#advs timeline: the beginning
koushirouizumi · 10 months
D02's "The Beginning" if Toei let 02 Chosen think this through even more Rationally
02 Chosen: (*seeing a YOUNG TAICHI & HIKARI*, VERY Confuse) Someone like Daisuke or Hikari: But HOW do we get back HOME?? ? Ken: If Taichi-san and the younger Hikari-san are here, then *the rest could be*, too. Ken: Which could *also mean*, *KOUSHIRO*-SAN... We *could* 'LOOK' *for Koushiro*. Hikari: I remember where Koushiro-san's {place} is!! Miyako, worried: But wouldn't Koushiro-san be *very young* here?? Ken: *Maybe*... but it's *worth a try*. DAISUKE: HOW would it be *worth a try* if Koushiro-san is like a 5-going-on-6 year old?!?? KEN: Koushiro-san probably had at least a *starting* computer setup *even back then*. EVERYONE: !!!!! Iori: Koushiro-san's computer might be able to open up the Digital Gate to take us back home!! Takeru: That's right!! Even *at a young age*, Koushiro-san had an interest in gathering knowledge, and *may* even have had a computer - or the laptop - even back then!! KEN: If *I* try to go back home and use *ours*... KEN, HESITATING: (OSAMU would likely find me.) KEN: (If Osamu found us, it could turn out BAD.) Ken: (Because Osamu would likely *instinctively* Know it's Me, somehow...) Ken: ... It wouldn't be good if someone from "our time" sees and recognizes us, but Koushiro-san *doesn't know us Yet*. Hikari: Koushiro-san is very dedicated to our cause, if it came to it, Koushiro-san would keep our secret! Miyako, getting kind of excited now: So it's settled! Let's *look for Koushiro-san* then!! DAISUKE: I can't believe we're seeking the help of a *five-going-on-six year old* Koushiro-san... Rui: If it means we can *find and HELP* Ukkomon, I'm willing to try, even if I don't know Izumi. (They reach the Izumi household...) Young Koushiro, upon outside the Izumi household already, looking at them as if they're SUSPICIOUS (because They Are): Who are YOU??? DAISUKE: (*ERK*...) (To Be Continued, Maybe...!!)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Koushiro: Taichi-san, I don't know if anyone's pointed this out to you, but you do have a thing now called a "Phone" Taichi: Koushiro: ( ... "That I made for you") Koushiro: ( "After creating my own tech company, and definitely not focusing on making us the most perfect models capable, and, then, transforming them into psuedo-Digivices---" ) Taichi: Taichi: Right Koushiro: Taichi: You have one too, you know? KoushiRO...: Taichi: Koushiro: ... r i g h t Both: *never use it* (Who needs PHONES, man?!?) Taichi: It's cooler to play games together anyway-- Koushiro: ("...And, 'other' things") Koushiro: ("Okay, but we SHOULD try and text / use these, more...") Taichi: ("But you don't even really USE it outside of the group chat, and even THAT's more strictly for Chosen activities only, and it was near impossible to get YOU to call me on the phone as it was, because you were so used to e-mail, and then Hikari kept constantly interfering with the connection when she needed to use the 'Net, and I had to /arrange times/ with her, just so I could talk with you without me also accidentally kicking her off the computer which would make her rEALLY upset, so we eventually had just mutually decided to wait 'till something better came along and suddenly Texting happened, but then you never used texting, and now we just meet up where we can after work /anyway/, and---") KoushirO:
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 months
Meanwhile with KouTai {+Yama}
TAICHI: {SIGHING...} YAMATO: Yamato: ...What's going on?? Taichi: Taichi: Well, you see... YAMATO: TAICHI: MIMI-CHAN got Koushiro, as a gift, this set of... I think they're called -- Y A M A T O: TAICHI: "NECO-MIMI" 'Ears', and--- YAMATO, MENTALLY FACEPALMING: TAICHI: Koushiro actually tried them, but it's ... Yamato: "Unusual" of Koushiro?? Taichi: ... ..I'm not sure "unusual" is the way to say it but... Yamato: Was Koushiro acting unusual about it? Taichi: NO, that's the thing about this! YAMATO: T A I C H I: Koushiro was trying them out, but doesn't really like wearing them in public. So Koushiro wore them while around Hikari and me for a while. Yamato: ("Ah.") Taichi: And that's what happened! So when the ears moved... (*leans in, conspiring-like but louder*) Koushiro wasn't acting very different at all!!! Yamato: Koushiro Wasn't. Taichi: No... like, Koushiro would be looking really blankly at us, like what happens a lot, and they'd sit straight upwards. Yamato: (Koushiro was PAYING ATTENTION to you---) Taichi: Then, Koushiro got super interested in the Pibook again, and they were ALSO sitting straight up AND moving back and forth a lot, but Koushiro wasn't DOING MUCH, just using the Pibook like usual...!! YAMATO: (*LONG GROANING in Taichis general direction*) ('YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, IT MEANS KOUSHIRO'S 'INTERESTED' IN-') TAICHI, BANGING FIST INTO PALM: AND THEN!!! And then, when I finally {'Got Koushiro's Attention' implied} asked Koushiro about playing a game, the ears were lowered!! YAMATO, AGAIN MENTALLY FACEPALMING: Taichi: I-It means Koushiro DOESN'T want to, with me-- righ-- Y A M A T O: (KOUSHIRO WAS SO HAPPY YOU ASKED THAT KOUSHIRO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU!!!!)
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mofffun · 4 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.19
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
timeline: ep5 (Toufu ch1)
Rita and Kaguragi test each other on what the other knows.
contains TV SPOILERS past ep5, assumed reader is up-to-date at ep43
*If you are a newcomer and wanted to read the manga along with its corresponding episode, you will only get context for what's hinted in this chapter much later in the show.
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p4: This bugnarok is pronounced "by-EH-jim" not "bae-jim" ... based on a fly (ha-EH)
Kaguragi addresses everyone as "-dono" but sometimes Rita as "Sovereign Rita". I'm putting Rita-sama and Rita-dono both as "Justice Rita". Normally I'd be inclined to keep the honorifics but since I already used the English form before I should stick to that and subs group conventions. ("-tono/-dono" is an antiqudated suffix that is only used in official documents nowadays. In history, it meant respect for those above you but nowadays it's used by the higher-rank to address those lower politely. Genderless, lower than '-sama'.)
Something about Rita's speech pattern is they tend to use a lot of kanji, as part of their solemn personality and regular legal jargon. I lack the context to evaluate how advanced Rita's kanji are to the average Japanese but the general sense of Rita having a more archaic/complex vocabulary is evident.
holding my urge not to put a ! in every Kagu speech bubble
p14: Kagu's reation to hearing Rita saw Suzume's figure: ……はて? -> long pause, [lit. 1. well; let me see; now​ (used before sentences expressing a doubt) 2. dear me/good gracious]
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t/n part 2:
p9: わざわざお出まし恐縮(きょうしゅく)です [lit. my apologies for making you come all this way.] -> What an honour to have your persence!
