#agni transcribes
agni-ashes · 11 months
i’m. im going insane over this.
transcript under the cut!
martyn: "i talk about my fears to- so that i can face them! well, get rid of them at least"
jimmy: "you're gonna have to face it now! *laughs*
martyn: "well i'll tell you now, what i'll do, is once your build exceeds this build by one block in terms of height, i will come and slaughter you and push you down to third life and then, we'll just stop proceedings"
jimmy: "we're on- we're on new life. i don't- that was two years ago, martyn! get over it, it was two years ago! third life was two years ago!"
martyn: "... third life never ended for me."
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ladylunasolis · 4 years
Zutara Week 2020 - Day 1 “Reunion”
This is my first ever work for Zutara and ATLA - also my first work of any kind in years.  Zutara has always been one of my OTPs and the re-watching the show reminded me how much I love the ship.  We only had so many episodes to see them together...but this fandom keeps them alive.  This is a more Zuko-centric piece, as I really like to wonder about his POV.  Please enjoy “Reunion!”
Rating: G
It has been almost two years after the war had ended. There were some things Zuko had a more challenging time with as new Fire Lord. One was weeding out the Ozai loyalists in his councils. Second was smiling so much. He barely got used to that when he was with the rest of the gang. Of course, he didn’t necessarily need to smile but with the right people, it helped. He was initially a bit rusty with economics but with Iroh’s occasional visits and reading recommendations, Zuko made great progress.
Another area for growth was replying to the numerous gifts and letters he received from dignitaries throughout the world. After one round of answering letters took over an hour in a chair (he insisted he reply himself to make things more personal) he realized he was not quite there yet. Zuko tended to think better while pacing so he employed a transcriber.
As many things were challenging, there were many things Zuko did well. Some of these strengths include memorizing the names of his servants and being able to take into consideration the viewpoints of the needy/working class. He was for the people. He was open to hearing input, though did not hesitate to tell someone when their words were disrespectful. Although he was awkward, kids liked to talk to him.  He was great at international relations.
And he always, always replied to Katara within 2 days - in his own writing.
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, daughter of Hakoda, waterbending master, ambassador. The girl who saved his life. Not too long after his coronation ceremony she had left to fix the rest of the world, alongside Avatar Aang. In the months that passed her departure, every time he closed his eyes he would see hers. He would see those deep blue eyes peering down at him, the first thing he would see after Azula’s attack. He remembered how they brimmed with tears. He remembered that not even the blue of Azula’s fire or hell, the blue of Azula’s lighting, could compare to the blue of Katara’s eyes.
He had wanted to say it, wanted to ask her if he was crazy to think there was something there because she felt it too right? A few days had passed after the pomp and circumstance of the coronation.  She was checking to make sure he was healing well, her glowing hands running over his exposed stomach, making his abs contract.
“So...” Katara started off shyly. She had a blush on her cheeks and a small smile, but did not meet his eye. This was it, Zuko thought. This is the moment!
“I think me and Aang are going to give this a shot. I mean this, like, me and him. Together.”  She became very flustered and brought the water back to the bowl, looking to see if any drops had fell though he damn well knew that wasn’t possible. Silence came over the two of them, except for the roaring of Zuko’s heartbeat in his ears.
He was unsure how much time has passed until Katara started to shift and stand up, brushing off invisible lint. “Okay well you’ve healed past anything serious, it’ll just be some pain—.”
“Thank you.” Zuko tied his shirt and stood up as well. He towered over Katara, who was looking down, playing with her hair. Zuko was definitely aware of the pain he would be feeling, now and for a long time coming. But it wasn’t from the agni kai. The next words kind of just came out on their own.
“Are you happy?”
Katara looked up at him with those beautiful blue eyes, with a small smile. She kept eye contact for a moment, which made Zuko wonder if she was searching for something in his own eyes. Then the moment passed. “I am! I really am.”
