#again: we can't know what exactly Edward wanted unless we find his last will or a well-informed contemporary source
wonder-worker · 6 months
(Dominic Mancini) believed that Edward IV had designated his brother Gloucester as Protector – a statement – a statement which he first introduces with a cautious ‘as they say’, but which then becomes the cornerstone of his argument. In the absence of formal evidence, this claim cannot be checked, but it has always been recognized that the choice of Gloucester to head the government was an obvious possibility for the dying king. If Edward wanted a protector, the duke was, indeed, the inevitable candidate. Gloucester’s position as sole surviving brother of the king, coupled with his outstanding record of service to the crown, would have made it impossible to pass him over, even in a society aware of the dangers which guardianship by a paternal uncle posed to the interests of the heir. But Mancini does not leave the story there. He claims that the council chose to ignore Edward’s wishes, preferring the immediate coronation of the young king to a formal minority. This decision was prompted by fears that a protector might usurp the throne, although Mancini adds that it was supported by the queen’s family, who wanted to prevent power passing to Gloucester. Having carried this initial point, the Woodvilles then proceeded to dig in militarily and financially. The picture is thus one of overt factions, with the Woodvilles manipulating the majority of the council against Gloucester and a small group of councillors who supported the idea of a Protectorate – an element usually identified with the dead king’s friend and chamberlain William Hastings.
…Mancini’s account, for all its overt criticism of the duke, may be based on a version of events originating in the circle around Gloucester. It casts the Woodvilles as the aggressors and Gloucester as the victim of circumstance. [According to this interpretation], the duke was virtually forced into some sort of counter-offensive to protect his own interests, and his seizure of Edward [V] at the end of April could even be justified, although Mancini does not say so, as a return to Edward’s original wishes.
This raises the interesting possibility that Mancini’s insistence that Edward IV wanted his brother to be protector also derives from a version of events put forth by the duke after he had seized the prince and was seeking recognition as protector. Certainly one of the shakiest parts of Mancini’s account is his attempt to explain why, if Edward wanted a protector, the council sought to overturn his wishes. His suggestion that the council feared an usurpation displays the hindsight to be expected from someone writing after June 1483, when Gloucester had indeed used the protectorship as a stepping-stone to the throne. It is difficult to believe that anyone in April seriously feared that Gloucester had designs on the crown. The duke had a record of close cooperation with the Yorkist establishment, something at least as important in the context of 1483 as his much-emphasized loyalty to his brother. He was not an alien, northern magnate from whom anything might be expected, but a key figure in the reconstructed royal authority which now needed to be preserved for the young king.
This weakness in Mancini’s argument has, however, gone unremarked, largely because most commentators have chosen to emphasize Mancini’s second point and argue that the real reason for what happened was Woodville hostility to Gloucester. Mancini himself is clear that there was a long-standing rivalry between the duke and the queen’s family, and this has been accepted by almost every subsequent writer. A clash of interest was therefor inevitable once Gloucester had been chosen protector. But Mancini is here guilty of reading back into Edward IV’s reign the tensions which he observed after the king’s death. There is no contemporary evidence of hostility earlier than the end of April 1483. Although the personal attitudes of the protagonists are unknown, it is clear that their working relationship was one of co-operation.
This does not prelude the possibility that the Woodvilles turned against their former ally and in 1483 and cynically excluded Gloucester from the Protectorship in order to seize more power for themselves. But this would make nonsense of the events at the end of April, when Gloucester was able to seize possession of the (king) from an unsuspecting earl Rivers. The earl, who had apparently dispersed his men before meeting the duke, clearly expected no trouble from Gloucester – confidence which would be incredible if Gloucester had just been the victim of a Woodville coup.
Doubts about Mancini’s version are reinforced when it is compared with the account produced early in 1469 by the anonymous continuator of the Croyland Chronicle. The author was councillor of Edward IV and is in general a far more reliable source than Mancini. His facts (although not always his glosses) cannot be faulted, and he was ideally placed to give the definite account of events after Edward’s death. Although he evidently knew what the king had planned, he nowhere states it explicitly, and his silence has left the field to Mancini’s version. But this very silence casts doubt on Mancini’s central point that the council actually voted down the king’s expressed wishes. As a councillor himself, the author would have surely drawn attention to such a reversal. Instead he allows it to be assumed that the council’s plans for the coronation were in line with the king’s sagax disposito as embodied in the codils of his will. This makes it unlikely that Edward sought a protectorate. The implication instead seems to be that Edward’s ‘wise ordering’ did not envisage a formal protectorate at all, but entailed the immediate succession of his heir for which there was precedent in 1377, when the eleven-year-old Richard II had succeeded his grandfather. This is perhaps also implied by the chronicler’s comment that all the councillors were ‘fully desired the prince to succeed his father in all his glory’.
-Rosemary Horrox, "Richard III: A Study of Service"
*I just want to add that in 1475, when his son was only four years old, Edward IV's extant will did not desire a Protectorate (or regency, or lieutenancy); instead, he named his son 'Keeper of the Realm', placed him under the protection and control of the Queen, and appointed a Great Council to administer the realm. That should be kept in mind when discussing his potentially modified 1483 will, made when his son was twelve.
Simply put: Edward IV's 1483 will has not survived, we do not know what it says, we don't know what his codicils were or if they were even relevant to his son's minority (it could have been related to his children's marriages, for example). The Croyland Continuator mentions that he added codicils yet never claims or emphasizes that he appointed anyone Protector, and strongly implied that moat of his 1475 will remained at full force. We can speculate, but we cannot state anything for certain, and insistent claims to the contrary (almost always to Richard III's benefit and Elizabeth Woodville's denigration) must necessarily be viewed as biased and shallow. Saying that Edward IV could have potentially named his brother Lord Protector is very different from looking at contemporary accounts and evidence to judge whether he actually did - which we ultimately don't know and won't know unless we find the actual will or another contemporary source. Nor does it actually matter on a practical level because neither his council nor his queen were obligated to follow his wishes, which in turn makes Mancini's insistence on the contrary (ie: claiming Rixhard was 'entitled' to the position as per law and his brother's alleged order, which is distinctly untrue: Richard was not entitled to anything on the basis of either of those things) all the more suspect and reinforces Horrox's point about him potentially being influenced by propaganda. I'm just putting this here for the sake of the argument.