Here it is! the east/west cultural difference! Keigo is a big challenge for me as a learner already, let alone a translator. There's no direct dictionary substitution and it really depends on your intuition with usage in either langugaes. The keigo here is humble-type, while to make it sound natural in English, instead of reflecting your own incompetence, you are flattering the other party. In the next line, Kaguragi says because Rita came unannounced, they were inadequate in failing to preapre a welcoming committee. I think the scarcasm is there in English too, but I just feel it's more insulting to imply Rita is not exactly welcome while initiatively taking the "weaker" side (Kaguragi's gaslighting, what's new).
p13: learner's note: the royal kitchen is called 厨房(chuubou) while the word for kitchen I knew was 台所(daidokoro). Research shows 厨房 is a professional kitchen like in a restaurant and 台所 is the one at home. Katakana Kitchen is also in the vocabulary to mean a modern, western-style industrical kitchen. Chinese has lost the distinctioin and uses 廚房 (note!: an extra dot above 厨) for both home or workplace.
p16: I interpret Rita's first concern is in maintaining equality between the kingdoms. A duo alliance between ❤🖤 is only detrimental to a five-kingdom one they are working towards: small circle, and increased hostility from 💛💙 if they believe ❤🖤💜 is their small clique. Yet it is interesting Rita raised the question out of personal curiosity. Remember in the beginning there was this, feeling, ❤🖤💜 are seniors and they've known each other for longer? Now we know Kaguragi is actually Rita's junior in terms of order of sucession. Now they could've what he was like prior to taking the throne. Notice how they never describe him as a liar. Maybe Rita does find it odd a man of his capability feels the need to bootlick Racules.
Onomatopoeia words this week:
スッ(Suu) an action done suddenly without sound
ボコボコ(boko boko) 1. sound of hitting a hollow object 2. uneven (surface) 3. to cause damage with full force
バキバキ (baki baki) hard objects shattering/breaking/cracking ポカ(poka) 1. repeated hit with something heavy i.e. fist/bat 2. feeling of warmth
よろよろ (yoro yoro) (adv., not a sound) staggering
もがく (moga ku) (v.) struggle/wiggle impatient -> here means eating frantically (because food is too god)
ずいっ (zui) (adv.) straightforwardly, readily, without hesitation
alternate translations:
p9: No careless msitakes… -> Better keep my guard up… / Better stay alert…
p11: No way any of that is true. -> What a load of crap. (intuition lol)
p1 (18lp) p2 「バサッ バサッ」 「ガクン」 すみません~… バエジーム お騒がせしております~ 「ゴゴゴ…」 くそ… バグナラクめ… どこにでも湧(わ)いて来る… p4 うるさくてすみません~ そして… 「ブ ブゥン」 死んでいただけると助かります~ 「ス…」 「タッ」 p5 「ガッ」 「ボコ ボコ ボコ」 待ち伏(ふ)せていたのか p6 「ドドド」 「ガガガ」く…つ 「バキ ゴ ポカ」 p7 ギヤ 「ズンッ」 トウフ国の黒子軍団…! 今だ! p8 撃(う)たせていただきます 「パ パ」 「タ ドッ タ ボッ ボ」 「タッ」 ギャ 「よろ よろ」「ブブブ」 てっ… 撤退(てったい)です~!  p9 いやいや… 素晴らし腕前 さすがリタ国王 わざわざお出まし恐縮(きょうしゅく)です 前もって言っていただければ迎えの用意いたしましたのに カグラギ‧ディボウスキ… こいつはラクレスと通しているようだが… 油断(ゆだん)は禁物(きんもつ)だ… p10 p11 して ギラという男 強盗団(ごうとうだん)の親玉(おやだま)という噂がありまして 毒虫(どくむし)食にしている化け物なんていう話も もういい そんなわけないだろ もしやそのご様子まさかギラの正体(しょうたい)をご存じで…! 調査(ちょうさ)中だ たとえ王でも外部の者に話すわけないだろう p12 さすがは絶対中立の王 素晴らしい! 察しますに最高厳罰(げんばつ)処分(しょぶん)ですね …ただ一つ言えるのは…… おお!?言えるのは!? —いや 調査の結果は法廷(ほうてい)で明らかにする 危ない…どうもこいつの前でもしゃべりすぎる… ラクレスに感づかれては厄介(やっかい)だ うまい… 「もが」 はっはっは そうでしょう! このトウフには世界中のあらゆる食が揃っております p13 ただ… 聞いたことない食事は出ませんが … そういえば リタ殿 以前(いぜん)コーカサス城の厨房(ちゅうぼう)で 調べごとをされていた…とか 調べもの見つかりましたか? 個人的な調査だ 結果を話すつもりはない そういえば あの時… p14 お前とよく似た着物を見たが ! ……はて? ラクレス殿にご挨拶にうかがったときでしょうか? p15 いや… もっと小柄(こがら)な… それはリタ殿の見間違いでしょう なにか 隠しているな… お前はなぜラクレスに付き従う(つきしたがう) ラクレス殿は素晴らしい志(こころざし)をお持ちの方 であれば協力するのは当然です それにしてはまるで主従(しゅうじゅう)のようだ p16 国同士は対等(たいとう)な関係のはず… それに前王イロキの悪政(あくせい)から解放したのはお前の独力(どくりょく)だ それは… リタ国王! これは仕方がないのです…!
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zarvasace · 10 months
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Here's my silly Linkverse title and timeline! :D say hello to Hearts Linked Together, a Linkverse that won't ever have much content besides character designs!
Character post
Okay a description under the cut. It might get long, I'm unsure how to go about explaining. The four vertical lines are locations, not parallel timelines. I don't take absolutely everything into account (you'll notice a lack of direct Triforce and Ganon stuff) but I like what I ended up with!
PS: I've made a few edits to this and the picture since I first edited. BotW and TotK aren't different Links that was my b. I also added more blue lines to the Gods of the Sky spot to illustrate them moving around.
Important thing to note: the only time travel/time shenanigans in this 'verse is with Hyrule Warriors and Ocarina of Time. And Tears of the Kingdom that too.
THIS BEGINS with aliens. The Zonai and the Minish were the same alien species that settled on the planet of Hyrule to escape civil war on their own. They separated early on and adapted to their environments differently. They both lived in the sky for a while, because Hyrule has naturally occuring skylands, and some of the natural fauna were intimidating. (Monsters, dragons, fey, gods.) The Hylians come from the moon. A small group settled on the planet and struggle to adapt. They lost their technology in the turbulent transition.
The Minish remained pastoral and went to the surface to help the emerging Hylian race. The Minish Cap happens. That Link forges the Picori blade and gathers the elements. (His four copies are spectral.) Shortly after him, Four Swords happens, with the most attention on the cryptid four sword kid who came out to save the world and then disappeared back into the woods. (His four copies are independent but not individuals.)
The settlement prospers, the Minish population decreases, and Hylians spread across the world, into 4 distinct geographic areas. The Zonai, also dying out, descend and intermarry with Hylians, in a different geographic area. The beginning of TotK happens, including the massive Imprisoning War. The consequences of this war are far-reaching and devastating.
The Land of Light and Shadow: this area emerges from the war somewhat unscathed, being on the other side of the world. They continue to build their kingdom. This land is named for the parallel plane that is in close contact with the area, being farthest from the planet's moon's orbital path. Things like Light and Force are also strong here, unknowable forces that occasionally grant powers.
The Land of the Gods: this land is named for the gods that have dogged its history and heroes, and is closest to the moon, which is where these extraordinary individuals get their powers and godhood. The Imprisoning War hit them pretty hard, and one of these moon-touched aliens (Hylia) raised settlements into the air. The First Hero is part of this.
The Land of the Fey is where the Zonai chose to descend, and is hit the hardest by the Imprisoning War. Their small colonies are absolutely decimated and the land is salted. Fey are natural creatures, but aren't always friendly. The Zonai technology and settlements remain high in the air, unreachable and usually invisible. Most non-Hylian or non-Hylian-derived species come from this area.