Zuko felt the urge to say more, but another thought crossed his mind. Who was he to get in the way of her happiness? He saved her life and almost sacrificed his own, sure, but Aang had done just the same. Aang was a good kid. Aang would protect her. Aang is in love with her... With Zuko, he wasn’t even completely sure yet how he felt - he just knew that he wanted her around. But that wasn’t enough to keep her from love. So Zuko cleared his throat and returned the soft smile, placing a hand on Katara’s shoulder.
“I’m really glad.” And he meant it.
He watched her leave a few days later, after hugging both her and Aang, wishing them both safe travels and letting them know they were welcome any time.  Zuko could distinctly remember standing on the palace steps long after the air bison had disappeared into the horizon.  To distract himself from regrets, he buried himself in work.  It was effective about 90% of the time.  
Zuko would also still see Mai, and though he felt a familiarity for her it wasn’t the same as what he felt for Katara - whatever that was.  He would spend time with Mai when he could, try to get things back to where they were before he left to join the gang, but his mind would wander.  To the argument they had on Ember Island “At least I feel something!”  Or to brilliant blue.  The kisses and touches he shared with Mai paled next to what stirred within him when Katara merely said his name.
Then the letters started arriving.
The letters started a little more than two months after Katara and Aang left. They would come once a month, or two if they were closer. They started off with many “we went to” “we met with” “we did.” After another seven or eight months it was mostly Katara writing about her day and asking about Zuko’s day.
The fruit in the Earth kingdom are great, but I still like the Fire Nation’s better. Especially that one that’s soft and yellow in the middle.  I forgot the name.  But nothing beats sea prunes! You have to try some next time you come here.
Despite Mai’s lack of expression, Zuko knew she was very perceptive.  Try as hard as he could, he wasn’t able to ever give her all of his attention.  If he was honest, he would say he was almost desperate to forget Katara but it wasn’t fair to Mai to use her for that.  Zuko opened his mouth to say something one day and she put a hand up to stop him.
“I get it.  I don’t want to fight about it, but I never want to speak to you again either.”  That stung, because in a way she was pretty much his only friend in the nation, but he knew it must have hurt her worse.  And so he buried himself completely in work and firebending training.
A year after the war ended and peace had begun, a conference was held at the Fire Nation palace.  It was decided the leaders of each nation would come together to encourage international coordination and morale between the nations.  Zuko had fought against those Ozai-loyalists daily to combat the ideals that the Fire Nation was the best of all.  He had advocated diligently to open their eyes to how the other nations work, to be able to learn from them, and to share the Fire Nation’s ways without having to over their land.
Plus, it would be a good chance to see his friends again.
On the day of the Conference of Peace Zuko awoke even earlier than usual and went through some of his firebending forms.  He felt jittery, shaky, alert.  But he was excited.  Him, Zuko, excited!  He was sitting in the conference chamber an hour before the meeting started that day.  It had been too long since he had seen Katara.  Is she taller?  Is her hair done in the same way?  Will she still smile when she sees me?
Then the nerves set in.  Am I taller?  Am I fitting into my royal robes well enough?  Wait, are the royal robes too much?  I know Katara’s not the type to—.  He had to shake his head quickly, before his thoughts ran away with him.  “It doesn’t matter anyway, because she’s with Aang.  So stupid.”
When Sokka came announced as Water Tribe Ambassador, Zuko had to grit his teeth to curb his initial reaction.  Sokka was charming and cheerful as usual.  “What’s up, Fire Lord?  I’m here reppin’ the Water Tribe!”  He wrapped an arm around Zuko’s shoulders and leaned into him.
“H-Hey, Sokka,” Zuko managed.  He cleared his throat.  “It’s great to see you.  Uh where’s Katara?”
“Oh yeah, so right before she was gonna leave I guess almost all of the village got sick with something they haven’t seen before.  Katara had been healing for days but it’s something that needs multiple treatments or something.  Wait, you didn’t get a letter?  Well I guess I got here before the letter since I’ve been traveling closer with Suki.”
