#a garibaldi but a goodie
It’s the sea-son of love! When’s a better time than now to learn about fish courtship behavior?
🔸Behold! The bright and beautiful garibaldi! 🔶
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Garibaldi courtship includes lots of nest cleaning and gardening by the male to lure a mate, perfectly pruning the perfect patch of algae to prove his potential for parenthood. When a female garibaldi signals her interest by swimming towards the nest with all her fins upright, the male tries to entice her by swimming in loops.
Their dance doesn’t last long though—as soon as the female lays her eggs, the male garibaldi chases her away before fertilizing them. In fact, much of the work of raising eggs is handled by the male. 
And since the garibaldi is also the state marine fish of California, that of-fish-ially makes them our valentine! 🧡
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iliiuan · 2 months
Babylon 5 S1E9 Deathwalker
My favorite psychic. And my favorite asshole politician.
The hour of scampering. Interesting time keeping system there.
What are you up to, Kosh?
Hmmm. Snake lady does not like the lady with the wrinkled forehead.
Delenn vs Na'Toth in response to mortal enemy: Na'Toth kicks more ass, Delenn does better convincing others to support her.
Do their spots turn gray, Garibaldi, or are you projecting?
The Dilgar sound like some sort of nazi society. Fitting, then, that they all died. I guess that reinforces the show's claim that genocide begets the death of the genociding culture. (What happens when two groups are both set on genociding the other?)
Hello. You seem familiar. (She's a Superman villain, turns out.)
Huh. I guess we're exploring medical ethics this week.
G'Kar is ever the diplomat. Trying to play as many sides as possible. I love that for him.
So people can just rent out psychics? Gives me damane vibes: the person with the powers can't be trusted to use them, but other people can be.
A three edged sword doesn't sound very effective my dude.
Dilgar. I feel like there's a joke there, but it's not coming to me.
Chon'kar. Nemesis? Blood feud? I like it.
Everyone wants Deathwalker's ill-gotten biomedical weapon fountain of youth.
"You shouldn't listen to rumors." That's rich, Sinclair. Listen to the rumors, Londo. It's important.
G'Kar my man, you got outplayed there. Deathwalker is so evil.
Oh yeah. Unethical medical experimentation being excused because the result is valuable provides such tasty discourse. I like that Garibaldi is taking the view that lady is unforgivable and her serum is not valuable actually thank you very much.
Crimes against sentience! Perfection!
Sorry, Earth. You don't get to protect the fucking war criminal. Well fucking played, G'Kar.
What ARE you up to, Kosh?
I guess only the superpowers get votes? Seems like a bad system. Ah. The League of Non-aligned Worlds gets a single vote. They deserve better representation.
The cowardice displayed by every major government is realistic and disheartening.
Wow. Ivanova is having a really bad day. OMG she really pulled the customer service voice and fake smile. I love how she played all of the angry customers against each other. Pure genius.
Kosh wants something from Winters. Oh. Her thoughts, apparently. Poor Winters. She doesn't deserve psychological torture.
It is fair to let Deathwalker produce her serum? Perhaps, but why would you trust this woman? Free, she can manipulate others into fulfilling her twisted desires. In a position of authority, she can stall and make promises to keep herself alive. Nothing good will come from this plan.
And there's the catch. You get immortality by killing other living beings. But that's always true? Can't you get it from plants? Does it have to be other sentient beings? She betrays her evil nature in her assumptions.
I... disagree, Sinclair. Keeping her alive to brew her potion is a stalling tactic at best. And James Holden taught us what happens when you leak random information.
JUST KILL HER NOW SINCLAIR. Come on goody two shoes. You can do it.
I guess the Vorlons killing her prevented anyone else from having culpability, so that's probably for the best. Kosh is such a dick, though. "You are not ready for immortality." Ok wise guy. Is anyone ever?
Poor Winters has PTSD from reading a psychopath's mind. And Kosh has some weird leverage over her now, though to what end is anyone's guess.