The Great Sea is a series of islands. They barely hear of the Imprisoning War, and only have a small population of Hylians that grows a bit through the islands.
After the war, all of these areas and kingdoms are cut off from each other. Their histories proceed separately for a time.
The Land of Light and Shadow: a group of people move permanently into the Dark World. Link to the Past, Link's Awakening. The kingdom grows. Link Between Worlds reveals the budding kingdom in the Dark World. Twilight Princess deals more with them. Four Swords Adventures (+manga in case you were worried) unlocks more of the Dark World's secrets. (These copies are individuals, and remain so after their adventure.) The kingdom prospers and begins to explore, eventually resulting in another near-globalization. Hyrule Warriors happens, doing a little time traveling.
The Land of the Gods: after rising into the sky, Skyward Sword happens. Hylia is the strongest goddess of the time, and manages to send copies of the Master Sword to the three other lands. People settle on the surface, isolated from any other places. Ocarina of Time happens, but does not create alternate timelines. Hylia takes the people and places displaced by the time shift and plunks them at the beginning of the Great Sea's time. This kingdom expands and fractures, and Hylia's time shenanigans weaken her, so she goes to the fey land to recover. (coughcough was bullied away because people didn't agree with her coughcough) And then Majora’s Mask. Din, Farore, and Nayru rise as the land's patron goddesses instead, instigating the Oracle games. Triforce Heroes happens to a Hylian passing by Hytopia (The copies are simply doppels.) These kingdoms remain small but grow strong. They have the occasional battle. They participate in the globalization efforts.
The Land of the Fey: this land struggles to rebuild. They are plagued by monsters. The fey (fairies, great fairies, satori, dragons) understand it's a problem, but they do not have mortal minds. Eventually they call a hero of their own. Hyrule Fantasy (aka LoZ 1) and Adventure of Link happen. This land is geographically isolated and doesn't really run into anyone else, until the migration from the Great Sea brings technology. Spirit Tracks happens. The great kingdom is built, they build the Divine Beasts and the Guardians, and drive back the Calamity for the first time. Hylia rises again, older and wiser and less powerful. Then Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom happen. Only after that does this land reconnect with those outside of it.
The Great Sea: this area is mostly empty until Hylia places the time-displaced Hyrule on one of the larger islands (called antidiluvian, or before the flood). It wasn't a stable island, though, and most of the kingdom fell under the ocean in a great big wave. People rebuild and make their own cultures. Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass happen. They find the shores of the Land of the Fey, and facilitate a migration to that land.
Each of the yellow stars (and the colorful ones in terms of FSA) represents a different Hero.
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digitalgate02 · 7 months
I'm still thinking peeps' discourse about what is canon and whatnot has been pointless when… OG Adventure franchise's material is VERY… confusing.
You can't make EVERYTHING work. Even official have to make omissions for certain works to the timeline work.
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The stream with that timeline stated "THE BEGINNING timeline" in its subs. This could mean:
1- this timeline might be main one now and the omitted material are their own separated timeline now; 2- this timeline is another canon timeline variation, without ▽ and HT in it. And the main timeline might be just the OG materials (Adv 1st Movie → Adv'99 → OWG → 02 → Epilogue)
So i think it's up to whoever wants to work with those materials, be fanmade or official.
In meta terms, both ▽ and HT counts. They're not simply getting… "retconned" or something. It just that, this staff (Kizuna/02TB) opted to *not* work with both of them.
I friggin hate this franchise branch being so inconsistent and never having an agreement from each staff working on each of those materials. (let's not get started about the recent Adv'99/02 director Kakudou's rants re:02TB, please...)
In the end, Bandai/Toei thinks everything is canon and official, no matter how inconsistent they can be.
Anyway, read Shiha's post about this same subject. At least before bugging other peeps about what's canon and whatnot.
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Step-by-step explanation of the divorce process in New Jersey
The divorce lawyer process in New Jersey involves several steps, from filing the initial complaint to the final divorce decree. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the divorce process in New Jersey:
Filing the Complaint: The divorce process begins with one spouse (the plaintiff) filing a Complaint for Divorce in the appropriate New Jersey family court. The plaintiff must meet the residency requirements, which generally require either spouse to have been a New Jersey resident for at least one year before filing.
Serving the Complaint: The Complaint, along with a Summons, is served to the other spouse (the defendant) by an authorized method of service. This can be done by a process server, sheriff's officer, or certified mail with a return receipt requested.
Answer and Counterclaim: The defendant has a specific period (usually 35 days) to file an Answer to the Complaint. They may also file a Counterclaim, stating their own claims and requests for relief in the divorce.
Case Management Conference: The court may schedule a Case Management Conference to establish a timeline for the divorce proceedings, discuss any preliminary issues, and encourage settlement or alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation.
Discovery Process: Both parties exchange information and documentation relevant to the divorce, such as financial records, property valuations, and child custody proposals. Discovery methods may include requests for production, interrogatories, depositions, and subpoenas.
Settlement Negotiations: The spouses, along with their respective attorneys, may engage in settlement negotiations to resolve issues such as child custody, child support, spousal support, division of assets, and debts. They may choose mediation or collaborative divorce as alternative dispute resolution methods to reach an agreement outside of court.
Pretrial Conference: If the case does not settle, the court may schedule a pretrial conference to discuss the unresolved issues, simplify the case, and prepare for trial. The judge may encourage further settlement negotiations during this stage.
Trial: If the spouses cannot reach a settlement, the case proceeds to trial. Each party presents their arguments, evidence, and witnesses to support their positions on unresolved issues. The judge makes decisions based on the presented evidence and applicable New Jersey divorce laws.
Finalizing the Divorce: Once all issues are resolved, either through settlement or trial, the court issues a Final Judgment of Divorce. This document legally terminates the marriage and addresses all matters, including property division, child custody, child support, and alimony.
Post-Divorce Matters: After the divorce is finalized, there may be additional matters to address, such as enforcing the terms of the divorce decree, modifying child custody or support arrangements, or addressing any post-divorce disputes that may arise.
Explanation of the significance of divorce lawyers in New Jersey
Divorce lawyers in New Jersey play a significant role in helping individuals navigate the complex legal process of divorce. Here are some key points to explain their significance:
Legal Expertise: Divorce laws can be intricate and vary from state to state. Divorce lawyers in New Jersey possess the necessary legal expertise and knowledge of family law specific to the state. They stay updated on the latest laws and regulations, ensuring that their clients' rights and interests are protected throughout the divorce proceedings.
Objective Advice: Going through a divorce can be emotionally overwhelming, and individuals may make impulsive decisions or act based on their emotions rather than their best interests. Divorce lawyers provide objective advice and guidance, helping clients make informed decisions about important matters such as child custody, division of assets, alimony, and more.
Legal Advocacy: Divorce lawyers serve as strong advocates for their clients, representing their interests in negotiations, mediation sessions, and court proceedings. They are skilled at presenting persuasive arguments and building compelling cases to secure favorable outcomes for their clients.
Paperwork and Documentation: The divorce process involves extensive paperwork and documentation, including filing various legal forms, financial disclosures, and agreements. Divorce lawyers assist their clients in preparing and reviewing these documents to ensure accuracy, completeness, and compliance with New Jersey's legal requirements.
Negotiation and Settlement: Many divorce cases are resolved through negotiation and settlement rather than going to trial. Divorce lawyers act as skilled negotiators, working to achieve fair and equitable settlements that meet their clients' needs. They leverage their knowledge of New Jersey divorce laws and their experience in handling similar cases to protect their clients' rights and secure favorable outcomes.
