#Winx ligea
vicontheinternet · 1 year
I didn’t really like the way aisha gained her enchantix until I read on someone’s post that she was willing to spend the rest of her life in complete darkness something that she’s terrified of that’s was her sacrifice saving queen Ligea instead of seeing the light of day again and that put thing into perspective for me
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“I found out about this interesting witch who is named Vires who is the half sister of Ligea, which I wish we knew more about since she could have been a queen. Vires also has an interesting design, shame that she's the typical witch villain.” -Anon
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Can you picture me rubbing my hands together gleefully when I discovered the demos from the album? Because that's exactly what happened when I realized that means I can include more Winx characters in this video collection.
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rivensdefenseattorney · 6 months
Aisha Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Aisha Ailani Terinus
Race: Fairy | Merfolk Descendant
Age: 20
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Unique Features
Royalty engravings on her back and arms
Education & Background
Education: Alfea
Year: Transfer Student
Concentrated Study: Diplomacy & Leadership in Fae Realms
Minor Studies: Enchanted Visual Arts | Diplomatic Negotiation Strategies | Elemental Combat Techniques
Favorite Class: Introduction to Mystical Movement
Birthplace: Kingdom of Terra, Andros
Mother: Niobe Terinus
Father: Teredor Terinus
Sister: Layla Terinus (Deceased)
Aunt: Ligea Marinus
Uncle: Neptune Marinus
Cousins: Tritannus, Tressa, Nereus
Tecna/Bloom (Winx Best Friends)
Sky/Brandon/Helia (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests*
*May potentially add Roy and/or Nex
Personality Traits
Brave: Aisha doesn't shy away from challenges or difficult situations, always facing them head-on.
Risk-Taker: She is willing to take calculated risks when necessary, unafraid of the unknown.
Passionate: Her passion fuels her actions, pushing her to excel and make a difference in what she cares about.
Strong Sense of Duty: Helping others isn't just a choice; it's a fundamental part of who she is.
Stubborn: Once Aisha has made up her mind, it's challenging to sway her from her chosen path. Her strong beliefs and principles make her resistant to changing her opinion or stance easily.
Tenacious: Aisha stubbornness often serves her well, especially in difficult situations where relentlessness is required.
Extroverted: She thrives in social environments, drawing energy from interactions with diverse personalities.
Adventurous: She actively seeks out novel and thrilling experiences. Always eager to learn and discover, she has an insatiable curiosity about the world.
Skills & Abilities
Proficient in staff-based martial arts/defensive techniques
Excels in water magic
Able to manipulate Morphix
Understands most languages of the sea
Can hold her breath underwater for a very long time
Can use Morphix to assist with breathing and swimming underwater
Hobbies & Interests
Water activities
Studying Oceanography/Languages
Meeting new people
Traveling to new places
Apart of a Quadrathlon Team
Apart of a Debate Team
Quirks & Habits
Follows a Pescetarian Diet
Goes for a swim or run every morning
Loves running bubble baths
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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ghostsprobably · 9 months
Hello sorry for the inconvenience I just wanted a clarification on your winx au to understand how you place the realms
No inconvenience i'm sorry it took me so long to answer this!!!!!
I've posted the map I made a couple of times but i never really went that in depth about what i did to the places themselves. Well I mean I did but that's in a notebook somewhere and didn't ever actually get posted lmao sorryyyy
Okay so! I'm going to try formatting it as straight forward as I can, but it's still gonna be long as hell. Also there's some things I can't quite remember so I'll come back and update this when I find them in that notebook
Earth - Regular Earth where we live
Magix - The name of the planet where everyone that isn't from earth lives; It is very similar to earth in every way other than having magic; I might have people from this planet be called magicians, alongside people from earth being called earthlings.
Solaria - One of the major world super powers of Magix. A massive kingdom with happy citizens and generally good quality of life. Capital is Soletres which sits along the coastline of a massive bay, the capital city is surrounded by desert as you leave the coast. The south most shore is quite marshy and the northern most border is mountains, with lots of different kinds of terrain in between. Though King Radius and Former Queen Luna divorced many years ago, Luna is still a prominent figure in politics. Princess Stella is a beloved icon of her people.
Eraklyon - Another major super power. Shares some of its western border with Solaria and extends east to the coast. A very mountainous country, with some areas of plains to the south. Capital is ________. Quite a different vibe from Solaria, Eraklyon is heavily militarized with a sizable class divide. Much of the country lives in poverty. King Erendor and Queen Samara are proud, stubborn rulers (and parents). Prince Sky is largely a mystery to the public.
