#abde ezzalzouli x reader
inejschumacher · 5 months
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Day 8 of Via’s Taycember
pairing: abdessamad ezzalzouli x reader
wc: 0.8k
cw: sex, kissing, choking, mention of jealousy
an: this is one of my favs so far! no one say anything about how LATE these are (we’re in a new month) but I’ve got so many queued! (forgive me please)
See you in the dark, all eyes on you, my magician. All eyes on us, you make everyone disappear, and cut me into pieces
A flutter of a suit jacket disappearing behind the wall, the ghost of a whispered kiss on your ear. A simple trick, performed in the blink of an eye, a flutter of a heartbeat. So secretive and yet, did anyone see? A man of his beauty was not one most would want to miss when everyone had the vision of a hawk. And the tongues that lashed out at the unsuspecting, revealing every secret the dark sought to hide.
But somehow, despite the wicked watchful eyes of everyone, they all seemed to disappear under his gaze, his touch. Even when it seemed to be an imminent death by a thousand cuts, falling apart at new and old seams, he was there to kiss, to touch.
Gold cage, hostage to my feelings. Back against the wall, trippin', trip-trippin' when you're gone, 'cause we breakdown a little but when you get me alone, it's so simple 'cause baby, I know what you know, we can feel it
It was almost suffocating, trapped in his arms and your hunger for his touch, for his kisses, for Abde. Pressed agaisnt the wall, the cold stone kept you well alert as your mind threatened to fall into a lustful haze. The tears that had threatened to spill at the prospect of staying hidden forever were gone the moment you’d followed him to where you could be alone with him. The love and lust replaced every other feeling of guilt, of fear, of hopelessness and helplessness. It was so, so simple
And all the pieces fall right into place, getting caught up in a moment, lipstick on your face. So it goes
His arms knew where to hold you, squeezing the curves of your hips, holding you firm lest your body threaten to fail you and fall against him. His tongue, exploring every little crevice of your mouth as you gasp into his mouth from the sudden desperate, soft pinches on your sides.
Sweet, hungry, you got caught up in the moment, failing to notice the lipstick left on his lips, but also beyond, his cheeks, his chin, even the tip of his nose. He failed to notice the smudged lipstick going beyond the corners of your lips, not as reddened as before, uneven.
Met you in a bar, all eyes on me, your illusionist. All eyes on us, I make all your gray days clear and wear you like a necklace
Neither of you were supposed to be in the bar that night. But you were hiding from the men stalking the darkened streets of night, and he was hiding from the vicious eyes of the press. But it was easy for you to be noticed, in your pink dress and gold jewelry, shining like a doll against the dreary backdrop of the random bar you’d slipped into.
Easily noticed by Abde, in his all-black suit and tie, who’d masterfully blended in with everyone else in the darkness, barely illuminated by the flickering lights overhead.
But Abde was also noticed by you. The silver chain betrayed his near-invisible disguise, a chain that begged to be pulled towards you. An illusion was all it was. No one was ever truly invisible or hidden, but the eyes on you could be used to advantage.
Especially when his large hands wrapped around your throat like a tight necklace, choking the breath out of you as he kissed the rest of it away.
I'm so chill, but you make me jealous, but I got your heart, skippin', skip-skippin' when I'm gone
Shrouded in secret, there should be nothing to be jealous of, but Abde’s career was spent in the public eye. Watching the girls fawning over the handsome, talented player, a sense of jealousy filled you, combatted only by the calm, smug satisfaction of his heart skipping a beat each time he saw you in the stands, wearing his jersey—that you’d slept in whilst sharing a bed—even more so when you were nowhere to be found and the betrayal of dread filled his heart.
You did a number on me, but honestly, baby, who's counting? I did a number on you, but honestly, baby, who's counting? …one, two, three
But on these nights, oh, the unrestrained movements, filthy positions, up and down as you went head to head, all those fears and jealousies were kissed and sucked away, forgetting the desires of everyone else as you entered a haze. None of that mattered, not when yours were filled, inside and out, losing count and sense and track of time, with only the lustful moans and sweet nothings whispered afterwards, hidden in the dark yet never from your loving gazes.
I'm yours to keep, and I'm yours to lose, you know I'm not a bad girl, but I do bad things with you, so it goes
It was a choice, then, whether to keep the illusion afloat, giving him the power to wield you as such as you gave yourself to him, so pure in the eyes of those watching, but oh, how they held no idea of just how wrong they were when it came to Abde, how much you were willing to do and let yourself become undone.
Come here, dressed in black now, so, so, so it goes. Scratches down your back now
Every piece of black cloth was thrown into the shadows as you decorated his back with your nails, dragging them down, painting your own artwork of passion, permanently marking him from everyone, for yourself, for him, as the pieces fell into place, so perfect unlike yourselves, thrusting and pleasuring and all the right things, filling you up over and over again as you reached your highs, the whiteness covering you so starkly contrasting the past blackness covering him, inside and out in every which way, long past the illusions and magic.
So, so, so it goes
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0alanasworld0 · 10 months
Our Allens <3
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How would our boys react to the Barbie Movie?
Warnings: none
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♡ Yassine ♡
I imagine that out of the two of you he’d be the first to see the trailer when it comes out.
Like minutes into its release, already in his Youtube recommended 
He was well beyond the age of acting like he was too cool for it
It looked fun and right up your alley
You’re busy with work and he doesn’t close your laptop but he holds his phone over it so you can watch
You’re not too happy with the interruption but he just seems so excited, practically buzzing so you take the phone.
2 minutes and 42 seconds later, you’re up on your feet and buzzing with him
He’s quick to sift through your shared closet for things to wear (before everyone else decided to do it)
He’s got some pink dress shirts so he thinks he’ll be fine but you on the other hand
He’s not impressed by the lack of variety
There’s months before the film comes out but no, you need to be prepared and NOW
Practically dragging you to the mall to look for stuff because there is NO WAY you’re going to this film underdressed
He picks a hot pink skirt and white top that he thinks you would look cute in
He’s got surprisingly good taste, let's just say that and before you even open your purse, he’s paid for it.
As the release date gets closer and closer and more trailers come out, he has a new and even more brilliant idea
All black 
“If you wanted to go to Oppenheimer instead, you could have said!”
He gasps in offence and pulls out the screen-cap that inspired him
“... also what is Oppenheimer exactly?”
“Yassine, I can’t wear a damn tiara!” “Why not?”
You end up having to wear the tiara
You spend about half an hour taking photos in the Barbie box before doing anything
He doesn’t post anything because he never posts anything but you certainly do and it gets reposted onto the Sevilla instagram because it’s just too darn cute
He cries at the Billie Eilish bit but gets over it quickly so you can jam to the Ice Spice remix together
“I promise you that I’m more of an Allen than a Ken, Angel. I would never believe in patriarchy! And I hate horses!” “...” “Okay I don’t hate horses but you get the idea!”
“So do you want to watch oppenheimer?” “Angel, I still don’t know what that is if I’m being completely honest.”
He thought that Barbenheimer was just a cool reference to how well the film was gonna do
“Why is it such a big deal that they come out at the same time? Mamma Mia and the Dark Knight also came out at the same time and no one said anything about that!”
You do end up watching for the sake of it but he’s not feeling it at all.
“Do you think that Cilian Murphy is more attractive than me?” “He could never.” 
He’s quite pleased with that answer and he gets all blushy
He ends up dragging you to the next screen to watch barbie again right after for a ‘palette cleanser’
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♡ Abde ♡
You’re definitely the one to push it in this instance
He’s young, like really young, so there is a little bit of an obsession with that macho image
Much less of it since he managed to win you over by letting it go but its still kinda there
Even with that, he may have read a couple of unflattering reviews (obviously from men) so he’s not got the best impression
It doesn’t take you long to convince him at all because the the way your eyes lit up is enough 
He loves the idea of you dressing up all cute for it, happily help you pick an outfit but when you bring up the idea of HIM matching you, he’s not so keen
“Come on! What's wrong with a bit of pink? Most designer men’s clothes have a little bit of it!” “Yeah but that's different!” “Sure (!)” 
You do manage to get his approval of one pink shirt but he’s a little bit sulky the whole way home and you give him the silent treatment for it
He respects your space but he ends up whining to his brother about it which feels like the biggest mistake when his mum overhears it; more of a blessing in disguise to be honest
“That girl puts up with so much of your nonsense and you can’t even put on a pink shirt for her Barbie thing without adding on even more nonsense? Ya Allah, forgive me I’ve raised a wannabe macho idiot for a son!”
His dad ends up overhearing as well and gets to a stern explanation
“In what world is pink girly? It’s a fucking colour, son. Any ‘man’ that associated a colour with being a girl is a west-washed little boy, you wear little necklaces and get an eyebrow slit but you draw the line at pink? I raised you better than that.”
His brother ends up chiming in too.
“Yeah man, it's a little scummy. It’s a pink shirt and two hours of your time, she used to wear that ugly yellow kit happily to matches AND she watches you play video games for way longer than that, and at least a movie might be more entertaining…”
At first he doesn’t really want to believe anything that they’ve said but he spends the evening pondering over it, only feeling more and more guilty and time passes by
“I’ll just watch it with my friends, it's fine!” but you’re obviously disappointed, he can see it written on your face and you don’t give him time to say anything as you walk away
He spends a good hour going back and forth with you about that, eventually just wrapping you up tight in his arms and apologising over and over again
“Pleeeeeeeeeeaaase take me! It’ll be fun, I swear! I’m a fun guy, am I not?” “You’ve changed your tune.”
“My parents didn’t raise a west-washed little boy, did they?” you don’t know what that means but you can’t really ask with your face pressed up against his neck.
“Should I grow out the eyebrow slit?” 
You find the strength to pull away from him with that suggestion, “YES!” 
To add to the apology, he lets you do his nails but refuses to let you push at his cuticles
Not that you need to do that anyway because his nails are beautifully shaped and you LOVED being able to paint them
He does indeed make it a fun experience when you go out for it and you get some really cute photos together
He spends a while getting photos of you in the booth on your own because you looked so damn adorable
During the film, he keeps pointing out the outfits he thinks would look good on you… so basically everything.
He’s intrigued by the giant fur coat but you immediately put a stop to that
“But look! it's so-” “Ugly! Looks like a freshly killed polar bear rug!”
By the end of the movie, you're both in tears and he gives you the biggest hug he can manage when you leave the theatre.
Its a genuine eye-opener for him
“I’m such a Ken, anjo!”
It's his awakening: he didn’t really like acting all hard and cool anyway and now he had a better understanding of just how dumb that mentality was.
Constantly talking about “boyfriend-girlfriend” things
You didn’t mind but you wished he would stop referring to it as that because you wanted him in all his glory and you didn’t need to be laughing in the middle of it.
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♡ Hakim ♡
Its a cute little moment where you swap phones to show each other the trailers
He’s definitely more intrigued by Oppenheimer but he’s happy to watch barbie with you
Of course, so long as you watch Oppenheimer with him
Like Yassine, well beyond acting too cool for a movie and the colour pink
Your outfits match and are a mix of pink and black so you can really get into the spirit of the occasion
You match clothes quite often but it still makes him smile when you get excited and scan over the outfits
He honestly just liked doing stuff with you and vice versa
He’s not really bothered by what anyone thinks of him anymore
You watch Oppenheimer first and he can’t help but point out the things he told you about when he explained the movie to you
He has some of his own critiques and gripes too
He’s not impressed when he sees the American flag nor is he happy with the nudity but he’s okay with the film, overall.
Surprisingly enough, he was actually quite excited for barbie. 
You had explained every little detail from the trailers and the underlying themes and easter eggs and he supposed that at least 1 live adaptation was ready to be faithful
You’re the more energetic watcher while he’s just extremely focused
Like his eyes don’t leave the screen once, he looks to be in deep thought
Although there is some palpable shock when Barbie is called a fascist
You’re worried when he hasn’t said anything by the end of the film, fearing that he was gonna be one of those
“Men really suck, huh?” 
Big relief and you agree with a laugh
You spend ages talking about the little intricacies in the movies and the deeper messages, from when you get back into the car and well into the evening
He does post a little thing on his story: a blurry photo of the two of you
His brothers do tease him a little bit but they’d all watched it with their partners too and they were all in agreement: it was fantastic
They acted cool and stoic critics about it on the outside but the excitement on the inside was still evident
You pointed out one of the dresses from the movie that you loved, thinking he wasn’t paying attention but alas
He goes above and beyond to find a replica and eventually just settles on a tailor to make you a custom one
He has your measurements because he’s bought plenty of custom pieces for you already and he wouldn’t stand for anything less than perfection
If he was picky for himself, imagine how h would be for the love of his life
He gets a little slap-happy with it and ends up ordering like 4 custom outfits for you instead of one
He wondered about whether he should save them for special occasions but he concluded that he just couldn’t wait
I imagine you coming back from a long day at work and the outfits are laid out, in their garment bags 
You assume that he maybe got himself some new jackets or something because that's pretty common for him
When you unzip the bags and obviously you’re surprised
“Do you like them?” “I mean yeah but… what?”
He can’t wait for you to process anything and he’s hurrying you to try it all on
Obviously you look absolutely stunning and the way he’s looking at you has you all nervous: partly because he always just looked at you like you hung the moon and stars but also you were slightly concerned that he was seconds away from tearing it off you
“Oh god, you’re such a barbie…” he knows exactly how big of a compliment that is, your beloved allen
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♡ Nayef ♡
He definitely isn’t at Yassine and Hakim’s point where image isn’t that big of a deal but he’s an absolute sweetheart
Genuinely so positive and joyful, in that sense there’s a unique maturity about him
You call him over to watch the trailer with you and he doesn’t really understand but matches your excitement when you point out the little details
I feel like he would be doing a lot of his own research too, those youtube videos of people analysing the trailer frame-by-frame become his new obsession
I imagine he’d be getting into a lot of arguments on his burner twitter account with the bitter men trying to tear it down
He doesn’t care at all, he’s going to see barbie with you the first chance he gets and he’s going to find a matching outfit somewhere
You assumed he’d just find a pink shirt but no, he spends ages sifting through the internet for a ken inspired outfit that he could replicate and a barbie outfit for you, pink would not suffice on its own, you were gonna go all out with some proper references
He’s definitely the most Allen-esque of the boys, that's for sure
Proudly posts a photo of the pair of you on his story and your matching outfits with the reference on the side
He does get a lot of praise online for it for being so “brave” but he sees it as the bare minimum and doesn’t quite understand why it's such a big deal
Somehow he’s more excited than you at the theatre
And he somehow knows even more finer details than you as well, it’s kind of jarring
He LOVES the music and knows all the lyrics because he’s been listening to the album non-stop
He is in tears from America Ferrara’s beautiful speech
Constantly looking over at you like you’re a champions league trophy
The switch from emotional billie eilish to the upbeat ice spice remix is a bit of a shock but he just goes with it because at the end of the day, he’s having the time of his life with the movie
“You know I would love you no matter what, right?”
“Like you ARE extraordinary and perfect in every way but even if in some bizarro universe where you weren’t, I bet I would still be obsessed with you.”
And you fully believe him because he would drop anything and everything for you, no doubts in your mind whatsoever
I feel like he’d be so cheesy when you leave the theatre, like he’s carrying you to the car bridal style 
He would also refer to the deed as “boyfriend-girlfriend stuff” for months
He would be dragged to Oppenheimer with his friends but he comes back home too you and he looks far from impressed
“Well it certainly wasn’t Barbie, I know that much!”
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not my usual style but i just thought headcannons would be a better format since i got requests for all of them! i hope u enjoy, lovelies <3
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deluluduck227 · 10 months
Princess in green ¦ Abde Ez
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Summary: In which you and abde are invited to his friend's wedding party
Warnings: None
" I'm ready! How do I look?" You proclaimed to your husband who is leaning on the new car he bought lately, he switched his gaze from his phone to you, his eyes wandered around your body and a smile crept to his gleaming face. You were wearing a sheen green kaftan that hugged your curves perfectly and a pearl necklace around your neck. You choose to wear your hair down since it looked perfectly voluminous after the blowout. And your makeup wasn't heavy except for the wine-red lipstick that suited your skin shade perfectly. Not to mention the golden strappy heels stiletto to match the necklace hugging your neck. Abdessamad made his way to you, you flattered your long eyelashes at him when he grabbed the tips of your fingers gently.
" Give me a little twirl! " And you did, feeling like a princess.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, closing the gap between you, and buried his face in the crook of your neck, sniffing your exotic heavenly, comforting scent.
" You look bonita!" He mumbled quietly. As much as you liked the moment you both gotta get going. You were heading to Abde's friend's wedding party and you couldn't be more excited. Half an hour later you were already there. The private venue looked really royal and astonishing. You were welcomed with a cup of milk and dates. As soon as you entered you felt a doze of energy, Abdessamad was helping you with the kaftan fearing you'd trip and your heart fluttered at his gesture. You greeted your friends and some of his teammates featuring Bilal who complimented your looks along with a wink and earned a smack on the head from Abde. You were already engaged in small talks with some of Abde's friends and their dates when they served tea and the pastries. Your pupils turned into hearts when you felt the floral taste kaab el ghazal melt in your mouth along with the mint tea. Chunks of heaven in your mouth! You could feel Abde pulling your chair closer to his, his hand on your waist flicking on the soft material of your kaftan.
By the time they served dinner, you already had your fair share of dancing. Abde wouldn't let you at the beginning but some flashing eyes and some promises made him loosen up! Hell, he even didn't stop dancing until you pulled him forcefully after you felt a terrible ache in your feet. Once you've sat down you frankly removed your high heels, leaning down to rub your feet, perhaps it might make the pain fade away. Suddenly, you felt Abde placing your foot on his lap and taking over the mission. You felt some stares but you couldn't care less, especially when your husband's skillful hands were massaging the pain away!
this was requested a long time ago and just had a chance to see the light! just ignore the shortness and incoherence please
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inejschumacher · 6 months
Lilies of Love - AE16
part 2 of Roses of Ruin
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summary: abde tries to save his “friend” from her alleged kidnapped when things take a turn for the worse
pairing: abde ezzalzouli x reader
cw: physical violence involving weaponry, verbal abuse, kidnapping, bad breath, hospitals
wc: 4108
an: I have no idea how this fic even ended up going in this direction but I made it much tamer😭😭 also I completely forgot to say there were two parts oops
Abde sits on his couch, awaiting your text that will let him know when you reach home safely. He knows these days you had later nights, studying for finals and polishing all your essays, so you always texted him when you got home safely to assuage his worries.
So when he doesn’t get one that night, he knows something is up. At the very least if you’d forgotten he’d see you active on Twitter or Instagram where he’d then text you asking if you were home, to which you would reply yes with an apology for not texting him.
But that doesn’t happen. When even his DMs go unread, he immediately jumps up and grabs his keys, driving straight to your place.
When he sees the poster, his heart drops. The house is dark and there are no signs of anyone there but he just knows his worst fears have come true. Your secret admirer is a stalker, and he’s finally committing his endgame.
He takes a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself down before trying to think of what he can do.
He searches the ground looking for something that might indicate where you were taken or who took you, like a business card or a fast food restaurant wrapper, when his eye catches on something…familiar.
It can’t be.
A tiny Barcelona keychain, with one of the tiny chains broken.
There was only one place secure and isolated enough on a Tuesday night where one who knew the place would feel secure enough to take a kidnapped woman without fear of being discovered.
After all, that one little lesson from the security guards the boys had made them give was very useful, if one wanted to turn off the security systems, including any cameras and alarms.
He has a sinking feeling that you were right about one thing: you know who your secret admirer is. 
And he is about to find out.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
You come to with a massive headache that throbs mostly on the right side of your head. The bright lights don't help either, as you struggle to open your eyes.
You try pressing your fingers against your head to relieve the pain, but you can't. Your hands are bound behind the chair you're sitting on, and it seems your legs are as well. The sudden severity of your situation jolts you fully awake, and you open your eyes to see the face of Pedri staring back at you with a coy smile on his lips, sitting on a chair across from you.
Close enough that you can smell his rancid breath. Did he always lack dental hygiene?
He taps a baseball bat on the floor, which you assume must have been the weapon he’d used to knock you out so efficiently. You feel yourself swallow in fear at the prospect of what else he could do with it.
His smile grows.
He does look a lot like Mr. Bean, which would’ve made you laugh in any other situation.
Instead, you want to cry. You should be safe at home, in your pajamas eating dinner, texting Abde, and watching a show. Instead, you’re tied to a chair by your supposed friend and secret admirer, who turned out to be someone you should never have trusted. And you want to cry because your secret admirer is not someone who was ever in love with you, and never would be.
