#a magazine my brother brought home from the library is telling me lies
confused-bagel · 3 months
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^ You mean her????
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Don’t Give Up Now - CH2
Serkan waited a week before telling his mother about his tumor. It was one of the hardest things he ever did. He held his mother in his arms as she sobbed. It only made it harder when he told her he was not going to get treatment.
Aydan raged at him about just giving up. She argued all the reasons he should fight but Serkan was not going to change his mind.
He would not watch her at his bedside suffering because of him. He would not let her last memories of him be of someone she couldn’t even recognize anymore as her own son.
Seyfi hadn’t taken it well. He was constantly worrying over him now.
Serkan hadn’t spoken to his father in years and did not bother contacting him.
Telling Engin, Piril, and Leila about his condition wasn’t easy but it was not like with his mother.
Engin had pulled him into a hug, telling him he was there for him. Piril had apologized and she did her best to hide her emotions but Serkan did not miss the way her eyes had watered. Leila threw herself in his arms, tears streaming down her face, crying into his shoulder, expressing her sadness for him.
Serkan pushed down his own emotions and for the next week, he took a step back from work. He spent his time with his mother and Sirius. He got together with Engin, he spent his time with his loved ones.
He took Sirius for long walks, he went to museums and libraries, he spent his nights watching the stars.
He spent his time living his life but if he was honest, it was just another day for him.
One night he found himself walking through gardens in Istanbul with Sirius and he was struck hard with his memories of Eda. He wanted to see her, hear her voice, look into her eyes. He wanted to be surrounded by her presence, her light. The hope and joy that radiated from her.
He wanted to be consumed by the love he had for her. Was it so wrong to want to spend the remaining time he had left with the other half of him? His soulmate?
The problem was she lived in Italy now and hadn’t spoken to him since she left, cutting him out of her life completely for keeping the truth from her.
He was sure she hated him but he didn’t think he could leave this world in peace knowing she never forgave him.
He could go to her, he could spend what time he had left convincing her to forgive him and if he was lucky he could spend his last days being with the person who he loved most in this world.
The love of his life.
When Serkan got home he immediately started making plans, he would leave Engin and Piril in charge of Artlife, a CFO for the holding.
He would ask Seyfi when his time ran out to leave Sirius in Eda’s care.
He asked his lawyer who just happened to be Ceren to draw up papers for his will and have them brought to him tomorrow.
He pulled out his phone and dialed Leila, he knew it was late but he was sure she would answer it.
“Serkan Bey?” Leila answered. “Is everything alright?”
“Leila, first thing tomorrow, call my pilot. Have him have the jet ready for take-off.” He instructed.
“Where are you going?” Leila asked, concerned. “Are you sure you should be traveling with your condition?”
“Leila, I’ll be fine, and I’m going to Italy,” Serkan answered. “I want no delays.”
“Italy?” Leila repeated. “But Serkan Bey-”
Serkan disconnected the call before he could hear Leila’s reply.
                                             ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
The next morning he had Ceren meet him at his apartment.
“Why are you writing a will?” Ceren questioned, pulling out the papers he requested. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything’s fine.” Serkan forced a smile. “I liked to be prepared for any possibility or problem that should arise. I am just taking precautions.”
“What changes to your Will did you want to make?” Ceren asked.
“In the event of my death, I want to leave everything to Eda Yildiz. My estates, my money, my shares, everything, it all goes to her.” Serkan said.
Ceren looked at him in shock. “Are you serious?”
“I’m always serious,” Serkan replied, looking away from her.
“Serkan, are you sure about this?” Ceren asked.
Serkan understood her skepticism. He hadn’t spoken to her best friend since Eda left and not once has he asked Ceren about her.
“I’m sure. She may have left and the way things ended for us was not good but it has never once changed my feelings for her. I want her to have everything she deserves.” Serkan said, speaking quietly.
“Okay,” Ceren nodded.
“Please don’t tell her about this.” Serkan requested.
“Of course,” Ceren said. She would not go against a client’s wishes or privacy.
Ceren wanted to ask why he was doing this but it was not her place.