Court Representation: In cases where reaching a settlement is not possible, divorce lawyers provide effective court representation. They have experience presenting cases before judges, advocating for their clients' positions, and protecting their rights in court. Their familiarity with courtroom procedures and rules ensures that their clients' interests are well-represented during litigation.
Emotional Support: Beyond their legal expertise, divorce lawyers also provide valuable emotional support to their clients. They understand the challenges and complexities of the divorce process and can offer guidance, empathy, and reassurance during this difficult time. Their presence can alleviate some of the stress and anxiety associated with divorce.
Divorce lawyers in New Jersey play a crucial role in guiding individuals through the complex legal process of divorce. They provide expert legal advice, protect rights and interests, and navigate the intricacies of New Jersey divorce laws. From negotiating settlements to representing clients in court, divorce lawyers ensure fair outcomes and advocate for their clients' best interests. Their knowledge, experience, and support help individuals navigate the emotional and legal challenges of divorce, making the process smoother and more manageable. Hiring a skilled divorce lawyer in New Jersey is an essential step towards protecting your rights and achieving a favorable resolution in your divorce case.
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cancellationfl · 2 years
What Is Southwest Airlines' Sale For $69, And How Will I Get It?
Are you a person on a tight budget who must travel by plane to your intended location? Well, the Southwest Airlines Sale of $69. can help you find some of the best travel bargains if you want to fly with Southwest Airlines. You can read the supporting details if you are unsure of the intricacies of this sale or how to take advantage of it.
What is the Southwest Airlines Sale of $69?
Tuesdays mark the beginning of the airline's sale, which lasts until Wednesday. The cost of the flights is not too expensive. As a result, travelers looking for low-cost flights can purchase tickets at this time.
Here is a list of places you can travel to using the Where does Southwest Airlines Sale $69 if you're still wondering what destinations the airline flies to:
between El Paso and Amarillo,
between Lubbock and Houston Hobby
between Oklahoma City and Austin,
and between Tulsa and Midland/Odessa.
Therefore, if you need to travel anywhere that is between the aforementioned routes, just book your rockets through Southwest Airlines at the discounted rate of $69 instead.
How to Get Southwest Airlines Sale $69?
Follow the underlying steps if you have to book flight tickets at cheaper rates.
Browse the Southwest Airlines official site.
Then, you have to look into the ticket calendar and find out when the flight ticket to your destination is coming at cheaper rates. 
From the calendar, you can choose the flight.
And then, finally, follow the on-screen guidelines to com pee the booking process with Southwest airlines.
Go to the inbox of the mail to find out if you have received a flight confirmation mail from the airline.
Also, you must know that southwest red-eye flights can be another option for people looking for flight tickets under their budget. 
Can I avail myself of the Southwest Airlines Sale of $69 over the phone?
Yes, definitely. If you are facing any kind of obstacle regarding booking flight tickets under Southwest airline's sale of $69, then you need to know that you have the option to call the airline. Here are the steps:
Dial the Southwest airlines flight booking number.
After that, listen to the automated voice system to select the language and also to choose the number as per the category or the reason for calling.
Now, when you get in touch with the live person at Southwest airlines, then you can ask the person to book your flight ticket under the $69 sale of the airline.
After that, you just have to share your details for the flight. You will have to mention the number of passengers, the destination, and the departure city. Also, mention the travel date.
Now, the airline executive will check for flight availability.
Once you choose the flight, the rest of the methods will be completed by the airline personnel. 
Not only this, but if you are facing any issues regarding Southwest airlines and its flights, then you can simply reach out to the customer service team of the airline. 
What are the other Southwest airlines flight sales?
Apart from the $69 fare sale, Southwest airlines offer some other sales as well. Here is the list:
Travel non-stop from New Orleans to Houston, Baltimore to New York, and Phoenix to Palm Springs with Southwest Airlines' $29 fare special. Each way will cost $29 on the airline.
$59 Sale
If one is flying from Burbank to San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale to Jacksonville, Las Vegas and Long Beach, Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, or Los Angeles to Las Vegas, one can get flights for as little as $59 each way.
 Southwest Airlines' Low Fare Calendar
In addition to the airline's fare discounts, Southwest Airlines' Low Fare Calendar enables you to find the most affordable airfares to the locations you prefer. Instead of utilizing a specific day, one can search for the fare using the Low Fare Calendar for a specified timeline. Additionally, the fare results will be affordable and may potentially contain future fare sales for the specified departure month. Additionally, contacting the airline's customer care is strongly advised if you want to learn more about its fare sales, the Southwest cheap fare calendar, and other incentives.
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turtlethon · 2 years
"Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers"
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Season 3, Episode 19
First US Airdate: November 14, 1989   First BBC UK broadcast: October 14, 1991  
Donatello and Rocksteady are captured by alien visitors.
Turtlethon continues with "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers". This is the third episode of the series credited to Francis Moss, who previously brought us "Attack of the Big MACC".
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In the lair, the Turtles, April and Irma are holding a party to celebrate April’s first anniversary of joining Channel 6 as a reporter. This gives us a little bit of insight into the show’s timeline, as it suggests less than a year has passed since the first episode. April confides to the Turtles that she’s worried she won’t make it to her second anniversary unless she gets a big scoop soon, and that she’s on the verge of losing her job.
We’re only a few seconds into the first scene of the episode and already I have to take a step back to analyse this. I mentioned recently on Twitter that if you actually look at the things April has reported on up to this point in this series, she’s routinely broken stories that would make her the most accomplished journalist in history: mutant turtles that live under the sewers, aliens, time-travelling robots, dinosaurs living beneath New York and a multitude of near-apocalyptic events. No other reporter from any other station even bothers to show up for any of these things. Realistically the only threat to April’s job is Vernon. But okay, for the purposes of this episode let’s assume Burne is really boneheaded enough to fire her.
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Donatello sets out to lighten the mood. He tells Irma he needs her, and her look of deflation when he explains “it’s only to pick up a pizza” cracks me up.
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In the Technodrome, Krang reveals to Shredder that he’s detected energy spikes from the nuclear fission reactor “at the university”. Later, at a glue factory hideout, Shreds provides Rocksteady and Bebop with a tracker and orders them to go to the fission plant.
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After the dissolve we see Bebop and Rocksteady sitting at the end of a pier in front of a fish packing plant. They explain to Shredder via comlink that they’ve been fishing for three hours without success. The boss’s tirade (“I sent you out for FISSION, not FISHING!”) is interrupted when Rocksteady is pulled into the sky by a glowing beam of light.
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Bebop returns to the Technodrome and struggles to explain what happened. Not only did he lose Rocksteady, but they “didn’t catch a single fish”. In terms of comedy this episode probably has the strongest first three minutes of any that I’ve seen so far.
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At the pizzeria next to the cinema from “Beneath These Streets” - which now has a banner reading “KUNG FU COMING ATTRACTIONS CHAINSAW CHERRY HILL ADV[ENTURES?]” - Donatello is pulled into the air by the same glowing beam that captured Rocksteady, sending Irma fleeing in horror.
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Krang determines that the only explanation for Rocksteady’s disappearance is “visitors from outer space, who could make our wildest dreams come true!” Meanwhile in the lair, Irma recounts Donatello’s abduction to the others. Splinter reveals that he has sensed the presence of aliens because that’s one of the vague powers he has this week. April is thrilled at the possibility of reporting on aliens (again) and shows no concern at all for Donnie’s wellbeing.
