#agapito x you
yandereaffections · 4 months
Agapito comforting and possibly taking s/o from their shit relationship
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it would be amazing if he hadn't already killed the bastard that routinely had you upset to be honest, a true miracle that was definitely influenced by his own angel, so you wont have to worry about your "boyfriend" going off the rails.
Don't get him wrong, Agapito would lead any fucker in his way into a drug induced comatose no hesitation, unfortunately he cant take that route due to caring about your mental health so the long way round is how it has to be
If your current toy wasn't such a terrible partner Agapito would actually have to do some digging. Every so often your stalker pulls up whichever of your accounts hes signed into and seeing that your already are thinking about leaving makes everything so much simpler 
Agapito sees the opportunity to show you there's no one else to rely on like him, which isn't particularly hard when that current partner of yours is barely giving the minimum effort you need, and best believe each precious moment of his angel finally admitting to wanting more, wanting better, sends him in orbit. Agapito holds in the excitement in his chest quite well, seeming composed as if the simple sentence "i want to break up with them" while your ranting to him doesn't open the long awaited chance to punt that fucker of yours out of the way.
As long as you give the word Agapito gladly eliminates the competition and claims back his rightful spot besides you, don't worry about whatever stresses you had before Agapito is here now, kissing your forehead and ensuring that you feel genuine love compared to whatever that bastard gave you
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vipkilop · 2 years
Optical expressions
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Yan, W.J., Wu, Q., Liu, Y.J., Wang, S.J., Fu, X.: Casme database: a dataset of spontaneous micro-expressions collected from neutralized faces. Yan, W.J., Wu, Q., Liang, J., Chen, Y.H., Fu, X.: How fast are the leaked facial expressions: The duration of micro-expressions. In: Agapito, L., Bronstein, M.M., Rother, C. Yan, W.-J., Wang, S.-J., Chen, Y.-H., Zhao, G., Fu, X.: 3D hand pose detection in egocentric RGB-D images. Yan, W.J., Li, X., Wang, S.J., Zhao, G., Liu, Y.J., Chen, Y.H., Fu, X.: Casme ii: An improved spontaneous micro-expression database and the baseline evaluation. In: D’Mello, S., Graesser, A., Schuller, B., Martin, J.-C. Wu, Q., Shen, X., Fu, X.: The machine knows what you are hiding: an automatic micro-expression recognition system. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 1(1), 56–73 (1987) Sethi, I.K., Jain, R.: Finding trajectories of feature points in a monocular image sequence. Sánchez, J., Meinhardt-Llopis, E., Facciolo, G.: Tv-l1 optical flow estimation. In: 3rd International Conference on Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2009), pp. Polikovsky, S., Kameda, Y., Ohta, Y.: Facial micro-expressions recognition using high speed camera and 3d-gradient descriptor. In: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. Pfister, T., Li, X., Zhao, G., Pietikäinen, M.: Recognising spontaneous facial micro-expressions. In: 2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. Moilanen, A., Zhao, G., Pietikäinen, M.: Spotting rapid facial movements from videos using appearance-based feature difference analysis. In: 2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. Li, X., Pfister, T., Huang, X., Zhao, G., Pietikäinen, M.: A spontaneous micro-expression database: inducement, collection and baseline. International Journal of Computer Vision 12(1), 5–16 (1994) Irani, M., Rousso, B., Peleg, S.: Computing occluding and transparent motions. Social Neuroscience: Integrating Biological and Psychological Explanations of Social Behavior, 197–223 (2007) Van Honk, J., Schutter, D.: Vigilant and avoidant responses to angry facial expressions. Personality and Individual Differences 21(2), 205–212 (1996) Harrigan, J.A., O’Connell, D.M.: How do you look when feeling anxious? facial displays of anxiety. Consulting Psychologists Press, Stanford University, Palo Alto (1978)Įkman, P., Rosenberg, E.L.: What the face reveals: Basic and applied studies of spontaneous expression using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). rep, DTIC Document (1969)Įkman, P., Friesen, W.V.: Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement. WW Norton & Company (2009)Įkman, P., Friesen, W.V.: Nonverbal leakage and clues to deception. IEEE (2014)Įkman, P.: Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage (Revised Edition). In: 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. Asthana, A., Zafeiriou, S., Cheng, S., Pantic, M.: Incremental face alignment in the wild.
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cuddles-and-kisses · 3 years
Lazy Sunday Mornings on a Saturday
Jamari belongs to @yandereaffections! I just write fanfictions and theories.
A/N: I don't have hair that could support locs but I had partners a few years ago that did. I'm writing the best I can; please tell me if I portrayed anything wrong.
Trigger warning: Tooth rotting fluff
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Have you ever seen a puppy get excited? When they’re running around, tripping over their paws, yipping, along with jumping at your legs. Imagine instead of a puppy, it’s a five-foot-nine, semi-truck of a man. Yeah, that’s what I woke up to this morning. “Babe. It’s locs day! Instacart brought the groceries you asked for and the hair stuff is on the table.” I call him Puppy for a reason.
