#Zanzibar. 1987.
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Today, on 12th February, 1987
Freddie Mercury filmed “The Great Pretender” video, Battersea, London, UK, Director David Mallet
- Version of The Platters 1956 hit
Mercury's music video for the song featured him parodying himself in many of his Queen guises through video medium over the years, including visual re-takes of: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "Radio Ga Ga", "It's A Hard Life", "I Want To Break Free", "I Was Born To Love You", "One Vision"
On the set with Freddie also Roger Taylor and Peter Straker
📸 Photo © #RogerTaylorOfficial
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streetglider · 2 months
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("Peg Leg Bates: The Performance Years" | Visual Art | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazineから)
Clayton "Peg Leg" Bates began dancing when he was 5, then lost a leg in cotton-seed mill accident at age 12. Bates became a featured tapper at such top Nightclubs in Harlem as the Cotton Club, Connie's Inn, and Club Zanzibar. From 1951 to 1987, he owned and operated the Peg Leg Bates Country Club in Kerhonkson.
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beewantstotalk · 1 year
Hugo Awarded Books:
1. T.H.White - The Sword in The Stone(1939)(3/02/23)
2. A.E. van Vogt - Slan(1941)
3. Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon(1943)(21/06/23)
4. Fritz Leiber - Conjure Wife(1944)(30/06/23)
5. Leigh Brackett - Shadow Over Mars(1945)(19/05/23)
6. Isaac Asimov - The Mule(1946)
7. Robert A. Heinlein - Farmer in The Sky(1951)(30/01/23)
8. Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man(1953)
9. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451(1954)
10. Mark Clifton - They'd Rather Be Right(1955)
11. Robert A. Heinlein - Double Star(1956)
12. Fritz Leiber - The Big Time(1958)
13. James Blish - A Case of Conscience(1959)
14. Robert A. Heinlein - Starship Troopers(1960)
15. Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz(1961)
16. Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land(1962)
17. Philip K. Dick - The Man in The High Castle(1963)
18. Clifford D. Simak - Here Gather the Stars(Way Station)(1964)
19. Fritz Leiber - The Wanderer(1965)
20. Frank Herbert - Dune(1966)
21. Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress(1967)
22. Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light(1968)
23. John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar(1969)
24. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness(1970)
25. Larry Niven - Ringworld(1971)
26. Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go(1972)
27. Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves(1973)
28. Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama(1974)
29. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed(1975)
30. Joe Haldeman - The Forever War(1976)
31. Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang(1977)
32. Frederik Pohl - Gateway(1978)
33. Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake(1979)
34. Arthur C. Clarke - The Fountains of Paradise(1980)
35. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen(1981)
36. C. J. Cherryh - Downbelow Station(1982)
37. Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge(1983)
38. David Brin - Startide Rising(1984)
39. William Gibson - Neuromancer(1985)
40. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game(1986)
41. Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead(1987)
42. David Brin - The Uplift War(1988)
43. C. J. Cherryh - Cyteen(1989)
44. Dan Simmons - Hyperion(1990)
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game(1991)
46. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar(1992)
47. Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep(1993)
48. Connie Willis - Doomsday Book(1993)
49. Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars(1994)
50. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance(1995)
51. Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age(1996)
52. Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars(1997)
53. Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace(1998)
54. Connie Willis - To Say Nothing to the Dog(1999)
55. Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in The Sky(2000)
56. J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2001)
57. Neil Gaiman - American Gods(2002)
58. Robert J. Sawyer - Hominids(2003)
59. Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin of Souls(2004)
60. Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell(2005)
61. Robert Charles Wilson - Spin(2006)
62. Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End(2007)
63. Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union(2008)
64. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book(2009)
65. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl(2010)
66. China Miéville - The City & the City(2010)
67. Connie Willis - Blackout/All Clear(2011)
68. Jo Walton - Among Others(2012)
69. John Skalzi - Redshirts(2013)
70. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice(2014)
71. Cixin Liu - The Three-Body Problem(2015)
72. N.K.Jemisin - The Fifth Season(2016)
73. N.K.Jemisin - The Obelisk Gate(2017)
74. N.K.Jemisin - The Stone Sky(2018)
75. Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars(2019)
76. Arkady Martine - A Memory Called Empire(2020)
77. Martha Wells - Network Effect(2021)
78. Arkady Martine - A Desolation Called Peace(2022)
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a-gay-a-day · 11 months
Freddie Mercury
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Freddie Mercury lived from 1946-1991. He was a renowned musician, and I am sure that you have heard at least one of his hits, namely, bohemian rhapsody.  Freddie Mercury was originally named Farrokh Bulsara and he was born in Zanzibar. On the naming of his band, Queen, Freddie Mercury said “I was certainly aware of the Gay connotations, but that was just one facet of it."
