gambitaibot · 1 year
Australian Dollar Outlook: US Dollar Dominates Proceedings
Australian Dollar Forecast: Neutral
The Australian Dollar has succumbed to external factors
The US Dollar rallied across the board as Treasury yields spike again
Perceptions around the Fed appear to be driving currencies, will it sink AUD/USD further?
The Australian Dollar got hammered every day last week with the US Dollar juggernaut trampling across markets and sending the Aussie to a six-month low.
The fundamental backdrop appears to be slipping slightly after retail sales for April came in flat month-on-month rather the 0.3% forecast and 0.4% prior. It comes on the back of the unemployment rate ticking up to 3.7% against 3.5% previously.
The data is inline with the RBA expectations as noted in the May monetary policy board meeting minutes that were released last Tuesday.
The bank noted, “In weighing up the two options, members recognised that the arguments were finely balanced but judged it was appropriate to increase interest rates at this meeting.
For AUD/USD though, the domestic economy and the RBA mean very little when the US Dollar is dancing on centre stage, as it is at the moment.
Several speakers from the Federal Reserve reiterated the message that rates will either need to be hiked further or at the very least, a pause in the Fed funds target rate might be appropriate.
If the latter is to come to fruition, they made it clear that it will need to stay there for lengthy period of time to get inflation back down to their 2% target.
Interest rate markets are now pricing in a roughly 80% chance of a 25 basis point lift in rates by the July Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting.
Treasury yields have been marching higher and on Friday the 1-year bond traded over 5.3% marking a 23-year high after having traded as low as 4.03% in March.
The yield spread between Australian Commonwealth Government bonds (ACGB) has widened again in the short end and this has probably undermined AUD/USD.
The benchmark 2-year bond spread is around 90 basis points in favour of the ‘big dollar’. The 10-year spread has been quite stable and this may indicate that the Fed’s rate path might be where the market is focussed for now.
The Australian Dollar got hammered every day last week with the US Dollar juggernaut trampling across markets and sending the Aussie to a six-month low.
The fundamental backdrop appears to be slipping slightly after retail sales for April came in flat month-on-month rather the 0.3% forecast and 0.4% prior. It comes on the back of the unemployment rate ticking up to 3.7% against 3.5% previously.
The data is inline with the RBA expectations as noted in the May monetary policy board meeting minutes that were released last Tuesday.
The bank noted, “In weighing up the two options, members recognised that the arguments were finely balanced but judged it was appropriate to increase interest rates at this meeting.
For AUD/USD though, the domestic economy and the RBA mean very little when the US Dollar is dancing on centre stage, as it is at the moment.
Several speakers from the Federal Reserve reiterated the message that rates will either need to be hiked further or at the very least, a pause in the Fed funds target rate might be appropriate.
If the latter is to come to fruition, they made it clear that it will need to stay there for lengthy period of time to get inflation back down to their 2% target.
Interest rate markets are now pricing in a roughly 80% chance of a 25 basis point lift in rates by the July Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting.
Treasury yields have been marching higher and on Friday the 1-year bond traded over 5.3% marking a 23-year high after having traded as low as 4.03% in March.
The yield spread between Australian Commonwealth Government bonds (ACGB) has widened again in the short end and this has probably undermined AUD/USD.
The benchmark 2-year bond spread is around 90 basis points in favour of the ‘big dollar’. The 10-year spread has been quite stable and this may indicate that the Fed’s rate path might be where the market is focussed for now.
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Chart created in TradingView
Written by Daniel McCarthy, Strategist for forex
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patern29 · 2 years
Voilier grand voyage dériveur lesté aluminium
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Suite à l'agrandissement de la famille, nous vendons notre JSB, un consolation 42. C'est un plan joubert dériveur lesté en aluminium de 12,4m rallongé 13,5m par une plateforme à l'arrière. Il a été construit par le chantier ACGB en Bretagne en 1982. Ce bateau a navigué sous toutes les latides entre l'Antarctique et le Spitzberg, avant de prendre la route classique France Polynésie où il est actuellement. Vous trouverez toutes les informations complémentaires, photos vidéos et descriptif complet sur ce lien Google Drive : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GD5ZcbojiQqB71z5597Vta-OKsNCX8dN Cordialement Sandrine, Laurent et leur 2 petit mousses Read the full article
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germtimes · 4 years
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🐸Frog from Animal Crossing gives me life🐸
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shinysoulfortree · 4 years
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Yes! I love Derwin <3
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dyslexic-shirmp · 5 years
ok weird one of my villagers on acgc refused to talk to me kept saying “sometimes friends need space” and “right now isn’t a good time” until i left an acre and came back also it was the first time i talked to them today and i’ve never restarted on that character
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jornal-do-reboucas · 7 years
Para o bem-estar da vida humana
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Você já reparou em quantas pichações existem pela cidade? E calçadas, já percebeu a quantidade de buracos e defeitos que existem nelas? Às vezes, essas coisas passam despercebidas por nossos olhos, como se não existissem, mas existem e em grande número. As diversas pichações poluem o ambiente, desvalorizam imóveis e estabelecimentos e tornam a região mais perigosa. Os buracos, além de feios, oferecem perigo aos pedestres, fazendo com que tropecem e sofram acidentes indesejáveis.