Sunlight flows through the blinds, into our bedroom, dripping onto his face. Shit, you’re really pretty like this. The skincare routine I forced him into is paying off; his skin is more radiant lately. Can locs day wait a little bit? I want to stay in his arms a little longer. He’s a human furnace and oh so cuddly. His normal voice flusters me from the simplest sentences. Muttering into my ear is attempted murder. This man is too sadistic to me. Pretty face, intoxicating voice, cuddly body, tender laugh, wholesome personality. How did I get so lucky with you, My Love? You’re acting like all the things I do for you are a big deal. To me, they’re the least I can do to show the true extent of my love. Learning your habits as well as preferences. Familiarizing myself with your mindset. Coaching you on how to unlearn the harmful behaviors you picked up in self-defense. Manipulating you to love yourself as much as I do. Learning new dessert recipes. It’s the bare minimum for someone like you.
“Do we have to change out of our PJs?” You look so at peace when you’re wearing PJs. It only adds to how at home you make me feel. Of course, you’ll say no, we don’t have to. Maybe because we’re staying home; maybe because I don’t have my own PJs so I’ll seamlessly steal yours. Either way, I’m ok with it. You gently kiss my forehead then start to get up. Shifting the navy blue comforter off of you and putting on the fuzzy pink bunny slippers I bought for your birthday. You’re wearing the burgundy satin bonnet I bought last week along with a plain tank top and white boxers with hearts scattered on them. Like I said, so pretty. Your body heat prevents me from wearing much to bed, not that you’d complain though.
It’s my turn to get out of bed and get dressed. Everything is right where I left it last night. Fuzzy lounge pants atop of plush socks rest at my feet before I put them on. We’ve recently upgraded to a queen-sized mattress. Our old bed frame couldn’t accommodate a queen so we had to get a new bed frame too. We both sought after a bed with storage to replace the dresser at the end of our old bed. The headboard has a few cubbies which led us to move the bedside tables to beside the couch. It feels like a lazy Sunday even though it’s Saturday. Who really cares though? It’s locs day and I get to watch My Puppy be as giddy as ever.
I shuffle to the bathroom cause I’m not exactly dehydrated. The bathroom isn’t the most spacious but we sorted out a routine to dance around each other. You watch me through the mirror and smile at yourself. The bathroom doesn’t have the best ventilation so the mint and earth fragrance of body wash lingers in the air. Your dirty towel was left in the bathtub but it can wait until later. You’re brushing your teeth for the first time today. Before we moved in together, depression made me struggle with brushing my teeth every day. On the other hand, you brush your teeth two to three times a day. Our hopeless romanticness drags me with him. It’s adorable how romantic you can get; I never forget how loved or wanted I am. Thank you for that.
Afterward, I wash my hands for twenty seconds as you’re hugging me from behind. I watch the soap bubble up in my hands instead of getting lost in how firm you’re holding me. Or how soft your lips are against my neck. Or how you’re breathing so close to my ear. Or the soft hymns you let out every once and a while. A cute domestic life is the best life. You can’t prove me wrong, cause I’m not. The cute domestic life with my first love is every hopeless romantic’s dream life. And now, it’s my life. I quickly splash some water on my face, brush my face then head to the kitchen. Sand beige crunches under my slippers on the few feet that make up our apartment hallway.
The first task of locs day is baking something sweet. I found an alternative peach cobbler recipe on tic tok. Fresh peach slices, Unrolled croissants, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, and a little bit of cooking wine. I cut the peaches into eight slices then unroll the croissants. All the while Jamari mixes brown sugar and butter together then pops them in the microwave. The recipe will make eight peach things which means I’ll get two and Jamari will steal the other six. We take turns spreading the brown butter mixture on one side of the croissants and then rolling them back up with two peaches tucked in the middle. The oven’s preheated to four hundred degrees so it beeps at us. We ran out of the brown butter mixture and needed to make more to pour over the peach things. They’re resting in the pan, almost ready to be baked for 30 minutes. All that’s left is a light dusting of cinnamon in addition to a half cup of cooking wine.
After I slid the pan into the oven I realized how sticky my fingers are. Might as well not let any food go to waste. right? I lick my fingers clean while glancing around the kitchen. “Why are you staring at me?” The epiphany hits me like a semi-truck. Oh my god, get out of my kitchen you dirty dirty boy. We’re both laughing as we clean up the kitchen. Everything is back in its place or in the dishwasher in no time. I drape my arms over his shoulders to lean some of my weight onto him. Jamari slides his hands around my lower back and pulls me into him as he leans against the counter.
We stay there for a while alternating between savory make-outs and simply gazing into each other’s eyes. I’ve lost count of how many times he’s studied the details of my face. I’d bet money I don’t have that he could find me in a crowd just by looking at people’s left nostrils. I don’t know how to describe his features. They’re not delicate but they’re not sharp. They’re gentle but still assertive. His eyes are always half-closed but he’s still so expressive. It took a few weeks to learn his quirks. He persistently tries so hard to keep a stoic front around me but always looks more relaxed around me. Even before we started dating. I’m embarrassed to say it took a few months to learn where he holds his stress. His arms are lazily holding me to him. I can’t see any tension in his jaw. He’s completely content standing like this; plus, I can tell he’s basking in this moment. I rest my head on his chest then he kisses the top of my head.
