#about : oscar mondesir
gloryride · 6 months
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@nananarc & @miss--river tagged me to do this picrew! thanks both !
Top (left -right) : Vanessa - Oscar Bottom (left-right) : Virgile - Enzo
And as i was fun, did the others too
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Top (left -right) : Isao - Mieko Bottom (left-right) : Aurore - Roxanne
Tagging (no pressure as usual) : @angynomadsimp @thelonestrider @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @dustymagpie @aggravateddurian @medtech-mara @drunkchasind
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gloryride · 11 months
OC as Horror Trope
Tagged by @shynrel-vp and @morganlefaye79 to do this Uquiz, thanks ♥♥
Will do with main ones ♥
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VANESSA - The final girl
you’re very tired, aren’t you? thrashing and fighting and trying to survive– it has taken its toll, but that has not stopped you. you’ll continue to gnaw and scream and bare teeth until you can free yourself from this mess, even if it means being the last one left. there is rest at the end of this hard battle, i promise you. there is a time when the fight will be over– but fighting is all you know, isn’t it?
I can't express how true that is. Vanessa grew up in Heywood, spending her life surviving, being strong, rarely giving up, and often getting higher. She spent her life fighting to achieve her dreams, but she succeeded. At great cost, of course, but she succeeded.
(fun that she's the only one of all to have this choice, Vanessa is unique)
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VIRGILE - The lover
love has brought you to this place, and it will not let you leave. fear clutches you, constricts you, and it will have you killed– and yet, it is still no match for the bounty of your heart. you will try as hard as you can to protect the object of your affections. evil is nothing in the face of your warmth. even if you are successful in protecting your lover, that does not guarantee your own survival. your heart has doomed you, but what greater death is there than dying for love?
Virgile is an lovable boy who can kill but doesn't do. But if someone hurts Panam or the people he loves, he's capable of anything, especially the worst. He would do anything for her and for them, even to the point of losing himself, but he doesn't care. So true.
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ISAO - The killer
was there ever a choice? maybe, but that fork in the road is far, far behind you. you surround yourself now with sharp things, tools to harm, and they have become your only family. you are the thing that goes bump in the night, and you hunt for scurrying mice like a hungry cat. maybe, just maybe, though, one can finally put an end to your hunt, and allow you to finally rest.
Isao isn't a born killer, he's a war machine. Arasaka taught him to kill, without remorse or fear. And his dull, inner anger doesn't help him to feel any empathy for the world. It wasn't a choice, but it's now his life, and he's chosen it.
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OSCAR - The sacrifice
a knife to your back is your first memory– it will also be your last. you cannot help but let things into your heart, such is your nature. time and time again, however, they hurt you and leave you to rot. but your heart remains open, and you continue to let more in. is it kindness, at that point, or is it sacrifice?
Of course, Oscar probably has the sweetest trope. Life in Florida, and then Pacifica, has never been kind, but he's always chosen to look on the bright side, even if some say he's an idiot. But no matter what others say, no matter how much it hurts, his heart has too much love in it to be touched for long.
Tagging (no pressure of course and sorry if you did it) : @drunkchasind @angynomadsimp @therealnightcity @togepies @miss--river
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gloryride · 10 months
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@chevvy-yates tagged me to do this awesome Picrew with my boys 💕
They're pretty accurate, maybe Oscar is the less one, miss vitiligo and better dreads, but he has his yellow sunglasses !! Still love difference between Sarto fratelli, Virgil with puppy eyes and Enzo with sunshine smile (hope you like it Chevvy !). And dark boy Isao, happy to find perfect suits for him !!
tagging (no pressure of course !) : @angynomadsimp @imaginarycyberpunk2023 @a-pirate @morganlefaye79 @balverine2077 @therealnightcity @breezypunk
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gloryride · 7 months
3. Virgile 7. Vanessa but also Enzo 20. Isao 14. Oscar 30. Mieko 17. Roxanne 23. Enzo 29. Aurore u wanted for all the babies :P
Ah ah you're crazy ! But let's do this !!!
[oc asks if you’re interested]
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Already answered here
But I just want to add to bunch of hack he uses (non exhaustive list) :
Red-Out (freezes the attacking netrunner for a while)
Opium (personal variant of Knockout, knocks out the opponent, making them faint)
Delirium (personal hack where the opponent has visual and/or auditory hallucinations, depending on their cyberware, causing them to lose control for a few moments)
Euthan (personal hack and variant of Cyberware Malfunction, where it can reroute and stop a vital implant. Can be lethal if misused) …
7. favourite animal? why?