  Muita gente acha que o reparo desses problemas é dever somente da prefeitura, o que não é verdade. Cuidar do meio urbano é tarefa de todos os cidadãos. E foi dessa lacuna que, no ano de 2000, nasceu a ACGB (Associação dos Condomínios Garantidos do Brasil), a partir de uma iniciativa privada de empresas que atuam na área condominial e tem como objetivo garantir o bem-estar da cidade e da população. 
     Para isso, a associação desenvolveu diversos projetos ao longo desses 17 anos, dentre eles:
- Zelador da Vizinhança: Nesse projeto, uma equipe de onze zeladores trabalha removendo pichações de muros, portas, fachadas e caixas telefônicas. Além disso, também fazem o plantio e a poda de flores e arbustos nas praças e áreas centrais da cidade, tudo para deixar Curitiba mais limpa e harmoniosa.   [caption id="attachment_13060" align="alignleft" width="618"] Trabalho dos zeladores urbanos - ANTES[/caption]                           [caption id="attachment_13061" align="alignleft" width="618"] Trabalho dos zeladores urbanos - DEPOIS.[/caption]                            - Passeio Nota 10: Consiste no trabalho de dois calceteiros que realizam diariamente a manutenção das calçadas, através de pequenos reparos, para garantir a segurança de quem transita por elas. [caption id="attachment_13062" align="alignleft" width="618"] Trabalho dos calceteiros[/caption]                           - Alpinistas Urbanos: Além de todo esse time, a associação ainda conta com dois alpinistas especializados, que fazem a remoção de pichações em locais acima de 3 metros de altura, desde fachadas até edifícios. [caption id="attachment_13063" align="alignleft" width="618"] Trabalho dos alpinistas urbanos[/caption]                           *Todos os profissionais são contratados dentro das normas da CLT com todos os direitos trabalhistas assegurados. A 7ª Edição do Projeto Poesia em Cores foi realizada em parceria com as Tintas Coral em Tudo de Cor para você e o apoio da Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba. Foi colorido os pinheiros de Geraldo Magela, pintando os ipês de Rita Maria Kalinovski, espalhando os cataventos de Malú Prado e alcançando as flores de Adélia Maria Woellner. Local: R: João Negrão, N° 1517 - Entre as Av: Getúlio Vargas e R: Engenheiros Rebouças                     Toda a atividade desenvolvida é gratuita, não visa lucro financeiro, pois são movidos pelo simples propósito de melhorar a vida na cidade, a tornando menos vandalizada e degradada. Mas esse objetivo apenas será alcançado quando todos fizerem sua parte, afinal, a cidade é de todos. Só quando o cidadão compreende seu papel de formador, mantenedor e transformador do ambiente em que vive é que consegue exercer verdadeiramente seus deveres e direitos.             É isso que a ACGB propõe como meta de responsabilidade social e espera da conduta de seus colaboradores, ou seja, um comprometimento real com a causa social, que vise não mais que uma consciência de cidadania em todos os curitibanos.                     A associação é aberta a visitas, fica localizada na Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto, nº 1400, no bairro Rebouças. Número de telefone: (41) 3223-7708. E-mail: coordenaçã[email protected]  ou www.facebook.com/acgbvidaurbana        
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ritukhatri · 4 years
Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market Analysis Report, Forecast and Research 2024
The commercial vehicle urea tank market size has the potential to grow by 1296.78 thousand units during 2020-2024, and the market’s growth momentum will accelerate during the forecast period because of the steady increase in year-over-year growth.