Though Freddie identified himself as bisexual, Mary Austin said to him, “ No Freddie, I don’t think you are bisexual. I think you are gay,” which she recounted years later in an interview with the daily mail. Freddie himself identified as bisexual, and this self-identification cannot be ignored in discussions about him.
Perhaps the one thing that Freddie Mercury is known for that is comparable to the fame he has because of his sexuality is the fame he garnered from his illness. He was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 1987, though he claimed to be negative. He died one day after he publicly admitted that he had AIDS, and continued to perform in concert until his death. 
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Daily Mirror - September 2, 2006
Credits to Louise Belle and Queencuttings.com
The rise of Mercury
WHO would have thought that the shy, toothy, 10-year-old sitting proudly behind his sports trophy would grow up to be one of the world's most flamboyant superstars?
Yet it wasn't for his athletic prowess that Farrokh Bulsara was to find fame, but as Freddie Mercury, the legendary frontman of rock band Queen.
Freddie was only 45 when he died of pneumonia brought on by Aids 15 years ago. Had he lived, he would be celebrating his 60th birthday on Tuesday.
To mark this milestone, Freddie's relatives have opened up their album for a special TV tribute to the star.
Their snapshots include photos of him as a wispy-haired baby in a flowered dress on his mother's hip, wearing the flower garland and skull cap of the Zoroastrian religion aged four, as a gangly seven-year-old with his little sister, as a young lad out for a bike ride with his mates, and as the fledgling rocker giving his mum a cuddle.
Together, the pictures give a fascinating insight into Freddie's early upbringing in Africa and India -- parts of his life he kept private from his fans and refused to discuss with his friends. The iconic showman believed his exotic background and family's Zoroastrian beliefs didn't exactly fit in with his wild rock'n'roll image.
Born on September 5, 1946. and christened Farraokh by his diplomat father Bomi Bulsara and mother Jer, he and his younger sister Kashmira spent their first years on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar.
In 1955, at the age of nine, he was sent to St Peters private boarding school in Panchgani near Bombay where he got the nickname Freddie. He won trophies for sport, excelled at art and stood out as an accomplished pianist. Yet his schooldays were marred by homsickness and the stress of hiding a secret from his classmates.
Fellow pupil Zahid Abrar recalls: "Freddie felt very lonely and would sometimes cry in a quiet corner. He was homesick. At the time, I didn't know Freddie was a gay guy. I still wonder what was going on in his mind when we were chasing girls."
But his shyness and unhappiness didn't stop him shining onstage. By the age of 12, Freddie had played to his schoolmates in his first band, The Hectics. Music was already a big part of his life. In his early teens he and his schoolmates were obsessed with rock'n'roll and trying to perfect their Elvis-style quiffs.
In 1964, two years after Freddie finished his schooling, political unrest in Zanzibar forced the Bulsaras to look for a new home. He persuaded his parents to move to England and the family settled in Feltham, South London.
He spent the next 10 years at art school, doing part-time jobs and trying to establish himself as a musician. He formed Queen in 1970 with his friends Roger Taylor, Brian May and John Deacon. They found worlwide fame five years later with Bohemian Rhapsody and went on to sell 150 million albums.