Once their business was concluded Ceren started to gather everything back up into her file holder and placed it in her bag.
“I will be leaving town. I’m not sure when I will return,” Serkan didn’t think he would be returning but Ceren didn’t need to know that. “If you have any business to conclude with me don’t hesitate to contact me.”
Ceren nodded, grabbing her purse, and stood to leave. “Understood, Serkan Bey.”
Serkan waited till she was gone before grabbing his jacket to meet his mother for breakfast.
                                                   ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Aydan could not take her eyes off of her boy. He looked the picture of health; handsome, strong, young. You would never look at him and think he was sick. Yet somehow he was dying.
Her heart hurt like a fist was wrapped around it. Squeezing. Her son was dying and there was nothing she could do to stop it and what was worse was that Serkan didn’t want to. He was accepting his fate.
Didn’t he want to live? Didn’t he want to experience everything life had to offer him? Was he so broken and miserable that he wanted it all to end?
Did she fail to see how unhappy he was? Or was he just that good at hiding what he was feeling inside?
Her eyes misted over as she watched him talk with Seyfi giving him instructions to look after his flowers while he was gone.
He was leaving on a business trip after breakfast. She didn’t like it.
Should he really be concerned with work at a time like this?
She wished she could convince him to fight and get treatment but she knew he wouldn’t change his mind now that he had it made up.
It didn’t stop her and Seyfi from looking into the best doctors, looking for miracle stories on the off chance that Serkan would decide that he did want to fight.
Aydan discreetly wiped at her eyes to keep any tears from sliding down her cheek.
She didn’t want Serkan to worry about her. She needed him to worry about himself right now.
She forced a smile when Serkan called to her.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern lacing his tone.
“Yes,” she lied. She returned to her meal, determined to enjoy every second with her son she could.
She didn’t want to think about when these moments would be just a memory of the past.
She didn’t want to think about losing her beautiful son.
                                                 ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Serkan returned home long enough to get Sirius and his bags and then headed to the airport.
He frowned at the sight of Leila, Engin, and Piril standing on the tarmac.
“What are you all doing here?”
“You didn’t really think we were going to let you go alone did you, brother?” Engin asked.
“Before you ask, we have taken care of everything at the company,” Piril said. “It will be in good hands until Engin and I return.”
“And I want to be there for you, Serkan Bey,” Leila said. “You can’t leave us behind.”
Serkan wasn’t keen on them coming but he knew them well enough to know they wouldn’t be changing their minds about this. And he really couldn’t be bothered. They would be wasting precious time.
“Then, let’s go, I don’t want to be delayed further.” He ascended the jet and Sirius followed behind him at his heels.
Serkan got settled in his seat, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone from his jacket and opened his photos, swiping through his pictures of Eda. His finger moved to trace her face.
He couldn’t wait to see her again. He knew he had his work cut out for him but just the thought of seeing how she changed, to have her stand in front of him filled him with hope.
Hope that his last days would be happier just because she was a part of them.
That’s all he wanted out of his last days. To be near the one person he cared about the most.
                                                ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Eda headed into work. She was feeling good about the day. She was meeting with a client who wanted his home updated. He was coming to the office to meet with her and Efe.
The strange thing was the client insisted on not giving his name until they met in person.
Eda decided not to think too much about it. Maybe, the new client was just a little different.
Eda nodded at her co-workers as she passed by. She went to her desk, slipping off her jacket and setting her bag down.
Eda looked up as Nisa, Efe’s assistant came bounding up to her. “Good morning, Nisa.”
“Right, Good morning, Eda.” Nisa nodded, quickly. “Efe Bey asked that you join him in his office as soon as you arrive. He’s meeting with the new client.”
“Why didn’t he meet with the client in the conference room?” Eda wondered as she walked out of the common area. Nisa hot on her heels.
“The client wanted something more private. Oh my, Eda, he’s so handsome. So much more handsome than he is in magazines or the papers or tv.”
Eda laughed, starting up a flight of stairs. “So our client is famous, is he?”
It wasn’t the first time they catered to a famous client but Nisa was acting like their client was a gift to be cherished.
