#about onesided!qcard
yourbuerokrat2 · 1 year
Headcanons or prompts for onesided!qcard?
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 months
Q was having a crisis, which actually was .. something new. Usually any and all Qs have had their last identy, moral and 'oh why am I like this? what is the meaning of a gods life?' crisis a few million if not a billion years ago, Q included. So, to feel him in the Continuum separate and yet one of them as all of them were both separate individuals and yet one, be full of unrest and even uncertainty and various other tings the Q had thought they had lost the ability to feel or even care about, was quite a novelty.
A novelty that most of them did not care about, having their own plans, duties and hobbies to take care of, too self-absorbed even in a place that was known for unity, yet Q seemed to feel the strange need to justify himself in front of them as if they were his willing rather than unwilling audience. As if they felt anything more thanmild amusement at the 'sight' of their most notorious and prideful member realizing that what he felt for 'The Representative of Humanity' was way more than a passing interest.
Because Q knew that this was not someting that was supposed to happen, especially not (in Qs own rant) to him, the absolute best of the best. He wasn't supposed to be so utterly willing to make a fool out of himself for something and someone like Jean-Luc Picard, and oh the longing in the thought of that name alone should be alarming if the Continuum hadn't stopped caring about affairs such as these a long time ago, having collectively chosen to get whatever entertainment they could get out of the ensuing chaos instead of trying to get Q to obey the laws that stated that too much attachment was not only a danger for a Q, but for the stability of the universe as well .
Then Q went on about how he had simply been bored for the last couple of millenia so of course he gets a bit.. excited about having found a new and interesting toy. Q was interupted by another Q who half-seriously suggested that if this was all Picard was, then they could maybe take up the role of the Judge of Humanity because they themselves are starved for a distraction as well. The rather strong, almost fierely (if the Q had human senses) 'No' with a rather personal and possessive sentiment attached to it that said Q was met with caused them to be amused enough about Qs reaction that they gave the equivalent of a laugh. His reaction actually seemed to embarrass Q somewhat, which was also rather new considering the Continuum was sure that Q had never felt shame nor had ever really cared of anyones opinion but his own.
"it's not my fault", Q tried to explain himself "Picard, he... "
Even Q quickly realized that shifting the blame on the human was quite ridiculous in this case especially since unlike Q Picard was utterly incapable of making people think or feel things against their will. Would very likely not even want for Q to feel this obsession, the humiliation and the despair every time the entitys mind wandered towards him and his little ship. Something which happened more and more often as the other Qs would be able to attest.
Feeling that Qs entertaining if short outburst was nearing the point where unrest was turning towards something else, someting none of them really wanted to feel nor see, the 'eldest' Q (they were not really the eldest because all of them very equally ancient but they still acted and considered themselves as the 'eldest' since they saw themselves as the most rational, wise and level-headed of all the Qs) came up with an offer, really more of a suggestion.
Perhaps or perhaps most likely Qs .. problems were not really caused by his rather strange feelings towards Jean-Luc Picard but towards a human. Perhaps the reasons for the rejections, for ... everything 'wrong' between them as Q felt it, was not caused by personal matters but simply because they were of two different species. On two entirely different levels of existence even.
Perhaps or perhaps most likely Picard would only be able to really understand Q if he were to be a Q as well. And Q would no longer humiliate himself and the other Qs by bending the laws of physics, timelines and existence itself for a human.
"You mean..."
"Make him one of us, Q. Make him your equal and I am sure you will have him then."
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yourbuerokrat2 · 6 months
If Q was actually obsessed with him and worse about it than he was in TNG, Picard would be faced with quite a few problems. Because at frist no one would take it particularly serious. With Riker even making it light of it like 'haha I see your admirer is back, captain' and at first he would be mostly annoyed by it. But even if annoyed became concerned, as long as Q acted 'overdramatic' or kept to being his typical self some would just chalk it up to being an act. Maybe even Picard himself would be in denial about the seriousness of the situation for a while because the biggest problem regarding such scenarios is how no one except an uncaring Continuum could do something about this.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 years
Listen, there is a lot of wholesome but also a lot of dark potential in platonic scenarios/interpretations between Picard and Q.
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yourbuerokrat2 · 1 year
Anybody got any onesided!qcard heacanons, scenarios or prompts?
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 months
Love me some onesided!qcard, where Q is either entirely oblivious that it is onesided or in denial about it.
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