My hands are always cold and always find their way to his neck or sides. My ear is right against his chest so I can hear his heartbeat and breathing. Everything sounds normal and strong as ever. Speaking of strong, I know I said he was cuddly but he’s ripped under that. He’s lost a little bit over the past few months; I need to fix that. Old Spice Timber body wash washes over me and grounds me back to him. He’s trailing his hands along my back. I’m getting sleepy again, darn you Puppy. How dare you make me feel so safe and comfy. How dare you make me love you. Curse you and your romanticism and your gravel voice and your perfect cuddles. Curse you for creating a safe space beside yourself for me and unconditionally loving me. You’re so rude for showing me what love feels like.
I watched the clock and waited for 20 minutes to pass. Can’t forget the oven mitts before I burn my hand to a crisp. Jamari has already grabbed the vanilla ice cream by the time I’ve taken his weakness out of the oven. Barely leaving time to set it atop of the stove. Heaven permeates the air. Warm cinnamon, fresh biscuits, baked brown sugar. Our apartment smells like a bakery, but better. Now the hardest part begins. Making a man who’s built like a semi-truck, taller than me, stronger than me, and willing to kill over a good brownie wait until the peach thing cools down a little. How I am going to do that; I have no idea. But! I can try. My first attempt is a bear hugging him. It doesn’t work for two seconds. My second attempt is holding the cupboard shut so he can’t get a bowl. That lasted maybe twenty seconds. One hand gripping my wrist the other one gripping my waist. I don’t know if he growled or hymned behind my ear; but, I’m undeniably incapacitated. We’re both smiling as we scramble to get our way. He wants to eat sweets, I don’t want him to burn his tongue so he can actually taste it. He eventually turns me around and picks me up by my armpits to plop me on the counter. Followed by planting his hands on either side of my legs. “I’m going to eat something sweet in the next 30 seconds and you can’t stop me.” Oh god, he’s staring daggers into my eyes. I’m not scared of him; but, he can be really intimidating.
My face heats up as I stutter a bit. Was that an innuendo? He’s staring into my soul. Is he, smirking?? Oh, it’s on. He’s not getting away with flustering me without consequences. My fingers snake behind his jaw subsequently pulling him to me. He’s caught on by now and grabs behind my knees to pull me closer to him. A few euphoria-laced kisses later, he remembers what’s sitting on the stove. I hop off the counter so he can get our bowls and spoons. The ice cream has thawed a bit at this point so it’s a perfect consistency. My Baby gets us both a piece of the peach thing as I grab the ice cream scoop then pop the container open. He gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream while I give myself one. He kisses the side of my head followed by him practically trotting off to the living room. I stay behind to put the ice cream back in the fridge.
He’s sitting in front of the couch with his legs tucked under the living room table. We’ve found a show to watch together on Netflix. He’s currently trying to get the TV to work with him. Rattail comb, Lock It Up gel, an assortment of butterfly clips from the ’90s, a few hair ties, a happy Baby, and our show. Yup, all set. I set my bowl on the table then toss my leg to sit behind him on the couch. He took his bonnet off after he sat down. It’s currently laying to the side of all the retwisting supplies. I use grabby hands to ask for my bowl back. His locs will be there after I eat. Ya know how I said it smells heavenly? Well, it tastes like all things good in this world. Sugar, spice, and the contrast of the vanilla ice cream is Jamari’s weakness for a reason. I forgot to peel the skin off the peaches but it’s ok. The struggle to cut through them with a spoon is worth it.
He’s on his second peach thing by the time I finish my first. I have to warn him about getting a stomach ache if he eats too much sugar too fast. He insists he’ll be fine but doesn’t go back for a third serving just yet. Bird songs poke through the quieter moments. We have a few feeders on the porch couples with a few wind spinners. Sunlights gushes in through the sliding glass door and casts a slight glare on the TV. The weather is supposed to be nice today. Hopefully, we can get the screen door to slide over to let some fresh air in. The apartment is a little stuffy if you pay too close attention. The stock-colored walls and vaguely worn-out carpet don’t scream of anything remarkable. We’ve been working to make it feel more like a home but at the end of the day; we’re asleep in each other’s embrace. It’s home enough for me and that seems to be enough for My Love.
I start by dividing his hair into six sections by using the hair ties to create five space buns. I reach over him to snag the locking gel, rattail comb, with a small handful of clips just in case. First things first, make sure none of the locs are sharing hairs. Next is using the comb to tidy up the borders of each loc section. I prefer to use the twisting method with the smallest amount of gel securing it with a butterfly clip as necessary. He doesn’t care what method I’m using since I’m playing with his hair and all of my attention is on him. His hair is really thick so I have to take breaks every so often. My Baby massages my arms when I lean on him and hang my arms over his shoulders. I’m in the perfect position to kiss along his earlobes. So, as any reasonable person would do, I take advantage of it. Just have to be careful around his piercings.
It’s late afternoon when I finish twisting. My biceps feel like death. We’ve turned the TV volume up a notch to drown out the upstairs neighbors. We have an inside joke about tap dancing instead of walking. I half walk half jog to the bedroom then bring back a clean bonnet. Neither of us wants product getting on the pillows. And I deserve cuddles, damn it.
The rest of the day is dedicated to Netflix, cuddles, and delivery pizza with a side of breadsticks. “Thank you, Baby. What would I do without you?” And with that, I’m a flustered mess. You’re a sadistic, Puppy. As much as I’m overwhelmed with puppy love.
