#ah yeah. im weird becuae i touch myself to cartoon babies? dont base yr morals off weirdness!!
infectbait · 2 years
"It’s not a ‘rights of that fic child’ situation it’s a Youre weird for that situation"
Using it/its pronouns is also weird, but it's not harming anyone, is it? Being transqueer is weird. Being nd is weird. You are weird. People are, in fact, allowed to be weird - including in ways you don't like, actually. The reason people make it into a "'rights of that fic child' situation", as you call it, is because the only "person" being harmed... is that fictional child, who isn't actually a person.
You're 17 years old. That is plenty old enough to have figured out that "being weird" is not a crime and that your moral standards should be based on whether real people's rights are being violated, not whether you personally find something weird or icky. You really should be beyond that by now.
And before you try to go all "how dare you compare being queer to these icky things", please take a moment to remember that conservatives vilify queerness because they find it "disgusting" and "perverse", and the reason they are wrong to do so isn't because they are morally obligated to like queerness but bc being queer doesn't harm anyone and they are basing their morality on their personal feelings of disgust rather than a system of "does this cause harm?"
so many words for your sentiment being ""i finger myself to cartoon children being molested and thats okay because being gay was wrong back in the day too""
come off anon next time or are you aware that the majority people, shipcourse engagers or not, would find you disgusting
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