garycxjk · 10 months
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Okay, I need some honest opinions, guys. Do you think this baby head, which I made in the game Zeepkist, is cute or creepy?
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miloscat · 11 months
[Review] Zeepkist (PC)
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A cheerful Trackmania type, with no accelerator!
My latest co-op venture with my brother was to grab the recent kart racer Humble Bundle, and we started with this: a downhill soapbox racing game with a Trackmania-like structure. Zeepkist in fact means soapbox in Dutch, and by the way the game’s solo developer Yannic Geurts has made sure to include a fair amount of iconography from the Netherlands, from windmills to stroopwafel.
As a soapbox racing “simulator”, your only speed comes from gravity (and the occasional boost panel). The trick is managing your momentum to take the turns, loops, and zany obstacles without crashing your utterly fragile vehicle. My brother’s goal was always to try not to brake at all, which often backfired on him but he did frequently pull off some incredible feats! The track design has a lot of fun surprises and silly setpieces, and getting through them as intended was usually—but not always—a fun challenge.
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In multiplayer the idea is you take repeated runs at a single track within a defined time period (eight minutes by default), competing with the others in your room for the best run. It’s a neat little system that sees you figuring out the course and gradually bettering your time alongside the ghosts of other players, and it’s addictive and fun to compete within these timed rounds. We played through the whole set of the creator’s levels, but there’s many more in the community workshop thanks to an in-built track editor.
Accompanying these wacky downhill jaunts is... nothing... just an eerie silence and the occasional sound effect. Yes, despite the nice title screen jingle, adding music that plays during levels is currently on the to-do list, for you see this is still an early access game. Normally I’d avoid a game in this phase of development/release like the plague, but hey, we played this and it wasn’t so bad. I chose to listen to the soundtrack from Burnout Revenge, one of the games of our youth, in the background, and then Youtube autoplayed a pretty sick Eurobeat mix afterwards which got me in an amped mood for racing.
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I can’t not mention the art style too, which is charming as heck. Bright colours, rounded shapes, a general low-poly thrown-together feel. There’s fun neon-tinged and pastel themes in addition to more pastoral hues. And of course the ever-present Zeepkist signature smile which adorns the face of every floppy driver as well as the very sun in the sky. Car and driver customisation won’t change this goofy grin but it can give you a cool hat and, say, a froggy car.
It’s this style, along with the remarkably solid controls and driving mechanics, that make the game feel so competent and playable. With these things nailed down, hopefully Yannic can slap some music in there and it can become a more widely digestible experience. Oh, and maybe get some testing and refining done on some of the more frustrating tracks while you’re at it... well, I guess this is what the early access period is for?
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rudolphsnews · 11 months
Zomaar een vrijdag
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mrsonvsyoutube · 10 months
CHEATING With A Secret Tunnel Under The Map!
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tooljim73 · 1 year
Zeepkist 6
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antiisocialbunny · 6 months
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We Are The Dwarves Tactical Dwarf Adventure Redemption Key: NRBA7-X5VP7-VK8I8
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Zeepkist Bouncy Downhill Driving Redemption Key: 0T9Q7-DGJ9F-C8VMM
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Drie keer per jaar organiseert de gemeenteraad van Oldambt een 'Ontmoet de raad' bijeenkomst. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst, die elke keer op een andere locatie in Oldambt plaatsvindt, krijgen inwoners informatie over projecten of andere zaken die spelen in het gebied waar de bijeenkomst wordt gehouden. Daarnaast is dit de ideale manier voor inwoners om in gesprek te komen met hun gemeenteraadsleden. De eerstvolgende 'Ontmoet de raad' is op dinsdag 23 januari om 20.00 uur in De Schakel in Midwolda. Programma 'Ontmoet de gemeenteraad' Op het programma staat een presentatie van de eigenaren van De Schakel. Zij willen u graag vertellen over het concept van dorpshuis en wooninitiatief Het Anker. Ook zal Dorpsbelangen Midwolda een presentatie geven over de kracht van het dorp en actuele thema's die in Midwolda spelen. Na de presentaties krijgt u de gelegenheid om op de spreekwoordelijke zeepkist plaats te nemen en alle aanwezige raadsleden toe te spreken met verhalen en ideeën over uw woon- en leefomgeving. Na 'De Zeepkist' kunt u in ongedwongen sfeer informeel met de raadsleden in gesprek. Aanmelden Iedereen is deze avond welkom. Wilt u de raadsleden toespreken via 'De Zeepkist'? Dan is aanmelden noodzakelijk. Dit kan door een email te sturen naar [email protected].