At this point they heard the unmistakable groan of an air bison and Aang landed Appa in the square, and from far away they could see his arm up and waving.  Everyone will remember that first conference as one where Fire Lord Zuko was informative, but his expression hardly changed the entire time.  Some would say he was even a little surly.
Zuko caught up with Sokka and Aang and while it was truly great to see them, he couldn’t help but wonder where Katara’s letter was.  As curious as he was about her, he wasn’t going to bombard her brother and her boyfriend for information.  Sure enough, he had found her letter at the end of the second day.
I’m so sorry Zuko, my people need me.  Even though people are recovering it’s taking multiple rounds of healing for each person and I’m the only one who can heal at this pace.  By the time you read this Sokka will probably have told you already.  But I just wanted you to know I really did want to see youand everyone.
The last words seemed to be scribbled together, like she had an afterthought to add  “and everyone” over where she originally placed a period after “you.”  I’m probably just imagining it - the thought flooded Zuko’s mind, but he was able to sit up late and respond.
You’re right, Sokka did get to me first.  But don’t worry, your people come first and I’m wishing them all a quick recovery.  They have a great healer there after all, Master Katara.  Zuko paused, before continuing on.  It would have been great to see you, too.  Hopefully that will happen some time soon.
After the conference, there were no letters for a month or two.  Needless to say, Zuko berated himself.  “Scared her off,” he muttered to himself, throwing a towel into a soiled linen basket.  He had just finished some training, taking his frustration out on himself.  Zuko noted there was a mail delivery and his eyes lit up when he saw the blue water tribe symbol.  He opened it eagerly and skimmed through the long letter.
. . . Anyways, I love being home.  It’s nice to be with family and wear my furs, though I’ve been growing a bit so I may have to get new ones soon!  I’ve been so busy ever since 2 of the kids found out they can waterbend.  Being home does sometimes feel different though.  I guess it just takes a little getting used to for me to be back here because this is the longest I’ve been home or even 1 place since me and Sokka found Aang.  But since Aang and I broke up, I just decided to stay here for a bit.  We’re still friends, probably better friends than girlfriend-boyfriend, but thought that the space would be good.
Zuko stopped.  “Since Aang and I broke up…”  A fire lit within him.  He read it over again in disbelief.  This was his chance!  Finally!  He was going to-!  Zuko shook himself, and ran a hand over his face, eyes skimming the letter over.  “No.  Come on, Zuko, she probably doesn’t want to be jumped on after a break up.  They were together a while.  How long have they been broken up for anyway?”
After some thought, and calming exercises, he picked up a quill.  Zuko wrote out the general greetings and response to the daily activities she had in her letter.  He hesitated and continued on.
I’m sorry to hear about you and Aang but that’s great you two are still friends.  As you know, it doesn’t always end up that way.  I’m sure you two will continue working on making the world a better place.
Zuko grimaced as he read his letter over.  Before he could change his mind, he rolled the scroll up and went to the aviary.
The letters were different from then on.
I was really missing the turtleducks today! I wonder if those babies are all grown up now!  Remember when you first showed them to me?  We had so much fun.
The sunsets here are great, but sometimes I think about the sunsets in the Fire Nation.  They’re completely opposite but still just as beautiful.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing all that I can to help people, or if I should be doing more.  I’m doing great work here I know but I’m thinking about traveling again, learning more and bringing that knowledge back home.
Zuko would reply.  He started to confide in her his fears and insecurities, in response to her becoming vulnerable with him too.  
Those turtleduck babies have gotten bigger, but there are always more born every year.  It would be nice to have a picnic by the pond to introduce you to them.
Next time you’re here, you have to see a sunset from my favorite spot.  I’ll take you.  And you’re right, opposites can both be equally great.  Before I got to know you, I never knew water could be so strong and beautiful.
I know how you feel.  Even though I’m seeing changes it can feel like I’m still fighting a battle.  Sometimes I just get tired, but I just have to keep going.  Sometimes broadening our horizons are the best ways to help our people.
