#YGO Bommer
frost-felon · 11 months
Feel free to make your case in the replies and reblogs. "Wasted" is here in the most general sense, so be as general or specific in your answer as you'd like; this can apply for more than just how they were used in the Dark Signer Arc itself.
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soaringonblackwings · 5 months
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Clearly the writers had fun with this.
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Tikal the Echidna is canonically Indigenous. She is part of the ancient Echidna Tribe, which is based on Mesoamerican and South American Indigenous cultures.
Bommer/Greiger is canonically Indigenous. He is implied to be Quechua.
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izay0is · 2 years
*wakes up in a cold sweat* Bommer's monsters being military themed and based off WWII bombardment and fighter planes must have something to do with his backstory. He either must have some sort of background in the military or one of his parents (or other relatives) were military themselves.
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
Back to YGO.
Since Sherry is the next Duel Links unlock, I guess the next 5D's unlock would have to be Rutger, Bommer, or a variation of Misty.
Sherry's remaining animé cards are unlikely to be printed soon, as besides Apprentice Knight they are mostly Spell/Traps. Her remaining manga cards might get mostly printed, as she is only missing Klaret the Elite Magic Elf as a monster.
Hard to say when other major characters will appear. After Ruka's Ancient Fairy Dragon retrain in LIGHT Duelist Pack, we still need Lua's Life Stream Dragon's retrain. After that, a retrain for Infernity Doom Dragon for Kyosuke is the most likely option.
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seldomsee · 3 years
I wish bonds beyond time had been longer i want to know how the firmly anti-murder Yusei would have dealt with Yami Yugi and Judai who are both batshit insane
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gawain-sonata · 4 years
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Dark Signer inspired masks!
Dark Signer Kalin /// Dark Signer Carly
Dark Signer Misty /// Dark Signer Greiger
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fyeahygocardart · 5 years
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Darksea Float
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chromsai · 5 years
i guess it wouldnt be an ono tournament without someone getting aRRESTED
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laportedelenfer · 6 years
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“Yusei, Jack, you’re welcome any time!” “Don’t joke around! Who’d want to go through that trouble again?”
5ᴅ's ᴇᴘ113
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chronomally · 5 years
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kaiowut99 · 3 years
5D’s Episode 28… With an “Uncut” Dub?! (Re-Edited 4Kids Dub/Japanese OST)
“A Darkness Engulfing All - The Immortal Dark Signer”/”A Web of Deceit (Part 2)″
Everybody listen!
So, took a bit longer because IRL stuff/finalizing my GX 58 script and I got a bit ambitious (lol), but finally finished my dub-uncut take on 28, as Yusei closes out his duel with Dark-Signer!Dick Pitt! More details under the cut, while I’ll now get started on finalizing GX 59 to work on releasing 58 and 59 together before working on 5D’s 29.
In case this is the first you’re hearing about my mini-project here, let’s get you up to speed:
So, the official Spanish YGO channel on YouTube flubbed a few uploads of the 5D’s dub such that they ended up uploading a few episodes of the English dub instead of the Latin American dub (21-29)–but with none of 4Kids’s background music! Which meant that I could swoop in and re-insert the original Japanese soundtrack (which I did by matching each track to how it was looped in the episode), but I wanted to do more by also tweaking the dub itself so that not only was it matching the original footage, but the dialogue was more in line with the original dialogue timing-wise (since I couldn’t salvage much of what they changed).  Hence, the “dubbed uncut” gimmick here.  To this end, I’ve also used dialogue from Duel Links where applicable, or even borrowed audio from other episodes with the vocals isolated to lend to that effect.
Check out the masterpost of episodes I’ve done here!
Check out this episode’s WIP videos! WIP #1     WIP #2     WIP #3 
So, this was fun because it had some tracks to work with that I was looking forward to mixing into the dub, like the Dark Signers’ dueling theme and ol’ Cowboy Tune itself “Faith” near the end of the episode, but then there was also quiiiite a bit of dialogue reworking to make a final product that wasn’t as... questionable as the original episode, lol.  Otherwise, unlike 27, they, uh... took more “liberties” with more lines (especially near the end), and had some questionable effect explanations I did away with in favor of more accurate lines, so for what I couldn’t fix, I decided to include hardsubs from the Japanese dialogue for scenes where the dialogue was too different from the Japanese lines (like Dick’s comparing the Dark Signers’ immortality to his Monster’s), or where there’s missing lines (just the one as Yusei thinks to himself about the invisible wall behind him), and also to cover the cut scene I couldn’t do anything for in the Satellite scene with the drunk guys (for the other cut scenes involving Carly and Yusei, I was able to use either existing dialogue or grunts/etc).  This also obviously includes the alluded-to ending scene with Yusei and Ushio, since for whatever reason, 4Kids had Yusei contact the officer who’s been hounding him when originally Ushio just found him there; while the subs show the original intent, as I did with the one Bommer scene in 21, I took out some fluff to make this change more subtle--Yusei’s line to Luna about “backup” gets replaced with a Duel Links line similar to the Japanese line, I recycled a Tanner line from 22 to cover “Trudge is your backup?” and pulled a “Well then” from a later episode for Yusei--you can see all this in action in the last WIP video above.  I would’ve tackled Trudge’s dialogue, but I barely had anything to work with, let alone getting it filtered through a megaphone lol (why didn’t the animators forget the megaphone in this episode argh) As before, these subs will be optional in the MKV I’ll release on NAC.