Andros - Though not quite as enormous as the last two, still quite a powerful kingdom as they are rich in resources. Also in control of Lightrock Penitentiary, a highly secure prison on an small island to the north. The main island of Andros was created by a massive, now extinct volcano. The bowl is now an enormous lake that is connected to the ocean via giant rivers and canals, this is where the capital city, _________, is located. Andros is a semi aquatic kingdom, a merge of two civilizations that were once at war, and as such there is a secondary royal family that resides off the coast of the main island. They are secondary in power to the main royal family, comprised of King Neptune, Queen Ligea, and Princess Aisha.
Dominoe - By the time of our story, this kingdom has long since fallen. All that remains of this once flourishing nation is abandoned ruins nestled in the snowy mountains north of Eraklyon. After the fall of Dominoe, Eraklyon actually tried to take over it's territory, but found the landscape to be far too harsh to settle. The captial city of Sparks is now a ghost town, or is it?
Linphea - A very small city in the forests of Solaria. Populated by both civilians and acolytes as this city is the location of the Sacred Garden of the Mother Dragon. It is said to be where she first landed on Magix and is a holy site full of secrets.
Melody - A destination city in the south of Solaria. A cultural hub filled to the brim with tourists. This bustling city is always buzzing with passion, and it's where Musa's parents met and she was born.
Zenith - A densely packed city in the north west of Eraklyon, just within its border with Alfea and close to Red Fountain. This city is a hot spot for tech and engineering. Despite being a bustling city that never sleeps, this is ironically one of the more socially relaxed parts of Eraklyon, and people are a lot more welcoming here than other parts of the country.
Dyamond - This is a spoiler!
Gardenia - Bloom's hometown on earth, now located just outside of New York City because that's the area I'm familiar with and that'll make it a lot easier for me to write for.
Alfea - Elite fairy College north of Linphea, near the Solarian border with Eraklyon but on the Solarian side.
Cloud Tower - College for witches just north of Solaria's border in a small country I don't have a name for yet, and to the west of Alfea. One of the few schools for witches across Magix, allegedly where the practice was founded.
Red Fountain - Military academy to the east of Alfea, past the border into Eraklyon.
Lightrock Penitentiary - a highly secure prison on an small island to the north of the main island of Andros
Light Hope Monastery - Home to peaceful monks who tend to the island on which Lightrock Penitentiary is located. Sometimes prisoners with excellent behavior can be granted a sort of parole and allowed to live amongst the monks. It is also kind of like rehab.
Omega Penitentiary - the most brutal prison in all of magix, where the worst magical offenders of all time are kept in crystalline prisons designed by the Great Dragon herself.
I think that's just about everything I've cooked up so far!!
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teawinx · 1 year
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Winx The Roxy Chronicles: The Butterfly Girls Season 3 looks
And lookie here, the weirdly long awaited mermaid forms! Not Sirenix though I'm a 1 true stan of the Winx comics, in which the girls are turned into mermaids by Queen Ligea for a mission on Andros. I'm doing that with them, with Ligea hiding them in the seas from the Black Circle as mermaids. I know there's an interest in these three getting Sirenix and fighting Tritannus, but currently neither have any place in this spinoff. Fuck the shrimp boi. So hypothetically these forms would only last 1-2 eps max
I had a lot of fun coming up with their formal looks, making them all individualized and personal. I'm obsessed with Bloom's 2 piece dress from Season 1, so Krystal's is a homage to that.
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bigbearbruno · 1 month
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Soo i wanted to draw something for mermay so i drew Queen Ligea from Winx club lol. I'm prob not going to take part in this bc i wouldn't be able to draw decent drawings every day of the month bc i'm lazy and kinda burned out and not in the right place mentaly. Idk if i could do that but i would still like to draw something mermay related just not very day. Maybe i will fully take part in mermay the next year
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butterfly-winx · 1 year
I've always found it strange that Winx/Specialist/Trix etc don't have surnames, In your Au they have them and if so which ones.