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lontau · 6 years
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"Did you have a plan for this part?" "I thought I'd try my sword." "Funny, I considered the same." Entry for @40kartweek for OC x Canon Week - Shadow Captain Branwen (@askbranwen) and Commander Agapito Nev Chaos Marines of the Golden Horde courtesy of Mat von Baer
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Cover Letter and Resume
J-AN F. SANGRIA Purok Daisy, Sinolon T’boli South Cotabato Contact no.: 09361061758 Email: [email protected] Objective: To find a job and improve my skills, to share my knowledge and learning to others and to get hold of a position that will benefit from academic preparation and performance. EDUCATION Tertiary: Mountain View College (2019- 2023)s Bachelor of Elementary Education Secondary •Junior High (2014-2017) : Edwards National High School •Senior High (2017-2019) : Koronadal National Comprehensive High School Elementary (2007-2008) : Sinolon Elementary School ACTIVITIES/AWARDS/­SEMINARS • Grade I - VI with Honor •Grade VII - X with Honor •Girls Scout (2009 - 2014) •Senior Scout (2014 - 2017) •Drum Corp Competition (2009 - 2012) •U4U •Save the Children •KIDLISTO References: Sherwin J. Narciso: Secondary Teacher ICT Coordinator Edwards T’boli So. Cot Agapito C. Sangria : SUMIFRU COMPANY Sinolon T’boli So. Cot. Grace Fabot : Elementary Teacher Sinolon T'boli So. Cot. March 16, 2018 Dear Mr. Silva: I am writing to express my interest in the position of being a teacher to share my knowledge, skills, abilitity and experiences that will help and inspired the children in and out of the schools. I would like to apply in this job to pursue my dreams and also the dreams of my pupils/students. I am a finished product of this school and as I finished my study I want to spread and share my ability and learning in my alma mater who teach and mold me as a dreamer before, a learner always and a teacher for my pupil/student in the future. I love children and I love teaching too, that’s why I ensure you that I am capable for this job and in this school. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how my knowledge, experiences and ability could help my pupils/students. I am very much excited and looking forward to be part of your school. Thank you and God bless. Respectfully your, J-AN F. SANGRIA
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florenciolampkin · 5 years
Diamond Certified Experts: Addressing the Attic
Few homeowners realize their high energy bills stem from deficient attic conditions. Photo: Atticare ©2019
It’s no surprise that the attic is one of the most neglected areas of the home. Being out of sight, it’s understandably out of most homeowners’ minds. What may come as a surprise, however, is the extent to which conditions in the attic can impact a home’s comfort, energy efficiency and air quality. To gain further insight, we’ve asked five Diamond Certified Expert Contributors to talk about three important aspects of the attic: insulation, cleaning and ventilation.
  Attic Insulation
The function of insulation is to provide a thermal barrier around the living area of the home. Most homes have insulation in several places, including within exterior walls and beneath flooring, but perhaps the most crucial place to insulate is the attic. Sean Madar, co-owner of Atticare, explains why: “Attic insulation helps regulate a home’s indoor temperature by keeping conditioned air in the living space. Unfortunately, most homes in the United States have under-insulated attics, which allow conditioned air to easily escape from living areas. In this scenario, a home’s heater or air conditioner must work harder to maintain the desired temperature, which results in higher energy costs.”
Attic insulation has a significant impact on both indoor comfort and energy efficiency. Photo: Atticare ©2019
If you want to know whether your attic has adequate insulation, Mr. Madar suggests going up and taking a look. “If the insulation is level with or below the wood framing beams (roughly 3 to 3 1/2 inches high), you probably need to add some more,” he says. “However, if the insulation is higher than the beams, you’re probably all right.”
If you want to go beyond a mere visual assessment, Kevin Comerford, president of Service Champions, says you can gauge your attic insulation’s thickness with a tape measure. “The minimum recommended level of attic insulation is R38, which is between 13 and 14 inches thick,” he explains. “If you have less than that, you should consider adding some more to maximize your home’s energy efficiency.” Of course, the most accurate way to determine the adequacy of your attic’s insulation (and overall energy efficiency) is by having a professional contractor perform a complete assessment.
In addition to amending low attic insulation, Mr. Madar recommends air-sealing your attic, which involves sealing cracks and gaps around light fixtures, vents, pipes, and electrical wiring. “Prior to being sealed, the air transmission through the gaps in an attic can add up to the equivalent of an open 2’x 2’ window,” he says. “By performing air-sealing along with upgrading attic insulation, you’ll save money on your monthly energy bills.”
  Attic Cleaning
Like any neglected space, attics tend to get dirty over time. However, while dust and cobwebs are to be expected, many homeowners are unaware of active sources of decay and contamination in their attics. “Rodent infestation is a common problem in attics,” clarifies Sean Koriat, owner of Attic Crew. “Most attics contain gaps, cracks and spaces that are big enough for rodents to pass through, and since attics are typically uninhabited, this makes them attractive to rodents looking for a quiet, dry place to nest.”
A professional attic cleaning can make your home healthier by eliminating problems like rodent infestation. Photo: Atticare ©2019
More than a mere nuisance, a rodent infestation in the attic can have a surprising impact on the rest of the home. “Rodents can chew through electrical wiring and damage attic insulation, which can cause power outages and reduce energy efficiency,” explains Mr. Koriat. “Additionally, they can create unhealthy conditions by defecating in the attic and carrying mites into the home.”