The second Conference of Peace was approaching in another two months’ time.  Of course, Zuko had invited Katara to be Water Tribe Ambassador once more and he waited with bated breath for her answer.
Zuko, of course I’ll be there!  I can’t miss it two years in a row.  I actually wanted to let you know, I was thinking of spending time there before the conference.  I’m in the Earth Kingdom right now.  I traveled here since my last letter, thanks to your encouragement!  Since we’ve been talking about the Fire Nation and things I haven’t seen yet, I thought it would be a good chance to do a little bit of that before we have to all talk business.  But if it’s not a good idea, or if you’re too busy, I understand.
Zuko, who had been working on the speed of his replies, replied and sent right after he read her letter.
Of course you’re welcome to come.  I would love to have you here.
Weeks later, Fire Lord Zuko stood on the docks, staring out to sea.  Many citizens were quick to recognize him and Zuko gave each of them a nod of his head or a wave.  He knew this was a little odd, but he didn’t care.  He was finally going to see Katara again.  They had so little time together in person before she had to depart so he didn’t really know what to call his feelings then.  All he knew was he cared enough about her to give his life.  That had not changed with Zuko, but he now knew what he feels for her now.
He saw Katara on deck, leaning on the railing, before she saw him.  Her chestnut hair was partially up, hair loops still in tact.  She was wearing a new blue outfit that matched the tan of her skin.  And her smile when she saw him was brighter than the sun.  He noticed the way she flicked her wrist, and the sudden wave that brought the ship closer even quicker.
She made her way down the dock and Zuko had to remind himself he is the damn Fire Lord, look noble!  But he sure as hell still felt like a teenager despite his age making him an official adult now.  He wanted to run and hug her but was able to control himself enough to take a few steps towards the smiling waterbender.
“Hi Zuko,” Katara said, and her voice was a song to his ears.  Better than any song he ever heard on music night, by far.  She smiled up at him, because even though she had grown a little he had grown a lot.  “It’s been too long.”
And then he looked into those eyes, just as blue and expressive as he remembered them.  They had haunted him in the most tormenting way but now that his eyes were meeting her’s again, all the pain was worth it.
“You’re right, Katara.  It has been.”  And Zuko smiled, the emotions reaching his golden eyes.  His smile was a promise - a promise to show her everything she wanted to see, and that he wasn’t going to take this chance for granted.  Not ever again.
Thank you for reading! 
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redladydeath · 7 years
Noah’s Ark Circus Act One Song Lyrics
Hey! I’ve managed to transcribe all the songs from act one of Noah's Ark Circus, and if anyone who knows Japanese would like to help translate them, that would be great!
Contract Sebastian: 光を棄て奈落の果て 茨の道選ぶのなら
良いでしょうお互いの 身体に契約印を刻んで
そう目立つ場所に刻む程大きな 力を執行できる様になる
貴方が望むなら残虐な闇を 全て焼き尽くし 蹴散らす事も出来る さあどこに?
Ciel: どこでもいい... 復讐果たす力が欲しい 僕は誰にも負けない!
Sebastian: 小さな体でなんと強欲な では絶望的な世界映し出す 大きな瞳に契約の証 刻んだら最後 2度と後戻りはできない
Spree! Everyday! Servants: あっちもこっちもどっちも にっちもさっちもどうにも ドンチャカズンチャカ騒ぎ Spree!Everyday!
あれもこれもそれも うんともすんともどうにも シッチャカメッチャカ騒ぎ Spree!Everyday!
僕らの毎日 坊ちゃんの為なら エンヤコラエンヤコラ
Finnian: 外に出られる喜び もっともっと 優しく触れたいな
Bardroy: こんな平和な感覚 きっとき��と 忘れちまってた
Mey-Rin: メガネとメイド服これは とってもとっても 大事なモノですだ
Servants: ここは大切な持ち場 めっちゃめっちゃ頑張ります! Everyday!
Soma: 俺は誇り高きインドの王子様 いつでも華やかな Spree!Everyday!