#r*chard iii#edward iv#wars of the roses#read it again: ALL the councilors wanted Edward V to succeed his father and be crowned immediately. Even after the Woodvilles were out#of the way they wanted the young king's coronation to happen 'without fail'.#You'd think someone like Hastings (who seems to have disliked the Woodvilles) would argue in favor of a Protectorate - but as per Croyland#he didn't. Nobody did.#It's *Mancini's* account which presents a debate in the council between an immediate coronation and a Protectorate#*Croyland* on the other hand is clear that EVERYONE wanted the young king to be crowned as soon as possible.#What Mancini presents as an argument in the council is what Croyland presents as its unifying factor#Croyland also speaks of Edward IV's will and his deathbed moments as well and nowhere does he mention him appointing a Protector#In 1475 Edward appointed a council of 20 to govern the realm and placed the Keeper under the protection and custody of the Queen#He didn't want a Protector when his son was FOUR. Why would he suddenly want one when his son was TWELVE?#When the only precedent of a Protector during a minority (Humphrey and Henry VI) ended when the king in question was SEVEN?#Moreover Mancini's account IS rather suspect#His notion that Richard's potential appointment to Protector was something he was 'entitled to by law and his brother’s ordinance'#is blatantly wrong. Richard was not 'entitled' to the position by either of those things (and there was no such extant law)#So one wonders where exactly Mancini got the idea from? He himself says 'men say' which may indicate gossip - but even more strongly#indicates propaganda put forth by Richard as A.J Pollard has also suggested#Considering Mancini's account doesn't just speak of Edward giving Richard the position but also the queen denying it to him#Which like Horrox said presents the Woodvilles as the aggressors and Richard as a victim merely defending himself#And believes that Richard was *entitled* to the position ((thus casting the Woodvilles as the wrongdoers) when he certainly wasn't#again: we can't know what exactly Edward wanted unless we find his last will or a well-informed contemporary source#And it doesn't practically matter because neither his council nor his queen were socially or legally obligated to follow his wishes#I'm just putting this here for the sake of the argument
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buckybarnesb-tch · 2 years
Finding the Right Mate -Klaus M.
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Warning: Smut and mentions of abuse
(VD x Twilight Crossover)
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"You're helping me enough Caroline, you don't need to worry. Giving me a place to go for a week away from him is exactly what I need. Thank you for everything you've done the last few days." Caroline had invited me to visit her in Mystic Falls the week before graduation. I was relieved as I was able to get away from my abusive mate for a little while, even if it was only for a week.
"I'm glad you think so Y/n, however I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can move down here and never have to go back to him. Think it over, I'll see you later at home, okay? I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow myself." I nodded, sitting in a booth in the grill while Caroline left to join the graduation committee which worked daily over the break which was the same days as the break in Forks. I knew she was super busy getting everything ready for graduation and I didn't mind, as long as I was here and not in Forks, Washington. The last week with my cousin had been great, a vacation in a sense before I go home tomorrow night and am shackled back to that idiot.
I was currently texting Bella who had been turned 2 months prior by her mate. Edward had both Bella and I believing we were his mates when we moved to Forks and that he would die without us, however when Garrett visited Carlisle he found his mate in Bella immediately, nearly killing Edward for trying to claim her as his own. I no longer believe I am Edward's mate as he doesn't treat me like it, nor does he care for me much at all, I'm just his human punching bag, but unless I can find my real mate I am stuck with pussy boy since he told me about the existence of vampires, he is responsible for me. Carlisle and Esme believe Edward whole heartedly that I am his, and as the leaders of the coven what they say goes, therefore Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rose can't do anything to help me. I tried to get away from him the first time he hit me which was right after Bella was taken away by Garrett, however Edward told Carlisle I was 'being difficult' and Carlisle agreed that he was in his rights to punish me and teach me as he sees fit to be his "Perfect Mate".
I was sitting in a booth, eating lunch and expecting to be alone for the rest of the day without Caroline when a man approached me with a very happy smile on his face, one that was contagious. "Hello there love, are you new in town? I know I would have remembered seeing you before." This man was the definition of sexy and I wanted nothing more than to jump his bones right then.
"Um, not really, I've just been visiting my cousin Caroline for the last week. I'm Y/n Y/L/n." He took my hand in his delicately.
"Niklaus Mikaelson." He introduced, kissing the back of my hand like in one of those cheesy romantic movies, however he really made it attractive. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Do you want to sit?" I offered to him and he smiled wider, taking the seat across from me. There was something about this man that I immediately took a liking to and I wanted to see more of it. "Niklaus, that's an interesting name. Do people call you Nik?"
"Most people call me Klaus actually, but I would love it if you would call me Nik. Can I buy you a drink?" I nodded, smiling at him, trying to figure out if he was flirting with me or just being friendly.
Nik and I talked for the next 3 hours at that table and I have to admit after a few drinks I was a little tipsy.
"Come on kitten, I'll take you home. I don't think you should be walking by yourself." I nodded, standing and holding onto his arm, squeezing his bicep and giggling.
"You're super muscly." He smiled, placing his arm around my waist and walking me outside where it had gotten dark and I didn't even notice. "I can't figure you out Nik, you're like, impossible."
"What do you mean?" He asked as we walked down towards the residential area.
"I mean I can't tell if you're being nice, or you're flirting with me." We were almost to Caroline's house and I damned her for living so close to the grille as we approached the porch.
"What if I was flirting with you?" He sat us down on the front steps and I sighed at his question.
"I would be flattered, it's been a long time since a guy has been this sweet to me, however I need to tell you that I have a boyfriend back home." I expected him to get upset, but he just smiled, not looking at all shocked.
"I expected that, how could someone have not snatched you up by now? I don't understand though how you have a boyfriend but you just said a guy hasn't been as sweet as me in a long time...does this boyfriend not cherish you as you deserve?" I snorted at that and shook my head.
"Edward is...he's an asshole-"
"Then why are you dating him? If he doesn't treat you right, dump him and find someone who will." I shook my head, trying to find a way to explain this without exposing anything.
