#accidentally broke my phone to the point its unusable
d1sc0rd1a · 1 year
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afaye1999 · 6 years
Ever At Your Side [Final Fantasy XV]
Tagging: @jojopitcher @momokitty27 @alice250598 @amicitonia @its-lunafreya
I want to apologize, like always, for any mistakes or misspellings. I didn't have someone proof-read this before posting, So I have no idea how good this is, so I hope you guys enjoy. I also want to say sorry for how late it is.
Chapter 3:
Young Gods, That's What they'll call them. 
All of Eos at their disposal
Life is a tricky subject. It's not easy like death. Death is swift; Cold. Death shows no mercy for the young and comforts the old. Death is sweet like chocolate late at night, while life is bitter like black ebony coffee early in the mornings. Death releases you while life constrains you. Confines you. 
Right, Left, Right.
Left, Right, Left.
She, the one who takes lives into her own hands. She, the one who plays Grimm Reaper nearly every waking minute of her life, should know the differences between life and death. She should know that her life wasn't hers to begin with. It belongs to Insomnia. To the Kings of Lucis. Whether that be King Regis or the Crowned Prince Noctis. She was brought into the world unwillingly and forced into slavery. To be ruled by the King until the day Death decides to come for her.
The flashbacks of her dream a few nights ago replay in her head. Her fists dented the leather punching bag. Her hands, although wrapped and protected, forming bruises underneath their protective coverings.  Insomnia, Eos, hers? To share with the prince? No. This world may be at her sinful little finger tips, but it would, could never be hers. What if though? What if this was her destiny?
She jumped. A sore hand presses to her sweaty chest as she relaxed. She inhaled through her nose and opened her eyes, sending a glare to the future King.
"Your Highness," She greeted, a small bow acted out before she returned to her punching bag, "is there something you need?" Her tone was a little more harsh than intended. Her punches became rougher and she couldn't help but notice Noctis flinch when her fist collided with the leather.
Noctis felt nervous. Her harsh tone didn't help much either. He caught every bead of sweat drip from her forehead. Every strand of hair that jerked and fell from the loosely tied bun at the back of her head. He fumbled with his words.
"Uh.. Nah, nope. Just, uh.." he stuttered as he rubbed the back of his neck. He caught her eyes flicker towards him before she stopped and caught the punching back. Her eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"Training with Gladiolus..?" He said, sounding like he was asking more of a question.
"Mm," she hummed, "I'll get out of your way, Your Highness." She bowed once more before picking up her towel and half empty bottle of water. She slipped past him and towards the open training room doors. Gladio passed her as he entered the room.
She nodded her head and continued her way out.
"What was she doing here?" Gladio asked the prince, curiosity on his face as he jabbed a thumb behind him. Noctis shook his head as he sat his bag down.
"Training, I guess.." He mumbled out, every few seconds, his eyes would flicker towards the door wondering if she would come back. 
"Figures. She's normally out of here before we arrive for our session."
"You mean, she's here every morning? Like you guys talk?" Noctis asked, his face becoming flushed at the last statement. Gladio chuckled as he threw Noctis's blade towards him and picked up his own.
"Nah, but I know of her, people in the Crownsgaurd are chatty. She's a glaive. She tends to hang with Nyx Ulric the most. I heard she's really good. The king summons her personally when he has something a "normal glaive" can't do. I don't know," He scratched the back of his head, "enough talking. You can fantasize later, lets get to work." He said before swinging his great sword at Noctis, catching the prince off guard.
Noctis's face turned red as he blocked the attack and pushed back with force, "I'm not fantasizing, I was just curious." The prince attacked this time, Gladiolus chuckling at Noctis's embarrassed face.
She glanced once more at the coordinates on her phone before setting it down and slipping on her fingerless leather gloves. Nyx sat next to her drinking the last of whatever was in his cup and shoving the last piece of meat on his wooden skewer in his mouth.
"I gotta head out, Ulric." She said as she stood. Nyx nodded and Crowe frowned.
"So soon?" She asked grimacing at Nyx's ill mannered methods of stuffing his face.
"Yeah, I've put this off long enough." She said, sending a small smirk at Crowe's dis-pleasures.
"Alright, be careful, [Y/N]." Libertus said, waving her off. She gave a small salute to the group and pushed her way out the door.
She spends more time outside of Insomnia than she does inside the city walls. Her bike spurred up the dust on the unused, unpaved streets. The world is quiet besides the voice of her GPS device installed in her bike leading her to a small pit stop in the middle of no where. Every so often a small bird would fly past above her and caw or a few sabertusks would run in the barren pastures next to the road.
Her leather boots hit the ground as she parked. The diner spot the coordinates lead her towards was  a flame. Mutilated and charred bodies were scattered across the parking lot. She pulled the helmet off of her head and hung it on the right handle bar. Her hand pressed to a blade, sheathed, at her side as she pushed through the mess, ashes finding their way from the sky and into her hair. The loud sounds of flesh being ripped from the body and cracking of bones mixed with the crackling of the flames.
Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
She carefully stepped over the pieces of destroyed building that littered the black top, inching closer towards where the sickening sounds were emitting from. As soon as she rounded a corner of the broken diner, there it was. The cause of the disgusting sounds.
In it's humongous paws were the remains of the informant she was supposed to meet. Chunks of cooked flesh were stuck between it's large, yellowed, canine like teeth and blood stained the blue-gray fur it sported. This behemoth, although still very much huge, is obviously young and a lot smaller than it's parents, ripped the meat off of the body and chomped away at it like it was nothing. Her eyes widened and as she took a step back she accidentally stepped on broken glass, catching the monster's attention.
It huffed out air from his red-stained nose and locked eyes with her, before letting out a loud roar and stomping it's paw onto the skull of the now deformed human. She turned quickly, breaking into a sprint as fast as she could, being sure to leap over scattered debris. The child behemoth chased after her, its loud growls echoing through the area, its large paws making the ground tremor each time they touched the black top. She glanced back quickly, panic setting into her body as it inched closer with each passing second. Its large teeth snapping at her everytime its snout nearly grazed her. 
Out of no where another carnivorous creature hit her from the side flinging her across the destroyed parking lot and farther away from her motor bike. She groaned lowly and rolled over, gasping slightly as she held up her arm blocking the much smaller creature from locking it's jaws on her face. Her arm took the attack and it's teeth buried their way into her flesh. She winced and bit her tongue, keeping the scream she wanted to let out lodged in her throat. She pulled her blade from her side sheath and lunged it through the bottom of sabertusk's skull, the hilt pushing into his almost reptile like skin and the point of the blade piercing through the top of it's head. She quickly pulled it out, blood pulling out onto her as she pushed the creature off. Standing to her feet she saw the behemoth staring at her, ready to charge like an angry bull.
Returning her blade to her side, she glared at the monster, blood from her wound oozed from the torn area and dripped off of her fingers. Her focus shifting from the behemoth to her bike. She broke out into a full on run, heading straight for him. Just before his jaws locked down on her head she dropped to the ground and slid underneath the beast, pushing up quickly before it turned around. She jumped onto her bike frantically staring the engine and speeding out and away from the area, the behemoth trying to chase after her a for a few miles, but giving up after so long.
She hit a few buttons on her phone, speed dialing Cor.
"Something went wrong, I'm on my way back to Insomnia."
Over head, a few of Niflheim's ships flew past her.
Noctis lounged on his couch, scrolling through the pointless apps on his cellular device. He wanted to focus on anything and everything but him leaving to Altissa and having to marry Lunafreya. How is he supposed to marry someone who he, although cares for very much, doesn't love? Not only that, but how was he supposed to marry someone he has dreams of killing?
He groaned catching Ignis's attention, tossing his touch screen phone down on the cushion farthest from him, ignoring the incoming texts from his blond haired best friend.
"What ever is the matter?" Ignis asked, never stopping his task of preparing a small pot if tea for himself.
"Nothing, I'm boutta go pack.." Noctis mumbled, leaving the room after grabbing his phone. Ignis shook his head and pushed his spectacles up.
"Tell Prompto to be ready, that we are leaving early to pick him up." Ignis semi-shouted at the prince so he could hear him. Noctis waved Ignis off and slightly slammed his bedroom door behind him.
She pulled into Hammerhead a little recklessly, nearly crashing the bike. She unmounted, letting it hit the cement in front of the gas pumps and stumbled into the one stop shop. She gripped her arm trying to keep blood from dripping onto the white tile. She walked over to the bandages and gauze and ripped open a few boxes, wrapping her arm up and then heading towards the cashier, slamming some Gil on the counter and pushing out the door, ignoring the looks she was receiving. Outside next to her toppled over motorcycle was a blond headed, busty female bent over inspecting it.
"Excuse me, miss?" She said cautiously, approaching her. 
"Howdy there!" Cindy greeted her with a warm smile, "I hope ya don't mind, I was just checkin out yer fancy bike there."
She shook her head at the blond," Nah, Don't mind at all," She answered the busty girl, " What's your name?" 
"Name's Cindy. I'm Cids granddaughter."
She went to answer her, but her phone rang. It was Cor.
"The King requests to see you immediately. Get back to Insomnia as soon as possible."
"Yes, Sir." She hung up and walked towards her bike, Cindy stepping aside
"If you ever fine yer self in Hammerhead, I'd love to work on yer bike if you don't mind."
She smiled and put her helmet on, "Will do, Cindy. Name's [Y/N] by the way. Nice meeting you." 
Cindy waved bye to her and watched as she pulled off. 
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