thesupreme316 · 2 years
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ef-1 · 4 days
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juneviews · 7 months
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ten + enjoying prem's food
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fellhellion · 18 days
the twc b4 chapter 1 demo
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milkymooshi · 2 months
Genuinely forgot how much I loved S1 Oswald. Like. I just wanna keep him in a jar and watch his daily activities <3 he’s such a funny little creature
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kurjakani · 2 years
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If they marry right before Tommy’s finale, then Purpled would try his damn best to intervene in Tommy’s Potion addiction. Also, I headcanon that since Purpled is an alien, he can see invisible people.
So, he still sees Tommy. And Tommy now sees him. <3.
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loveoaths · 1 year
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suga4mycoffee · 2 years
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I posted 457 times in 2022
That's 457 more posts than 2021!
37 posts created (8%)
420 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 448 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#coconuts mafia - 421 posts
#kinnporsche - 251 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 238 posts
#kinn theerapanyakul - 49 posts
#porsche pachara - 41 posts
#porsche kittisawasd - 40 posts
#apo nattawin - 39 posts
#kinnporsche meta - 34 posts
#mile phakphum - 32 posts
#love in the air the series - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#i too was attempting to manifest insight from the queen of the coconuts mafia
My Top Posts in 2022:
Saw a post where someone was bitching about Korn, and it reignited my hatred...
The constant manipulative and condescending bullshit he's pulling is unbelievable. A benevolent smile, and soft-spoken words, hiding cold calculation, and someone who would be willing to sacrifice his son's happiness, sanity, and probably even his life, if it means his family is in a position of power. As long as there is a legacy. (Tankhun may be unable to lead the family, but Korn doesn't need Kinn to take over. Because he'd drag Kim back kicking and screaming, with no hesitation, and to hell with what Kim thought about it. The only reason he hasn't done that, is because he has Kinn to step up and take over. If Kinn were to die, become seriously injured, or even just earn enough of his father's displeasure... Korn would give Kim that responsibility. I 100% believe that.)
And the way he keeps up the (thin) facade of caring and concerned father, while making sure to keep Kinn firmly under his thumb, and even crushed under his heel? Never missing a chance to bring up Kinn's past 'mistakes'. Encouraging Kinn to be distant and almost isolated, but still heavily reliant on Korn for praise and validation, because it's a way to control him and manipulate him. Speaking in bullshit parables, like he's some wise old sage, when he's really just coming off sounding like one of those douchebags on the internet who think they're so cultured and enlightened, and are eager to tell you all about it. Giving Porsche special treatment, and then demanding Porsche be punished for something, because he's just another bodyguard and doesn't deserve special treatment.
(That's not even touching on the fact that I don't believe he's got any reason to be punished. I know people are all like "He's a bodyguard, he should have been more careful!", and I would agree... if not for Kinn. I know very little about D/s dynamics, but I personally saw Porsche look to Kinn for permission to take the water. And because Kinn has no social skills to apply to the task of 'flirting with his crush', and was being 'coached' by his friends, when he ends up smiling at Porsche (if we can call that a smile, you awkward little cabbage) and giving a little nod, well... To me, and probably to Porsche, that was a nod of permission. Yes? Probably need @lutawolf to tell me if I'm seeing correctly, or I'm being a big dumb.)
These barely scratch the surface. I might revisit Korn's scenes in the future, if anyone thinks I have a point to further turn my brain onto. If not, fuck that guy. He can get face-fucked by a cactus, because you can see how much Kinn is impacted by what Korn says and thinks. Which is why I found the 'rusty knife' scene so interesting. Because here we see Kinn visibly and significantly uncomfortable with what Korn is trying to pull, and his expression does a whole-ass journey. Again, I can also talk about that, if anyone wants me to.
In summary, it's 3:48AM, I've been frothing at the mouth about this for an hour or so, and I'm going to go the fuck to sleep.
My rage is immeasurable, and Korn can catch these fucking hands.
103 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
In my humble opinion...
Kinn needs to get his ass eaten and destroyed. And Porsche is just the man to do it.
I will not be accepting criticism at this time.
139 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
It's a good thing we don't have P'Pond's email, or anything. I can just see it now:
Dear P'Pond,
Thank you so much for the absolute masterpiece that is KinnPorsche The Series. Me and my fellow thirsty hoes would like to request that you just straight-up film sex tapes for any of your actors who are willing to 'perform', and make them available for purchase immediately. We'll take digital download, if you don't want to incur the expense of physical copies, photocards, etc.
Sincerely, The Coconuts Mafia: Conglomerate of Unrepentant Sluts
173 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
The moments of realisation that hit you when re-watching this show are brutal.
Like the moment where Vegas speaks about taking care of the hedgehogs, and all of them dying.
The moment where he speaks about the last one, and how "He still left me, too."
How "I didn't even get to name him.", because if he didn't name him, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much when he died.
How everything he's ever tried to take care of, except Macau, has died. And that he must be terrified that something will happen to Macau, too.
When he says "Everything that I love has left me.", and you realise he's just waiting for that to happen to everyone in his life that he even remotely cares about.