You should’ve listened to what Abde had said. You cursed yourself for not telling him the truth of what this whole situation was spiralling into. You cursed yourself for not sharing your location with him, so he could keep an eye on you and find you if he needed to. Like right now.
But mostly, you cursed yourself for ever believing someone would love you, instead of fantasizing about a relationship as Abde had put it.
You turn your sight to the left, breaking eye contact with Pedri, when you see the pastry box from your doorstep sitting on the bench. The same box that waited for you many times each week, holding sweets that were now poisoned with fear.
You feel the tears threaten to well up, but you can’t allow yourself to show such weakness to Pedri, who now inches his chair even closer so your noses are almost touching.
You can’t help but jerk back, and he laughs. It had never sounded so dark before.
“A pretty little thing like you couldn’t be bothered with such a sight, now, could you?” He pouts a little before the smirk returns. “But I think you must be surprised by me. I know you thought your secret admirer might have been Lamine, but did you seriously think he would go through all that effort to show you he loves you? And besides, you and I both know he would’ve asked you out face-to-face, but of course, he never did. Because no one would ever truly love a bland degenerate like you.” He reaches out to stroke your cheek, which you try to turn away from, but he grips your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“But then Abde convinced himself he was in love with you, even though he would never admit it. But it was so obvious to me he only pitied you, even when the others thought he was truly in love.”
Pedri takes in your widened eyes and chuckles darkly. “Oh! But you had no idea, did you? You thought all those car rides, all those cafe outings, were because he was friends with you? No, because he thinks he’s in love with you, and everyone else thinks he’s too scared to admit it. But I know the truth,” his nails dig deep into your chin, “he only tolerates you. Do you think a man like him would want to be seen in a girly cafe? Or admit he listens to that white trash Taylor Swift? No, sweetheart, he only pities how painfully single you are. He doesn’t want you to be sad, like all you other insecure girls. He wants to make you think he’s happy spending time with you when really, he would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard than your annoying voice.”
He takes a deep breath from the rant, allowing you to take in his words. Was it true that Abde didn’t like you even as a friend? You knew he wasn’t the biggest fan of cafes or your music taste, but there was no way he’d “tolerate it” for so long, as Pedri had put it.
Or so you thought.
Pedri was one of Abde’s closest friends, so maybe he could tell when he didn’t want to be friends with someone.
Including you.
You felt your heart start to break as Pedri’s words really sunk in. It must’ve shown on your face, as Pedri cocks his head. “Oh, shit, now I pity you a little. Not even your beloved friend wants to be known that way, but oh well. It’s not like he cares enough to look to you, or care about what I’m about to do to you.”
Before you can even react, he kisses you roughly. You try to jerk back away from it, but Pedro’s still gripping your chin, ms it feel as if he’s now pierced the skin. His lips are rough and there’s no love behind the kiss.
“That would be your first and last ever kiss because I really do pity you. But you’re not gonna get the chance for another, because I’ve realized that as long as you live, Abde will have to tolerate your antics. Which also means he’ll spend less time with the people that truly love him, like me.” He smacks the bat against the floor, making you jump in your chair.
His grin makes your blood freeze in fear.
The first hit is hard against your shin.
You scream out in pain, but there’s no one around to hear you in the empty, isolated stadium. The pain only gets worse as it settles in, and Pedri laughs maniacally at the pleasure in your pain. He strikes again in the same spot, and your screams grow louder.
Tears well up as he hits your legs over and over and over again, switching between them, hitting the same spot multiple times before moving on, hitting the areas where it would hurt the most. Your futile screams and his laughter mix together in a frightening chorus, and you try to pray for a little relief, if not a saviour. 
But in your already heavy heart, you knew no one would come looking for you. Even if there was someone who might have tried, there was no way for them to know where you were. The thoughts and the pain together are too much, and the tears finally fall as you hear bone cracking, the sound a massive roar in your ears. 
It takes a second, but the pain suddenly drowns all your other senses, hiding your screams as it feels as if your legs are nothing more than shattered fragments.
The pain is so overwhelming, you don’t even notice when the bat stops hitting your body, when the horrid smell is replaced by something more homely, more familiar.
The hands that should’ve felt gentle felt like they were breaking you apart even more, and you let loose another wretched scream.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Abde must have broken about a hundred driving laws getting to Camp Nou, and he thanked God the streets were isolated enough for no one to call the police on him. He tries cursing you for getting home so late, for not doing your work at home, but instead curses himself for not being by your side, driving you home from campus and making sure you got home safely. What kind of friend was he? And what kind of lover would he make?
Ignoring the horrific parking job, he riches inside the stadium, thankfully being able to unlock the doors with his keycard even this late in the night.
He races through the inside of the stadium towards the locker rooms, when he hears an earth-shattering scream pierce through the otherwise unnerving silence. His heart breaks and he pushes himself to run even faster, as your screams grow louder and louder.
He finally reaches the locker room where you seem to be inside and tries pushing the door open. It was locked.
Of course, the key card works, and he easily opens the door, taking in the horrific scene playing out in front of him.
You, tied to a chair, limbs splayed out in all the wrong ways as Pedri paces slowly in front of you with his back to Abde, tapping a baseball bat against the floor.
Abde doesn't stop to think. He rushes at Pedri, taking him by surprise when he slams him against the locker with all his might and he drops the bat. Dazed, Pedri tries turning around to face his attacker, but Abde slams his head against the lockers again, knocking him out, and Abde rushes over to you.
He checks to see you’re still breathing although it is heavily laboured and his heart breaks at your whimpers of pain. He makes quick work of the restraints, doing his best to be careful not to hurt you further but you scream in pain, making him wince at the loudness.
He finally gets them all off of you and tries picking you up, but your screams almost shatter his eardrums as winces away from you.
He decides to go the less solo route and call an ambulance as well as the police, and waits in the now-quiet locker room, keeping an eye on both you and Pedri as your whimpers fill the air. He tries smoothing a hand over your back to help soothe your pain and waits for the telltale sound of sirens to come closer and closer.
Checking Pedri’s unconscious form one last time, he rushes out to the stadium entrance to greet the paramedics, leading them to your body and they gently but quickly carry you away on a stretcher. Abde tries to stay with you, but the paramedics brush him off, telling him they have to take you into surgery without any distractions, but he is more than welcome to visit you later on. And besides, he needs to tell the police his account of what occurred.
The rest of the night passes by in a blur.
Abde watches the ambulance leave, right when the police finally arrive. He’s quiet as he leads them to the locker room, where Pedri is still unconscious but has a paramedic checking his vitals. As they secure the scene, they take Abde’s initial report, before leading him to one of the cop cars so he can give an official statement at the station. In no time at all it seems, he is free to go, tired but still worried for you.
He wants to go to the hospital, but the cop, who was kind enough to call the hospital to check on your status, says you still have hours left of your surgery, and it would be better for the both of you if Abde went home, got some rest, then was able to be a fresh face for you to look at when you woke up.
Abde almost decided to spend the night at the hospital, but he knew you deserved to see him rested rather than tired, so he went home and took some melatonin pills to help him sleep a dreamless sleep.
The next morning, he wakes up feeling groggy but refreshed, but with his heart heavy. His grogginess turns to alarm as he quickly checks the time, and remembers what happened last night. He’s ready and refreshed in no time, changing into a set of shorts and a t-shirt, washing his face and brushing his teeth, before rushing out. He stops by a bakery to pick up some freshly baked muffins for the both of you when he sees something colourful in the corner of his eye.
He turns around to see it’s a flower shop, the front sidewalk filled with arrays of fresh blooms, when he remembers something you once told him. “It’s not like you ever got me any”, you’d said to him in that one argument. He feels a wave of regret at that fact and decides that today is as good as any other day to change that. He just hoped you wouldn't see it as a pathetic attempt to pity you. He studies the different arrangements, trying to figure out which one to get you, when he suddenly remembers another memory.
You and Abde were walking in Barcelona after a glorious match against Atletico. Abde had scored two amazing goals, and assisted a third, giving them the 3 points they needed to stay well ahead of Real Madrid in the La Liga title race.
He was still on a high from the glory, made even better with you being able to travel to Madrid to attend the match, cheering him on while wearing his jersey, and him being able to squeeze you in a bone-crushing hug after the game ended rather than FaceTiming you later after the celebrations died down.
You were still wearing his jersey, and he had to fight a grin from showing, lest you see and threaten to take it off.
The Barcelona sunset was gorgeous, casting a beautiful pink glow over the city, as you took in the sights. It has been quite some time since you were able to walk city streets like this together and revel in the moment, content in each other’s company.
Abde glanced down at your swinging hand, longing to reach out and hold it, but stopped himself. You were gazing out at the bustling streets, taking in the street vendors, the children, and the delicious aromas of food wafting around, and he didn't want to spoil the mood for you.
But that turned out to be pointless because he felt you grab his hand a minute later, tugging on it with a little urgency.
“Abde, look!” he looked ahead to where you were pointing, at a pink cafe decorated with flowers, and looked down to see you looking at him inquiringly.
“That’s a really pretty cafe…” you trailed off, hoping he understood what you meant. Abde hesitated for just a second, not really wanting to celebrate his victory in a Barbie-type cafe, but he would do anything for you, so he squeezed your hand and led the way. He didn't see the pure joy on your face until you both sat down, you gazing at the beautiful interior of flowers and live hummingbirds flying around, and Abde gazing at you.
It was at this moment he realized. He was in love with you.
The treats were all so gorgeous, with cupcakes decorated with intricate icing designs, cheesecake slices that were swirled in different shades of pink and purple and blue, macarons of flavours you weren’t even aware were possible, puddings heaped with cream and fresh fruit, and scones that smelled like a baker’s heaven. You ordered a raspberry lemon cheesecake with pink lemonade, while Abde ordered a mango pudding topped with pineapple and coconut with a regular lemonade.
As you both ate, you pointed out the different types of flowers in the cafe. Of course, Abde knew the basic ones, like roses, tulips, and daisies, but he was surprised to learn just how many variations of each there were, and how much knowledge you had of them.
“See those pink lilies with white outlines on the petals? Those are called stargazer lilies, and they attract a lot of butterflies- look at that one! See?” A monarch butterfly landed on one, its wings fluttering lazily. Ade looked back to see your eyes shining with delight at a pretty piece of nature.
You looked back at him before pointing out a different lily, this one completely pink. “That one’s called an Acapulco lily; they’re commonly used in bouquets and gardens.” You smile as Abde’s gaze never leaves your face.
“Lilies are my favourite flower. They’re just, I don't know, so unique. Some of them are those pink colours, some are orange like the tiger lily. That’s one of my favourite types because it’s so bold.” You paused, blushing a little. “It kind of reminds me of you.”
Abde felt his breath hitch, but you hurried on before he could respond. “The pink ones are my favourites of course. Although the white Casablanca lilies are used in weddings, so maybe I’ll use them too!” You smile a the thought of your wedding, before looking back at Abde. “Keep this in mind for your future wife, she’ll love to know you know so much.”
Abde’s smile froze. What on Earth did you mean his future wife? Did you not want her to be you? Did you not want to be with Abde?
If Abde would place one moment where he knew he could never confess his feelings for you, it would be here.
The pink and the flowers suddenly made him sick to his stomach, and he excused himself to go to the bathroom and throw up the sickeningly sweet pudding.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
He snaps out of it when he notices a small flurry of movement. A monarch butterfly, just like the one in the cafe, landing on a pink lily with a white outline. Abde stares for a moment, before realizing it had led him to the perfect bouquet.
It has the pink lilies you said attracted butterflies, although he can not for the life of him remember the name. Aca-ava-avocado? Nevermind. The arrangement also consisted of pink and white roses and white tulips; it was perfect. He buys it quickly, before rushing back to his car and speeding to the hospital. He’s wasted enough time already; it was now time to pay you a long-awaited visit.
The hospital is a hive of bustling activity. Three nurses congregate near the reception desk, heads bent down over a clipboard, while another rushes by, carrying some medications. There are a couple of young children playing in a corner with a toy train with their tired mother looking after them, and the whole area is filled with chatter and beeping.
Abde walks up to the reception desk where a woman in light blue scrubs is typing something on her computer and gives a little cough.
She looks up inquiringly at Abde, who’s gripping the bouquet tightly. “I’m here to see y/n l/n, she came in yesterday.” The nurse types something on her computer before turning back to him, eyes suddenly soft and pitiful.
“She’s still in recovery, so we’re not letting any visitors in except for family.” Abde’s face drops, but before he can stammer out some excuse of being your relative in some way, she speaks again.
“Unless you are Abdessamad Ezzalzouli,” she sounds the name out slowly as she struggles to pronounce the long arrangement of letters, “in which case you are the noted exception.” Abde nods vigorously, reaching for his wallet with his ID. The nurse raises her eyebrow as he struggles to take out his driver’s license with one hand, but one look at the card and she’s passing him a clipboard.
“Time in is 9:27. Sign here.” She taps one of the columns before returning to her work on the computer as Abde quickly writes the time in and signs his name, before using the clipboard back. She barely gives him another look as she tells him the room number and direction, and he’s practically sprinting down the hallway toward your room, nearly crashing into a nurse on the way.
He stops outside the room, where he can see your mother sitting by your bedside through the window. He knocks once, before opening the door, suddenly nervous at the prospect of seeing you in the aftermath.
It’s a horrific sight. Your legs are both in lifted casts, almost all the way up to your hips, tenderly placed to avoid a disturbance in blood circulation. Your face is bruised and swollen, already dark purple in the places where Pedri had made contact with you.
Abde wants to cry.
He tears his gaze from you to your mother, who looks at him with red eyes and a tear-streaked face. She looks horrible, as if she hasn't slept for days. He finds an empty vase tucked away on a shelf, behind a couple of half-empty glasses filled with water, and he gets a strange sense of deja vu that sends him into a sort of haze. 
He doesn't remember placing the lilies on the shelf top, bringing his arms around your mother to comfort her, or even taking her home to get her to rest with the promise that he would look after you. He doesn’t remember the fast drive back, or if he signed in again, just your broken body fighting for life. He doesn't remember the doctors telling him they placed you in a medical coma to save your mind from the painful healing process.
It’s the same routine every day. Wake up after the horrific nightmare of watching you get tortured to death and Pedri carry your broken body to dump it in some hidden place because this time he couldn't save you, cook something that could pass off as food to bring to your parents at your bedside, and stay by your side for hours, even with no updates on your condition.
There was never a dying lily in that flower vase; Abde kept it well-stocked with fresh pink ones every day.
3 weeks later, he doesn't see the new scribble on the clipboard attached to your bed. The new ones. Signed by the lead doctor, saying they were going to take you out of your coma to analyze your brain activity.
What he does notice is the fresh pink lilies in the vase. He hadn't been able to replace them for the past few days, but today he brought some, albeit pure white as the flower vendor had said they had run out of the pink ones for the time being because Abde bought most of the stock.
He placed his bouquet down on the bedside table, before taking his usual place next to your bed, and squeezed your hand.
“I’m here, love. Come back to me, please.”
He almost missed your hand squeezing back.
His tears did not.
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0alanasworld0 · 10 months
Hero (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader)
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Description: Abde gets his chance to wind down and relax with you after ending his extended season and finally with a gold medal around his neck.
warnings: sexual jokes, references to sex (no descriptions)
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“HEY!” He yells , waving his arms around, a big smile plastered on his face.
Oh god. You thought. That was your surprise ruined. You were hardly close to the front row so you had hope that he wouldn't notice you among the crowds but alas. You attempt to hide your face and turn around but you can faintly hear him say something first
“I can see you, silly! No point hiding now!” He laughs and you relent, giving him a shy wave.
Everyone around you in the stadium is looking in your general direction and they take a while to register who he’s referring to. Eventually their eyes do lay on his mother who sat next to you and it doesn’t take them very long to connect the dots when they see your flustered face and the number 16 jersey that was just a little too big on you.
You can’t help but laugh as well when you see him beckon over his teammates, pointing you out to them. You want to be stern with him but he’s so cute. Ibrahim is the first to notice you among the crowd, somehow going even crazier than Abde at the sight of you.
You had grown quite close to the team. From the way Abde spoke of them when they weren’t around to the way they were when you first met them, they didn’t disappoint at all. They were indeed extremely energetic almost beyond belief, like your little cousins but somehow even more so. In a fairly short space of time, they had become family to him. 
He wasn’t overjoyed at the news of his ‘demotion’ to the under-23s. And he certainly didn’t like the word ‘demotion’ either. When he had come to terms with the fact, he was constantly reminding himself that it wasn’t that at all. Not for the role he was expected to play, anyway. Nevertheless, the social media discourse referring to it that way never failed to irritate him. 
He had no idea that he was going to become the official captain and armed with that information, he maybe wouldn’t have felt so down about his placement. The questions that constantly circled in his head soon dissipated when he first got a glimpse of that blue band. It sat pretty on the hanger which held his jersey. That was still the same at least. Another sign that he was nowhere near out of the count. He was still a part of his national team, he was still appreciated but he supposed that the new role would be perfect for his development. 
It was different from the senior team. He couldn’t blame his older teammates for passing to the safer options, of course Ounahi would think of passing to Hakim or Youssef before him. Matches needed winning and the other forwards certainly knew a lot about that. Much more than he did. Although he still wished for more chances, just a little bit of faith but alas. 
Although the first concession did almost send him swirling into a panic, he managed to pull himself together and was sure to not repeat old mistakes. His teammates trusted him with everything as captain and he wasn’t going to break that. This would seal off his redemption if all went well.
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“Went well” didn’t do him justice at all. The trust from his teammates and coaches was turning him into a true monster. Everything was on the upturn: his passing, communication, decision-making. He wasn’t the little Neymar-wannabe he used to be, he was serious and he was going to fight tooth and nail for the win.
That fire was exactly what led him to the present. They made reaching the finals look so easy, it was almost funny but now was the true test. It was no secret that Egypt had been achieving similar performances. They were good. In the intimidating way: darkness on their faces, ruthless, knew how to get under players’ skin. Abde had picked up on enough of their habits to know just how to work around them. They were good but there were weak points he was going to take advantage of. He was worried, of course, but more than anything he was excited.
“Man, you had better not let your girl distract you!” Ayman slaps the back of his head and Abde pushes him off, attempting to shake off his love-struck haze.
“Oh please, this is just more motivation! Not like you would know what this is like!” Abde scoffs and he’s met with another slap on the head before they both get back to warming up.
Of course, you couldn’t hear a word but you were worried about him being distracted too. You hoped that your presence would be a surprise for the end of the match - you were pretty sure of the result even if he wasn't - he wasn’t supposed to catch you out like this among the crowd. Apparently fate had other plans.
Your worries didn’t really settle because even while warming up, he was constantly looking over at you and pointing you out to even more of his teammates and making cute little faces. It was sweet and your heart fluttered at the idea that he always had you on his mind, enough to catch you in the middle of such a crazy mob like this one. Proud to show you off to anyone and everyone who would entertain him. Nonetheless, he needed to get his head in the game and eventually coach Charai does, physically, knock some sense into him and he finally diverts his attention away from you.
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The start of the match is far from picture-perfect, the team looks good but much to their annoyance, Egypt does too. And they’re not going easy on your love either. Every chance he gets on the ball feels like a death-wish with the tackles they were trying. Especially with the first concession, an absolute screamer of a longshot, they don’t back down. They look hungrier and their tackles get more and more reckless. 
Of course Abde had anticipated it, he wouldn’t dare let himself get injured like that but he could certainly frame the players for trying. His plan finally comes to fruition with one wrong move. A tackle that digs straight into Abde’s ankle and you wince immediately. It looks awful and you couldn’t tell whether it was one of those times he was playing it up. Thankfully a red card comes after what felt like years of deliberating. Of course, your Abde got up just fine, raring to go with the new advantage they had.
But still, they’re a pain to break past. There was no doubt that the boys were doing great, but still. They still needed that cut-through, they weren’t going down without the fight of their lives, that was for sure. 
It feels like years but it’s a very welcomed shock to the system when one finally does bury itself into the back of the net. As the crowd around you goes wild, the only thing you can feel is relief. You can’t even bring yourself to scream because you were beyond exhausted. The stress you were feeling from the match was finally simmering down. They were still in it, far from being done. 
Once again, you feel your heart in your throat as your love goes to take a free kick. What was most certainly going to be the last of the night. You knew that free kicks were far from his specialty, he’d complained about his inability to take them in the past. You were always so sure that he was simply being harsh on himself but at this very moment, you hoped with everything you had that your assumption was correct. There was an underlying fear that he was, in fact, right. The way he was taking his sweet time didn't really help either.