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Warburgs Staatstafeln
Mit den beiden 'letzten Tafeln', den Staatstafeln, schließen die heute überlieferten Versionen des Mnemosyne-Atlas. Auf ihnen, so heißt es in der Literatur, wendet sich Warburg der Gegenwartsanalyse zu. Im Februar 1929 waren er und Gertude Bing in Rom, zu der Zeit wird, wie man behauptet, die römische Frage gelöst. Seitdem Garibaldis Truppen in der Nähe von Michelangelos Portia Pia eine Bresche in die römische Stadmauer geschlagen, in gewisser Hinsicht das pomerium, die gründliche römische Linie verletzt, durchbrochen und Rom besetzt hatten, war der Kirchenstaat wie in Meteoritenschauer, schwebend 'aufgelöst', ohne das etwas anderes an die Stelle getreten wäre. Die unklare Lage hieß die römische Frage. Die soll im Februar 1929 gelöst worden sein, Aby Warburg und Gertrude Bing wären dabei gewesen und hätten zugeschaut.
Der heilige Stuhl und das Königreich Italien schließen am 11. Februar 1929 Verträge, aus denen unter anderem der Vatikanstaat als neuer römischer Staat hervorging. Das Königreich Italien anerkennt die Souveränität des heiligen Stuhls, den Vatikanstaat als souveränen Staat, und es bestätigt, dass die römisch-katholische Religion Staatsreligion in Italien ist. Der heilige Stuhl erkennt an, dass Rom die Hauptstadt des Königreich Italiens ist und verzichtet auf alle Gebiete des Kirchenstaates, die außerhalb des Vatikanstaates liegen. Das Königreich Italien entschädigt dafür den heiligen Stuhl. Der Vatikanstaat wird an moderne Infrastruktur angeschlossen: Wasser, Eisenbahn, Telephon und Telegraphen, Radio und Post. Man zieht eine neue, gründliche römische Linie, in der das pomerium nachlebt. Im Anhang der Verträge findet man dazu Kartenmaterial, auf dem der Vatikanstaat konturiert wird.
Auf der Seite Italiens fädelt der 'Katholikenfresser' Mussolini den Deal ein, der sich unter anderem auch verspricht, durch diesen Vertrag international 'kreditwürdig' zu werden. So etwas muss Aby Warburg auf den Plan rufen, denn seine Polarforschung, seine (Ver-)Wechselwissenschaft, seine Wissenschaft angepinnter Tafeln ist mit dem Kreditieren zu einer Institution geworden. Zu Fragen der Kreditwürdigkeit ist Warburg der Spezialist schlechthin, aus der Gruppe ausgebildeter Kunshistoriker wohl ohnehin, aber auch darüber hinaus. Selbst sein Bruder Max, immerhin der geschäftsführende Hauptgesellschafter des Bankhaus Warburg, fragt ihn diesbezüglich regelmäßig,d.h. wöchentlich um Rat.
Aby Warburg erstellt und nutzt die angepinnten Tafeln, um sich mit etwas zu beschäftigen, von dem man sagt, es sei Gegenstand der Rechtswissenschaft und von dem einige sogar behaupten, es habe sich erstens ausdifferenziert, zweitens lägen die Anfänge dieser Ausdifferenzierung schon im römischen Recht. Mit Ausdifferenzierung ist mehr als Differenzierung gemeint. Man kann sagen, dass damit eine meisterliche oder eine gemeisterte Differenzierung gemeint sein soll. Aus, aus, die Differenzierung ist aus: Deutschland ist weltmeisterlich ausdifferenziert, so stelle ich mir das vor. Es ist ein deutscher Begriff. Das Wörtchen hatte einst wohl Luhmann erfunden, es hat sich in der Juristensprache eingenistet. Es ist in das Biotop oder anders gesagt auf den fruchtbaren Stolzboden von Leuten gefallen, die ihr Selbstbewußtsein vom Differenzierungsvermögen, von "Scheidekünsten" ableiten und die man Juristen nennt. Sie nennen sich auch selbst Juristen, über Unterschiede hinweg sogar Volljuristen.