"I can't dump him, it's complicated and dangerous-"
"Dangerous...is he threatening you Y/n? Tell me and I'll take care of it for you-"
"Please stop...Nik, I don't want to be the reason you get hurt, please, I'm begging you, let it go?" He paused before nodding.
"Fine, I'll let it go for now, but I won't let you go. Come stay with me for the night? No one will ever know." I smiled at the thought of being with Nik for one night before I'm saddled with Edward for eternity.
"Just tonight, I have to be back tomorrow evening to get my plane." I agreed and the smile that lit up Nik's face was amazing. He lives in a mansion! A god damn mansion! I kept my underwear on and borrowed a shirt from him, pulling it on and seeing the blonde man watching intently as I cover my exposed skin. "See something you like?"
"Oh yes love, I like everything I see when I look at you." I laid down on the bed beside him but facing away, pulling the covers up and he leaned closer to me, his fingers trailing their way up my arm, giving me a chill and leaving me covered in goose bumps. "You are the definition of perfection...I hate that that boy takes you for granted-" He pulled me close so we were both laying on our sides, my back pressed against his chest. "-when he should be worshipping the ground you walk on." His fingers found their way around my thigh and up under the shirt I was wearing, massaging over my pantie line delicately.
"Our relationship is expected to be the other way around." I told him, trying to keep my breathing even but failing miserably as I felt my panties dampen.
"Let me show you what your life could be love." I knew he was asking, he wouldn't do anything unless I gave him permission and he was making that very clear, I could see it in his eyes when I looked back at him.
"I've...I've never-"
"It's okay." He cut me off, letting me know he understood. "Let me show you how a King worships his Queen." I couldn't find it in me to do more than breathe the word 'yes' but that was all he needed. He rolled me onto my back but stayed on my side, spreading my thighs and removing the covers from our bodies, leaving me exposed as he pulled his shirt over my head and tossed my panties somewhere.
"Shh, just relax Y/n. This is all about you, just feel." Cold is what I felt before feeling his lips on my shoulder. His hand found my lower stomach again before caressing his way down slowly, stopping just before he got to where I needed him. He trailed one finger down my pussy making me gasp at the strange sensation, never having felt it before, not even from myself. "Are you alright with this? You can tell me to stop whenever you want to." I shook my head.
"Please don't stop...it's just I've never been touched like this, not even by myself." His eyes went wide and he looked confused. "I was 14 when I met Edward, he said that touching yourself was wrong and my first orgasm should be his when we get married." I was completely embarrassed and Nik seemed to know that, turning my head to face him.
"Well now your first orgasm is going to belong to me. And second, and third, and however many I can get out of you in one night." He smirked, leaning in and kissing me in a way that Edward never did, there was passion and love behind it and that was the moment I realized, after only a few hours of knowing him, I loved this man, it shouldn't be possible but it is and I refused to question it. He continued kissing me as his hand went back to work, pushing one finger inside of me followed by a second. It was an odd feeling but not necessarily uncomfortable. He worked them in and out of me slowly, his thumb trailing back up my slit and finding a spot that made my hips fly off the bed and made me squeal against his mouth. He pulled back, chuckling at my reaction and moving to kiss my neck, making me moan as he nibbled at my skin. I tried to relax my hips but the more Nik's thumb pressed against my clit the harder it got to relax. The 2 fingers inside of me had turned to 3 at some point and as he curled them upwards I gasped, clutching onto the sheets below me as Nik looked up at me smirking. He curled his fingers again slightly and my body jerked making the man do it again. He gradually sped up and as he sped up so did my breathing. I couldn't explain the feeling inside of me that seemed to be building the faster Nik got until I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore. The tension inside of me felt like it had snapped as my hips jerked up and I slapped my hand over my mouth trying to stop the scream that came from me. Nik's hand continued working as this happened and I could never in a million years explain the feeling in words as anything other than ecstasy, ecstasy that lasted for the next 30 seconds and left me gasping for air when it was over.
"I've been missing out on so much." I spoke, still breathing heavily.
"Yes you have love, this is what your boyfriend should be doing for you every day, and there are plenty of ways to go about it, I don't understand why he doesn't. Do you get him off?" I shook my head.
"Edward has never done more than kiss me, and not even the way you kiss me." Nik smirked and I was beginning to love that look on him.
"How do I kiss you?" I considered the difference for a moment and quickly figured out what it was.
"Like you enjoy it...like touching me and kissing me isn't a chore. I believe anything that has to do with physical contact bores Edward." Nik rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Why are you with this boy?" I giggled at the frustration on his face before grimacing as I moved my body.
"Where's your bathroom? I want to clean myself up a little bit, I'm uncomfortable." His eyes snapped back to mine and the mischievous smile on his face was enough to scare me.
"In that case, you're ready for your second orgasm of the night." My eyes widened and I leaned away from him a little before he grabbed me around the waist.
"Nik! Nik, wait! Let me clean up first! What are you doing?" He had turned me so I was laying sideways on the bed with no pillows behind me, pinning my hips down with his hands and leaning over me. "Will you listen to me?!"
"No." He stated simply, connecting our lips firmly and nearly making me forget why I was fighting him in the first place. "Trust me, I'm not yet done worshipping you." He kissed down my throat and chest, making a quick stop at each of my breasts, licking and nibbling at my nipples, and continuing down my stomach, dipping his tongue in my bellybutton which made me giggle and him look up at me. "I love learning more about your body princess, you're ticklish just about everywhere aren't you?" My eyes widened, knowing he would use that against me in the future, as he went back to his descent. He kissed down to my waist before lifting my legs at the knees and kissing up the inside of my thighs. I was delighting in the feel of his soft lips against my thighs when suddenly his tongue was pressing firmly against my clit. I gasped for air, trying to keep breathing as he worked his tongue against my clit every which way, keeping a constant pressure on me that was driving me insane. I opened my eyes and looked down at him as he pulled back, panting, his fingers stroking me as he locked his eyes on mine. "How's that princess? How does that make you feel?"
