captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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IG: rynfrank
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
Her hair had darkened slightly after Aster was born, but right now, with the sunlight streaming through the large kitchen window, Eva’s hair was as golden as when she had been sailing through the stars. 
“Mama. Can we look at flowers?” 
Eva turned to her daughter and leaned down to tuck a strand of white-blonde hair behind her ear. “Sure muffin. Which one would you like to look at today?” 
Aster jabbed a finger towards a high shelf in the next room, filled with different shapes and sizes of glittering glass holding shades of delicate memories. Far away from tiny, clumsy hands. 
“Any of them!” 
“Alright.” Eva stretched her arm towards the shelf and Aster giggled the entire time the object slowly floated from the shelf to rest on her mother’s open palm. “As you know, these are all flowers from places I have traveled, places your daddy traveled and brought back a piece to me, places we have traveled together. But this one.” Eva inspected the dark red petals through the crystal with a smile lost in some unseen thought. “Is from this planet. Home. I picked it the day your daddy asked me to marry him.” 
“You have so many!” Aster said enthusiastically, enchanted with the idea of her parents having a whole other life before her. 
“Well, our journey has been pretty amazing.” Eva sent the flower enchased in glass back to the shelf and winked at her daughter with eyes that were a little more blue than usual. “And it’s not over yet.” 
“Hi my love.” She said to the owner of the hands that slid onto her rounded belly. She leaned against the strong chest at her back, deftly picking through the fresh garden strawberries in the sink. “Isaac Cerrillo.” She continued in her newly acquired mom tone. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“Why do you think I’m not?” His voice was muffled from his lips buried against her neck. 
“Because I am definitely being poked by stubble. Meaning you haven’t shaved.” 
“I’m trying out something new.” 
“Yea right.” She rolled her eyes and he chuckled before kissing behind her ear. She knew both times he had attempted to grow any semblance of a beard, he had given up before it had even began, his deeply ingrained military training winning out every time. “I made you tea.” 
“Perfect wife.” Isaac said, taking the ice filled glass from her offering hand. 
“Can I have a sip?”
Isaac paused, slowly lowering the golden liquid from his lips and chuckling again as he handed it over. He didn’t wait to fill a new glass with more tea. “You’ve been on your feet long enough baby, let me take over.” He shook his head and smiled as he took a sip from his glass and watched her drain hers. 
“Excuse me.” She replied with a satisfied ahh and a smack of her lips. “I happen to hold an N7 title, a specially trained soldier able to withstand the harshest conditioning and outlast even the most - okay yeah maybe I’ll sit down just for a few minutes.”
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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ENVER GJOKAJ by Mark Griffin Champion 
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
Just when I thought you couldn't get any SEXIER. I see you in your element. I always thought space and wearing your captain hat was your element. I was wrong.
Eva 😏
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
My favorite thing about this place is the fact that I'm discovering so many more pieces of you to love.
I'm in love with having you home.
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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by victo_somewhere
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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ENVER GJOKAJ by Mark Griffin Champion 
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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Aimee Nezhukumatathil, "Baked Goods" from Lucky Fish
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
Isaac broke their kiss only to lift Eva to sit at the edge of a rocky outcropping near the roaring falls. Her legs spread for him and he settled between them. His half-hardness solidified, throbbing between them at the soft heat of her. It took everything in him to stay reasonable. He linked their fingers and watched her eyes, trying to ignore the aching pulse where their bodies met.
"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Eva. And I grew up here." He cracked a small, teasing smile that wrinkled the corners of his eyes. "It means everything to share this with you." He pulled her closer, an outbreath turning into a soft moan when she pressed her soft chest into him and locked her knees around his ass.
She whispered his name against his lips, a quiet demand, and he obliged. His lips slipped from hers, down her neck, pausing to press a kiss to every mark and mole. He unlaced one hand to trail her trim belly and drift lower. Her body's eager anticipation thrilled him and they both felt him throb against her wet heat. But, as usual, Isaac wanted to take his time.
Her free hand cradled his head, painted nails scratching at his scalp through thick salt and pepper hair as he suckled her sensitive nipples, playfully nipping at the soft curves of pale flesh around the areola. He motorboated himself happily as his more serious fingers slipped lower to tap against her clit.