Ask for Latest Sample: https://www.technavio.com/talk-to-us?report=IRTNTR44357&type=sample&src=report
This report provides a detailed analysis of the market by application by volume (LCV urea tank and HCV urea tank) and geography (APAC, Europe, MEA, North America, and South America). Also, the report analyzes the market’s competitive landscape. It offers information on several market vendors, including ACGB France, Centro Inc., Cummins Inc., Dongguan Zhengyang Electronic Mechanical Ltd., Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Gemini Group Inc., Hitachi Zosen Corp., National Oilwell Varco Inc., Röchling SE & Co. KG, and Salzburger Aluminium AG.
Market Competitive Analysis
The market is concentrated. Key vendors in the market are presently raising their investments in R&D activities and expanding their customer base. The competitive environment in the market will increase with the advancements in government regulations and urea diesel tank production technology. ACGB France, Centro Inc., and Cummins Inc. are some of the major market participants. Although the increased penetration of SCR in commercial vehicles will offer immense growth opportunities, the increased prices of high-density polyethylene, resulting in increased production costs of urea tanks, will challenge the growth of the market participants. To make the most of the opportunities, market vendors should focus more on the growth prospects in the fast-growing segments, while maintaining their positions in the slow-growing segments.
To help clients improve their market position, this commercial vehicle urea tank market forecast report provides a detailed analysis of the market leaders. It offers information on the competencies and capacities of these companies. The report also covers details on the market’s competitive landscape and provides information on the products offered by various companies. Moreover, this commercial vehicle urea tank market analysis report also includes information on the upcoming trends and challenges that will influence market growth. This will help companies create strategies to make the most of future growth opportunities.
This report provides information on the production, sustainability, and prospects of several leading companies, including:
ACGB France
Centro Inc.
Cummins Inc.
Dongguan Zhengyang Electronic Mechanical Ltd.
Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Gemini Group Inc.
Hitachi Zosen Corp.
National Oilwell Varco Inc.
Röchling SE & Co. KG
Salzburger Aluminium AG
Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market: Key Drivers and Trends
The increased penetration of diesel engines in commercial vehicles will be one of the significant factors that will drive commercial vehicle urea tank market growth. Commercial vehicle urea tanks are increasingly used as a part of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems in commercial diesel vehicles. Combustion related to gasoline fuel gives rise to lesser quantities of NOx and provides low scope for the adoption of SCR systems. This drives the fitment of commercial vehicle urea tanks in diesel-engine commercial vehicles. The high penetration of diesel engines in commercial vehicles will also drive the need for SCR systems and urea tanks. Vehicle manufacturers are also likely to equip SCR with urea tanks into the majority of the LCV models to raise its fuel efficiency levels and maintain compliance with the better emission norms.
The vendors are focusing on introducing a single module after-treatment systems. Emission norms for commercial vehicles need wide range emission control devices. Manufacturers are developing combined systems for enabling vehicle manufacturers to make a one-time purchase of an entire array of emission control devices instead of sourcing the individual components from different suppliers. Also, the effectiveness of the individual emission systems like the EGR, SCR, particulate filters, and the urea tanks will increase if a single OEM manufactures them. As a result of such factors, the market will register a CAGR of over 2% by 2024.
Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market: Key Highlights of the Report for 2020-2024
CAGR of the market during the forecast period 2020-2024
Detailed information on factors that will drive commercial vehicle urea tank market growth during the next five years
Precise estimation of the commercial vehicle urea tank market size and its contribution to the parent market
Accurate predictions on upcoming trends and changes in consumer behavior
The growth of the commercial vehicle urea tank market industry across APAC, Europe, MEA, North America, and South America
A thorough analysis of the market’s competitive landscape and detailed information on vendors
Comprehensive details of factors that will challenge the growth of commercial vehicle urea tank market vendors
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Bayside Entertainment is launching a new online video series that celebrates American companies who make giving back an integral part of their corporate culture. The first video in the series will be shared this Friday, July 17.
American Companies Give Back celebrates the myriad ways in which companies are supporting their communities and employees, especially in these difficult times.…
View On WordPress
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mycyberattic · 4 years
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Chinese Wood Carving God Of Longevity With Child Sculpture With Glass Eyes and Teeth, Antique Vintage Shou Lao Sculpture Figurine Www.Mycyberattic.etsy.com https://www.etsy.com/listing/763276748/ #chinesecarving #shoulao #godoflongevity #woodcarving #etsyantiques #etsyvintage #etsyfinds https://www.instagram.com/p/B8U8P--Acgb/?igshid=17j7y2mzavtz1
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gywair · 5 years
This week I saw a video on GB Studio from MortMort. It’s a program for making GameBoy games that work inside an emulator. I like to try out new tools just in general but this engine really inspired me. I spent all my nights this week making a short game about fish called ZUG. Play it here on itch.io.
