#a softness beyond the accent and the rugged manliness
rainymoodlet · 1 year
🔥👂 for dan and 😍💐 for dal!!
awhh laur!! 🥺 thank you so much for these! and thank you for askin about my baby dallas dfkhd i appreciate the opportunity to let me braindump hehehe
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follow me under the cut!
🔥 over here!!😘 
👂 does your oc have an attractive voice?
hell, i like to think so!! 😳 dan's voice lives rent-free in my head: while writing him, i legitimately imagine actual audio to go along with every word so i can figure out his cadence. his voice is deep and warm, a combination of southern and midwestern charm - i haven't found the perfect match, tbh. i can give you summations?
he's got the baritone depth of a young sam elliott (he's got them big lungs and a deep, cavernous chest this man resonates) but more of the accent of arthur morgan (without the gruff) - then just listen to all of johnny cash's "ghost riders in the sky" and you have an idea of what i hear dkhfkfh
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😍 what does your oc find irresistible in others?
being married, it seems. dfsdhffk dallas is actually quite a free-spirit: they're not interested in relationships beyond them forming naturally. they seek out people who are interesting, who engage with them when they talk, who carry an aura of unapologetic "i'm hot and you know it" kind of energy - they also like sweethearts who blush when they smile their way, or the nervous kinds whose hands shake on their knees while they give them lapdances.
basically, dallas is attracted to people who make them feel powerful, safe, and altogether worshipped~
💐 what is their courting style? how would they woo someone?
dallas is definitely the "clear your schedule because i'm taking you out" type, regardless of their partner's gender! when they do find they're attracted to somebody, they will do everything in their power to lay down the strongest and most obvious signs possible. obnoxious compliments, physical affection, the works - dallas will take you to movies and put their arm around you, will walk through the grocery store hand-in-hand before you've made anything official: very much a "this is mine even if we aren't official yet" kinda sim.
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ragewerthers · 5 years
Happy Endings
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Summary:  It's everything Gladio could've wanted. Love... romance... but will there be a happy ending?
A/n: This was a quickly inspired fic and was an absolutely ridiculous idea I wanted to write out before it got stuck in my head for ages!  It’s written for it’s silliness and I hope it can get a laugh or a smile!
You can also find it on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18126737
Word Count: 1709
Summer of 1898, Insomnia Manor:
The nickering of the horses within the stables had always been calming to Gladiolus.  Being raised a stable hand for the Royal Family suited him perfectly.  He couldn’t imagine being one of the royal or elite up in their towers of gold and forced to mask their emotions and intentions behind fake smiles and large purses.  Give him a good hard days work anytime over a stuffy gala.
However, while he rebelled at the idea of a life of unearned leisure there was one leisure of which he yearned.
Ignis Scientia.
Advisor to the crowned Prince of Lucis and one of the most gorgeous creatures to walk the streets of this city, Ignis was a treasure beyond mortal worth to the stable hand.
The first time he’d ever laid eyes on the man he’d been standing at the head of the carriage, checking the fastenings of the harness once more as the Prince and his Advisor stepped into the cab.
Amber eyes met verdigris green and it felt like the earth shook beneath his feet.
While Gladio was all tanned, strong muscle that rippled with every movement, Ignis was refined and accurate to an almost sharp precision.  His tall frame leading more to agile movements that made the stable hand ache to see him in actions that were anything but proper.
It all started simply enough.  Tossing the man a confident smile or a cheeky wink here and there only got him quickly rebuffed, the Advisor all but turning his nose up at the man and ignoring him in favour of chasing after his young protege.
This didn’t deter the stable hand.
Little notes found their way into the Advisors hand as Gladio held the coach door open and offered his hand to help the bespectacled man inside. The first few were quickly returned.
Then they were tossed out the cab window as they made their way down the path leading to the street.
Then… they were kept.
And soon little notes began to find their way into Gladio’s hands as well.
Chuckling to himself as he thought over the past few months, Gladio stood next to the manors prized Grey Stallion, Nyx, brushing out his coat as he cooled down from the recent return of a months trip of the royal family and their entourage to the lush lands of Leide.
“If you didn’t keep trying to show off to the pretty mares you wouldn’t get worked up like this and spatter mud all over yourself,” Gladio chided the stallion who only snorted and stomped his hoof just a little too close to Gladio’s foot.