Like with Bommer’s computer screen in 21, I also figured I’d try and translate the article from Angela that Rally and co were looking at in their hideout, so that added some time to finishing this up, lol; you may have seen the in-progress results.  Over a few nights after I stitched up the article and translated it in Photoshop, I keyframed the “scroll” on the article by gradually zooming it out and re-sizing it while masking the monitor and the rest of the shot over the article so that it’s all you see, and then I finished by adding a low-opacity blue overlay to replicate the blue light from the monitor.  Came out nicely, and I thought about doing it for when Carly looks at it, but I’d have had to redraw Carly and the background in a few things, so I didn’t think it was totally needed for this now, lol. (Now, if I ever revisit subbed 5D’s... maybe)
Music-wise, fun facts: the version of “Dark Tuning” playing over the recap of 27 is two seconds faster and a pitch up from the album-release version, while the “Dark Signers” track at the episode proper’s start is one second faster than the released version--if anyone wants to check these out, I post them when I release these episodes over on NAC.  Otherwise, dig how well the Dark Signers’ dueling theme vibes with the dub, and Faith at the end works well too.
Also, once again, special thanks to yugidmx5 for cleaning up some audio from later episodes that I used to patch up a lot of the dialogue here, as well as some of the lines in this episode so that I could move ‘em around without worrying about the SFX included.  They also provided another great rip of the “Vision of Tragedy” track as it plays over the Rex and Satellite scenes, as well as some SFX I needed.  If you’re not subscribed to him on YouTube, go check them out; they do their own dub/Japanese-OST clips that are cool too! The Junk Warrior clip from episode 1 is well-done lol.
Enjoy, folks! Now that I’ve got this done, I’m going to do some finishing touches on GX 58 and then get started on finalizing GX 59 to prep a double-release for everyone.  After that, I’m thinking I could work on both GX 60 and 5D’s 29, since I’ve given my script for 60 a once-over already for GX_ST’s release of the Duel Selection version of the episode a few years back, but I’m sure I’ll find something to touch up.  Looking forward to making the Jack/Carly teamwork sound good, lol.
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soaringonblackwings · 8 months
If the writers treated Crow fairly, we would've had a friendship with Bommer
That would have been so good. Everyone in the main cast all gained a friend except for Crow.
They would make good friendship. They have a lot in common.
Now I am imagining Crow’s kids all climbing on Bommer like they did Jack.
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eleutheramina · 3 years
Dark Signer Arc Thoughts: Rua & Ruka
Rua’s character arc is probably one of the most well-executed/interesting of the main 5D’s characters. I don’t think I was super invested in the twins when I first watched 5D’s, but rewatching it, Rua at first seems like a standard shounen protagonist character - excitable about the “skill” of the show (dueling in YGO’s case), cheerful and simple-minded, wanting to be King/generally become a stronger duelist, open to bonds/friendship, and ultimately pretty active as a character (initiating a duel with Yusei, tries to find the Black Rose Witch, putting himself in the Fortune Cup, trying to learn more about Bommer’s D-Wheel). 
It wouldn’t be hard to imagine, if 5D’s were a different show, that Rua would be the main character. It’s implied that other people have helped contribute to Rua being this way, telling him he needs to be heroic and protect his sister. But it’s ultimately because he’s not the main protagonist, I think, that makes Rua interesting. When he goes up against people who are out of his league like Divine, even when his intentions are good (to protect Ruka), he doesn’t get handed a win he doesn’t deserve out of sheer guts and determination/because the genre of the show he’s in allows him too, as someone like Yusei has throughout the series. (Not that I think Yusei’s wins are uncalled for, but it’s clear that him winning almost every duel is as much because of him being the main character and the show needing to convey the theme of bonds as much as because his own earned skills.) 