"It feels amazing! I never imagined something being able to feel this good, please don't stop?!" I pleaded and he smirked, diving right back in, his tongue getting back to work while his hands found my breasts, pinching my nipples between his fingers. I felt that beautiful tension begin to rise in me like last time and I reached my hand down, tangling my fingers in his short blond locks. "Nik...Oh my god! Niklaus!" I shouted his name as my orgasm tore through me, though Nik didn't slow down at all, in fact he sped up, moving his one hand down and inserting 2 fingers, curling them and thrusting them in and out of me, assaulting a spot in me that was making me see stars. I didn't have a second after one orgasm finished to calm down before another one started and I gasped, screaming and grinding myself onto his mouth as he cleaned me up just like he promised.
When he was finished he crawled back up my body, pulling his clothes off and cuddling me to him, wrapping us in the covers. "Did you enjoy your multiple orgasms?" He was smirking and he knew I had loved it, he also knew I couldn't form a sentence right now if life depended on it. "You're beautiful when you come love, simply beautiful. I want to be able to witness it for the rest of my life." I nodded feeling the tiredness from the alcohol and the exhaustion from his fingers and tongue collide and make me close my eyes already near unconsciousness.
"I wish you could." I mumbled, letting sleep take over me.
"Then why can't I? I'll take care of you, give you whatever you want for the rest of eternity...I'll treat you right...Y/n?"
"No Edward, I'm tired and you're cold. Let me sleep." I mumbled, trying to keep the vampire from pulling the blankets off of me like every other morning when I heard a short chuckle.
"What? You're half asleep aren't you. Y/n, I'm not-"
"Leave me to sleep, if you hit me again I'll yell for Jasper and he'll kick your vampire ass." I growled, shoving the hand from my shoulder.
"Vampire...Y/n, I need you to explain right now." I felt Edwards hand on my waist and pushed it away again, rolling over.
"I'm don't want to be your mate Edward, stop touching me!" I heard a low growling but the hands stopped after that and I continued to sleep.
I awoke the next morning feeling great and I had slept straight through the night, something I hadn't done since I found out Edward liked to watch me sleep at night. I stood from the bed, pulling on my underwear and Nik's discarded shirt. I opened the bedroom door to the smell of breakfast cooking. I turned the corner to see Nik putting the box of eggs back into the refrigerator and I tip-toed up behind him only for him to spin around and lift me into the air. "Jerk! You're just like Emmett, no one can sneak up on you can they?" I kissed his cheek and stole a piece of bacon, biting into it.
"No, they can't, but to be fair, I'm the oldest vampire known to man-" I cut him off by choking on my bacon, coughing until he pat my back and I swallowed it completely.
"That wasn't funny Nik." I sat on the barstool and looked at him to see he wasn't laughing. "You're actually being serious?" He nodded once but said nothing else. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Well, it seems only fair, you told me you were mated to a vampire last night." My eyes went wide as I realized.
"I talk in my sleep too often to sleep anywhere but home apparently...Well, I suppose you knowing is better. I was dreading having to tell you 'Hey Nik, I'm in love with you but I can't be with you and I can't tell you why'."
"Right, you can't be with me because you let yourself be mated to someone who is not your mate. That makes it hurt so much less. Now, after 1000 years of searching for you, I still end up completely alone." Okay, now I'm officially confused.
"Let myself...you think I would ever let him do anything to me? He lied to me and my friend Bella the day we met him, told us we were his mates, we were 14 years old, and completely human, how were we supposed to know it wasn't true!? It's not like he can do anything until we're turned anyway, then Bella has to find Garrett, her real mate, he changes her and she leaves me with Edward all alone. He loses his fucking mind, starts beating the crap out of me, Carlisle and Esme won't do anything though cause they think I'm his mate, he tells them I'm 'difficult' and they just let him go on hitting me, like it's completely fine, like he's just molding me into the perfect mate. Jasper and Alice want to help me, Emmett and Rose want to help me but they can't go against Carlisle, he saved them, they owe him. Now I get to go home today after meeting the perfect guy and completely falling in love with him in a matter of hours, to go to a high school graduation tomorrow and then I get to burn for 3 days and spend the rest of my life sparkling like a fucking disco ball all because I moved to the rainiest town in the US and some 100 year old virgin vampire decided to ruin my life!" By the time I had finished ranting I had paced back and forth across the living room 4 times and collapsed against a wall, sobbing and unable to stop.
"They're not vampire's love, you're talking about cold ones. They drink blood but they can hardly be called vampires." I looked at Nik who was now kneeling in front of me. "Cold ones can't mate with humans, they need to change them first-"
"Which is what Edward is going to do to me tomorrow night, he's going to change me and-"
"No?" I asked, confused.
"No. You're my mate love, I thought you had already been marked by a vampire, in which case we wouldn't be able to be together. See real vampires have a small amount of venom where cold ones have venom instead of blood. Our venom can only be used once and that is to mark our mate. I thought you had been marked by another one of my kind, in which case I wouldn't be able to mark you as mine-"
"But since I haven't been you can and I can be with you?" He nodded and I grinned, launching myself forward and into his arms. "I thought I was going to have to spend the rest of my existence with an idiot who beats me."
Nik held onto me for the next few minutes, just letting me cry. “I would never have let that happen to you, even if I couldn’t mark you.”
"If vampires can only mark their mates how would I have been marked by anyone else?"
"You can mark anyone, in fact it's become a thing to mark the first person a vampire loves and not wait for their mates. I've spent 1000 years waiting for you."
"No pressure." I joked and he smiled.
"None at all, you are perfect, at least you are when you get rid of all the cold one problems, and I plan to very soon. Step one to my plan is to get a ticket on the plane you're getting on tonight." I was confused as he led me to the table and put my plate of breakfast in front of me.
"Why? I don't need to graduate, I can just stay here with you and never go back to see him again."
"You're graduating, and don't worry, we'll come back here afterwards, after I talk with this coven leader about how to identify mates, and after I kill Edward Cullen." I was thrilled with that and Nik and I spent the rest of the day talking, getting to know each other. He explained his family and how he became a vampire, having broken his curse, killed Mikael and freed his family only months ago while I explained Bella and I, the Volturi (who apparently knew my mate very well) and the Cullen's, of which he promised not to hurt the 4 who actually helped me. "I think the animal diet is going to their heads, it's the only think I can think." He told me as we sat on the plane that night. "One thing I can't get out of my head is what you said about Jasper."
