears pumpkins on their heads even on Halloween…
Kaoru: I can’t believe I’m saying this but out of all the ideas thus far, interjecting in English has been the most cool…
Kaoru: Now that it’s come to this, I’ll have to use my last resort.
Tsumugi: Anesagi-san…. What happened that we needed to meet up?
Kaoru: Takanashi-san, I’m sorry to bother you at such a busy time.
Kaoru: Could you sit on the bench for a moment? It’d be bad if someone overheard us.
Tsumugi: It’s something that’d be bad if it was overheard??
Kaoru: ….I’ll just come right out and say it.
Kaoru: I want to strike a deal with you.
Tsumugi: A deal?
Kaoru: It’s nothing scary, just a business negotiation.
Tsumugi: I understand… What kind of deal were you looking for?
Kaoru: Nagi-kun’s English interjections…
Kaoru: I want you to let TRIGGER have them for the duration of Re:vale’s special episode.
Tsumugi: What! We can’t do that! That’s an indispensable item for both Nagi and IDOLiSH7 as a whole...
Kaoru: Of course, I’m not saying you give it for free. Here.
Tsumugi: What’s in this trunk? It’s not money, right?
Kaoru: Open it.
Tsumugi: Brand-name cosmetic samples?! So many! There’s even limited-time items! How long have you put into gathering these?!
Kaoru: If it’s for TRIGGER’s sake, nothing is too precious… So? Have you become any more willing?
Tsumugi: ……. Allow me to return these to you. Can I ask something as well?
Tsumugi: In exchange for Nagi’s interjections, I want TRIGGER’s sweet catchphrases.
Tsumugi: Can we borrow 70% of those?
Kaoru: W-what? How are you going to use one-seventh of that?
Tsumugi: I’m not finished yet.
Kaoru: Stop joking around, I’ll have to refuse. Can you stop looking down?
Tsumugi: In that case, I’ll just continue on as if this conversation never happened.
Kaoru: Wait a second.
Kaoru: ….
Kaoru: ...30%. I can lend you 30%, but that’s my limit.
Tsumugi: I understand.
Kaoru: Then the deal is sealed.
Tsumugi: Indeed. I’m glad we were able to arrive at something mutually beneficial.
Kaoru: Well then, I’ll see you on the front lines. Good luck!
Tsumugi: And so it reached the day of NEXT Re:vale’s third anniversary special episode.
To be continued…..
[1] boke/tsukkomi: dumbass and straight man. japanese comedy archetypes. It’s the tsukkomi’s job to interject and call out the boke when they say something idiotic
[2] didn’t feel like coming up with an equivalent so i just went literal. Suggestions welcome.
[3] Gaku does a tongue twister, but tenn thinks he messed up the joke because he was supposed to put puns in instead. Ngl this part was kinda confusing I had to ask my dad for help lol.
[4] The words used for “wow cool” sound very similar to the ones used for “enclosed in a wall”. These repeated sound puns are really common and hard to translate lol sorry. I may try to come up with punnable versions of this eventually but for now you’ll have to forgive me for just. Not.
[5] What the hell! -> the Kansai dialect catch-all tsukkomi, nandeyanen.
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