She loves felines and finds them graceful. But above all, she adores panthers. She loves their grace, their suppleness, their speed, while remaining discreet. She has a preference for black panthers, which she finds majestic. Of course, she's never seen one in real life, only in videos. To compensate, she has cats!
He had a fascination for geckos as a child. Especially when his brother told him that they were animals dating back millions of years, little Enzo loved playing with these miniature dinosaurs. Even today, he still gets a kick out of finding one in his tent or in the middle of the clan, and takes it in his hands to give it back its freedom away from humans.
But more simply, he loves dogs, just like his brother. He managed to persuade his mother to keep a baby coyote they found on their own, which they kept for a few years before regaining its freedom.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
He drives both a car and a bike. He brought back from Japan his Toyota Supra, which he bought for himself after a promotion, and which he uses most of the time. It's fast, it's easy to drive, he paid a fortune to take it with him but it's worth it. In Night City, he bought a beautiful Rayfield Aerondight which he uses more for events. He also kept his Kusanagi motorbike that he'd picked up from his infiltration of the Tyger Claws. Formerly red with stickers, it's now black and chrome. He's not a great car enthusiast or materialistic, but Isao likes the best for his personal comfort.
Oh, and they're all clean and well-maintained. Nobody smokes, eats or drinks (except for water, and that's still to come), and they're tidy. Isao is tidy everywhere.
are they any good with numbers?
Ah ah …. no! Oscar still has learning difficulties, despite the best efforts of his parents and then his aunt Brigitte. He can barely read, hardly write and can barely count. This is quite common in the Cyberpunk universe, especially in deprived areas like Pacifica. So Oscar knows how to count, basic addition and subtraction perhaps, but don't ask him to do more than that, it would be too complex for him. That's why he often uses the calculator on his phone, which he uses by voice, like all the other functions!
do they smell like anything notable?
She wears a subtle fragrance of orange blossom - ylang-ylang - sandalwood - mandarin. It's light, almost childlike, but also heady, lingering in the air without you really knowing where it comes from. A bit like her!
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
Roxy lived in Ireland until she was a teenager, and has wonderful memories of her time there. Ireland is one of the few countries to have been largely unaffected by climate change and the social metamorphosis brought about by environmental protection laws. While during the year she lived in Dublin - one of the few modern cities where her parents worked as subordinate corpo - she spent all her summers near Galway where her grandparents had a house and land. She was able to run in the green grass, jump in the mud with her boots, and stroke farm animals. A surreal life for a girl growing up in the 2030s, but perfectly normal for an Irish girl. Otherwise, to keep her busy, she listened to music. She's always loved it, always with headphones on, listening to daddy's old rock and granny's new rock. Whether she was lying in bed, on the grass or dancing in her bedroom, music was part of her life!
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
This question took me a while because I was looking for the right voice for Enzo … and I think I've found it (here) For me, Enzo has a deep voice, despite the Italian intonations, which is charming and pleasant to the ear. He speaks English very well, but his mother tongue is Italian, and he has an accent when he speaks, often rolling his R's, accentuating words when he shouldn't, and -th's are pronounced -f for him. And the angrier or more excited he is, the more noticeable the accent.
As far as singing goes, he's not bad. His voice is described as baritone, so it's quite deep, but he doesn't always hold the note. You'll hear him humming and singing just a few passages.
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
I had originally associated her with fire, but I find that this element is more suited to Misty. In the end, I prefer earth for Aurore, which is about wisdom, abundance, connection with the world and life. In a city and a world where nature hardly exists, there's this need for connection. In symbolism, earth follows fire. It gives concrete form to the conquests of fire, making them durable and adaptable in terms of materials and shapes, and they complement each other. Like Aurore and Misty.
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gloryride · 11 months
Then & Now
Honourable mentions to some others babes ! (Roxanne is too young to have evolution, Aurore and Mieko don't have enough pics to compare)
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This first pic is meh ... but it's his first one. I wanted a corpo, as Vanessa is streetkid and Virgile nomad. A not so nice but fancy one. I succeed i guess. I kept most of his feature : blue eyes, Tyger Claws tattoos, black cyberarms, black fancy clothes. He had gorilla arm, but remove for Takemura hand, changed his face cyberware for something stronger And now he has Atlas body (a) wasn't convinced for it, so i just tried and ... oof, grumpy boy wins some sexyness !
