#a: kinetic elaboration
the-down-upside-finch · 6 months
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It's been waaaaay too long since I've drawn any of the characters from Potentially Kinetic haha--
But anyways, I just felt like doodling Tréma, and then I just kind of ended up drawing Omicron as well.
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For the fic asks: 30 and 33?
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
so many
No but for real, I have had a lingering one on my mind for ages. One of my most popular posts on Tumblr, from six years ago, was a sci-fi AU for Mike x Eleven from Stranger Things. I've had a document open ever since then since and any time I thought I'd work on it... nothing happened. Here's the summary:
Even though Mike knows he’s not the best at video games (like Dustin and Lucas), he’s still super excited about winning the contest to try out the newest virtual reality game, THE UPSIDE DOWN. A gritty, futuristic setting with plenty of action and mystery? His brain can’t even come up with enough story lines for what could potentially happen. But things take a turn once he’s hooked up to the game. Even the smallest injury feels oddly real and he can’t figure out how to log out no matter how much he tries. Then there’s the girl. She looked like just a side character at first but then she interrupts a scene and the game goes haywire. She’s been programmed with the name Eleven and she tells Mike that her step-father, Martin Brenner, is the creator behind the game and that as a punishment for her trying to run away, he’s uploaded her into the game. And Mike’s her only chance of getting herself out and back to reality. With Eleven breaking her coding to speak to him, the game begins to glitch out and as the world around them crumbles, more and more characters begin to turn on the two of them. The stakes become higher and higher as Mike’s chance of injury (or even death) increases, the two of them convinced that anything that happens to Mike here will effect him physically outside the game. It’s going to take a lot more skill than he thinks he has, but Mike doesn’t have much of an option. In order to save himself and Eleven, he needs to win. Or it’s game over.
And it's still an idea that I love, I think I've always just felt deeply that I wouldn't do the story itself justice. The tone never felt right when I tried, the details never came to mind. It plagues me a little bit but I think I've finally comfortably moved on from the fact I'll never write it!
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I feel like I'm good at creating worlds for the characters to exist in, that allows them to feel canon but match the AU setting I've picked! I really love atmosphere, but I'm also pretty picky about how I write the characters. I want everything to feel cohesive, both as a movie, but also that I've plucked the characters out of canon and made them exist believably in the story! And I think I'm pretty good at it!
Ask me a question from this prompt list about writing!
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what does "very kinetic skulls" mean? in reference to the person who asked what a snake is
Ah, great question! Should have elaborated.
That's basically herpetologist speak for "their skulls can move in a lot of different ways." Snake skulls are very stretchy and have a lot of moving parts.
Modern snakes have more elastic, stretchy skulls than primitive snakes, but they're all pretty kinetic. At minimum, a snake's upper and lower jawbones aren't connected, so the snake can move each section of jaw independently from the rest. The quadrate bone (a bone in the jaw joint) is also really loose, so snakes can rotate the jawbones in funky ways. Most snakes can also move the upper palate separately from the jawbones. If you look at a snake skull front-on, you can see a lot of these moving parts:
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The reason for these weird stretchy skulls is so the snake can swallow larger food items. It's one of the essential things that makes a snake a snake!
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phialdudududu · 2 months
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so i read this fic called dance when you're undead by @kinetic-elaboration and i thought it was really neat that clarke had this creepy death-wielding power, similarly to how she is in canon.
the line that inspired this piece:
She watched, unblinking, Clarke in her long dress and her horns and her crown of crooked branches, like knobby skeleton bones, gliding along the forest floor, sneaking up behind one of the hikers and grabbing him by the arms. Are you the devil? he asked her, voice shaking and stuttered. She nosed right up against his ear and whispered, I am death.
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the-wip-project · 1 year
The WIP project - positive thoughts
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Hello writerly friends!
Are you frustrated with your WIP? Is your WIP giving you trouble? Does your story grow uncontrollable? Have your characters gone in a direction they were not supposed to? Is your WIP turning in circles but not going in a definite direction? 