“Just wait till you meet him.” Nisa gushed. “You will understand how lucky we are to be working for him. I mean, especially when he can do it all himself.”
Eda’s brow furrowed. If their client was capable of updating his own home then why was he coming to them?
She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, and pushed open the door to Efe’s office.
She was thrown by the angry look Efe was throwing at their client.
Efe was seated behind his desk in his chair, a man was seated across from him, his back to her.
“You are a real piece of work!” Efe snapped.
“Efe?” Eda questioned by his tone he was not happy. “Is something wrong?”
Efe's eyes snapped to hers and there was something resembling apprehension. He opened his mouth as if to say something but then snapped it shut, confusing her further.
Slowly, the client swiveled around in the chair, his green eyes so piercing with their intensity as they looked at her. The perfect amount of stubble covering his jaw, the auburn hair, his chiseled jaw, all of it as familiar to her as her own reflection in the mirror.
She hadn’t seen him in almost two years and he looked exactly as she remembered.
Eda’s heart stuttered in her chest. “Serkan?”
Serkan rose from his chair slowly.
Eda’s breath hitched as he took a step toward her.
“Eda, it’s good to see you,” Serkan said, his lips lifting into a smile.
Eda stared at him, his voice was still so warm when he spoke to her. She had almost forgotten the sound of it.
She didn’t move, didn’t breathe. She could only stare at him, unable to believe Serkan was standing in front of her like they didn’t end things on a bad note. Like the past between them did not exist and they were just two old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a long time.
“Eda,” Serkan reached out a hand to her, concerned by her lack of reaction.
The second his fingers brushed over the skin of her wrist, Eda jerked back as if burned.
“What the hell are you doing here, Serkan?” Eda glare, hardening herself to deal with him.
“I’m here as a client. I will be staying in Italy for the next couple of months but the home I bought needs to be updated and I thought who better than you,” Serkan replied.
“You can update your own home,” Eda said. “Are you telling me Serkan Bolat can build houses and buildings for others but not for himself?”
“Maybe he wants a woman’s touch.” Serkan countered.
Eda stepped closer to him, challenging. “Then ask Piril.”
Serkan stepped closer to her, so close that their clothes brushed and they could feel each other’s breath as they spoke. “I don’t want Piril. I want you.”
Efe who had been watching like he was watching a ping-pong match rolled his eyes. Of course, Serkan’s real goal was to see Eda and nothing more.
“Serkan!” Eda hissed, her cheeks flushing. She hated the effect his words had on her. She could feel her blood getting hot.
Serkan smiled innocently. “I want you to update my home. Also, there must be flowers.”
“You’re allergic.” Eda snapped.
“I’ve built up a tolerance. Especially when they're beautiful.” Serkan said, looking at her intensely.
Eda swallowed. She had a feeling they were no longer talking about flowers.  
Efe looked heavenward. He swore Serkan came here to drive him crazy and spend all his time flirting with Eda.
“Flowers die when they are embraced by the cold,” Eda said. “I don’t believe a flower can survive being in your home.”
“It can and it will, you must trust that it will be warm.” Serkan countered insistently.
Efe didn’t think they were talking about flowers anymore and the sexual tension brewing between Eda and Serkan was starting to irritate him. “If you’re here for business can we please get down to it? I am trying to run a company here.”
Eda smiled apologetically. “Of course. Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting…”
“I understand, Eda,” Efe said, shooting daggers at Serkan. “I don’t blame you.”
Serkan remained unfazed. “Yes, let’s get down to business.” He straightened his suit and retook his seat. “A number of things need to be done in my home.”
And as if on cue Leila came through the door, a clipboard in her hand. “It’s a bit old fashioned and we need to make it more modern. A new Roof. We want to add a patio and a garden.” Leila listed off.
“Leila,” Eda said in surprise, she wasn’t expecting to see Serkan’s assistant. Usually, Leila did not travel with Serkan on business trips.
“Hello, Eda,” Leila smiled, pushing up her glasses. “It’s so good to see you.”
