#Yeah I don't know why I drew this
yki-dolls · 11 months
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I wanted to draw someone sobbing their heart out.
Sorry Mikey, you were the victim.
Pixel art Commissions
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I just finished season 1 and surely those papers Tom asked Greg to shred but he made copies of will never come up again and they’ll be totally fine am I right 
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For the hugging request : Mystogan and Jellal
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The ✨ twins ✨
(Drawing them this happy was pure serotonin. They’re found family, your honor.)
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thebirdandhersong · 4 months
alas babes I literally cannot defend this man's name anymore except in the name of ignorance which. you can only claim ignorance for so long
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arttsuka · 4 months
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It's valentines day 💗 so here's a drawing I made last year.
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dropthedemiurge · 10 months
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my heart is bleeding into every vodka shot and every drag of cigarette just makes it worse i don't know how to make the people stay they look at me, then roll their eyes and go i am a burden. just a trash you find on any street i have been told i'm sensitive and fucking rude, a spoiled brat but all the money can not buy a single kiss from someone who does not desire my body nor my mind my heart is drowning in another whiskey glass hands trembling, I light up my own cigarette and spill the bitter, honest thoughts amidst a laugh: i love you. please, don't leave me. please. i beg.
Poem about Ray [Only Friends]
[can be seen as another form of this fic i also wrote as Ray's character study] p.s. strong hugs to @xagan for patiently working with me to make it sound better < 3
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
Looking at the Austrian crown: 🥰😁😊😚😍
Drawing the Austrian crown: 😟☹️😥😢😰
Please someone save me, why did I do this to myself, look at this thing
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msparrowscribbles · 1 year
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He’s thinking about Bunger!
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omarwolaeth · 28 days
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The little sun from dusty streets, Raon
Ritual AU Ray shard done ;v; her ritual monsters are done too, so now (at least on her end) I need to do the rest of her main deck. I both look forward to and don't look forward to making a ref for Yuume for he is a big puffball.
Once nicknamed Nameless by a once dear friend (she hasn't seem them in so, so long) and given a name by them, Raon is the Ritual Dimension's shard of Ray.
For most of her life she's had very little beyond her clothes and her bracelet. As of recent, she's come to understand (with difficulty) that her bracelet is a bit... strange, to say the least - but at least where the occasional nagging feelings of doom (proximity to a particular person) or "take care of myself" during that time was from.
She does think En Sun trying to help her realise when she was hungry, thirsty, or tired, was cute of it, especially for a spell. It just made existing a little scary after finding out about it (she's gotten over this.)
As a member of Opus, Raon is one of their two gathered fragments. Through them she has most things in her life, up to and including her duel disk (though not pictured here) and her monsters.
Just like other members of Opus, Raon looks forward to being able to meet her sisters in Ray's other shards (as does Yuume with his brothers), and is working as best she can to keep the other shards separate,
... after all, both Raon and Yuume know exactly how dire a botched ritual can be (hell, the whole dimension does) - combining pieces together separately, and not all together at once? A recipe for disaster.
It's just very hard to do your job when your organization is frightened of letting you out of the dimension in case you get captured - as if Raon isn't the queen of booking it out of a dangerous situation - because you're fairly new to being able to duel at all.
... Maybe not helped that she's unnerved by her own monsters, even if they were made by En Sun for her and her alone. Anyway! When they're less scared of letting her loose, Raon's definitely going to help her siblings where she can!
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mewkwota · 2 years
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Richter looks very cute with his hair down, but if he is without his headband for too long he will die. (Or so he makes it seem.) Something was throwing me off when I drew Richter’s DXC design recently and it turns out I’ve been doing his bangs wrong-- they should start a little to the side.
Also, I think it’s nice to see that hairstyle with his Rondo attire every so often. It’s like a reminder of how nice-n-soft his hair really is.
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joshooop · 1 year
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The first thing I ever quasi render, and it's Dio.
I've managed to disappoint even myself.
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crystalkitty1220 · 2 years
Wolfy read through that whole paragraph and I watched Daiku's face go into realization that we do that too at times -Lix
Hm, yeah I can see those too. Really comes to show how realistic some of Kai's writings are. I didn't even notice after all the times we've read it
Also holy fuck you have amazing analysis skills. -Wolfy
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Yeah I kinda tend to read through things too many times. First readthrough just for fun, and then again as a different reader pov, and then as character 1 pov, then as character 2 pov, and occasionally as "trying to figure out what the author was doing with this" pov. This was a special case though, because I had specifically done a read-through recently where I was putting together a list of Chris' and Isaac's interactions and notable thoughts. The list wasn't ever completed but I had all the bits up to ch20.
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lunarharp · 2 years
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tsuki people, genroku, gatsby
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raveartts · 2 years
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He sit
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kaylamoonlight121 · 1 year
For no particular reason, have Ember Hayes aka Blaze before transitioning
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keeps-ache · 2 years
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hi :)
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