#agent randall
weirdozjunkary · 2 months
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Updated designs for my species swap AU, as well as four more characters to add to it. Had fun designing each of them. More to come eventually (most likely after the third movie).
I designed Sonic and the others as humans a bit ago. You can look at them here.
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kellterntempest · 4 months
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Agent Stone at the G.U.N. world conference
redraw of this photo:
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All Characters in Sonic Cinematic Universe
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Sonic The Hedgehog
Miles Tails Prower
Knuckles The Echidna
Tom Wachowski
Maddie Wachowski
Wade Whipple
Doctor Robotnik
Agent Stone
The Buyer
Pistol Pete Whipple
Wanda Whipple
Randall Handel
Agent Willoughby
Agent Mason
Sonic Cinematic Universe
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olafkardanadam · 4 months
" Sadece bir animasyon film öyle mi? "
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“İnsan ait olduğu yeri bulunca fırtına diniyor, savaş bitiyor, bir bahar başlıyor sonra.”
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shadowthtrash · 3 months
Randall would be Shadow's Tom? You are so wrong!
I saw a Reddit post saying that if Sonic has Tom and Knuckles has Wade, then Shadow is going to be paired with Randall, yes?
Not only would Shadow absolutely clinge to JoJo because she's the closest thing to Maria we have in the cast...
He knows what unconditional love, and grief, feel like.
He's a genious (let´s not forget my man knows several languages, plotted a scheme to support Eggman as soon as he could come back, made a secret evil lair full of tech in his absence... and he even pretended to be a GUN soldier and found out about Shadow himself when Eggman was out of the equation).
He's morally grey, His reason to be either "good" or "evil" is determined by someone he loves.
And, the most important one. He loves coffee. He had a cafeteria. He makes incredible lattes. Like, c'mon, does Randall have good coffee beans and tiramisu to give Shadow as a treat after all that trauma? No? Then get out!
But there is also that part where both Sonic and Knuckles teach Tom and Wade a lesson. Sonic helps Tom see that he was already changing the world for better and being a hero by helping his small community, and Knuckles helps Wade being his best version and learn to be more capable.
Shadow? He would be perfect for Stone. Cause our man deserves better!!! And there are two main things that make me think of that:
Unconditional love doesn't equal having to be silent about abuse. He can speak up when Robotnik bullies and belittles him. He's as valid as him, no more, no less.
Independence! Shadow is a character that, in the game canon, had to go through hell and back to become who he is now, and Stone has no idea of who he is in Robotnik's absence, he was always his tool. Shadow's discovery journey can be Stone's as well. Now, that would be a hell of a spin-off!
In conclussion, Stone and Shadow are the perfect team and I'll die on this hill.
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feline-gal · 3 months
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Dem Hoomans from dem movies.
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nabwastaken · 1 day
So remember that one post I made talking about how we should all make SAF ocs?
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Meet Randall Connor. 29, and a proud agent of ASS with a dark secret.
No, it's not that he's queer. He is tho, btw. No, it's that he's a werewolf.
You see, Randall's from this tiny town. Don't know if you've heard of it, but it's called Connor Creek. And half of Connor Creek's population is a werewolf, and Randall is in that percentage.
One day, however, Randall was found out. Found out by agents. Agents who knew what he was capable of. Agents who knew what his family was capable of.
So Randall made a deal. He'd join ASS and use his werewolf powers if the agency left his town alone.
Randall's powers come handy in missions. He's quicker, more agile, and has better senses. This has made him cocky. Randall is arrogant. He's flirtatious. But he gets the job done.
And Curt hates him for it.
The two of them bicker often. Curt doesn't understand how Randall can do so much, and everyone refuses to tell him. Curt also doesn't get how Randall is given time off so much. But the agency seems to favor him so much for it..
Oh, if only he knew....
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Solar Opposites in: Ultra Opposites Episode #14: “New Ultra Opposites” (by @avaveevo)
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One morning, the Ultra Opposites came home after an exhausted as they wipe the sweat off them
Terry/Solar Flare: Boy. What a day.
Yumyulack/Psylock: I’ll say
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, even though being a hero is hard work, it sure is worth it
Yumyulack/Psylock: I agree!
Terry/Solar Flare: But boy, was that stressful!
Jesse/Electra: I know right?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Jesse, calm down.
Jesse/Electra: Ugh! I sometimes hate being a superhero! It’s too much pressure! gets cool down hug by Legendary Super Shlorpian Thanks Korvo… sorry…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: It's all good.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey look! The news!
News Report: This just in, the Ultra Opposites save the day again! Thank you so much! And in other three planets are having a peace summoning tonight in GeenaDavisville!
Terry/Solar Flare: Aw...
Janiz/Lady Super Shlorpian: Hmm… you know since nothing bad is happening, we could all use a break from being heroes.
Yumyulack/Psylock: I agree. Nothing bad is happening right now…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Plus, Ophelia is gone. No villain sighting lately.
Terry/Solar Flare: Good point. Stress had gotten to us lately.
Jesse/Electra: Yeah. Boy am I exhausted…
News Reporter: In other news, Evil Empress Ophelia who was assumed to be dead has come back to life!
Ultra Opposites: SAY WHAT?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: But how?