Me too, so I have of course given them names to match their family history. Let's go in order of appearance (roughly)
Bloom Peters, later Bloom Peters-Aglissier
Born: Virna Aglissier, which also means "bloom, blossom" and baby bloom magically projected her name which her adoptive parents 'translated' into their native language. Briefly also known as Varanda of Callisto
Stella XXXVI
Is the actual name she is born with, since royals on Solaria have a title name only, no personal one. Luna being an outsider and with common sense gave Stella a civilian name: Mariella Pregioni (Luna's maiden name is Giulia Pregioni)
Flora Augmenta Lisahani
Flora has no last name, all three of her names are given names. Her sister is called Miele Concordia Jojoba
Tecna Rahman, officially Tasha Rahman
Tecna adds their nickname to her official record after graduating Alfea
Yu En Musa
Musa has a two-syllabylic elf surname from her mother (Yu En Maylin) and not her fathers family name (Zhang Haobai)
Skyvian man-do Erendor, or Brandon Essikva (when undercover)
Among nobility, last names are comprised of their father's name, essentially meaning "son/daughter of someone"
Brandon Sanna, or "Prince Sky"
He also gets a Solarian title while courting Stella: Prince Consort Hector XVII
Tim Aubach
Self explanatory. The family of Timmy's father emigrated to Callisto from Earth a while ago
Riven El Falong
Uses Riven Sok on his visa and related records because his family name is a minority ethnic one and he feels safer that way. (Sok is like the most common last name, think Zuko saying Li)
Icadora Grimae, later Belladona Icy
All the Trix later adopt a mix of their current and past name (from Aegoda Belladona) . Icy's sister formerly known as Saphire is named Glissandra in butterfly verse
Dareena Darcei, later Padraigna Darcei
Darcy goes by a nickname formed from her last name interestingly. (ancestress: Padraigna Lyssis)
Alastormia M?, later Stormy Čestyl
Stormy lost most of her memories when Tharma (Čestyl Tharma) took over, so she doesn't know her last name actually
Layla Aisha Aghebe
Layla mostly just uses her first name and only Tritannus and Ligea still call her Aisha, becuase back when she was chosing her name she couldn't decide between the two
Helia Salador, born Helia Erica Mnemol
When Saladin sought asylum for him on Magics, he thought it was better to give him an official last name. The clerk made a mistake reading Saladin's handwriting and thus 'Salador' was created
Daphne Brelain Agglissier
Daughter of Oritel Vanu Aglissier And Marion Fiere Niancey. The royal family's name comes from one of the languiages that no longer exist on the planet due to their extreme cultural globalisation
Honourable mentions:
Roxana Birchfeld (Roxy) (Klaus Birchfeld and Morgana Pendragon)
Krystal Arancia Nadrujena Vigo (does have a last name)
Mirta Wingert
Lucy Luckhurst
Nova Berzanetti
Varanda Fiona de Numor
Diaspro Ien-do Drogo
Vanessa Vicenzio and Mike Peters
Nabu Tteke
Xiang Galatea
Paula "Poppy" Faragonda
Misandra Griffin
Mary Griselda
Farin Ebenezor Saladin
Kriszta DuFour
Ophelia Erhart
Antonio Wizgiz
Camilo Avalon
Feid Palladium
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darlenicy · 1 year
Winx season 5 gives me physical pain part 2
Episode 5x4
Stella is positivity in person: Sky doesn't remember you? Fck it Bloom, let's get new outfits and live our life!
love it how Icy is sad, that her plan to murder the winx failed. Like, she doesn't only want to defeat them, she wants to kill them and I love her for that evilness.
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like...she so sad!! "they survived" :(((((((((
it's also kinda cute how Tritannus said “We will rule the magic dimension…together <3” ➡ why are they so cute and why are they the only couple that's cute that's so wrong lmao. Icy craves so desperately for his attention and is sad when he's gone like what happened to the cold-hearted calculating ice queen
So before they said (at least in the German dub) that they brought Sky to the hospital and now he is in that small little infirmary of Alfea? You all don't value Sky a lot, do you?
*Bloom and Sky on a walk to awaken Sky's memories* Sky: Not this place, not you ➡ aka I'm finished with you and will get my waifu back from the fishman now
Ligea and Nereus prove that they are a true family and Tritannus doesn't value that at all?? Like??? You little bitch?!?!
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great, Bloom burns the archive down, good job. Who let the fire fairy inside there?
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taiyoooh · 2 years
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Redesigns for the rewrites plus more finalized mainline Winxification of Fate the Winx Saga characters. I’ll still have the main cast age as they should have, but they’ll expressly follow the Italian education system, so their version of high school lasts 5 years. The Specialists take a gap year in Season 4, and continue on for another 2 years at Red Fountain. 