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What makes the engine so interesting is how it restricts you. The emulator can only render three colors (#017821, #86c06c, and #e0f8cf) and a fourth is used as a transparency layer (#65ff00). This meant creating a limited palette in Aseprite (and MS Paint) to create the sprites. Within that confine, each sprite could only be 16×16 pixels per frame. You could have up to 25 frames but always within the 16×16 square. This means making the most of each tile that you have.
Additionally, there were limits on how complicated the background could be. A neat thing the compiler does is translate the backgrounds into smaller chunks to conserve memory. However, this means that unless you are making good use of repeating tiles, you have to make everything as simple as you can.
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Even the number of ‘Actors’ or objects placed in a scene had to be limited to nine per scene. In Zug, there are animated bubbles around the area. To get this effect, I had to make a single animation then repeat it in a line a number of times (three at most). Then I offset the animations between the frames (that 25 frame limit from earlier). This eventually made a neat bubble effect and kept me under the memory requirement.
Even the music was difficult because of the memory limitation. GB Studio can only process .MOD files for sound. These are four channel files that play the music while being emulated. This is amazing cause that means the sounds don’t have to be recorded (and take up more space) on the cartridge. It’s terrible because, like in Zug, it means there can be some distortion. I think there must be an issue with too many sounds in an active channel at the same time. This is one of the problems areas that I didn’t get smoothed out. The song is completely unrecognizable in game. It plays great in the engine but it builds and runs wrong.
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A very neat feature of GB Studio is that the programming is contained in automated script blocks. For someone like me that wants to lead a class on making games, this is perfect. No matter the skill level, I could sit down with someone and walk them through an exercise and expect standard(-ish*) results. There is an expansive library of existing scripts. If/Else statements, scene changes, and animations are prepackaged. It also has a quest handler, a counting system, and a save/load feature. I got a little ways towards understanding this. At a certain point, I needed to move on though. I think they are still working on documenting and expanding these. I’ll circle back after some more updates.
*when a human is involved it can get iffy.
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Beyond technical limitations, I had a lot of fun just making sprites. I’ve been messing with Unity 3D meshes, so it was nice to get back to basics. The sprite handling for GB Studio is really nice. There isn’t any guesswork in how the sheet will generate. This means that from an art standpoint, you can rapidly prototype animations without a lot of down time. In GameMaker, you have to edit the sprite, create an object, and place it in the scene before you can really know how it will work out. Then again, in GM you can also ad-hoc change the size of your sprite and aren’t limited to 16×16 so it’s a give and takes.
I came up with the fish theme cause I wanted a game that started with a ‘Z’. Zug was the first word that came to mind. While searching it online (to make sure it wasn’t anything nasty) it turned out that it was a real world. It’s an area in Switzerland and a word from fishing vocabulary (or at least says Google). I really liked the idea of an underwater theme. I know the creatures shown aren’t exactly Swiss in origin but they aren’t exactly zoologically accurate either.
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Zug as a word has some connotations of pulling or being lead in a direction. It had to do with the right to pull in fishing nets. This gave me the idea for the core game thesis. It made me think about life, the influences we have, and the constant time is toward an end. It’s not perfect by any means but for a one week game, I think it’s not the worst concept for a thesis.
If I could do it again, I would use net imagery. Having patterns that slowly move in on you as you travel the game. I would probably make it where there are constant fishing nets around and you have to avoid them. Additionally, I would research a lot more about Lake Zug and make a proper effort of having area specific fish in the game.
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Another pain point, when you compiles, the engine will tell you if something is wrong. However, what is wrong is not well documented. Usually, it either runs with game-breaking errors or it doesn’t at all. This means saving often and remembering what changes you made for easy backing up.
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A super cool thing–you can build to a ROM file. That means, in theory, you could put this on a GameBoy cartridge and play it on the original hardware. I preferred the web format for ease of use/sharing but this is really fun.
In conclusion, I really like the possibilities that GB Studio offers. I got frustrated with it at one point and tried to recreate the game in GameMaker. It took way more time to get the coding to work as intended. I think with a few more updates, GBS will be a great engine. It is already an amazing adventure game making. For now, I’ll head back to Unity. That system has a lot more upfront learning but there were some things that it handles much easier (different file types and such).