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah! We defeated her! She's gone, right!
Korvo/Legendary Super Sholrpian: Hmm… that strange. That powerful blast we all combine should’ve destroyed her… what is she upto?
Suddenly, one of Ophelia’s minions attacks the news reporter.
News Reporter: Oh shit! This not good! Ultra Opposites, where are you?!
The screen shows static and the Ultra Opposites gasp. Meanwhile, Cherie, who was playing with Pezlie, sees the news in her new home and gasp as she went up to Montez, Nova, Jamie and Darcy.
Cherie: Guys! Ophelia is back!
The others gasp.
Jamie: What? But we defeated her!
Darcy: We have to stop her!
Montez: I agree!
Nova: We better go get the others!
We then cut to the festival where Ophelia is undercover.
Ophelia: Hmmm, sees Princess Chloe meditating a princess?
Princess Chloe: Ooommmm. Oooommmmmmy GOODNESS I CAN’T HANDLE THIS!
Princess Chloe takes a deep breath and runs out.
Princess Chloe: Ooh! Nothing is working! I just have to get it together! Just go in there! And ask! This is your Festival! Everyone’s happiness rests in your hands. facepalms Ohhhh!
Ophelia smirks. Then Princess Chloe comes in and sees Queen Sabine, one of the rulers of one of the three planets
Queen Sabine: Chloe.
Princess Chloe: takes a deep breath Good morning, your highness. Thank you all for seeing me. I have an idea that I think will make our Festival the most wonderful celebration Earth has ever seen!
Queen Sabine: I’m sure everyone will love it.
Princess Chloe: Oh and I am sure everyone will love it! Hopefully with the speech tonight too, by… sees the name on the list Mia?
Queen Sabine: Why yes. She has been practicing lately. I met her last week. She did great
Princess Chloe: I see.
Queen Sabine: Mmm-hmm
Meanwhile with the Ultra Opposites.
Terry/Solar Flare: There’s the school come on! We have to tell Frankie and Cooke!
In the school, Mia was busy getting ready for her first time being teach in language learning.
Mia: takes a deep breath Make those kids proud.
Mia comes and sees her new students.
Mia: Morning, students! speaks in Spanish
Students: Huh?
Mia: Oh! It means “It’s good to meet you”
Students: Oh. Wow. Nice.
Suddenly, Solar Flare and Electra come barging in.
Terry/Solar Flare: Sorry to interrupt students. But, everyone head home immediately. You’re all in danger. Ophelia is back.
Mia: What?! Oh my God! Kids, get home to safety quick!
Students: Uh oh! I don’t wanna die! I’m outta here!
As the kids leave, Mia looks at Solar Flare and Electra in worry.
Jesse/Electra: Sorry to barge in here Mia.
Mia: It’s all good. Thanks for the warning… gets lovestruck by Ms. Perez walking by
Terry/Solar Flare: Uh, Mia? Mia? Mia!
Mia: Huh? What?
Terry/Solar Flare: It’s true. Ophelia is back and you have to get for safety. Quick.
Mia: On it!
Meanwhile with Legendary Super Shlorpian and Psylock.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Psylock, tell the rest of the school to get the safety! I’ll go get Cooke and Frankie!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Got it!
A few seconds later…
Miss Frankie: OPHELIA IS BACK?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: I’m afraid she is.
Principal Cooke: Oh fuck! We better go stop her! I hope the others got the message!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hopefully they did!
Then, the other Ultra Opposites bust in through the walls, much to Legendary Super Shlorpian, Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie’s surprise.
Miss Frankie: Well that was fast…
Nova/Lady Roseus: Hey, Korvo!
Sherbet/Violet: Hey guys! What’s up?
Cherie/Agent Red: We saw the news! This is not good! We have to get to the festival!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, thank god you’re you’re all here.
Montez/The Master: Us too!
Psylock and Dark Matter appear.
Kevin/The Flamethrower: Uh, is Solar Flare and Electra here too?
Daryl/Dark Matter: We think so?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yeah, they’re here. They’re just-
Solar Flare and Electra then flies in there after warning everyone.
Jesse/Electra: We did it, Korvo!
Terry/Solar Flare: We got everyone in the school to safety! Now, let’s head to that festival!
Back at the festival. Thunder cloud and green lighting appear as everyone froze in shock.
Camerman: WHAT IS THAT?!
Eric: What the fuck is happening now?!
Ophelia’s fortress appears.
Ophelia: Hello GeenaDavisVille! I’m baaaaaacccckkk! laughs evilly
People starts screaming and running away. Princess Chloe comes with Queen Sabine and gasp in terror.
Queen Sabine: Ophelia?!
Ophelia: Well well. If it isn’t my old friend Sabine.
Queen Sabine: What are you doing here? You are not getting your hands on the cosmic blast!
Ophelia: It’s too late! It has already chosen some worthless defenders last year!
Princess Chloe: Your majesty, what is going on?!
Queen Sabine: I’m afraid the old empress is after us again. But did you say it chose defenders on this planet?
Ophelia explains everything.
Ophelia: You say, when I try to obtain the orb, it was sadly propel to earth. Then, it shatters into pieces and have chosen a group of pathetic super heroes known as the Ultra Opposites, led by four aliens who are also a family!
