amakhuakrie ยท 1 year
Tw: fitness talk, exercise talk, health talk, diet talk, foul language, derogatory language(? refereing to selves by misogynistic term in the tags)
I've been getting fitter and more muscles since I started my new job so I figued I'd share the tips my new WorkDad gave me
(Under the cut so no one who doesnt wanna see it has to)
Ok so
Tip 1 - doing a little bit over the course of the day is like 3x more effective than just going to the gym
Expanded - So like if you have a sit down job or a desk or something put like one of those little weight guys at your station and every once in a while when you have a second to use your hands just do a rep ( like ten bicep curls is one rep) on each side and then forget it for a few hours or whatever
Why its good - a few reasons
First you can just do it so instead of (go home from work > make food > eat food > clean up > do shit you need to > get changed to gym clothes > get your gym shit together > get a change of clothes > put it in a bag > go to the gym > try not to feel judged > figure out what to do > do the thing > feel gross > amp yourself up to either shower in public or be gross until you get home > shower in public or go home and shower > clean your gym crap = horoay you did excersize!) its (pick up weight > do ten bicep curls with right side > do ten bicep curls with left side > put down weight = hooray you did excersize!)
Also! It means you rest your muscles because gaining muscles is not exertion = insta!muscles its exertion + rest + nutrition = tiny!muscle growth
Tip 2 - exercise by muscle group to full range of motion
Expanded - Each muscle grouping does a different movement in a different way so you gotta not just do the bicep curl up but also the controlled curl down and the long around the chest up move and the long around the chest down move and the over your head bit too or else your gonna get no muscles
Why - each muscle group (bicep - tricep - deltoids - brachialis - flexors - extensors) moves in a different way so if you excersize only one way then your muscles will grow unevenly and you wont see much evidence of your work and maybe hurt yourself so make sure you do controlled movements on both the pull up and the let down and do all the kinds of movements your body can do so you will get proper muscle growth without fucking your body in the long run (love from my stepdad's atrophied front deltoids he needed longterm physical therapy for)
Tip 3 - Flexibility is more important than growing big
Expanded - have you ever seen that video of body builders pranking each other by putting sticky notes on their shoulders? Yeah thats the most harmless example of how shitty being too muscley without flexibility is
So like make sure to stretch consider yoga movements and listen to your body about it if you are feeling tight shake yourself out before you cant do it anymore
Tip 4 - Bland Protein in small portions throughout the day
Expanded/Why - pick lean proteins and get them in small portion sizes for snacking because protein is more filling as a snack than like chips or whatever but its also good for building muscles (hard boiled eggs or like peanutbutter or hummus arr good choices cause they can because protein is high and getting a small portion is easy)
I will share more WorkDad tips as they occur under the tag "Tips from WorkDad"
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