Thanks for reading–here is the stuff I used to make Zug:
The Good Stuff by m0d Public Domain License https://modarchive.org/module.php?33325
GB Studio: https://www.gbstudio.dev/
Documentation page: https://www.gbstudio.dev/docs/
My GB studio project: https://mortmort.itch.io/acgb
GB Studio Discord: https://discord.gg/CuFVqXk
Puns https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/fish-puns/
ZUG This week I saw a video on GB Studio from MortMort. It's a program for making GameBoy games that work inside an emulator.
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Не забудь подписаться на мою страницу @gotovim_bluda чтобы не потерять интересные рецепты. Czn farkıyla spesiyal sarma sizlerle🤗❤️🐥. TAG YOUR FRIENDS😂🤗❤️👍🥩. BU YEMEĞİ SEVEN ARKADAŞINI YORUMDA ETİKETLE😂🤗❤️🐥. . Автор @cznburak -------------------------------------------------------------------- ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ: @gotovim_bluda -------------------------------------------------------------------- ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ НА НАШ ТЕЛЕГРАММ КАНАЛ, ССЫЛКА В ШАПКЕ ПРОФИЛЯ! ❤ @gotovim_bluda -------------------------------------------------------------------- #фудблог #foodblog #закусканановыйгод #новогоднийсалат #обед #ужин #вкуснаяеда #готовимдома #готовимвместе #готовимсами #готовим #готовка https://www.instagram.com/p/B82y7N-AcGb/?igshid=dzs5dvewqd3d
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inovaniteroi · 5 years
Bondinho de Leitura da Rua XV amanhece pichado dois dias após mutirão de limpeza
Conhecido como um dos cartões postais da cidade, o Bondinho da Leitura da Rua XV , no Centro de Curitiba, foi pichado na madrugada desta terça-feira (18). A ação ocorreu dois dias após uma limpeza feita nos prédios que estavam pichados na Rua XV, que foi realizada pela Associação Comercial do Paraná (ACP).
Foto: Colaboração.
Um morador da cidade que passava por ali desaprovou a ação dos pichadores. “Como fazer para resolver isso? Estamos numa região que tem bastante policiamento e mesmo assim essas coisas acontecem?”, disse.
Outro rapaz também disse à Banda B que isso pode pode prejudicar a imagem da cidade. “Um turista que vê a pichação vai pensar que aqui é só bagunça. Podíamos ter mais respeito com o patrimônio histórico” , protestou.
A Prefeitura informou que fará a limpeza da pichação na tarde desta terça-feira (18).
No último domingo (16) a Associação de Comerciantes do Paraná (ACP) realizou um serviço de “despichação”, nas fachadas e portas de estabelecimentos comerciais da rua VX, previamente definidos, tendo o objetivo de deixar a rua mais famosa de Curitiba livre de pichações.
A ACP teve o apoio dos escoteiros Santos Dumont e São Judas Tadeu e membros da Associação dos Condomínios Garantidos do Brasil (ACGB) na limpeza e pintura dos prédios entre a Presidente Faria e a Praça Osório.
O Bondinho é um dos pontos referência da cidade e tradição no turismo. Instalado na Rua XV, em outubro de 1973, após a criação do calçadão da Rua das Flores, o equipamento era conhecido como “estacionamento de crianças”, já que a proposta era ser local privilegiado para o atendimento de crianças, enquanto os pais ou responsáveis iam às compras ou realizavam outras atividades na área do calçadão.
Após a restauração, que levou aproximadamente cinco meses para ser concluída, o patrimônio foi reaberto, em novembro de 2018, e passou a ser chamado de Bondinho da Leitura. O acervo atual conta com mais de 2.500 livros que podem ser lidos dentro do local ou emprestados por meio de um cadastro pessoal, com documento de identificação e endereço.
Nota da Prefeitura
A Prefeitura de Curitiba informou por meio de nota que a limpeza do Bondinho já está sendo providenciada. Leia a nota na íntegra:
A Fundação Cultural de Curitiba já está providenciando a limpeza do Bondinho da Rua das Flores, que amanheceu pichado nesta terça-feira (18). O Bondinho é uma das unidades da Coordenação de Literatura da Fundação Cultural, e funciona como posto de atendimento para empréstimo gratuito de livros e atividades de incentivo à leitura.