An answering whicker of a laugh made its presence known behind him and he narrowed his eyes as he turned around to see the white gelding that was Nyx’s harness mate, staring at him with haughty disapproval.
“Don’t you egg him on, Ravus.  You’re just as bad at showing off,” Gladio warned, turning back around only to hear his tack box of brushes being overturned, followed by a snort of derision.
“Am I interrupting something?” a clear, posh voice asked from the end of the stables aisleway.
Instantly glancing up, Gladio caught the sight of his beloved, his heart beating faster in his broad chest.
As the notes had passed between them all those months ago, something had sparked and then grown into a flame that refused to be quenched.
With every look shared between them the flames were fanned and a heat grew and grew until they thought they would both combust from it.
Neither had acted upon the desire that swept them both up, but now… in this moment after being away from each other for so long… the need was too strong.
Gladio moved forward quickly, dropping the curry comb he’d been using into a pile of straw near Nyx’s stall.
Ignis walked forward with equal fervor, the fire of desire burning bright in his eyes as he took in the tall and robust figure in front of him.
Gladio’s hair was undone and fell in waves over his shoulders, his shirt open against his sweat soaked chest to help with the heat of the summer, but it also revealed the defined muscle beneath.
Ignis was all legs and angles, but his broad shoulders tapered down into a lithe waist that Gladio ached to get his hands on.  The advisor wore a white shirt beneath a pressed vest and slacks.  Gladio wanted nothing more than to get to the gorgeous and pale skin he knew lay underneath for him to claim with lips, teeth and tongue.
In an instant, Gladio had swept Ignis up in his strong, muscled arms, strong hands sweeping up to cradle the back of his head as he brought his lips to the other mans in a deep and fervent kiss.
A gasp of want and need escaped the proper young Tenebrean and his hands came up to fist in Gladio’s luscious hair, a growl rumbling in the toned chest of the stable hand.
“Gods, how long I’ve wanted this,” Ignis gasped, turning his head to the side as Gladio ravaged his neck with nips and kisses, his tongue tasting over his pulsepoint before nipping at it lightly.
“Gods, how long I’ve wanted you,” Gladio growled against the sensitive skin, eliciting a shiver from the other man and only kindling the fire that had completely overtaken the both of them.
Gladio’s hands reached down to squeeze at the Advisors arse, before hoisting him up with his hands under his thighs.
Ignis was quick to submit, legs wrapping around Gladio’s strong and muscled torso, the movement helping to undo buttons that were hardly being held into place and letting the stable hands muscles be put on full display for Ignis to see.
“I need you, Ignis,” Gladio groaned against his mouth as he carried him towards the feed room, settling him in a bed of straw as he began to undo the vest and buttons of the other shirt. “Oh.. oh yes… b-but, Gladio... wh-what… unnnh… what about the horses?”
Gladio, who had been kissing a path down Ignis’s exposed chest and stomach toward the growing bulge in his pants paused and looked up at him with amber eyes that shined like refined aged whiskey.
“Let them watch.”
“OH!  Ooooh~...”
“Gladiolus have you heard a word of what I just said?”
“Hu-wha?” Gladio asked, snapping his head up from his newest purchase from the bookstore down the street from Ignis’s apartment.  It claimed to be the story of a romance that could span centuries with a heat unlike any other.  How could he say no to that?
Ignis was stood in front of him, arms crossed and looking over the Shield with an amused and exasperated look.
“Um… yeah?” Gladio said, his cheeks darkening slightly as he slowly closed the book and attempted to hide it under a nearby sofa cushion… in full view of the man he was trying to hide it from.
Rolling his eyes Ignis quickly snatched the book from his partner and looked over the cover, a smile threatening to break over his lips.
“Oh, love.  I thought you were done reading this filth.  ‘The Stallion of the Stable’?  Really?” Ignis teased, looking over the cover which showed a man who was far too oiled holding a woman with her bosoms only just being held into her dress, looking as if she was going to faint into a pile of straw.  “I feel dirty even holding this.”
