#a heist with markiplier spoiler
strawberryamanita · 1 year
I know all too well that I might be late to the party on this take (still not gonna watch ISWM or delve into the lore for the sake of my health, sorry and thank you✌️), but it only hit me today and I am just elated that Dark is directly responsible for the box from AHWM.
They didn't just find it. They didn't just lead us to the museum that was housing it. They built it, and either left it out for the curators to find or planted it there themself. And their smug ass is sitting there in AHWM, admiring not just another source of power they have complete control over, but one of their own design.
First of all, I'm really happy to know they're more crafty than I gave them credit for -- in every sense of the word. Secondly, this does mean that Mark isn't sweeping them completely under the rug, and that's a fact I'm really dang grateful for; like I get it now, they just didn't have anything to contribute for the on-screen story for ISWM.
But I just hope Mark knows that doesn't deter my interest in Dark at all. If anything, it makes me wonder what other obstacles and tribulations they're responsible for... or WILL be responsible for.
Wink wink, nudge nudge.
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mywidelyopeneyes · 1 year
Dating Markiplier Headcanons
Here you go guys! Hope you enjoy!
He's a hopeless romantic. Even though he's a famous gamer and internet celebrity, Marks is a sucker for romance. He loves flowers, love letters, and grand gestures.
He's a great listener. Mark will always be there for you, whether you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent to. He's a great listener and will offer you advice and comfort when you need it most.
He's a food lover. Mark isn't afraid to admit that his favorite thing to do is eat! He loves trying new cuisines, experimenting with recipes, and sharing his love of food with others.
He's a dedicated partner. Mark takes his relationships seriously and puts his all into making them work. He'll do anything to make you happy, whether it means taking you out for a romantic dinner, planning an adventurous trip, or just spending quality time together.
He's a true gentleman. Mark knows how to treat a lady (or gentleman). He'll open doors, pull out chairs, and offer you his jacket when you're cold. He's all about making sure your comfort and happiness come first.
He's a goofy guy. Even though Mark is famous and respected for his gaming skills, he's also a total goofball. He loves to joke around, crack puns, and make silly faces. He's the kind of person who can always make you laugh.
He's a big softie. Mark might seem tough on the outside, but he's actually a big softie. He loves animals, children, and anything cute. He's always ready to offer a hug or a sympathetic ear when you're having a bad day.
He's a talented performer. Mark isn't just good at video games; he's also a skilled vocalist and actor. He loves to sing, play musical instruments, and even perform on stage. He's the kind of person who loves to put on a show and entertain others.
He's a tech wizard. Mark knows his way around a computer, and he's always eager to try out new technology. He's the kind of guy who can fix your printer and program your robot vacuum cleaner in a heartbeat.
Marks a great communicator. He understands the importance of open and honest communication in a relationship, and he's always willing to talk things through with you, whether you're arguing, laughing, or just spending quality time together. He's the kind of guy who will never leave you in the dark, and he's always there to offer a listening ear or a word of advice when you need it most. He's someone who you can trust with anything, and he won't hesitate to share his thoughts and feelings with you, too. He's just an all-around awesome partner who values communication and honesty above all else.
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rustychips · 2 years
Dude your stuff is SERIOUSLY SO TALENTED DAMN If you’re taking requests, could you do some of those ISWM cursed images drawing things, except with the AHWM characters? (Mark’s characters, Prof. Beauregard, the Hermit, Ed, Warden, etc)
AaA thank you! These are genuinly so hilarious and enjoyable to do, apologies theres only like 4, I went a little overboard 💀 hope you enjoy these!
( click for better quality )
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most complex mcu scene: this is a vague yet obvious reference to the last movie. be impressed and keep paying us so you can understand all the references
least complex mcu (markiplier cinematic universe) scene: hey remember that interview ending that was really difficult to get back in ahwm? yeah that's actually in the future, and also remember that one extra wilford warfstache that sneaked away in wmlw about 4 years ago? yeah he's actually plot relevant and a time-traveler, and he's booking you the interview for a heist right now, here, in iswm part 2, the most recent video, which is also the past. all of this was planned, and you get it for free <3
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flyingbats · 1 year
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jokingmisfit · 1 year
Markiplier Egos As Contacts In My Phone
Annus- 🤍Anus🤍
Darkiplier- 🥀Dark🥀
Darkiplier(Alternative)- 😏Daddy😏
Wilford- 🥸The Stacheman🥸
Wilford(Alternative)- 🫨Bubblegum Bitch🫨
Yancy- 🔪Sinnamonroll🔪
Dr.Iplier- 🧑‍⚕Your Dying🧑‍⚕
Google- 💻Smartass💻
Bing- 🛹Radical Dude🛹
Illinois- 🤠Indiana Jones🤠
Yanderiplier- 🫶Unstable Child🫶
Captain Magnum- 🏴‍☠️Dadptain🏴‍☠️
Engineer!Mark- 🧑‍🚀M2702 Boi🧑‍🚀
Eric Derikson- 🤓Cinnamonroll🤓
Old-man Mark- 🧓Granddaddy🧓
Host- 🫥Narrator🫥
Murdock- 🦆Murduck🦆
Heist!Mark- 💣Smooth Criminal💣
Stan- 💦The Water Man💦
Actor- 🕺Dramatic Bitch🕺
Jim and Jim- 👬Jim(s)👬
Cave Man Mark- Doesn't have a phone
Heehoo- Also doesn't have a phone
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"So much trouble.....all for something so small."
playing with effects some :] it looks better with the brightness down tbh 😔
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day 8 of daily egos! i was going to mess with another hearts and heroes reference but ehhh this was more fun
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Our favorite glowy boy headcannon
New headcannon is that when dark cracks his bones his blue and red aura glows brighter like a goddamn glowstick
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dave-bot2002 · 1 year
Another old head cannon just hit me like a truck.