O post Bondinho de Leitura da Rua XV amanhece pichado dois dias após mutirão de limpeza apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa http://bit.ly/2FgRtEs via IFTTT
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2MTbYx9
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gazetadalapa · 5 years
Bondinho de Leitura da Rua XV amanhece pichado dois dias após mutirão de limpeza
Conhecido como um dos cartões postais da cidade, o Bondinho da Leitura da Rua XV , no Centro de Curitiba, foi pichado na madrugada desta terça-feira (18). A ação ocorreu dois dias após uma limpeza feita nos prédios que estavam pichados na Rua XV, que foi realizada pela Associação Comercial do Paraná (ACP).
Foto: Colaboração.
Um morador da cidade que passava por ali desaprovou a ação dos pichadores. “Como fazer para resolver isso? Estamos numa região que tem bastante policiamento e mesmo assim essas coisas acontecem?”, disse.
Outro rapaz também disse à Banda B que isso pode pode prejudicar a imagem da cidade. “Um turista que vê a pichação vai pensar que aqui é só bagunça. Podíamos ter mais respeito com o patrimônio histórico” , protestou.
A Prefeitura informou que fará a limpeza da pichação na tarde desta terça-feira (18).
No último domingo (16) a Associação de Comerciantes do Paraná (ACP) realizou um serviço de “despichação”, nas fachadas e portas de estabelecimentos comerciais da rua VX, previamente definidos, tendo o objetivo de deixar a rua mais famosa de Curitiba livre de pichações.
A ACP teve o apoio dos escoteiros Santos Dumont e São Judas Tadeu e membros da Associação dos Condomínios Garantidos do Brasil (ACGB) na limpeza e pintura dos prédios entre a Presidente Faria e a Praça Osório.
O Bondinho é um dos pontos referência da cidade e tradição no turismo. Instalado na Rua XV, em outubro de 1973, após a criação do calçadão da Rua das Flores, o equipamento era conhecido como “estacionamento de crianças”, já que a proposta era ser local privilegiado para o atendimento de crianças, enquanto os pais ou responsáveis iam às compras ou realizavam outras atividades na área do calçadão.
Após a restauração, que levou aproximadamente cinco meses para ser concluída, o patrimônio foi reaberto, em novembro de 2018, e passou a ser chamado de Bondinho da Leitura. O acervo atual conta com mais de 2.500 livros que podem ser lidos dentro do local ou emprestados por meio de um cadastro pessoal, com documento de identificação e endereço.
Nota da Prefeitura
A Prefeitura de Curitiba informou por meio de nota que a limpeza do Bondinho já está sendo providenciada. Leia a nota na íntegra:
A Fundação Cultural de Curitiba já está providenciando a limpeza do Bondinho da Rua das Flores, que amanheceu pichado nesta terça-feira (18). O Bondinho é uma das unidades da Coordenação de Literatura da Fundação Cultural, e funciona como posto de atendimento para empréstimo gratuito de livros e atividades de incentivo à leitura.
O post Bondinho de Leitura da Rua XV amanhece pichado dois dias após mutirão de limpeza apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa http://bit.ly/2FgRtEs
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multicurrency · 6 years
[FX]Australia: 2.35% the next likely target for 10yr ACGBs - TDS https://t.co/zDHqGYxrvb December 05, 2018 at 04:49AM
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biyoukintore · 6 years
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【一石二鳥w】A夫妻「おたくから貰った三輪車で 息子が怪我をした、どうしてくれる!」私「警察に盗難届を出した三輪車です」A妻は真っ青…さらに、いい仕事してくれましたよw article_top(); 15:名無しの心子知らず2009/09/08(火) 10:56:18ID:HwQ+Acgb先日夫姉が「息子君へお祝い~」といって、三輪車を持ってきた。夫姉子×3が乗り倒してぼろぼろの三輪車…息子に使わせるのも怖いし、新品用意済みだったので、ゴミに出そうと軒下に放置しておいた... Source: キタコレ ノンアダルト
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ereportsmarket-blog · 6 years
Global Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market 2018- ACGB, Cummins, Salzburger Aluminium, Centro, Elkhart Plastics and Gemini Group
Global Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market 2018- ACGB, Cummins, Salzburger Aluminium, Centro, Elkhart Plastics and Gemini Group
eReportsMarket has recently added a new Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank research report to its huge database of research studies. New Report Presents 2013-2018 Review, 2025 Forecasts of Global Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market. The research report, titled “Global Commercial Vehicle Urea Tank Market 2018 Industry Research Report,”provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry, including an…
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