“Hey!  There’s some good writing in these!” Gladio grumbled back as he swiped the book from Ignis’s giving hands.  “It’s a really good story about a man who falls in love with someone who is out of his reach, but their love is so strong they still find a way to be together.  How is that filth?!”  Would Gladio defend his book to the last?  Absolutely.  Would he ever admit that he’d inserted himself and Ignis into the starring roles?
This time Ignis did smile and he couldn’t suppress a chuckle.
“With the amount of attention you give those books it’s amazing I don’t get jealous.  Should I act as some of those women then to get your attentions?” he teased, eyes sparkling with mischief.  In an instant, Ignis had his wrist pressed to his forehead, walking closer to a kitchen chair nearby and leaning against it.
“Oh my stars!  I am so overwhelmed by your manly manness of manliness!” he swooned, putting on his best southern accent which sounded more like he was drunk then anything else.  “How am I… a dainty thing as I am… supposed to think when I have such a rough and rugged stallion so near-no G-GLADIO!  G-Get your hahaha-hands off mehehe!”
Gladio was a patient man, but even he could only take so much teasing and had rushed the poor Advisor, sweeping him up into his arms and tickling the daylights out of him.  Poor Ignis was only able to snort and laugh wildly as he batted ineffectually at the hands attacking his sides and stomach.
“What was that, Iggy?  You makin’ fun of me?” Gladio teased as he nuzzled his scruff against Ignis’s neck and earned himself a renewed round of ridiculous giggling.
“St-stahahap!  Stop I’m.. Ihihi-I’m sorry!” he squealed before Gladio finally relented and swept the man up into his arms bridal style, surprising the hell out of Ignis who found himself laughing for a whole other reason now.  Ducking down quickly, the Shield easily stole the last of the giggles from Ignis’s lips and soon both were smiling too much to carry on.
“You’re such a nuisance,” Gladio chuckled as Ignis wound his arms around his neck and pressed a few more soft kisses against his jaw, making him hum happily at the attention.
“Yes, but it gives me the results I wanted.  Do I have your attention now?” Ignis purred playfully.
“Definitely,” Gladio murmured in return, pressing a more heated kiss back against Ignis’s lips as he slowly began to make his way down the hall to their bedroom.
Even if he didn’t finish his book tonight… there was still a happy ending in his future.
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architectnews · 4 years
Mosman White House, Sydney
Mosman White House in Sydney, NSW Luxury Villa, Australian Residence, Architecture Photos
Mosman White House in Sydney
16 Nov 2020
Mosman White House
Design: Mathieson Architects
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Mosman White House is located on the slopes of Mosman above Chinaman’s Beach, this three level house overlooks Sydney Harbour’s North Head and the Pacific Ocean beyond.
Set on a steeply sloping site, the house is largely concealed from the street and is carefully designed around the sculptural form of a large Angophora tree.
The principal living spaces open to generous covered terraces and the views beyond. Blackened steel brise soleil are set within deep openings in expanses of white. Smaller apertures provide framed vignettes of the surrounding garden.
Plastered walls, terrazzo floors, silk rugs and Carrara marble, all in shades of white, capture light and shadow. Strong accents of black create moments of contrast. An internal stair is deliberately darkened to counterpoint the lightness of the house and to refocus the senses to the framed external harbour views.
A basalt lined swimming pool is set within a private oasis of green.
Engaged to Develop this Home We began the journey of working with our clients at the beginning of 2016. The clients’ son had initially found the site (the day before auction) and encouraged his parents to buy the property. He was also familiar with our studio and the clients approached us after the family had seen one of our other projects in Mosman. Like many of our projects we approached the design in a wholistic manner and encompassed the architecture, interiors and furniture, including custom designed joinery and soft furnishings.
How long did the project take? The project spanned three years from initial engagement until the client move in. The prolonged duration of the project was due to the difficult nature of the site, obtaining planning approval through a complicated council process, and meticulous on-site construction.
The Brief Our clients came to us with a detailed brief to draw out the challenging site’s utmost potential for maximising views across the harbour while accommodating spacious light-filled family home.
The key objectives of the brief included: – Maximised visual access to the harbour views while retaining a high level of privacy. – Spacious interior environments that capture the movement of light throughout the day. – A serene refuge to escape from the city. – Open kitchen (with a view) to cook and entertain within and concealed butler’s pantry. – 4 bedrooms/en-suites. – Private garden and pool. – Gym/Wellness room – Environments for privacy and entertainment
What sort of mood did you want to create? Light, calm, and quiet with moments of darker contrast.