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Donatello and Rocksteady run into each other in a barren, cavernous environment and after an initial scuffle begin working to find a way out. They’re pursued by an alien monster, who ultimately falls off a cliff edge and vanishes before hitting the ground.
In the most weirdly fluid scene to appear in the show up to this point, April finds out she’s effectively been demoted to camera operator and will be accompanying Vernon in that role as he investigates the strange energy readings emanating from the university.
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The other Turtles find Donatello’s Turtlecom outside the pizzeria where he was abducted. Back in the mysterious realm, Don and Rocksteady discover the entire environment is actually a virtual simulation as it vanishes around them. They’re actually on board a spaceship where an alien child called Nikto has been toying with them. He’s reprimanded by his father Klaatu, who ties Rocksteady up with an energy beam.
Klaatu goes on to introduce his wife Barada to Donatello. The aliens are from the Antares star system and have returned to Earth to recover a toy Nikto had left behind from their previous visit 4,000 years earlier. The university’s nuclear reactor is now causing the toy to approach meltdown. If it disintegrates, it’ll mean the end of the world. Donatello pledges to recover the toy with the help of the other Turtles.
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Shredder returns to the site of Rocksteady’s disappearance and confirms the energy readings match those from the power plant, confirming Krang’s theory that the incident was due to alien visitors. Krang orders Shredder to head to the plant, but after the conversation ends (bizarrely with Krang disappearing from his walker), Shredder reveals to Bebop he intends to beam aboard the alien ship and take it for himself.
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Rocksteady informs Shredder of the location of the ship via comlink until Donatello intervenes. Donnie goes on to modify the communicator to contact the other Turtles and tells them of Shredder’s plan.  A showdown soon takes place at the glue factory that culminates in Shredder and Splinter accidentally being transported onto the ship as we head into the second commercial break.
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Aboard the ship, Splinter meets up with Donatello, who is baking pizzas for the Antareans. At the same time Shredder reunites with Rocksteady and tries to grill him for information without much success.
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Krang learns of Shredder’s plans to double-cross him and take control of the ship. He provides Bebop with a tracking device and orders him to head to the fission plant, warning that this is his “last chance”.
April watches as Vernon reports about the situation at the plant, and after promising to give Burne a piece of her mind ends up begging her boss for another chance. Burne isn’t receptive, scoffing at her “invasion from mars” story. Hey, remember when Krang took over all the TVs in New York and warned he was about to unleash an earthquake that would flatten the city? Remember when the Neutrinos buzzed right by the Channel 6 building in their flying cars? Remember when HE got abducted by aliens that looked like Elvis and went on TV to insist this was all very real? I guess that’s all out the window now.
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Meeting up with the Turtles, April sets out to prove her story. They head off in the Turtle van, which is launched via a big spring despite obviously having an engine.
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Shredder and Rocksteady use the weapons and technology stored on the ship to capture Donatello and Splinter. The villains head back to Earth, determined to get to the fission plant before Krang.
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The Turtles are battling Bebop and a group of Foot Soldiers when Shredder and Rocksteady arrive. They use the alien technology to restrain April and the Turtles before raising Nikto’s toy – a giant, ominous structure – from the ground. Their victory is interrupted by the return of Donatello and Splinter, who reveal the Antareans set them free. The aliens then teleport their items back to the ship.
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A stray energy blast from Bebop’s gun (mistakenly drawn as an Antarean weapon) hits the giant toy, accelerating the meltdown process. Shredder and the mutants escape via transport module, leaving the Turtles to save the world on their own. April intervenes, heading to the base of the structure and deactivating it. She returns holding the power source in her hands, explaining that “every kids’ toy needs batteries”, which plainly is not some great universal truth, but I guess her hunch paid off nevertheless.
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Krang gloats as Shredder and Bebop repair the transport module, pointing out that Saki tried to usurp him but is now left with nothing. Shredder retorts that Krang doesn’t even have hands to repair his own equipment, right before Bebop unwittingly slams the module door shut. As Shredder howls in pain, Krang responds that if he keeps that up, he won’t have hands either.
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The Turtles watch April’s pre-recorded report about the aliens with her on TV, and give her a round of applause (although Raphael inexplicably looks like he just heard someone died). She reveals that this scoop was enough to get her office back and secure a three-year contract, which if the passage of time in this episode is anything to go by will keep her employed for almost the entire remainder of the series.
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Donatello walks in and reveals to the other Turtles that he’s just had a conversation with Klaatu via “the interstellar transmitter”(?!) The aliens plan to return to Earth in 4989, an even three thousand years after the broadcast of this episode. Michaelangelo immediately heads back to the kitchen to start baking pizzas for them, reasoning that there’s no point in waiting until the last minute.
"Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers" has a very strong first few minutes, with almost golden era-Simpsons style rapid-fire gags. Once Donatello and Rocksteady are on board the alien ship it begins to feel like very standard TMNT fare from this era, where there’s always an alien, monster or robot that arrives to shake things up, as well as a power source for Shredder and the Turtles to fight over. Visually this one is... uneven. I’d love to know what the story was with the Channel 6 scenes looking like they’re from a different show entirely. There are some wonderful sequences with Rocksteady too, but just as much of the episode is merely adequate.
NEXT TIME: Aliens again, but this time it’s much, much worse.
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captain-cerrillo · 3 years
x ends one morning - this begins the next morning. Timelines? We don't know her.
Isaac looked at his empty bed and replayed the last 24 hours for the 32nd time in his head. He kept getting stuck on waking up to her and had all but packed up and moved into the memories of what had happened next.
He had never been so fascinated by the shape of someone’s mouth but the shape of it around his straining erection was burned into him now. Her soft lips against his sensitive head. The way he watched himself disappear into her tight, warm throat. The way she moaned around him every time his dick throbbed against her tongue. The memories of her legs, slick with soap and warm water, wrapped around his waist. Her small heels dug into his ass as he thrust her against the wet wall. He loved the sting of the red scratches across his back. The way she gasped against his shoulder when her orgasm rippled through her heat and shook them both. He remembered, vividly, being surprised that his body had anything left to give when he spilled inside of her again.
They’d run into each other three times throughout the day. Not much but, enough to share a smile. Enough to make his day. He waited all night for the door to his quarters to slide open. He waited all night to have her to himself again but, she never showed.
He decided he liked his bed a lot better with strewn sheets and Eva in it.
The tiny half kitchenette tucked into one little hallway in the aft of the ship was his favorite hidden gem outside the haven that was his private shower stall. It was the first place his feet carried him at the start of every single shift because it was never as busy as the actual mess.
He was surprised, never disappointed, to see Eva leaning against the sterile counter, chewing away at a thick and sticky nutrient bar, lost in thought. Her head snapped up at the sound of his approach and his powerful gait faltered at the sudden overwhelm of her beautiful blue gaze. Her eyes smiled first, then her lips twisted around the snack. She handed him an outstretch mug. Almost like she’d been waiting. “Just the way you like it.”
“Thank you, Eva.” He let the warmth of the cup soak into his tired bones as he considered his words, eyes staring down into the black liquid. He glanced around before he spoke softly. “I missed you last night.”
She paused a moment before speaking. “Really?”
It broke his heart to see that her pretty eyes seemed genuinely unsure. "Not the se- the- well. Not the- the spicy stuff." Eva's eyebrow quirked and Isaac huffed an embarrassed chuckle. He glanced at the floor, feeling the warmth bloom from his cheeks blush. He reached out to tangle their fingers but let his hand fall at the sound of an approaching crew member passing by. A hurt twisted his features. "I mean you." There was so much he wanted to say to her. So many ways he wanted to be closer to her. But he couldn’t do any of it here or now. “All-in, remember? As much as you want.”