Eine sog. Ausdifferenzierung führt zu einer Trennung, die man mit Worten von Jack Goody, Bruno Latour oder Eduardo Viverios de Castro great/ groß nennen kann. Eine solche Differenzierung soll nämlich nicht bloß eine Kleinigkeit, nicht bloß detailliert sein oder Details hervorbringen, sie soll auch noch große Gesellschaft reproduzieren. So eine große Gesellschaft soll entweder, wie bei Niklas Luhmann, ein System bzw. ein gesellschaftliches Teilssystem sein. Oder das soll Kultur im Sinne einer großen, räumlich und zeitlich weitgespannten Gesellschaft, also zum Beispiel "Westen" oder "Kontinentaleuropa" oder "Anglo-Amerika" oder "Osten" sein. Groß soll die Gesellschaft in vielerlei Hinsicht sein, etwa weil sie ein zeitlang oder eine Strecke lang durchhält, sich ausbreitet oder breit ist, Vermögen bildet oder weil sie sogar eine dichte "Anreicherung" darstellen soll, und die soll eine dichte Anreicherung sein, wenn man in einer Gesellschaft großzügig auch kleinere Bewertungen und Werte der größeren Gesellschaft zurechnen kann. Wenn der Umstand, dass jemand satt wird, der Gesellschaft zugerechnet wird, soll es dort eine Kultur der Sättigung geben. Wenn Unternehmergewinne einer Aktiengesellschaft einer größeren Gesellschaft auch dann zugerechnet werden, wenn das Unternehmen die Gewinne der größeren Gesellschaft nicht abgeben muss, dann soll es dort eine gewinnende Kultur geben. Die Details sind umstritten, das Schöne daran: auf sie kommt es meist nicht an.
Thesen und Vorstellungen, die davon ausgehen, dass es eine Ausdifferenzierung geben soll, die zähle ich zu dem, was ich das Dogma der großen Trennung nenne. Man könnte es auch, wie Bachofen, ein Gerücht oder aber Theorie, eine Idee oder vielleicht sogar Mythos nennen, aber das Wort Dogma fasst meines Erachtens am besten das beschirmte und abgeschirmte an dieser Vorstellungen. Es ist fraglich, ob Aby Warburg solchen Vorstellungen, ob er dem Dogma der großen Trennung folgt. Er spricht auch von großer Gesellschaft, er spricht auch von Kultur. Seine wichtigste Formel ist dafür ein Begriff, den man zuerst vielleicht als Epochenbegriff liest, das ist der der Begriff der Antike, den versteht er aber auch geographisch, insoweit vor allem als ein über Verkehrswege ausfransendes "Mittelmeerbecken". Er versteht den Begriff aber auch psychisch, in dem Sinne ist Antike ein Teil dessen, in das und durch das der Mensch involviert ist. Ihm ist Antike eingefaltet. Und er versteht denn Begriff gesellschaftlich. Warburg spricht von großer Gesellschaft, aber bei ihm schlagen immer die Details zu, die sind bei ihm immer wichtig. Meine These ist darum, dass er dem Dogma der großen Trennung, den Vorstellungen von Ausdifferenzierung nicht folgt.
Aby Warburg arbeitet auf den Tafeln zum römischen Recht. Er arbeitet durchaus zu differenzierten Rechtsgebieten. Er arbeitet aber gleichzeitig zu einem Bereich des römischen Rechts, der randständig ist. Meine These lautet erstens, dass Warburgs Techniken auch juridische Techniken sind, das sind das Protokollieren und das Kommentieren. Zweitens lautet sie, dass mit den Staatstafeln Quellen des römischen Rechts nachleben, von denen umstritten ist, ob das noch römisches Recht ist. Unstrittig ist, dass diese Quellen dem römischen Recht anhängen oder seinen Anhang bilden.