If you suspect a rodent infestation in your attic, Mr. Koriat recommends calling a professional attic cleaning company. “After cleaning and sanitizing your entire attic, a professional will locate all potential rodent entry points and seal them to ensure the infestation doesn’t reoccur.” He also recommends regularly inspecting your attic to verify that rodents haven’t found a way back in.
  Attic Ventilation
As you now understand, deficiencies in an attic can impact conditions in the living area below. But did you know they can also impact the roof above? Agapito Chavez-Reyes, owner of PRI-Premiere Roofing Inc., explains how: “Attic ventilation is important because hot air and vapors in the home will rise and eventually make their way into the attic. Without proper ventilation, heat buildup in the attic can cook the roofing shingles from the bottom, while trapped condensation can develop into mold and/or dry rot. Both of these can cause premature deterioration of the roof.”
To avoid these problems, have your attic ventilation assessed the next time you replace your roof. If you own an older home, Gustavo Guerrero, president of Ben’s Roofing, Inc., warns there’s a good chance you’ll need to make upgrades. “When older houses were built, they didn’t have the strict ventilation codes of today,” he says. “The building departments are enforcing this and making sure contractors list ventilation as part of their permits. If you have zero ventilation in your attic, it’s going to cost you a pretty penny to make the required upgrades. There are alternative options, such as installing a whole house fan, but in any case, you’ll need to budget extra money to address ventilation.”
To find a Diamond Certified attic cleaning, insulation and/or ventilation company, visit http://bit.ly/Wd2aYU.
The post Diamond Certified Experts: Addressing the Attic appeared first on Diamond Certified.
Diamond Certified Experts: Addressing the Attic published first on https://australianriskservices.tumblr.com/
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yandereaffections · 7 months
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Agapito wants to be the one that pierces your lips, romanticizes the very idea of it. He wants to be the one that numbs and gets his last kiss in before sanitizing and sliding a needle through his angels flesh, being the one to help accessorize you is an honor.
Now if you don't manage to go out and get pierced by an actual professional it's actually Jamari that ends up handling the whole jewelry process, not agapito. Is this grown man grumpy about this? Yes, but it's been agreed that Jamaris steady hand and percussion is safer for their babies lips, that doesn't mean agapito doesn't get his kiss in though.
These two can deal with not kissing you for awhile no problem, they'll worship other sections of your body in the meantime. From your knuckles up to your collarbone and jawline, agapito and Jamari won't stop just because your lips are off limit for a bit.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Gimme the man, the myth, the legend. What if our sleep set ups are incompatible? What would he do? (One likes it hot the other cold, opposite pillow opinions)
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There's no such thing as too much and it comes to his angel,, or at least when it comes to money, if it's too cold for him in the comforts of his own bed he's gonna make you his new weighted blanket whether you like it or not
After a rather unpleasant night for both of you he'll note down your requirements for comfort and his own, you'll see the old bed agapito probably had for at least a decade before knowing you replaced with one of those sleep number mattresses, complete with pillows and blankets of the texture you love. Agapitos willing to meet you halfway on anything, he loves you after all, though that doesn't mean he won't demand an extra helping of affection for his efforts.
The real issue y'all have is how agapito unconsciously wraps himself around you, he may not be the warmest human radiator but he'll definitely still make you wake up sweaty if you're not the type to tolerate warmth. Best case scenario is to get one of those cooling blankets, cause if the love of his life dares to push him away he's gonna get real grumpy.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Listen, I just need my man, throw anything at me (preferably maybe I get high as hell while he stays sober)
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This man sitting around sober while you're high out of your mind without him? Good luck figuring out how to make him do that.
Anytime you're willing to let all your guard down and get fucked up best believe agapito isn't passing up the chance to accompany you. Don't get him wrong he spends basically all his time admiring you when intoxicated, nothing else his brain wonders towards than the love he has for you to an almost overwhelming point, but sober? Agapitos basically a bystander, a babysitter in a way where he charters to his angels every need with such a slight staring problem. He'll watch over you enough that you'll notice, wondering what could possibly be going on in his head
Let's say you do manage to make him sit this one out, doesn't mean agapito isn't going to be any less obsessive than he is stoned. He cuddled up to you encouraging his angel to take just one more deep inhale, then another and another until your spinning out melting into him. If he isn't getting fucked with you he should at least get to enjoy this time with you right? There's nothing better than how you make him your whole world, basking in each gentle loving touch he bestows upon you, laughing at the stupidest things together.