Queen Sabine gasps.
Queen Sabine: Defenders? Amazing? By what did you say there are four aliens on this planet too, that leads the new warriors?
Ophelia: Exactly! Those four ruined my plans!
Princess Chloe: Wait? Who are these four aliens? What species are they?!
Ophelia: Shlorpians!
Queen Sabine: gasp You mean the ones who always have their planet destroyed and search for new homes?
Ophelia: groans YES!
Princess Chloe: What are the names of the four champions?
Ophelia: Solar Flare, Electra, Psylock, and The Legendary Super Shlorpian
Queen Sabine: Well, I think these orbs chose them for a reason. And I believe these warriors will stop you!
Ophelia laughs.
Ophelia: Nice try! I’m sure these heroes are not powerful enough anymore! They can’t stop me!
Terry/Solar Flare: Stop right there!
The town gasp in joy and cheer because the Ultra Opposites are now here!
Ophelia: YOU?! UGH!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Stay away from those rulers! Or else!
Ophelia: Or else what?!
Randall/Ultra Man: Or else this!
Ultra Man punches Ophelia, who lands towards a tent and growls.
Ophelia: How dare you!
Terry/Solar Flare: Nice punch Ultra Man!
Randall/Ultra Man: Thanks S.F.!
Daryl/Dark Matter: Now, it’s me and Psylock’s turn!
Violet then changes color and grabs Princess Chloe to safety. Psylock and Dark Matter uses brain waves that blast Ophelia but she got out a strange orb as she growls.
Queen Sabine: gasp Ultra Opposites! Go! Quick! I got this!
But then, the orb petrified Sabine into a statue at the Ultra Opposites gasp but then they notice something glowing in Ophelia’s pouch.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: An orb piece!
Ophelia grins evilly and shows the heroes three orb pieces, and the colors are neon green, peaches n cream and orange.
Montez/The Master: Oh no! We have to get them away from her! Quick!
Yumyulack/Psylock: On it!
Terry/Solar Flare: Korv! Look out!
Luckily, Legendary Super Shlorpian turns into his Super Shlorpian and flies up before Ophelia could for an attack.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Eat brain waves!
Ophelia flies into a wall and growls.
Ophelia: That does it!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Psylock! Wait! The blast might blew the-
Just as Psylock sues his mind wave, it ends up blowing the three orb pieces out of the pitch as they split up and flies towards three different area in town
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh oh.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Oh shit.
Princess Chloe: Oh no! These orb pieces might fall into the wrong hands!
Ophelia: Grr! That’s it! This is war Ultra Opposites! Once I found the three orb pieces, I’ll destroy you once and for all!
Ophelia then leaves as the Ultra Opposites began to think of plan. Princess Chloe however starts panicking.
Sherbet/Violet: You okay, your highness?
Princess Chloe breathes in and out.
Princess Chloe: Oh no! All that hard work! It’s all for nothing! What do we do now?!
Terry/Solar Flare: Don’t worry. We’ll handle it!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: We go find the three orb pieces that’s what!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Then let’s split up!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Violet, you go to that area where the orange orb is at!
Princess Chloe sighs sadly.
Sherbet/Violet: On it!
Terry/Solar Flare: Psylock and Electra! You two along with Shadow Lady, Super Cooke, Princess Chloe, Ultra Man, Dark Matter, Darcina, Firey and Flamethrower goes to where the neon green orb is at!
Jesse/Electra: Yes sir!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Agent Red, Master, Lady Roseus, you’re with me!
Randall/Ultra Man: Actually I should go with you two! Someone is gonna need muscle!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hmm. Very well!
The group splits up.
Terry/Solar Flare: Alright! Guys, let’s move out!
Back with Janiz, she then hears a beeping going in the ship’s communicator and gasp.
Janiz: Another orb piece?! checks the view on the location Alright! Let’s do this!
Janiz transforms into Lady Super Shlorpian.
Janiz/Lady Super Shlorpian: Look our world! You’re about to meet…. LADY SUPER SHLORPIAN!
Lady Super Shlorpian does a pose and turns into her Super Shlorpian form and flies off. Back with Legendary Super Shlorpian, Solar Flare, Agent Red, Ultra Man, Master and Lady Roseus, they manage to track down where the peaches n cream orb is at.
Cherie/Agent Red: Where could it be?
Montez/The Master: Found the location?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: There it is!
Terry/Solar Flare: Yep is at the…: finds the location and gets upset Oh no…
Nova/Lady Roseus: What is it?!
The heroes look up and it turns out to be at the Rake Company. Legendary Super Shlorpian faints.
Terry/Solar Flare: The rake company?! God damn it! sighs We’ll explain later… right now, we need to detransform and disguise ourselves in the meantime.
Montez/The Master: Okay?
Nova/Lady Roseus: I like that plan!
Cherie/Agent Red: Great idea!
Legendary Super Shlorpian wakes up and hears the plan as he nods. The group detransforms.
Terry: Okay! Randall, do you have the perfect disguises?!
Randall: Yep, right here.
Randal gives his friends disguises as they put them on. Later, the six heroes head inside while Terry and Korvo are shown wearing their old office clothes and wearing fake moustache and two wigs.