And how did you marry this with ensuring each space was functional? Ordered planning, generous proportions and natural light ensure each space is designed to be functional and beautiful.
How important was incorporating natural light and what did you do to enhance or soften it? Natural light is evident throughout the house and used to emphasise proportion and distil a sense of calmness. The exception is the internal stair which is deliberately darkened. This counterpoint to lightness throughout prompts a heighten experience moving between the spaces and refocuses the visual connection to the framed external views.
Can you briefly describe the colour palette and the decision behind it? The colour palette throughout the house is largely shades of white to capture light and shadow, with accents of black to create moments of contrast and definition of space.
What were your first impressions of the property? The property was unusual for this area of Sydney as it was vacant with no prior built structures on the land. From the initial site visit, it became immediately clear the site had an inherent potential for creating a special family home.
Could you describe the location and view? The elevated site faces east with beautiful views over the harbour towards the heads and the ocean beyond. The outlook takes in the bay of Chinamans Beach below, across to Manly, and around to Middle Harbour and Clontarf.
Were there any significant challenges, and if so, how does the design remedy them? The steep nature of the site and existing Angophora tree presented significant challenges but also an opportunity for crafting a design response that is undoubtedly site-specific. The design outcome responds to the site through located specific internal environments across three levels. Social spaces to the top and ground floor with private spaces positioned within the middle layers of the residence. The floor plan of the house is notched around the existing tree with large windows to allow light to flood inside and framed views of the private garden below.
Could you briefly explain how you collaborated with other creatives on this project? We worked closely with Will Dangar on the garden design. The landscape focused particularly on the angophora tree, the lawn and swimming pool.
How did you create a sense of flow throughout? From the moment you enter, the internal planning focuses the eye towards a framed view across the harbour, a spatial theme continued throughout the residence. The Internal spaces are anchored around a central volume containing the vertical circulation which included a lift and stair.
What approach did you take when selecting materials? To create a calm atmosphere a concise and restrained material palette of predominately durable natural materials was selected, which is a common theme of design thinking for the studio. White terrazzo floors, dark stained oak, pale plastered walls, Carrara marble, white and dark stained sandblasted oak are used inside and out.
The simple forms of the fixtures and fittings in brushed metal and concealed fittings complement the selected materials.
How have you connected the interiors to the outdoors? balcony spaces. Smaller apertures throughout frame the vignettes of the garden and environment beyond. Detailing of the windows to visually conceal frames and the use of slim window profiles enables an uninterrupted connection to the surrounding environment.
Did anything stand out to you as very special? Anything filled with unique potential?
The challenging nature of the site, due to it steeply falling away from street level towards the harbour was seen as an opportunity to create layers of living zones and visually conceal the majority of the residence from street view. An existing mature Angophora tree located in the upper part of the site was retained becoming a part of the site-specific design challenge.
Specific details:
Living Room Terrazzo floors Hand knotted artsilk rug Custom designed/made Sofa Custom designed/made Coffee table Christian Liaigre Mandarin Chairs Custom designed/made Daybed Kevin Reilly Lamps
Dining Room Terrazzo floor Custom designed/made Dining Table (bronze coloured frame, Pietra Grey marble top) Molteni Chelsea Dining Chair Custom design/made credenza (dark stained oak and limewashed elm timber)
Kitchen The kitchen space is defined as a white volume with a central elongated island bench formed by a black steel frame and honed granite benchtop. Joinery below the bench is finished in limewashed elmwood to introduce a soft contrast to the graphic language.
Balconies The balconies to the front facade extend the spatial area of the living rooms and master bedroom and strengthen the connection to the surrounding landscape. A fireplace with a black granite hearth is provided for cooler evenings, while an insect screen lowers against the balustrades to provide a comfortable environment for year-round use.
Circulation The central circulation volume acts as a darker and visually restrained counterpoint within the residence. The dark stained oak stair is softly lit from a single recessed trough of light to one side to reset the senses.