Go to https://the-book-psychic.tumblr.com for a free session of book consultation. 
rattle click swoosh
Sorry about that, you know how it is, advertising is everywhere. 
As you can probably guess by the above nonsense — I’m frustrated with my WIP. And I started to notice a pattern in how I think about my WIP. I’m so negative! All I keep going on and on about is how it sucks, how it will never turn out well, how it’s too convoluted, the characters are either too complicated or too cardboard cut-out.
Doesn’t it get tiring to piss on your own enjoyment, lady?
I read/heard somewhere that negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts and positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts. And I definitely need more positive thoughts here.
So, let’s have some positive thoughts. 
My story has snarky banter that’s so much fun to write. It has a fantasy setting where I can add all sorts of whacky stuff. My main character is a grumpy older woman and I love her so much. My two main characters start on very different mindsets and they will grow with each other. With snarky banter.
Now you. List three positive things about your WIP.
@quilleth, @theoriginalladya, @kmlaney, @coffeewritesfiction, @mareebrittenford, @lilliebellfanfics, @keyboardandquill, @fontainebleau22, @kinetic-elaboration, @wildswrites, @rhikasa, @inkvulture, @heroofshield, @bad-at-names-and-faces, @sabels-small-sphere, @annaofthenorthernlights, @sarahawke
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iamalivenow · 6 months
feel free to elaborate in the tags/comments
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bellarke + tweets about tropes & silly ao3 tags
@bellarke-valentines gift for @kinetic-elaboration
Happy Valentine's Day! 💞💞💞
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Another year of Horror! We hope you enjoy these scary good fics from our talented Tropesters! Make sure to reblog, and leave kudos and comments to show them some love! And don’t forget, if you missed the initial writing deadline you can still submit your fics to our Non-Anon Collection at any time! Thank you all so much for participating in these events!
xoxo, Bailey & Sara
Escape from Bardo Manor by @dark-scape (Rated M) [The 100 — Bellarke] Moodboard
Summary: On Halloween night, Clarke celebrates her birthday with her friends at an elaborate haunted attraction with 6 escape rooms. (Rumor has it the house it's in is actually haunted.)
In Room #1, they have to defeat an army of warriors from inside a crashed spaceship. In Room #2 they're locked inside a bunker in a mountain. Room #3 is when it really starts to get interesting.
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The Tale of Space Station Alpha 114 (Rated T) [The 100 — Bellarke]
Written by @kinetic-elaboration for @probably-voldemort. The four assigned tropes were 1) One Character is an Alien, 2) Kissing to keep Cover/Secret, 3) Handcuffed Together, and 4)Royalty AU
Summary: Sergeant Bellamy Blake, of the Interplanetary Union Guard, and Princess Clarke of Eden, meet on the long-abandoned Space Station Alpha 114 to negotiate Eden's possible admission into the IPU. On the Station, they encounter moonshiners, smugglers, the station's resident mechanic... and something else. Something that should be only legend. An ancient memory from Eden's past that now threatens them both.
the moon that breaks the night (Rated M) [The 100 —Clurphy] Moodboard
Written by @probably-voldemort for @slyth-princess. The four assigned tropes were 1) Urban Legend, 2) Ominous Warning, 3) X-Files AU, and 4) grabbing their hand in the dark for comfort
Summary: Clarke came to the small town of Arkadia for the student loan forgiveness. She never expected to be swept up in a mystery that had plagued the town for the last decade.
Give Me Something I Can Believe (Rated T) [The 100 — Gen (Raven, Octavia, and Murphy] FIC COMING SOON!
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman for @kinetic-elaboration. The four assigned tropes were 1) Fall traditions, 2) All ghouls school, 3) Urban legend, and 4) Things that go bump in the night
Summary: Raven Reyes is a witch. Or so says her crazy grandmother. She had never given it much thought; until the discovery of an amulet that had been lost centuries ago has her waking up in the middle of the night in the woods, that is. When her best friend transforms into a monster on the full moon and the new guy in town makes the hair on her neck stand on end, she starts to question everything she ever believed about Shallow Valley and what lurks in the shadows.