How you realise that, maybe, this is why Vegas tried so hard to treat Pete like a pet at first.
Maybe, this is why he kept calling Pete a pet. "You are such a good pet of the main family."
Perhaps, it's why he tried to make Pete eat from a pet bowl.
Because if Pete was 'just' a pet, like the hedgehogs he's cared for, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if he died.
But when he sees that Pete might actually die, he panics.
He crumbles, because he's scared he'll lose Pete, just as easily as those hedgehogs.
When he calls Pete's name, no longer calling him a pet of any kind, shaking his arm, tapping his face. Because Pete is so much more than a pet.
How Vegas dresses Pete's wounds, gives him medicine, speaks to him softly.
How he makes him hot food, in a proper bowl with proper utensils, and even eats some of it himself, to not only prove that it isn't poisoned, but to show that it's a bowl he's willing to eat from. That it isn't something he'd give to a pet.
How he's completely fine with Pete having a book to read, until Pete says something that makes him lash out.
How he gave Pete a chance to escape, to leave him, instead of dying under his hands, like all his hedgehogs. Like the one he holds in his hands when he leaves him the key.
The way he sits like his strings have been cut, mourning the last hedgehog, and knows that Pete will be gone by the time he's brushed himself off and gone back inside.
Because "Everything that I love has left me."
Except Pete.
Because Pete doesn't, no, can't leave Vegas while he's suffering.
He was given the perfect opportunity to leave, to go back to the main family, to escape Vegas.
And instead of grasping that opportunity with both hands, he stays. He sees Vegas, alone and in mourning, and decides that he can't leave him.
He gives Vegas an ear, lends his metaphorical shoulder to cry on, because he wants to help ease his suffering.
He sits with Vegas as he gives the hedgehog a little funeral, handing him flowers to lay atop the grave. (If I'm not mistaken, the flowers are plumeria flowers, which have various meanings, one of them being new beginnings.)
When Vegas stands and walks away, Pete follows.
Pete says he doesn't know why he didn't run away, but I don't believe that. I don't think Vegas really believes that, either.
And Vegas opens up to Pete. He tells him about the hedgehogs, about his battle to care for them and keep them alive, and how he failed. How they died over, and over, and over. How he doesn't have any left. How he didn't name the last one, because maybe it would hurt less when that one died too.
He tells Pete how he's always measured against the main family, against Kinn, and found lacking. How, no matter what he does, his efforts will never be noticed, never be given the same weight.
Pete tries to comfort him, tries to stop him from hurting himself.
See the full post
206 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay, but Kinn trying to talk to Porsche while being 'patient and calm', and instead shrieking like a particularly grouchy alley cat in heat every two seconds? Fucking flawless?
And then trying to modulate his tone and volume, and ending up being so fucking cringe, because he's emotionally constipated and has no proper social skills to speak of, because he's never needed them? Immaculate?
Finally, Porsche being so fucking done with him the entire time, his face practically screaming 'fuck you and all you stand for and your stupid family' while not giving Kinn a single inch of anything, except more rope to hang himself with during this fucking disaster of a conversation? Priceless?
This is my third re-watch, and I'm still feeling so many things, but the overriding emotion this time?
Pure petty glee.
Don't get me wrong, I love Kinn, and I'm sure he'll get (some) of his shit together soon, but damn, bitch. I thought Porsche was our beloved disaster king, but Kinn's coming for his crown in this episode.
306 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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airis-hunter · 2 years
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multiicolor · 2 years
  eventually one day i will have smth proper to write out abt tigress and viper bc theres a LOT i can dig into, even with just tigress alone tbh............................... but i have unicorn brain so im not here with words so imma just
  gently bonks their faces together hehehe
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emmettspeakz · 2 years
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lotia · 12 days
Hmmmmmmmm what if Natalia replaced Lotia after their ‘death’ with a second handmaiden that’s just as if not more obsessed and devoted to Natalia but because she’s not Natalia’s og meow meow Nat just completely disregards and second places the handmaiden and what if that made the handmaiden a little insane and resentful of Lotia whenever Natalia has her ‘oh my ex is still alive let’s make their life sooooo much worse’ bit that she does
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walkcycle · 9 months
i love reading fantasy bc i love sudoku and i love maps it's sooo so fun playing the make the map puzzle as you read
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gender-euphowrya · 11 months
i <3 when people draw top surgery scars that by all means make no anatomical sense but just form pretty patterns and shit like yesss
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silvcrignis · 11 months
@poisonpunkking liked this post to summon a grimy infernal politician
"Oh what the FUCK do you WANT? I don't CARE if you're Keira's little boy-toy I DON'T do casual HOUSE calls. We're not friends, I don't find any VALUE in having those so whatever you CALLED me for better be really fucking GOOD," Lucifer growled. His poor attitude was HARDLY a surprise, Satan was INFAMOUSLY cantankerous, him NOT being immediately antagonistic would have been a cause for CONCERN.
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An impatient SNIFF sounded, his arms crossing as his blue eyes narrowed.
"If it ISN'T just let me know NOW so I don't WASTE my time STRANGLING you with your own entrails for interrupting my DAY."
0 notes