Master Bedroom Hand knotted artsilk carpet Custom designed/made bedhead and bedside tables from white-washed wire brushed American Ash Viabizzuno Roy bedside lamps White-washed wire brushed American Ash robes
Master Ensuite Terrazzo floor Slab Carrara marble walls White-washed wire brushed American Ash vanity with custom carrara marble twin basins Suspended twin mirrors with wire brushed oak frames Brushed stainless steel fixtures and fittings Kaldewei bath
Powder room Terrazzo floor Suspended Carrara marble vanity and custom basin Brushed stainless steel tapware Suspended mirror with black stained oak frame
How would you describe the architectural and interior style? The architecture, interiors, and furniture were designed through the lens of modernist principles, establishing a timeless and light-filled residence. Light, proportion, materiality, and subtle details are utilized throughout the residence to create a sense of understated luxury.
There’s lots of clean, open white space. What was the reason behind this? The ordered spaces throughout this family home are designed as internal envelopes to capture the subtlety of changing light and evoke a sense of calm. To achieve this atmosphere a minimal material palette is used throughout. Accents of dark stained timber and bespoke joinery elements allow for moments of contrast. Luxury in architecture is created through simplicity and clean spaces to enjoy uninterrupted views of the landscape.
Mosman White House – Building Information
Architects & Interior Architects: Mathieson Architects
Engineering Consultancy: Partridge
Completion date: 2020 Building levels: 3
Photographer: Romello Pereira
Mosman White House images / information received 161120
Taronga Institute of Science and Learning
Location: Mosman, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Architecture in Sydney
Contemporary New South Wales Buildings
Sydney Architecture News
Sydney Houses
The Brass House, Newcastle, New South Wales Architects: anthrosite photo : Jon Reid Contemporary House in Newcastle, NSW
NSW Properties
Sovereign Houses, Sylvania Architects: Tony Owen Partners photo : John Gollings Sovereign Houses in Sylvania
Sydney Architect Studios
Sydney Architecture
Australian Architecture
Australian Houses
Comments / photos for the Mosman White House page welcome
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queensoybean0724 · 7 years
Better Late Than Never (Captain Boomerang/Reader fic)
Title: Better Late Than Never
Fandom: Suicide Squad
Rating: NC-17 for hardcore sex and language
Summary: you haven’t seen your boyfriend, George Harkness, in three months. After robbing a bank a few towns over, he leaves without a word...
You placed the last dirty plate into the dishwasher and kicked the door shut with your foot.  The clock on the microwave read 10:45pm.  Thank God it was a Friday.  You didn’t have to work on the weekends and could stay up as late as you wanted.  But for some weird reason, you were so tired from the hustle and bustle at your job earlier in the day.  Not even the promise of the next two days off could give you the energy to stay up later.
A soft meow brought your attention towards the floor.  Your cat sat wiggling his tail in front of the pantry door.
 “You want a treat?” you asked, to which he meowed again and stood up straight.  He knew what that word meant.  You giggled as you opened the door to retrieve the tiny package of cat treats.  He brushed against your leg as you leaned down and placed a few pieces on the kitchen floor.  You watched with a smile as he gobbled them down.
 “You like it?” you asked in a sweet voice as you placed the package back in the pantry and closed the door.
 A huge, tall figure stood off to the side, momentarily hidden by the open pantry door.  You jumped back and screamed.
 George Harkness, also known as Captain Boomerang, tossed his head back and laughed loudly.  The momentary fear quickly turned to shock as you looked up at your boyfriend.
 “George?!” you whispered, not quite believing he was standing there.  It had been three months since you had seen him last.  He had robbed a bank a few towns away and quickly packed his shit to leave town before the authorities found him.  No note, no goodbye, no nothing.
 “Sorry, doll,” he drawled in his thick Australian accent, “I didn’t mean to startle ya!”  The shock you felt at seeing him switched to pure anger.  You clenched your jaw and balled your fists at your sides.
 “You fucking asshole!” you yelled, shoving your hands into his chest.  George faltered backwards a step or two, his cocky grin still on his face.
 “Come on, dahlin’,” he said, reaching out for your wrist, “don’t ya have a kiss for meh?  I’ve been gone for so long…”
 If looks could kill, he would have lost his head. Seeing him again definitely sparked the usual feelings of joy, happiness, and arousal…but his disappearing act had hurt you so badly.  You had waited day after day for him to come back.  Maybe even a postcard saying he was okay.  For all you knew, he was dead.