You can feel the tension in the air, the otherwise ear-shattering screeching of the crowd quieting into an uncomfortable silence. It was almost painful, the sense of dread was apparent across the stadium.
You can see Abde finally set the ball down, Bilal pushing a player that was getting too close for any of their liking. One thing catches your eye, though. A straggling player to Abde’s side, barely moving. It was as if he was trying as hard as he could to remain invisible. Not a single Egyptian player thought to mark him so perhaps it was working.
It was as if you could hear the entire stadium suck in a breath as Abde takes his step towards the ball and you all expect a rocket of a ball to fly through, the Egyptian players do too as they all jump from their wall formation in an attempt to clear but nothing. A quick cross to his side, barely visible and right to the straggler. It has everyone in the box completely blindsided and there's a frantic scatter, a mix of red and white shirts all pushing and shoving. It's all so messy that the ball flies, almost completely unnoticed from the straggler and finally, FINALLY, into the back of the net.
It's almost too quick to process and there's a moment of near-complete silence as realisation settles in. The roar that emanates across the little stadium is practically deafening, ear-popping. 15 minutes on the clock and the deadlock finally broken. The red shirts all piling in on each other to celebrate the breakthrough. Your Abde may not have had the best track record with free-kick goal attempts but he certainly had his wits about him.
This time, you scream. As loud as you can manage. You can’t hear yourself amidst all the other chaos but you feel your throat strain. It was so close, you could envision your love already lifting that trophy. You were confident now because if there was one thing this team knew how to do, it was defend. They would do it with their lives. 15 minutes.
Chaos was what it was. A blur of tackles and wasteful long passes by your beloved red shirts. Screams of frustration from the whites. A little bit of extra time-wasting and showboating by Bellaarouch who was perhaps treading very fine line but with 5 minutes on the clock, you supposed that he could care less. 
It was evident that the Egyptian players had all but given up. Their best players off the pitch now to be replaced with subs that, if anything, were only wasting more time for themselves. Some rather pathetic last-ditch attempts at earning a penalty, their only hope, but it was very clearly over.
You reach the dying seconds of the game and the tension rebuilds itself rapidly as you all await the final whistle. So so close. The wait was painful and you supposed that your impatience wasn't really speeding things up.
The players and coaches all lined up at the edges of the pitch, hands on their heads. Some raise theirs in prayer. Literal seconds. An exhausted Egyptian and an antsy Moroccan one. Seconds and the stadium had gone quiet as everyone awaited that final whistle. 
You can only hear the beautiful sound for a second before the whole stadium is lit up with screams and sparklers. It was pure electricity in there, it moved throughout the stadium and through your body. Visceral. Some manage to make it onto the pitch from the front seats and the players are all piling on each other to celebrate. The Egyptian players all frozen in their spots, defeated as ever and with very little sympathy from the sea of red that surrounded them. 
You only see the flash of red for a second before you’re enveloped in his arms and it quite literally knocks the breath out of you. He was so excited and had seemingly forgotten how strong he was so the impact paired with the squeeze around your frame was a shock to your system. The adrenaline is rushing through you too so you manage to recover too, one hand on his back and the other on the back of his head, pulling him into your neck and you feel his tears fall onto your shoulder. Months and months of doubting himself, hours of you talking him down from his panicked ramblings. All of that pain and stress had finally settled and it all felt so worth it. He had come so far and words couldn’t describe just how proud you were of him.
He pulls his face from your neck and lets his forehead rest against yours. Lips only centimetres away from yours and you can see his eyes drift. There’s nothing you want to do more than kiss him, among other things, but with the crowd surrounding you - and his mum right there - you knew it would be best to wait.
“Abde, behave yourself.” you whisper so only he could hear and he grins, rolling his eyes and opting to kiss your forehead and the tip of your nose before hugging you to his chest. You could feel him physically relaxing for the first time in what felt like forever. He rocks you back and forth for a while before letting you go and trapping his mum in the same, bone-crushing hug. 
He has to leave you both again as the podiums were laid out for the awards ceremony, the gold medals all ready and waiting for them. Abde’s golden boot, his first ever, waiting there as well alongside the AFCON trophy. Your heart could burst with pride for him and it felt like a genuine possibility when you watched him receive his golden boot. You weren’t as far away anymore so you could see the look on his face: amazement and disbelief. Of course, you had always known what he could do but even with the award in his hands he still couldn’t believe it. 
You quickly grew impatient as you waited for him to receive his medal because of course he had placed himself at the back of the line. The silver medallists get it over with pretty quickly, barely looking up and avoiding the camera flashes, only a few of them keeping the medals on as they walked down the line. It felt like time had slowed to a near pause as the Moroccan players received their accolades. And of course, the love of your life was right at the back of the line as he held the responsibility of lifting the trophy as well. You were growing antsy, counting down the players until it was finally time. The shock had finally worn off and now he just looked ecstatic. He had recently developed a not-so-nice habit of denying himself such celebrations but it seemed that he was finally allowing himself to revel in the satisfaction.
 He gets the first lift of the trophy to himself before he’s ushered to where his teammates were all standing. He takes his sweet time to reach them, in bouncing steps; much like his football hero only months prior. One final, especially a big leap and he finally raises the trophy with his vice captain almost perfectly in-sync with the beat of the music. Green, red and gold streamers everywhere and fireworks lighting up the sky above. 
Once the main photos are taken and after yet another victory lap of the stadium, Abde rushes over to you and practically drags you, his mum and his brother down to the field so you could all celebrate properly.
The cheering felt so different on the grass, it hadn’t quietened down at all and the way it all just surrounded you now. It was something so so special. The noise and colours hit you in every direction equally and you felt overwhelmed yet amazed at the same time. He takes you around so you can meet with his teammates again, now without the stress of the match weighing them down. His arm doesn’t leave your shoulder once as you make your rounds. As always, ready and waiting to show you off to everyone.
Although you don’t say, he knows that you don’t find any of the conversations particularly entertaining. How could you? Your world was so different from his and even though you were so deeply in love with each other in spite of it all, he could never blame you for struggling to understand things. He makes sure to slip a joke to you every once in a while, whispering in your ear the second everyone’s looking away, sneaking in gentle kisses onto your cheek and temple. At least you both think everyone’s looking away but the photographers had gotten quite sneaky so some of the sweet moments were captured anyway. The internet would have a field day with those photos, as they always did. 
Over the course of the on-field celebrations, his arm drifts down from your shoulder to your waist which he gently squeezes every once in a while, just to remind you that your AFCON gold-medallist was still there and soon to be all yours.
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Once the main crowd on the field had left, many of the journalists and photographers, he ushers you all to sit down on the podium steps and before you go to sit next to him, you feel him gently tugging at your wrist. You pause, looking at him in slight confusion and he pats the spot in front of him and between his legs. Your eyes widen, slightly bewildered and he shrugs nonchalantly, pulling you down so you could finally relax. It wasn’t like his family cared anyway, they adored you as if you were theirs and there was no doubt that you were a good influence on their boy. 
Although you manage to create some distance between the pair of you, he’s not having any of it so he wraps his arms around your middle and pulls you so that your back is against his chest. Thankfully his mum appears to be distracted talking to one of the other players but his brother was very much still there and you could hear him chuckle. He didn’t mind the behaviour at all but he found Abde’s infatuation with you absolutely hilarious. It wasn’t even just now, it was a pattern of behaviours that left him without a doubt in his mind about how in love his little brother was with you. It was impressive. 
“You idiot, there are still photographers around!” you scold and he only responds with a kiss to your temple.
“Anjo, come on! I deserve a reward, no?” he teases and you roll your eyes, although he can’t see. You imagined he was quite proud of that double-meaning. You pretend to be annoyed but the second you hear him start to laugh, you can’t help but chuckle quietly at his dumb joke.
Once you finally relax into his hold, he’s quick to remove the medal from around his neck and place it around yours instead. You distract yourself playing with the heavy, golden disc as he gives his final interviews of the night. You know he’s done when his head drops down onto your shoulder and his hands move to cup yours.
“We really did it.” he sighs as you press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I told you!” you point out and he hides his face in the crook of your neck while you tease him. He keeps you close for a while, enjoying the way you were loosening up a little as the last of the photographers left. The final few did manage to sneak some more shots of the pair of you before leaving but that was the next day's problem, you were none the wiser for the time-being.
“The armband looks nice.” you mumble and he smirks.
“You’ve mentioned it one or two times.” He wants to tease you more for your infatuation with the thing, maybe get a few more compliments or even a hint as to what was to come. but alas he’s whisked away by his teammates for the locker room celebrations while the rest of you are ushered to where the after party was going to be.
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Eventually his brother and mum end their night early and make their way back to the hotel but not before waving Abde their goodbyes. A congratulatory hug from his mum and a punch from his brother, just like when they were younger. 
The party itself is quite the spectacle, the hotel reception lavishly decorated and filled with all of the players’ family members. The excited chatter was somewhat refreshing from the noise of the stadium with the emotions still running sky-high. Yet there was some semblance of peace, you could hear your thoughts and somehow that only made things more exciting and you were itching to see the love of your life come through those doors again, you certainly weren’t going to be leaving him for the rest of the night. 
You make use of the spare time to go and talk with your fellow WAGs but the room nears silence when the hotel staff announce the players’ imminent entrance. You didn’t need much indication because you could hear their loud yapping from a mile away. The tense silence is worth it when you manage to spook the boys with the loudest cheers and hollers you could all manage. It was like being back at the stadium when the party quickly hit full-swing, the cheering and the chants echoing down the walls of the venue. It was pretty large but it somehow became suffocating as you weaved through the crowds trying to find YOUR winner. He was searching too, you couldn’t have been too difficult to spot with the giant gold medal still around your neck.
After a good couple minutes of scanning, he’s finally able to spot you lost as ever in the middle of the hall, frantically looking around. He’s quick to end your misery, bounding over, tunnel-vision preventing him from responding to anyone trying to talk to him. He doesn’t want to scare you too badly so he resists the urge to pick you up and hug you from behind. Instead, a little tap on your shoulder and he’s only able to saviour the relief on your face for a split second before you throw yourself at him for a hug.
“I missed you.” you mumble into his ear and he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“We were only out for a couple of hours!” he laughs and you remove your head from under his chin, creating a bit of distance before slapping his chest.
“I don’t see your point.” you say matter-of-factly, returning to resting your head on his chest while he rocks you both back and forth. You hoped that you would be able to stay like this for a lot longer than the hug in the stands but he’s pulled off you and you’re both dragged to the centre of the hall and up onto the tables as the chanting began once more.
Abde manages to get his instagram live working again to share the craziness with everyone, for once featuring you which has the live chat even more stoked than before. He kept his family life as private as he possibly could and he had been pretty successful in that, no one outside of his circle even knew the amount of siblings he had. He was even more secretive about you. Your face was known and practically nothing else so any little snippet of your relationship elicited a lot of excitement from the fans. There were a few photos of the pair of you celebrating together and he had mentioned you a handful of times during his interviews. That was really all they had and you were happy to keep it that way. Break-up rumours circulated pretty often with the lack of content but it only served to make the pair of you laugh.
Today, emotions were running high. All positive of course so having the pair of you on live together didn’t feel wrong at all, you were too overcome with excitement to care about any of that. Not the haram police, not the jealous girls that lurked around his page, none of that mattered today.
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The party goes on for what feels like years and you’re both so relieved by the time you reach the hotel room. It was lavish to say the least, nothing but the best for you but he hadn’t spent much time in there himself. And for the little time he did spend, he was strictly off any “boyfriend-girlfriend” activities, as much as that pained him. Having you massage his aching muscles at the end of his gruelling training sessions did a number on him yet he couldn’t do anything. And you certainly weren’t one to go against the rules either.
He had plenty of images in his head of all the things he wanted to do to you, and you had plenty of ideas of how you were going to reward him but the second he fell onto the bed… 
“Anjo I don’t think i can move from here.” he sounds disappointed of course but you couldn’t blame him. It had been a rough few weeks, non-stop work as a kay player and captain. He didn’t have time to be exhausted for a solid two weeks and it was crashing down the very second his mind was freed of the stresses of the tournament.
You make your way out of the en-suite, makeup off and only donning one of his shirts over your underwear.
“You could at least get yourself under the covers, no?” you joke and he thinks for a second.
“Well I was hoping that, y’know…” he leaves the statement open, hoping that you’ll catch onto his request because now that he’s actually able to take a second, his back is absolutely killing him. He manages to get his shirt off, not without groaning in pain and you finally do catch on.
“Can you keep the armband?” you ask quietly, and he laughs, enduring the pain he feels in his back even from that. He doesn’t press further and he relents, leaving it on for you.
You quickly get yourself into position, grabbing the lotion and straddling the backs of his thighs. His back is peppered with bruises and a couple of nasty looking scrapes, scabbed over so you supposed he got those in one of his many scraps in the last match. 
You start with the knots on the back of his neck and he immediately sinks into the sheets, sighing out in relief as you worked your magic on his tense and sore muscles. Even with the massages you gave him in between every training session, after the other matches, nothing could hold up against the amount of work he was doing. Of course it was all worth it in the end, the gold medal very much still around your neck. But it had taken its toll on his body and he was finally processing the amount of pain he was in.
you’re careful to not put too much pressure on his bruises as you slowly work your way down his back. He gives you the occasional grunt of approval, sighing as he feels the pain melt away at the tips of your fingers.
“So warm…” he compliments, taking a deep breath in and revelling in the way it didn’t hurt anywhere near as badly as it did before you worked your magic.
“That’s my freak trick!” you joke, it was true though. Your hands were always weirdly warm, even in the cold winter months. Your hands always persisted as mini space heaters and it was something he absolutely adored about you. His hands always firmly grasped yours whenever he needed warming up.
“You’re not a freak!” you scoff at that.
“You’re not! You’re an angel who’s perfect in every way, hands and all.” he assures and you chuckle at his certainty, he really never gave you room to doubt yourself. You were the definition of pure perfection in his eyes. Nothing could come close to you and when you did things like this for him, it only solidified his beliefs.
“Those defenders were…”
“Getafe-standard ankle-breakers.” he mutters, annoyed at even the thought of them. Not that he was wrong, playing low-block in what was supposed to be a super important final was… a choice. And indeed very akin to Getafe.
“You got the better of them though, hmm? Made them look like fools out there.”
“Not before they tried to shatter my legs. That Diomande guy from Mali… now THAT'S a real defender!” he admits. He may have had an ego but you loved the way he was able to appreciate other players around him, even opposition. 
“What about the blond one? The Hopper?”
“Oh Atef? Yeah, he was an advantage to us if anything. How do you waste the dying minutes of a game YOU’RE losing to try and bag a penalty when you knock YOURSELF out?” he wonders and you can’t help but laugh. He was right, everyone had expected much better out of the guy who was supposed to be replacing their best player. You were sure Abde didn’t mind it at all. At the very least, they didn’t make the same mistake as they did against Mali. 
You continue to go about the expanse of his back, trying to keep him talking so he wouldn’t fall asleep on top of the covers. Asking about other players he had come across, his teammates, he mentions a food place that he wanted to take you to the next day.
By the time you’re done with him, he’s just about awake but you can tell that he’s ready to drift off at any given minute. You bend down to press soft kisses across the expanse of his back and shoulders, your hands doing one final swoop over the ridges and bumps, quietly admiring all the hard work he had put in. You thought he was built like a greek statue before but he had turned things up a notch and you were beyond obsessed.
“I love you, you know that right?” you mumble into the back of his neck and he hums in satisfaction and pleasure. He felt so much lighter after the massage but your soft lips doing a once-over? He felt like a whole new man.
“I love you more.” he mutters and you laugh. You’ve had this competition far too many times.
“You keep telling yourself that.” you move off him and tug at the blankets, hauling them over the pair of you. He shuffles towards you, finding comfort with his face pressed against your neck and arms wrapping around your middle. You keep one hand in his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp to further help him drift off.
On a normal night, you would continue the little competition but he was beyond words at this point so you don’t speak another word. The comfortable silence and the feeling of your heart-beat lulls him to a peaceful, well-deserved slumber. You can feel his breaths slow and his grip around your waist loosen and you’re not too far behind him, allowing the sleep to take you over as well.
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Your sleep is perfect and you wake up pretty early in the morning. Thankfully, before Abde so you get your chance to execute your plan. Somehow, during the night, you ended up back in your usual sleep position with you on top. The strong arm around your waist is still there but his grip is iron. It takes a while but you manage to wiggle out without waking him, although he does furrow his eyebrows and groan softly before quieting back down. 
You tiptoe to the bathroom and try to freshen up as quietly as you can manage. No makeup but you do your best to wash away the tiredness from your face before making your way back to the main bedroom. Not ideal but he is already up, wiping his eyes as he scans the room, a little confused with your absence but his eyes fill with relief when he sees you.
“Anjo?” you don’t respond just yet, slowly removing your sleep shirt to reveal what you had intended to treat him with yesterday. You supposed today would work just fine as well. His eyes widen a little but he’s quick to regain his composure and smirks as you saunter over to the queen-sized bed. The underwear really didn’t leave much to the imagination but you still heated up under his gaze, he made no effort to hide the way he was undressing you with his eyes.
“All for me?” he asks, as if he didn’t already know that answer very very well.
“You didn’t think I was going to let my captain go unrewarded for his work, did you?’ you pout as you place your legs on either side of his thighs. His hands rest on your hips and he draws small circles with the pads of his thumbs as he awaits your next move.
He has an idea before you can do anything though, carefully reaching the side of the bed frame to grab his gold medal. He places it around your neck and relaxes back into the bed, hands back on your hips.
“Come on, anjo. I think I’ve waited long enough…” 
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heyyyyy... how y'all doing... I think I've got my motivation back lmfao. Stay in tuned for part two!!!!
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0alanasworld0 · 11 months
Partings & Reunions (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader)
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Description: Abde's move to Osasuna is a horrifying prospect for both of you and you worry that it'll be the thing to tear you apart
Warnings: allusions to sex (not detailed)
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You’re not startled when you hear the door slam for the umpteenth time of the month. You couldn’t help but feel bad for your boyfriend. You were both so excited and hopeful when moving to Barcelona together: he was about to play for the club of his dreams and you were going to study at your dream university. 
It all seemed like it was falling into place, you had been together for years and friends long before that so the fact that you weren’t going to have to be apart was a comforting one. Even money-wise, it was perfect. You could easily afford a nice place when you put your heads together.
And indeed it was all just that. The arrangement went by without a hitch. Sure, he had some habits that you made sure he ironed out before things got out of control but things were smooth. You were both pretty busy but always made the most of the time you did have together with movie nights, evenings exploring the city, you could have all the fun you wanted together without facing the interruptions you used to deal with back home. You loved each other with everything; you had done since before you could even process such emotion.
All of that only made your current situation that much more painful. The step-up to the A team was a big one that he initially felt ready for. His season with the B team had been phenomenal so the step-up felt so right. He was excited beyond words and you couldn’t have been any prouder of him when he told you about the promotion. Neither of you could wait until the start of that fateful season rolled around. Yet it was so different to what he initially expected.
Match by match he felt his hope and excitement dwindle and turn into something different entirely. Resentment? That didn’t seem like a strong enough word for what he was feeling. He didn’t realise it at the time but the term ‘promotion’ was a sanitised way of being thrown to the wolves. He was… fine but the stakes proved far too high for a 20 year old who had only just moved up. He felt underprepared and unseen. Sometimes the pair of you wondered if the club was letting the twitter experts make decisions for the club as he fell further and further down the pecking order. It was like they didn’t even want to try.
It tore your heart into pieces to see him grow so disillusioned with the dreams he fought so hard to achieve. He had overcome so much adversity from his less than privileged background to the simple fact that he was a Moroccan living in Spain. That last part, you also suspected, played a role in this. 
He had lived in Spain long enough. So when the time came for him to make a choice, it seemed so obvious to pick the team that had won the world cup not too long ago and had spent the years after in the very top of the FIFA rankings. It seemed like an offer he couldn’t refuse but his heart was elsewhere. He didn’t remember much of Beni-Mellal but it was home. Sure, he didn’t live there anymore but he visited often enough. And there was always a part of that place that he missed when he returned to Spain. The warm yet refreshing air, the sound of the Adhan loud and clear when the prayer times rolled around, the people who always seemed to be ready to talk and gossip, the colours. It was home and choosing Spain felt like a betrayal to not only the place he called home but to himself. 
