g00melo5-art-blog · 1 month
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adam8764author · 2 years
 自動車メーカーの広報部長が社用車で自損事故―。これだけでも間抜けな話だが、事後処理に追われる部下を尻目に、当の広報部長は反省の色なし。ただでさえ普段から仕事ができず陰口を叩かれる身なのに、事故などなかったかのように平然と振る舞う姿は、これまで以上に顰蹙を買ったことだろう。「厳重注意」の社内処分を受けたようだが、広報部員はそれで納得できたのか。  本誌の好評企画「プリーズ、虫めがね!」。前月号の特別拡大版では、「コロナに感染した三菱自動車K広報部長、今度は自社広報車をプライベートで使用中、自損事故」との情報を掲載した。「K広報部長」こと小池尚子の悪評は社内外では広く知られているようで、発売直後から「記事に思わず納得してしまいました」との声が編集部に寄せられたほどだ。 株主企業出身者は特別待遇
 事が広報レベルなら、まだご愛嬌で済んだかもしれない。だが、数々の不祥事を重ねてきた三菱自だけに、小池の自損事故は序の口、同社を蝕むモラルハザードは経営最高幹部にまで及んでいる。 三菱自ナンバー2の副社長兼CFO(最高財務責任者)、池谷光司。1981年に三菱銀行入行、2015年三菱東京UFJ銀行(現三菱UFJ銀行)専務執行役員を経て、16年に三菱自に取締役副社長として天下り。昨年より現職の元銀行員だ。三菱自関係者によると、社内で問題となっているのは、池谷の〝乱費〟ぶりだ。 ......続きはZAITEN8月号で。
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jessynewsonline · 2 years
自動車メーカーの広報部長が社用車で自損事故―。これだけでも間抜けな話だが、事後処理に追われる部下を尻目に、当の広報部長は反省の色なし。ただでさえ普段から仕事ができず陰口を叩かれる身なのに、事故などなかったかのように平然と振る舞う姿は、これまで以上に顰蹙を買ったことだろう。「厳重注意」の社内処分を受けたようだが、広報部員はそれで納得できたのか。  本誌の好評企画「プリーズ、虫めがね!」。前月号の特別拡大版では、「コロナに感染した三菱自動車K広報部長、今度は自社広報車をプライベートで使用中、自損事故」との情報を掲載した。「K広報部長」こと小池尚子の悪評は社内外では広く知られているようで、発売直後から「記事に思わず納得してしまいました」との声が編集部に寄せられたほどだ。 株主企業出身者は特別待遇
 事が広報レベルなら、まだご愛嬌で済んだかもしれない。だが、数々の不祥事を重ねてきた三菱自だけに、小池の自損事故は序の口、同社を蝕むモラルハザードは経営最高幹部にまで及んでいる。 三菱自ナンバー2の副社長兼CFO(最高財務責任者)、池谷光司。1981年に三菱銀行入行、2015年三菱東京UFJ銀行(現三菱UFJ銀行)専務執行役員を経て、16年に三菱自に取締役副社長として天下り。昨年より現職の元銀行員だ。三菱自関係者によると、社内で問題となっているのは、池谷の〝乱費〟ぶりだ。
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cluemily · 1 year
アイク / 在天 - MV
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persona-polls · 1 year
Signature Persona Showdown Other Side Round 1
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kisenth · 16 days
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It's hot out (( but that's fine - so is she ))
Canaria at the beach with Chuchu, Ren and Zaiten !
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personashowdown · 9 months
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Name: Kanji Tatsumi
Series: Persona 4
Continuity: Golden Edition
Age: 16-18 (RP dependent)
Height: 6'2"
Birthday: January 19th 1996
Birthplace: Inaba, Japan
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Human / Emperor Persona user
Occupation: Student / Textile and hand-made crafts shop
Father: Unnamed (deceased)
Mother: Unnamed
Persona(s): Take-Mikazuchi, Dairoku Tenmaou and Takeji Zaiten
Kanji Tatsumi was born to much older parents, raised a relatively ordinary childhood with the exception of societal expectations brought on by his father whom he did look up to as someone so unbelievably reliable. Yet his father would die when he was little, marking a deep fear of hospitals in Kanji as well as his father's last words haunting him forever. Kanji had always enjoyed 'feminine' interests and guys his whole life, which is father noticed and advised his son to be 'manly and strong' for his mother. To him, he doesn't know if that meant his father didn't approve or simply a child's misunderstanding of dying words.
After that, he grew deeply insecure in himself as well as with grief and began to take it out on his classmates and even his own mother by constantly yelling and insulting her. Yet despite that, he deeply loves his mother and is still close with her despite his temper. He learned to sew, knit and more from her but it still stung at his insecurity knowing he loved all his hobbies that weren't "manly". He would be heavily bullied by his peers for this, called slurs and other insults solely for lack of "manliness"
Yet this would all come to a change when murders began springing up in his small town of Inaba, a reporter and a girl at his school in particular. A few months after, Kanji was kidnapped by the killer and thrown into a TV world that manifested his inner shadows.