 “I haven’t seen you in almost four months!” you snarled, pushing past him.  You shoved your shoulder into his side, the movement knocking him into the wall.
 “Whoa, whoa, babe!  Hey!” George called after you as you walked into the living room.  You grabbed your water bottle from the coffee table.
 “Where the fuck did you go?!” you asked, whirling around to face him.  George’s face no longer held its playful smirk and glinting eyes.  He could tell you were furious.
 “Doll…” George reasoned, taking a step closer to you, “I had to take off.  I could’ve been arrested and put back in jail!  What do you suggest I shoulda done?”
 “NOT ROB A FUCKING BANK!!” you roared, throwing the water bottle past his head and against the wall.
 “Jesus!!” he bellowed, ducking away from the water that splashed from the bottle, “what the fuck?!?!”  You were ready to beat the shit out of him.  He obviously had no idea how much he meant to you.  You lived for every moment you got to spend with him. Even though he was crass, vulgar, and could be disgusting, he treated you like gold and took good care of you. You didn’t care for his choice of “employment” as he called it, but he always showered you with diamonds and gorgeous jewelry.  And as far as your and his compatibility in the bedroom…  The two of you fucked like rabbits every chance you got.  He was never shy about bluntly telling you what he wanted to do to you and you relished those moments when he put his money where his mouth was and executed those promises deliciously.
 “Look, I’m exhausted.  I’m going to bed.  You can sleep on the fucking couch!” you spat, moving to your room and slamming the door shut.
 George stood there looking at the door as your cat walked up, purring, and started to brush against his leg.  He looked down at the cat before picking him up.
 “At least someone’s glad to see meh…”
  Despite your intense fatigue, you could not fall asleep.  You tossed and turned, trying desperately to find a comfortable position and drift off to sleep.  The situation in your living room would not let you slip into unconsciousness.
 God, he still looks good, you thought to yourself as you rolled onto your back, looking up at the ceiling. The soft light from the streetlamp slid between the blinds and provided the smallest amount of sight.  You chewed on your bottom lip as you remembered his huge body standing tall over you.  
 His beard was still thick and full.  You moaned remembering how good it used to feel tickling the inside of your thighs as he peppered kisses up and down your legs. His grip was strong when he would take your wrists and pin them over your head.  And that firm ass of his was so tight when you sunk your fingers into it and pulled him deeper inside of you.
 “Ugh!!” you breathed in defeat, throwing the covers off of your body and standing from the bed.  Now you were fully turned on.  The man you loved and desired was in the next room.  You hadn’t had sex since he left and you were aching for him.  You walked over and opened the door.
 The rest of the house was dark but your eyes found the couch on the other side of the room.  George’s leg was slung up over the top part of the couch.  One hand was behind his head as the other hand rested on his stomach.  You could tell from his deep breathing that he was asleep.
 You walked over to him and lifted your foot, gently nudging his hip.  He moaned in his sleep, shifting slightly before going still again.  You nudged harder, his body moving back and forth. He awoke with a start, looking around wildly before seeing you standing over him.
 “Come to bed with me,” you murmured, reaching your hand out to him.
 “Wha?” he asked, looking up at you suspiciously.
 You huffed impatiently.  “Do you wanna fuck or not??”
 George lay there shocked momentarily before swiftly sitting up. “Hell yeah!” he smiled, standing up quickly and grabbing you.  He threw your body over his shoulder and marched into your room.
 You squealed and laughed as you softly pummeled his back with your fists.  George laughed loudly before surprising you with a meaty hand coming down hard on your ass.
 “AAHHHH!” you squealed, lifting your head up as he carried you to the bed.  He leaned forward and tossed you onto your back in the midst of the tangled sheets and comforter.  You crawled backwards as you watched George remove his tracksuit jacket and undershirt. The hair on his chest and stomach screamed rugged and manly and you could not wait for your legs to wrap around that strong body.
 George lunged for you, taking your pajama pants and pulling them down your legs.  His eyes widened when he noticed that you weren’t wearing panties.
 “You’re gonna kill me, you know that, love?” he chuckled as you sat up and removed your shirt.  He quickly spread your legs and crawled up onto the bed.