"What about him? I don't know all that much about what he did before he and Alice came to find Carlisle, he doesn't go into detail when I'm around. I know that he trained Newborns." Nik's eyes widened and he smiled as I said this.
"Jasper Whitlock. Maria's right hand, I remember him. Maria and I had a few dealings when Katerina was on the run through Mexico a century ago. Good soldier, definitely not a man I want around you though." I could see the worry on his face and resisted asking questions I knew Jasper didn’t want me to know.
"Jasper is different now. He told me stories about what he was like back then, and honestly it doesn't shock me. After so many years of slaughter and carnage, how do you not lose your humanity? He has Alice now and she saved him, feeds on animals so he doesn't feel the emotions of the people he eats, plus Alice is a happy, upbeat fairy like girl, he feeds off of that energy, keeps him from being depressed I suppose. You'll like Jasper as he is now, he's my best friend. I think you'll like Emmett too, he looks tough but he's a big teddy bear. One of them usually stays in or nearby my room when I sleep at night."
"Why?" Nik wondered, looking at me worriedly.
"I have nightmares, I haven't slept all the way through a night since I came to Forks 4 years ago, also I'm scared of Edward."
"In your sleep?"
"When I'm not expecting it..." It took him a moment to figure out what I was talking about.
"You're afraid of him raping you?" I nodded.
"Just because he hasn't doesn't mean he won't. It probably won't happen, I just think it's better to be safe than sorry. Jasper and Emmett just think it's because they keep the nightmares away." He looked at me completely heart broken.
"That's not something you should have to say about someone you live with. You shouldn't be scared of something like that in your own home. I promise you that no man besides me will ever put his hands on you again. You're safe with me, I swear it."
"I know I am, I slept all the way through the night last night. I trust you Nik and I felt safe even when I thought you were completely human." He leaned over the armrest, kissing my forehead and pulling me close, allowing me to nap on his chest until we got to Port Angeles. It was nearly midnight and I was supposed to get a room for the night in the hotel down the street and be picked up by Jasper tomorrow.
I watched Nik get us a hotel room before I stepped up and used Carlisle's card to get my own. "What are you doing?" Nik asked.
"Edward will check the card to make sure of where I'm staying, he will also ask the workers so don't let them see you talking to me." He nodded, taking his bag and walking off to the elevator.
"Friend of yours?" The man behind the desk asked as he came back with my room key and I smiled.
"Not really, we realized we were going to the same hotel at the airport and shared a cab, he's a nice guy I suppose." I shrugged, taking the key and walking off. I got to my room and immediately called Jasper to tell him I was safe.
"Good, I was starting to worry about you a little bit Kid, you didn't call at all today. You always check in with me."
"I know Jazz, I'm sorry. It was just hard saying goodbye to my friends, knowing that it really was goodbye." I hated lying to him but I knew if any of them got wind of Niklaus Mikaelson being my mate Edward and most likely Carlisle and Esme would be gone.
"I understand kid, I really do, but you know you've got us."
"Always Jazz? No matter what happens, right? You're always my brother?" I needed the reassurance, though I believed Jasper would quickly forgive me for what was going to happen tomorrow, all of them would.
"Always Kid, you know that. Edward is on the phone with the man at reception, told him you shared a cab with a man you talked to in the lobby which he is pissed about, and that you're in your room for the night. Edward said to leave you a wakeup call for 4:30 like normal."
"I don't even need to be at the school until noon. Come get me at 11, okay Jasper? I'll shower and get ready here, all I need you to bring is my cap and gown." I really just wanted to sleep in with Nik but I knew Jasper was good for keeping his promise.
"You got it Y/n, I'll see you then. Get some sleep."
"Night cowboy." I hung up the phone and quickly grabbed my bag, leaving the room and getting the elevator to the top floor, because of course Nik would get the penthouse suite when we're only here for a night. I knocked on the door and Nik was answering it a second later, pulling me into his arms. "Well hello to you too, I realize we haven't seen each other in a whole 5 minutes but try to control yourself." I teased and he mock glared.
"I don't like not being right next to you while you're still unmarked, and I also don't like having to wait until tomorrow to-"
"Good news. I talked to Jasper and I got him to pick me up at 11 tomorrow, I don't even need to see Edward before graduation. It'll piss him off but it's not like he can do anything about it until after graduation anyway. I did that all so that you can mark me right here, right now, so you don't have to feel anymore anxiety about it." He grinned, leaning down to connect our lips. "I just want us to start our forever together. Also, I texted Bella, her and Garrett will be there to see me graduate tomorrow, I'm inviting them back to the house afterwards where you will be waiting, heads up, you might have to let Garrett get a hit or 2 in with Edward."
"I suppose I can allow that, the man deserves it after all." Nik walked me into the kitchen where he handed me a long island iced tea like the ones I drank at the grill, making me smile.
"I'm really glad I don't have to give up eating and drinking when I become a vampire. When I called Jazz, Edward was on the phone with the front desk. I told the guy that we shared a cab from the airport and Edward was pissed. God forbid I be dating him and talk to someone else with a penis." Nik snorted.
"I hate to say this in his favor, but you did sleep with said man." I took a sip of my drink, pointing at him.
"True, but I only slept with you, I have yet to actually use your dick. I mean the only person who has gotten any kind of sexual gain from this relationship so far has been me." He shrugged.
"I don't know, I mean I did jack off with you in mind last night, I had to do something, you fell asleep and left me with a major erection." At this point I couldn't hold in the laughter at our conversation anymore and neither could he.
"Well, I think I should remedy my actions, don't you?" His eyes darkened and I grinned, jumping up and running towards the bedroom, being lifted bridal style half way there and thrown on the bed. "Oh my god this bed is amazing." I marveled, loving the silk sheets before hearing a growl and seeing my already half naked hybrid impatiently waiting. "Sorry, it's not every day I stay in a penthouse suite."
"Well you will from now on or maybe the honeymoon suite instead." I considered that, loving the idea as I pulled my shirt and jeans off, kissing Nik who crawled on top of me quickly, ripping off my bra and panties. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love your pussy." He laid me back, removing his boxers and spreading my legs. "Are you ready?" I nodded.
"Where do you want to mark me?"