We Found Wonderland (you and I got lost in it) FIC COMING SOON!
Written by @slyth-princess for @thelittlefanpire & @dylanobrienisbatman. The four assigned tropes were 1) Over-the-Top Festive, 2) Mad Scientist, 3) Small Town Gothic, and 4) Third Wheeling
Summary: When Raven unintentionally releases a curse on her usually boring little town of Arkadia, suddenly the festive Halloween carnival goes from spooky fun to a living nightmare. Will Bellamy, Clarke, and crew solve the mystery to save the town or will their fighting get in their way? And for the love of god, can their friends please stop being so couple-y already?
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heartbellamy · 1 year
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Hey everyone, it’s time for Bellarke Creator Shoutout! I know it’s been longer than usual, but after debating about this since the end of last year, I decided to start making this a monthly series (instead of bi-weekly), which means you’ll get one of these at the end of the month from now on. I hope you’ve all been doing okay! This month we had a bunch of Valentine inspired creations, so this round of content will be dedicated to that. I hope you’re in a reading mood, because we have a lot of fic this time! Enjoy! See you in March! 🥰 💗
Getting Together Gifset by @togetherkru
Secretly Dating Gifset by @okmcintyre
First Apartment/House Moodboard by @astridandoddsandends
His Own Language Fic (Rated G, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort and First Dates) by @dark-scape
Idiots In Love Fic (Rated T, Canon Divergence, Love Confessions and Matchmaking) by @skyeward-otp
My Secret Valentine Fic (Rated G, Modern AU, Fluff and Humor) by @who-needs-reality-anyways
Save Your Tears, It'll Be Okay Fic (Rated G, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort and Fluff And Angst) by @bellamyblake
Sea Salt Fic (Rated M, Canon Divergence, Dropship Era Vibes and Getting Together) by @superficialseer
Wonder Fic (Rated G, Modern AU, Fluff and First Kiss) by @kinetic-elaboration
You'd Better Believe It's Right Fic (Rated G, Modern AU, Fluff and Getting Together) by @carrieeve​
Remember to give these works some love to let our creators know how much we appreciate them! And feel free to tag me in any of your Bellarke-related creations! 💖
PREVIOUS SEGMENTS: PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9 | PART 10 | PART 11 | PART 12 | PART 13 | PART 14 | PART 15 | PART 16 | PART 17 | PART 18 | PART 19 | PART 20 | PART 21 | PART 22 | PART 23 | PART 24 | PART 25 | PART 26 | PART 27 | PART 28 | PART 29 | PART 30 | PART 31 | PART 32 | PART 33 | PART 34 | PART 35 | PART 36 | PART 37 | PART 38 | PART 39 | PART 40 | PART 41 | PART 42 | PART 43
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twinhood-2dot0 · 8 months
Tokyo Ghoul
I know I should be finishing Tatsuki Fujimoto, but I spent the whole week reading Tokyo Ghoul, so let’s talk about that.
I really love the premise for Tokyo Ghoul. In the world of Tokyo Ghoul, the Earth is inhabited by “Ghouls”, who are pretty much the exact same as humans, aside for 3 defining factors. Their kakugan (literally “red eye”), kakuhou (“red wrap”), and the fact that they can only eat humans.
Kakugan are, as the name suggests, the red eyes that ghoul’s possess. They usually have eyes that humans have, but they can change it at will, and they activate involuntarily when they’re starving or fighting.
Kakuhou is a sac-like organ that only ghouls possess. They store Rc cells, which provide them nutrition and only ghouls and humans possess them. Ghouls have them in higher concentration than humans. The Rc cells can pierce the skin and form a kagune (“red child”). The kagune is a flexible yet sturdy weapon that all ghouls possess. They can take different forms and can emerge from the shoulder area (“ukaku”), below the shoulder blades (“koukaku”), the waist areas (“rinkaku”) and around the tailbone area (“bikaku”). They all have different fighting capabilities but not getting into that here. It also provides them with tougher skin, increased agility (Ghouls apparently produce 4 to 7 times more kinetic energy than humans)
As previously stated, their nutrition comes from Rc cells, and only humans and ghouls possess it. Other foods are not only inedible, but taste awful too. They can eat ghouls too, but they apparently taste worse, and are much harder to kill than humans, and you know, it’s cannibalism. Cannibals don’t seem to be looked at with as much disdain as human society though. They can also drink coffee. Just coffee. Never explained why.