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He was just random lovely guy at first ! This hair was a mod, before cdpr dropped it in CC, it inspired me to create Vanessa's ex, without knowing he will be my fav himbo ♥ The face, the hair, vitiligo and golden arm are already there ! I just found him this neat style, living his own life on Pacifica. This boy grew up so much. Kala's tattoos, i changed his eyes to prettier ones, love his yellow sunglasses as accessories. He's now ace, DJ, has some friends (tall friendo Vinniiiiie) ... and even this pic isn't the last one, it's my fav of him. His smile, his look, i didn't set up light, that's only Pacifica sunset and aaaaaaaah ! love it ♥♥
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Look this baby !!!!!! I knew Virgile had a brother, and when i made his npv, i really wanted to create Enzo. Based on Virgile's preset, i did some differences as they're half-brother, but share the same nose for example. He had long hair in bun and ... idk, looks like a baby. Then i lost most of my presets, and i redid with some pics i had, and changed things. Actual Enzo isn't exactly the same, but what a glow up ! He was cute, he is HOT ! I changed his hair, i prefer the new ones, as their complexion and body mods. I custom his body with new tattoos and i'm still working on his hands, he has some burn scars on it ...
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gloryride · 1 year
What Does Your Heart Look Like?
Was tagged by @morganlefaye79 to do this Quizz for my babies ♥ Thanks !!
I start with my main ones !
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VANESSA - An open door, a burning hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
Vanessa has a golden heart and will do anything for the people she loves. If a friend has a problem, she'll run out in the middle of the night to help. Whether it's beating up ex-boyfriends or wrecking their cars because some choom has rabies, she doesn't hesitate. She took Panam in when she didn't know where to sleep… Given that her family is a mess (father never known, mother dead, bastard siblings), she's built HER own family, with people who have no blood ties but who matter above all else. And she'd do anything for them. That's why Jackie's death devastated her … Because even though she's proud and confident, Vanessa knows that she's nothing without good people who love her. And that she loves with all her heart too!
On the other hand, if she doesn't love you, you can go and die deep inside a dustbin!
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VIRGILE - Iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
Leaving his clan after his heart attack broke Virgile. He was alive, but alone, in a city he didn't know and working for NetWatch, which he hated. He was by nature a shy but cheerful nomad, and now he's just become quiet and sad. He seems cold and distant, but it's just that he's terrified of opening up. And when he did it with Evelyn, it didn't work. He found himself even more broken, more alone than before. He's a guy who craves affection and someone to be by his side, but he's convinced that he's crap and that no one would want him. After all, Eve didn't want … He'd rather have one one-night stand after another, or a friend/lover relationship with Valentin, than love…
Then Panam appeared. He didn't want to, but he loved her and was loved in return. That ice began to melt … before they broke up. His fault. Again.
Virgile closed himself off even more, and it will take time, until Panam returns, for him to open up a little, and no longer have this terrifying fear of being alone again.
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ISAO - A cage with iron locks
You are an enigma. You take care to remain that way. You aim to keep people guessing; your motives are uncertain even to yourself. What is it you truly want? You’ll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. You deserve to be known, truly and fully. Stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self-reflection. Stop thinking that no one will love you the moment they understand you. You are more than the facade you put on.
Ah Isao … He grew up in a cage, tried to break free, but ended up back inside. He decided to stay locked up, because he knew he had more to lose by being free. But it cost him a lot. He's not a warm or expansive person, but this choice has put him in a prison that he can't get out of, and he keeps his distance from everyone.
After all, he's only loved once, an impossible love that broke him, but where he never had to show anyone anything. Apart from his sister Mieko, nobody really knows Isao.
And now that he has chosen a path of sacrifice, he remains in this sphere, not knowing what to do, just getting up every morning and accepting his destiny. He's just a facade for now…
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OSCAR - A guiding, golden light
Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn’t mean that others can’t. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can’t bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you’ve lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn’t go out.
Unlike Isao, Oscar is a ray of sunshine His heart is overflowing with love and kindness, and it's hard not to love him or notice him. He's a positive person, who sees the good in life and tries to show it to you.
