#adakias — headcanons.
temeryte · 1 year
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NEW CHARACTER ALERT — Introducing Pallis, from Forgive Durden's Razia's Shadow. Pallis is the Crown Prince of the Dark, son to King Orionis and brother to Adakias. He is a study on The Resenter, The Dutiful Son, Forced into Evil, and more.  His face claim is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and he is currently a secondary muse. Feel free to learn more about him on my Carrd.
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downs1de · 5 months
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lesbiten · 2 years
the thing that gets me about razias shadow is if it was so easy for adakias to just leave and blend in with the light city why do the others not also just leave
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Pallis's tears
In the original concept art and many fan designs Pallis has inky black tears rolling down his cheeks. I've only seen one post addressing this so I decided to make my own.
It all started with Barayas.
He filled Ahrima with hate and Ahrima let his rage blind him. Ahrima's eyes proceed to change and become like Pallis's. He continued to weep for all eternity over what he had done.
If we are going off the head cannon that Ahrima and all of the other trouble makers were left behind, it's reasonable to assume that many off them became extremely sad/bitter with the circumstances and many of their eyes began to bleed black as well. Making this an underlying genetic trait.
All people of the dark now cry black tears.
Still, all of the children are born without tears streaming down their faces. This is something that only happens to some people of the dark, those who tend to let their anger and negative emotions get the best of them.
That is why Pallis has them, he likely got them after some turning point event in his life. I like to think he got them after the loss of his mother.
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disgruntleddemon · 4 years
headcannon it wasn’t Adakias being from the dark that made Anhura sick, she just ended up catching a sickness from the dark that he was immune too after living there.
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Headcanon that Adakias is like. 5'5" and Anhura and Pallis use him as an arm rest every single chance they get
He doesn't even care that they do it. He does complain a bit when it's Pallis doing it, but only bc he's a little rougher about it than Anhura.
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raziasheadcanons · 6 years
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Ahrima never completely moved on after losing Nidria. As a result, he never reentered another romantic relationship. Any and all of his "children” were not naturally born. They were instead created during Ahrima’s attempts to hone his own skills and replicate O the Scientist’s ability to create life. 
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"We'll disappear; you'll stay here to rot as the king of The Dark and forgot!"
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What started as more Razia's Shadow character doodles ended up becoming a full drawing. I don't work with lighting effects often, which is probably pretty obvious here, but I still wanted to try it.
Just a quick note: Ahrima's fingers are burnt from him tearing down the lamps. I have a headcanon that every citizen of The Dark has a dark marking on some part of their body (like the dark streaks below Pallis's eyes and the mark I imagine Adakias to have around his neck), all starting with Ahrima's burnt fingers.
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bunnyinatree · 5 years
Headcanon that Adakias’ eyes are incredibly photosensitive, due to the fact that he’s lived in the Dark his whole life, so one of the first things he does as a Light citizen is get a pair of sunglasses, which he wears without fail for the rest of the story.  Anhura’s dad sees him even wearing them indoors, and this is one of the reason’s why he’s so suspicious.
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rivvetgunn · 6 years
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“i’ll work on some settings next”
and then I DIDN’T. /John Mu/lan/ey voice
anyway have this dumb spider that has given me hell from the beginning. still lots of adjustments to make because what the heck is spider anatomy. temporarily thought about making him fully humanoid because i’m still not really sure why he seems to be the only animal/insect in the angelverseplace???? doesn’t fit with my headcanons. but then i thought maybe that was wimping out on trying something new so. i suffer.
he is unintentionally dangerously close to Doing It To ‘Em. he would, though. He absolutely would.
also he has a tail because he had one in the concept art. and i love tails.
also a king malka. beard and sans beard. both adakias and the narrator play him up like he’s an idiot but like he’s apparently the only person in the whole light kingdom to realize what’s up with adakias so........... checkmate. i’m still giving him a ridiculous crown, though. he seems the type.