Agapito has a folder on his phone dedicated to the pictures of his angel high as hell, smiling at how noticeably fucked you are. You'll never get to see them unless he's sure there won't be a demand for them to be deleted, this little stash of you is precious to him.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Agapito Adolfo (YA’s Oc) Masterlist
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Stereotypical bad boy Agapito Adolfo
Character Description
Finding him beat up in the alley
S/o that people usually harass
Bringing him a homemade meal during work
Asthmatic S/o
Somone picking a fight with S/o who looks intimidating
S/os passion requiring them to be outside
The Purge
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of cheating  
Yandere Letter
Vampire Agapito w/ a tasty S/o
Musical S/o playing Spooky Scary Skeletons
Zombie Apocalypse
Crime Boss S/o
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of Fainting
Virgin S/o
Artistic + Baker S/o
Wearing Agapitos Clothes
Torturing a very cute S/o
Sensitive S/o
Chubby, Short S/o
Calling him “Daddy” in public
S/o running off to punch someone
Snuggly S/o sleeps nude
S/o loves spicy foods
S/os never been given a gift
Sweet Toothed S/o
S/os the head of a motorcycle gang
No Weed smell in the house Rule
S/o eats to much Edible the first time
Squeeze Agapitos ass
S/o loves Pokemon
Sweet Darlings also a assassin
S/o forgets to take care of themselves frequently
Affectionate yet Flustered by PBA S/o
Sexually Harassed S/o TW
S/os kidnapped by a rival gang
Aggressive Male S/o trying to fight Agapito
Neko Darling
Putting work first
Sick s/o not taking care of themselves
Accident prone s/o
Touch starved s/o who draws unwanted attention to themselves
Hyperactive S/o
S/o crying cause he came home bleeding
S/o being ok with their kidnapping
Soft HC
S/o has no self control and eats what their allergic to
S/o splitting their tongue
Thinking his S/o ran away
S/o cleaning everything cause of COVID
Nia VS Agaptio piece
Figuring out his S/os pregnant
S/o has night terrors
Pushing Agapito to cry
S/o who calms down when their hair is played with
S/os sleep schedule is out of wack
S/o getting hurt when saving a kid from being abused
S/o dressed up in lolita fashion
S/o getting addicted to his drug stash
Goth S/o and him making a intimidating couple
Forced to cuddle him and loving it
Kidnapped S/o playing tag/hide and seek
S/o who is immune to poison
S/o who loves affection but is stubborn
Sick S/o
Yandere S/o whos a ex assassin killing a rival that hurt him
Ignoring your boyfriend Challenge
Crush has a big dog
S/o whos a politician (male reader)
taking care of his S/o who got in a street fight
Asexual/Aromantic S/o
Pranking him for April fools
Romantically inexperienced S/o
telling him I Love You
Going to the park with icecream as a date
Sleepy S/o who can kick ass
Sadistic HC
S/o getting kidnapped in the middle of the night
Celebrating his angels birthday
S/o with spiderman like powers
S/o who got over a drug addiction not wanting to be around him
Celebrating Halloween
Werewolf Agapito
Drider Agapito Hunted down
Werewolf S/o who looks just like a dog
S/o who has never experienced halloween
Platonic Yandere father
Artist S/o
Caregiver S/o
Soft Headcannons
Rejecting Agapito
S/o who flinches at sudden movements
Charming the reader
His controlling behavior
Extremely quiet S/o
Autistic Darling
S/o who overworks themselves
Arguing HC
Idol S/o
Darling with Top Energy
S/o refusing to date after losing their ex
Wholesome misunderstanding
Cop s/o trying to get him arrested
Darling likes to feel him up when shirtless
Teaching S/o Spanish curse words
Darling whos scared to fall asleep due to truama from their ex
Falling for a single mother
getting high with Agapito TW
Dependent S/o
Small soft and romantic things
S/o saying “i wish i could crawl under your skin”
S/o saying “i wish we were seahorses so i could give you my 1000 babies”
Brave S/o whos afraid of bugs
Detective S/o that can incriminate other rival gangs of Agapitos
Panicking over S/o getting stabbed
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,D,F,H,L,M,T,Z
S/o who cant fall alseep without him
Finding his S/o injured after a fight
S/o who can see through his manipulation
Comforting Autistic S/o through a meltdown
Darling going through a breakdown due to school work
S/o whos upset cause all their friends seem to leave them
Darlings love language is bite
Finding out crush is dating his brother
Agapitos first love trys to kill the two of you
S/o with financial anxiety
Darling who actually loves his yandere behavior
S/o whos a child of a Mafia Family
Kissing headcannons
S/o who is convinced they don't deserve to be well because of their parents abuse
Angel can escape through sleep walking unknowingly
Terrible cook s/o tries making him a meal
Psycho analyzing and calling him out for his behavior
Almost shooting his S/o
Assassin S/o who must complete a final mission to retire
Seeing Angels cutting scars for the first time TW
S/o w/ Histrionic personality disorder
Finding out S/o is pregnant with quintuplets
Preparation toward kidnapping S/o
Cannibal S/o
S/o whose unbelievably quiet  
Darling loving how their attacker said “Knife, to meet you” before stabbing them
Making pregnancy/family life ads pop up on his phone in attempt to convince him to start a family
Replicating Shojo Manga moments with S/o
Short angry male S/o whose only affectionate towards him
Flirting with Agapito the first time you meet him
Keeping notes on S/o pre-kidnapping
Finding unsent love letters from S/o
S/o suddenly showing they can speak spanish
S/o whos old fashioned when it comes to romance
Darling who is a professional dancer
S/o singing Lo Que Siento by CUCO
Reaction to His Workers being attracted to his S/o
Group of women talking bad about his S/o
Running into each other when planning on kidnapped each other
Circumstance/reason agapito would drop his job
Blind S/o making a clay sculpture of his face
Kidnapped S/o who doesnt fight just cries themselves to sleep
Caregiver S/o prt 2
Male S/o that willingly went to prison
S/o loving him but their wariness keeping them away
Letting S/o have a position at his job
Punishment for a escaped S/o
Platonic yandere HC
Neighbors hearing kidnapped s/o and calling the police on him
S/o asking weird questions cause your planning a birthday party for him
S/o loving his possessive nature prt 2
Shy angel works at a restaurant
His cuddle libido & what he wears to sleep
Angels friend is obsessed with them and doesnt like agapito
Sending a friend to reject him for you
Just kidnapped his darling HC
S/o that randomly disappears in the house
Finding out you write fanfics of him
Finding out angles been hiding a boyfriend from him
Helping S/o during a heat stroke
Finding out about his career and ghosting him
napping on him in sketchy situations
How would his ex’s describe him as a boyfriend
“I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
“You went out yesterday. Stay here, I’m still tired.”