She nodded at him, blinking slowly through long, dark lashes. “I want.”
“Me too,” he said quickly, breathlessly. His omnitool pinged, signaling the first demand of the day and his face fell at the thought of having to walk away.
"Go," she said softly, wishing she could knot her fingers in his hair.
He half turned before he decided that not touching her again scared him more than the thought of all the things that might go wrong. So he turned back to tell her plainly, “I’m off at 21 hundred. I’ll be in the shower by 21:10.”
“Captain,” Davis interrupted without consideration for their private moment. “The Admiralty Board sent an operations list for you to cross-check. I told Jenkins that you’d – Is now a bad time?”
“Not worse than any other,” Isaac said flatly to the Ensign at his back. He gestured for her to walk and talk as he reluctantly let himself dive into another day. “Corporal Novakov.” He tipped his head with a small smile before turning on his heel to follow Davis to the CIC.
He really was problematic, he decided sternly in the comfort of his shower.
The steam made the air thick and heavy. It smelled like crisp, garden green rosemary and spicy cracked peppercorns with a base note of clean soap. He knelt his head under the stream, one hand against the wall to support his tired body and let the heat stream over his back and shoulders.
He really was completely inappropriate.
He was wondering what his military trial would look like when he noticed the movement of her body through the steam.
"I'm saying I've weighed the options." He kissed her nose and spread her legs with one of his knees, moving her easily with the help of the wet shower floor. "I have to be very clear about that." He cupped his hand against her heat and smiled when she strained to grind into his palm. “There is nothing.” He broke the contact only to slip his two middle fingers into her. She ground against his palm while his fingers fucked her slick walls softly. “There is nothing I want more than you.”
She gasped his name and he had to swallow it. He nipped her bottom lip and pressed her body harder between him and the wall behind her. Her hand on his length tightened as she tried to urge him closer. He held his body back and sought her pleading eyes. He couldn’t believe how much he wanted to hear her beg for him and he found his own vulgarity mildly alarming.
But, to be fair, Eva Novakov had already changed his whole world. She called his name and it was more than enough.
Her body was easily the softest thing he’d ever felt. It was more than the velvet folds of slick heat or the creamy sugared floral lotion that glossed her toned thighs or the way her breasts pressed against his chest as he pinned her. It was the way she opened to him.
He buried his mouth against her neck when their bodies met. He let his teeth scrape against one of the sensitive spots he’d discovered two nights before as he pushed into her gently. His free hand reached to rub her clit between them.
“Eva.” Isaac’s sigh was unusually heavy and she twisted in his arms in the captain's bed. Her small hands smoothed over his furrowed brow. One fingertip traced the bump that was left from too many broken noses. He wondered if it was even possible that she could ever love him too. “I feel like I’ve done us both a disservice if I’ve left any doubt about how I feel. I can only imagine how this looks. What you must think of me. Taking advantage-"
“Taking adv-? What I think of you?” She could hardly contain her disbelief. Her fingers splayed out against his bare chest and she angled her head to catch his eyes. “Isaac, you are the most comfortable place I have ever been.” His face softened and she opened her mouth to continue. “I just don’t want to be in your way.”
It was his turn to be baffled. “Eva, you are my way.” Her mouth opened but then shut again before he had enough sense to be embarrassed. He let his head fall but his fingertips still traced little circles against her bare back. “You know, I never saw myself as dramatic but here we are.” He huffed a little chuckle, hugged her tighter against him, and kissed her hair. “Retirement doesn’t scare me as much as the thought of losing you.”
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {of series: D i g i m o n 02} #TheBeginningSpoilers
Frigimon (Yukidarumon); Steve calls it "Frigimon" when at home: So, "That" one says they made us - or more like, 'you' - a Chosen to "befriend" "that other one"... Steve, low laughing under breath: "It" may have "said" that, but it's definitely wrong. Frigimon: Oh? You seem to have a strong feeling about this... (but it's expected of my partner). Steve, voice returning to normal 'cheery' tone: The thing it doesn't know is that I initially messaged Koushiro of my own volition. Frigimon: But it claims it 'made' you all do that... Steve: And again, it's definitely wrong... because it also doesn't know - or even understand why - how Koushiro initially reacted to me, much less the others in our group. Frigimon: Oh?? (Curious) (Tell Me More, Steve) Steve, swivelling around in chair: Koushiro rambled and info-dumped about different types of systems and coding for a solid ten or so messages back-and-forth before I finally clued Koushiro in more deliberately that I knew about "you all". STEVE: AND, at the start, Koushiro was hesitant to actually talk more to us about it all, even though we made it clear we all mostly knew since "that battle". Frigimon: But Koushiro came around because you were persistent? Steve, laughing: It's not so much "persistence" as "something that naturally fell into place" once I got more of a 'feel' of what Koushiro was like. Koushiro sounds extremely analytical on the 'Net, but apparently is also super formal in person, just in ...different ways. Frigimon: So, you're saying you didn't "pursue" Koushiro but couldn't the "naturally falling into place" still mean-- Steve, shaking head: No, not that either. Steve: Because I also initially wasn't sure if Koushiro actually wanted to be my "friend". Frigimon: ... Steve, clasping hands: Even if it could do everything that 'new' Chosen said, it doesn't understand that these aren't things you can "force". And even if it could, I wouldn't acknowledge it, because it's not a part of my culture... So it's not relevant to me. Frigimon, hmmng: The other monsters "like that" must really dislike us, then. Steve, quirking eyebrow with a grin: "Us"? Frigimon: Well, I don't like those notions, either. I can't really imagine myself being partnered to anyone not you, nor for any other "reason". Steve: ... Steve, quietly: {Thanks.} Frigimon: ... (After all, it is us.)
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izzyizumi · 7 months
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Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi ~ featuring rp by @izzyizumi as Koushiro{u} + my now-ancient r.p. from 2012 era {I was playing Koushiro from original J.P.N version canon; Clearly the Tai{chi}-mun was using U.S. dub inspirations, but I was fine with that!}
R.P. for Koushiro by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Reference)
Original commentary under the ‘read more’!
The style is one in which starters are the characters talking to their "mun" or players, which is common when "voice-testing" a character to possibly app {apply} into a future {typically pan-fandom, or cross-canon across multiple fan-bases} DWrp {Dreamwidth.org} rp game. Games usually have their own settings, styles and rules and you should carefully consider them before applying to any. (I eventually ended up applying for Koushiro at a DigiAdv{s}-centric game that ended up eventually dying...)
I whited out a few parts to give the former Tai-mun a bit of privacy, but to my knowledge I haven't seen them as active since. Hopefully they won't mind me posting just one old thread between us, because it was really really fun to try back then! Even playing Koushiro was still really fun, despite it being for a very short timeframe of a couple years + even if I never found an active Taichi player {+in a close in age range} to me since.
This was BEFORE Tri had fully aired or before Kokuhaku was even announced, so Koushiro has a small mix of icons I'm using, but sometimes I switch between "canon-points" of early Adventure!Koushiro or late, OWG era or post-02 but pre-epilogue!Koushiro. Tri!Koushiro wasn't even animated more animatedly yet (and much later had very limited appearance in Saikai, etc.), so I was mainly relying on my head-canons for a Koushiro that appears between 2002 and the epilogue, but I often imagined Koushiro of those ages still sticking very close to both 02 and Tri looks. {I did like Tri giving Koushiro back slightly spikier hair, because that was how I imagined Koushiro during in-between years too.} Muns could later go back and update some icons, so some default icons may later change as well. {That's how a Tri!Taichi icon shows here even though it's 2k12}
Also, its very fun because you can personalize your responses even using things like subject headers way better than on this kind of site, and sometimes muns leave you really fun and kind messages that make you want to cry so you try to show them appreciation in turn!!!