He doesn't realise these qualities, he's just enjoying his life, but others see it. He has his flaws for being in his own world, but nobody (not even Placide) can deny that he's a lovely boy, always there for you, and that he knows how to have fun, despite living in a war zone like Pacifica.
Some people think he's mad, but he's a happy, innocent, radiant madman.
Tagging (no pressure, and sorry if you already did) : @angynomadsimp @a-pirate @fereldanwench @bnbc @86maylin
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gloryride · 11 months
Cuba Libre if possible for all of them, I love that question 🙏🧡
Thanks for asking 💕💕
I love thinking how they smell and their perfumes. I used real brands, but it's more to have a reference than the real smell ♥
𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 〜 if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, what’s their favorite?
VANESSA - Scandal - JP Gaultier
Vanilla - Jasmine - Salted caramel - Floral amber Sweet, sensual, feminine
A strong scent that stays in the air, following its owner. A scent that's a little floral but also sweet, that won't be forgotten, just like Vanessa
VIRGILE : Acqua di Gio - Armani
Melon - Coriander - Clary Sage Fresh, light, gentle
A fresh, masculine fragrance, as discreet as its owner, delicate and original.
ISAO : Ombre Leather - Tom Ford
Cardamom - Leather - Amber - Patchouli Strong, powerful, penetrating
A powerful fragrance, but with a subtle blend. Isao smells good, but his fragrance is imposing.
OSCAR : Boss Bottled Pacific - Hugo Boss Lemon - coconut - sandalwood Energetic, fresh, sweet
A fragrance that heralds summer, fun and parties. Just like Oscar!
AURORE : Jungle - Kenzo
Cardamom - mandarin - cumin - patchouli Fresh, gourmand, mellow
Both strong and soft, sensual and sweet, but with a touch of sweetness.
ENZO : Invictus - Paco Rabanne
Marine accord - Grapefruit - Guaiac wood Fresh, biting, sensual
A fragrance somewhere between vibrant freshness like an adrenaline rush and heady, animalic sensuality, between the sea and summer.
MIEKO : Gabrielle - Chanel
Orange blossom - ylang-ylang - sandalwood - tangerine Fresh, smooth, refreshing
A light, almost childlike fragrance, but also heady, lingering in the air without really knowing where it comes from.
ROXANNE : Opium - Yves St Laurent
Coffee - white flowers - pear - cedar Warm, seductive, soft
A powerful feminine fragrance, where its owner knows where to put her boots and move forward, cigarette in mouth, while remaining feminine.
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gloryride · 1 year
Negative Traits Tag Game
This time, no one tag me but i want to do this for some of my babies. Time for bimboy Oscar !
RULES: bold what always or almost always applies, italicize occasional or situational. Strikethrough never applies.
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Look at that ray of sunshine! Unlike Isao in my previous post, Oscar is a nice boy, living in his own cocoon. But the problem with being in his own world is that he sometimes forgets about others, sometimes thinking of himself first. He never intends any mischief, but this carefree attitude can make him unpleasant in the eyes of others. Especially if he makes others wait, he's incapable of being patient. When he wants something, he wants it now; when he has an idea in mind, he has to do it! And he too oscillates between two moods: over-excited to do what he wants or … sleeping on the beach. Because when he doesn't want to do something, he's lazy, putting things off until later. Only his sister and his Aunt Brigitte can make him do it, or if he considers you a real friend. Otherwise, the rest of the world can wait until after his nap! This makes him unpredictable, so no one ever knows where he's going or what he's doing (unless you get his photos and his voice recordings, in which he tells you all about it). He's precious ♥
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gloryride · 6 months
🌱💤 and 💬 for Vanessa, Virgil and since his birthday is coming up, Oscar too!
Aaaaah thanks for asking about them ! and also giving love to Bimboy Oscar ♥♥
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Almost green thumb ! Vanessa loved watching her grandmother tend to her flowers; she had a very colorful balcony and plants everywhere. Although not as talented as she was, Vaness enjoyed looking after them, caring for them and watching them grow. She chooses easy plants because she's short of time, and uses an original technique of mixing real and fake ones to get lots of them!
Team succulents and cacti! Virgile isn't very skilled, so he chose plants that are easy to look after. Sorry, Panam put these plants in his apartment! She's also brought along a few easy-care plants, which she can water when she comes, as Virgile sometimes tends to forget.