In this case, Kanji's own internalized fear of his own sexuality and interests manifested into a shadow that boldly accepted it to the point of a characture, something he's always wanted to accept but never could from societal expectations.
Yet an Investigation Team made of teenagers had saved Kanji's life from getting killed by his own insecurity, as well as brought him back to reality with acceptance of himself.
Kanji became a new person who has now broken the chains that held him down from society and has accepted who he really is, a man who loves sewing and doesn't view gender as an issue when it comes to love.
Although he comes across as incredibly rude and has no filter, deep down he's actually a very caring guy who will do anything for someone when he becomes friends with them. He may not be a people person, but when push comes to shove he can be a genuinely good person, even fixing a toy for a child he's never even met before.
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monstersofsilence · 2 years
a heads up!
the trolls that got scrapped
Zaiten Beltos (though she's gonna be a side character for Fesira)
and Denala
so I got room to creating new ones and possibly some in blood colors that I have a few of .w.
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galadrielkenobi · 4 years
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 3rd Awekened Persona of the Investigation Team Icons + Izangi-no-Okami Icon
Feel free to use it! Credit is greatly appreciated!
Circle versions under here ~ Icon requests are open
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katesong20 · 5 years
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Mis amores
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honey-from-hell · 4 years
What if podcast characters with the same name met each other
Ben (Not Akmazian): In an alternative timeline, I’m a space pirate with a Texan accent who’s been framed for mass genocide. In this one, I just help a cute doctor occasionally. 
Ben(zaiten): I was a dancer. Then, I was murdered by my mother.
Ben Arnold: I’m an... AM radio host. Jesus Christ, are you guys OK?
Sam: So you lost your fiance in the void? My crush was lost to the past but we got him back, I mean, not before he was kidnapped by an atypical lunatic. But he’s back now. How’d you get your fiance back?
Sammy: We haven’t. He’s still in the void. Our friend who was a vessel to open the door to Hell died… you know, opening the door to Hell.
Sam: Do you need a hug?
Mark Midland: I’m an EOD officer in New York. 
Mark Bright: A what?
Midland: I disarm bombs.
Bright: Oh, okay. Well, if I’m around other atypicals, I gain their power.
Midland: A- what?
Bright: You know. People with special abilities. Funny story, actually. I ended up in YEAR after being around a time traveler and got stuck there for a while.
Midland: A what?
Gwendolyn: I’m a hero! Actually, I’m trying out the villain thing and I gotta say, I like it.
Gwendolyn The Racist Witch: Villany? Oh, how wonderful! Would you be interested in my club?
Gwendolyn: Uh, sure. What kind of club is it?
Gwendolyn TRW: This week we’re discussing the fact that Hitler had a point. 
Gwendolyn: *horrified* You know what, I’m all booked up this week.
Bonus: Characters With The Same Voice Actors
Midland: I stop shit from blowing up
Jacobi: I blow shit up.
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Joker knew well how dangerous these fights could get.
Every fight, they gambled with their lives. One wrong move could spell the end for any of them.
That's why his heart sank every time one of them went down in a fight. Fighting through the fog of forgetfulness, he watched as the mounted Shadow (what was his name again? The forgetfulness wasn't helping) slammed his spear into Fox's midsection, sending him crashing into the side of the Prison Keep.
"Fox has to withdraw!" Oracle called out. "Someone fix him!"
Skull and their newest (temporary?) member, Tailor, swooped in to drag him out of danger. Queen got the Shadow's attention, pulling out her pistol and laying down covering fire as they ran. Joker was quick to close the gap, climbing up onto the Shadow's steed and jamming his knife in the first available gap he could find. The Shadow roared in pain, its horse reared back, and Joker leapt off before the Shadow could mount a counter attack.
Crow swooped in practically out of nowhere, the telltale glow of his special move clinging to him like a shroud. He tore into the Shadow, its armor practically like tissue paper under his claws. The Shadow careened around the field blindly, trying and failing to shake the crazed attacker. Panther summoned Célestine, and a fireball sent the Shadow crashing into one of the walls near the cages. Crow leapt off, seemingly none the worse for wear. All the same, Joker ran in to cover him as he fell back behind one of the sword monuments scattered around. Joker wasn't about to let anyone else fall because of his own negligence.
The Shadow shook itself off and readied its spear, charging straight towards Joker. He dove out of the way, but Panther wasn't quite so lucky. The steed's hooves kicked her as it ran past, and she went flying off to the side.
"You okay, Panther?" Oracle asked.
"Yeah," she replied, sitting up and rubbing her back where she was hit.
