studyblr introduction!
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Hey, I’m Lilli! I’ve been active on studyblr for a few days now but have yet to make a proper introduction, so here we go!
A bit about me:
◦ I live in South England
◦ I’m currently in Year 11
◦ As exams are soon I’m getting back on track and making up for lost time
◦ I used to take Photography but got kicked off because I literally did no work
◦ My best subjects are Maths and Physics despite hating them the most and me wanting to work in the film industry (oh the cruel irony)
Stuff I like:
◦ Film! I adore movies and television and would like to go into the Film Industry. My favourite directors have to be Wes Anderson and Francis Ford Coppola.
◦ Photography! I used to be so passionate about photos and aesthetics until I took the GCSE, it really kinda killed my creativity
◦ Books! I read so much as a child, like literally 3 books a day. I had no friends so I brought books to school and sat in the toilet at lunchtime reading lmao. Right now I prefer to read non-fiction educational books, especially political and geographical ones.
◦ Travel! So far I’ve visited Iceland, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland and Belgium. This summer I’m going to Dubai and next year I’m spending a month in Peru.
◦ Makeup and Fashion! I have so much makeup it’s unreal. But yeah I just adore it because it’s kinda like art but on your face.
◦ Art! I’m not very good at it but I like to look at other people’s! I might post some of my coursework on here if anyone would find it interesting.
Classes I’m taking:
◦ GCSE English Language and Literature (AQA)
◦ GCSE Mathematics (edexcel)
◦ GCSE Trilogy Science (AQA)
◦ GCSE History (AQA)
◦ GCSE Business Studies (AQA)
◦ GCSE Art, Craft and Design (edexcel)
◦ GCSE Religious Studies (eduqas)
◦ GCSE German (AQA)
(I also took two weeks of Music and 1 ¼ of Photography but apparently you can’t put that on your CV)
◦ To not fail all my GCSEs
◦ To not disappoint my parents lol
◦ To go on and become a cinematographer and make amazing films
My Future:
◦ I’ve currently accepted a place at my secondary school’s Sixth Form but am considering taking a different route
◦ I’ve also applied for an apprenticeship working in media at the BBC and for a vocational college in my city
◦ If possible, I’d like to study Film Production and Studies at Queens University Belfast, as they have to best film department in the UK
◦ After that, who know!
Please reblog/like if you’re a studyblr so I can follow!
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