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billloguidice · 1 year
Get the Best Indie Kart Racers Game Bundles!
Get the Best Indie Kart Racers Game Bundles! #sale #pcgamer #pcgaming #steam #windows #racing #kartracer #spongebob #nickelodeon #garfield
Get revved up with your choice of sale-priced bundle options here! Drift, boost, and power slide ’round the track in this collection of high-octane kart racing games! Get behind the wheel as Spongebob, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more cartoon favorites in Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3. Hop in your soapbox racer and experience the wild downhill physics of Zeepkist. Get Garfield Kart:…
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sammieschrijft · 3 years
Uh.. nee dus.
Ik wil niet naar bed want dan moet ik morgen opstaan. Dan komt Daantje en het loopt helemaal niet lekker tussen ons. Hoe gaat het?
Daar wil zij steeds een antwoord op, ze eist het en ik weiger daar nog langer antwoord op te geven. Omdat het mij triggert en doet denken aan andere tijden en omdat het haar taak niet is dat bij te houden in haar schriftje. Dat doet Yala al. Yala is mijn psychotherapeut en Daantje is mijn ambulante begeleider van een andere instelling. Andere stichting. Daantje wilde Yala bellen om kennis te maken. Ze zei letterlijk: "Dan kennen we elkaar alvast voor het geval ik contact moet opnemen als het niet goed met je gaat." En ze zei: "Als mijn teamleider aan mij vraagt: Hoe gaat het nou echt met Sammie?, dan moet ik daar antwoord op kunnen geven. Al bespreken jij en ik het maar een kwartiertje per maand." Uh.. nee dus. De woede raast door mijn lijf, omdat ik al zo vaak gezegd heb dat ik praktische hulp nodig heb. Nu moet ik Daantje morgen dat nogmaals duidelijk maken en dat een antwoord eisen op de
Hoe is het? vraag contra productief werkt. Sterker nog: het is een dealbreaker en ik heb al andere ambulant begeleiders die via PGB werken op het oog. Maatwerk heet dat.
Moet ik weer terug voor naar de gemeente maar we gaan het zien. Ik laat me niet meer badinerend in een hoek drukken en doe morgen mijn sterrenbeeld eer aan: een stier. Terwijl ik liever een vuurvliegje ben.
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One of our eagle eyed Project Odin contributors found this gem unfolding in real time recently. From what the screenshots suggest, there was something of a minor “raid” (if it can be called even that) on the ACU ran Argent Dawn discord server. While childish, it was for the most part harmless. Ironically the server received the most attention towards it in months, perhaps now over a year, all thanks to an @everyone being sent out.
Interestingly it appears to have shaken a lot more people who were previously inactive or otherwise disinterested in the serve (and who can blame them) and made them leave in droves.
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Curiously it managed to get some form of moderation coming in from ACU right hand and internet tough guy, Shewp/Coalburnt.
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Who couldn’t help himself by using slurs against those who had the AUDACITY to make him fulfil his role as a stereotypical discord moderator. Naturally in this, Shewp conveniently purged any mention of the events taking place like the good Stasi agent he likes to portray himself as, including the declarations from people who said they were leaving. Of course, nothing is wrong people, the server did not just have a post-mortem convulsion!
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Finally Zeepkist who infamously claimed “No one cares about COAD”, finally repudiates his own statement in a conspiracy theory of his own.
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Mmm yes everything bad in the world is the result of COAD, thus spake brave ACU drones. Delusional.
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miloscat · 5 months
2023 wrap-up
I'm ready to move on from this year. Living with multiple overlapping chronic health conditions took its toll, affecting my capacity and motivation for my podcasting, art, and scanlation hobbies. My main focus as far as this blog is concerned was playing games and reviewing them, although I also kept up a consistent weekly stream schedule. For my annual heroines pixel art see here!