 “You have a lot to make up for, Captain…” you teased, pushing your foot into his chest, stopping him where he was.  He grinned, his eyes glinting mischievously as he brought your foot up to his mouth, gently sucking on your toes.
 “Oh, shit…” you moaned, tilting your head back.  Goose bumps erupted up your body as you felt George’s mouth kiss along your calf and to your knee.  He lifted your leg higher up in the air, tracing his tongue on the underside of your knee.  You were beyond wet.  Lifting your head, you watched as he kissed down your inner thigh, stopping to hover over your pussy.
 “How ‘bout I staht with an Australian kiss?” George moaned, lightly blowing on your clit.
 You moaned loudly.  “Is that a kiss but only down under?” you giggled, moving your right hand to the back of his head.
 “Precisely, dahlin’…” he grinned before closing his mouth over your cunt.  You moaned loudly, arching your back clean off the bed.  His tongue lapped at your tender clit as your hips rolled up to meet his face.  Both of his hands looped under your thighs and around to your hips, anchoring you to the bed.
 “Fuck…oh my God…George…fuck yes…uh…uh…” you whimpered, digging your fingers deeper into his scalp.  Your other hand gripped the bed sheets tightly as your stomach fluttered. His tongue slid up and down and around in circles over your most sensitive spot before moving down to shove it inside your entrance.  Your mind was spinning, getting drunk off of his ministrations.
 Your eyes widened as his arms went around your waist. He rolled onto his back, taking you with him, making you sit on his face.  “George!!!” you squealed, sitting up straight, your hair falling along your shoulders.  Your thighs trembled on either side of his face as you looked down at him.  His eyes were focused on yours, his mouth curved upwards in a knowing smile as his tongue tickled your clit.  
 As his fingers sunk deeper into your hips, keeping you anchored over his face, you leaned back, turning your head.  His cock stood hard and turgid, droplets of pre cum forming on the tip.  You licked your lips, spit on your hand, and reached back to grip his length.  His loud moans reverberated up your body as you jerked him off.
 “Mmmmm…mmmmm….mmmmmm…” he growled and groaned, closing his lips over your clit, sucking hard.  You screamed and wiggled, the motions making the act tickle.  Your whole body shuddered as you gently squeezed his shaft, making sure he didn’t cum.
 “Fuck…”  His muffled expletive made you smirk in triumph.  “Baby…jerk me off, love…make me cum for you…”
 You pushed yourself up on your knees and wriggled down his body.  His hands immediately shot up to your breasts, pinching them hard.  George loved bestowing you with pain as well as pleasure.  You whimpered as you shimmied down to his cock and swiftly sunk your cunt down, completely taking him inside of you.
 “Oh, fuck!!!” George growled, his jaw clenched as he dug his head back into the sheets, “…that’s it…ride me…oh, yeah, you’re such a good girl…”
 You swiveled your hips and clenched your pussy walls around his cock, milking every inch of him inside of you.  He grunted and groaned as you bounced on top of him. Your moans and cries of pleasure mixed with his in your dark bedroom.
 “Cum with me, George…please…fuck me hard and cum inside of me…”
 George’s hands went from your breasts to your hips, holding you still as he braced his feet on the bed and shoved his hips upwards, every bit of his prick enveloped deeply in you.  Tears leaked from your eyes as your fingers tangled into his chest hair, pulling hard.
 “FFFFFUUUCCCKKKKKKK!” George yelled.  You smiled down at him as he fucked you, your breasts bouncing on top of him.  “Cum for me, dahlin’…cum…cum…CUM!!!”
 Your vision went hazy as your orgasm shot through your body. Your body grew taut as you tossed your head back, screaming his name.  You felt George cum inside of you, his cock pulsing and twitching.  Both of your orgasms showed no signs of ceasing. He sat up straight, wrapping his arms tightly around you and hugged you close until the pleasure began to subside.
 George’s lips peppered your breasts with kisses before lying back, pulling you with him.  You kept him inside of you, laying your head on his chest.
 “Don’t leave me again…” you panted, struggling to catch your breath.  His fingers slid through your hair as he looked up at the ceiling, smiling in satisfaction.
 “If I leave, you’re coming with me…”
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