Do you see why I like the premise so much? It presents us with ghouls, who prey upon humans and are a danger, but wait, they have no choice, oh wait, the protagonist is a ghoul, guess they’re not that bad? But there are still sadistic ghouls so… Oh wait, humans indiscriminately kill ghouls too. Like, you can’t pick sides in this fight. And the manga (emphasis on manga, the anime botched it so horribly even I hate it. Partly because they adapted a 143 chapter manga into a 24 episode anime. That’s like 6 chapters per episode.) makes full use of that, developing every character pretty deeply, humans and ghouls alike. The main reason I hate the anime is not because I have some undying love for TG, but because character development is key in a story with two opposing but morally gray sides. In my opinion, at least. The characters are pretty well written, except for a few LGBTQIA+ characters who are portrayed in a questionable light, yeah it’s so bad I don’t want to elaborate anymore. I also disliked Ken’s development after <significant event near the midpoint of the manga>, like, I don’t like “I want to become stronger so I can protect my friends” kinda character motivation. But okay, whatever, the focus kinda shifted at that point too, so I’m willing to ignore it.
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virtie333 · 2 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by @agent-troi and @randomfoggytiger. Thank you! I needed this diversion today!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (sequel and original trilogy), The X-Files, Triple Frontier (still have a Moon Knight WIP, too!)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Flight 814
Eyes in the Night
Let's Get This Show on the Road
My Best Friend's Weddings
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes I only have the energy for an emoji or two, but I always respond.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I always have happy endings... unless they are a cliffhanger because I was already planning another fic in the series. My craziest cliffhanger was definitely Let's Face the Music and Dance.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? LOL Uhm, probably my happiest ending was Kinetic, because it was the actual ending of The Rise of Skywalker, only elaborated upon (Poe Dameron was on the Millennium Falcon at the end of that movie, dammit!)
Do you get hate on fics?
No hate, thank God. I did get a few people complaining I had tagged Rey/Ben Solo in My Best Friend's Weddings, but I informed them that half of the fics that end up in the Rey/Poe tag are Reylo, so they have nothing to complain about. I was warned that by doing that I would get Reylo hate, and I did not, so that made me happy.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I usually include it in my long fics and the occasional smutty short, but I don't write PWP. My smut is pretty vanilla (one reader called it 'classy,' which made my day), but I do have a little bit of a praise kink myself, so that comes out sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I was fairly well know back in my X-File days, and I think someone would have let me know if they saw my stuff without my name on it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I know I had a few of my X-Files fics translated years ago, and one of my Damerey, Just In Time, thanks to @marieziffer!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I was part of a crazy multi-writer X-File fic way back in the day. We wrote the thing on the fly, taking turns for every chapter. It was on the Delphi Forums X-File site. I have no clue what happened to it, but I know we never finished it!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am going to have to say Damerey, because I've been obsessed with it for over four years now. However, I will always love MSR and Han/Leia, and may yet write for both again someday.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope to God I can finish them all! My Moon Knight is waiting patiently for me to finish this crazy Sequel rewrite, and my angsty Damerey is also always on my mind.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my dialog is very realistic, and I've been told my smut is good, too. LOL
What are your writing weaknesses?
I find when I re-read my stuff that I favor certain phrases and use them a little too often. I also have a hard time writing action, but again, I've been told I do it well, so the struggle is worth it, I guess.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like it, as long as it's minimal. I don't want to have to always look up what things mean and I don't want my readers to, either.
First fandom you wrote for?
Depends. I was writing Star Wars back in Junior High/High School, but nothing anybody ever read. I also wrote for Jack and Jennifer from Days of Our Lives back than. My first 'published' fanfiction was for The X-Files.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
OMG. This is tough. I really love a lot of my stuff ('write what you want to read' is my motto!). I think I'm going to have to go with El Halcón.