The media had spent the first few months of the season spreading the rumours about his allegiance to Spain. His silence led their imaginations to run wild. They’d conjured quotes out of nowhere but his media-training stopped him from addressing any of it: he knew better than to take those news sites head-on.
His silence also meant that when the official news of his choice did come out, from him, it was guns blazing and Abde was in the firing line. Even some of his teammates and coaches were surprised by it. Spain’s upcoming golden boy had seriously chosen Morocco. The joy he had seen online from Moroccans was enough for him to not care about the Spanish media but he did suspect that he had fallen even further out of favour with his dream team as a result. 
It all made him angry. Every match gone wrong, every minute on the bench, every dig he received from his coaches, every time he saw the under-performing Spaniards receive the support that he could have only dreamed of, it made him angry. Over the past few months a painful routine had emerged: the sound of the door slamming, the sight of him seething followed by the feeling of his body dropping unceremoniously into your lap. He was falling apart.
You would spend some time in silence and your hands softly carding through his messy hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. It would almost soothe him to sleep but before you reached that point, you would slowly coax him to the kitchen where you could eat. Even that task was becoming even more of a struggle with his appetite dying into nothing. 
At first he would hold back his tears until he was sure you were asleep, quietly make his way downstairs and let it out alone. He wanted nothing more than to fall into your arms and surround himself with your comfort but he already felt like such a burden. So he kept it to himself.
Although he couldn’t keep that up for long at all because about a week into that routine, you had caught him in the kitchen with his head in his hands, sobbing and that was that. You wrapped him up in a tight hug from behind, pressing soft kisses into his back until he calmed down a little. 
Once you got back to bed, you pulled him into your chest and the tears only started again. Yours were about to start too but you had to stay strong for him. He had done the exact same thing for you many times while you stressed about your exams. You had cried and vented to him more times than you could even remember, the idea of your academic career falling through your fingertips was one that came quite often yet was always more distressing every time you thought about it. He was the one to talk you down from your hysteria, to stroke your hair, to remind you just how highly he thought of you. This was now your time to return the favour, you supposed. Reminding him that his problems were yours, that you could never think any less of him, your starboy.
That was the new routine and it persisted but it felt different this time. The air was heavier. You felt uneasy for whatever reason. The look on his face was the same as it had been so you brushed off the instinct for a moment.
Although your concern returns when he forgoes the routine of laying in your lap and instead heads straight for the fridge without a glance in your direction. you don’t want to be annoying but you couldn’t help but be worried so you’re hot on his heels as he grabs an energy drink.
“Everything okay?”
“Yep” he pops the ‘p’ sound, still not bothering to look your way. You can imagine how annoyed he would be getting right about now, you had been in his shoes before but he had taught you plenty on how to deal with these things/
“C’mon, talk to me…”
“It’s nothing.” you weren’t having it, the little huff at the end of his sentence was enough indication of that so you’re firmer with your next word.
“They’reshippingmeoff.” he mumbles, almost as he didn’t want anyone to hear, not even himself but again, you weren’t having any of it. He was gonna tell you what was wrong and you were gonna help him.
“They’re shipping me off.” you hear it this time but you don’t quite believe it. They couldn’t? Could they?
“They can’t do that!”
“They ‘strongly recommend’ that I accept the loan to Osasuna. My career is in tatters before it’s even begun.” he shakes his head, he finally turns to face you and you can see the tears begin to form in his eyes.
“How would we even…” you trail off, completely dumbfounded by the news. Everything you had built here, together, was up in the air now. Your perfect little miracle world was on the brink of splitting into two. Literally. You didn’t realise how that one little word must have sounded to him in your shock. 
“How would we what?! I’m about to lose the only thing that I'm actually good at and you’re worried about long-distancing?!” he scoffs, he’s not thinking straight. Normally he managed to calm himself and share news with you without raising his voice, normally he wouldn’t overanalyse a single word but the news dumped on him today had set him off. 
“No of course not! I just-”
“Just what?!” he challenges. The raised voice startles you and now it's his turn to see the tears well up in your eyes. He comes back to reality almost immediately, shaking off his uncharacteristic rage but you’re already walking away. He fucked up. ROYALLY.
“I’ll give you a few minutes.” you mutter, speeding off to your shared bedroom and closing the door behind you before he can say anything. He lets out a breath he didn’t realise he had been holding, scolding himself for blowing up at you like that. You must have been just as shocked by the news as he was, probably lost for words and you most certainly didn’t mean to come across in the way he had interpreted. And to add to that, you had every right to worry about the impact on your relationship, a move like this one was going to affect both of you. He felt like the biggest asshole, he probably was one. 
He decides to listen to your suggestion, giving you both a few minutes to cool off, banging his head against the fridge door as he figured out how he was going to apologise. That kind of outburst was new and he wasn’t going to let it become a habit. He was taught better than that.
Meanwhile, behind the bedroom door, you’re having your own little meltdown. You didn’t mean to come across that way at all. Of course you worried for the state of the career he worked so hard to earn, but at the same time, you were soulmates. The idea of being apart for so long and even worse, the idea of splitting up was unbearable. You just couldn’t help but worry for the state of your relationship. As you lay on your bed, wracking over your brain for what you were going to say, you’re interrupted with the door opening. 
Abde can feel his heart breaking at the sight of you. The tears running down your cheeks, the stress and fear in your eyes. He hated that he was the source of it.
He couldn’t stand to see you in such and he’s quick to take his spot and lay next to you, turning to his side to face you.
“A complete ass.” you finish his sentence quickly. He couldn’t help but laugh a little and you’re fighting off a smile as well. He gets back to being serious so he can get a proper apology out.
“You were only trying to see things from a bigger perspective. I shouldn’t have made you out to be the villain when you were only trying to help.” you finally glance at him, teary eyes a little softer and he’s relieved.
He’s even more relieved when you shift position and pull him into your arms, head comfortably under your chin and nose against your neck where he can smell your vanilla perfume, his favourite. You weren’t a fan yourself, you often said you smelled like a bakery, but it was comforting to him for whatever reason. so, especially in his recent state, you made more of an effort to wear it for him. Your effort doesn’t go unrecognised as he tries to get even closer to you, his face pressed further into your soft skin and he can finally breathe out again. And he can’t help but allow his eyes to flutter to a close when your nails scratch lightly at his scalp.
“Look, if you do have to make this move-”
“Not ‘if’ , sweets, ‘when’ …” he mumbles tiredly, sounding defeated as ever. It was probably best if you didn’t flirt around the reality of the situation. It was killing both of you but the sooner you both accepted it, the sooner you could make the most of the upcoming summer and the sooner you could figure out how you were gonna navigate things. Delusion wasn’t going to do you any good. And most importantly, it was clearly distressing him so you correct yourself.
“When you make this move, we’ll figure something out, okay? I’ll… visit every holiday, we’ll facetime everyday, anything but we have to try." The idea of him being so far away was a horrible one, to be frank. And the idea of not waking up next to him, losing the scent of his body wash and aftershave from the sheets and pillows, getting some sort of gadget to open jars instead of asking him, getting a stool so you could reach the stuff on the higher cupboards rather than letting him use his long arms; it was more than you could bear at that point. You don’t register the tears falling from your eyes until you feel his soft hand gently wipe them away.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be, anjo. This is gonna be hard for both of us but we’re soulmates, we got this.” he tries to sound sure, like you had been doing for him over the past few months but it was so hard. The idea of breaking up made him sick to his stomach. You two had seen each other through everything. He didn’t have a connection with anyone else like he did with you, He knew that no one else would compete. You were the apple of his eye, the pinnacle. 
Your arms tighten around him and his own arms follow suit, not another word is spoken that night. Eventually, you do fall into a slumber. It's not particularly peaceful and you couldn’t get close enough to your boyfriend as all the possibilities for the future played out in your mind.
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The next few months are spent trying to make the absolute most of the time you had left together. That paired with packing up his stuff made it bittersweet. You loved seeing so much of him, waking up next to him, eating all of your meals with him, falling asleep with him but the reminder of what was to come still lingered in the far back of your mind. Nothing that you kept in because you both still spent a fair few nights crying together. 
You went all out, travelling to all sorts of places and doing all kinds of activities that you had both planned. He was the designated photographer of it all, taking thousands of shots of you both on both of your phones as well as the polaroid camera he had bought for the occasion. There was no way he was leaving without storing up enough memories for the lonely nights. He had even taken to vlogging, silly little tiktok challenges that you both would ultimately fail miserably at and burst out into fits of laughter that would leave you breathless and with abs almost as defined as his own.
Your nights were so much more intimate. No rushing, no laziness, you took your time to appreciate each other. Every dip, scar, mark, freckle was to be loved on and admired. Amidst the deep love, you could feel each other's pain. It was still almost unbelievable that the two of you were going to have to spend a year apart at least. Nothing was left unsaid, the distress, fear and hurt being poured out in every movement. There was no wonder so many of those sessions left you both in tears at the end. 
You never got sick of him, how on earth were you going to manage without him. You had never needed the space before, you never wanted it yet over 400 miles… it was going to be a massive adjustment for both of you, that was for sure.
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It was perhaps to be expected that on the day of his departure, neither of you could control your tears. Letting go of that final hug hurt you beyond words. You had spent the past few months well so there were no regrets on either end but still… one whole year. 
“You have your passport, right?” 
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And your-”
“Documents right here, anjo.” he whispers, arm still around you, the other patting the pocket of his suitcase containing everything.
“Text me when you get on the plane.”
“I’ll be facetiming you the whole way, hmm?”
“And let me know when you get off.”
“Of course.”
“And when you get all your luggage… And when you get to your new apartment!”
“Anjo, I’ll text you every minute of the way. How does that sound?” he teases with his signature smirk and you slap his chest lightly.
“I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure I get back to Barca, I promise you.” you smile up at him and nod. You trusted him. You knew exactly what he was capable of and you were sure that he was going to find the success he wanted. And if that success was finding his way back home, you were going to sit tight and wait for that day. 
You made sure to pack your perfume bottle in his suitcase and he left his aftershave (alongside a large chunk of his extensive sweater and hoodie collection) so both of you had a more intimate piece of home for when the loneliness got to you.
You’re trying so hard to hold back your sobbing when he finally has to let go and he walks over to his boarding area. He’s the exact same. It was just a year. You just had to wait and have a little faith and he would be back in your arms in no time.
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Although you much preferred having him right at home, the year apart was far less excruciating than you first thought. You both keep to your word: facetiming and texting everyday, you visited whenever you could and sometimes he got a chance to come to Barcelona; sometimes to play against Espanyol and others to watch his new team play his old one. Those days were his favourite, although scarce as he wasn’t even allowed on the sub bench so he took to sitting with you in the stands. He loved being able to analyse the game with you by his side, it was like you had never been apart. He still made you laugh so hard you would cry and you still made each other's hearts beat faster when you took so much as a glance at each other.
But perhaps the best thing to come out of it, the thing that made it worth it, the thing that was giving you both faith in his return, was how well he was doing. You didn’t get to watch many of his matches in person but you still got the same rush of excitement and nerves running through your body when you watched him play, even from the TV. He had upped his game for sure and what warmed your heart the most was that he was enjoying himself. The smile on his face, even as he simply walked out onto the pitch to train, was so bright. You missed seeing it and his new club was clearly doing him a world of good. Not only was he improving at the speed of light but he looked happier, healthier. You were beginning to see the benefits of his time away from Barcelona, away from the fan surveillance and pressures, he wasn’t weighed down in the same way and had turned into a beast of a player in return. 
You could feel the excitement and hope radiating off him in your facetime calls after every match, win or loss. He would take you on mini tours of the pitches and introduce you to his teammates. 
Of course you both still had those nights where you felt lonely but there was hope. The months were passing by and the time had finally come in April in which talks were beginning about a possible return. He had kept his promise to you, he really had put his everything into improving and opening up the doors for a return to Barca. You couldn’t wait and you were now counting down the days until he would be back.
Perhaps the most rewarding thing you had seen was the crowd chanting his name during a facetime call. You weren’t quite sure how the team made it to the top of the belltower or how so many fans had managed to surround it but the atmosphere was somehow more electric than the pitch itself. He deserved every bit of the recognition he was receiving and moreover, he had found a family with Osasuna. It undoubtedly made his stay that much more bearable. It wasn’t even in the bearable category anymore, it was enjoyable!
It's mid-May when he is finally given the greenlight for his return. Not that any of it was being reported to the media, who would continue to wallow in speculation. You almost broke the sound-barrier celebrating when he gave you the glad tidings. Not that you ever had a doubt but you were so relieved that it was all coming back together again. Seeing your starboy light up the pitch again, seeing him find his smile again and now the certainty of his return… you could burst from happiness.
The next hurdle he had to overcome was his AFCON. The decision to move him to the u23s confused both of you but his mind was so much more at rest after his time with Osasuna so he didn’t find himself losing sleep over it. 
He found himself quite excited in fact, his first chance at captaincy and another chance at ending his season with a trophy. And he was ready to go for it. As if his loan wasn’t successful enough, Abde fit into the leadership role much more smoothly than he had expected. He was met with respect from his teammates and a level of trust that he wouldn’t dare break. He took it seriously, embarrassing his opposition and making his assists and goals look easy. He was truly on fire, match after match of carrying the games and embarrassing opposing defenders, he was loving every second of it. He especially loved the attention you paid to the armband; even across the phone you seemed spell-bound by the blue band around his bicep. Your captain. He loved being able to tease you for the little fixation, making sure to keep it in the frame of the camera and not-so-subtly flexing his left bicep so you would focus on it. 
Almost as fast as the tournament began, it was over and he was up on the podium, picking up his golden boot and then the trophy itself. When the celebrations had finally died down and everyone settled onto the ground, he called and you’re quick to answer, once again almost breaking the sound barrier as you celebrate his trophy. You wished desperately to be there with him but your schedule just didn’t align. Nonetheless, you were still going to enjoy the moment because finally, FINALLY, your boy was getting everything he deserved. It wouldn’t be too long until you had him in your arms either. Although you would have to wait another week as his family were planning on staying for a while, at least that was what he originally planned. 
“Dude, you won’t stop talking to or about the girl and you haven’t stopped since September. We can do this stuff another time, just get back to Barcelona and end my torture.” Mohammad teases and it has Abde excited again. He had an idea.
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You take the setting sun as a sign to start getting on with your skincare before going to sleep but as you’re walking over, you hear the doorbell ring. You were due a package a couple hours earlier but you assumed that there was a delay but perhaps not. You open the door, ready to grab your long-awaited parcel and ready to sign the little device, not really bothering to look up but instead you’re met with a pair of familiar sneakers. There was no way.
You attempt to solve what could have only been a hallucination by looking up. But, no. You weren’t hallucinating at all. Those beautiful green eyes looking into yours again.
“Surprise!” he waves awkwardly and you still haven’t found words. So you do the next best thing and throw yourself at him for a hug that knocks the breath out of him. Your arms constrict around his shoulders and you hide your face in his neck as he slowly walks you back into the house. He’s immediately comforted by the scent of vanilla and he sighs out in relief. He was home.
He feels his shirt getting wet before he feels you sobbing. He knows exactly how you feel so he just places a hand on your head, keeping you close and reminding you that he was right there, in the flesh, and he had no intention of leaving for that long ever again.
Eventually, you manage to look back at him, eyes slightly puffy from crying but your joy was evident.
“It's not like you to be early!” you point out and he gasps, stomping over to the couch with you still in his arms. He gently drops you onto it before falling on top of you himself and you both start laughing at the situation. It eventually dies down though and he lifts himself up so he can look at you. You lift up a hand to stroke over his features and he does the same for you.
“You’re really home.” there was a part of you that still couldn’t believe it. Sure you were counting down the days but still, the fact that he was here now was simply mind-blowing for you. Abde, your Abde was home.
“And I’m not going anywhere for a long time, you had better get used to it!”
“I’m sure I’ll manage…” you roll your eyes and he huffs, dropping his head back down so he was laying on your chest. Neither of you have the energy for anymore words so you just lay there on the couch, in complete silence, revelling in the reunion that had felt so far away not too long ago. Your boy was finally back home.
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Yh this wasn’t a request or anything, i just let this idea marinate enough in my head so i had to share haha. I hope u guys enjoy <3
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deluluduck227 · 11 months
El Ayla | Ez.Abde
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Warnings: none, the tiny tiniest sex mention
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It was summer already, Abdessamad wasn't summoned to the national team, indeed he was called out to play with the olympic football team and the tournament was set to begin in the late ten days of june. So it meant you guys were going to visit morocco. Abde was so thrilled to see his family since it has been an eternity since the last time he did, and so were you. It wasn't the first time you visited Beni Mellal, your husband's hometown, a beautiful and small city.
You were stretching you arms since you spent what felt like eternity in the car, the road's duration from Casablanca, where your plan landed, to Beni Mellal was 4 hours,so obviously you both grew tired, especially him cause he was driving. Abde told his mother that you guys will visit soon but he didn't specify when so it was like a surprise. You felt the hot breeze of the city against your body, agitating your long hair. Abdessamad's arm was now wrapped aroud your waist to draw your attention to him since you zoned out, your eyes wandered aroud his features but you didn't get the best view since it was dark.
" Let's go " He whispered in your ear, clearly excited, the thing that made you smile at his cuteness, you nodded as you made your way through the gate of the mini villa reaching the door. He exhaled, you sensed he was a little nervous so you held his hand, giving him a reassuring nod as he raised his hand to knock the door. Silenced ruled the atmosphere, you both heard footsteps coming closers, the door flicked open and revieled abde's mom. She was chocked at the unexpected visitors and before she could register, her son already threw himself at her, squeezing in a thight hug and kissing her head occasionally. You smile, your heart brusting with happiness at the sight before as you felt tears prickle in your eyes. Abde's mom engulfed you in a tight hold, kissing your temple and you let your tears flow, you felt warm, you felt home even tho it's not but wherever abde is it felt home. She then separated the hug, cupped your face in her palms smiling brightly.
" Masha'allah a bnti, ghzala " you smiled at her comment. " Come on inside, you must be tired"
" I'll grab the luggage quickly and join you " Abdessamad conceded and you both nodded and launched towards the living room, it was so traditional, a mix of off white and golden. You sat on the 'sdari' as she kept asking you about you, how your family doing and abde joined along with his father, you got up and kissed his hand of of respect as he gave you a side hug, you considered as your father. You guys kept chatting, doing the catch up and occasionally laughing. You felt your eyelids heavy as ever and you yawned, drawing your mother-in-law's attention.
" Bnti! You must be tired, go to sleep. Abdessamad, take your wife to your room. It's all clean, you just grab covers from the drawers." She exclaimed, rubbing your forearm gently as you nodded. You got up to follow abde who grabbed the luggage and mumbled a good night to them.
Abde's room was quite big with the king size bed that was centered. You hurried, oppening the windows to aerate the room since it was suffocated. You felt abde's arms snuck around your waist, his chin upon your shoulder, planting soft kisses on your neck. You leaned at his touch, enjoying the peaceful yet loud moment. You turned aroud so now you were facing him, wrapped your arms around his neck and they hugged long enough to hear each other's breathing. After a while, you separated the embrace earning a whine from him which made giggle.
" You ruined my parade" He accused childishly.
" Awa3di yana, I'm not going anywhere babe. Just wanted to change my clothes i'm exhausted. And you should do the same" You suggested, already openning your suitcase and grabbed a random sleepwear, doing the same for Abde who just smiled at how thoughtful you were, small gestures mean a lot for him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The sun poured through the window causing you to wake up, you oppened your eyes to the unfamiliar ceiling then you switched your gaze from the roof to the warm bundle that was snuggled against your beating chest, his legs were caging yours, the same for his arms. He was a real Koala! And you weren't complaining. You tried getting up without waking up Abdessamad but you failed cause he jolted awake. You pitied him as he looked so tired so you patted his lower back gently and whispering " Just comeback to sleep babe." he hummed as response.
After doing your morning routine, you joined abde's mom in the kitchen, she was busy preparing el msemen, its scent was in the next level, it was the scent of a moroccan morning.
"Sbah lkhir Khalti" you greeted softly, kissing her forehead. She smiled at you first but she suddenly frowned which made you confused.
"Uh Oh, you calling me khalti! I'm disappointed ! you should call me Mama." She protested sweetly, making you smile. You nodded your head " Wakha a yma"
You offered to help her but she completly refused so you just sat in the lauchroom, sipping at your moroccan mint tea and chitchating with your mother-in-law who was beyond happy for your presence. You knew Abdessamad wouldn't wake up any time sooner.