Die Staatstafeln stehen in einer Beziehung zu Quellen, die als notitia dignitatum und als Kalender des Filocalus oder Kalender von 354 kursieren. Sie stehen mit diesen Quellen in einer Beziehung, weil sie gleiche Muster aufweisen, besser gesagt: weil sie auf gleiche Weise mustern. Die Staatstafeln verwenden juridische Techniken, die auch die notitia dignitatum und der Kalender des Filocalus verwenden. Das sind Techniken der Musterung, die bildgebend und tabellarisch operieren. Die notitia dignitatum gliedert u.a. die Verwaltung durch Tabellen und Schilder, der Kalender plant die Zeit, er verwendet ebenfalls Tabellen und dazu astrologische Bilder. Musterungen sind juridische Techniken. Das sind keine juristischen Methoden. Man würde sie heute eher in der Statistik als in der Staatsrechtslehre suchen. Sie hängen nicht an Sätzen, zum Beispiel nicht am Satz des Prätors, und sie hängen nicht an satzförmig formulierten Regeln, nicht am satzförmigen Gesetz. Die notitia digninatum und der Kalender sind sogar 'unverfasst', denn das ist Graphik, ein Schreiben und 'Skribbeln', das nicht signiert ist. Sie haben Autoren und Schreiber, aber weisen keinen davon als letzte Instanz aus. Als Akten und Formulare lassen sie mitschreiben, weiterschrieben und umschreiben. Solche Techniken gehören zu einer Verwaltung, die sortiert und umsortiert. Das ist das, was nach Cornelia Vismann Akten auszeichnen kann, aber keine Gesetzbücher. Solche Techniken urteilen nicht, sie entscheiden nicht. Sie schichten auf und ab, sie skalieren und stratifizieren, sie zählen, sie messen und mustern. Im Rückgriff auf die technischen Begriffe der Rhetorik gehören solche Techniken zum decorum, was mit Schmuck oder Angemessenheit nicht hinreichend übersetzt ist. In diesem Zusammenhang kann man decorum einmal mit 'sortiertem Schein' übersetzen. Das heißt auch Scheinsortierung. Die Sortierung ist nicht falsch, sie ist 'über den Tisch gezogen', wie das bei diesen Quellen der Fall ist. So eine Sortierung ist unbeständig. Warburgs angepinnte Tafeln, die sind auch über den Tisch gezogen', sind ebenfalls unsigniert, ihre Unbeständigkeit ist Teil eines Vorgangs, den Warburg Gestellschieberei nennt.
Man kann solche Techniken Kulturtechniken nennen, sie wären Teil einer Kultur, irritieren kann. Ich lasse das seit kurzer Zeit, weil die Diskussion um den Begriff der Kulturtechnik in der deutschprachigen Literatur m.E. in eine Sackgasse geführt hat. Zeit, Aporien in Passagen zu verwandeln. Auf der einen Seite stehen Medienwissenschaftler, die darauf insistieren, dass auch Kultur selbstreferentiell sei, auf der anderen Seite Juristen, die den Begriff und die Literatur in eine juristische und politische Schematisierung zwängen, die ebenfalls von Ideen der Ausdifferenzierung geprägt ist, vor allem wenn die Literatur zu den Kulturtechniken danach beurteilt wird, ob die Autoren eher einem kontinentaluropäischen oder einem anglo-amerikanischem Lager zuzuschlagen seien.
Die Techniken, von denen ich spreche, sind juridische Techniken, sie begleiten Recht und kooperieren damit, sie hängen ihm an. Sie sind dem Recht ähnlich oder unähnlich, gehören aber nicht wesentlich, eigentlich nicht dazu, kommen fröhlich auch ohne Recht aus. Für Tabellen, Kalender, Schildzeichen, Tafeln, Stühle und rituelles Schreibzeug oder die sog. Polobjekte (allesamt technische Geräte) gilt das Gegenteil von dem, was Rudolf Wiethölter so passend zum Recht sagt. Der sagt: Ohne Recht geht es nicht, mit Recht aber auch nicht. Für diese juridischen Tecniken gilt: Mit Recht laufen sie, ohne Recht aber auch.
