#adrian velba
graphicpolicy · 2 years
Review: Lastman Book 1
Lastman Book 1 is as fantastic as we remember. If you've never read this #graphicnovel now's your chance to get the first two volumes in one book #comics #comicbooks
Adrian Velba has trained for the Valley of the Kinds tournament. Unfortunately, his partner had to drop out. Luckily, the mysterious Richard Aldana has stepped in. But who is Aldana and where did he come from? Lastman Book 1 collects the first two volumes of the series. Story: Michaël Sanlaville, Bastien Vivès, BalakArt: Michaël Sanlaville, Bastien VivèsTranslation: Edward Gauvin Get your copy…
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maluron · 5 years
et pan dans ta gueule !
(Ah ha ça y est j'ai trouvé comment poster des scans tout en les planquant sous cut : à l'attaque !)
Et donc, tout ce que je voulais pour ce tome 12 c'était que Howard se ramasse un bon pain dans la gueule...
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Merci Elorna.
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Go Mariane go! Bitchslap!!
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Eeet... go Adrian, kick the son of a btch!
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Et Merci Reine Iguane. (Un tout petit regret que Cristo n'ait pas pas directement participé mais heh, j'imagine qu'elle ne voulait pas se salir les mains avec ça quand la justice pouvait être servie de manière plus spectaculaire ?) Ah, ça fait du bien.
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evasartblog · 6 years
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sketchbook - Last Man studies 
Also read this comic. SO GOOOD! 
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yermanfran · 5 years
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Adrian Velba from Last Man with some added action thumbnails. Still one of my favorite comics in the last few years. Can’t wait till the next few books come out in English. #adrianvelba #lastman #fanart #yermanfran https://www.instagram.com/p/B43Ht6EgaYU/?igshid=1nekpp4vcxsgh
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gioaboumrad-blog · 4 years
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AlbHey Longo consiglia: Last Man di Balak, Bastien Vivès e Michaël Sanlaville. La serie é composta da dodici volumi. Al momento dieci di questi sono disponibili in Italia sotto @baopublishing . Nella Valle dei Re, dove la magia é studiata e conosciuta, sta per tenersi il grande torneo annuale dove coppie di maghi si sfidano a colpi di incantesimi. Il giovane Adrian Velba si trova il giorno della competizione senza compagno di squadra e quindi si troverebbe costretto a rinunciare alla gara. A mettersi in coppia con lui arriva però Richard Aldana, un uomo rozzo e nerboruto sbucato dal nulla che sembra estraneo alle ferree regole della magia!👊🔮 #shahrazad #shahrazadrpv #albheylongo #albhey #lastman #fumetto #bandedessinee #balak #sanlaville #vives #podcast #intervista #consiglio https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bhNfdBnp9/?igshid=125wq5hvxlwku
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artbookisland · 7 years
Discover: Lastman
Hey there, it's been a while since my last article! Sorry about that... Anyway, here's something new, today I want to make you discover a French comic book that you probably don't know: Lastman.
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This 9 volume series (vol.10 coming later this year) is made by three French guys (Vivès, Balak & Sanlaville) and it's been quite successful over the past years. Actually, I don't know anyone who dislikes Lastman and I've never seen anyone criticizing it on the internet!
To be honest, when the owner of my local comic book store told me to try and read Lastman, I didn't want to, mainly because of the visual style. When I read comics I usually like a certain style and this didn't fit. But he insisted and even lended me his own copy of the series' first volume. So I read it and... Wow! After just a few pages I started to understand why this series was so successful and I realised that the visual style was not that bad... pretty great actually! There's not much details or realism but the characters and environments are very "effective" and the movements and emotions are very well represented, it's actually very easy and quick to "read" (still talking about the art). Here's what is looks like (each book starts with a few color pages):
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So now, the story. I don't want to say too much because there's a lot of suspense and surprises and I wouldn't want to spoil it for you but here's what I can say: it all starts in an antique place called "the Valley of Kings" and the fighting tournament is about to start. Young Adrian Velba doesn't have a partner and is about to be disqualified but he eventually teams up with a strange guy who's apparently not at all from there: Richard Aldana. As you can see, the premise is quite simple but it's only the start of a great adventure that will go way beyond this seemingly peaceful valley. Everything's mixed with great action, humor, emotions and so on. It's just awesome!
Here's the entire collection along with some kind of magazine they've made and exclusive pin's that I recently managed to buy:
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The love for this series grew bigger and bigger until it started being published in English and Japanese (maybe even in other languages but I don't know). Last year there was also a very successful Kickstarter campaign to make an anime adaptation (prequel) of Lastman, it finally aired on French TV last winter and was a great success, you should really check it out if it's available in your language, it's as good as the comic!
Here's a trailer in English but it contains a lot of spoilers in my opinion so if you want to watch the series, don't watch this trailer:
So that’s about it, Lastman is a great comic and an awesome anime that you should totally read/watch!
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heyitspizzaking · 8 years
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Richard Aldana teaching Adrian some moves. From the French comic series, LastMan (highly recommend it!) #lastman
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boktai2 · 8 years
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sarah-salard · 8 years
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Jéencoreféducoloriage mais cette fois pour le SINK Fanzine ! 
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ph-doux · 10 years
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Fan art Last Man
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maluron · 6 years
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planche déplacée hxxps://malurette.dreamwidth.org/2823553.html
Bonne fête des pères, papa indigne !! Sérieux, comment tu peux traiter tes iguanes zombies comme tes bébés après ce que tu as fait ? Bon voilà j'vous avoue ma grande honte : j'ai des idées pour une bonne quinzaine d'AUs différents où punir Howard comme il le mérite, et à côté de ça, j'obsède sur le seul où tout se passerait bien pour tout le monde et personne ne mourrait. Si seulement j'avais le temps et l'énergie pour pas juste y penser mais les réaliser !
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maluron · 6 years
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images moved hxxps://malurette.dreamwidth.org/2858894.html#cutid4
Do. Not. Ask. What went wrong with the faces. I just hate ballpoint pens, OK? Even if they come in so many colours. I can't draw with them! Please give me back my pencils and an eraser.
If anyone's wondering, the red bits next to Tomie are Fuligule's. (And nobody's asking, but, alternate idea for "flowing": Lora Morgan's blood drenching the sheets and dribbling to the floor upon Elorna's birth. Good thing it's wayyy above my crappy skills, right?)
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boktai2 · 8 years
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Last Man: The Stranger
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