"We have a long day awaiting for us." She exclaimed while the two of you were eating, Abde's father had some errand to run. She smiled after seeing your muddled features, then she continued
" We'll go to the Hammam near. " You could help but jolt from excitement, it has been an eternity since you went there, surely you exfoliate weekly in Spain but it isn't anywhere near The traditionnal Hammam. After you finished your breakfast, you insisted on washing the dishes and you made your way back to the bedroom, entering as quiet as you can so you'll not wake up your sleeping princess, you packed what you'll need and skipped quietly.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were currently in your father-in-law's car, making your way back home after the never-ending hammam session. You felt like dying, the heat was too much for you to handle, your shoulders were sore from the exofoliating but nevertheless you felt fresh. You made your way to the house, meeting abde who was laying down in the living room and scrolling through his phone.As soon as he acknowledged your oresence he droped the phone and made his way towards you, the smile creeping to his face when he noticed your state. Your cheeks were rosy, it is ’serr dyal lhammam’, your hair was hidden under the 'zif Hayati', you were wearing an simple navy blue Caftan. His eyes traveled aroud your apparence and he loved what he was seeing. He came closer and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead, his hand between your shoulder and you couldn't feel more appreciated.
"Bseha ya omri" you smiled at his whisper but you made some distance between the two of you when you heard footsteps approaching. Abde giggled at you as you smiled sheepishly, you left the scene , heading to your room to put your things away and the next destination was the kitchen cause you thought some mint tea would be cool to serve at the moment, plus it would freshen you up. A while after, you were heading to the living room, holding a silver tray full of teapotand its glass cups.
" Lah irdi 3lik ya bnti, you shouldn't have done that you're my guest"
" Rbi ikhlik lili a yma, it's not a big deal!" You smiled as you started serving the tea, then you sat next to your husband who was beaming proudly.
" Abdessamad, Wallah if i ever found out you're giving here a hard time I'll disown you." your mother-in-law spoke firmly, subsequently she started giggling when she saw her son's offended featues, then she switched her her gaze to you and resumed " If anything happens you just call me and you'll see" you nodded firmly, looking at abde from the corner of your eyes who scoffed.
Your parents in law started chatting when your husband took it as an occasion. He leaned closer to you, fingers flicking at your earring.
"Babe you're driving me nuts. I missed you." You knew exaclty what he meant but you just decided to pull your dumb card, since his parents were literally in front of you.
" How can you miss me when i'm sitting next to you babe?" you responded, and had some troubles holding your laugh at his face.
" I missed you in bed !" he decided to play along, thinking he won.
" I literally slept next to you, you were clinging at me like a koala !" He shook his head, laughing unbelievably. The chitchat was enthusiastic, the hushed town added the fun. It's like you guys disconnected from your surrounding, forgot there's two ppl in front of you.
" I missed fuck-" you didn't let him complete his obscene sentence as you pinched his thigh. " Awa3di ana hchouma, Basl !" he gave a sheepish look and you knew he wouldn't stop anytime sooner so you escaped to the kitchen claiming you'll cook lunch.
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This was requested! As you may noticed, i used the chamali slang, mine since i lived there my whole life so deal with+ plus i think it's cute <3
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deluluduck227 · 11 months
Beauty day | Ez Abde
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Warnings : none, just pure fluff
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You were sitting in the living room. Today was windy and beautiful. Abde was in the training and it was nearly the hour when he'd comeback. You just finished tidying up the house, abde was a quite messy guy, sometimes he gets on your nerves but what to do? It is the way he's used to live. You were scrolling on tik tok, suddenly a video popped up on a girl painting her nails white. You looked at your nails, it's been a while since you did nail polish, seems like it's time. You got up and rushed to your shared room, excitement washing over you, you grabbed your white nail polish and the other equipments you'll need. You made your way back to the living room. You started by shaping your nails, they weren't tall , just the average, how you liked them. Then you removed your cuticles using the nipper. Suddenly you heard the door flick and abde already made his way towards you, he pecked your lips as a greeting.
" How was your day babe ?" You asked him, voice little bit hoarse cuz like you were silent for most if the morning.
" Great, what are you doing?" he exclaimed, ruffling your hair, you smiled at his gesture as your shoved your hand in his face to show him and as a response he took your hand as kissed it on the palm.
" I'll go change my clothes, wait for me"
You hummed and resumed your work, removing cuticles was your least favorite part. It needs concentration. However, when abde cameback, he was wearing grey sweatpants and some white tees, he sat next to you while talking on the phone.
" Labas 3liha, she's busy doing here nails"
" Wa lwalida , we'll visit soon, as soon the season is finished"
You assumed it was his mother, she was so sweet with you.
" Sellem 3liha" you told him and he nodded transferring your greeting and ending the call
You couldn't help but notice his nails when he placed them on your tigh, they were ... crusty, the cuticles were long. It was the occasion to remove em even tho you hated this mission. He protested first but when you put on your strict face he was under your command. A while after, you finshed but you head was slightly hurting you. The guy wouldn't shut up whining. You then grabbed the nail polish as started painting your left hand, you put it under the nail uv lamp for about 1 minute to dry it out, you wanted to do the same for your right hand but you were clearly struggling, abde noticed so he put his phone away and offered help, your heart swooned at how thoughtful he was , you sat facing him on the sofa, your hand hovering over the palm of his, he grabbed the brush and started applying thin coats.
" Wallah if you mess it i'll kill you Abdessamad!" Yiu exclaimed, clearly jocking since he was applying the polish like a pro and it impressed you tbh. He pouted slightly, looking you in the eyes.
" This is how you treat who offered help! Nekkart lkhir"
The last remark made you laugh out loud, he was such a drama queen and you weren't complaining, you loved it.
" Alrighty, just kidding babe" you winked at him as he resumed his mission.
Minutes later, your other hands was all ready. You smiled looking at the result. White polish always suited you.
" Let me see m, luv" you switched your gaze to abde when he asked, gave him your hands to see, he smiled brightly at you, kissing your hands gently which caused some tinglings in your tummy.
" ghzalin, you're not going to polish your toe nails? Pretty please" he asked putting on his baby face which you scoffed, lightly smacking his shoulder.
" I'll just ruin them , i know" you stated, eyes boring onto his when an idea enlightened your mind " maybe you should do it since you are an expert" you exclaimed wiggling your eyebrows at him along with a mischievous smile decorating your lips.
" Gladly luv"
Abde then shifted his position, he was now sitting on the carpet facing you and crossing his legs, he put a pillow on his lap and gently placed you foot on it. He stopped his movements for a while analysing your feet, a question mark was forming itself upon his head.
" How can a feet be this size? I mean how do you walk properly without falling?" He blurted out his questions with a dumb face which lead you into some giggles, a music to his ear.
You leaned forward, cupping his face between your hands, placing a soft peck on his lips.
" No, the question is how can someone be this dumb and cute at the same time."
" No, i'm seriously talking answer me"
" Abdessamad, it's literally normal, i'm a girl after all , remember?"
He hummed shaking his head slightly "it makes sense"
"It does, now hurry up please, this position is not comfortable at all"
He started his errand, putting his full focus on the job he is committed to, you couldn't help but stare at his profile , your love for him couldn't get any warmer in your veins. Abde wasn't the same person in the media, he appeared to be a playboy, selfish and all. But in real life, he was the sweetest person to ever exist, especially around his family.
After a while he was done and pretty satisfied by the results, you kissed his cheek mumbling a thank you. He stretchd his arms and you couldn't help but stare at his biceps, i mean he was putting some extra efforts in the gym. He shifted in his position, still sitting on the carpet but his back was facing you this time, sitting between your parted legs. He throwed his head back on your lap, hands soothing in the soft skin of your legs. He groaned from the comfort he was receiving, especially when you runned your fingers through his soft thick hair, you noticed how long his hair got. You always loved his messy hair. You smiled at the idea that popped at in your head. You immediately got up, rushing to your bedroom, all under abde's confusing gaze. A minute after you came back with hairclips and a brush. He then realized what was going on inside this little head of yours.he just groaned, knowing well that he will not be able to escape his fate so he just surrendered. You sat in your previous spot, wrapping your legs around his middle. You began by sectioning his hair into two parts the you started braiding.
" Hey, you're hurting me, be gentle!!" Abde exclaimed, being the drama queen he is.
" I did ? Luv, that was my intention" you stated cheerfully and as a response he pinched your shin. You shook your head in disbelief " why would you do that? It hurts"
" Luv that was my intention" he responded sassily.
" I swear to god if it'll leave a mark you'll be dead. I'm warning you"
" Shut up and continue please i'm getting sleepy "
You decided to let it slide since he was doing you a favor already by letting you braid his hair.
A while after, you were done, the french braids you were planning in your mind wasn't the same on his head. It was all messy and the hair was escaping the braids. Nevertheless, it looked cute. " Turn around babe" he did as you commanded and you couldn't help but coo at how adorable he looked.
" Jiti fniwn al3ayl" he giggled at your comment, grabbing his phone to see his reflection in the front camera only to brust into laugh which you joined him.
You grabbed your phone to take some pics of him, for the sake of memories !
You squeezed his cheeks with one hand so his lips would look pouty, it was funny one. You both fit into giggles, and after a while he put his head on your tigh, yawning, he looked so tired and drained of energy. Your heart clenched for him , poor guy was tired, yet he didn't complain and let you did whatever your heart pleased. You flicked his cheek, drawing his attention to you.
"Hey babe, let's go to bed and cuddle? Hmm? " You whispered, smiling at the way he kissed your thigh,sign of approval and you guys made your way to your bedroom.
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Labas 3liha : She's okay
Sellem 3liha : send her my regards
Lwalida: mother
Wallah: i swear to god
Nekkart lkhir: an expression to describe someone who ignores all the good things you've given him, selfish? Idk
Ghzalin: beautiful
Jiti fniwn : you look adorable
Al3ayl: It means boy, it's a word used in the north of morocco, a chamali dialect
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deluluduck227 · 11 months
☾Dalila's Masterlist ☽
Hakim Ziyech
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↬ A fight with Hakim
↬ Hakim in the kitchen
↬ Please make this stop
↬Lady Snow
↬How to deal with a pregnant woman?
↬Hot Tub Event
Nayef Aguerd
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↬The Gentleman
↬The date
↬Lullaby kiss
Abde Ezzalzouli
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↬ El Ayla
↬Beauty Day
↬Princess in green
Bilal El Khanouss
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↬Not so 12 steps skincare routine
PS: More players are to be added
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0alanasworld0 · 7 months
Rewards (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader)
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Description: you finally reward your champion for his efforts ; the long long long awaited part 2 of Hero
warnings: smut
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“Come on, anjo. I think I’ve waited long enough…” not that you wanted to keep him away from so long but you better than to tire him out during what could be an extremely important trophy run. The first in his career and the first for Morocco this season. 
The run with Osasuna hadn’t ended in the way he hoped and you had the same rules in place for him. But this was different. The path was so much clearer. Both of you knew it. He wasn’t alone this time. The U23s should be a piece of cake for someone of his level.
The gold medal hanging on your neck as proof of it. His eyes are still tired but you can feel him harden against your thigh and now there was nothing stopping the pair of you. You were a different level of desperate. At least he had his distractions, all you could do was sit and wait and watch him do his thing on the pitch. Hair dripping with water by the end of his matches, jersey sticking to his skin and revealing the diamond-cut abs. Skin flushed. His temper flaring up every once in a while with each dirty tackle (which there were very many of), the celebrations dedicated towards you. He had you flustered every single time and there was nothing you could do about it.
You dont waste any time dropping yourself onto him for a searing kiss, near bruising. His hands flat on your back to keep you flush against him and your own tugging at his hair and feeling down his body. You had missed this beyond what he could express and judging by the way he was preventing you from pulling away, it was safe to say that he was pretty desperate as well. Deft fingers making quick work of the lacy bralette, still almost tearing it while pulling it off you and throwing it elsewhere in the hotel room. His hands groped and squeezed at the newly exposed skin, circling and rolling the sensitive nipples into soft peaks while you whined, still doing your best to continue the kiss. 
Next are the panties, he loops his fingers through the waist band, pulling suddenly and causing a loud tearing sound to echo through the room. Your eyes widen with surprise and you pull away from the kiss to look at him properly, panting slightly.
“You made me wait a whole month, can we please get on with it?” he whispers breathlessly in between smaller kisses and you can’t help but laugh.
“You should thank me, you wouldn’t have been able to do any of that if I was tiring you out every night hmm?” you tease and he can only groan softly, a stark contrast to the way he’s grabbing at you. Growing more and more desperate by the second.
Soon enough, the teasing begins to take its toll on you and you decide that enough is enough. A whole month. 4 weeks. 31 days you had gone without so the adjustment was quite something for the pair of you. You can only gasp, jaw dropping as he slowly sinks into you and he’s doing everything he can to stop himself finishing the job for you. You were going pretty slowly and his muscles twitched, holding off from pulling you against him again and fucking up into you. That would be for later, he supposed as he tried to relax and enjoy the contact.
“You’re squeezing me, anjo. For someone who was pretty happy teasing me, you sure seem desperate as well” he laughs, thrusting up into you lightly, just to get you to gasp again. The sight of you is one to behold: eyes rolled back, chest heaving, slightly shaking already, the feeling of your hands gripping his shoulders for some, any form of stability. 
You have no choice but to start off slow, as much as it pained the pair of you. He certainly wasn’t on the smaller side so you needed time to adjust but the friction was too good to stay still. He brushed against you in the most painfully pleasurable way, you couldn’t believe that you managed to hold off him for so long. This was too good to miss. He didn’t even have to do anything himself and you were on the very edge, just from that first bit of contact.
“So fucking pretty, you know? Could stay like this with you forever-” he breathes out before groaning loudly, the feeling of you finally managing to gain your rhythm… he was beyond fucked out.
“Keep winning those matches and maybe we can…” you manage to say as your eyes fluttered to a close, trying to commit the feeling of him inside you to memory. It was that paired with the feeling of his huge hands roaming your body. Even in a moment of desperation and pure lust, things were so intimate with him. It robbed you of the last of your breath. 
You thought it was bad enough, already on the edge, being pulled up and down to fit his pace until you could manage on your own. It was fast, his cock pressing against all of the right spots. You didn’t think it could get any more mind-numbingly pleasurable until you feel one of his hands slither down to where you were connected. 
The sudden pressure and friction against your clit was the final blow. You manage to keep going for a good minute, still keeping your pace as his fingers make quick, tight circles on the little bud. Eventually it does grow too much, your movements grow sloppy as your release crashes over you. You had done so well to hold off before but this was too much. It had been too long and he was making sure you were at the peak of pleasure for far too long. You can’t help the sounds you make either: a broken cry of relief. Eventually you do a complete close as you drop down onto him, trying your best to catch your breath. His hand slows, but not a complete pause and he lets a few experimental thrusts into you to let you ride things out. That and he was having too much fun analysing your reactions and the feeling of you gushing and fluttering over his cock was heavenly. 
“All that teasing, sweetheart. I thought you could handle it?” he jokes, laughing breathlessly before flipping the pair of you over and manhandling you so that you were laying on your stomach. He lines himself up again, pressing kisses to the back of your neck before continuing.
“You’re okay?” he asks, a warm hand smoothing over your back and you smile into the pillow.
“Do your thing, mi campeon…” you whisper, nuzzling into the soft material as you brace yourself for the hell he was going to unleash. 
One last kiss to your neck is all the warning you get before he starts rutting into you. It’s not rough per say, his arms snake under you to wrap around your middle and his chest is pressed against your back as he thrusts slowly into you. It was more the friction than anything else that had you keening. So so unbearably intimate, he was so warm, his breath against the back of your neck and shoulder, his strong arms keeping you from moving away.
“Thank you for motivating me” he mumbles and you smile.
“I didn’t think you would ever be grateful for the no sex rule but I’m glad you’re coming around” you joke and he chuckles before accidentally thrusting a little harder and faster into you. You both moan out in surprise as he presses against a sensitive spot and you clench particularly tightly around him.
“Not that-” he rasps, trying to catch his breath before continuing.
“I will never approve of that stupid rule.” he mutters pointedly and you laugh a little.
“Everyday I come back from training looking and feeling like death and I have the most beautiful, kind, unbearably perfect girl waiting for me…” he squeezes his arms around you gently.
“You take such good care of me, Anjo. You make me so fucking happy. Never leave.” he whispers the last bit and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Never.” you assure but it isn’t enough so he flips you over, managing to stay inside you but now he can look at you. His hazel eyes boring into your own, swirling pools of desperation, lust and love. 
“I mean it, pretty. It’s me and you forever, right?” he presses his forehead against yours.
“Always.” you once again assure before bringing him in for a heated kiss. Somewhere in between he starts thrusting again. He’s snapping his hips faster than before, his hands with a bruising grip on your hips and you feel yourself tumbling into yet another imminent orgasm.
“Give me one more, anjo. Be a good girl for me?” he rests his head in the crook of your neck, sucking splotchy marks into the delicate skin before lapping at the fresh bruises.
He crashes before you this time, delivering an especially harsh thrust, forcing himself as deep as he could before finding his release. The sudden movements and the friction against that spot send you hurtling to yours not long after. Although it's softer this time. He wasn’t prolonging it, your muscles were tired and your mind was floating in a warm and fuzzy place that you couldn’t quite describe. It hadn’t been long at all but both of you were thoroughly satisfied, exhaustion kicking in once again. 
He lets his head drop down to your chest as you try to catch your breath still. Your hands immediately find their way up his back and to his damp hair. You lightly scratch at his scalp as he hums out in relief, tightening the arms around your middle, needing to be as close as physically possible. 
“You take such good care of me…” he swoons and you laugh, a smile finding its way to his face at the feeling of your chest rising and rumbling, the sound of your joy.
“You do the same for me, mi campeon.” you assure him. It felt impossible. Things were so perfect with him. You made each other so happy just by being present. Never did he ever make you feel like you were second best. He never ran out of sweet little gestures, always going the extra mile, you were always on his mind and the feelings were mutual for him. 
The month had been exhausting. Coming off such an intense season, the first of his professional career and straight into an equally intense tournament. He had so much to prove in such little time and you had been his rock throughout. All he could do was love and admire your strength, your kindness, your love. He had you flustered all the time. You were fairly shy and that hadn’t really changed even when he came along. His words always dripping with the most addictive honey. You maybe didn’t realise it but the little things you did had him preening in the same way. Soft touches, soothing words, timid little hugs and kisses. He loved every second of it and it was what motivated him to keep going. He had his precious little anjo waiting for him and he wanted to make her proud.
“I still have a lot to improve on, you know?” he mumbles tiredly and you roll your eyes, a small smile on your face.
“You’ll do it. You always find a way.” you assert, not a hint of doubt in your voice and he finds himself growing more and more mesmerised by the second. How were you real?
“Seriously, anjo. Never leave me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” another squeeze of his arms around your waist and neither of you speak another word. It’s early morning and the team were intending on a little field trip together to celebrate but that could wait. He felt his eyes drooping to a close, his breaths slowing down. The soothing thump of your heart was slowing, chest rising and falling more deeply. Your hands remained in his hair but the gentle scratches came to a stop. He finds the strength to grab the duvet and throw it over both of you. You both let the sleepiness overtake you. He had earned a proper lie-in anyway. So you both drift into a blissful slumber, together.
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“We’re not leaving without them, Abde’s the reason we won this whole thing in the first place!” Bilal insists, stomping up the hotel stairs and to Abde's room door, knocking loudly with Chadi on the phone, trying to stop him. All in vain of course as the barrage continues. 
What Bilal doesn’t expect is a smug and slightly confused Abde standing behind him. A clear of the throat finally puts an end to the noise and Bilal turns around to the sight of his friend groggy as ever, hair dishevelled, PJs still on.
“Can I help you?’ Abde asks nonchalantly, honestly forgetting about the trip to the mall that they had agreed on.
“Yeah, actually! How could you forget?!” Bilal asks incredulously.
“Oh right…” he feels slightly guilty, the trip sounded fun at the time but as of now? His priorities were elsewhere.
“Yeah, I don't think the missus is in the mood, maybe another time, yeah?” Abde pats his friend’s shoulder, a smirk on his face as he opens his room door, closing it behind him.
“They’re actually disgusting.” Bilal shakes his head, making his way back down to the ground floor where everyone else waited.
“I tried to tell you.
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i will explain myself in another post LMFAO IM SORRY
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0alanasworld0 · 11 months
Idiot (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader)
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Description: Abde struggles to come to terms with his feelings for his new friend at Barca
Warnings: none
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“So do you know her?”