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followingliz · 4 years
I Mercarti- The Markets in Reggio
When we first moved to Reggio, our landlord told us about the markets that are in the main piazzas on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. What we didn’t know was that, in Reggio, there are, in fact, an innumerable number of markets. It seems actually never-ending.
Seriously, if you’re visiting Reggio it is almost guaranteed there will be a market during your visit.
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The Tuesday market is quite large. It spans three piazzas and a street. A lot of what it has is cheap random items. There are several booths of discount clothing, shops with a random assortment of anything you could possibly think of needing. There are booths with sheets and blankets, kitchen items, cleaning items, bicycle stalls. Just about everything but all cheap.
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The Friday and Saturday markets have some of the same but are a bit smaller. In Piazza Fotenasi on Saturday there is a farmers market! All kinds of food stalls selling vegetables, kinds of pasta, and local baked goods. Even some stalls with sauces and bottles of vinegar.
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But on top of these regular weekly markets, there are other markets. Though we haven’t quite figured out when to expect them. The first we experienced was by far the biggest. It spanned a huge section of one of the main Centro Storico road- Corso Garibaldi. It had such a mix of things. Some cheap clothes and shoes, people selling lots of make-your-life better inventions. Juicers, graters, floor sweepers, fancy shower heads, headbands. Pretty much anything and everything was on display.
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 On top of that, there were many handmade craft stalls, jewelry, and the best part: food. Delicious food trucks, bakeries, and cheesemongers.
 Alex found this one pasticceria that was by far her favorite. They’re from a town just outside of Reggio and they have amazing chocolate cake.
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When this market ended after about two weeks it was the middle of September and we thought...            “Ok, that’s the end of the markets for a bit. At least till Xmas”  But no! Only about two weeks later there was a delightful food market in the main piazzas!  With delicious cheese
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And whole stalls of local and nearby cafes selling their delicious wares! The markets all last well into the night 
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There was even the same bakery from the first market and Alex was delighted(!)
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Only about two weeks after that was an Erbazzone market with several bakeries offering a delicious local delicacy made from a spinach mixture with rice, and pastry. They served other foods and goodies.
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A few weeks after that: a small pretzel market popped up for the weekend
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Now just last week the Christmas Markets started! (well, one, there was one Christmas market) But it seems crazy how many markets there are!
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When we first arrived and were excited about the market in Corso Garibaldi, our friends were…unimpressed, to say the least. We now understand. This town is inundated with markets and fairs…its almost impossible to keep up with them all. But we aren’t worn out by them yet! 
 If you really like Markets/ Street Fairs....  
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 ....this small corner of Italy is definitely a great place to be! I can’t wait to see what the holiday season brings.
And remember, if you’re really nice to the market workers toward the end of the day you might get free cannoli! 
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over70isolation · 4 years
Day 16  Out from Hibernation
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The warm weather has awoken the gardens from their winter hibernation. Beautiful blossom display this year throughout the gardens. Ironic that, as the world outside is waking, we are confined and isolated to life inside our homes.
Earlier, Sylvie had spotted a deer standing at the bottom of the garden. It looked different from the Roe Deer we had seen many times before in that it seemed larger and had prominant white markings on it’s rear end. A google search identified it as a Sika Deer:
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Sika deer are similar to Fallow deer in coat colour. They vary from pale yellow/brown through to red/brown with white spots in the summer months to dark grey and black in the winter. There is often a distinct dark coloured dorsal stripe running the length of the back.
Sika have a shorter tail than the Fallow and its black stripe is less distinct. There are very noticeable white glands on the hind legs of the deer and they have a distinctive white rump.