As his fame grew, so did his notoriety. Freddie's wildly hedonistic parties became the stuff of his showbiz legend. He once flew a jumbo jet full of guests to Munich for a black and white ball and hired naked and mud wrestlers for a London bash. But despite the scandals he was always the consummate performer.
Mum Jer, who was there for his Live Aid performance in 1985, says: "I couldn't take my eyes off him. I thought, 'What have you done? You have proved yourself'."
But by 1987, his life of excess had caught up with him. His sister Kashmira Cooke, 55, says: "I did suspect he had Aids. But I didn't want to ask a dying man that question so I waited to see if he wanted to tell me. One day I saw that his foot was very badly scarred. He chose that moment to say, "Look, my dear, you must know that I am dying'."
Freddie's death on November 25, 1991, left his family and legions of fans devastated.
Kashmira says: "It didn't register until I saw the newspaper articles. I can remember now, reading with my dad, his tears and my tears dropping on to the article. I will think of him every day. Every single day."
Jer adds: "When I hear him on the radio, I realise that people still love him, people still remember him. That keeps me going."
• FREDDIE Mercury: A Kind Of Magic is on ITV1 on Tuesday, September 12, at 9.45pm
[Photo caption: MUMMY’S BOY: Jer holds her baby son Freddie]
[Photo caption: SHOWMAN: Freddie the rock legend]
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freddiemercurydaily · 2 years
WHO would have thought that the shy, toothy, 11-year-old
WHO would have thought that the shy, toothy, 11-year-old sitting proudly behind his sports trophy would grow up to be one of the world's most flamboyant superstars?Yet it wasn't for his athletic prowess that Farrokh Bulsara was to find fame, but as Freddie Mercury, the legendary frontman of rock band Queen.Freddie's early upbringing in Zanzibar and India (boarding school) -- parts of his life he kept private from his fans and refused to discuss with his friends. The iconic showman believed his exotic background and family's Zoroastrian beliefs didn't exactly fit in with his wild rock'n'roll image.Born on September 5, 1946. and christened Farraokh by his diplomat father Bomi Bulsara and mother Jer, he and his younger sister Kashmira spent their first years on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar.Farrokh was only 7 when he was sent to St Peters private boarding school in Panchgani near Bombay where he got the nickname Freddie. 
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He won trophies for sport, excelled at art and stood out as an accomplished pianist. Yet his schooldays were marred by homsickness and the stress of hiding a secret from his classmates.Fellow pupil Zahid Abrar recalls: "Freddie felt very lonely and would sometimes cry in a quiet corner. He was homesick.”But his shyness and unhappiness didn't stop him shining onstage. By the age of 12, Freddie had played to his schoolmates in his first band, The Hectics. Music was already a big part of his life. In his early teens he and his schoolmates were obsessed with rock'n'roll and trying to perfect their Elvis-style quiffs.In 1964, two years after Freddie finished his schooling, political unrest in Zanzibar forced the Bulsaras to look for a new home. He persuaded his parents to move to England and the family settled in Feltham, West London.He spent the next 10 years at art school, doing part-time jobs and trying to establish himself as a musician. He formed Queen in 1970 with his friends Roger Taylor and Brian May (John Deacon joined a year later, 1971).  