“Ya Allah, Gavira! Just because she’s Moroccan, doesn't mean I know her!”
“But you said she was a good player!”
“I saw the promo clips when she signed, it’s a small world but not every Moroccan in Spain is a family friend!”
Pablo goes to make a comment once more but both of them are suddenly taken aback as you land a trick. One that Abde had coined not too long ago. Their mouths are parted slightly in shock and amazement as you go about your regular training drills.
“Geez! Wait to make it subtle that you’re already in love, boys!” Alexia jokes as she slaps them both on the back, breaking them out of their trance. They quickly shake off whatever came over them and continue onto their section of the field to train.
Abde just can’t take his eyes off you, every free second he gets while Gavi fumbles with the ball is spent looking over at you. He tells himself that it's so he can get his own moves together to be as clean as yours but he notices other things too: your smile seems to brighten an already clear summer day, and the way the corners of your eyes crinkle is absolutely adorable, you’ve made your teammates laugh countless times, your nose crinkles every once in a while from what he can only assume to be allergies. You should really top up on some medication for that-
“HEY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!” Abde exclaims, rubbing his head where Ferran just kicked one of the balls.
“Get your head in the game, man! We’re up against those idiot Madridistas in three days and you’ve spent all your time swooning over the girls. It’s fine to be a horndog but you’ve just come back and you’re gawking!” Ferran shakes his head, expression changing from disappointment to smugness with Gavi’s next comment.
“I’m pretty sure he’s actually only ‘gawking’ at one of them” he pitches in which unsurprisingly results in a hard pinch from Abde.
“New girl?”
“Obviously- OW COULD YOU QUIT THAT!” Pablo exclaims, rubbing his arm.
“How would you know?! Maybe I’m just looking at one of the others! Or the goalposts, they look brand new…” Abde trails off, realising that he isn’t helping himself and that silence may have been a better way forward. Unfortunately, it’s too late for him.
“Wait to defend yourself!” They all laugh as they grab their things to head off for their break. Gradually, everyone else on the grounds peels off as well which eventually leaves only him and the one that had caught his eye. He tries to keep things discreet, kicking the ball around every once in a while, absentmindedly practising his own tricks while you go over yours. While the first was familiar to him, this one is new and once again has him captivated.
All of a sudden, his legs are carrying him over to where you’re practising and he feels as if he has no control of them. Before he knows it, he’s standing right in front of you and god, you’re that much more dazzling close up. As if things couldn’t get more nerve-wracking he isn’t really able to control what comes out of his mouth either. That wasn’t normal for him, he had perfect control over other things.
“That was some trick!” He chuckles nervously, hoping to catch your attention. He’s thankful that he was quiet enough to not have completely startled you as you slowly look up at him.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!” You wink with a small laugh. And with that he can feel the heat crawling up his neck and the blood rushing to his cheeks. He hopes that by some miracle that it isn't visible to you as he stumbles over his words.
“Yeah! Of course- I mean you’re great! I can see why they signed you.” He assures, barely able to get the simple words out and your cute little smile wasn’t really helping his predicament.
“That means a lot coming from a player with your performance record.” You shyly admit, avoiding his gaze. That should have built up his own confidence a little bit more but somehow he was even more nervous. You had watched him play? And to top it off, you liked him? Oh he was a goner. No doubt about it.
He goes to say something again but he’s interrupted by the sound of someone yelling. You both turn your heads to see Aitana beckoning you over to join them for lunch. A part of you was disappointed because you liked Abde and wanted to keep talking to him but another part of you was simply relieved. He made you nervous. Cute, funny, suave, a player you admired yourself. And he was talking to and complimenting you? It made you incredibly nervous and you feared you would end up embarrassing yourself if you continued the conversation any longer. So you take the way out.
“Sorry! We planned on going out for lunch so I should probably go but it was really nice meeting you!” You explain quickly and he can sense your apprehension so he quickly attempts to reassure you a little.
“Don’t worry about it, we have to train together at some point though?” He suggests and smiles at the way you immediately nod your head.
“I’ll see you later then?” You ask and he affirms your suggestion. With that you give him one last smile and jog over to your teammate, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
He was disappointed he couldn’t keep the conversation with you going any longer and get to know you better but his heart was still fluttering at the image of your smile. You were beautiful beyond words. All of a sudden, the next day just couldn’t come sooner and he was kicking himself that he hadn’t asked for your number before you left him. Rookie error.
It’s the same thing again once training recommences with Abde’s eyes drifting towards you every now and again except now he’s receiving the same treatment. You look over every once in a while and give him your signature smile and it only makes him more error-prone while you still manage to impress everybody with your own skills. What on earth had you done to him?
“Just ask her on a date man, you’ve been making lovey-dovey eyes at each other for the past hour and I think I’m gonna be sick.” Pedri rolls his eyes and Abde swiftly smacks the back of his head.
“Shut up, I just met her, it's not like that.”
“Yet” Pedri adds the crucial final word that Abde would rather have left in the air, it seemed a little too real to say it out loud himself. He could also gather that you were supremely shy and the last thing he wanted to do was scare you off.
Much to his luck, it's decided that the final exercises are to be done together. As soon as everyone is allowed to pick pairs, he feels destined to be with you. And thankfully for him you’re already looking at him with a smile as he walks over once again.
“We meet again.” He nudges you softly and you shrug in response.
“Its fate, I guess!” You’re quite proud of your witty remark and the sound of his laughter is music to your ears, calming your nerves at least a little before the ball is kicked in your direction and you’re given directions for the exercise. Some simple passing, increasing the distance for each successful pass because Xavi and Giraldez knew how important those basics were.
Everyone could agree that this exercise was necessary but tedious. The mutters of disapproval could be heard across all of the players as they lined up opposite their training partners. Although you were quiet, Abde could tell you weren’t particularly happy to be doing the exercise either and took it as an opportunity. No mistakes. No slipping up. This was his chance to impress you. He had a lot of tricks up his sleeve and he was almost certainly gonna be using all of them today if it meant making the session more bearable for both of you.
As the passing distance increases, he allows the ball to hit his shoulder, you twist one leg behind the other and allow the ball to stop clean at your ankle and you both become so invested that neither of you realise when almost everyone has already left with the session drawing to a close.
When you do finally miss the pass, you get a chance to break away from the cycle and take a look around. Of course there were still people around: some of the groundsmen checking the goalposts and removing extra cones, some of the la masia youngsters having a little kick-about, the coaches on the bench discussing plans. But it was a lot quieter, and darker. It was peaceful and you found yourself wanting to stay a little longer.
Your thoughts are interrupted by your training partner.
“Y’know as a defender, your shooting skills could probably use some work.” He comments coolly and you clutch your imaginary pearls in offence.
“I suppose you could use some work on passing the ball before running it out of play!” He gasps with the same look of offence as yours and he’s immediately grabbing the ball off your hands and stomping over to one of the goalposts.
You spend the next hour or so practising something you both found a little more exciting. Some of your slide tackles and his moving passes for you to shoot. Beyond that hour, both of you are exhausted and the extra training is reduced to some simple shooting practice for the both of you.
“Y’know I was joking about you running the ball out of play?” He laughs softly at the innocent admission. Of course you had to be the sweetest person on the planet. It was no wonder he and everyone within the barca team adored you. Especially him though.
“I’m glad to hear it, anjo! For all its worth, your shooting isn’t too bad either.” With that you roll your eyes, unable to hold back your smile as you grab the ball from the back of the net and walk over to your bag. And of course, he’s quick to follow. Although the sun is setting and you’re both exhausted, he can’t help but still want to spend more time with you.
“So where are you off to next?” He asks and you look up from zipping up the equipment bag.
“Straight home, I usually don’t spend this extra time practising my tackles and I think I deserve the rest.” He laughs again and you feel your heart rate sparking at the sound. You think could listen to it all day, interactions with him came so natural that you couldn’t help but want to spend even more time with him.
“I could take you home for your troubles?” He offers and hus heart sinks when you shake your head. Although his spirit is lifted a little witu your reasoning.
“No way! I couldn't ask that of you; you need the rest just as much as I do!” But he isn’t having it.
“Anjo, nothing would make me happier than to take you home. I couldn’t let you take the bus at this time in the evening” he reminds and you allow yourself to think for a second. You look at him and eventually give him a small nod. You don’t miss the way his entire face lights up but you choose not to assume anything just yet. The last thing you wanted to do was misread any signals.
He’s ecstatic beyond words and beyond what is apparent on his face. He’s quick to give you the aux and once he’s inputted your address, you play one of your favourite songs. Much to your luck, it's one of his too.
Although you try to keep your head down, you can’t help but let your eyes drift to him. More specifically his hands on the wheel. His nails were well-kept and short, the veins bulged whenever he gripped the wheel to turn, and moreover they were huge. They would probably be able to envelop your own easily. You were trying to stop yourself from thinking that way but you just couldn’t help it. Thankfully he’s there for break you away from those thoughts for a little bit.
“So you’re pretty new to the area huh?” He attempts to create some small talk in an attempt to distract himself from his thoughts he’s thinking ahead. Too far ahead for someone he had only just met.
“I guess, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of this place eventually.” You shrug, trying to be cool althought he fact that you really knew nothing of the area did make you very anxious.
“I mean, would I be happy to help! Might be fun to have a partner in crime for exploring?” He offers yet another opportunity for the pair of you to spend time together and he is able to turn and face you once he reaches a red light. He’s celebrating on the inside as you once again accept his offer.
“That sounds nice!” You agree and he returns his gaze back to the road but you can see his smile still. God he was a sight for sore eyes.
The rest of the car ride, he points out some of his favourite spots to you and places he thinks you would love. He even points out his own place which really isn't too far away from your own, you’re happy to learn. He made the otherwise hive-inducing idea of navigating such a busy and vibrant part of Spain into an exciting one. You couldn't wait for him to show you around.
You’re both visibly disappointed when you finally reach your place and you sigh out as he parks the car.
“Thank you for bringing me home.” He shakes his head.
“It was my pleasure. I like spending time with you, anjo. You’re doing me the favour here!” Jokes and almost freezes when you wrap him in a hug. Focus on the almost because he immediately has his arms around you in response and he cant help but hide his face in the join between your shoulder and neck as your hand is gentle on the back of his head.
“You need to give me your number.” He’s too focused on making sure he gets that detail before he lets himself forget again and you laugh softly.
“So long as you text me when you get home.” You reluctantly release yourselves from the hug and you type your number into his phone. When you return it to him, he gives you a kiss on the cheek before finally letting you go and before you close the door, you make sure to send him one last wave before you enter your home. You quickly jog up to your room, taking off your kit and getting into your night clothes. You practically throw yourself onto the bed, enjoying the feeling of the cool sheets against your skin, grabbing your phone and awaiting his message. It's no surprise that once he texts, neither of you can stop and you spend the whole night talking about everything and nothing at the same time.
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“Oh don’t be like that, anjo! You got through that better than some of our boys would!” He teases and you shake your head, pulling at the hair ties that held your intricate braids together. Given that your hands were still sore from the forfeit exercise, you weren’t exactly being gentle with them and Abde is quick to scold you.
“Anjo, the last thing you need to be doing is tearing out chunks of your hair. It’s far too beautiful for that.”
Gentle as ever, he removes your hands from your hair and takes over the job. You can barely feel it when the little hair bands are being removed which was a nice change to normal. Perhaps he was onto something. You can almost certainly feel the next thing he does however. Still gentle, he carefully combs through the hair to remove the braid pattern and return it to its normal state. He can’t help but run his fingers through and admire the little waves the braids have left. You can’t help but sigh out in relief of the feeling of your hair being released from the style and his soft hands tenderly running through the locks.
“Thank you.” You mumble, perhaps a little too relaxed and exhausted to add anything else. He leaves a kiss behind your ear that causes your face and neck to heat up but it was all friendly. You told yourself that he didn’t like you that way. He was just being affectionate. There was no way.
“You know if you’re too tired to go out today, I can just take you home.” He rests his head on your shoulder while you consider the option. He was always so thoughtful with you. Always noticed the little things that even you barely considered. It made your heart beat faster and your stomach explode with butterflies. Everything about him just made you flustered. You couldn’t help it and you had to wonder sometimes whether he knew what he was doing to you.
“But the blueberry muffins…” you whine, barely audible but he’s so close that he hears.
“Okay but you’re going straight home after that to sleep this off.” His attempt to be stern with you isn’t working at all because you just know that he’ll be the first to text you when you get home and he won’t be able to stop himself from continuing after that. Not that you would ever complain.
The club photographers have had a field day with the interaction. Overjoyed with the moments they captured. The little moment of him happily undoing your braid was a precious one. There were already plenty of videos of the two of you messing around in the background of training videos. The photos they took only added to what was already there. Nothing new but so painfully adorable.
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When you reach the cafe, you practically fall into your seat and relax into the comfortable booth with a dramatic sigh. Abde looks on with a raised eyebrow at your little display, admittedly a little concerned.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” He asks for the umpteeth time and you give the same answer.
“This place has healing energy! It’ll be good for me! Plus, I haven’t had the blueberry muffins in too long…” you explain.
And to your credit, you do manage to wake up a little as you admire the surroundings. You look absolutely ethereal with the golden sun beams illuminating your face and Abde can’t help but take a picture. If only you could see yourself in his eyes. He was not simply calling you anjo for nothing.
Although you feel almost completely refreshed by the end of the little cafe date, he still insists that you go home and get some proper rest, during your time in the cafe and on the car ride home, you listen to some of his stories from his time in qatar and with osasuna, a team which he clearly still had a soft spot for. You never missed the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about them. So loving and affectionate about his loan team. It only made you fall harder for him. Did he know what he was doing to you?
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Although he initially intended to only drop you off at your place. Genuinely. But the offer to stay at your place for a bit was too good to pass up. And couldn't possibly upset you by declining so before you know it, you’re both splayed out on the soft rug in your living room, continuing your text conversations but in person.
“Wait, so those weird caricature paintings were real kids that didn’t manage to escape through the tunnel in time?!” He already wasn’t a huge fan of Coraline but what you were telling him freaked him out even more.
“Yeah-“ you don’t have time to get another word in before he has to clarify.
“And those kids are the ghost kids?! Nah this movie is fucking weird, I don’t like it.” He huffs. It always made you giggle that a guy like him that absolutely ADORED horror movies was drawing a line at a stop motion but you couldn’t blame him. The film was quite literally built to be uncomfortable.
You look over at your window to see it already getting dark out and you sit up. Naturally he does too, a little confused.
“We really spent three hours talking about absolutely nothing, huh?” You both laugh for a little while but once it dies down, you frown at his next comment.
“I should probably be getting home now, huh?” He wonders out loud and he’a surprised to see you shake your head.
“It's way too dark! Anything could happen! anything!” There was no way you would be letting him leave at an hour like this. His heart warms at your concern so he awaits your next suggestion.
“I’m sure I have some large sized clothes lying around somewhere, give me a second.” He tried to intervene but you’re already off before he gets a chance.
He couldn’t help but be a little excited. He was sure he was gonna try and make things official with you soon and this only solidified that desire. Spending the night?! That had to mean something.
Indeed you do manage to find some clothes that were huge on you and you come back with a spring in your step, throwing them at him. It's just a pair of joggers and a graphic T-shirt but that would be enough for the night, you decide.
Once he comes back from getting changed, the sight is something that leaves you flustered. The joggers fit fine, perhaps a bit smaller than he would like but fine. The shirt on the other hand… left nothing to the imagination. Not that you were complaining but you could see it all. His biceps stretching out the arm holes, the harsh and angular planes of his abs and chest were so well defined that you wondered whether he would be better off wearing nothing at all. You certainly wouldn't mind that either.
“Yeah… I usually go a few sizes bigger but it’ll do. Thanks, anjo!” He walks up to hug you and you’re grateful he doesn’t give you more time to ogle him.
“So I’m on the couch?” He clarifies and again you shake your head vigorously, almost offended.
“Never! You’re taking my room, I’m on the couch!”
“Anjo do you seriously believe that I would let you endure neck and shoulder cramps just for me?” He challenges, arms folded over his chest, eyebrows raised.
“Well I couldn’t let my guest do that either!”
“Sweets, I promise you, I’m fine on the couch! Happy even!” He tries to reason but you shake your head again.
“My bed is queen sized.” You mumble and he just about catches it. You’re too shy to make your idea any clearer.
“Anjo, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He places a finger under your chin, gently encouraging you to look up at him. And of course, the second you get a glance into his green eyes, you feel yourself going weak. You assumed they were just a really pretty light brown but green?
“We’re both adults, I’m sure we could manage.” You whisper. He’s painfully close and you're so tempted to close the gap but you decide to break the closeness and drag him to your room.
By the time both of you finish your night routines, it well and truly is time to go to bed so you take your places on opposite ends of the bed and lights are out almost immediately.
“Sweet dreams, anjo.” He whispers and he can vividly see the smile on your face at the nickname despite not even facing you.
“Night.” You mutter, squeezing your eyes shut and finally letting the exhaustion of training take over. He follows not too long after, perfectly content as he wouldn't have to rush anywhere tomorrow given the well-earned rest day everyone had.
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He was hoping he would wake up in peace but he just couldn’t have that. He’s momentarily conscious and in that brief period, he feels a bundle of warmth in his arms. Initially, he’s comfortable with it. The feeling is even pleasant so he squeezes his arms around the source. Very shortly after. He realises and his eyes bust open. The sight in front of him is not a horrifying one at all; it's quite the opposite. Its you. You look absolutely adorable curled up in a little ball, almost backing into his own hold. He wishes he could stay right there and cuddle closer but he couldn’t. You weren’t together and you had both agreed to sleeping on opposite sides of the bed the night before. This just felt so right but still, he felt guilty.
He does his absolute best to slowly remove his arms from around your frame and get out as quietly as possible so as not to wake you up. The idea of waking up to the sight of your sleepy form everyday IS one that flashes across his mind but he pushes it back as he goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of you.
Once its all ready and plated, almost perfectly timed, he can hear the shower turn on, you were awake.
He finally has calmed down a little and gets a chance to be alone with his thoughts and the only thing on his mind is you. He always intended to make things official with you, there was never any doubt in his mind about that. But now he was genuinely asking himself when? How much longer was he going to wait? And with how his first night went, he was suddenly a lot more desperate for things to become more serious.
The thoughts have him in a panic again so he’s glad when you do come into the kitchen to break him out of them.
“I swear I need to have you over more often!” You give him a quick hug and peck on the cheek before digging into what he prepared. You’re surprised at how good everything is since he always talked about being on the lazier side, and it certainly didn't help that he was a very relaxed person in general. He certainly proved you wrong.
“Are you busy today then?” You ask, eyes bright and hoping to spend the whole day exploring with him rather than just a few hours like normal. Abde wants that just as much as you, probably even more but he needs to get his thoughts together.
“Uh I think my brother wanted me to help out with some errands…” he trails off, scratching his head almost as if he’s unsure but you’re not one to judge. It’s a perfectly reasonable excuse and he’s grateful that you don’t press him further. Of course you wouldn’t.
“Ah okay! Send him my best wishes!” You try to sound as bright as possible but you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. But you also respected that his family meant the world to him, just like yours to you.
And with that he’s off fairly quickly and he promises to return your stuff the next day before he’s out of the door. You’re sure you don’t need the clothes back, however. The shirt must have been stretched out beyond use anyway.
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You didn’t realise it that day but your night together somewhat spelt a pause in the blossoming friendship.
You were surprised when he stopped waiting for you at the end of training, texts became infrequent and irregular. Any texts that did come through were short and left no room to continue a conversation. Everytime you looked over at him during training, he didn’t reciprocate. The face you looked for during matches no longer appeared.
It hurt you beyond what you could express in words but you reminded yourself that he wasn’t even yours and you hadn’t known him that long at all. Even so, the idea of a friend getting sick of you was a painful one. Eventually, you decide that the one-sided effort was fruitless and slowly, your own efforts fizzle out into nothing too.
“Hey what's up with you?” Alexia whispers, pulling you aside and away from the others.
“What do you mean?” It’s an attempt to play dumb that simply doesn't work on your captain.
“You know: you’ve been weird during training for the past couple of weeks, what’s going on?”
“I’ve been perfectly focussed!” You retort and she raises an eyebrow as if to challenge you.
“Exactly! What exactly went down with you and Abde that’s turned you into this machine?” She wonders, almost prepared to raise her voice. The whisper threatens to turn into a shout. You tear your eyes away from hers and look down, desperately trying to stop the tears that were going to fall at any second.
“If I knew, I would do something about it.” Alexia softens at that.