The Sika’s head is small in comparison to the rest of the body. Their antlers are widely spaced and the angle of the forward point from the main antler beam is about 45°. They have a maximum of 8 points on their antlers. Hinds do not have antlers.
The cupboards are stocked again for the week ahead. The lovely Mr Sainsbury turned up with a barrow load of goodies. Great service.
Quite hot today so wanted a more shady walk and chose to go up through the Chase and across to Timber Hill. Very pleasant, with masses of bluebells waving their heads in the light breeze. Traditional blue, of course, but white, lilac and purple shades mixed in under the trees. 
Finished “Out Stealing Horses” which had a quite poignant conclusion, both sad and happy at the same time. So it was on to “The Leopard”, by Tomasi  Di Lampedusa another of the books that Dan gave me last Christmas.
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In the spring of 1860, Fabrizio, the charasmatic Prince of Salina, still rules over thousands of acres and hundreds of people, including his own numerous family, in mingled splendour and squalor. Then comes Garibaldi’s landing in Sicily and the Prince must decide whether to resist the forces of change or to come to terms with them.
Described by L P Hartley as “Perhaps the greatest novel of the century”
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amspainting-blog · 5 years
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A sweet little pastel I did of a neighborhood in Rome from Garibaldi Park. It's another oldie but goodie. Did a lot of painting this week and they are all duds. Some weeks you win some you lose thing is to just keep going. #pastel #worksonpaper #Rome #americanacademyofrome #Garibaldi #art https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PRFbEngLs/?igshid=du3hr98ub31i
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samirgianni · 7 years
Seasonal Ontario Food's Top Ten - Desserts!
Oh goody! Desserts! Not really what I try to make this place about, but I love 'em and so do most people. I try to keep the fat and sugar down to a dull roar when I do make a dessert, and to put fruit (in season!) front and forward. They sure do break down to a lot of categories I'm afraid; but perhaps that isn't really a problem as I can choose more... I still can't quite count to ten but whatever. I had this idea that I don't make a lot of pies but apparently not true. I have a little expression, "The cook is never a fussy eater." Meaning the cook is just as fussy as anybody, but since they get to choose what gets cooked, it's always what they like. My desserts fall into that category. I think I make the best desserts ever, but I will have to concede that that is because they are so exactly tailored to my tastes, not through any extraordinary talent. I hope they suit some other people too.  Mostly Fruit: Strawberry Tapioca Pudding with Custard - The first dessert I posted on this blog set the tone with all kinds of my favourite things. Blueberry-Peach Parfaits -  A little bit of fuss but not too much and well worth it. Beautiful and delicious. Rhubarb, Cranberry & Ginger Compote or Fool - Not for the faint of tastebuds, but something I really love. Rich and intense.
Peach & Raspberry Sorbet - this technique, also used for  Sour Cherry &Apricot Sorbet - is really handy. Frozen fruit, chosen for a certain amount of smooth substance, whizzed in the food processor until it is very very smooth, but still frozen enough to eat with a spoon. Not really sorbet, but I don't know what else you would call it. Delicious and nutritious; can't say that about most desserts. Almond Jelly with Peaches & Cream - Another light and perfect thing to do with summer fruit. Easy and just a little unusual. Tea-Poached Pears with Honey -Poached or baked fruit make an excellent every-day kind of dessert, but they will do quite well for company too. Pear Jelly with Blueberries -  Yes I do like pears. It's hard to get good ones and they seem to get harder to find every year but I persevere in looking for them. Cranberry Marshmallows - More like mostly sugar, but these were fun anyway. Not apparently as sweet as most marshmallows (but sorry, all the sugar is there anyway). Spiced Maple Poached Pears - More poached pears because poached pears are good. With maple syrup and spices? Yes please! Watermelon Jelly & Sicilian Watermelon Pudding - My most viewed recipe in this category and why not? Easy, refreshing, light, and just a little surprising. Really good. Pies & Tarts: Sour Cream Fruit Crumble Pie - Terrible photo; excellent if somewhat rich pie. I should do it again. Unbaked Strawberry Pie - best pie ever? Or maybe that's  Strawberry Cream Pie - like Banana Cream Pie, only strawberries. Almond-Orange Tart with Sweet Cherries - Possibly this should be with the cakes, but it's reasonably tarty I suppose. One of the very few baked things I think better than just eating the cherries. Coconut Macaroon Tart (with Rhubarb) - A lovely tart base that is good with all kinds of summer fruit, with rhubarb in this case. Yellow Plum & Gooseberry Pie - This was something of a one-off but I still remember how very, very tasty it was. Chai Pumpkin Pie - Not your completely traditional Pumpkin Pie but none the worse for that. Crustless Rhubarb Custard Pie -My most viewed pie recipe, by a lot. It's good! But as usual not my personal top pie. Cranberry-Raisin Pie - A delightful combination for a rich yet fruity winter pie. Gingerbread Pear Pie with Dried Cranberries - The gingerbread crust is unusual but really makes this pie sing.