They found worlwide fame five years later with Bohemian Rhapsody and went on to sell 150 million albums.As his fame grew, so did his notoriety. Freddie's wildly hedonistic parties became the stuff of his showbiz legend. He once flew a jumbo  jet full of guests to Munich for a black and white ball and hired naked and mud wrestlers for a London bash. But despite the scandals he was always the consummate performer.Mum Jer, who watched her son’s Live Aid performance on TV in 1985, says: "I couldn't take my eyes off him. I thought, 'What have you done? You have proved yourself'."But by 1987, his life of excess had caught up with him. His sister Kashmira Cooke, says: "I did suspect he had Aids. But I didn't want to ask a dying man that question so I waited to see if he wanted to tell me. One day I saw that his foot was very badly scarred. He chose that moment to say, "Look, my dear, you must know that I am dying'."Freddie's death on November 24, 1991, left his family and legions of fans devastated. Kashmira says: "It didn't register until I saw the newspaper articles. I can remember now, reading with my dad, his tears and my tears dropping on to the article. I will think of him every day. Every single day."Jer adds: "When I hear him on the radio, I realise that people still love him, people still remember him. That keeps me going."Extracted from:  ‘The Rise of Mercury’ By Julie McCaffrey (September 2006)
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
Freddie Mercury: una leggenda della musica
Dici musica e pensi a Freddie Mercury. La leggendaria voce dei Queen è da sempre considerato uno dei più grandi artisti di sempre. A trentadue anni dalla sua morte, ripercorriamo la sua leggendaria vita. Freddie Mercury: la sua leggendaria vita Farrokh Bulsara, meglio conosciuto come Freddie Mercury, nacque a Stone Town, in Zanzibar, il 5 settembre 1946. Era il figlio di Bomi e Jer Bulsara, una coppia di origini parsi che avevano emigrato dall'India. Freddie trascorse la sua infanzia e adolescenza in India, dove studiò alla St. Peter's School di Panchgani. In questo periodo iniziò a sviluppare la sua passione per la musica, suonando il pianoforte e cantando nel coro della scuola. Nel 1964, a causa di un colpo di stato in Zanzibar, la famiglia Bulsara fu costretta a trasferirsi in Inghilterra. Freddie si stabilì a Feltham, nel Middlesex, dove frequentò la Ealing Art College. In questo periodo iniziò a esibirsi in alcuni club londinesi con la sua prima band, gli Ibex. L'incontro con Brian May e il debutto dei Queen Nel 1970, Freddie incontrò Brian May e Roger Taylor, i due membri fondatori degli Smile. I tre musicisti decisero di formare una nuova band, i Queen, insieme al bassista John Deacon. Freddie, con la sua voce potente e carismatica, diventò presto il leader della band. I Queen debuttarono nel 1973 con l'album "Queen". Il successo arrivò però solo con il secondo album, "Sheer Heart Attack", pubblicato nel 1974. Il brano "Killer Queen" entrò nella top ten britannica e lanciò la band verso la fama internazionale. Nel 1975, i Queen pubblicarono l'album "A Night at the Opera", che contiene uno dei brani più famosi della storia della musica, "Bohemian Rhapsody". La canzone, con la sua struttura complessa e la sua storia epica, è considerata un capolavoro del rock. Successo dopo successo I Queen continuarono a pubblicare album di successo negli anni successivi, tra cui "A Day at the Races" (1976), "News of the World" (1977), "Jazz" (1978), "The Game" (1980), "Hot Space" (1982), "The Works" (1984), "A Kind of Magic" (1986) e "The Miracle" (1989). Freddie Mercury era un artista poliedrico e versatile. Era un cantante straordinario, con una voce potente e versatile, in grado di spaziare da melodie delicate a urla graffianti. Era anche un compositore abile, che ha scritto alcuni dei brani più iconici della storia del rock. Look leggendari Mercury era anche un personaggio eccentrico e carismatico. Il suo look androgino e il suo stile esuberante lo hanno reso una vera e propria icona pop. Freddie Mercury era un uomo libero e sicuro di sé, che non aveva paura di essere sé stesso. Nel 1987, Freddie Mercury fu diagnosticato sieropositivo. La notizia fu tenuta segreta per diversi anni, ma nel 1991 il cantante annunciò pubblicamente la sua malattia. Mercury morì il 24 novembre 1991, all'età di 45 anni. La morte di Freddie Mercury fu un evento tragico che lasciò un vuoto incolmabile nel mondo della musica. Tuttavia, l'eredità di Mercury è ancora viva oggi. La sua musica continua a ispirare e a divertire il pubblico di tutto il mondo. Foto di Yves da Pixabay Read the full article