“He’s an idiot and you deserve better than a ghost, hmm? Girl, look at you! You could easily bag someone way better than that, forget him!” Although, deep down, you knew it wasn’t your fault, it certainly did feel good to hear it from someone else. Much less someone who you looked up to.
You finally decide that she’s absolutely right. And although a part of you did still yearn for him and wonder, you knew it was best to let go. And slowly but surely he occupies your mind less and less. But, much to your luck, he was still there. Nowhere near as all-encompassing as he used to be but small things did still bring back memories. Happy ones and on lonelier days your mind spiralled down a rabbit hole wondering what could have possibly gone wrong.
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“Ale, be honest with me now; what do you think?” Abde shows him the gift box, filled with stuff that was very… you.
Alejandro picks up the iridescent glass rose from its cushioned box and inspects it before looking up at a nervous Abde with his signature smirk.
“It's nice and all but not sure if it’s my style.” The remark is met with a swift slap to the head and a scowl.
“Seriously man, you know who it’s for.” Abde shakes his head and takes his seat on the bench in the locker room, looking through the trinkets to make sure nothing is broken.
“You know her a lot better than the rest of us do, if this is what you think she likes then I would trust you on that.” Robert offers with a supportive hand on Abde’s shoulder.
“No time to waste then!” He abruptly gets up with the box and stomps to his car so he can get it wrapped up and ready to give you the next day. He had been practising his wrapping skills on various boxes he had lying around the house and help from his mom.
He knew that ghosting you wasn’t the best way to handle his feelings but he hoped he would be able to make it up to you with his gifts and the admission. He was nervous but he had wasted enough time fighting with himself already.
Luckily for him, he finds the person he needs almost immediately as he walks around the corner of the stadium from the locked room
“Alexia!” Abde calls and is a little frightened with the stern look on her face as she turns around.
“What?” Her tone isn’t the friendliest either but he proceeds anyway.
“Would you mind…” he taps at his box, hoping that she gets the idea but he’s met with a nonchalant shrug from her end.
“Didnt seem like you were still friends to me.” She turns to walk away but he stops her.
“Of course we’re still friends! I’ve just been…”
“Busy? Wouldn’t have killed you to tell her that, would it?” She retorts with a scoff and he looks at her with pleading eyes.
“Believe me, I know I’ve been a dumbass but I have no experience in handling these things. I needed time but I should have kept her in mind-“ he’s met with another scoff but he can see her soften, only slightly.
“Look, I think it would be best if you gave this to her in person. You’ve left it all long enough. Get your girl.” She pats his shoulder firmly. Firmly enough to startle him, a very literal attempt at knocking some sense into him. He’s off on his way with that, yelling a quick thanks and she shakes her head. What an idiot.
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It’s not long at all before he’s at your door. It feels strangely unfamiliar and it's becoming clearer and clearer to him just how long he’s left things. He doesn’t have long to rack over his thoughts before your door is open and the shock and slight hurt on your face is making him nervous. He fears that his words are slipping away so he holds the wrapped box out to you.
You narrow your eyes at him but you accept the box, a hand smoothing over the wrapping paper before you release a frustrated sigh and move to the side. The little nod of your head is all he needs to get into your house and you close the door behind you shortly after. The welcome is far from warm and it's only making him more nervous but he supposed that he perhaps asked for it. He was lucky you even let him in.
“A whole month?” You ask incredulously, eagerly waiting for his response. A reason ideally.
“Seriously if you were that sick of me, you could have just told me to back off and I would have done it happily. Do you know how hurtful it is to have a friend, a close friend, to just cut you out of their life entirely?! And let alone without a reason! I’ve been completely in the dark here and it hurts.” You rant and he notices the tears before he gets his own words out.
Instinctively, he reaches out to wipe them away, just like he had after a particularly upsetting training session where the coach dug into you and on another occasion after an even more upsetting match. You were beating yourself up but he was there to pick up the pieces. You used to lean into his touch but this time you pull away and although he has no right to feel that way, he’s a little hurt. He awkwardly brings his hand back to his side before finally speaking.
“I’m an idiot-“ you laugh humorlessly at that but he continues.
You’re livid. He had the audacity to leave you completely in the dark for a whole month and here he was, cowering under your gaze and barely able to get his words out. But you were gonna wait. You needed answers and closure. Even if it broke you.
“- and I know that I had no right to completely cut you out of my life but I was acting on instinct. I was feeling a lot of new things and I didn’t know how to cope.” He pauses for a second to look at you and you seem a little more interested and less hostile than before so he takes it as a sign to keep going.
“Remember when I spent the night over?” You nod, wondering where he could possibly have been going with this.
“Well when I woke up, we were kind of… tangled… like physically… even though we agreed on staying on opposite ends.” He sees you about to interrupt so he's quick to his next words
“I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal but it got me thinking about us. It felt so right and I don't know… I wanted more of it. And not just as friends but something more… and that scared me.” He finishes, finally taking a breath and trying to calm down the heart in his throat before looking at you. He can’t read your expression at all and he’s somewhat startled when you begin to speak.
“You’re such an idiot.” Your words are simple, dry and he can’t help but laugh a little.
“A fucking dumbass.” And he nods in complete agreement.
“I know, anjo and I’m sorr-“
“The biggest idiot I have ever known…”
“Alright!” He holds his hands up in fake surrender and you flick his temple. He supposes that it's better than being kicked out of the house and having the door slammed in his face. That certainly seemed like a possibility up until now.
It’s silent for a moment and he pushes the box on the counter towards you.
“I know I have a lot to make up for but I’ve been planning this thing for a while. For when I was gonna try and make things official… I think I’ve left it long enough now.” He receives a disapproving hum in response and he looks at you nervously as you carefully unfold the wrapping paper and open the box.
He was so stupid. That's all you could think. All he had to do was talk to you but he had to run away. He knew you to be understanding. And you refused to believe that he didn’t know how you truly felt for him. It was all perfectly in place but he had caused you a world of pain as he have himself to time to think over his own feelings
The way your eyes soften is a much needed confidence booster and he can’t help but sigh out in relief at your reaction.
“Abde…” you’re lost for words as your hands carefully skim over everything. Polaroids from all of your outings, little handmade placards with songs from your shared playlist, books that you had talked about wanting to read, little pieces of jewellery, small sketches he had attempted, a couple of letters you decided you would leave until later.
Over the past month he had made you so angry and upset that you were certain you would never forgive him but he sure knew how to make things up to you.
Of course the centre-piece was the most eye-catching. You take the elegant velvet box out of the bigger one and carefully open its lid to reveal the most exquisite immortal rose. You had talked about these to him before. A piece of symbolism you LOVED. Still as delicate and beautiful as the plant but everlasting. A much more solid testament of love. You look into his worried eyes with your own completely softened now.
You slowly walk over to him and he feels like heart in his throat again. He knew he deserved a slap but he was hoping he hadn’t taken you that far.
Instead he’s shocked by the feeling of your arms wrap around him. He’s quick to reciprocate and his own are around your waist, giving an experimental squeeze and you respond by nuzzling your face into his neck.
“I’m sorry.”
“You could have talked to me…”
“I know, I just-“
The real shock comes with your next response. He’s confused by the way you remove your face from his neck but he only gets a second to look at your face before he feels your lips press onto his. They’re soft and he can faintly taste your sweet strawberry lip scrub on them. He wastes no time, placing a hand on the back of your head and tilting his own slightly to deepen it. It's sweet and loving and slightly bruising. He supposed that the feelings you were pouring out to him was quite the mix. But he’ll gladly take it. He loved you. LOVED you. And he was finally showing it to you in the ways he had always imagined.
You’re the first to pull away, keeping a gentle hand on his cheek as you look into his eyes.
“I think you’re the biggest idiot of all time.” He looks down and chuckles a little at your display of anger.
“But I also love you. A lot.” You admit, gulping down your worries and trying to find a definitive answer in his eyes.
“I love you too. Anjo.” He whispers, scared that if he was any louder, the moment would fizzle away into a dream.
You practically throw yourself at him to hug him and you allow your face to nuzzle him again, arms squeezing tightly around his muscular frame and he returns the squeeze.
“Still an idiot.” You can’t help but add and this time you both laugh together, simply relieved that you were finally, FINALLY, where you wanted to be. And he wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
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And my extremely long-awaited abde fic has finally arrived 😅 i hope u enjoy it, lovelies! Its my longest one yet lol
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Friends with Benefits (Abde Ezzalzouli x reader) *request **smut
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Request: Hiii , can u write a smut of abde ezzalzouli x reader. Where they're friends with benefits,♡
Warnings: smut, vague descriptions of unwanted attention and being made uncomfortable (not by Abde)
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He’s on you the moment you open the door. His hands messily wander over your body and he growls in frustration at the thick fabric of your hoodie and sweatpants keeping him away from what he wants. His kiss is rough and you can’t help but melt into it because it’s been way too long since you had this. As you pull away to catch your breath, his lips still trail after yours, chasing them in a desperate attempt to keep things going. You laugh breathily at his state, combing a hand through his hair and tugging gently.
“Was the month away really that hard? You must loooooove me!” you joke and he roughly pulls your face onto his for another, even harsher kiss. This time, he’s the one to pull away, not forgetting to gently bite and pull at your lower lip before responding.
“You’re still just as infuriating as you were before. I don’t think I was missing much at all, ya amar.” he bluntly comments, throwing you over his shoulder with ease and ignoring the surprised squeal you let out. He brings his other hand down to slap your ass as he carries you up to your bedroom. You knew already that tonight is going to be mind blowing but you knew, deep in your bones, that something is wrong here. You’ve been flickering between an enemy and friendship status for as long as you can remember and know him like the back of your hand as a result. You decide against pressing him at the moment because you can see that he needs something else first.
The second you fall rather ungracefully onto the bed, you feel his cold hands all over you once again, along with his mouth leaving small bites on your neck, sucking harshly at the delicate skin as his desperation only grew stronger. The way he’s tugging at your clothes makes you worry that he’s going to literally tear them off you if his patience is tested any further. Although you most definitely would be able to guilt him into buying a new set, you decide to be nice today and pull the hoodie off and he hastily tugs your joggers down your legs with your underwear. He hurriedly removes his own shirt before returning to kiss you again, sighing out in relief at the feeling of your warm skin flush against his. One of your hands is buried in his hair while the other glides over his back, fingertips dancing along the hard muscles as you familiarise yourself with him again. His hands travel to your back to fumble with the strap of your bralette, biting particularly hard at the join between your neck and shoulder when he can’t even find the clasp in the first place. You struggle to get your words out, you’re feeling so many sensations, things you had been craving for far too long when the two of you were apart. His hand slithers down your body and right to your awaiting core, 
“Abde-” you try to say but a moan bubbles through when he resorts to lapping gently at the marks he’s already left, blowing on them lightly.
“Itclaspsatthefront!” you get out the words as quickly as possible before you cry out again as he continues his work. He slows to a pause, processing your words and you feel his face heat up, chucking quietly.
“Oh.” he murmurs, barely audible, you feel a small smile against your skin as he finally gets the offending piece of clothing off you. He groans softly at the sight of your breasts and his mouth immediately latches onto your nipple, sucking harshly and releasing it with a pop. Your whimpers grow louder and louder when he does the same to the other and makes sure to suck deep purple hickeys onto the surrounding skin. You squeeze your eyes shut and savour the feeling of his soft lips attacking your body and making you feel in a way that only he knew how to do. You would be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t miss this, miss him. He was so frustratingly obtuse and funny and positive and annoying and he made it so easy for you to love and hate him at the same time.
You wished that your mind didn’t betray you in the way that it did. Two friends that fuck: thats what you had both intended. For every bad date, bad day at work for you or match for him, you would help each other out. Quite literally fuck out the anger and frustrations. You both know what riled the other up so working out the opposite was a piece of cake, you knew each other far too well. Stress relief: that was all it was supposed to be, so simple yet you both managed to break that rule. 
You remember the first time all too well: a match just hadn’t gone as planned and he had to deal with you, his oh-so-lovely ride, teasing him the entire car-ride home for it. You jokingly suggested that he just found a quick fuck to release all the pent-up frustrations at his sub-par performance. It was safe to say that he found that quick-fuck fairly nearby and followed the advice to a T. the first kiss was initially just to shut you up but he couldn’t help but lean in for more at the first feeling of your lips moulding perfectly to his. You were frozen in place and when he came back to his senses, he pulled away with concern washing over his face. You smirked and pulled him back in for more. The way to your bedroom was quite the journey with clothes being tossed around once you make it. His anger had fed into some of the most mind-blowing sex you had ever experienced. You couldn’t get enough of his hands, his mouth, his chiselled body, everything. He was addictive and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time you fooled around with him like this. 
You were awoken the following day by the sounds of shuffling in one corner of the room. Your eyes struggled to adjust to the bright morning so they were only very slightly open but you could see it. He really seemed to be in a hurry to get out after spending the night. He hastily threw his clothes on, grabbed his phone and ran out of the door without a glance. 
Admittedly, you both had discussed what you wanted out of the arrangement the night before. The ways that both of your lives were going, paired with your… complicated relationship meant that making yourselves available to each other without worrying about feelings felt like a good move. Because you certainly didn’t feel even a smidge of affection towards each other. All the time you had spent together, as enemies or friends, definitely didn’t catalyse the formation of an airtight bond between the pair of you. It was definitely just sex. 
Except much to your dismay: it wasn’t. The quick fucks after a horrible training session or rough day at work grew longer. The rules really weren’t that hard to stick to yet as time went by, you grew softer, things lasted longer, there was so much undecipherable eye contact and gentle caressing that almost had you believing there was something more. The lust in the air wasn’t as heavy and every session had you floating in a very warm and comfortable space. Even after sessions you still craved each other’s presence and staying the night soon became commonplace. You would stay awake with each other and talk about anything. Your hands would continue to roam each other’s bodies while you went over how your days went. He would ask his strange hypotheticals and you would easily get caught up in sharing thoughts. The quiet chatter would soon fade into silence as you fell asleep, content in each other's arms. Your mornings together would now consist of you trying to convince each other to stay a little longer and forget about his training or your job. Your limbs would be in a perfectly tangled mess within the sheets, only making it harder to leave. Your heart leapt at the affection he showered you with but you had to bring yourself back to reality. You both loved each other very much but the friendship dynamic you had curated for each other just couldn’t be broken. He’s been treating you like a princess so it's that much harder to feel nothing romantic. 
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“So, how’s about you give me your number?” the pretty girl suggests, nudging Abde on the shoulder with a coy smile on her face. God he wishes she could leave him alone. All day the same girls hadn’t left him alone. All he wanted to do was get training over with so he could get home and watch a movie with you but the day felt so much longer with the new celeb faces of the club constantly tailing him and making him uncomfortable. Compliments were great but their intent was so clear and he didn’t like it one bit. The attention simply felt wrong. He had tried to talk to some of the managers in charge of them and all he got was a ‘proud’ chuckle, a pat on the shoulder and a thumbs up to “go get ‘em!”
As if you had read his mind, you appeared from behind the door, having arrived early to pick him up. Your brows furrow lightly as he makes eye contact with you, a silent plea to save him from the predicament. You don’t quite understand what’s going on but decide to walk over to him anyway.
“Everything okay, love?” you ask, shoulder lightly brushing against the girl’s before you reach Abde’s side, giving him a small hug and placing a hand on his chest. You hear the small sigh of relief he releases due to the proximity as he responds in an equally sickly sweet manner.
“Everything’s perfect now that you’re here, pretty…” he gives you a small smile and you see his eyes filled with gratitude before he gently pulls you in for a kiss. Your hand moves to cup his cheek instinctively and he leans into your comforting touch. The kiss lasts perhaps a second or 10 too long as you hear the door slam, the girl having finally left him alone.
He finally releases your lips, thumb grazing your cheek.
“What was that all about, hmm?” you ask, features laced with worries as his eyes drift around the room, wringing his hands together.
“Wouldn’t leave me alone for the whole day.” he mutters, eyes focused on the ground. You give him a small smile of understanding, rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe him. You move around to give him a full hug and he immediately hides his face in your neck.
“I’m so sorry, love. If there’s anything I can do…” you trail off and he lifts his head to look at you, shaking it lightly with a defeated look on his face.
“Just glad that you’re here. I already tried with the managers and they laughed at me.” he huffs with an agitated shake of his head. 
“They’re a bunch of creeps, I should give them a piece of my mind.” you say, venom laced in your voice as you plan out what you’re going to say to them.
“No no no I don’t need that, I just wanna go home.” he says softly, taking your hand in his. You come back to reality, squeezing his hand lightly and pulling him out the door so you can both forget about the stresses of the day.
You both walk out of the room together, heading for the exit and you make sure to return the hostile eye contact with the offending women. 
Once again, you were one of the only people who actually understood what he was feeling, one of the only people who felt strongly enough about things to be willing to do something about it. He doesn’t know how you do it but it’s so hard for him to see you as a mere friend whenever you remind him of the fact.
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You were lost in your thoughts for a while until a little nip at your tummy brought you back to earth. You don’t know what's come over you but you need him and you need him now. Grabbing at his hair and face you encourage him to come back up for a heated kiss.
“No no, I’m ready, I swear. I just need you.” you whisper, eyes flickering and looking for indication in him. He finally nods, pulling your thighs apart before removing his own joggers and underwear. He quickly gets back to you, lining up at your centre and you wait expectantly for him to enter. You whine as he teases you, running the tip up and down your folds, pressing it gently on your clit. He keeps this up with a cocky smirk that you feel like slapping off his face until he himself can't take it anymore. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of him stretching you out as he sinks in, it’s been far too long since you had each other like this and you knew you weren’t going to last very long. You moan softly into each other's mouths, unable to keep the kiss going. 
“So beautiful, you know that right?” 
“All for me”
“No one does it like you” 
Your heart warms with his uncharacteristically sweet words. You’re too drunk on the pleasure to register or respond to the change in demeanour with a quippy remark. You come back to when you hear a quiver in his voice as he makes a confession and your eyes pry open as you try and process it.
“I’ve missed you. So much.” he presses his forehead against yours and frantically flickers his eyes between yours. He’s relieved to see them soften and relishes the way your legs wrap around his waist more tightly, arms doing the same around his neck. You all of a sudden can’t stand to have a single millimetre of a distance between you. The feeling of his soft, slightly sticky skin against yours, paired with his desperate, sloppy thrusts triggers your release and tears fall at the white hot pleasure that surges through you. You clamp tightly around him and trigger his own release which he works to ride out with softer, shallow thrusts and gentle circles on your clit while both of your breathing rates return to normal and your legs stop trembling. One of his hands glides over your cheeks to wipe away the stray tears and he presses kisses on your face to successfully bring a smile to your face again. 
He leaves you for a second to grab a warm, wet washcloth and clean you up before grabbing the snacks and water bottles he knows you hide in your bedside drawer.  
“Not hungry.” you mumble quietly and he smiles fondly at your hazy state. 
“C’mon sweetheart, you need something in you.”
“I ate before you barged in.”
“And you’ve just used up all of that energy.”
“And who’s fault is that?”
“Okay whatever but pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase? Just a couple of kit kats and some water?” he tries to bargain and you reluctantly agree. You manoeuvre your arms to lift yourself up but he’s to it before you, pulling you up to sit straight. He passes over the food and water, eating them slowly with you. You scowl at him as you realise that the ‘couple of kit kats’ were in fact 2 4-bar kit kats and he shrugs with a coy smile. Once you finally finish, you both sink back under the sheets and now you’re lying your head on his chest.
“What’s happened?” you ask softly, looking up at him.
“Just missed you.” he mumbles and you’re still not buying it. There’s something he isn’t telling you.
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He wishes that this incident hadn’t affected him so much but it had. Just some teasing from the boys was all it took for him to confront the reality of how he felt towards you. His full-time friend and part-time enemy.
“Ooooooh who’s that on your lock screen?” Hakim asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Abde quickly snatches it away and puts it in his pocket.
“No one.” he snaps, arms crossed like a little child and he looks in the other direction, anywhere but Hakim’s eyes.
“So you just have a mugshot of some random pretty girl as your lock screen? Are you 10?” he teases, nudging him as Hakim’s smirk grows.
“She’s not a random girl!” he blurts out, now he definitely can’t turn around, the blush on his cheeks is far too apparent and he knows that Hakim definitely wouldn’t keep this moment to himself if he saw it.
“When did our resident horndog get a girlfriend?” Hakim asks, a full blown smile on his face now, he was gonna get to the bottom of this.
“We’re just friends.” Abde keeps the responses short before he says anything incriminating.