Rhubarb Mousse Pie - Light fluffy texture, tart zingy rhubarb; perfect! Haskap & Dried Apple Pie - I made this last year and I'm looking forward to making it again this year. Haskaps are taking the home gardening world by storm, and it turns out they cook up very nicely. Cakes: Foolproof Banana Cake - Not so very local, but on the other hand; foolproof. Hazelnut Torte - Rich, fancy and special. Has been one of my two major occasion cake recipes for years.
Applesauce Spice Cake - An old fashioned and very popular cake. Gluten Free Almond Pound Cake -My other major occasion cake. Not cheap to make, but very, very special. Unbaked Whipped Cream Cheesecake - Delicate and scrumptious, while being the perfect frame for perfect summer berries. Plum Torte - A simple little cake that is very satisfying. Cheesecake, with Strawberries in this Case - not the world's richest cheesecake and all the better for that in my opinion. Extremely eatable. Chocolate Icebox Cake with Raspberries & Homemade Chocolate Wafers - You know this cake. Now with HOMEMADE WAFERS. And raspberries. Superb, in other words. Caroline's Low Sugar Sweet Potato Cake -  My most viewed cake recipe, because lots of people want their cake and their low sugar too. It's a dilemma, and this little treat deals with it quite well. Three Seed Cake - I love this cake. I think it's very special. Probably not for everyone, I concede. Meyer's Lemon Curd Cake Roll -made with local lemons! Well, maybe. Mighty fine in any case. Cookies: Gingerbread Snaps (Cookies) - my favourite gingersnap, without eggs or dairy, easy to work with and a great project with children. Now I'm not working with kids I just make a double batch and roll 'em out in circles because they also just get better the longer they sit. Peanut Butter Cookies Loaded for Bear - All my favourite cookie ingredients in one glorious cookie. Icebox Cookies in Four Variations - for the mass production of apparently varied Christmas (or other cookie occasion) cookies. Sneaky! Clever! Mmm! Rolled Spice Cookies - My favourite Christmas cookie, based on Lebkuchen. Another one where I make a double batch and eat them for months because they just keep getting better.
Garibaldi Biscuits; aka Sultana Biscuits, Squashed Fly Biscuits, etc - My most viewed cookie recipe, by a fair bit. My version of a once popular but now discontinued commercial cookie. Empire Cookies - A classic of Ontario small-town bakeries. This also makes an excellent dough for "thumbprint" cookies, by the way. Flourless Peanut Butter & Honey Cookies - Another popular cookie, with honey instead of sugar. Rich, delicious, and it has to be admitted, a bit expensive to make.  Black Forest Cookies - Chocolate drop cookies with white chocolate and dried cherries - another classic combo, although a bit unusual in a cookie. Etta Ferguson's Oat Cakes - A traditional Nova Scotian treat brought home to Ontario. Oatty Apple Butter or Jam Turnovers - Tried and true; a soft and not too rich cookie. I'd eat them for breakfast, so I would. Little Pastries, Bars & Squares:  Cocoa Brownies - Not in any way an "ultimate" or "death by chocolate" type brownie. Not a stripped down "diet" brownie either. In the middle, just as I like 'em. Nut Butter Brownies - Another favourite brownie; I've made these with peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter; so far all good. Maple Cream Puffs - Cream puffs are actually easy to make! Maybe you didn't want to know that... too late now. Easy! Rum Balls Made with Cake Crumbs - Most viewed recipe in this category. You will need to make a Cocoa Sponge Cake first.