Thank you, muchly! No pressure tags for @romanarose, @ivystoryweaver, @melodygatesauthor, @reallyrallyauthor, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @walkawaytall, @phoenix-rising-starbird-one, @diplomaticprincess, @missdictatorme, and whoever else wants to do it (not sure who all has AO3, but you can always skip that part if not!)
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What would Titus’s favorites movie genre? Does he have a favorite movie?
Music: Planet Supreme - They Spoke To Us
Growing up in the Orbital Colonies, Orion 13 Specifically, Titus's entertainment interests have always been War Games. Every year the games are held and hosted at the Crystal Palace. Powerful families like Atreides, Azimuth, and Volkov; to name a few. They bring their children and they connect into a deep dive simulation of Celestial Conquest. Simulating large scale battles with their most advanced tech. Battle Cruisers firing energy cannons and kinetic weapon systems blitzing through the vacuum of space.
If you've ever read Red Rising, a novel by Pierce Brown, the series has a depiction of galactic war much like this. It would also be a good comparison for reference.
So the question, what is his favorite movie genre? Movies about grand scale battles and the feats performed within. Particularly in space. Something along the lines of Mass Effect meets EVE Online.
The movies are essentially scrolled footage of previous War Games or dramatic recreations of them. These simulations include civilians. The players must choose how to deal with them, how to help or oppress them. Whatever tactics they choose to employ in order to achieve victory. While some families like Azimuth are known for their more altruistic approach, Atreides is known for oppression. Other families have other means of victory but Atreides has a history of conquest through dominance. It's these victories in the last 9 War Games that have secured their position as the most powerful family in the Orbital Colonies.
Titus has a fascination with conquest and heroic feats. The Atreides genetics at work. However; something that his family never noticed, aside from his sister, Artemis, is that he tends to sympathize with the commoners in these movies and games. Titus himself as won 4 out of the last 9 war games, his brother Pax having won the other most recent 5.
Titus won his through collaborative effort with the civilians aboard the enemy frigates and colonies, enacting similar tactics as Darrow in Morning Star, the second book of the Red Rising series. Link provided
I know that was a long winded answer but I don't get to elaborate on Titus's life much, so I apologize, I do not apologize.
As for his favorite movie, Prometheus.
A movie about many things, but I'll touch on the parts that make it special to him.
The subject of pre-human intelligent life, aliens, and inter-planetary travel. Architects of an advanced civilization leading early man into a new age.
Something to be said about this, is that after seeing this movie, Titus stopped thinking so much about winning War Games, and began to look even further away from Earth. Deeper into the stars, towards Jupiter's moon, Europa. Where Orbital Colonies Pisces 4 and Ursa 9 sent expeditions to establish moon colonies. He thinks about how he wants to be part of the first intelligent life on a planet. Earth isn't enough, its already there. He wants something new.
However; after our "Cosmic Angel" fell from grace, he has to worry more about how he'll handle this new hand in life. Will he return to the stars, or will he conquest assist Night City?
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Thank you!!
While it was increasingly becoming a tempting option, one that he could imagine with ease, Bellamy also couldn’t shake a restlessness that he wasn’t quite done with life in Polis quite yet.
For every “🌹” received in my inbox I’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP I'm currently writing.
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intrasport · 8 months
well i don’t like putting up songs against eachother especially inter-albumly (does so anyways) but the random Listening To Hells Itch thought rn is that i think i like Hells Itch more than the longer songs on Petrodragon??..