“As you can see there is lots to be done,” Serkan said, indicating to the list that Leila listed off. “I would love to go into greater details but I have more things to do. Perhaps we can discuss it further over dinner.”
“No,” Eda shook her head. “We can discuss it now.”
“Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me.” Serkan stood/ Eda instinctively stood as well, feeling better when she stood toe to toe with him but even then he still towered over her. She should have worn a better pair of heels today.  
“You can’t have everything you want, Serkan,” Eda said and watched as something passed in his eyes but it was gone as quickly as she saw it. Still, there was something so familiar to regret in his expression.
“I’m afraid, I have to assist as Efe well knows when you have a client like myself come in, it is best to follow their wishes,” Serkan said with an air of confidence that Eda remembered well.
Eda looked at Efe questioningly.
“Having Serkan come to us is good for the company's image and for business,” Efe replied reluctantly.
“Leila will make reservations at the best restaurant.” Serkan grinned. “I will pick you up. Like old times.”
“No,” Eda glared. “Not like old times. I will meet you there.”
Serkan wanted to argue but thought he didn’t want to push his luck too far too soon. “Alright, I’ll need your number.”
Eda glared down at the phone he extended to her. She snatched it from his hand and reluctantly put in her number, saving her contact information. She shoved the phone back at him, hitting him in the chest. “I see what you did there.”
Serkan grunted, he swiped his thumb across the screen and called her number. A moment later Eda’s phone ranged.
Eda shot him an annoyed look and ignored the call.
“Wanted to make sure it worked,” Serkan told her, a taunting grin, tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“It worked and you know what else works?” she smiled sweetly.
Serkan knew that smile, he knew she was about to say something snarky but still, he replies. “What?”
“The door. If you have other business that needs your attention then go, I have work to do. I don’t have time for any of your games, Serkan Bolat.”
“Believe it or not, Eda, I’m not playing a game,” Serkan said, his expression more serious than before. “I’ll see you at dinner. It was good to see you again.”
Serkan offered her a faint smile.
Eda paused, she couldn’t explain it but there was something sad showing in his eyes and it hit her harder than she wanted it to. Why should she care if he was upset?
His very presence was shaking up the life she built for herself.
She told herself she would not watch him leave, instead, she walked out onto the terrace connected to Efe’s office.
She ran a hand through her hair. Unable to believe Serkan was here after almost two years.
Why now? What was he planning? What did he want?
She blew out a breath and looked down.
She tilted her head slowly. Down below she saw Piril and Engin in mid-discussion. It looked intense.
Piril was making a bunch of hand gestures as he talked and Engin seemed to be trying to calm her down.
“Serkan should be resting!” she heard Piril exclaim faintly.
Eda gripped the railing, straining to hear more.
“You know he won’t listen to reason. If he did we wouldn’t be Italy. He would be getting the-” Engin's voice got lower and she couldn’t make out the rest of what he said.
Irritation hit her.
Engin and Piril both straightened when Serkan joined them with Leila fretting at his side.
She watched as Engin placed a hand on his shoulder and Piril on his arm.
Serkan shrugged them off with a look she was familiar with. Annoyance.
Eda watched as they exchanged brief words.
She froze when Serkan looked up at her suddenly, she had the urge to look away but found she couldn’t.
Engin opened the backseat door and gently urged Serkan inside, his hand on his friend's arm as if he wanted to make sure he didn’t lose his balance.
Eda frowned watching Leila climb in next to Serkan and Engin got into the driver seat and Piril in the passenger seat.
Her frown only deepened as they drove away.
Her suspicion grew.  
What was going on? Why did Piril and Engin accompany Serkan to Italy? Why were they hovering over him? What were Engin and Piril arguing about?
Nothing about today made any sense.
Eda shook her head, feeling more confused and rattled than she could remember feeling in a long time.
Her thoughts drifted to Serkan. Perhaps she could get to the bottom of it when she met Serkan for their business dinner.
Her eyes widened. She needed to shop. She needed a dress.
It may be a business dinner but damn it she was going to look her best.
Serkan would know what he was missing out on. He would know the mistake he made in breaking her trust.
She would make sure of it.
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