"I've got you," Queen called out. "Come, Agnes!"
Agnes lay down a Diarahan, bringing Panther back up to fighting form. Joker shot a glance towards the reserve members. Mona was busy patching Fox up, who sat doubled over and clutching his ribs. All of their healing spells could patch them up to full fighting form, but sometimes it took a moment to set in. And the pain of a broken bone tended to linger well after the injury was gone.
That moment of distraction was enough for the Shadow to get the drop on him, delivering a blow that left him forgetting his own name again. He staggered, back hitting the wall as his addled mind swam. What was he doing again...?
"Joker, move!" Panther yelled, grabbing him with her whip and yanking him out of the Shadow's path.
"That's it!" Tailor shouted, swooping in with folding chair in hand. "Get 'im, Takeji Zaiten!"
The white and red Persona rushed forward, blazing red sword raised above his head, and cleaved right into the Shadow. It tumbled from its horse, which disappeared into shadowy smoke.
"Joker, get ahold of yourself!" Panther said, spinning him around to face her. She delivered a quick slap to the cheek, which was enough to clear the fog of forgetfulness from his head.
"Sorry," Joker muttered, before turning towards the struggling Shadow and reaching for his mask. "It's showtime, Raoul!"
Raoul appeared in a flurry of blue flames, laughing maniacally. With a flourish of his wings, he summoned forth shadows to consume the enemy, leaving nothing behind. With the battle so stylishly finished, Raoul gave a theatrical bow to those assembled before vanishing the same way he appeared.
Joker breathed a sigh of relief, before turning his attention to Fox. He jogged over to where he and Mona were hiding and offered Fox a hand up. Fox smiled and took it, allowing Joker to pull him to his feet.
"I'm alright," Fox assured him. "I apologize for that. I got careless and left myself open to attack." Fox squeezed Joker's hand. "I hope I did not worry you too much."
Joker shook his head, trying to play off his own fears. He was fine, honest. No worries here. His stomach wasn't doing flips anymore.
"Come on, the way up to the top should be clear," Oracle said, ignoring the lecherous Shadow's parting words to Panther. "Let's get up there and grab our proof!"
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🔥 personas?
I personally think most of the third tier personas are ugly? (Persona 4+5) with the only exception being
Hereward (Akechi)
Raoul (Joker)
Agnes (Makoto)
Yamato Sumeragi (Naoto)
Takeji Zaiten (Kanji)
 Haraedo-no-Okami (Chie)
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persona-polls · 1 year
Signature Persona Showdown Other Side ROUND 1
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Yeah, everyone in the last round? Forget them, they’re taking a nap.
Either the site is busted or I’m stupid but the final matchup was not visible when I generated the bracket. Because of this, I thought it generated two separate brackets and decided to just… go with it
So here we are! A second bracket will run alongside the first one, and the victors of each will go head to head (which is how the bracket is supposed to go so… ah whatever It’s fun! And any reason to reference persona 2 is a good reason lol)
Anyways, on June 5th, the bracket will release for the Other Side!
EDIT: I forgot to include Persona 4 Arena! Since Persona 5 Strikers is present, I realize this is immensely unfair. So, I will insert them into the bracket as three-way polls! Whoever gets the most votes of the three in those cases will move on, while the other two are eliminated!
Chronos vs Prometheus (2ep) Tomoe vs Astarte Himiko vs Kamu Susano-o Amen Ra vs Amaterasu Cendrillon vs Kamui Mot vs Isis Nemesis vs Gorokichi Captain Kidd vs Yamato Sumeragi Frey vs Athena Penthesilea vs Lucy Johanna vs Takeji Zaiten Artemis vs Gabriel Jiraiya vs Raoul Kintoki-Douji vs Hecate Verdandi vs Suzuka Gongen Loki vs Yamato-Takeru Apollo vs Juno Castor vs Célestine Zorro vs Satanael Durga vs Messiah vs Ariadne Lucia vs Hereward vs Asterius Necronomicon vs Sumeo-Okami vs Tsukuyomi
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the-apollo-project · 5 years
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Hello, traveler No.▐░▒▙_░! Welcome to the Apollo Project. We will be landing shortly on the surface of the asteroid Z-4110, affectionately nicknamed "Zaiten" by our dedicated team of astrologists. As part of the Apollo Project, your role on Z-4110 is to contribute to the team effort of preserving life in every form possible. It's easy as pie! The first generation of Apollo volunteers, a team of experienced space explorers and scientists, will be there to show you all the ropes. Just remember, here on Z-4110, we are ꍏ꒒▐ꍏ꓄ꍟ ꓄ꂦ ꉓ▐ꍟ▐▐▐
The Apollo Project is an ARG-style space mystery roleplay community based in Discord. Once all of its secrets have been completely uncovered, the Apollo Project will conclude. Why not try your hand at it?
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