#Wine and spirit warehouse
lmwarehousing · 1 month
Maximizing Sales: Seamless E-Commerce Integration
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dragonagecompanions · 9 months
Could you do like a head cannon for like 1920 noir inquisitor companions/romances
You have to listen to this while you read.
Cassandra: She's a hardened murder cop with a hidden love for romance and no mercy for the criminal underground. She wrote the book on playing by the rules, but when things get tough she'll stab the book and do what's right.
Varric: Sometimes an author has to know his element to discover the truth. Few people would expect the renowned serial novelist to be caught dead in a speakeasy as seedy as the Hanged Man, but with a pencil behind his ear (and a hand always ready on a pistol with his lover's named carved into the barrel) he's always on the hunt for a story.
Solas: A bartender more comfortable with spirits than people, the elf behind the bar at the Dread Wolf is a hard man to read. Good for stiches in a pinch and no slouch in a fight when it suits his fancy, he owes no power in the city alliegence-- and no one knows his end game.
Blackwall: It takes guts to fake your way into a gang like the Wardens, but Thom Rainier's in too deep to back out now. With a dead man's name and street rep to keep the dogs at bay the hardened enforcer can only try to atone for his past-- and fight for a better future.
Vivienne: Very little is known about Madame de Fer, owner and operator of the more exclusive brewery this side of the Tevinter boarder, except that her gin has never seen a bath tub and the Templars don't bother her supply.
Any resemblance to the renowned socialite Vivienne the Enchantress is rarely commented onl; those who do rarely repeat the mistake.
Sera: With the gang warfare, the police cracking down on the littles and the templars hunting any unregulated booze for their prohibition on alcohol someone has to look out for the little guy. No one is really sure who Red Jenny is, but everyone knows that the street kids and pick pockets and beat down element knows her name-- and she is always watching.
The abandoned warehouse on the dock is her headquarters, full of her ill gotten gains and home to the fences who turn it into cash. Nobody starves and everyone profits. A tidy business, yeah?
Dorian: Everyone knows that there is more going on behind the scenes of the Halward Pavus Memorial Library than meets the eye, but no matter how many times it's raided the head archivist is always completely above suspicion. Books and learning are all that linger in those hallowed halls--please try to be quiet on your way out.
But everyone knows that at night Dorian Pavus puts down the index carts and hard backs to pursue his true passion-- and that the Tevinter will pay up to four sovereigns for a fresh corpse*. Medical science is varely stumbling into the light, and if his books on anatomy -so accurate as to be used as reference during surgeries- then the long hours spent on the dissecting table are well worth it.
The Iron Bull: Someone needs to make sure that the beer, wine, whiskey and gin finds its way from hidden distilleries to the thirsty patrons of the city's illicit watering holes. The Chargers are the best, expensive but worth the money to get things where they are going. With a sapper from the wars on tap rumor says they have their own tunnels under the city, but no one knows anything for certain. He runs a clean crew, dependable and honest. Madam de Fer makes frequent use of them.
And if The Iron Bull also reports to the higher ups in the Qun, the north side gang just waiting for a chance to take it all, that's his own business. Straining loyalties may bring it to a show down, but for now he's willing to ride the knife edge.
Cole: No one can really remember when the fortune teller's shop opened at the edge of town. One day it was simply there, mysterious and festooned with gauzy curtains and wreathed in fragrant incense. The nug motif is...a little odd, sure, but tame compared to the figure behind the crystal ball.
It's hard to see his eyes behind the wide brimmed hat, and those who do meet his gaze can't claim to enjoy the experience. But Cole has a way of getting into your head to the deepest thoughts and secrets waiting there and finding the best solutions. Whether he can see the future or not, enough people are willing to try to keep the doors open.
For now.
(I really couldn't figure out the romances. Hope this serves!)
(*in Canada and the US, the resurrectionist movement was still going strong into the late 1950s!)
Mod Fereldone
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On July 25th 1805 John Walker was born in Kilmarnock, nowadays remembered as Johnnie Walker, he went on to found the Johnnie Walker whisky distillery empire.
When his father Alexander died in 1820, John was left £417 in trust. In 1820 the trustees invested in an Italian warehouse, grocery, and wine and spirits shop on King Street in Kilmarnock.
An 1852 flood destroyed virtually all of the stock Walker held, but the business recovered within a couple of years. His own whisky brand, then known as "Walker's Kilmarnock Whisky" was popular locally.
In 1833 John married Elizabeth Purves. Their son Alexander had apprenticed with a tea merchant in Glasgow, and there learned the art of blending tea. When he returned to take over the business from his ailing father, he used those skills to create Old Highland Whisky, (eventually renamed Johnnie Walker Black Label) the first of Walker's blends which became popular far beyond Ayrshire.
Although he gave his name to the whisky, John Walker was a far less important figure to the brand than his son, Alexander, as it was he who persuaded his father to abandon the narrow realm of the grocery trade and to go into wholesale trading. At the beginning, the firm offered a range of spirits: Campbeltown whisky from the Kintyre Peninsula; whisky from the Inner Hebridean Island of Islay, with its pungent smokey flavour; patent still, or grain, whisky; and "Glenlivet", Speyside whisky. Even so, whisky sales under John Walker represented just 8 percent of the firm's income; by the time Alexander was ready to pass on the company to his own sons, that figure had increased to between 90 and 95 percent.