Aunt Helen's Raspberry Rice Squares - A family heirloom recipe, these are a classic afternoon tea treat. Aunt Alethea's Famous Squares -  Another one that has stood the test of time; required for Christmas to actually be Christmas. Cocoa Cream Puffs -  Cream puffs are still very easy to make. And now, you can make them chocolate. Oh my! Rum Ball Bars - A simplified version of the popular original Rum Balls. Cocoa Madeleines - Simple and not too sweet, but entirely satisfying. Coffee Brownies - Don't eat these at night! Or you'll lie in bed awake and have to get  up and eat another. Puddings & Composite Desserts: Apple Batter Pudding -Terrible photo; excellent old fashioned dessert. I could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Carrot Pudding - An Old Canadian Recipe - My most viewed dessert recipe over all. Apparently a lot of people are all nostalgic about this one, and it's not at all hard to make. Maple Flan (or Creme Caramel) - One of the best desserts incorporating maple flavour.
Summer Pudding - A classic British summer dessert, it needs good quality ingredients to shine (doesn't everything) but is really simple and lovely. Gingerbread Pear Pudding - Ginger and pears, kind of like Ginger and Fred. So classic, so classy. Apple Snow with Custard - Now this. This may be my favourite dessert, also  Prune & Apricot Whip with Custard which is very similar. Tart and fruity, mooshy, creamy, and custardy. What more do you want? Chocolate Cherry Crisp -  Doesn't look like much but this is fabulous. I mean! How could it not be? Pumpkin Bread Pudding - Simple and obvious pudding for everyone who loves pumpkin pie and bread pudding. Yogurt Panna Cotta - and Aunt Hilda's Spanish Cream - two similar desserts I can't choose between. White Chocolate Mousse with Cranberries - Rich and special. I made it for Christmas, hence the cranberries but make it all year with whatever fruit is available. So good. Rhubarb-Almond Crisp - A recent effort that was really quite impressive. Almonds and sherry go so well with rhubarb. Cocoa Crepes - Wasn't quite sure where to put this, it doesn't really quite fit into any category. It's a component of a composite dessert I guess though; that is, stuff it with whatever fruit is in season and apply the slightly sweetened dairy product of your choice for a lovely dessert (or incredibly decadent breakfast). from Seasonal Ontario Food http://seasonalontariofood.blogspot.com/2017/06/seasonal-ontario-foods-top-ten-desserts.html
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montereybayaquarium · 3 years
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A look that sends shivers down every kelp forest diver’s spine 👀
The Goldfish of Doom, aka the garibaldi—our Golden State’s Marine Fish—is as ornery as it is beautiful. Named after an Italian general and his orange-clad soldiers, the garibaldi’s bright coloration is used to signal to other seatizens of the shallow reef that it means business—whether to attract potential mates or to ward off the competition.
Male garibaldi spend a lot of time tending to a garden of red algae to impress their fair menhaden, and intruders—whether passing invertebrates or bubbly SCUBA divers—are often swiftly dealt with in a series of grunts, snipes and bites that has drawn blood on many an uninvited guest.
Adult garibaldi see so red when anything orange passes by that juvenile garibaldi have been evolutionarily outfitted with bright blue spots to cool down the older fish’s fuming, terrifying tempers—effectively giving the younglings a hall pass until they set up a territory of their own.
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