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jedivoodoochile · 9 months
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El 5 de Septiembre de 1946, en Stone Town, Isla de Zanzíbar, nacía uno de los mas talentosos músicos y cantantes del siglo XX, ese día llegaba al mundo Freddie Mercury. Nacido con el nombre de Farrokh Bomi Bulsara en el seno de una familia de origen Persa-Indú, poseía privilegios por ser el padre tesorero de los terrenos británicos de ultramar. Comenzó su educación en el "Colegio Anglicano de Zanzibar" hasta que a los 8 años fue enviado a la India donde asistió al St. Peter's School de las afueras de Bombay. Fue el decano de este colegio que vio en Farrokh una gema para pulir y aconsejó a su padre orientar su educación a las artes y sobre todo pintura y música. Fue este mismo profesor que lo comenzó a llamar "Freddie" e incentivó a formar un grupo donde canalizar su potencial, así nació The Hectics. La revolución de Zanzibar obligó a que la familia se reubicara en Middlesex, Inglaterra donde Freddie se recibió de diseñador gráfico en la universidad de West Thames. "Brian May" y "Roger Taylor", formaban parte del grupo "Smile" y se interesaron en ese extraño cantante del grupo "Sour Milk Sea" que se había hecho famoso por ser un eximio pianista y el único cantante que alcanzaba las cuatro octavas. Al poco tiempo Freddie Bulsara se unió al grupo al que le cambiaron el nombre por el de "Queen". Freddie consideró que su apellido no era apto para una estrella de rock por lo que inspirado en el dios Mercurio se cambió su nombre por el de "Freddie Mercury". Debutaron el 27 de Junio de 1970 en el teatro del Imperial College donde May y Taylor estudiaban. Luego de la incorporación de John Deacon, el grupo encontró su formación definitiva con la que conquistó el mundo. Discos de culto, composiciones magistrales y temas que unían Rock y ópera lo ubican en la cima de la historia de la música. Sus giras se fueron tornando interminables y maratónicas siendo el primer grupo que visitó los 5 continentes, con memorables recitales en Japón y Argentina. En 1974 Freddie blanqueó su ambigua orientación sexual pese a tener una relación estable con Mary Austin a quien le dedicó una de sus mas bellas canciones, "Love of My Life". En 1985 Mercury inició una relación estable con el estilista Jim Hutton, pero se cree que fue Rudolph Nureyev quien le contagió el virus del SIDA en 1987. Queen suspendió las giras y el físico de Mercury comenzó a deteriorarse notoriamente, hecho que alimentó los rumores sobre su enfermedad. Para la edición del último disco de la banda "Innuendo" en 1991 Freddie cantaba a modo de despedida la bella balada compuesta por Roger Taylor para él llamada "These Are the Days of Our Lives". Mercury murió de una Bronconeumonía el 24 de Noviembre 1991, sus restos fueron cremados y esparcidos por Mary Austin en varios lugares secretos.
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motivando-leoes · 1 year
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury, cujo nome verdadeiro era Farrokh Bulsara, foi um cantor, compositor e líder da banda de rock Queen. Ele nasceu em Zanzibar, atual Tanzania, em 5 de setembro de 1946, e faleceu em Londres, Inglaterra, em 24 de novembro de 1991, aos 45 anos de idade.
Mercury começou sua carreira musical como vocalista da banda Smile, que mais tarde se tornaria Queen. A banda se formou em 1970 e rapidamente se tornou um dos maiores sucessos mundiais de rock, com hits como "Bohemian Rhapsody", "We Are the Champions" e "Don't Stop Me Now". Mercury era conhecido por sua incrível técnica vocal, seus shows ao vivo espetaculares e sua personalidade extravagante e carismática.
Além de sua carreira com a Queen, Mercury também lançou músicas solo, incluindo "Living on My Own" e "The Great Pretender". Ele também colaborou com outros artistas, como o cantor Montserrat Caballé, em um álbum chamado "Barcelona".
Infelizmente, Mercury foi diagnosticado com AIDS em 1987 e faleceu em 1991 devido à doença. Sua morte foi um choque para seus fãs e para a comunidade musical mundial. No entanto, sua música e legado continuam a ser celebrados até hoje.