She jolted underneath him, arching into his hands and mouth, ripping a groan from him that made him have to stroke his aching dick. He moved to kiss her mouth another time before grabbing her thighs to move her closer to the rocky edge and bending to kiss the top of her slit with an exploratory lick. "I need you, baby," he whispered against her lips.
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
"His name is Gus." Isaac offered helpfully, leaning against one old, whitewashed porch beam.
Ethan straightened, slipping back into his cool indifference just long enough to turn, inspecting Isaac. Gus nudged eagerly at Ethan's hand with a soft, wet nose and both men smiled when he melted.
Isaac didn't know much about Sabre. Not much other than the fact that they were entirely different. But everything in him warmed to see the way the flawless Phoenix melted to his knees for Isaac's old friend.
The Phoenix's massive biceps curled gently around Gus and the dog whimpered and whined mixed sounds of joy and relief, sniffing into Ethan's perfect hair with a happy, swishing tail.
"He really likes you," Isaac offered. He moved just enough to take a seat on the old porch steps, just a small distance from where the Phoenix and the dog knelt in the grass. "He's usually much more standoffish with folks at first."
Ethan sniffed. His cool tone hiding the warm sparkle in his pretty eyes as he smoothed his hands over the dog's soft fur. "Gus just has good taste."
"He does." Isaac agreed quietly. He let his eyes drift to the horizon- to the slowly setting sun. "There are a few little houses on the property. Spread out that we've always kept for farm hands or neighbors or whatnot. The refugees are being settled closer into town so if you and Huntsman wanted a place to stay planetside."
He hesitated, tipping his head in the direction of the busy farmhouse, filled with love and laughter and joy for the first time in far too many years, behind him. "Somewhere more private. You're welcome to any of them."
The captain sighed but it wasn't his usual weary sound. It was a satisfied, full belly, happy heart kind of noise. He smiled at Ethan and Gus as he got to his feet, teasing the warm pair as he moved to find Eva's side again. "He might try to follow you home, you know."
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
"Captain." A teasing little smile fit Eva's face as Isaac set the car to park and turned to face her.
His smile made the corners of his eyes wrinkle. "That word is meaningless here." He gestured with a tip of his head to the scene around them. "We've got a bit of a hike, if that's alright?"
"Right now, I don't mind anything, as long as it's with you." Eva leaned in to meet him for a kiss.
Isaac threw the small backpack down into the pink sand and watched the way Eva stilled to take every part of everything in. The crystal clear, turquoise blue water and pink shell sand. The rushing, roaring waterfall tucked into a mossy crop of jagged rock.
"It's more beautiful than I imagined."
Isaac wrapped his arms around her from behind, hugging her against his bare chest, having already half-stripped. "I feel that way every day." He kissed both of her temples before slipping his hands under the hem of her loose shirt. "Come swim with me."
“If this is what you mean by the long way, my love,” The wind took a hold of her words and her hair as Eva removed the clips holding her twisted braid. She threw out her arms into the rushing air around them and raised her voice to be heard. “Then take your time.” 
Isaac laughed and she closed her eyes, letting the moment soak in, memorizing every detail. Isaac’s laughter – different from his usual. Lighter. The feel of the clean, cool wind on every uncovered inch of skin. The smell of earth and distant rain and-. Her eyes flew open and she almost needed to close them again against the assault of color. “Isaac!” She blindly found his shoulder and tapped her fingers against it, unable to tear her eyes away from the fields of rainbow. “It’s an ocean of flowers!” 
“You could swim in many oceans of flowers here Eva.” 
The colors finally passed into a deep green forest and she turned to her lover to study him in this new light. As if someone had finally lifted the almost too heavy weight he had been trying to carry. Her fingers grazed his cheek. As if he was finally where he belonged. 
Isaac glanced from the road to her shining azure eyes. “What is it baby?” 
“Just when I thought there was no way I could ever love you more, I see all of your colors.” 
Isaac’s hand slid around hers and brought it to his lips as he drove. 
“Isaac.” She matched his grin as her fingers began to turn up the dial on the radio. “Can we go faster?”
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captain-cerrillo · 2 years
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