#izumi koushirou#yagami taichi#taichi x koushirou#taichi and koushirou#koutai#izzyizumi dw#izzyizumi rp#izzyizumi koushiro#izzyizumi koushiro rp#advs timeline: pre tri#advs fan timeline: pre tri announcement#canon point: between 02s ending and epilogue#(I'm extremely hesitantly posting this because I really DO want to share it also as a piece of fan base history)#(Showing that YES we DID have small presence on sites before This Place)#(AND ALSO BEFORE 2K15 AS A WHOLE)#(This was a really fun {whats called} 'thread' to try I just never ended up finding Taichi players active willing to play with a Koushiro)#(much after that lmao s i g h)#(Anyway stuff like even my things from this time is why I get MAJORLY Peeved when ppl imply Eng side DIDNT Exist as fan base before 2k15)#(Fortunately I'm seeing such things much less implied these days BUT)#(Idek I'm seeing a bunch of ppl trickling back in {even if slowly} since The Beginning dropped and I'm kind of emotional over it)#(Featuring my attempts to keep Koushiro even semi IC while Tai{chi} is Tai{chi} and Koushiro is like 'Ah' 'Oh Taichi-san')#(Anyway I'm posting this but this is also personal fan stuff I did so I'd really appreciate if people are kind on this post)#(I definitely lean towards possible KouTai when ppl are willing but ONLY if they are willing and even this one was mainly friendly fluff!)#({Still Tho Its Fun When Players Are Willing Too---})#({Also you might want to read from the dash view or click + right click and enlarge to read better})
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Is STEINS;GATE ELITE Worth Risking the Timeline For?
  Growing up in Puerto Rico, learning English was something of a challenge for me when it inevitably reared its head; thanks to Pokémon Red, my reading skills improved dramatically thanks to an interest in video games and wanting to understand them as I played along. Fast forward many years after that fact, and I found myself deeply in love with visual novels and sound novels, playing titles like Higurashi and Umineko, those kinds of games (especially otome games!) becoming one of my favorite to play! Along that route, I first encountered STEINS;GATE. I've heard buzz building about the game, and then the release of the anime, which made me deeply interested in both playing and watching the series when I was able to get my hands on it. What I found was a deeply involved story of vibrant, unique characters, dramatic action, and a tense, smart Sci-Fi plot that revolved around time travel in a way that certainly tried to deal with the realistic consequences of choices and action. Ten years after its release, we’ve been presented with a new version: STEINS;GATE ELITE, a somewhat ambitious mixture of both the anime and visual novel adaptation!
    One of the first things I noticed about STEINS;GATE ELITE on the Switch was the fact that portability was a great benefit to the visual novel experience. Being able to take the game with me and play through the story over time at my leisure made it a far more relaxing time than having to portion out sections of my day to play the game uninterrupted; being able to pick up and play STEINS;GATE ELITE at any time really made the entire experience a lot more enjoyable and organic, making it fit my schedule more than anything else (although, in all honesty, I still ended up marathoning the game a lot). However, some of the new wrinkles presented in STEINS;GATE ELITE made this occasionally a bit awkward; still, if you have the choice, I highly recommend playing the game on the Switch in portable mode to experience the game on the go and when you can get the time. As a warning, I will say that while the game looks good in docked mode, it occasionally felt like the graphics were stretching or not quite meant to be transmitted from the Switch to a TV, meaning that it's best to play the Switch version in portable mode for both ease of use, and just for the best way to ‘view’ the game.
As I mentioned, there are a few wrinkles to this new version of STEINS;GATE that initially caught me off guard. The game is a mixture of the anime with the visual novel script, with Huke’s CGs replaced with scenes from the anime. This works pretty well overall, since the anime was a faithful adaptation that took few divergences, but it also means that the story plays out a little differently in terms of how scenes progress in the sense of time progression. Sometimes, reading through sections I’d already seen due to a bad ending, I noticed that the game isn’t really well equipped to deal with someone mashing through the dialogue at a faster pace than it is ready to go, causing character’s mouths to move when things aren’t being said, or almost as if the scene is playing on a certain timer that is somewhat independent from the text itself. This isn’t a huge deal or any sort of deal breaker, but it was a somewhat awkward situation when it did occur; depending on your speed of reading and how fast you want to get through the game, this issue may come up for you more or less than it did for me.  
  Those changes aside, I have to say that STEINS;GATE ELITE is probably one of the best, if not the best, version of the game that you can get. Whether you’ve never played the game before, or you’re revisiting the game after some time away, this version presents you with one of the nicest, most complete overall packages. All of the content of the original game are here, with all of the endings and choices included; there’s nothing missing from the original game for the sake of making the anime scenes fit. Instead, you sometimes just get some still frames or repeated animations while characters talk. Perhaps the biggest direct change has to do with the D-Mails and other choices; instead of having to hunt them down yourself when they might be available, STEINS;GATE ELITE simply pops up a menu and gives you your options immediately upon reaching a certain branch. While the freedom to stumble around is part of a charm in a visual novel, it can also be a bit hard to figure out for some people, and I can see why this change benefits the game overall by streamlining the whole experience. And, in many ways, that’s what makes STEINS;GATE ELITE unique: the combination of various STEINS;GATE versions into a streamlined, unique final package of the main storyline.
Content wise, everything is here that you can expect to find in the original: the humor, the drama, tragedy, action, and shocking moments are all present. I don’t want to say anything more in case this is your first time through, but if you’ve seen the anime, you will end up seeing some things you didn’t see the first time around, making the game a real treat for you to better explore the STEINS;GATE world. And if you’ve only played the game, seeing the anime counterpart designs in motion next to the script with all of the returning voices is pretty interesting; just playing through STEINS;GATE ELITE makes me want to watch the anime all over again! One of the best aspects of the VN is the various endings you can get, both good and bad. Finding your way to the true ending is worth the overall reward of playing through the game, so do yourself a favor and grab STEINS;GATE ELITE if you’ve never had a chance to play it before. If you have played the game previously, this version might be something to debate buying, as there’s nothing really new or different other than the visuals, so unless you want to play through STEINS;GATE again with different visuals, there’s not really a lot here that you haven’t read or seen before.
Depending on which version you buy (I played the Switch version) you'll get some extra content outside of the game. The PS4 version of the game comes with Linear Bounded Phenogram, which follows small short stories of the main cast in various circumstances. The Switch version comes with 8-BIT ADV STEINS;GATE, a unique throwback to NES era adventure games, complete with 8-bit renditions of STEINS;GATE music and sound effects (including Rintaro’s laugh). I have to say that 8-BIT ADV STEINS;GATE is a somewhat charming, if a little frustrating, additional game. While the Linear Bounded Phenogram stories provide some extra background and peeks into character’s thoughts and actions, 8-BIT ADV is essentially just the main game reduced down into a few hours of simple adventure game play. Basically, don’t play 8-BIT ADV until you’ve played the main game, or you might find yourself spoiled! My frustration for this little side game comes from the fact that you can’t save at all; while the game doesn’t really have a lot of choices, it does actually have a few abilities to reach a game over state, and doing so starts you all the way back at the beginning… with no ability to pick up where you left off. It's a bit too faithful to the NES era of adventure games, that's for sure! As a fan of visual novels, one of the big joys is making save files to see what happens, but in 8-BIT ADV your choices are rewarded with… doing everything all over. The game itself isn’t very long, but even at 2 hours, that’s a lot of time that you can spend only to have to redo everything again. The graphics and music, plus the retro adventure gameplay, are pretty fun. If I had to choose personally, I’d probably opt for the Linear Bounded Phenogram extra content.