Korvo: I look ridiculous.
Terry: Relax. You look great, boo.
Korvo: Aw…
The two husbands kiss. Then, Cherie disguise as a janitor, nods for the signal.
Terry: Let’s go.
Korvo leaves with Cherie, Montez and Nova while Terry leaves with Randall. A few seconds later…. Terry and Randall sees an office and sneaks in there
Randall: Are you sure we won’t get caught?
Terry: opens a vile cabinet Relax, we’re on a low profile. digs through What’s the worse that could happen?
Suddenly, Janice appears.
Janice: H’no is someone there y’know?
Terry: Shit! I know that voice! Get down!
As Randall and Terry get down, suddenly, Janice sees them and gasp.
Janice: Terry?
Terry: Oh god. It’s Janice.
Randall: Who?
Terry’s fake mustache falls off.
Janice: H’no hello Terry, I haven’t seen you y’know
Randall: Hi-I-I gets awestruck upon seeing Janice
Terry: Uh, Randall? Are you okay?
Randall: Oh uh clears his throat ahem. Nice to meet you uh-
Janice: Janice.
Cue the song “Dreamweaver”:
Randall: Whoa blushes
Terry: Dude. Don't tell me you're in love with her.
Randall: But she seem so nice
Terry: Well, she was my co-worker.
Randall: Wait? She is?
Janice: H'no, he's not wrong, y'know.
Randall: Wait? You used to work here Terry? What happened?
Terry sighs sadly and explains everything.
Terry: The Pupa had a huge meltdown!
Randall: He did?
Terry: Yeah. It turns out he wanted attention and we were forced give up sci-fi for our lives, which made our lives fucked up miserable! Our boss Mr. Sarner was even a dick!
Janice: H'no, I'm so sorry you had to go throught that, y'know.
Terry: It’s okay Janice. And the worst of all, Sarner is now now dead. I become the boss. But it went badly because it led to me and Korvo having a big fight. But we made up and we decided to give up our jobs because the Pupa doesn’t need all that.
Randall: I think you did the right thing.
Terry: Thanks. But, you don’t wanna how Sarner died
Randall: What happened to Sarner?
Terry starts crying.
Terry: tearfully A ping pong accident!
Randall gasps.
Randall: Oh my god! How?
Terry wipes away his tears.
Terry: Korvo and I wanted a ping pong table to make work less boring. So, we got people to sign a petition to have it under the boiler room and then, Sarner died playing ping pong!
Randall: If you don't mind me asking, how does someone die from playing ping pong?
Terry: Oh. You don’t wanna fucking know man! notices his fingers turning black Oh no! Not again! starts growing bigger and muscular and his skin starts turning black as his clothes rip into pieces while his wig falls off
Randall: Terry?!
Then, Randall realizes that Terry is turning into his Mundane form because he got emotional and stress and backs away with Janice. Terry’s eyes starts glowing orange as he turns into his Mundane form and roars while banging his chest.
Janice: H'no, Terry, what happened to you, y'know?!
Mundane Terry breaths in and out while Korvo, comes in with a disguise of his own with Cherie, Nova and Montez and sees his husband transformed.
Korvo: Terry!
Korvo comes up and hugs his overwhelmed Mundane husband as he began to calm down.
Mundane Terry: Korvy...
Korvo: Oh I think this work place has brought up terrible memories of us working here huh?
Mundane Terry whimpers. Then, he breaks down crying while Korvo comforts him by soothing his face and gets out a tissue to dry his tears away.
Korvo: There there. It's gonna be okay, Terry.
Janice: H’no I had no idea Terry could do that y’know.
Korvo sighs.
Korvo: Actually he is half mundane. It runs in Terry’s family for years and as for my side of the family, we turn into monsters too.
Korvo turns into his super Shlorpian form and roars as he rips apart his robe.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Ah...that's better.
Janice gasp.
Janice: What the fuck? points to Montez, Nova and Cherie Wait a minute are these three people?
Cherie: Oh, we’re friends of Korvo and Terry.
Nova laughs nervously.
Janice: What is going on and-
Janice suddenly sees a white board falling and suddenly lifts it up. The others gaps in horror.
Montez: Oh no. The peach n cream orb piece. It chose Janice!
Janiz: coming in What?!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: What are you doing here?!
Janiz: I was sensing the orb piece! Why?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Just asking.
The orb piece fuses with Janice
Janice: Huh? There was a crystal under my outfit?
Then Janice starts glowing and she gets her own super suit with a superhero mask on her.
Janice/???: H’no what happened to me Y’know?
Janice then notices that she has her hair down for her super suit
Randall: blushes Whoa.
Mundane Terry and Super Shlorpian Korvo look at each other nervously, realizing it’s time to tell Janice the truth.
Mundane Terry: Holy shit. Did she just-
Super Shlorpian Korvo: sigh Yes. We have to tell her
Korvo and Terry turns back into their Shlorpian forms and transform into their superhero forms. Janice, or whoever she is now, flies in and gasp.
Janice/???: What? You’re Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian?
Solar Flare chuckles nervously.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Yes and the truth we didn’t move. We had to turn into humans to establish civilian identities so no one can find out it’s us.
Janice suddenly hugs Legendary Super Shlorpian.