I’m also having the schools of Magix implement a sort of higher education system so graduates can do more university level things and they can even do it at any school participating in the program for interdisciplinary studies. They do have to teach/TA a course. The Winx are participating in the new program for various reasons, but mostly to try to stay together as long as they can. The Fate the Winx Saga characters will be appearing in Season 6 so they don’t clutter Season 4 and 5. 
Notes about each character here though. 
Roxy - Redesigned to look more like a base fairy form than Believix which she apparently doesn’t actually have despite the music playing. I designed one years ago, so this is a reworking of that. 
Krystal - I’ve seen a lot of people choose green or yellow as her main dress color, but I rather liked the blue from her volleyball outfit. Slight grape and Greek motif. 
Nereus - Very lazy of Rainbow to just palette swap him and Tritannus. I know they’re twins, but come on. In the rewrites, Valtor left a lot of traps in the oceans of Andros, to catch and transform mermaids and tritons without him actually being there. He and the Trix stabilized them so they still remained even after he exploded. Nereus accidentally triggers one while exploring, and goes missing for m o n t h s during Season 4. Tritannus realizes how much he does love Nereus during his absence and grows resentful of his family, particularly Ligea, Tressa, and Aisha, for being unable to find and heal him for so long. The coral scepter couldn’t heal him all the way, and they had to wait for Aisha to get back to Andros to force Nereus to swallow fairy dust (he grew a mucus layer that prevented it from actually reaching his skin). He’s recovering but never did get to eat a lot while cursed, which is why he’s so emaciated. 
Fate - Fairy of Sparks. That is a 4Kids reference. She is a resident of Domino who got trapped in Obsidian along with the rest before she had a chance to go to Alfea. She’s still adjusting to the new world and the fact that the baby Princess is now older than she is. 
Photina - Fairy of Light Rays. The daughter of a prominent member of King Radius’ court on Solaria. Very haughty. For a while she looked up to Chimera. Biggest f in the chat for Photina. 
Terra - Fairy of Earth. One of Flora’s cousins. It didn’t make sense for Miele to suddenly be high school age in Season 6. She was like, 8-10 in Season 3. She struggles to accept her powers because of the teasing and bullying of her weight. Think more of the AtlA earth bending than plants for Terra. 
Alma - Fairy of Thoughts. As in her source material, she struggles with constantly hearing thoughts. The cowl built in her fairy dress also helps her focus it. She doesn’t like making eye contact because that raises the “volume” of thoughts she hears. 
Layla - Fairy of Rain. Big brain move huh? She is pretty athletic but prefers to make music, particularly with letting rain droplets hit different surfaces for different sounds. 
Beatrix - Witch of Mimicry. She can copy abilities fairly easily, though for some things like the Dragon Flame, it won’t be as strong as the original. She super wants to be part of the Trix’s coven.
Selina - In the Season 4 part of my rewrites, Bloom learns that Earth is actually one of several refugee planets for witches and other magical beings who want to go into hiding. Selina is one such expatriate from Solaria, whose parents sent her to Earth following the destruction of Domino. Daphne put some very strong anti-tracking and anti-detection spells on Bloom so the Ancestral Witches and their coven wouldn’t be able to find her. Eldora also couldn’t sense her, but she could sense Selina, and tried to convert her into a fairy rather than let her be a witch. Stifled, Selina chose Asheron over Eldora so she could have some agency over her life.
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 4 months
He looks almost identical to his twin brother, having long hair, fair skin, a muscular body and a long snake-like tail. He he has yellow eyes, a green dorsal fin, scales, and dark purple hair.
He wears a red crested gem and an arm bracelet on both his forearms. He has a symbol on his head composed of lines and dots. This symbol was the reason why Aisha recognized him in his monster form. Tritannus transforms into his monster form by feeding off pollutants like oil and trash.
In his monster form, he is larger than in his Triton form. His upper body has a reptilian appearance with red eyes, purple lips, and green skin. His tail grows larger and he loses some hair. His teeth become very sharp.
Like King Neptune, Nereus, and Tressa, he is experienced in physical combat. His weapon is a trident. With his trident, he is able to cast magic blasts, and hold his own against his athletic cousin, Aisha. 
He is seen creating monsters out of garbage, summoning his mutant army, engaging in mind control, and creating traps to restrain foes.
He is the son of King Consort Neptune and Queen Ligea, the brother of Prince Nereus and crown princess Tressa, and the cousin of Aisha.
He is shown to be extremely envious of his sister tressa, who is the crown princess, and the citizens of Andros, who like tressa more than him.