"Here, That way I'll be the only one to ever see it, others can smell it and that's fine but it's supposed to be personal, I think right over your heart is perfect." I agreed with him completely.
"Only if I get to mark you in the same place." He smiled, connecting our lips before pushing straight into me. The stretching hurt but it wasn't too bad and passed fairly quickly, allowing me to let him move. The moment he started moving I knew I was done for, I don't know if it's a sex thing or a mate thing considering this is my first time but I know I'm going to become addicted to this. Nik was very slow in his movements and I couldn't decide if he was trying not to hurt me or if this was somehow just as good for him as it was for me. "Nik?"
He opened his eyes and looked at me shocked, as if he only just realized he wasn't alone and I giggled. "I had been told...but I never believed it. Sex with your mate is supposed to be the pleasure of any other time multiplied by 100. Fucking hell Y/n!" He cursed, lifting one of my legs over his shoulder and moving faster, continuing to curse like crazy. I quickly got frustrated with the fact that I couldn't move at all in this position, dropping my leg and pinning him to my chest, rolling over so I was now on top. I bent my knees at his sides and placed my hands on his chest so I could use it as leverage to move. "I love this position." He told me and I giggled as he watched my tits bouncing up and down as I did.
"Oh god, so close Nik, fuck!" I was practically sobbing at this point, begging any and every deity in existence for release and Nik gave it to me as he took hold of my hips he began thrusting up into me as I dropped down. "Holy Fuck!" I screamed, my orgasm hitting me at the exact moment his did and he dug his fangs into my left breast. "I love you Nik, so fucking much!"
The venom burned slightly once I had come down from my high, though I didn't mind, it just let me know it was working. He stayed attached to me for another 2 minutes before pulling back, his mouth covered in blood and some other clear liquid that I'm assuming is his venom. "I love you too kitten, and I can't wait until I can change you so I won't have to hold back anymore." I looked up at him shocked.
"That was you holding back? Cause if it was change me now, I need to know what you not holding back is like." He smiled, pulling me close to kiss him before laying back against the pillows, pulling me to his chest. "I just want to stay like this forever, can we do that? Naked, in bed, just the 2 of us. Room service and silk sheets. This is perfect, right here, right now."
"It will be even more perfect when you're a vampire too, naked, in bed, just the 2 of us, room service, silk sheets and in Paris." I lifted my head from his chest and grinned.
"Paris, really? You mean it?!" He chuckled, nodding.
"Of course love, anywhere you want to go. I'll propose sometime after you change and we will go on an extended honeymoon, We'll travel everywhere."
"And have sex in every country?" I teased making him laugh but nod. "Can we go to Venice? I've always wanted to go to Venice, and the Caribbean."
"Of course we can. Anywhere you want, I told you yesterday, you deserve to be treasured, I will spend the rest of our existence worshipping the ground that you walk on. You will want for nothing in my presence because I want you, need you, I will spend every minute of every day loving you. The past few years of your life have been shitty, but I promise your future is going to be better." I had tears in my eyes and I felt like I couldn't stop crying as I held onto him.
"That was beautiful Nik, no one has ever said anything like that to me before. I don't think I can really say anything close to that meaningful to you, but I can say that the loneliness you've felt for the last 1000 years is over. You will never be alone again Niklaus, I promise, I will be here for you till the end of eternity." I leaned in, pressing my lips to his, this kiss being different than any we had had so far, it held every promise we had made to each other and every ounce of love in our hearts.
I was awoken the next morning to the sunlight shining in my eyes. I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was 8 in the morning making me realize I should probably just stay up. I sat up from Nik's chest and looked back at him, smiling before smirking as I noticed his erection pressed under the sheet that was over us. I ducked down under the sheet and moved slowly as not to wake him, kneeling between his legs and pressing my tongue against him, licking up his shaft before taking him in my hand. I licked over the head, tasting the precum that oozed out before taking him in between my lips slowly, inch by inch until he hit the back of my throat. When he was all the way in my mouth I swallowed around him, feeling his body jolt and knowing he was now awake before making a gagging sound and easing him back out.
"Who else would it be?" I asked before deep throating him yet again. I bobbed my head up and down a few times before Nik threw the sheet off of me, somehow getting harder as he saw me.
"Fuck Y/n!" I continued bobbing my head up and down, swirling my tongue around his head every now and again until I got it in me to relax my throat and push him all the way back, swallowing and moaning to cause vibrations. "Shit! Shit baby, stop...Y/n, that's enough." I pulled my mouth off just as he started cumming, allowing him to come on my face.
"It would have just been easier to swallow it." I mumbled, feeling it dripping down my naked chest.
"Well, I didn't plan on cumming on your face love."
"Where did you plan on cumming?"
"I didn't, you woke me up with your sexy mouth around my cock."
"Oh yeah." I giggled, sitting up. "I just planned on swallowing it. However I need to get into the shower so I suppose this is okay." I hopped up off of the bed and walked into the bathroom, starting the water and stepping into it, letting the sticky substance wash from my body before stepping completely under the water and wetting my hair. I went to pick up the shampoo I had brought with me but found nothing, when I opened my eyes and looked it was where it was supposed to be. Suddenly there were hands on my head and I felt Nik scrubbing my shampoo in making me smile. "Your hands are magical, I swear."
"So is your mouth love." I giggled at that as Nik rinsed my hair out before grabbing the conditioner. I squeezed shampoo onto my hand and quickly lathered his head up since he only had a little bit of hair, before rinsing it while Nik ran his conditioner covered fingers through my locks. "I love washing your hair for you."
"That's good because I love you washing my hair, it works out." We spent an hour in the shower together washing each other, sharing kisses and innocent touches here and there until we needed to get out. By that time it was a little after 9:30 and I began blow drying my hair and styling it half up and half down with some curls in it. I dressed in a short dark blue dress that came to my mid-thigh and blue heels since it was a special day. We ordered breakfast and ate together, just talking until 11.
"I'll leave a few minutes after you." I shook my head.
"Walk me to Jasper's car, I'm going to tell him now, that way he's not shocked later and can actually calm people down." Nik nodded thoughtfully but ultimately decided I was right. Jasper was pulling up just as we walked out and Nik handed me my bag. "I'll see you later, right?"