Janice/???: It’s okay. I know you were trying to protect yourselves, but what do you mean by human forms?
Solar Flare and Legendary Super Shlorpian turns back into their normal selves and turn into their human forms. Janice gasp.
Human Terry: Okay. So now we need a plan.
Janice/???: What do you mean?
Janiz turns into her human form which made Janiz gasp.
Human Janiz: Hey, Janice.
Janice/???: Wait? You’re an alien too?
Human Korvo: Yes. She is also my older sister.
Janice/???: H’no, I think I’m gonna faint, y’know.
Randall however turns into Ultra Man and catches Janice as she wakes up and grows shock. Janice and Ultra Man blush.
Janice/???: Oh you too?
Randall/Ultra Man: Yeah. points to Montez, Cherie and Nova So are these three.
Cherie, Montez, and Nova turn into their superhero forms.
Janice/???: Wait? So I’ll one of you now? Oh dear I need to think about this
Nova/Lady Roseus: Take time Janice. Right now, we have to find the other orb pieces before the Princess and her people gets hurt! Come on!
Janice begins to think about it. Back with Violet, she starts search around the school for the orb piece while growing worried.
Sherbet/Violet: Where is it?!
Princess Chloe suddenly came and sees Ms. Perez
Princess Chloe: Excuse m’am?
Sherbet/Violet: Princess Chloe?
Princess Chloe: Ssh. Keep your voice down.
Ms. Perez: Princess Chloe? Oh it’s nice to meet you, heard what happened?! You looking for something!
Princess Chloe: Yes. An orb. Have you-
Ms. Perez: Whoa whoa. An orb? What are you talking about? Is everything okay?
Suddenly the orange orb piece appears.
Princess Chloe: Um ma’am I really appreciate the thought but I can handle it on my own.
Ms. Perez: Well let me help you. I know about changes in the ecosystem and human body. I might be able to help you find what you’re looking for.
Violet notices the orb and gasps.
Princess Chloe: I’m sorry but you can’t come with us. You’re just ordinary. You could get hurt. I think it’s best if you stay here… besides it’s not a vacation y’know
Ms. Perez sighs and starts to feel hurt by this
Ms. Perez: Okay. I understand…
Princess Chloe: Thank you. Now if you excuse me I got an orb to find… leaves
Violet notices that Ms. Perez is sad.
Sherbet/Violet: Excuse me?
Ms. Perez: Huh? the orange orb starts to head to her but she didn’t notice
Ms. Perez turns to Violet
Ms. Perez: Violet? What are you doing here?
Sherbet/Violet: I’m here looking for a-
Suddenly, the orange orb pieces shines brighter as it heads towards Perez.
Sherbet/Violet: WATCH OUT!
But then, the orb fuses with Perez as she gasp.
Ms. Perez: What’s happening to me?!
Suddenly, two of Ophelia’s minions break through the windows and grabs Perez as she gasp.
Sherbet/Violet: Ms. Perez! No!
Ms. Perez lets out a loud scream.
Ms. Perez: What?! Huh? What did I just do?!
Ophelia: No! You have sonic screaming!
Ms. Perez gasp upon seeing Ophelia. Ms. Perez tries to run but Opheia captures her.
Ms. Perez: Grr let me go!
Ophelia laughs.
Ophelia: Minions, take her to Queen Romelle, she hadn’t gain trust of those humans yet. So make this little skank her prisoner
Ms. Perez: No!
The minions escape with Ms. Perez who struggles to break free! Violet watches bad gasp in terror.
Sherbet/Violet: I gotta get the others!
Meanwhile, the others arrived at Romelle’s castle where the neon green orb is at. Then, Princess Chloe meets up with them.
Princess Chloe: What the hell are you guys doing here?
Yumyulack/Psylock: To find the orb piece. The neon green one.
Princess Chloe sighs.
Princess Chloe: Look guys, let me handle this. You all stay here, okay?
Darcy/Miss Darcina: What?!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: But everyone is counting on us!
Jamie/Firey: Yeah! We’re superheroes!
Princess Chloe: Look! Romelle is a serious person! She doesn’t trust us yet! So wait here! Please…
Solar Flare arrived and sees his friends and children.
Terry/Solar Flare: Guys!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey Solar Flare!
Princess Chloe: So please wait!
Princess Chloe heads in while the heroes watch in disgust.
Darcy/Miss Darcina: Can you believe her?
Jamie/Firey: I know right! Solar Flare, please tell us that you have found one of the orbs!
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah. About that…
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: What?
Terry/Solar Flare: The orb fused with Janice, my old coworker!
The others gasp.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Aw man. Well, how was I supposed to know? I didn’t know our friends will get powers!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Well guess what?! Our friends have uncontrollable powers!
Jesse/Electra: Hey! Lay off him guys!
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Well, your brother caused our friends to have powers! They are freaking out!
Darcy/Miss Darcina: And to make matters worse, so does big stupid Janice!
Daryl/Dark Matter: Hey lay off my boyfriend will ya?