“And you’re so smitten with this friend that you made her your lock screen?” 
“Ooooooooooh who’s who’s lockscreen?” This time it's Yousef interjecting. Abde huffs, refusing to look at anyone and make it anymore obvious that he has some feelings for the girl in the lock screen beyond a platonic nature. 
“Abde’s girlfriend.” hakim clarifies.
“Abde has a girlfriend?!” Yassine is the next to join in, ruffling his hair before taking a seat on the grass.
“My boy is all grown up.” feigning a pout and placing a hand on his heart while the other cackle around him. Abde covers his face with his hands, trying to will away the redness in his face. 
The truth of the matter was that he was missing you. Badly. Sure, the facetime calls and text messages were all great but not being able to just go over to your place or ask you over to him felt so unnatural. It wasn’t even the sex alone, you two had recently been spending more time together outside of that. He simply craved your presence. It was the very essence of you that he needed to ground himself, not your body; although that was quite the bonus in his eyes. The background photo is one you didn’t even know he had taken. You both were walking around the area, looking for a new food place to enjoy his rest day and you had come across a small cafe. It wasn’t really his style but he could see your eyes linger and flicker to it so he took the lead and walked in, with you excitedly following him. Once you had sat down, you were so enamoured by the decor that you didn’t realise he had taken a photo of you at that moment. The soft cafe lights made you look ethereal and for some reason, it just felt like an instinct to capture the moment. It is, by far, his favourite photo of you. In hindsight, the fact that he has a favourite photo of you, among many others, is perhaps a sign that he definitely was head-over-heels in love with you.
You could be a pain in his ass sometimes, it had been that way for as long as he remembered but even with all of the teasing and jabs made towards each other, it was so abundantly clear that you cared for him. You would poke fun at him for letting a defender knock him over but you always had an icepack on standby for whichever area of his body that needed it. You had even taken to buying a reusable one for him. You called him an idiot when he didn’t eat properly but always made more food than you needed so he could take some if he wanted. You knew when not to tease him, keeping a warm hand on his shoulder and making a cup of his favourite hot chocolate to raise his spirits. Why wouldn’t he be in love?
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“Wait so you’re friends but you… do it together?’ Bilal asks, very confused by the predicament. Abde nods awkwardly, avoiding his teammates eyes.
“But aren’t you really good friends?”
“Yeah but the labels would just complicate things.” Abde confidently argues.
“But why?”
“I don’t know! It just feels so official, I guess.” he justifies, slightly less convinced by himself this time.
“Okay whatever, but don’t you wonder?”
Now that he does, you had everything you needed for the making of a beautiful relationship but that first step was just a big one. 
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“Ez, c’mon. I promise I won’t judge.” you push him gently, stroking his cheek lightly with your thumb. He closes his eyes to enjoy the feeling of your soft skin soothing his own before he continues. 
“We’ve been getting a lot closer lately.”
“I suppose.”
“Like, outside of the mind-blowing sex.”
“I’m glad you enjoy it so much and yeah…”
“Well is that not basically the same thing as… a… relationship?” he asks hesitantly, running through all of your possible responses in your head.
“I didn’t think either of us wanted that though.” you look up for confirmation and you’re shocked to see him look slightly unsure.
“Look, I think you’re up there with some of my favourite people ever. Every moment with you feels too fast and the time I spend without you goes too slow. I just don’t think we’re doing very well on the no-feelings-attached rule and I don’t know… maybe that's okay!” he says, his fingertips feather-light and drawing shapes on your back. You hum and he can’t distinguish whether you agree or disagree.
You slowly raise yourself up and he’s worried he’s pushed you beyond what you’re comfortable with. Eyes slightly tearing up and slightly raised in sadness.
“Wait, no! Please don’t go! Just forget we had this conversat-” you hurriedly press your lips to his in a bruising kiss. You were considering your words and he clearly couldn’t wait so you showed him what you thought in the only way you could muster. You really just wanted to see his beautiful face but the heat of the moment clearly struck something in him.
“You need to learn to shut up.” you say bluntly and he chuckles, chasing your lips for another kiss which you oblige. 
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“FINALLY!” Yassine yells out, throwing his arms up in celebration while Yousef cackles behind him. Abde shakes his head with a small smile, the hand on yours tightening its grip as you laugh. Finally indeed.
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OMG I cannot tell u how much fun I had writing this one. He is so FWB-coded its unbelievable so tysm for sending in the ask xxx; i hope u enjoy, lovelies!
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Now, on a more positive note, imma give y'all the run-down on the requests I am most looking forward to completing, in no specific order:
Yassine Bounou x reader wedding + morning after fics
Yassine Bounou x reader night routine
Yassine Bounou x actress/model!reader relationship revealed online
Yassine Bounou x reader marriage proposal
Abde Ezzalzouli x reader friends with benefits
Hakim Ziyech x reader Dedication p2
Dumbass!Pedri x shy!reader
Gavi x reader caring for him after an injury
Noussair Mazraoui x reader couples holiday
I know there's a lot of Bounou fics on this list but that is largely because I get the most requests for him so there's just a higher chance of me being inspired by a request.
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inejschumacher · 7 months
Roses of Ruin
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summary: reader has a secret admirer that showers her with beautiful gifts, but Abde thinks they might have a sinister motive, which it looks to be as time goes on…
pairing: abde ezzalzouli x reader
cw: stalking, jealousy
wc: 3333 words
It had started off a little cute. A love letter from a secret admirer, a bouquet of roses that admittedly, were not your style, but were still gorgeous nonetheless. It was sweet, knowing someone out there looked at you with someone like love. It pissed Abde off to no end, but you always countered his annoyed remarks.
“You don’t even know who’s sending these, and yet you still accept them? Why would you want to be with a coward who won’t even show you his face?”
You roll your eyes at Abde as you cradle the fresh bouquet of red roses, searching for a clean vase to place them in. Abde leans against the counter in a sleeveless tank, armband tight against his muscle, watching you search the kitchen cabinets for one until you find a clear one nestled behind some fancy glasses on the top shelf. Groaning at it being too high, you search for your kitchen stool, until you find it at the feet of Abde.
Feet that plant themselves firmly on top of said stool, so when you try to pull it out from under them, it doesn’t budge.
“Abde, please. I need to put these pretties in water or else they’ll die.” He doesn’t budge, still glaring at you, until you yank it out from under him, knocking him off balance and scraping his back against the edge of the countertop as he catches himself on his feet.
“What the fuck was that for? That hurt!” He rubs his back angrily as you roll your eyes again, stepping on the stool and carefully taking out the vase, before stepping back down onto the floor and placing it in the sink to fill it with water.
All this time you held the bouquet gingerly, not wanting to risk crushing the delicate petals by placing them on the countertop or letting Abde get easy access to them lest he try to destroy them.
After filling the vase enough to keep the flowers hydrated but not enough to drown them, you look around the kitchen to find the perfect place to put them.
Of course, it’s where Abde is standing, glaring at you.
You walk over to him and put on a sweet smile.
“Abde, darling, do you mind moving over? I’ve got a special place for them.”
Abde stands still for a moment, before moving aside, still scowling.
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of you and your beloved cariño.” The last word a mockery, he opens the fridge door, taking out an apple and rinsing it, before turning around and leaning on the counter once again.
“You know, if you really wanted flowers, chocolates, or love letters,” he takes a bite, “you could, I don’t know, get into a relationship with someone you know rather than a stranger who fantasizes about you.” Another crunch, this one a little more aggressive.
You furrow your brow. “Fantasize is a weird word, it’s, I don’t know, creepy. And besides, what if it’s someone I do know, but is too shy to say it directly? That’s sweet!”
“Or he’s a coward. A real man who’s in love wouldn’t be afraid to hide it.” With a final crunch, he tosses the apple core into the trash can.
“Well, what if it’s someone we both know? Ooh, like Yamine, or Bilal? They’re both kinda cute and shy. I wouldn’t mind my secret admirer being one of them.” You giggle at the prospect, but Abde narrows his eyes.
“They are not in love with you, okay? They wouldn’t hide behind this secret admirer facade you girls love, because it’s weird.” And because they knew how irrevocably in love he was with you, putting you off limits. Except your secret admirer seemingly didn’t know that.
“And how would you know? Unless you’ve talked about me with them…” you trail off, raising a playful eyebrow at Abde.
But he didn’t like that. One second he was leaning against the counter, the next he’s towering over you, arms trapping your body as they rest on both sides of you on the island, as you lean back in surprise at the reaction and close proximity.  His green eyes are dark with something like…anger? His breath mixing with yours.
“Listen, darling,” his voice is nothing more than a growl. “Whoever this is is up to no good. You can’t see it because you’ve never been in a relationship so you can’t tell when someone actually wants you, or when he’s after something worse. So don’t think for a second that you should keep this going. And don’t even think about it being Bilal or Yamine or anyone else. Understand?”
You're breathing hard, still shocked from Abde’s extreme reaction and the physical cage he’s put you in. You’re still struggling to breathe properly, and it seems more like you’re breathing in Abde than fresh oxygen.
He doesn’t seem to be in any mood to move, eyes still angrily searching your own for an answer. If anything, his grip on the counter strengthens, and he leans a little closer.
His breath tickles your ear when he repeats himself. “Understood?”
A sudden fit of rage overtakes you. Who does he even think he is, telling you what not to accept? So what if you didn't know who was sending you flowers? It's not like Abde ever gave you any. The only time you’d ever received them was from your family when you graduated, so why wouldn’t you want something more with your secret admirer?
You push his chest roughly, now catching him off guard, as you glare back at him. “Who the hell do you think you are? So what if I like the flowers and gifts? It’s not like you ever got me any flowers, so don’t be so jealous and try to play the victim.”
He gapes at your sudden change in mood as you glower, before his cheek twitches and the scowl returns.
“You know what, fine. Enjoy your flowers and chocolates. If there's poison in them, don’t call me from the hospital crying.” You can only glare at his back as he slams the front door shut, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
Well then, his unjustified emotions are not your problem.
You don’t realize you’re trembling slightly as you take in the bloody red flowers, not knowing what was to come next.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
The first red flag is the printed notes.
You wished they were handwritten to give them more of a romantic aura, but they still had such cute words written on them that brought a blush to your cheeks.
“I wish to worship every step, every breath you take.”
“Did the angels themselves gift this Earth with you?”
“Red really brings your beautiful eyes out.”
“That purple dress was crafted just for you.”
You weren’t sure whether the more personalized notes were romantic or stalkerish, but it was most likely because your secret admirer knew you. You’d already crossed Lamine off your list, as he seemed genuinely surprised by the presence of a secret admirer.
A week after the incident with Abde, you came by to watch the Barca boys practice. Everyone except Abde, of course. You were still a little miffed by his anger and opted to be short with the few texts he sent, especially as none of them were an apology for the way he’d talked to you.
Lamine had definitely acknowledged you, pointing at you before practicing his goalscoring skills, winking like the show off he was, before Abde smacked his head, glancing at you before turning around fully so you couldn’t see his face.
If you’d looked to his right, you would’ve seen Gavi and Alejandro glance at each other before looking at you and Abde, Gavi with concern written all over his face and Ale biting his lip.
But you didn't, instead looking over at some of the other players who’d started to pack up, biting your lip to keep yourself from laughing. After all, you were still mad at Abde and didn’t want him to think that this was a sign of forgiveness.
If the idiot even knew he needed to apologize to you.
In the lobby, Lamine, Ale, Abde, Pedri and Gavi came out, half of them shirtless as they were fresh out of the showers, as you waited to greet them.
All except Abde smiled at you, Lamine’s more of a grin until their gazes shifted to the bouquet of lilies you were holding, shifting to various levels of confusion and intrigue.
Lamine smirked. “I didn’t know you knew me so well. Lilies are my favourites.” You rolled your eyes as you showed them off to the boys who all looked intrigued by them save for Abde, whose scowl from before had returned in full force.
“Actually, these are for me. From my secret admirer.” You emphasized the last two words as the boys looked surprised, with Gavi looking even more confused than usual. “Secret admirer? Since when?”
“A few weeks. It’s cute, I’ve gotten such pretty flowers, chocolates, and romantic notes. The angels have apparently gifted the earth with me.” You spread an arm, making a fluttering gesture with your hand, to emphasize yourself as a “blessing”, as Abde scoffed.
You ignored him, of course.
Lamine also brandished his arm, repeating your movements. “It seems your secret admirer understands your blessed beauty.” You both laughed as you smacked his arm, before pushing the doors open to step outside into the gorgeous Barcelona sunset. 
Pedri raised an eyebrow. “So have you figured out who it is yet?” You shook your head. “I don't know, but I think it’s someone I know. Would any of you maybe have a clue…?” You trailed off as the boys looked at each other, before shaking their heads. “No, it’s not any of us. Although if it was Lamine, he’d ask you out directly.” Ale grinned at Lamine, who winked at you.
“But I won't get in the way of you and your secret admirer.” You shook your head, smiling. “Good to know.”
Pedri tapped his foot as you all stood in front of his car, before asking you, “Are the notes handwritten? Maybe you could figure out who it is that way.” But you shook your head fervently. “No, they’re typed. Maybe he can't write cursive but wanted to make them look pretty.”
Ale’s eyes narrowed a little bit. “Isn’t that a little weird? I thought girls liked handwritten notes better.” You shrugged, not being able to offer an explanation.
There was no need to tell him how personal they were getting, like how he knew you wore a purple dress during a night out with your friends last weekend or the red blouse you’d worn with bold matching eye shadow just two days before.
“I hope I find out soon, he seems really romantic and maybe in love with me.” You giggled at the prospect as Pedri rolled his eyes, before squeezing your arm. “Me too, I hope he treats you well.” 
You smiled at him, before saying your goodbyes as you started to head home. It was a 30-minute walk from the stadium, but you loved the route and the fresh air, so you didn’t mind. In fact, you looked forward to these sunset walks, taking in the sights of Barcelona with its flowers and houses and birds and people.
Until you were spun around by a rough hand into the face of Abde. His green eyes were dark with fury, but the gentle hand on your arm suggested it wasn’t at you.
The anger gave way a little for concern as he looked into your eyes. “You shouldn’t be walking home by yourself this late. Let me take you home.” On any other day, you would’ve been touched by his offer and accepted it, but not today.
You tried turning around and walking away, but his grip on your arm tightened forcing you to stay with him.
“Look, I know you’re angry about what I said, and maybe I was too harsh, but there’s no way I’m letting you walk so far in the dark.” You glowered, before standing up a little straighter.
“You know, the one thing I actually want from you is an apology. Do you really think I deserved to be treated like that? So what if I’ve never been in a relationship, that doesn’t wanna you can shit on this!”
He swallowed, looking into your angry eyes, as he considered his next words. “Ok, muñeca, I’m sorry I was angry for something you liked, and I shouldn’t have gotten up close and personal with you the way I did. Will you forgive me and please get in my car?”
You looked at him for a few heartbeats, watching his concern grow at the silence, before sighing. “An apology is an apology, I suppose. But I get the aux.” He smiled brightly at the acceptance, and led you to his car, ready for a possible punishment of excess Taylor Swift. 
As you two pulled away with the lilies resting on your lap and “Wildest Dreams TV” blasting out the speakers, the other boys watched you both until you disappeared into the Barcelona sunset, turning to each other. 
Unbeknownst to you, Lamine had wanted to take you home, but Abde pushed him back, almost making him fall over until Pedri caught him, glaring at him before asking you himself.
Lamine bit his lip, turning back to the boys. “Abde definitely isn’t her secret admirer, he looked like he wanted to rip up those flowers.”
Pedri hummed in agreement, crossing his arms. “I know Abde thinks that whole concept is stupid, especially because I heard him ranting on the phone with someone about it. Apparently, she thought you could’ve been the culprit? He did not like that.”
Lamine’s jaw dropped a little, before grabbing Pedri’s shoulders and shaking them. “What do you mean, she thought it could've been me? Does she want it to be me?”
Pedri shrugged. “She also thought it could've been Abde’s teammate in Morocco Bilal, but he said there’s no way either of you could be it. I think he said she thought it was someone shy and sweet?”
Ale laughed. “Yeah, definitely not Abde. He’s the opposite, like, bold and cocky, especially when it comes to her.”
He punched Lamine in the arm, earning a yelp and a smack in reply. “So don’t try joining in with the ‘secret admirer’ stuff or asking her out at all, if you want Abde to spare your life.” Lamine frowned but nodded “I think I’d rather live than die over a girl I’m not even with. But if she asks me out? It’s a hell yes from me." The last part was said with a wink, which earned him another, harder punch from Ale.
“But seriously guys,” Gavi’s frown deepened even more, if that was somehow possible. “I’m afraid for her. What if she turns out to be this scary stalker? I want her to stay safe.”
Pedri squeezed his shoulder. “She’s always got us to count on if something ever happens. We know Abde would somehow find a way to teleport to her if he needed to.” He laughed at his own joke while Ale rolled his eyes.
Gavi’s frown didn’t go away. “If Abde is so jealous, then why doesn’t he ask her out? It’s so obvious she would say yes.”
Ale responded. “Because Abde’s an oblivious idiot who’s scared to admit he’s in love with her.”
“And of being rejected by her,” Lamine finished.
If it were any other pair, they would have already been together. Late-night texts and calls, the long drives singing along to all types of songs, the scenic walks, the inside jokes, the tight hugs, all of that was something only a couple in love would do.
But the boys were right. Abde was terrified of admitting his feelings, both to himself and to you, and if he wasn’t quick enough, he would lose you in that sense.
He didn’t know that the time was ticking down even faster for him to confess his love to you, because he was about to lose you in a way even worse than love.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
The second red flag is the pastries.
You absolutely adored cafes. The beautifully themed decor, the heavenly scents of baked goods and coffee, and the cozy environment made them your favourite place to study, go out with friends, or with Abde. Although you usually had to drag him to them as they weren't really his scene, but of course he obliged, how could he not? You seemed to come alive in them, glowing in the hazy pink light as had your little photoshoots with the pretty cupcakes, spiced soups, and cute quotes and images sprinkled with cocoa powder on the coffees.
You even made Abde partake in some of the cafe culture, like taking a sip with his pinkie sticking out -“it’s the proper way, how the Brits do it” “only for you muneca”- or holding a muffin up like a trophy. He never admitted it, but he enjoyed watching you smile over the cute pastries and laugh at his goofy antics, and smile even harder when he was the reason.
Usually, though, you would go study there, sometimes with a friend on a study date, and relish the sweet goods. The strawberry muffins and peach cobbler were your favourites, usually paired with a matcha latte or caramel macchiato.
So when the pastries began to show up at your door from your supposed secret admirer, you thought it even cuter that they would go to such lengths to gift you fresh pastries along with fresh flowers, and solidified your prediction that he was someone you knew well.
That was before they started matching your orders from earlier in the day.
At first, it was the usual strawberry muffin or peach cobbler, but when you opened a box of blueberry muffins the rare day you bought one, you realized that maybe this admirer wasn't so innocent after all.
You see, the strawberry muffins and peach cobbler were from the same cafe.
But sometimes, you liked going to the one downtown a little farther from home, where they served these particular blueberry muffins.
It seemed as if the supposed secret admirer was more personal than they should be. It chilled you a little. But considering they knew where you lived, you resolved to suck it up and hope your intuition would be wrong.
You decided to keep it from everyone so they wouldn’t pity you for being deceived by the idea of love, and especially from Abde, so you wouldn’t prove him right.
Oh, how you wish you let someone know of your suspicions.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
The third red flag is the poster of you posted on your door.
You got home a little later than usual from the day’s classes, so you were tired and ready for a cozy night in, not paying attention to your surroundings as you walk up to your door, fumbling with your keys.
You notice a pastry box with pink roses bundled up next to it, and your hands begin to tremble a little as you notice it contains the same cinnamon rolls you ate that morning.
When you look up, you almost scream, jumping away from the door when you see the poster.
It’s a picture of you from that very same day, walking to class in your new blouse. It was the first time you ever wore it, so there was no mistaking the date the photo was taken. Written in large cursive print were the words “My Beloved” in pink, with strawberries drawn on either side.
Before you can fully register the sweet horrors in front of you, you feel something hard hit your head, and everything goes black.
11 notes · View notes
0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Hiii , can u write a smut of abde ezzalzouli x reader. Where they're friends with benefits,♡
this feels so in character for him, i can't decribe it. here it is!!!
Tysm so much for the wonderful request and I hope u enjoy, my love xxx
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0alanasworld0 · 1 year
Hiii can u do smut reader x abde ezzalzouli plss
need a bit more detail than that, my love xxx
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