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pallikias · 7 years
Some Razia's Shadow Headcanons
-The Dark is a small society of entirely men and VERY old school monarchal
-Translucent skin and tattoo tears on both Pallis and Adakias???? 1000%
-The Lamps are the stars (while this conflicts with a line in 'It's True Love' I still hold to this)
-Adakias is a douche-canoe, albeit a lovable one
-The Narrator is Pallis, post main events (therefore making Adakias seem like a better person, telling the audience it's their turn to pass along the story, making the King seem greedy when we know he's not, etc. etc.)
Feel free to reblog and add more, I would be very interested to see how people interpret the story!!
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temeryte · 1 year
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NEW CHARACTER ALERT — Introducing King Orionis, an original character set in the universe of Razia's Shadow by Forgive Durden. Orionis is the King of the Dark and father of Adakias and Pallis, and is a study on Tragic Backstories, Fractured Family Dynamics, The Weight of Duty, and more.  His face claim is Clive Standen and he is currently a secondary muse. Feel free to learn more about him on my Carrd.
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downs1de · 5 months
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oflgtfol · 6 years
lmao im thinking of writing a fic for razia’s shadow thats basically a rewrite with more detail added
#bc like. they couldve definitely focused s bit more on characters#BUT then again im p sure its meant to feel like.. telling a fairy tale#so the priority is. plot mainly#SO if i weree to write this i’d focus more on the characters#and flesh out the world a bit more according to my Own Headcanons....#and also.. fix some Flaws...#like theres... 2 whole female characters in the entire cast... and they barely fucking speak like uhm..... blegj lmao#Anhura Deserved Better#the thing holding me back mostly tho is#the wc fic im writing and also. i care more abt rewriting the second act than the first socirs like.. i gotta start with the first act#but i.. dont know what to do with it nor do i care as much lmfao#BC LIKE WITH THE SECOND ACT I’D MAKE ANHURA AND ADAKIAS FALL IN LOVE LIKe. BELIEVABLY#NOT LOVE AT FIRST SITE BS. PROPHECY OR NOT THEY WILL HAVE ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT BIHTC#sight*#add some mentions of like. what the fuck pallis was doing too#bc he literally shows up out of nowhere in the end and the beginning#like yea he was tracking them but like. i’ll Show that#LIKE I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THE SECOND ACT BUT THE FIRST??? HDKSHDBDOS#this would be multi chapter#and i wanna add like. a better conclusion/epilogue but it’d be more than one chap so idk if it would be like#a nice short sequel or smth? or added to the main fic.#BUT I HAVE IDEAS FOR HOW PALLIS AND ANHURA REPAIRED THE WORLD TOO GOD DAMN IT!!!!#ppl ship them but honestly.. nah. political marriage yea. to reunite the two halves#but uh. nah they stay friends. no romantic marriage for them#AND HONESTLY GOD DAMNIT!!!#IM A SUCKER FOR SIBLING TELATIONSHIPS SO IM GONNA DEVELOP PALLIS AND ADAKIAS TOO!!! FUCK!!!#the only ideas i have for the first act so far is when ahrima destroys the lamps. thats it lmfao#delete later
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King! It means king! And Pallis & Adakias are princes! What if Sangara was their dad?
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rosevillemoved · 7 years
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@agendercalliope yeah!! i love anhura but shes rly only there for a love interest and to move the plot along. and that makes me disappointed bc the only two female characters are love interests that don't do that much and yeah, how did the light and dark join together?? did anhura and pallis, as the heirs, mutually agree on it?? there's so much to be answered it feals unsatisfying the joe's pub version does touch up on some stuff (that i can't remember that much rn but at least they say what razia is, which is i guess the earth they're living on?? and they flesh out the romance) but they do remove all the characters except for adakias, nidria, the king and the oracle and add two more (rivka who i think is nidria's sister or something and the mysterious man, who i personally headcanon, looks like ahrima but with his hood on) and yeah the lyrics are sometimes non understandable so that kinda sucks
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