Agni: 私はソーマ様に仕える執事 (カーン•サマー) カリーでおもてなし Spree!Everyday!
Both: 友に出会えた喜び きっときっと神々の導き クセになるこのスパイス もっともっと効かせてあげよう
All: 皆このお屋敷を そうさそうさ任せられてるから
ファントムハイヴの名誉に かけてかけて守ってみせよう
S&A: 大丈夫心配無用 ずっとずっと帰りを待ってるさ
All: ここにいられる幸せ
Servants: 坊ちゃん!
Soma: シエル!
All: の為に Everyday!
Noah's Ark Circus Joker: さあようこそ 刺激的な時間 今宵 お客様を お連れ いたしましょう
ああ囁くように 今 魔法をかけて そう 魅惑のサーカスへ
ああ煌めくように 今 夢のひと時 そう 魅惑のサーカスへ
Ensemble: ハラハラ させて上げる ドキドキ 胸の鼓動 ワクワク 続いてゆく サーカスへ
Sebastian: ああ 鮮やかな縞模様... とても愛らしい
Joker: ああ 輝くように 今 磨きをかけて そう 魅惑のサーカスへ
ああ 瞬くように 今 連れ去ってゆく そう 魅惑のサーカスへ
Ensemble: ユラユラ 怪しく揺れ メラメラ 燃え上がって キラキラ 光放つ サーカスへ
Says That... Snake: テントの裏は見てはいけない お客の入る所ではない
"目障りな事するなら噛み付く” ってオスカーが言ってる
"だから何度も言わせないでよね” ってエミリーが言ってる
暗い 夜?は 怖い 後ろ 振り向かないで
WILD says that ”お前のせいだ” 不器用な言葉混じって
WORDSWORTH says that "誰かのせいだ” 不機嫌な果実かじって
GOETHE says that ”皆のせいだ” 不揃いの林檎達
って 蛇達が… 言ってる
Tryout For the Circus Circus: YO YO Check it out! テスト始めるぞ YO YO Shake it up! ちゃんとやれるか?
簡単には仲間にしてやらないぜ 見せてみろ!
Dagger: なかなか 割とやるじゃないか
Circus: But!
Dagger: たまたま まぐれに決まってる
Circus: Hey!
Dagger: まだまだ テストはこれからさ
Circus: Tryout for the circus! Tryout for the circus!
Dagger: そう その笑顔を 忘れないで ここはサーカスさ 楽しい場所 あれも これも それも マスターして
Circus: Let's try for the circus! Let's try for the circus!
Peter: アクロバティックなロマンティックを その投げキッスに乗せて
Wendy: 弾けるステップ 派手目のメイク 組み合わせ エビバディセイ 騒げ
Dagger: 流石の Good チョイス 頼むぜ New フェイス これから so よろしくな
All: ようこそ
Reapers William: また今夜も 配布された 魂の 回収リスト 死亡予定者 審査します
その審査も 形式酌 淡々と そう坦々と 確認作業 するだけです
魂をつまみ喰う 悪魔にはうんざり
これは その名も死神の鎌(デスサイズ) 魂と記憶を 身体から切り離す 死神の道具です
記憶 再生する 走馬灯劇場で(シネマティックレコ一ド) 魂 審査して また回収するのが仕事 ただそれだけ
The Morning of the Circus Doll: 白々と空が明るくなれば サーカスの1日が始まる
慌ただしい朝の時間 役割分担 当番制さ
共同生活だから ルールは守ろうぜ
Circus: メシが終われば 訓練の時間 バランス感覚を養います
怪我はつきもの 気をつけて 本番想定 全力プレイ
足場良し!準備良し! さあ休憩だ!
NO! William: No!手は組みたくない No!協力できない No!願い下げです
Sebastian: 早く終わらせてしまいましょう
何をしているんです? それではショーにならないでしょう!?
William: 貴方のような害獣と 手を触れ合わせるなど御免です
Sebastian: 手を出しなさい
William: それは嫌です! 手が腐る!