Plant killer. Not he doesn't like plants and flowers, but he always forgets to water them, so they die quickly in his appartment. So Aurore bought him plastic plants and he's happy, his home looks a bit greener like that and no more plant carcasses to throw away !
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Silence. Vanessa needs peace and quiet to fall asleep, and the slightest noise as she drifts off to sleep can disturb her and make her angry, which doesn't help her fall asleep! That's why she never sleeps with the window open, as the constant noise from NC would be too disturbing. Conversely, it's impossible to sleep on the first night in the Badlands because it's too quiet xD
Panam. No, i'm kidding. Or not. He sleeps better with someone he loves is in his bed, he can avoid most of nightmares or being awake in middle of the night. But he also needs to have a blanket to sleep well, and Panam is a blanket thief, so ... xD
Just being good ! and it happens a lot because this boy can sleep mostly everywhere. You can find him sleeping on the beach in a chair, somewhere in Batty's, in one of VDB's netrunner chair ... nothing disturbs him !
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
"um", "like", "ya know" VIRGILE
"hmm", "i mean", "so"
"okay", "yeah", "oh"
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gloryride · 2 years
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Vanessa and love
♥ GUSTAVO ORTA - They have known each other since childhood; Gustavo had feelings for Vanessa for a long time, even though he dated other girls. They ended up together in secret, so that Jackie wouldn't know (even though he found out when he hit his best friend). They were good together, until Gustavo joined the Valentinos. Vanessa broke up with him, she refused to date either of them.
♥ OSCAR MONDESIR - Jackie started seeing a girl from Pacifica, and Mama Welles didn't like it, so one day, he pretended to take Vanessa for a walk … to leave her alone to see his lady love. His roommate had kicked out Oscar to see her boyfriend, Jackie. They ended up hanging out together and had a beautiful romance that lasted several months. Oscar wanted to go to South America and proposed to Vanessa. She refused and let him go with his friends, preferring to stay in NC.
♥ VALENTIN LACROIX - She saw him as a fuckboy, this ex-corpo turned merc; he fell in love with her at once. A seduction game resulted in a sensual affair, without feelings or a future. But with the Relic's events, they got closer … to the point where Vanessa fell in love for the first time. Valentin followed her to Arasaka Tower and watched over her on her journey through Mikoshi. Today, they are the most successful couple in the Afterlife, he as a super merc and she as a fixer-upper for Rogue. They bought a penthouse together, but allowed themselves to look elsewhere … to find each other better!
Template by @arcandoria  ♥
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gloryride · 11 months
Motion for Virgile
Favorite for Oscar
Alternate for Vanessa
Hey, thank you for asking about them 💞💞 i really had fun to imagine Virgile moving, and i'm happy you asked !
[OC ASKS : CHARACTER DESIGN EDITION]ask if you want, love this one
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Virgile walks quickly, back arched, head bowed, halfway between feeling out of place and not wanting to be seen. He avoids glances, cameras and reflections, often with his hands in his pockets. His movements are sometimes nervous, a little brusque, awkward and clumsy… except when he's working. The netrunner is precise, focused, his movements quick but effective, he's in his element. Just like when he's working on his motorbike or his cars, everything is almost instinctive, gestures done and redone over and over again, thanks Dad. But the rest of the time, Virgile is an uncoordinated boy. And don't ask him to dance, he has no sense of rhythm, apart from a few basic steps to avoid looking ridiculous on the dance floor ! That's also why he often wears neutral colours, cool enough not to be too noticeable, almost invisible. White, black and navy blue are his colours, jeans or cargo trousers, tank tops, short jackets with no frills, sometimes even sunglasses or visors. He's a discreet boy, nervous and still wanted by NetWatch since he finished his contract, so he tries to stay under the radar. He abandons this posture when he's with Panam, more proud, chin up and heart eyes. He's a man in love, what do you expect!
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
His sunglasses! Oscar often wears a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, with yellow lenses most of the time. Not only does he think it's stylish, but it protects his eyes from the blazing Pacifica sun. Because he still has an organic eye, and he wants to take care of it. It's become a trademark, almost a part of himself, as he sometimes forgets to take them out, continuing to see life in yellow until late at night, or even until bedtime.
Nothing special behind them, Oscar needed glasses, and he liked these yellow ones. He has several pairs because he often loses them, breaks them or just gives them away! And without meaning to, they've become almost inseparable from him!