How Agapito would pace your relationship together
His future goals with his S/o
“Alpha male” trying to steal his S/o
Agapito finding out his S/O is pregnant but they dont force him to listen
Angel coming out as Demipansexual
Letting his Angel tag along during work only for his workers to ask for their number
More sadistic agapito HC
Angel whos always stressed/drained from work
how he would edge his way into a college darling’s life
Irritated Agapito asking S/o where he stands in the relationship
Hunted down
Werewolf agapito prt 2
Werecat agapito
Watching Netflixs YOU w/ Agaptio
Ghost S/o
Vampire Agapito prt 2
Fluff HC of Agapito with: Cuddles, agressive affection, Kissing and being possessive/ protective
Haunted House w/ scaredy cat S/o
Finding out Angel has stayed up 24 hours
Celebrating the fall with his holiday-crazed angel
What costumes he would wear for halloween growing up
Scary movies
Real haunted house
Werewolf agapito during The Purge
Comforting his S/o HC
Friends with benefits
S/os bestfriend is evicting them
Walking in on yandere s/o taking care of a body
Aro S/o giving a yellow rose for valentines
Randomly placing underware in his hands for valentines
Finding out S/o actively daydreams about another character
Kidnapped S/o finding out he plays violin
Finding former delinquent S/os yearbook
Angel whos dedicated on spoiling him
Walking into yandere s/o with a body at their feet
S/os always getting hurt
Going on a hotel getaway w/ agapito
Skittish kidnapped S/o asking for a massage 
S/o making gifts whenever their hyper fixated on a craft
Forcing his stubborn S/o to the ER
Autistic S/o feeling safe unmasking around him
Having Easter dinner w/ S/os family
Kidnapped S/o being a master at hiding around the house
Agapitos work HC
Wearing agapitos jacket
Celebrating angel passing all their exams
Kidnapping S/o only to find their allergic to something in the house
Angel going on a hunger strike
Sugar daddy HC
S/o has a secret side gig as a bodyguard
Stubborn S/o refusing to let him help cook
Possessive HC
Pinning after a detective S/o on his case (comission)
S/os a member of a rival gang that kidnaps him, though is nice to him despite that
S/o being possessive of Agapito
Kidnapped S/o taking a vow of silence in protest
S/o who has extreme social anxiety
Small romantic things in a relationship
S/o wants to adopt a dog
Courting a newbie in his drug ring
Yandere Alphabet C,E,H,K,S,V,Q,X
Yandere Alphabet B,D,I,Y
Moving his angel in HC
S/o sneaking out to go dancing
Demon agapito stalking HC
Zombie Agapito
Captured siren S/o
Werecat S/o
The Purge HC
Platonic S/o came back from the dead as half ghost
Life threatening situation w/ Werewolf S/o
Demon S/o
Zombie Apocalypse 
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Teasing him at home 
Somnophila w/ male s/o 
Topping Agapito 
Daddy Kink 
Catching him jerking off to a picture of you 
S/o who gets horny when high 
Naga Agapito Breeding kink 
Incubus Agapito feeding off of you and helping with your siblings 
Male S/o wearing a Bunny Outfit 
Cockwarming HC 
BJ at the workplace 
Licking a popsicle seductively 
Male s/o whos been teasing him all day 
Knife & Blood Kink TW
Sitting on his face 
Favorite Position w/ Male S/o 
Lactation & Body Worship 
Kinks Headcannons 
Riding Male S/o
Incubus Agapito stealing his angels underwear
Non-con HC TW
Werewolf Agaptio/Darling Noncon TW
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Jamari and/or Agapito with a aro darling extremely stressed with there class workload? -Aro anon
Always a joy to see you posting ^^
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Agapito definitely ends up making your stress worse with how much he genuinely doesn't care for any type of school work, but with that said he does his best to help you out,, in his own way of course. Jamari can't stop him once the man starts attempting to assist you, he'll watch from the side lines ready to take the role of damage control.
Agapitos not the go to person when it comes to academics, not a book smart person in the slightest, though when it comes to cheating he's pretty skilled. He's out here with the answers to a major handful of your assignments and some AI help with writing out your papers that are due
Jamari on the other hand is the opposite of agapito surprisingly, he's done his time in college and knows the finals struggle. He's supporting you via snacks and praise when he see improvement on whatever project your working on, not to mention he's the ultimate study buddy, willing to go back and forth with you on whatever subject necessary
Agapito never thought he'd be set aside due to the lack of academic smarts but he does provide a much needed role in this relationship, he's the stress relief, the one forcing y'all to take moments of rest and dragging you to enjoy other things even if you feel you don't deserve it with all the work that needs to get done. Believe agapito when he says you've already done so much, he's been waiting for you two to be finished with whatever class work that's taken your attention from him for what felt like forever.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Good morning!