Sebastian: わかりました
Both: それなら。。。
Sebastian: そちらの仕事の 邪魔はしないので こちらの仕事も邪魔 しないで頂けますか?
William: 何故こんな事をしなきゃ ならないのです? 業務規定外の事なんて しない主義です
Sebastian: 似ても William: 似つかぬ Sebastian: 者の William: 関係
Both: 弾き合うだけ
No!手は組みたくない No!協力できない No!願い下げです
早く終わらせて しまいましょう!
Someday Doll: ねぇ このアメ 食べる? おいしいよ 最近 人気の ファントム社のヤツさ
少しずつでいい 仲良くなりたい 同じ様な仲間 ずっと欲しかった
心を 開いてみたい 難しい事だけど 叶えたい いつの日にか 繋いでみたい キミと この手
Fascinating Sweet Night Beast: アンタは いつも そうやって 「決めたこと」って突き放す 優しさ隠して でもアタシは アンタが これ以上 苦しむ顔 見てられない だってアタシは…
覗き見 悪趣味 アンタには関係ないだろ 解ったら すぐにとっとと失せな この痛みは 誰にもわからない 残酷な優しさ
辛い思いを 幾重に重ね 抜けだせないこのループ 傷つくだけよ 堕ちるとこまで 墜ちてしまうの
Sebastian: 涙 拭い 忘れ ましょう
Both: 一時の解放
Beast: Fascinating sweet night
Sebastian: 享楽に溺れ
Beast: 鋭い眼差し Fascinating sweet night
Sebastian: この甘い毒を
Beast: 雫溢れ墜ちて Fascinating sweet night
Sebastian: 肺腑の奥まで
Beast: 悪魔の囁き Fascinating sweet night
Sebastian: 甘い言葉で 誘惑し闇に そう 引きずりこむ 巧みに 甘美に 密やかに
Everything Tomorrow Circus: さあ夜が明ける すべては明日に Sebastian: 散りばめられた バラバラのピースを Circus: さあ続いてく すべては明日に Sebastian: 並べ替えて 見失ってゆく
Joker: 丘を越えて向かうのは Beast: 胸に隠したストーリー Da&J: あの孤児院で待っている P&W&Do: 兄弟達の為 生きる
Circus: 為
Ab&H: 闇に消えた 真相を探して W&U: 隠したモノ 見つけて Snake: 裏道へ Servants: 与えられた この使命果たして S&A: 誇り 胸に Doc: 理想求め
Sebastian: 欠片を拾い集めて 積み上げて また壊してく 滑稽な姿映す 水面に揺れて 消えてく
Ciel: 嘘と秘密 重ね 堕ちてく
All: さあ夜が明ける す べては明日に さあ続いてく すべては明日へと さあ夜が明ける すべては明日に さあ続いてく すべては明日へと
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agni-ashes · 10 months
my god, he just can’t STOP can he (affectionate)
transcript under the cut!
martyn: "what is that?"
jimmy: "who's this little fella?"
martyn: "... i think that's my memory."
[hesitant laughter]
martyn: "oh dear, there goes my memory, floating away again into the abyss."
jimmy: "and then he floated away"
martyn: "i remember a time when i was playing third life and-”
jimmy (interrupting): "nah- no"
martyn: "ehm, look at me now..."
jimmy: "stop this! stop talking about third life!"
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agni-ashes · 10 months
grian i don’t think that’s the lesson you’re supposed to take away from this— oh you’re flying away to go do it. great. i’m sure that’ll end well
grian: “they warn you against aggravating wild animals and i just- poke the goat. i poke the goat, i have poked the goat. let’s poke him some more!”
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agni-ashes · 8 months
saus: “when’re you coming back? i could be here forever, i need to ask a question! you- i can’t just stand here! …oh god, i was gonna go over the whole lore of the flower husbands! i wanna know all the details, and all the AUs about flower husbands! :(”
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agni-ashes · 9 months
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