Jamie/Firey: He started it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: gulps Um, maybe we should just calm down? laughs nervously
Everyone, except for Psylock and Solar Flare, then starts arguing. Psylock looks at Solar Flare nervously and says sorry silently. Solar Flare then finally have enough as he puts his foot down and says…
Terry/Solar Flare: ENOUGH! flares up
Then silence fell as the others look at Solar Flare in shock and Psylock squint nervously. Then, Legendary Super Shlorpian, Lady Super Shlorpian, The Master, Agent Red, Pezlie and Lady Roseus arrives as Solar Flare breathes in and out.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Guys! We came as soon as we heard and… oh.
Montez/The Master: Um… what did we miss?
The Ultra Opposites look at their friends. But then, Legendary Super Shlorpian then theorize what happened.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Wait a minute. Are you guys… facepalms are you serious right now?
Jaime/Firey: Uh…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Not one word Firey! Firey squints nervously You guys are seriously playing the blame game while our friends are in trouble?! They have powers now! What’s the deal? You should all be ashamed of yourselves! We’re friends here! And frenemies slightly… but that’s not the point. Us heroes have to stick together. No matter what. Because, sometimes heroes get on each other’s nerves. But, we always make up and talk things out. So, why are you acting like this right now?
Rest of the Ultra Opposites: Uh. Well, maybe. We just thought they might…
Cherie/Agent Red: sighs Look guys. Right now, you are all exhausted and terrified. We don’t know what’s gonna happens plus, I’m sure Psylock didn’t know either. Did you?
Yumyulack/Psylock: ashamed Yes.
The rest of the Ultra Opposites look down remorsefully.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Okay. So, what do you all have to say for yourselves?
Rest of the Ultra Opposites: remorsefully Sorry Terry and Korvo.
Solar Flare, Agent Red, Lady Super Shlorpian, The Master, Lady Roseus and Legendary Super Shlorpian look at them sternly and firmly. Then, Solar Flare calms down and takes a deep breath as the flame cools down.
Terry/Solar Flare: Sorry for yelling.
Legendary Super Shlorpian puts a comforting hand on his husband as he smiles at him.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: It’s okay. You were just stressed by this whole tension. Turns his attentions towards his children and friends and frenemies But look, guys. I know our friends got powers by accident. But, it was the orbs that chose them for a reason. And now you are all freaking out like they’re gonna die fucking die or something? the rest of the Ultra Opposites look down sadly
Agent Red: Just give them time guys. They might wanna get use to having their powers.
All: remorsefully Okay.
Solar Flare looks down for yelling at his friends. But, the Master puts a comforting hand on Solar Flare’s left shoulder as the two exchange brotherly smiles. Then, Violet came.
Sherbet/Violet: Guys! Guys!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: What is it?! What’s wrong?!
Sherbet/Violet: Ms. Perez is in trouble! We have to go help her!
The rest of the Ultra Opposites gasp.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Oh no! We didn’t know! What have we done!
Jesse/Electra: Aw geez. We suck.
Kevin/The Flamethrower: We’re sorry guys. This would’ve never happen if we hadn’t freak out. We suck. looks down along with the rest of the Ultra Opposites
Terry/Solar Flare: No. You guys don’t suck. You were just feeling out of sorts. We can still fix this.
Nova/Lady Roseus: Of course. Ms. Perez is our friend and we must go rescue her and Princess Chloe.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: He’s right guys.
All: Yeah. I agree. Let’s go save her. As a team. Let’s work together.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Good. That’s better! Now let’s go save our friend!
The rest of the Ultra Opposites cheer and follows as L.S.S. turns into his Super Shlorpian form while carrying Solar Flare and flies to save Ms. Perez.
Meanwhile the princess heads in while the Ultra Opposites follow her.
Princess Chloe: notices the Ultra Opposites Oh, for God’s sake
Terry/Solar Flare: Sorry, but we had to come in. Our friend is Romelle’s prisoner. Violet told us everything!
Princess Chloe: What?!
Sherbet/Violet: We’re sorry but Perez is our friend!
Princess Chloe has an idea.
Princess Chloe: Follow me!
The Ultra Opposites follow Princess Chloe and then gasp upon seeing Romelle, who looks like a elegant mermaid.
Queen Romelle: Who dares come here?
Terry/Solar Flare: Uh, hi? We are the Ultra Opposites and-
Queen Romelle: You are not allowed to be here!
Chloe then notices the neon green orb in a glass container.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: It’s okay. We’re defenders of Earth. We help save lives
Queen Romelle: How do I know I can trust you?
Princess Chloe: Because your highness we could require an army to help us
Queen Romelle: Hm? For what?
Princess Chloe: Or an object if you may? Something powerful enough to stop Empress Ophelia?
Queen Romelle gasps upon hearing Empress Ophelia.
Queen Romelle: You mean this orb piece we found
Princess Chloe: This is amazing! With this, I could use into to transform at home into something powerful enough to face Ophelia!
Queen Romelle: Or it could end up in her greedy hands!
Princess Chloe: her jaw drops But...
Queen Romelle: Honey, I'm sorry about your home. I truly am. But my responsibility is to protect my subjects. The orb piece... is not going anywhere.
Legendary Super Shlorpian sighs.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady: Wait um excuse me? You have prisoner here right? Someone send her to you? We would like to see her!
Queen Romelle: You mean this burden?
The guards pull down a curtain and is revealed to be a muzzled Ms. Perez down with her hands tied in a cage.