Mercury foi incluído no Rock and Roll Hall of Fame com a banda Queen em 2001. Ele também foi incluído no Songwriters Hall of Fame em 2003. Além disso, a banda Queen continua a realizar turnês e shows, com um novo vocalista, Adam Lambert.
Em resumo, Freddie Mercury foi um dos maiores artistas de rock de todos os tempos. Sua habilidade vocal incrível, sua personalidade carismática e sua dedicação à música o tornaram um ídolo para milhões de fãs em todo o mundo. Sua morte precoce foi uma perda trágica para a música, mas sua música e legado continuam a ser celebrados até hoje.
Quer saber mais: https://motivandoleoes.com/
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differenthead · 1 year
Volume 251
Listen to Different Head, Vol. 251: "Whispers of Secret Worlds" (May 6, 2023) byDifferent Head on hearthis.at
0:00:00 — "プリオシンの浜辺" (Edit) by 磯田健一郎 (1990)
0:07:23 — DJ
0:12:18 — "Ecto" by Happy Rhodes (1987)
0:16:59 — "Zanzibar" by Garry Hughes (1988)
0:22:24 — "Whispers of Secret Worlds" (Edit) by Vangelis Katsoulis (1990)
0:26:36 — "Immaterial Gardens" by Vangelis Katsoulis (1988)
0:27:51 — DJ
0:32:57 — "Blue Girls" by Pulp (1983)
0:38:28 — "Charis" by Andy Summers (1990)
0:41:44 — "Vuela la Hormiga" by Joan Bibiloni (1987)
0:44:00 — "Amanecer Azul" by Joan Bibiloni (1987)
0:47:29 — DJ
0:52:22 — "Flamengo" by Interior (1982)
0:57:13 — "Twenty Five Sunsets Before Dawn" by East Wall (1991)
1:01:11 — "Winter Winds & Chill" by Larry Heard (1994)
1:04:20 —"I'm In Heaven" by Ken Davis (1988)
1:13:00 — DJ
1:18:29 — "At the Last Gate" by Orchestra of the Eighth Day (1984)
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March 24th, 1987💫💫
👉 Hotel Ritz, Barcelona, Spain - Freddie Mercury met Montserrat Caballé
“I walked into the room.
Freddie’s hands were so cold, and I was very cold too. So I thought, he is nervous too, that is good, because when people are nervous that means they are expecting something from the other one. So, later we stand up from the table and went to the corner of the room to the piano, and he was playing, and I was beginning to see his ideas. We could have gone on for hours and hours and hours. When we finished, we look at each other, and I knew it; that he has conquered me!”
- Montserrat Caballé talking about their first meeting at the Ritz Hotel in Barcelona on March 24, 1987
Pic (not from this day): 1987 - Montserrat Caballé (1933-2018) with Freddie Mercury
📸 Photo taken by ©David M. Benett
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Abdulrazak Gurnah (born December 20, 1948) is a Tanzanian novelist who is based in the UK. He was born in the Sultanate of Zanzibar and came to the UK as a refugee in the 1960s during the Zanzibar Revolution. His novels include Paradise (1994), which was shortlisted for both the Booker and the Whitbread Prize; Desertion (2005); and By the Sea (2001), which was longlisted for the Booker and shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. Gurnah was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2021 "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fates of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents". He studied at Christ Church College, Canterbury, whose degrees were at the time awarded by the University of London. He then moved to the University of Kent, where he earned his Ph.D., with a thesis titled Criteria in the Criticism of West African Fiction, in 1982. From 1980 to 1983, he lectured at Bayero University Kano in Nigeria. He was a professor at the University of Kent's department of English until his retirement. He edited two volumes of Essays on African Writing and has published articles on several contemporary postcolonial writers, including V. S. Naipaul, Salman Rushdie, and Zoë Wicomb. He is the editor of A Companion to Salman Rushdie (Cambridge University Press, 2007). He has been a contributing editor of Wasafiri since 1987. He has been a judge for awards including the Caine Prize for African Writing and the Booker Prize. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 2006. In 2007, he won the RFI Witness of the world award in France for his novel By the Sea. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2021 "for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fates of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents". #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CmY2mgxLAwD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miamaska · 7 years
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OK these fan works require some context. On the discord server, Shotch has made several... experimental neural network bots based off user chat logs. The last iteration of this bot was based off just my chat logs in the server, with all my texting quirks and mannerisms. Users then attempted to glean the truth of comic dialogue from Jeitomaton and then edit the output into actual comic pages. 