Whether you’re a new visual novel player, curious to try out the game after watching the anime, or an experienced visual novel fan who just loves reading their favorite stories over and over again, STEINS;GATE ELITE is a great game either way. I really enjoyed seeing the Future Gadget Lab group’s antics all over again, and as I finish off my first Dr. Pepper in a long time, I remember how much I enjoyed the game and the experience the first time around! And, at the end of the day, I think that’s the best review I can give it: STEINS;GATE is great, and this version maintains that greatness. So don’t wait for John Titor to take you along on their time travel adventures to get your hands on the game, go grab STEINS;GATE ELITE now! (Also, Kurisu is best girl! <3)
+ Fantastic story and characters with a unique world that sucks you in
+ Voice acting and visuals are amazing and the mixture of anime visuals with the visual novel script makes the game fluid
+/- the mixture of anime and visual novel script, though, might turn off visual novel purists or people who read faster than the game expects
- There’s really not much ‘new’ here, and 8-BIT ADV is a cute distraction, but not much else; if you played STEINS;GATE before, you won’t find much new to do here
  Did you pick up STEINS;GATE ELITE? Are you a fan of the VN or anime? Let us know what you think of the game in the comments!
Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
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{Digi-T.C.G.} ~ A R M A G E M O N (+of D i a b l o m o n Line{s})
{from here!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Kou+Tai/Taishiro [Koushiro x Taichi]:
Koushiro: Taichi-san
TAICHI: ... Er, what's up, Koushi---
Koushiro: Let's play Smash tonight
Taichi: Koushiro, are you o---
Koushiro: I also need to speak to the rest of the Chosen later. Not now. Later
Taichi: ... Did something break on the 'Net again-?
Koushiro: (ALL of our blogs are breaking The Network.)
Taichi: I'll get the ... stuff ... ready
Koushiro, NODDING: Let's go.
T A I C H I:
Agumon and Tentomon, exchanging glances:
Taichi: (It WASN'T me this time!!!)
Takeru, later on, in the chat: This kind of thing surpasses even me, so...
Koushiro, typing: (Keep everyone calm until it's over)
Takeru: ... How's everything with Tai---
Koushiro: It's great.
Taichi: (That's probably all Takeru's . Getting)
Taichi, the next day, walking in:
Everyone else: (So, whAT---)
Taichi, cheerily: So, are our blogs back to working as usual yet??
Everyone minus Koushiro who isn't there yet, exchanging glances:
Taichi: (You guys keep an eye on it while we're ... gone.)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
the storm roles in
About 28. EST. Cis-female. My hobbies include writing, reading, watching anime, playing RPGs, frolicking, idling at coffee shops, and listening to sad music (almost exclusively). I work in an office setting, and I live in the Midwest. Feel free to rescue me, as the food here is atrocious. I’m an easy-going, flexible partner who’s been writing and rping for about 15 years. Style
Adv/Lit, Multi-Para Writer. Quality over Quantity, but I tend to average 500-800 words per post.
Third-person; past tense.
Will likely post 2-4x per week.
Doubling strongly preferred but not a hard requirement. I love a large cast of characters, and I will likely want a big, interconnected world even if we are not doubling. My favorite roleplays have tended to end up with my partner and I writing 3-4 major-minor characters each, in addition to “main” characters, but this is not a requirement. Do not message me if you only play female.
My main romantic preference is MxF, but if we are doubling I am willing to write my partner’s preferred romantic pairing. Either way, the supporting characters on my side will be diverse.
My mains tend to be aged between 24-38.
I prefer to use art/anime for face claims over real life celebs, but I am also cool with real life references as well. I am also willing to skip face claims altogether.
My favorite types of stories take place in a modern setting with a lot of action. Urban fantasy and medieval fantasy are also acceptable, but I have no interest in writing as or against vampires or werewolves. I prefer elementals or X-Men-style super powers.
I prefer Google Docs, then email; possibly a private server. I will not write on Discord, but we can plot there. :)
Language: Generally opposed to slurs of any kind, especially regarding race. Otherwise, no limits.
Violence: Do not cause irreversible or permanent damage to my characters without prior discussion. Otherwise, no limits. Some character-control allowed. Example: If your character is going to punch mine, just follow through on the action. If we’re writing together, it’s safe to assume that I trust you to make good choices.
Sex: I prefer to write this for more momentous occasions (first time, reunion, once lust becomes love), and otherwise fade-to-black. However, I am not opposed to writing smut most of the time that it occurs or fading-to-black entirely. Generally, I tend to be pretty vanilla, but I can and have written kink-exploration. Tell me what you want and what you’re comfortable with.
Hard Limits: pedo, bestiality, furry, vore, scat, over-the-top proportions. Addiction-romances.
Soft Limits: Pregnancy. I am not hardcore opposed to this, but it’s unlikely my characters will have children.
Generally, if I like and trust my partner, I am cool with most other things not on this list.
I will write love triangles or poly for my partner.
Please enjoy writing a similar wc-average. I find that I share writing values most with those who write a similar amount as me.
Prefers doubling. Ideally willing to write a large cast of characters.
I may turn away cis-male writers.
When you email me, tell me about yourself including age, time zone, how long you’ve been writing, and your limits. I will not respond to inquiries that do not include these items.
No expectations on a posting timeline- I can actually go months between replies if we have a good rapport- but it’d be cool if you could post at least once a week.
Cravings Thanks for reading! Please note that these cravings are fandom-inspired or character-inspired. I do not want to play against or as canon characters. I have placed an asterisk beside my preferred character; if there is not one, I do not have a preference. If you have a different pairing in mind for what you’d like, go ahead and propose it! I am open to split-rps. Plots are very loose, and I am open to talking about your cravings as well! I want to collaborate with you!!! Inspired by Yona of the Dawn. Warrior x Cleric (f)*. Childhood friends. Unrequited love (eventually requited.) Mystic x Exiled Priest/Druid (m)*. Rivals. Love-Hate. Setting: Medieval Fantasy or Urban Fantasy. Modified Plot: Four characters must escape enemy territory. While traveling back to their own region, they learn more about their own country and its flaws. Long-Term Adventure. Inspired by Kamisama Kiss Guardian x Guarded (f)*. Forbidden love. Some love-hate. Guardian (m)* x Guarded. Unyielding loyalty. Love triangle Setting: Medieval Fantasy or Urban Fantasy. Modified Plot: Two rival pairs (each guardian x guarded) begin the rp as enemies fighting over territory, but larger forces bring the group together. Long-Term Adventure. Original Plot. Danger Magnet x Unlikely Hero. Past lovers. Spy x Assassin. On-Again-Off-Again Romance. Jealousy. Setting: Modern or Modern Fantasy. Plot: The daughter of a politician doesn’t follow the rules which tends to get her in trouble. She runs into her ex after giving her handlers the slip. A flirtatious spy and a more rigid assassin fall for each other, except the assassin struggles to reconcile their feelings against the spy’s career seductions. Medium-Term Action, but open to Long-Term. Contact Email: [email protected] Discord available for chatting once we decide to rp together.
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