Jesse/Electra: Ms. Perez!
Yumyulack/Psylock: Ma’am please let her go! Ms. Perez is a good person! She would never hurt anybody!
Princess Chloe: But we've come all this way. And you can't just hide down here! Trapped forever! There's so much you're missing!
Queen Romelle: We’re hundred percent okay with that!
Solar Flare groans. Then a guard whisper something into Queen Romelle’s ear.
Queen Romelle: Yes, Seymour?
Seymour: whispering
Queen Romelle: Ooh! Time for my seaweed wrap. Later, skater!
Seymour: Oh would you require a massage?
Queen Romelle: Yes, a massage, too. Mama needs her deep tissue.
Cherie/Agent Red: There’s gotta be a way to earn Romelle’s trust if we want to get the third orb piece and Ms. Perez to safety
Nova/Lady Roseus: But how?
Jesse/Electra: What if we throw a party?
Terry/Solar Flare: No. We’re gonna need something better than that
Princess Chloe however thought of something as she looks at the orb piece.
Princess Chloe: Oh, no. No no. You guys got this.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Are you sure?
Ultra Opposites: Huh?
Kevin/The Flamethrower: Really?
Darcy/Miss Darcina: What are you talking about?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Are you sure?
Princess Chloe: Well, we still need to come up with a plan to get back. A few minutes won't make a huge difference. And if there's anyone who can cram a lifetime of fun into a blink of an eye, it's Solar Flare!
Solar Flare chuckles.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: You know, you're right Chloe.
Cherie/Agent Red: We won’t let you down!
Princess Chloe: looking at the orb piece I’m counting on it.
As Queen Romelle comes our newly dress, lights came on suddenly as she gasp. Cue the song “Flesh and Bone”:
[Legendary Super Shlorpian ]
Hear it getting louder, a call for revolution
Yeah, we came for what was ours, it's time for restitution
We'll protect our own, take back the stone
No, human nature cannot hold us down
[Solar Flare]
Stranded at the bottom, but we're more than a whisper
No, we'll never be forgotten, our blood's thicker than silver, yeah
When worlds collide, it's do or die So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?
[Legendary Super Shlorpian and Agent Red]
Hear us howl, all or nothing
Fangs are out, we ain't running
Hear us howl, it's all or nothing
Oh oh oh oh
This is a declaration
Oh oh oh oh
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone
Meanwhile, Janice hears hear friends singing with her super hearing. Then, Mia came by and gasp upon seeing Janice in her new super suit.
Mia: Excuse me, are you an Ultra Opposites?
Janice looks at her reflection, then thinks about this new path. She then gets determined in her eyes. Janice nods. Later back with the song…
The world has gone crazy and no one seems to listen
Gotta step in, no more maybes, and stop the demolition
Is it hope or fear?
Look in the mirror
Everything we built is coming down
[Lady Super Shlorpian]
No more hesitation, it's time we start to realize
With all this separation, silence is still taking sides So use your voice, make a choice
And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?
Oh oh oh oh
This is a declaration
Oh oh oh oh
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone Ayy, ayy, ayy ayy
We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood
Ayy, ayy, ayy ayy No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
Ayy, ayy, ayy ayy
We say no more bad blood, no more bad blood
Ayy, ayy, ayy ayy
No way, they can't stop us, no, they can't stop us
[Solar Flare]
History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote When you lose direction, can't see the reflection you know
We came from the bottom then became the problem
Now everything's out of control
So hey, are you with me?
Let's go!
Oh oh oh oh
This is a declaration
Oh oh oh oh
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break, we're more than flesh and bone​​​​​​​
As the song ends Queen Romelle smiles
Queen Romelle: Well, I do have one solution on how we can stop Ophelia…
Suddenly, Solar Flare sees Princess Chloe trying to steal the orb as she lifts the container and he screams. Suddenly, the alarm goes off.
Jesse/Electra: Aaah! What is happening now?!
Terry/Solar Flare: Chloe?!
Queen Romelle gasps and growls.
Princess Chloe: Your majesty! I can explain!
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke: Look you don't understand what really happened! We tried to-
Queen Romelle: All of this so you could sneak in and take the orb piece?!
Janice hears her friends while carrying Mia and the two women gasp in horror as they fly to there.
Darcy/Miss Darcina: What?! No!
Terry/Solar Flare: We are not trying to steal it! We would never!
Yumyulack/Psylock: We’re just here to save our friend and teacher!
Queen Romelle: Silence! You don’t deserve my help!
Ultra Opposites: WHAT?!
Nova/Lady Roseus: But, it’s not our fault! Chloe tricked us!
Queen Romelle: This is why we don't bring strangers into our home! to Chloe You don't deserve to be one of us.
Just before Romelle could throw them out, Janice barges in her with Mia.
Janice/???: Stop!
Ms. Perez: Mia?!
Terry/Solar Flare and Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Janice?
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: Wait, what? Who’s Janice?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Long story.
Miss Frankie/Miss Shadow: That’s Janice? She looks cool!
Darcy/Miss Darcina: I agree girls!
Cherie/Agent Red: Yeah. Nice outfit!
Jesse/Electra: I love your hair!