In season 5:
In jail, he met the Trix and became good friends with Icy especially. Both of them seemed to understand each other, and developed a romantic interest in one another (or so he thinks). because of this, Icy seems to be the only one so far whom Tritannus genuinely cares for, he is willing to do anything to help Icy.
He is obsessed with his revenge against his family. His thirst for revenge is so strong that he was willing to turn his own family into mutant monsters who serve him. He also lacks remorse, stating his only regret is not destroying his family when he had his chance. He is extremely cruel, using his mutated family as a shield against the Winx, telling them that they will have to destroy his, and Aisha's, family before destroying him.
He is naive toward Icy because of his sheltered upbringing and is easily angered.
He has the ability to drain toxic pollution in order to gain magical powers and a monster form. He is able to absorb the power of Selkies, which allows him to open and close the Ocean Gates. However, he can only use so much of his monster power before being changed back to a Triton and has to look for more toxins to change again. Not only can he absorb the powers of Selkies but also other magical creatures such as Daphne and Aisha. He is also seen boosting the powers of other magical creatures as well as granting them powers.
He is much more powerful in his monster form, gaining the ability to cast basic spells alone (like telekinesis) and gaining a certain resistance to magic. His magic blasts carry the power to mutate anyone they hit, the most prominent example is turning mermaids and tritons into sickly eel like tritons, but he has also been seen turning Musa into a manatee(along with granting her the ability to shoot destructive energy spheres from her fins), and a jellyfish, granting it the ability to turn other beings into stone. He often opts to use the oil as magical blasts.
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sorcerymuses · 1 year
Winx Club Fairy Transformations (Enchantix)
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//And here we are with more fairy redesigns for my upcoming project that I still haven’t named. A big change is going to be that the achievement of Enchantix is not going to be the so-called final exam at Alfea because that’s kinda counterintuitive. It is a ‘special’ graduation requirement though due to it demonstrating a readiness for a deeper connection to the fairy’s individual power source.
Enchantix in order of achievement ›
General Rule › Outfit is related to the respective fairy's personality; wing shape and colour is related to power-set, and very large (allows for higher altitude flight); all Enchantix have transluscent elbow-length gloves that match wing colour, soleless sandals that match wing colour and power theme, and a choker holding their fairy dust; hair accessories are generally clips that match power theme unless the fairy is a princess
Aisha (Sacrificing a cure for a curse in order to save Queen Ligea) ›
Green leotard with a lime green ruffled ballet tutu and matching ruffled bolero
Sandals are decorated with Morphix chips shaped like discs
Wings are blue and shaped to emulate waves with pink tips
Hair is restyled into cornrows leading to a half updo of high pigtails, dark pink highlights are added
She wears a green circlet with dark pink Morphix chips
Stella (Saving her father at the cost of her magic) ›
Orange bikini style top with silver straps and a petal skirt with pink and silver accents
Sandals are gold decorated with both white and peach moonstone chips shaped like stars
Wings are silver and shaped to emulate sunbursts with gold tips
Hair is restyled into a half updo of high pigtails with platinum highlights
Wears a golden tiara decorated with star cut chips of peach moonstone
Musa (Rescuing Princess Galatea from a fire at the risk of her own safety) ›
Maroon button down shirt, tied under the bust, with matching flare skirt; both have violet accents
Sandals are decorated with pink music notes
Wings are pink and shaped to emulate sound waves, with violet tips
Hair maintains style, but gains purple highlights
Wears music note clips at base of each pigtail
Flora (Saving her little sister from falling into poisoned water) ›
Pink dress with an empire waist and a loose ruffling, pastel green boy-shorts peak out under the hem of dress
Sandals have emerald leaf decorations
Wings are pastel green and shaped to emulate flower petals with darker green tips
Hair is restyled into a half updo with blond highlights braided into twin buns
Wears flowers around buns
Tecna (Sacrificing herself to close an imploding portal that would destroy the dimension) ›
Lavender bandeau top and boy-shorts with neon green circuitry across her midriff
Sandals have no decorations but are neon green and emulate circuitry
Wings appear as if they are only made of neon wire framework in the outline of butterfly wings
Hair gains green highlights
Wears a wire clip that holds her bangs back
Bloom (Restoring Domino) ›
Blue tiered dress with pink accents and pink boy-shorts peaking under hem
Sandals are decorated with teardrop shaped chips of sunstone
Wings are light blue and shaped to emulate flames with red tips
Hair is restyled into a simple half updo with blonde highlights
Wears a tiara decorated with teardrop-cut sunstone pieces
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
Queen Ligea and King Neptune of Andros Ocean from Winx Club.
