#YouTube has ruined me yet has also reawakened my long lost love for these idiots
misteria247 · 2 years
I've been watching a lot of Sonic videos lately (I've fallen back into the pit of hedgehog hell-) and a lot of these videos involve one of my favorite ships that suprisingly after all these years still makes me giddy. That ship being none other than SonAmy. I remember when I'd first seen the ship and saw these two interact together, and it was these two sweet babies that really got me into shipping as a whole. SonAmy was basically my religion as a kid and teenager if I'm gonna be honest here.
Of course as I got older I kinda forgot about the ship and didn't really look into the Sonic franchise anymore. But recently due to the YouTube algorithm I've been reintroduced to this ship and looking at them through the eyes of an adult makes this pairing even better. Looking at them now I can see just how well they actually fit together, much like how Sonic and Sally do. Sonic and Amy are basically polar opposites.
Amy is a cheerful, kind girl who is hot headed and stubborn. She's smart and willing to follow her dreams and her heart even when things are bleak. She's always has her heart on her sleeve and she's passionate. Meanwhile Sonic is the complete opposite of her. Sonic is cocky and full of confidence. He's always going with his gut even when it might not be the best decision. He's kind as well though he's not as open about it as Amy. He keeps his heart hidden from sight and keeps his feelings to himself. He's awkward at times in certain situations and he's short tempered and sometimes shy if he's put in the right circumstances. These two are completely different in so many ways yet it's because of these differences that make them work whether it be as friends or as partners. They complete each other when it comes to what their counterpart lacks.
They're basically the definition of Yin and Yang. Forever different yet not really able to be without the other. It's just incredible how well their personalities play off of each other's when given the chance to. And seeing it as the adult that I am today really makes me appreciate the pairing all over again and makes me fall in love with it even more than my childhood self did. Their relationship if given the chance to be built more upon would work incredibly well. Just like with SonAlly which has the somewhat same dynamic as SonAmy. Like them, Sonic and Sally are complete opposites from each other yet when they're together they blend incredibly well with each other and work off one another. They bring out the best in one another because of their differences and SonAmy in a way does the same thing only different.
It's just incredibly wonderful how a pairing that you were once in love with as a child can completely become even better when you become older and look at it again.
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