May I request Agapito and the purge?
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Agapitos over all body language when you mention the topic of the purge screams 'i don't care', not a single worry behind those eyes. If he wasn't sworn on protecting his angel agapito would probably be treating it like any other staying inside day expect with a weapon at all times and various escape routes, though he might be the worst person on his street in regards of the law so it's not much to bother with
When it comes to you on the other hand he's incredibly worried, agapito doesn't care if you've had experience fighting and sneaking past others who were dedicated to taking your life, if he loses you to some fucker who couldn't care less simply because of the day he'll go ballistic. Therefore agapito's actually taking caution this year, a nice little bunker for you two to chill in and possibly get through the day with a bit of edibles so the scent doesn't call out your hidey hole.
A whole day with his angel scared and clinging to him? God what a privilege, if it wasn't such a dangerous holiday all around he'd want it to happen multiple times year round simply to enjoy you cuddled up taking in all the comfort he can supply.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Succubus Agapito stealing undergarments (making it gender neutral and shit)
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Agapito is kind enough to give you space when other matters tend to distract you from taking care of his needs, though there's always a price to doing so and it's usually a piece of your clothing that's been worn for a while more recently, perfectly saturated with your scent and warmth
He has no shame about it either, agapito has already made plenty of advances to get you desperate and underneath him, the least you can do is take off your underwear for him to take or turn a blind eye when he rummages through your dirty laundry
There may be no sexual energy to feed off of from using your underwear as his own personal toy but it definitely does provide the relief he's looking for. With being in a high all agapito would need is your scent to get off, imagination absolutely filled with all the positions he's memorized and admired you in before, it's nothing close to the real thing yet he's undoubtedly grateful for something from his angel to cum on
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Agapmari (Agapito x Y/N x Jamari) (YA’s Oc’s) Masterlist
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Two bastards sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g Agapimari-
Poly Agapito/Darling/Jamari
Cuddle Headcannons
Finding escaped S/o left pregnant, raised one of their kids when they were hiding
Narcoleptic S/o
Male S/o secretly selling weapons to gangs
S/o nervous to divide their time between them
S/o likes piggy back rides
Himbo Male S/o
S/o who can easily sneak up on them
Kidnapping S/o as a team
S/o who loves dangerous stuff and getting into all kinds of trouble
S/os kind and caring friend obviously having a crush on them
Werewolf HC
Constantly taking pictures of them as werewolves like their your puppies
Post apocalypse AU
S/o can’t decide how they could cuddle both of them
Comforting their darling during a panic attack
Caring for a stubborn Sick S/o
Aro s/o worried they dont get how much they care for them across
Yandere Alphabet A,Y
Aro s/o falling asleep on them
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Food kink w/ male s/o 
First time 
Dom energy S/o being Sub for them 
Male S/o w/ a high libido
Dom incubus S/o
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Agapito with a werecat reader? He is allergic to cats, how about werecats?
(Cant help but think of Giovanni with a persian, byt Agapito with a big junglecat who has no patience for anyone messing with him)
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Agapito may have some scary dog privileges himself but he'd also be very excited for you to have your own scary cat appearance yourself, can you imagine the power couple vibe the two of you would give off? His ego is already growing with the thought of it.
He wouldn't think much of how he sneezes constantly the first few times he gets to go out with you, simply popping a allergy med everytime he plans on crossing paths with his angel assuming you have cats at home that are causing the constant reactions. However he was definitely not prepared to find you transformed as a whole giant cat, promptly freaked out frozen in his stop until he figured you two were the same person.
Your man isn't gonna know how to take care of you as a whole cat, he usually avoids felines yet here his love is purring and rubbing at his legs. According to what Google says agapito ended up opening up a big box for you to sit in and made some type of major meal of fish for his kitty. Sooner or later his allergy meds aren't going to work with how much he's taking them, it's a absolutely pleasure yet torture to be with you angel.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Good evening,
May I request Agapito, Tanjiro or Eren with a s/o who has been secretly trying to send out SOS messages to escape (they could have made it to their destination or got intercepted by his guys or himself).
Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day!
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There's not much you can do that wouldn't be picked up by agapito, he may admire the thought process and effort that went behind your cry for help but it'll still end up blowing up in your face
People in his neighborhood tends to turn a blind eye to each other in attempt to stay out of shit they shouldn't be involved with, the renowned "no snitches" policy with only the handful of exceptions being the older population that settled down and retired here. No banging against the window or large sign begging for saving will get you anywhere, those who pass by keep to their own business. The more attempts Agapito finds the more restraints are put on you, so be careful.
The best chance you had without figuring out how to disable all the measures Agapito has taken to keep you inside this hell of a home is when a member of a rival gang managed to figure out where the infamous Adolfo lived and ended up barging into the bedroom you were sulking in, tied up and expecting a angry agapito by how this strangers footsteps sounded. Amongst the confusion between both of you Agapito was quick to arrive home with the warning of the break in due to his surveillance system, before you know it your closest chance to freedom is eliminated right in front of you with not a single second of hesitation.
On the bright side agapito loosened his authority over you due to such a close call, god knows what that man would've done to his bound up angel if they weren't baffled by the mere sight of you and agapitos deeply apologetic about it.
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