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emsartwork · 5 years
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The Merfam!!!(minus Tritanus who can be found here) Neptune, Ligea, Tressa, and Nereus. tid-bits below
King Neptune and King Teredor are twins, they’re each about 1/2 merfolk 1/2 human. Queen Ligea is 100% merfolk, and Queen Niobe is 100% human, so Aisha is 1/4 Merfolk, and Tress, Nereus, and Tritanus are 1/4 human. (the genes manifest differently from person to person so its not super standardized) 
Neptune: not a huge fighter but has some training, prefers the sword to magic but will use both simultaneously when he has to fight(merm magic is a little different from human magic but not substantially), he is a shrewd politician and intellectual, sometimes a little too aggressive. He favored Nereus from early in childhood, though he didn’t intend to. Dotes on Tressa but doesn’t really understand her.
Ligea: Balances out her husband’s more aggressive tendencies with generosity and peace-fullness(she’s kind of got a wonder woman attitude tho, peace and love if possible but if you push too far she’ll destroy you) She’s a strong magic user, more aligned with witch type magic than fairy. Works a lot with the magic properties of coral and other ocean substances like pearls and deep sea vents.
Nereus: Very similar to his father, with his mother’s temperament. Nereus prefers intellectual pursuits as opposed to physical skills like Tritanus and Tressa. This aligned him with his father from early on in childhood, and despite being the younger twin (twins on andros are treated as having equal birthrights though, it just looks weird to other planets) was expected to be the next Sea King. Nereus and Tritanus get a long in that “your my brother so I both hate and love you” kind of way where they beat each other up but also ferociously defended each other all through childhood(fun fact! my dad is actually a twin and im loosely basing Nereus and Tritanus on my dad and my uncle, minus the whole murder and magic thing)
Tressa: BAMF. Tressa doesn’t really have a temper, but get on her wrong side and you will regret it. She’s a skilled fighter, having taken down multiple sea monsters and threats to mervillages. She wears her most prized throphies around her neck instead of the usual royal gold bands (also yes most merfolk go topless, ligea and neptune have weird cloth thingies as part of their position as king and queen, and Tressa would wear some armor if she was going out to fight or something) Tressa, being neither one of the possible heir didn’t get a lot of public attention, and as the odd sibling out(aka not a twin) didn’t become very close with her brothers( she and Tritanus trained together but they weren’t super close) she formed a very close bond with her mother and Aisha. Tressa doesn’t really have any interest in the throne tho and mostly just hangs around with the merguard or her mom when she and aisha can’t hang out. 
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nostalgia-babi · 2 years
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“under the sign of winx~”
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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The merfam! Ligea, Neptune, Tressa and Nereus. Tritannus got his own post so he only shows up in the family picture. Info below!
Queen Ligea is the regent, Neptune the consort. She’s the first ever queen of Mareia, as the split between kingdoms was done by her father. She’s Teredor’s twin and she does have magic capacities, being a Caster without a determined title. She’s a caring mother, but she has focused more on Tressa and Tritannus than in Nereus, as she felt he got enough with Neptune’s attention and to prepare him to be the next king. She feels she’s partially to blame for Tritannus’s attempts on her husband’s life, but Tritannus himself assures her she’s not at fault for anything.
Neptune was a former knight, and became very obsessed with raising a good royal after the birth of the twins, focusing exclusively on Nereus and ignoring Tritannus pretty hard. Tressa didn’t even blip in his radar at all. He was always harsh on Tritannus for distracting Nereus off his duties or just generally trying to liven up the castle, and admittedly slightly hated him for messing with his whole plan for the perfect King. He’s the only one to vouch for Tritannus being executed after the whole deal is over, with literally everyone else wanting to just send him to prison again.
Tressa on her part has been training as a warrior, and has a good handle on swords and axes. She was left to her own devices more often than not, and so she never got the full picture on why Tritannus wanted to kill her dad. She got along with her brothers well enough, sometimes sparring with Tritannus and talking with Nereus over stuff, but most of her time was spent traveling the kingdom and seeing what could be done to help, like a wandering knight deal.
Nereus always felt overwhelmed with all the royal preparation he had to do and envied Tressa and Tritannus’s relative freedom, but he legitimately wants to be a good king and couldn’t really understand why Tritannus did what he did. He’s a very quiet man, but very knowledgeable about the seas, and the Winx usually consult with him during the Sirenix quest and with trying to track down his brother. He doesn’t have the ability to use magic, unlike Tritannus.
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