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Smash Hits (1987 Sticker Book): 110/?
Credits to Michael Kane.
QUEEN: They have a reputation for being the most successful stadium rock group in the world, and make more money than practically every other pop group in existence. Formed in 1971, their name was thought up by ex-art student and lead singer Freddie Mercury; the other three members are Roger Taylor (an ex-bioogy student, bass), John Deacon (an ex-electronics student, drums) and Brian May (an ex-astrology student, guitarist). Their 1974 single "Seven Seas Of Rhye" turned them into massive pop stars and in 1975 they made the first ever commercial video for their completely over-the-top operatic single, "Bohemian Rhapsody". These days, since the release of "Radio Ga Ga", they've toned down the heavy metal guitar edge that first made them popular in favour of hugely popular anthems and ballads. To guitar hero Brian May, who built his first guitar out of an orange box (true!), this has been a bit of a disappointment: "It's frustrating in a way, but I've come to regard it as a fact of life."
• His real name is Frederick Bulsara, and he was born in Zanzibar on 5/9/46.
• In 1973 he recorded a song under the pseudonym of Larry Lurex. It didn't sell very many copies.
• At Queen's early concerts he used to cook popcorn and serve it to members of the audience.
• He used to run a stall in Kensington Market selling horrible purple flared trousers.
• Roger Taylor says: "He's really shy. He feels that he's not very good at doing interviews."
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Freddie Mercury 
The Great Showman
Our paper will be about the flamboyant frontman, songwriter, and singer for Queen, Freddie Mercury. He was born as Farrokh Bulsara on September 5th, 1946 in Stone Town, Zanzibar which is now in Tanzania. Freddie was born with four hyperdontia  incisors which Mercury attributed to his vocal range and why he never got them fixed later in life.
Mercury was born to Parsi parents, Jer and Bomi Bulsara who were originally from India but they immigrated to Zanzibar because of Bomi’s job with the British Colonial Service. Freddie has a younger sister named Kashmira Bulsara who was born around the time he started his boarding school. The family practiced Zoroastrianism which Freddie never held a strong belief in.
Freddie spent most of his childhood in India and took piano lessons at age seven while living with family and at the age of eight he was sent off to study at St. Peter’s School in Panchgani. It was at St. Peter’s that Freddie started to call himself “Freddie”. At the age of twelve, he started a band called “The Hectics”. A friend recalled that Freddie had "an uncanny ability to listen to the radio and replay what he heard on piano". In 1963 he moved back in with his parents and the following year in 1964 they fled to England from the Zanzibar Revolution.
Mercury studied art and graphic design at Ealing Art College he most likely graduated with a diploma in  the year 1969 but it could be possible 1968 as well. With his skills Freddie would later go on to design his band, Queen’s, logo. Following graduation he would join a series of bands as he worked in Kensington Market selling second hand Edwardian clothes and scarfs alongside future band mate Roger Taylor. 
In early 1970, Tim Staffell would leave Roger Taylor and Brian May’s band Smile and in April of that same year Freddie would join Smile and become their lead singer. A year later in 1971 bassist John Deacon would join the band completing it. Mercury chose the name “Queen” for the band ignoring the warnings from his band mates and studio. Freddie later said about the name Queen, 
“"It's very regal obviously, and it sounds splendid. It's a strong name, very universal and immediate. “I was certainly aware of the gay connotations, but that was just one facet of it."” (Mercury, Freddie, 1970)
Also around this time Freddie Bulsara legally changed his name to Freddie Mercury. 