well maybe that’s a little misleading. however. which is to say that it’s the specific “this song is really long and has multiple parts” but of course there are different approaches to the structures between these songs for they are different genres and processes to construct them and everything. but i guess it’s the more StraightToThePoint listening experience processing of “how fun is it to sit through this song” and “is it catchy in general” and just how satisfying it is really…
i really really love all the intricacies in hells itch in it’s jams and like, specific riffs idk, and how it is such a BUILDUP song. there’s something about the instrumentation that seems so lighthearted but the juxtaposition with the lyrics makes itReally Funny. but even the instrumentation itself is inherently a little anxious and frantic as well (biased). and then you get to that 10:39 mark and Well holy fuck guys ^_^;; (BIASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
but i mean you can argue some songs on petro are buildup songs too. you can argue anything. music is subjective. Ok but i will still elaborate my perspective. like dragon is definitely Long and Buildup but Lol i think i think it’s not as satisfying a long song like a “there are bits of this i could do without, i’ll still listen to it and enjoy it (because i love every gizzard song at the end of the day for i am just like this), but it’s just not as interesting i guess.”
and idk maybe gizzard long songs aren’t my favorite thing and that’s just how it is. like i’ll listen to henchlock by thee oh sees 3 times in a row and that songs like 22 minutes. this is a needless comparison. so are shorter or medium sized gizz songs my preference? no but castlemania oh sees is my favorite album ever and the incredibly short length of those songs is executed sowell Where am i going with this.
oh my god hells itch. no i think i just wanted to say that like listening to it has the same kinetic feel of like a flowers roots digging and expanding or like a more fitting simile would be like veins under the skin and the constant stream and flow pathway of blood thruout the body and it’s very creepy. Well I don’t know i think i just like it guys.
and i LOVE petrodragon like it’s so fucking cool and i listen to it in full a lot and front to back it’s so like hell yeah coolness. but it’s just different experiences i guess. and there is something significant about hells itch listening experience. but whatever. tomorrow i could wake up and listen to flamethrower and be like Oh Right this is actually the best thing they’ve ever done. itsliterslly just how i am with these things.
yeha but whatever hells itch has the only time in gizz discography where they use “fuck[ing]” as an adjective and Well myGod. it does feels so fucking good doesn’t it? yuo mothercfucker?
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phialdudududu · 2 months
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i made this fanart for @kinetic-elaboration's fic summer of the not-quite-seen, which is a oneshot about jasper, monty, and octavia fooling around and going cryptid-hunting. it's so so well-written, and i'll definitely reread it a lot! you guys should check it out!
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the-wip-project · 1 year
The WIP Project 2023
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Hello writerly friends!
Let's get started. 
One thing I want to do for this time around is to get us away from the wordcounts. Let's have some gentle writing.
Writing isn't all about the words we type. Sometimes it's about notes we scribble, mind maps and pictures we draw, and sometimes it's even editing existing words, where we delete and add words to make the story flow. I know that Camp NaNoWriMo is about wordcounts again, but I hope you won't put so much pressure on yourself. My advice would be that you set a small goal and give yourself the space and time to let your story grow. 
As we approach the April Camp, let's gently get into the mood and habit of working on our WIPs. I'll have a few inspirations for you, some advice, some questions. I hope you'll tell us about your WIP and if you have questions, problems, complaints, write about it. Make a post, chat on discord. https://discord.gg/mve7QSRfDm
I think it's also important to refill the creative well. That means experiencing things, art, stories, life. These things are just as important as the writing itself. I want that to be part of our writing life too.
Without wordcounts to note, we might feel like we do nothing, which is the opposite of what I want. To have some visual representation, I made a calendar for you. You can, of course, use another or make your own, I made this one in canva.com. 
I called it "Writing docket" and you can find it here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1c2Mrjo6VUYv5qIEMkteiqYE5NqcMNroh?usp=sharing
You can print this calendar (there's a pdf) or use it digitally (there's a png). I want you to make two kinds of check marks or stars for each day. One for "worked on the WIP", no matter what exactly it was, and another for "refilled the creative well" (I added the star graphics in the folder if you want to use those digitally as checkmarks).
One check mark for working on the WIP, one for experiencing something (yes, watching a TV show counts). Don't worry about wordcounts, but let's make writing a fun thing we do almost every day and let's also enjoy life and art.
Taglist: @quilleth, @theoriginalladya, @kmlaney, @coffeewritesfiction, @mareebrittenford, @lilliebellfanfics, @keyboardandquill, @fontainebleau22, @kinetic-elaboration, @wildswritesites, @rhikasa, @inkvulture
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