The reason wug is the only ailen to answer the destress call is becalls in AHWM mark gives the box to the ailens and they say something like "now you have shown us the idle it has proven that humans no longer need our help..."
That's why the intergalactic government doesn't help us and only wug does.
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captain-neutrino · 2 years
Can i ask whats up with Mark writing stories and then acting like he,, didn't write the story dbsjsnd??
Like how he gave Yancy tattoos based on the event flowchart of AHWM, and then gave him two new tattoos that reflect parts 1 and 2 of ISWM-
But when ppl in the chat were like "wow its cool that u did that" his response was basically "welllll if you want to IMAGINE that Yancy has tattoos that change with the story, i guess i'll Let You guys have that"
Like??? Bitch thats???? What you wrote tho????? Even Amy was like "but isnt that exactly whats happening-?" Djsksjs what is he talking about 😭😂
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geocookie21 · 2 years
If ActorMark is playing Mark in our adventures with him… does that make him Barbie?
Like, Barbie is an actress and is ‘acting’ in all of the movies…so is ActorMark Barbie?
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redheadbadger · 2 years
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Cool Patrol Mark (that I have named Derby cause “roller derby”) and Yancy are brothers now.
It’s canon Markiplier told me himself
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Okay, but since Yancy's tattoos change based on changes on the universe around him, what do you think the weirdest/funniest tattoo on him has been?
I personally believe the tattoos across his knuckles read "Tuna" and PB&J" at one point.
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marcspectorstannie · 2 years
𖧷Kiss confession𖧷(engineer!mark x reader)
Summary: Mark tries to admit his feelings for you but fails
Warnings: none that i remember, didn't really proofread
An: dropping this while I continue the Yancy oneshot
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Being stuck on a large spaceship with Mark wasn't something you had thought of. But it gave you the chance to make a new friend that could keep your company in the odd silent moments of the ship. He knew how to make you laugh when you were sad, make you question your friendship, even your sanity. You've been holding on for a few months, but the past few days... Mark had been acting different.
"Hey, Capt- Y/n, you said to not call you captain. I was wondering if you could help me with something? It shouldn't take long" You nodded and followed him to the warp core hallway. He didn't open the door to the warp core, he kinda just, stood there? You watched his fingers pick at the material on his gloves as he avoided eye contact with you. Why was he so nervous? "So, what's up? " you asked in hopes he would finally say something. After what felt like ages, Mark finally looked at you. "Right um, I actually didn't need anything. I just wanted to say hi,that's all." He awkwardly chuckled. This wasn't like him. Usually he'd get straight to the point and drag on for 15 minutes about another topic. "Alright what's wrong, I've known you for almost half a year.Just say it,whatever it is won't change my perspective of you." He sighed and looked back at the floor and his boots. He could feel his face getting hotter just thinking about it. What if you didn't think of him the same way and ruin your friendship? Even worse, what if you completely hate him after this? Suddenly you grabbed his hand after see him pick the leather to death. "Mark" , he looked at you with the most lovestruck eyes. It was obvious at this point. "What's wrong? You can tell me, ok?"
Mark only focused on your face and your hand on his. As much he wanted to get out of this situation, he didn't want this moment to end. "You have really nice eyes-uh, I didn't mean to say that, I meant that you're really pretty-not pretty like- not that you aren't pretty your gorgeous! What I meant was that I think your--" He hadn't even noticed you got closer to him. And you kissed him. It was quick but he got the point. His eyes looked the most relaxed they've even been ever since boarding the ship. A giant wave of confidence came over him and pulled you back into a longer kiss. His hand traveled to your waist, not wanting you to move away. Mark cursed his need for air and pulled away after what felt like hours.
"So, what was it you needed to tell me? " You teased him, knowing he was still shaken up. "I think you know, Captain"
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tenebrisnoirs · 2 years
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About time I drew my favourite boy, I simply will never get over him. Mark please for the love of god play as Murdock again. 🥺🤌🏻
May need to turn your brightness up.
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flyingbats · 8 months
Markiplier ego drawing ideas
-- Darkiplier as mothman.
-- Dark in many other suit designs.
-- Dark as Moondrop and Wilford as Sun.
-- Actor Mark and Wally Darling outfit swap!
-- Dark in kuromi outfit and Wil in a my melody outfit.
-- Egos in halloween outfits
-- Firedancer Markiplier
-- Apps as Markiplier characters (tiktok, youtube, etc.)
-- popstar wilford and rockstar dark
-- Egos drawn as planets color schemes.
-- circus ego outfits
-- cerberus chica/dark chica
-- actor mark as a superhero
-- jims with sam and colby
-- egos drawn in other time eras!
-- try other art styles!
-- egos as gods.
-- other hair designs/colors
-- all as noir characters
-- egos as animals that represent them
-- illinois as the headless horse man
-- egos with makeup
-- Wilford in candyland
-- egos as the 7 deadly sins
-- egos drawn with flower outfits
-- rockstar/popstar design aus (band)
-- at the beach
-- egos in a mafia group
-- egos as dragons/w. pet dragons
-- swapped roles
-- egos in other ages
-- as vampires
--Egos if they were Youtubers
-- egos as monsters
-- egos in Thomas Sanders Sides' outfits.
-- as animatronics
-- egos in corsets/ turtlenecks
-- welcome home artstyle
-- helluvaboss artstyle
-- in pastels
--other cores
-- with glasses/other items.
-- playing instruments
-- longer hair
-- dnd characters
-- annus as the grimm reaper
-- egos if they were engineer mark
-- goth egos
-- monster pets
-- egos if they were stars/celebs
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