So Freddie’s speaking tone was in the baritone range which means it's between bass and tenor, most of his songs were in the tenor range. Mercury’s range extended from bass low F to soprano high F, also could belt up to tenor high F.
A quote from Donna Soto-Morettini book “Popular Singing: A Practical Guide To: Pop, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Country and Gospel, A & C Black” says this about Freddie’s vocals, 
“His technique was astonishing. No problem of tempo, he sang with an incisive sense of rhythm, his vocal placement was very good and he was able to glide effortlessly from one register to another. He also had a great musicality. His phrasing was subtle, delicate and sweet or energetic and slamming. He was able to find the right colouring or expressive nuance for each word.” (Soto-Morettini, Donna, book not available for preview)
In 2003 Mercury was posthumously put into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and in 05 all four Queen members were awarded a Ivor Novello Award and that was for Outstanding Song Collection from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers, and Authors.
Now while Queen is a classic rock band they didn’t just write rock they wrote a wide variety of music genres including but not limited to: rockabilly, gospel, disco, heavy metal, and progressive rock. 
In a 1986 interview Mercury said, “I hate doing the same thing again and again and again. I like to see what's happening now in music, film and theatre and incorporate all of those things.” (Mercury, Freddie, 1986)
And Mercury did extravagant performances on stage for his audience; he even got them to join in vocal warmups with him. It was like a different personality came out on stage and he was this energetic guy who lit up the whole room. Mercury performed an estimated 700 concerts with Queen. Mercury's final live performance with Queen took place on August 9th, 1986 at Knebworth Park in England which drew an attendance estimated as high as 200,000. With the British national anthem  playing at the end of the concert, Freddie’s final act on stage saw him draped in a robe, holding a golden crown above his head, as he bid farewell to the crowd one last time.
Besides Queen, Freddie did have a small solo career.  He had two full solo albums, “Mr. Bad Guy” released in 1985  and “Barcelona” released in 1988.
In the early 70s, he dated Mary Austin but the relationship grew cold when Freddie had an affair with David Minns in the mid-70s. Mary remained close with Mercury until he passed. In the 80s, Freddie settled down with hairdresser Jim Hutton and the two got “married” even if same sex marriage wasn’t legalized until the 2000s in England. He wore the ring Jim gave him forever, it was even cremated with him. 
In either 1985 or 1987,  Freddie was diagnosed with AIDS which was a death sentence back then, proper medications and treatment for it wasn’t really there yet. A few years later Jim was diagnosed with HIV in 1990. On November 24th, 1991 Mercury passed away from bronchial pneumonia resulting from AIDS, he was just 45. He died with his husband at his bedside. Funeral services were held on the 27th and he was cremated shortly after. His ashes whereabouts are unknown and never to be told. There is a memorial plaque with his birth name on it at Kensal Green Cemetery in London England.
Even though Freddie never fathered children he was the godfather to Mary’s oldest son Richard. And he fathered many cats in his lifetime, having somewhat over a dozen cats in his life. Even a black cat showed up at his funeral. This concludes the short long lived life of Freddie Mercury
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I ADORE THIS!!!!!!! The writing was perfect,the wording amazing and it was just a great essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That teacher damn sure should've gave you a 100/100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it,thank you very much Bestie for sharing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333
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Nobel Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah: An introduction to his writing
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International News is Gurnah and what is his place in East African literature?- Abdulrazak Gurnah is a Tanzanian writer who writes in English and lives and works in the UK. He was born in Zanzibar, the semi-autonomous island off the east African coast, and studied at Christchurch College Canterbury in 1968.
Zanzibar underwent a revolution in 1964 in which citizens of Arab origin were persecuted. Gurnah was forced to flee the country when he was 18.
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He began to write in English as a 21-year-old refugee in England, although Kiswahili is his first language. His first novel, Memory of Departure, was published in 1987.
He has written numerous works that pose questions around ideas of belonging, colonialism, displacement, memory and migration. His novel Paradise, set in colonial east Africa during the first world war, was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1994...Read more.
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