Instead, Rua loses badly to Divine. He’s forced to realize he’s not special--he’s not going to win duels with just determination, he’s not a Signer and therefore does not get the powers or attention that Ruka does, and he doesn’t even have the purely heroic intentions that he wants to have (having resented having to take care of Ruka). So when he doesn’t want to go to Satellite in episode 43, though it seems surprising for us viewers to see him so discouraged and self-doubting, it actually makes a lot of sense (especially with Godwin’s “I don’t care about anyone who’s not a Signer” schtick in the episode before). Rua’s character growth is about realizing he’s not a hero in that way he thought he was, and it’s through that that he grows to have more clear resolve as a character. He goes to Satellite not to be a hero in his own eyes - one who beats the bad guys with his awesome skills, but because he wants to support Ruka and be her hero.
I used to be a little salty that Ruka’s duel with Demak ended up being mostly taken over by Rua and Ruka spends time in Narnia instead (because it’s always nice to have more female characters dueling). However, re-watching it, I think it makes sense for both of their characters, even if Minus World is maybe sillier than it should be.
From her introduction, Ruka’s character was never about being a duelist. Instead, it was about growing to have the courage to face up to her promise as a child to protect the Spirit World because of her bond with Rua; that’s why she spends her duel in the FC arc in a trance while being mentally teleported to the Spirit World. You could even read her reluctance to duel in the beginning of the series as reflecting her running away from that promise/destiny. Her resolve in episode 47 to go after Demak and save Ancient Fairy Dragon, even when she’s scared, shows she’s facing up to her promise from before and means more than the duel itself would. 
On the other hand, Rua has a lot more room to grow as a duelist. He goes from excitedly wanting to duel Yusei (which has nothing to do with protecting Ruka and more to do with his admiration of and desire to be the King, which he feels having to attend to Ruka inhibits him from pursuing) to dueling a Dark Signer literally at the risk of death wholly for the purpose for trying to protect Ruka. And Yusei even points out that Rua learned to actually pay attention to his opponent’s moves and be less self-centered as a duelist. It’s hard not to be like Yusei--proud of Rua and how much he grows throughout the series. 
This isn’t to say that the twins don’t still reinforce gender norms of the men needing to protect and women needing to be protected, but I think they at least make sense for Rua and Ruka as they are initially set up, and I’m glad that Ruka is clearly still a more skilled duelist than Rua is. The moment when Ruka uses Rua’s cards and both their dragons to defeat Demak is pretty awesome. 
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voicesofchaos · 4 years
I'm giving YGO SEVENS a chance! Unlike those genwunners/baby bommers in DM i ain't gonna ignore every new series that comes out just because they don't like it. If anyone is to blame for YGO's fandom being divided its them for all the blame they caused upon the series after DM came to a tragic end.
I hate genwuners very much and overall I do think people should try to give Sevens a chance. But honestly there are some legitimate reasons to not want to and I don’t think people should be forced to devote time and energy to Sevens if they really don’t want to watch it and don’t think they would enjoy it.
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chibicrow · 6 years
Oh, can you do the “show/movie/fandom and I’ll tell you" thing with DM, GX, and 5D’s? :3
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* SURE CAN!!! I also love talking about the OG3. 
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
my favorite female character: THE DANCING QUEEN, ANZU MAZAKI!
my favorite male character: Yugi Muto!! But Jounouchi is def a close second. 
my favorite book/season/etc: ok if we’re excluding filler arcs, then it’s hands-down the Pharaoh’s Memory arc. But if we’re including them, the KCGP arc will always be my fave arc of YGO DM and y’all can’t change my mind. That arc was so much fun and such a breath of fresh air after Doma lmao. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): ugh there are so many... Kaiba helping out Yami in that duel with that Kaiba lookalike Player Killer... Yami vs that Panic guy (I forget his Japanese name lmao)... when Yugi suggested that he and Yami switch places to confuse Pegasus...Jounouchi vs Kajiki....Jounouchi vs Espa Roba....when Aknamkanon showed up from the spirit world to protect his son...when Yugi used Gandora for the first time...that final part of the battle against Zorc when Atem remembers his name....when Yugi defeated the Egyptian God cards... lmao. 
my favorite cast member: Kenjirou Tsuda hands down lmao. His performance as Kaiba? Excellent. 
my favorite ship: Puzzleshipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a character I’d die defending: Yugi Muto. And Anzu Mazaki. 
a character I just can’t sympathize with: Yami Bakura? Like the fandom is absolutely enamored with this guy and I’m like “??? but why.” 
a character I grew to love: Seto Kaiba lmao. I legit hated him when I was a kid. And then I grew up and basically realized I grew up to be English dub Seto Kaiba so ya know that’s cool. 
my anti otp: It’s a ship I actually used to like, but Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Jounouchi). Like after my DM rewatch, I just can’t get on that ship anymore lmao. Also I have other “anti-OTPs” from DM, but that’s the only one at the top of my head atm. 