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Oh Vanessa has so many variations! She inspires me a lot, and I can easily imagine her in lots of different worlds. As for Cyberpunk, I already have her nomad version, which is really my favourite AU. Vanessa, aldecaldo, less fancy, less crazy in style, but still just as adventurous and stubborn. I'm really having fun with this AU, not quite defined, but I love taking photos of her in the Badlands ^^ I've also created her corpo version, which is more of a lifepath swap with Valentin (where he's a streetkid). I like to dress her glamorously in her canon, but I love suits and chic, sober clothes on her. No pink in this version, but damn, she's beautiful!
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I didn't take any photos, but I have a timeline where Vanessa turns down the Heist, stays at Coyote for a while and eventually becomes fixed at Heywood. It's still very similar to her canon appearance, but I've got some plans for custom outfits for this other timeline, especially used when she's with other V/OCs ^^
She also has these AUs: kpop (poke @bnbc ♥ also thank you for this !) james bond 70s (poke @dustymagpie ♥♥) rocker burlesque wrestling (even was only for Halloween)
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And teasing for a new AU ...
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I love her so much that I love creating it in other games: Fallout (4 & 76)
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Outer Worlds (anticorpo in space!)
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(i want to do her in Dragon Age one day, as Baldur Gates if husband has the game for his birthday) ((and many moooore !)
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gloryride · 11 months
Gin Rickey for all the babies?
Hey ♥♥ thanks for asking for all of them 💗💗
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about?
VANESSA - Her confidence. She's sure of herself, sure of who she is, and she knows the impact she has. She knows how to play it, and how to be to get what she wants. Thanks to this confidence, Vanessa knows that many doors can be opened. On the other hand, she doesn't know how to grieve. She lost two people very dear to her heart, her mother and then Jackie, and it's taking her a long time to heal. While she knows that death is a part of everyday life, she has difficulty assimilating it when it affects those she loves.
VIRGILE - His netrunner skills. He may doubt many things in his personal life, but he has never suspected that he is a gifted netrunner. If NetWatch wanted him when he was just a nomad in the middle of the desert, it's not for nothing. He could be formidable, a ruthless killer with his hacks, but fortunately, he doesn't like gratuitous violence.
But he has a lot of doubts, on a personal level, about his chances of being loved. He feels so worthless that he thinks other people will abandon him. For a long time, he believes that Panam will let him down. It will take a long time for him to realise that he can be loved.
ISAO - His calm. He knows he could be carried away by rage, a war machine consumed by the anger that has always gnawed at him. And no one can guess that under his impassive air, his poker face. He knows how to control himself to the point of pain, but nothing shows.
But this strength is also his own weakness. Being impassive and calm about everything makes him inaccessible, locked up in his own persona, his tower of solitude. But he doesn't know how to open up, he's never learned except from his sister and his former love.
OSCAR - His friendliness. He knows he's jovial and funny, and few people can dislike him because everything flows off him. All that's left is a smile and always a friendly tone. Oscar is a lovely boy, and he knows it, but he doesn't play it up. It's just who he is and how he lives.
It's not intermittent, but sometimes he's afraid of what Pacifica might become. The place is a war zone, dangerous, and VDBs are living targets. Sometimes he wonders what would happen if something happened, whether he should leave or not…
AURORE - Her kindness. She knows how to calm people with her soft voice, gentle posture and gestures. That's why she works as a nurse in Pacifica's small medical centre, helping to heal wounds and heal hearts. Her powers are a source of insecurity. Aurore is a young witch who likes to test things, but sometimes it gets out of hand, to the point of causing problems. That doesn't stop her from practising and trying, but it's not without fear.
ENZO - Already answered here
MIEKO - Her malice. She has always learnt to stay within the rules set by the family, to be the perfect little girl, to succeed … only to have all the fun afterwards. Without being a real rebel, Mieko knows how to play a double game to remain in her parents' esteem while still being able to go out and have fun. This also helps her in her work, helping her to find solutions.
She remains insecure about her future. It's mapped out professionally with Arasaka, but she doesn't know about her personal future. She currently lives with her mother, is a widow, and would like to enjoy her youth a little, but doesn't know how…
ROXANNE - Her temperament. Roxanne is a strong-willed woman who has experienced enough to say fuck off to somebody's face if need be. She's learnt to stand up for herself so she doesn't get eaten up by life, and she still holds on to what she wants.
