#afk belinda
zzoupz · 1 year
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love me a badass middle aged man and his accidental adoptive daughter
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miss-anachronism · 1 month
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Lilith, you cowards. Let her cut her hair off.
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mysaldate · 1 year
The way they went from standing back to back to a triangle formation including Brutus really means something to me 🥺 The growth here is so-
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Bonus: Brutus and Thane fighting side by side
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Bonus 2: Belinda and Solise
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wayfarerxiii · 1 year
Awakened Belinda - Spark of Hope ultimate ability animation
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jekyllmoth · 2 years
Afk Arena memes p.1
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Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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honey-makes-mogai · 2 years
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Belindacharic -
A gender related to the character Belinda from AFK Arena!
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Belindaspritic -
A gender related to the sprite of Belinda from AFK Arena! (Bonus zoomed!)
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SummerBelleskinic -
A gender related to the Belinda skin “Summer Belle” from AFK Arena!
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spiderfroggo · 1 year
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liliths seem to hate eluard for some reason 
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fenya-sindorei · 5 months
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Ice Belinda
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bippityboppity69 · 1 year
Okay so I think we can all collectively agree that none of us like/want awakened Belinda. However, I want to know who you guys would want to weild the fire element (even though I thought it was A!Talene and was very confused by that.)
You know who I think would fit this? Scarlet. Think about it. She already has fire and why not have a super Awakened goth? We already have flamboyant peacock man (please don't hurt me, I love A!Thane so much).
Another that comes to mind from the Maulers, Santrana. Once again someone with fire! They could have given her fire tails! (I know Solise is already fox but why not have another?)
And finally, Framton. He is an embodiment of fire! Plus, Talene's nemesis getting Awakened and then they have to work together? Hilarious. Design wise for him? Turn those burn marks into lava/magma. Volcano symbolism up to 10!
There are so many characters that have fire and they gave the fire element to BELINDA!
So who do you guys think would be a good fit?
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miss-anachronism · 1 month
I’m out of school, and hopefully on to more fic writing! To celebrate, here’s a fic I wrote in two days about Belinda cutting her hair off at 3 am and religion
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mysaldate · 1 year
Ah, fair. I was interested in HCs based in canon. Things like hobbies Cecilia might enjoy, and her relations with Belinda and Eluard. Maybe something like what she fears most
Okay, let's get these HCs now that I finally played through the new VoW, I should be ready to tackle this. Forgive me for these being few and rather short, we don't have that much information on Cecilia so there isn't a lot to go off of.
Cecilia's hobbies HCs
Gardening – this one's easy. Cecilia already had a garden when she was married, she probably keeps up the habit by keeping temple and monastery gardens in check. It's nothing extravagant or fancy but it creates a humble proper image.
Music – There aren't many hobbies Cecilia still allows herself due to the nature of her work but whether she's listening to a traveling bard or a church choir, music is probably a big part of her life. Since she is blind, her other senses are all the keener, and that goes for her hearing especially.
Prayer – not exactly a hobby but likely what she would answer if anyone was to ask her. Praying to the Light became a routine that Cecilia performs daily. To her, it is important to strengthen her faith as well as protect the greater good from the Hypogean threat – and praying often and out loud helps her with that.
Relationship with Belinda
Cecilia probably used to like Belinda. Unlike Lucius, Belinda is more focused on dispatching the Hypogeans and ridding the world of corruption while Lucius is a protector of the innocents. This would already make her more acceptable to Cecilia, but the fact that Belinda is not afraid to jump into action even where Lucius may hesitate definitely elevated the girl in Cecilia's opinion.
That said, with her awakening, Belinda is now ripe to become a target for the Heresy Inquisition. She had disobeyed the temple and went off seeking power elsewhere, even if the power was to help save all of Esperia. I can't see Cecilia taking kindly to this and it very likely may have ruined their relationship.
On the other hand, I can't imagine Belinda herself was ever too fond of Cecilia. She probably feels for her because of what happened to her but Belinda doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of the Inquisition.
If the Inquisition does decide that Belinda is a threat, Cecilia won't hesitate to cut her down regardless of any possible previous fondness. And similarly, Belinda probably won't let herself be killed for helping the people of Esperia. This clash would probably ended very bitterly and with a lot of animosity if they both get to walk away from it.
Relationship with Eluard
Eluard is a tougher customer than Belinda. He was left at the temple's doorstep so in a way, he had the best background imaginable. However, because the Light didn't bestow any powers upon him, most of the church quickly turned against him and there were even whispers about him being secretly corrupted. Cecilia may have opposed those rumors at first if she knew Eluard but after some time, I could see her turning against him so as to not appear emotional.
Eluard is likely terrified of or disgusted by Cecilia. As someone who was practically forced into being an inquisitor and who wears a mask just so he can weep for the souls he is forced to kill, I can't see him thinking fondly of anyone who believes they are doing something good.
Similarly, Cecilia would be very disappointed and possibly enraged if she found out the real purpose of Eluard's mask. It is not out of the question for her to even attack him for this perceived betrayal.
They may work together when required but I doubt they get along as it is. Cecilia is much too happy to kill innocents if there's a shadow of a chance that they might be involved in something, and Eluard is much too respectful of even supposedly undeserving life. They won't hurt each other and they might even cooperate if necessary but neither of them will be happy about it.
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wayfarerxiii · 1 year
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Awakened Belinda - Spark of Hope ultimate ability animation stills
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impmarkona · 11 months
AFK Arena Moment #2
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gretelsfifthcousin · 10 months
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AFK Arena characters born in August
Greetings Adventurers!
As a pall of rare stillness and silence descends on the land this month, the lingering warmth of the sun will still be felt, but only momentarily. Let's welcome the season of Dusmon!
As stars rotate in the vast night sky, the Field of Stars lighting our path this month is Anteo. These heavenly antlers kissed by the gods are the guardians of travelers able to catch a glimpse of their shimmer. Meanwhile, the birthday heroes for the month are: Shemira, Saurus, Thane, Numisu, Oden, and Belinda.
Let's wish them––and all adventurers celebrating this month too––a very happy birthday!!
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