"Of course, I'll be watching." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving me to step into Jasper's mustang.
"Alright darlin'. What's going on?" I put my bag in the back and sighed as he began driving.
"I don't want to lie to you Jazz, you're the closest thing I have to a real brother, but if I tell you, I need you to keep your mouth shut until after graduation. Can you do that?" He nodded, knowing just by feeling how I feel that I was serious and desperate. "That was my mate. He's a traditional."
"Thank god!" Jasper exclaimed and I looked at him strangely. "What? I don't want you to be with Edward forever darlin'. I want more for you and that man put a smile on your face with just a simple kiss to your cheek. I want to meet him though, I'm your big brother, threatening the boyfriend is my job, though I must admit, he looks strangely familiar." I decided not to mention how my mate could snap him in half like a twig, or the fact that he knew Maria and just nodded.
"He's coming to the house after graduation. Don't think about it, I don't need Edward knowing." He nodded.
"Of course darlin', that's a given. Were you with him all night?" I nodded, pulling down the front of my dress to show him my mark. "Well, he's sure a quick fucker isn't he?"
"I met him in Mystic Falls 2 days ago. I didn't know he was a vampire when I went home with him." Jasper rolled his eyes at that.
"You and Bella, the twin danger magnets." I giggled at his joke as we got closer to the high school.
"Bella is coming today by the way."
"Well, I look forward to seeing her and not wanting to drain her dry."
"I'm sure you do." We talked mindlessly about things for the rest of the car ride until we got to the school. People were already being seated on the fields' bleachers when we arrived. I grabbed my cap and gown from the trunk and waved as I saw Bella and Garrett sitting in the front row.
"What did you do?" I jumped as I heard the voice next to me and turned to see Edward behind me. He grabbed ahold of my arm and dragged me into the school, away from everyone else. I knew right away I was in trouble as there was no way Klaus was here yet and Jasper had walked off to find Alice. "Bella is here with that beast on her arm! You are the only one who would do something so stupid as to invite them here!"
"I wanted my best friend to be here for my graduation, I-" I was cut off by being shoved back into the wall behind me, cracking my head against the cement and immediately getting light headed. "Edward, please I-"
"Shut Up!" He shouted, smacking me across the face, making my head snap to the side. "Now I have to put up with watching the girl I love walking around with another man and know that she's given herself to that monster." I opened my mouth to reply and tell the truth about having given myself away too but he spoke first. "The only reason you're still alive is your purity. I won't have anything less than a virgin when I mate with you, which is going to be today. You and I are getting married right after graduation, congratulations Y/n, it's your wedding day." I was completely frozen at this point but I knew I needed to do something soon. I ran down the hallway to my locker and grabbed my makeup bag that I kept here, running back to the bathroom and expertly covering my black and blue nose after cleaning off the blood. Thankfully the back of my head isn't bleeding but I'm definitely going to need Nik's blood when this graduation is over. I tossed the makeup bag into the trash, knowing I wasn't coming back to this place for shit and stumbled out to find my seat. I could see Bella looking at me worriedly along with Garrett and I knew if she could tell something was wrong then where ever Nik was he sure as hell could too. I dizzily sat through all the speeches and somehow got the strength to stand and walk across the stage to get my diploma before falling back into my seat. By the time graduation was over I felt like I was going to die but I pushed myself to get up and make it over to Bella before Edward made it to me.
"Hey Bells, how are you?" She hugged me to her immediately, looking slightly on edge around so many people but quickly got over it.
"I'm great. Happy, finally...how are you?" I smiled.
"About to be a lot better. You're coming over for a while right?" Garrett and she looked at one another. "Trust me, you're not going to want to miss this." They looked confused but I pointed at my head and they immediately understood that I didn't want Edward knowing.
"Yeah, we'll head there now." I smiled, hugging Garrett slightly and feeling a burning coming from my mark making me acknowledge the fact that Nik didn't like me hugging Garrett. I waved before making my way to Jasper's car, only to have my arm grabbed.
"Where are you going love?" I cringed as he called me that, he never called me that.
"Don't call me that Edward." I insisted, making several students look at us. "You know I don't like that nickname...babe." I cringed again. "I'm riding home with Jasper-"
"I told Carlisle to meet us at our field to ordain us, Esme is going to be the witness, get into my car." He growled and I felt scared but it immediately disappeared as my mark began to burn again.
"You can tell Carlisle that if we're getting married it will be at home with our family, where my best friends can be there, and thank you for the offer but I will ride with Jasper. I'll see you at home Edward." I said it all loudly enough that plenty of people heard, therefor he couldn't just drag me to his car and he knew it. I knew there were bruises on my arm as I got into the passenger seat of Jaspers car. Jasper got in not a moment later and looked at me concerned. "What?" I asked and he looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Are you alright? Where is Nik, I thought he would-"
"Home Jasper. Home." He nodded, starting the car and driving off. By the time we got there everyone else was already there and waiting in the living room. I wiped the makeup off in the mirror and heard Jasper growling immediately. "Nik?" I questioned as we got out and I felt calm, comforted, knowing it was okay and I was safe as I walked inside with Jasper.
"There she is, I poured you a drink to celebrate love, careful though, you know how you get with alcohol." I knew he had drugged it, he's done it 100 other times, so this time I decided not to drink it.
"Yes Edward, I do know how I get. Especially 2 days ago over drinks with one of Caroline's friends. He bought me a few drinks and we slept together." I admitted, putting the glass on the table, seeing everyone's shocked faces. "It was amazing, really, even better the next day completely sober." There was an audible silence in the room, the entire family now listening intently as well as Bella and Garrett who were both grinning at me. "I'm sure it'll be just as great later tonight when I'm finally rid of you." He wanted to hurt me, I know he did but he wouldn't dare strike me with Jasper and Emmett around.
"Y/n, I'm hurt that you would do that to me but I'm sure we can talk this out and move passed it-"
"I don't want to move passed it, I don't want to be with you, hell will freeze over before I will marry you, in fact just being in the same room as you makes me physically ill and I think it's time I tell everyone in this room the truth. I don't love Edward, never have, never will. He's been lying to all of you about me just like he lied about Bella."