My big thing on stream was playing "All the Bonks", every BC Kid/Bonk/PC Genjin game out there; this was a lot of fun as I grew up with Super BC Kid. The release of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk prompted a small rash of Jet Set Radio-inspired games including the excellent Butterflies. I played all of the Wario Land games, to mixed feelings. Other small trends were the Darksiders series, games with grapple mechanics, aquatic games, and rail shooters. I caught up on some big indie hits like Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hyper Light Drifter which were very rewarding, as well as other delightful indies like Tinykin, sylvie's games, A Short Hike, Antonball, and Zeepkist. I'll also remember this as the year that I struggled through the La Mulana games, an experience both deeply frustrating and fulfilling. Now let's do some awards so I can have a rest.
"Most surprisingly cute character" goes to Buddy, the little spider from Aussie game Webbed, which also had my favourite grappling mechanics this year. Runners up are Pronty, the Vessel, and Myu the baby dinosaur from Blue: Legend of Water. All of sylvie's characters are cute but that's not surprising. "Best Soulslike" was hotly contested by Darksiders III, Sekiro, and Hollow Knight, but I'm giving it to Jedi Survivor this time, and not just because my friend worked on it. "Most improved sequel" is a good one to bring back; La Mulana 2 takes it although Wario Land 2, Darksiders III, and Child of Eden were strong contenders. "Least improved sequel" came up a lot this year, with Pixeljunk Eden 2, Jaws Ultimate Predator, and Wario Lands 4 through 7 disappointing in various ways. Super Meat Boy Forever hurt the most though. "Best idle comfort game I can pull up on my phone when I'm too sick to move" is either Another Eden or Star Trek Lower Decks: The Badgey Directive by default. Vampire Survivors and Mario Kart Tour were also good for this. I don't have the energy to decide right now so they can all share.
OK, that's enough. Thanks for reading, and hope your 2024 is nice.
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lip-punt-nl · 4 years
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Heb je al gekeken of de wielen van je bolderkar of steekwagen nog goed zijn? Niet dat je straks gaat verhuizen, wandelen of aan t werk gaat en de banden zijn lek. Het komt nooit goed uit! Zorg dat je er eentje of twee op reserve hebt liggen. Vooral met een eigen bedrijf. Of investeer een beetje extra en neem anti lek wielen. Deze banden zijn massief, hebben een groter draagvermogen en ze kunnen niet lek gaan. • • • #antilek #steekwagen #steekwagenwiel #steekwagenwielen #bolderkar #bolderwagen #carnaval #carnavaloptocht #carnavalswagen #zeepkist #zeepkistenrace #sackkarre #wielen #wiel #dennis #stormdennis #banden (bij lip.nl) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ndAETpqsN/?igshid=6pan60aywrcl
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mrsonvsyoutube · 10 months
Downhill Car Racing vs Pipes in Zeepkist!
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gnomishspareparts · 5 years
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Op vrijdag 23 juni van 11.30 – 14.00 uur gaan de meest fantastisch zelfgebouwde zeepkisten de schans af tijdens de Zeepkistenchallenge, die Marianum samen met Sterk Techniek Onderwijs organiseert. De challenge vindt plaats op het schoolplein voor de schoolgebouwen van Marianum in Lichtenvoorde. Zeepkistenchallenge in Lichtenvoorde Samen met de verschillende teams van het Assink Lyceum uit Neede, Het Staring Lyceum uit Borculo en het Zone College uit Borculo gaat Marianum de strijd aan. Wie heeft de mooiste, snelste en spectaculairste zeepkist? Kom gerust kijken en aanmoedigen!
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robertpennekamp · 5 years
Spreeksteen Oosterpark
Site Specific Art Action bij de Spreeksteen, Oosterpark, RobertPennekamp, 2019. Site Specific Art Action bij de Spreeksteen, Oosterpark, RobertPennekamp, 2019.
De Spreeksteen is een Nederlandse variant op Speakers’ Corner in het Oosterpark in Amsterdam vlakbij de noordelijke ingang achter het Tropenmuseum.
Theo van Gogh
Hij werd opgericht op 5 mei 2005 naar aanleiding van de moord op 
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