But she knows that all her willpower is useless against the giants of the corpos. Roxy feels trapped by having sold her soul to a corpo for her show, she knows that it's an easy point of attack, a way of making it bend too. And she hates that.
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gloryride · 2 years
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I was tagged by @katsigian to do this adorable picrew, thanks ♥
I already did Vanessa but here all the babies ! Top : Virgile - Vanessa Bottom : Isao - Oscar I don't who tagging, so have fun if you want to do ♥♥
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gloryride · 2 years
🤡 & 🤔, for Oscar
💝 & 🍷, for Isao
Hey ♥ Thanks for asking for them, underrated babies ♥
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
He's not ashamed of anything, he doesn't care how people look at him. But there is one silly thing he doesn't like to talk about. It's time he tried to skate down the rollercoaster tracks and fell into the water. It sucked because it was predictable, he broke his skateboard, got hurt because he fell hard into the water and some VDBs laughed rather than help him!
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
That Placide is not as much his friend as he thinks. To Oscar, Placide is his buddy, he goes to chat with him, sends him vocals, and acts like they have a real friendship. The lack of reaction is because Placide is a bit of a grumpy guy, and it's in his nature.
Except that Placide is annoyed by this Pacifica himbo. He likes him, he even amuses him (even if he doesn't show it), and protects him in case of need. But Oscar is too much, he makes too much of it, doesn't understand irony/sarcasm, and doesn't have the same notion of tranquility as he does. He likes him but in small doses. And Oscar doesn't understand that!
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
At this level, he is controversial. Part of him likes to be respected, to have a certain class, and to avoid touching him. He rarely shakes hands with people and rarely hugs them; he wants to be respected, to have a polite distance first, before maybe getting closer (or not)—nothing better to be appreciated by Isao. Another part of him likes the craziness, the confidence to screw up and say fuck to the decorum. It's something he admires, as he himself can't do it. If someone does that, officially, Isao will hate it, but he can only appreciate it, and the person will win points!
🍷- How do they feel about alcohol?
He does not drink much, preferring quality to quantity. Isao has a healthy lifestyle that he likes to respect, and alcohol is not part of his daily life. He drinks at events, when he goes out to a restaurant or something, but rarely more than two glasses. He hates losing control of himself, he experienced this when he was undercover with the Tyger Claws, and it was a feeling he hated.
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gloryride · 2 years
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The Babies™
Template on AMM discord server
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gloryride · 2 years
Random character questions: 22, 23 and 24 for any of your Cyperpunk babies... 😊 I'd say all of them but you can pick the one you'd like. 😊
I will answer for all of them because I want to ♥ Thank you for asking [random character questions]
22 - When your character is sad, what do they do to cheer themselves up?
VANESSA Vanessa needs sugar, it always helps. Sometimes a good shower or bath too. Otherwise, she puts on loud music and dances! A big hug from a friend is also good.
VIRGILE Virgile smokes to start with, it calms him down and allows him to put his thoughts together. To relax, he either eats Japanese food in one of his favourite restaurants or goes for a motorbike ride to the Badlands
ISAO A cup of tea helps him feel good, but a good cup of tea! Meditation, hot shower or a workout, Isao feels much better after that.
OSCAR A good burger, nothing better than fast food to make him feel better! He also goes out to see people to take his mind off things, and dances too.
23 - Does your character snore ?
VANESSA A little bit, especially when she's exhausted, you can hear like a slight purr, nothing very loud.
VIRGILE Yes, especially when he's exhausted or sleeping on his back for a while.
ISAO No, even his breathing seems almost non-existent.
OSCAR Yes, quite light, sometimes louder when he has to change his nasal filter and feels the allergies.
24 - Describe their voice.
VANESSA Canon Vanessa's voice is Scarlett Johansson, a bit husky, flirty, enthusiastic, very expressive and cocky a bit sometimes. She speaks quite loudly, has a lovely, infectious laugh and it is easy to hear her Mexican accent when she is angry or very emotional.
VIRGILE Virgile has a deep voice, calm, but expressive and he has a light italian accent when he is angry.
ISAO Isao has a really deep voice, almost emotionless, a bit cold, but also smooth. When he speaks english, he has a strong japanese accent and doesnt want to hide it. And you can notice when he's interested in something/someone, his voice has some variations, discreet indeed.
OSCAR He has a melodious, cheerful voice, it is warm and slightly bass, but it goes up a bit depending on what he is saying !
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