Everyone in the room snarled besides Carlisle and Esme. "You remember what I told you I would do to you if you ever did this again kid?" Garrett snarled at him.
"Oh, It won't only be Edward getting hurt today, Garrett. Carlisle, Esme, would you like to tell everyone what's been going on in your home?" They looked at me puzzled but I think they both knew there was no escaping this. "Jasper, Emmett, I lied to you both. Every time I told you I was fine, every time I was hurt and I told you I was just clumsy. Edward has been beating me almost daily since the day Bella left." Emmett went to lunge at him but was caught by Rose who seemed to want to hear the rest. Edward tried to go for the door but Jasper and Alice blocked their exit, Rose and Emmett moving to the other so no one could leave while Bella and Garrett moved to my sides so no one could harm me while I continued. "Edward told Carlisle I was 'difficult' so he allowed him to do whatever he had to, to turn me into the perfect obedient mate. Edward was planning to take me away after graduation and force me to marry him, force me to mate with him so there would be no way I could ever leave him, he just didn't know he was a day too late. Emmett, Jazz, every night I begged you to stay with me, not to leave to hunt, to leave me alone in a house with Edward, it wasn't because you kept the nightmares away, it was because I was terrified he would get it into his head one day to force me to mate with him when no one was there to stop him...I was terrified to go to sleep at night, you were the only people in the world who made me feel safe." My mark was practically on fire at this point and I knew Nik was restraining himself from coming in here, wanting me to get it all out while they were still listening. "I want to thank you guys for that, you got me to this point and now I don't have to be scared anymore."
"This doesn't change anything, you still need to be turned and I'll still claim you as my mate when you are. What did this little temper tantrum get you?" Edward laughed.
"Your attention, you all to listen to me for once, just once, before I let my mate kill you." Everyone in the room except Jasper was now confused and looking at me until the front door slammed open. I saw Jasper flinch and I knew he could feel how intense Nik's anger truly was as he walked up the stairs and turned the corner, coming into everyone's view. Carlisle gasped, though he was the only one who seemed to know who Nik really was, Edward gasping as he read Carlisle's mind.
"Do you feel better love? Getting it off your chest must have helped quite a bit." I nodded slowly, careful not to jostle my aching head. Nik took my face into his hands, seeing the bruise, feeling this bump on the back on my head and sighing, letting his fangs grow out and biting into his hand. Rose, Esme, Alice, Bella and Emmett gasped, not knowing there was another kind of vampire in the world though Garrett now looked a lot more on alert, holding Bella behind him, not like he was ready to fight but like he was ready to flee. I took his injured hand into my mouth and drank slowly, letting my injuries heal before everyone's eyes. "For those of you who don't know my name is Niklaus Mikaelson. Most people call me Klaus now a days. I am of the original family, one of the first vampires to walk the earth 1000 years ago." No one spoke, no one moved, everyone was trying to figure out who was in trouble and who wasn't. "The only people I'm here to harm are Edward, Carlisle and Esme, everyone else can calm down." They visually did. "Everyone else was a friend to my mate when she needed it and I thank you all for that, especially Jasper and Emmett. If you ever need anything, I owe you." They nodded. "You however, you're going to die today." Edward had been dragged over to sit beside Carlisle and Esme on the couch. "You I have no real issue with except your gross tolerance of the awful things done to someone you considered your child." He spoke to Esme. "However you did not hurt her yourself, therefore I have no reason to make you suffer." As he finished his sentence her head was rolling across the floor and Carlisle began screaming. "You allowed your son...in fact, encouraged your son to hurt my mate...why? That's all I want to know, why did you sit by and watch her suffer?"
"Edward wanted her, I told him he could have whoever and whatever he wanted when I changed him, that's why he stayed with me at first, then Esme wanted a son, I gave him whatever he wanted so he wouldn't leave and break her heart. What would you do for your mates happiness?" He snarled but Nik laughed.
"Anything, but you see, the difference between us is my mate wouldn't let someone else hurt so that she could have what she wanted. She's a good person, I'm not, but she is. And I will never let anyone hurt her, that is my promise to her." Nik took a little longer with Carlisle, tearing all of his limbs off before finally removing his head. "Now you see, the thing is I don't want to know your reasons, they're probably crazy and deranged but there's one thing I do want, and that's to tell you that you lose." Edward growled loudly and I couldn't keep the smile from my face. "She wins, I win, and do you know what I won?" Nik paused, knowing exactly what was going to piss Edward off the most. "I won that perfect innocence you tried to preserve." Edwards eyes were practically on fire as Nik told him that. "She gave it to me happily, freely." Jasper grabbed Edward as he tried to jump at Nik, though my mate didn't even flinch.
"I'm confused, what did Edward want?" Emmett asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Edward told me about how he was engaged before he got sick as a human, the women cheated on him and gave herself to his friend before their wedding day, the day before their wedding was the day he went into the hospital." I explained. "He was obsessed with having a girl who was completely his, innocent and pure, and it is truly an obsession. I told Nik, I wasn't even allowed to touch myself. The fact that I'm Nik's makes it even harder for Edward I suppose, and makes Nik's ego even larger."
"If that's possible." Bella spoke to me and I laughed, high fiving her.
"I'm right here love." I shrugged. "Garrett, would you like to take some shots before I end him?" Garrett jumped up, fully prepared to give Edward the beating of his life for hurting his mate. "Feeling better love?" I nodded, leaning into Nik contently about to press my lips to his when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. "What is it?"
"Pity it has to go to waste." The archway that had been for the wedding I was supposed to be a part of today was decorated with white flowers and ribbon. "Esme did a nice job, it's pretty."
"Well...I suppose we don't have to let it go to waste..." I looked up at Nik who was smirking down at me, pulling a ring off of his hand and looking to me. "You can pick one you like later...what do you say?" I was stunned at his forwardness but figured I shouldn't be.
"You want to get married, right now?" Nik nodded and I grinned. "Jasper, you got ordained for Garrett and Bella's wedding right?" Jasper looked up from where Garrett was beating Edward with his own foot and nodded.
"Yes, it's good for 10 years, why?" I looked up at Nik, content with how my life had changed in only 2 days.
"What do you say love?"
"I do."
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