Janice/???: H’no Thank you. But, call Master Smasher, y’know?
Master Smasher dos her own pose while flying up and helps free Ms. Perez by bending the bars.
Terry/Solar Flare: Welcome to the team, Master Smasher.
Ms. Perez: Thank you!
Mia hugs Ms. Perez.
Mia: I was so worried about you!
Ms. Perez cries a little because she’s happy to see Mia. Suddenly, the neon green orb pieces breaks out of the container and it floats to Mia, who gasp in awe.
Mia: What the fuck is that?
Ms. Perez: I don’t know.
The neon green orb then merges with Mia, who gasped in shock as she grows amazed but then feels something from her hands.
Mia: What’s happening?
Suddenly, her fist then creates a beam that shoots through the castle, much to everyone’s surprise and shock
Mia: Wow. I didn’t know I could do that. Oh sorry Romelle.
Queen Romelle: Oh for Christ’s sake.
Janice/Master Smasher: Come on guys, let’s flee!
Princess Chloe: No! Wait!
The Ultra Opposites leave.
Princess Chloe: quietly No… now what do we do?
The scene then cuts to Ophelia’s fortress as she growls. We then see Ophelia in her fortress.
Ophelia: GRRRRR! There is more of them! Ugh! That is it! I’m gonna crush those fucking Ultra Fucks once and for all, and if that means killing them out of cold blood, so be it! That idiotic woman!
Ophelia presses a button and a door opens, revealing to be a robotic version of Korvo, Robo Korvo.
Ophelia: Robo Korvo! Take care of them!
Robo Korvo nods and leaves.
Ophelia: Be afraid Ultra Opposites, for your end is near! laughs evilly
To be continued…
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wildcardaces · 1 year
@ruby-static "pillow world" edition!
Where Herbert is super comfy!
But first!
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Quil: so your mother is really dot? No jokes or adoption?
Shawn: yep she is.
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Quil: no judgement to your dad Shawn but how the FUCK did he score?
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Dot: pfft hahaha!
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Dot: even I don't know! He was and is pretty cute though.
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Shawn: mum. Ew-
Quil is genuinely surprised and just wondering how Dan even won over dot. Dot doesn't know either and Shawn is just embarrassed by his parents *whEEZE*
And the finale!
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Shawn: Herbert?
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Herbert: welcome to pillow world, Shawn. Let me get up and greet yah~
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Shawn @ randal: is he OK?
Herbert got a cold that's knocked him out for a while and Shawn accidentally walked in on the fella and his old friend taking care of him!
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wiccantwav · 2 years
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Jimmy Woo (Wandavision) - Icons
Don't repost, that's not cool.
Like or Reblog if u Save.
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the-river-of-light · 1 year
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slightly villainous glasses-wearing redheads and their found family member
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Suella/Marienne Moodboard
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ladyoriza · 2 years
I could never have played as Sam in Far Cry 5, as fun as it would be, because there's only room for one hauntingly beautiful person with Walter Padick in their head and Joseph's already got that spot
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thebuttsmcgee · 1 month
I'm going to be so honest guys, every part that just shows the whipple family, I can honestly not care for at all
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 months
March 23, 2024
Happy 50 Birthday to Randall Park.
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The New Members of the Ultra Opposites Suits Info (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
The Description of what the new members of the Ultra Opposites look like:
Janiz/Lady Super Shlorpian
Her suit is just like Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian’s suit but girlier and the color for the suit is Icy Pink.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady
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Her super suit is all Black and White.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke
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His suit is just like Superman but with a mask and the suit color is Tan.
Daryl/Dark Matter
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Daryl’s suit is Black and White with a crescent moon on the chest. It should’ve look like Yumyulack’s but with long sleeves.
Nova/Lady Roseus
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Her suit is like Rose/Pigella from Miraculous but more adult and her suit color should be Pink.
Kevin/Super Kevin
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Kevin’s suit should look like Ivan’s Minotraux suit from Miraculous but different and the suit color should be Sky Blue.
Randall/Ultra Man
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Randall’s super suit is look just like Invincible and his suit color is blue-green.
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Jaime’s suit is like the Human Torch and his suit color is maroon.
Darcy/Miss Darcina
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Darcy’s suit is like She-Hulk and the suit color is Electric-Lemon.
Ms. Perez/Shout Out: Sonic Scream
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Ms. Perez’s suit is like Shout Out from Danger Force but with a mask and her suit color is Yellow-Orange.
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Sherbet’s suit is like Pinkie Pie’s super form from MLP: Forgetten Friendship but with a mask and the suit color’s is Violet with different shadings of Colors from the Rainbow.
Cherie/Agent Red
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Cherie’s super suit is a lady’s Cherry Red ninja outfit but without a mask.
Montez/The Master
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Montez’s suit is like Martian Manhunter and the suit color is Silver.
Pezlie/La Oscuridad
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Pezlie’s suit is like Pinkie Pie’s Power Ponies outfit but with different shades of Pink.
Mia/Shine Light
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Mia’s super suit is like the Jessica Cruz’s Green Lantern outfit and her suit color is Glowing Neon Green.
Janice/Master Smasher: Super Strength
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Janice’s super suit is like Atom Eve’s suit but with a mask and her suit color is Orange.
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