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
my favorite female character: Rei Saotome tbh lmao. Even tho I really don’t talk about her a lot, but she’s just such a gem. 
my favorite male character: MARUFUJI SHO!!!!! So proud of this boy. 
my favorite book/season/etc: The latter half of S1 tbh. Like, all the other seasons are chill and all (tho I have problems with S4 lmao), but the latter half of S1 was definitely my fave. I do plan on rewatching GX in the near future tho (since I’ve only actually seen it all the way through once), so that might change. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): hey remember when Jim Crocodile Cook saved Yuki Judai and therefore YGO GX? ‘cause I sure as hell do. Thank u Jim. 
my favorite cast member: KENN KENN KENN KENN KENN. Also Taiki Matsuno was a gem as Manjoume too. 
my favorite ship: SPIRITSHIPPING!!!!!
a character I’d die defending: Manjoume Jun. Marufuji Shou. Rei Saotome. yeah. 
a character I just can’t sympathize with: that Cobra guy? yeah fuck him. also Darkness with his ugly ass face can take a hike.
a character I grew to love: Manjoume Jun tbh lmao. I remember when GX first aired, I really couldn’t stand this guy. But then, when I actually watched GX properly for the first time two years ago (it’s been two years already....damn....), I dunno. I saw him differently and decided I really liked him lmao. 
my anti otp: Judai x Asuka. No. Just. No no no no. No thank you. 
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s (MY FAVE!!!!!) 
my favorite female character: Izayoi Aki, the Black Rose Queen
my favorite male character: I mean, I’m sure it doesn’t need to be said, but I’m gonna say it anyway: CROW HOGAN-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my favorite book/season/etc: The Dark Signer arc yo. Tho the Ark Cradle arc is a REAL close second. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): BUT I HAVE SO MANY LMAO!!!! Let’s see...
Pre-Fortune Cup Arc: when Yusei beat Himuro Jin (that pro-duelist dude) using Yanagi’s deck and they became bros. But then 5D’s forgot about that rip. 
Fortune Cup Arc: Yusei vs Aki was top-notch. “YOU HAVE TO THINK FOR YOURSELF.” gets me every time. 
Dark Signer Arc: Crow-sama’s debut episode, Dr. Fudo’s debut episode, Crow-sama vs Bommer, Yusei vs Kiryu R2, Jack vs Carly, that episode where Divine gets eaten God bless, that episode where Crow-sama was like “even if our life points are at 1, our hopes are at 10,000 points.” yeah.  
Pre-WRGP Arc: “I came to fix something called a Heitmann.”, that episode where Yusei got kidnapped and Aki took things into her own hands, the episode where chibi Crow-sama became official, THE ENTIRE CRASHTOWN ARC
WRGP Arc: CUP RAMEN MAN CROW-SAMA!!!!!!, when Crow-sama decided to avenge Aki after she crashed like he did (MY HEART!!!!), Crow-sama vs Brave, Yusei vs Harald, Yusei vs Jose/Aporia
Ark Cradle Arc: Crow-sama and Aki vs Sherry, Aporia vs Z-ONE, Yusei vs Z-ONE (especially the episode where Dr. Fudo gave the slap that could be heard in the next dimension lmao) 
my favorite cast member: SHINTARO ASANUMA!!!!! also Miyashita Yuya, Takanori Hoshino (especially with all the episodes Jack talked about CUP RAMEN!!! like kudos dude) and Ayumi Kinoshita. 
my favorite ship: I’m a hardcore Firebird (Crow-sama x Aki) shipper at this point so it’s my current top ship lmao. But, I also love Yusei x Bruno, Jack x Carly, Jack x Kazama, Crow-sama x Brave, and Yusei x Kiryu tho.
a character I’d die defending: Crow Hogan-sama, Izayoi Aki, Ruka, and Yusei lmao
a character I just can’t sympathize with: DIVINE CAN BURN IN THE FIRES OF HELL!!!!! also I don’t care much for Zora and Leo either like they were so annoying. how is Martha friends with such annoying people I don’t get it. 
a character I grew to love: many, MANY characters fall under this category, but one character is definitely Carly Nagisa. She drove me nuts with her Jack obsession when I first watched 5D’s, but then the duel with Divine happened and . . . yeah. 
my anti otp: I really don’t hate this ship as much as I used to thanks to my 5D’s rewatch, but...... F//aithshipping. It was a perfectly fine ship in the Fortune Cup and Dark Signer arcs, but then 5D’s continued on after that and any implication of the ship just made me want to cry. of sadness. b/c it was SO FORCED!!!!  
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