The magnificent Johnnie Walker Bond building still stands in the town centre and has a statue of John, as seen in the picture, which does not take the form of the famous 'Striding Man' image created in the first half on the 20th Century and which is recognised the world over - along with the 'Born 1820 Still Going Strong' motto.
Sadly, the closure of the huge Johnnie Walker bottling plant in 2012, (once the world's largest) and the associate blending and bond operations in and around the town severed all links with Kilmarnock.
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
On the second night of flash mob looting in Philadelphia, the robbers ransacked the liquor store Fine Wine and Good Spirits, attacking its safe and lottery machine, as shown in footage spreading on social media. Reporter of FOX 29 News Philadelphia Steve Keeley, who originally reported on Wednesday night's thefts, later posted the videos showing the aftermath of some looting that occurred at a sneaker warehouse in the city.
The X, formerly Twitter, post further showed piles of boxes that had been torn into. A source told him that "it may be a Snipes warehouse. It appears they took all they could and left a lot behind." (Related: Philadelphia MAYHEM: Massive LOOTING leads to VIOLENT brawl between cops and thieves.)
The brutes later made off with the safe and raided the lottery machine on a night when liquor stores were shut down by the authorities one day after some young thieves brawled with cops on the streets after mass looting at Footlocker, Lululemon and Apple. Around 18 of the state-run liquor stores were broken into, triggering the closure of all 48 of its Philadelphia retail locations and one in suburban Cheltenham on Wednesday by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
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lycantripuwu · 3 months
Legends of Barovia updates!
Vistani party, Hopping into the etheral plane with Victor and Fiona to save Stella.
-Fiona states the Vistani are allowed to enter Vallaki as they wish by recommendation of Strahd before they head out.
-We head to the vistani party! something spooked Arabella and Richten so they went into hiding. (most likely Strahd or Escher)
-some heavy story telling at the Doroq, fun dancing and drinking after. After an intimate dance, Mirre and Ez head back to Blue Water early to have some "alone time" with each other.
-Rhil finds out that Ireena had a crush on Mirre and is working out some feelings regarding his new relationship(Mirre is completely oblivious to this)
-Mirre and Ez come across a slain large black wolf on their way back. Ez determines its a scout from the Loup Garou she is tracking and states she needs to get back on the hunt bright and early after their night.
-Arringal pulls Rhil aside to dance, offering to trade secrets depending on who wins the ability check. Rhil can tell hes being cautious of someone there and is being secretive about what he tells her. They trade some secrets back and forth, Rhil with a high af insight check can tell these are genuine warnings from Arringal in payment for saving Arabella.
-Theres a vague warning about one about the stockyard, one about Rhil's armor, one about lighting on high peaks and one regarding Reek and us running out of time.
-Eliza dances with Jace and brings up the horrors of the abbey and how Jace has been lied to about his faith regarding the morning lord.
-Zintori dances and flirts with Ireena.
-We head out after a bit and rest for the night.
-After some heavy activities, Mirre gets caught trying to sneak a care package(snacks and potions) and note into Ez's bag. Ez gets to read the note and Mirre with a nat 20 perception catches her tearing up. they hug and head to bed.
-after eating breakfast and stocking up on supplies, Mirre putting a spirit to rest in an abandoned house, we head to Fiona's to start the ritual.
-we successfully jump to the ethereal plane and fight off a bunch of spirits while Victor is focused on completing the ritual. a spirit named Erasmas showed up to help fight and protect Stella.
-A larger spirit shows up named Leo who wants to end the Wachter bloodline and attacks us.
-Mirre really shined this fight and upfront since he wasn't able to get frightened due to his form of dread. We fight him off and successfully complete the ritual, returning Stella's spirit to her body.
-A cute reunion with Stella, Fiona and Victor happen.
-Rhil states that since we are still in good condition, we should check out the stockyard warning and we head that way
-we spot Zintori and a group of vistani clearing out the warehouse of the Markitov's wine and loading it into a wagon.
-With some careful stealth and Mirre's horn of haunting, he scares them into fleeing. Rhil with an eldrich blast, shoots off the wheels of the wagon.
-the group of vistani flees, leaving majority of the wine behind. the party chases them to help the guards.
-after some fights, we restrain and lock up all except one, Zintori, who fled on horse and got away.
-after some healing and even a revivify of the guards from Rhil. we head back and update the Markitovs on what happened. They pull Rhil and Mirre into the back to ask for help with checking on the winery since there hasnt been any shipments and the tavern is running dry. Muriel offers to come with to help us.
-Mirre wanting to head to Argynvostholt after Ravenlofts dinner wants to check a lead on his dead mentor/adoptive father suggests we wait until after the full moon when they get back. (mostly cause this will be Rhil's fullmoon and we don't want to put anyone in danger)
-we eat and head to bed, with plans on investigating Theodor tomarrow because we believe hes connected to the weird cult that Fiona, Vasili and Vargas were worried about.
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Sip Whiskey - Wine-merchant- Retail. Warehouse in San Diego, California, USA.
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The Quality Liquor Store starts promotions with discounts on a product not yet on the market, it is to attract customers 😕
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Craft Spirit Shop specifically targeted SH fans for the gin and scotch combo 🤨
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It's a presale. In this way, his fans buy the product months before its launch. All SH’s products are launched from this marketing movement. For his fans eager for news. For a newcomer to the Gin market, his product is expensive for an unknown distillery - London Dry style.
Buying the bottles separately is $164.98 cheaper than buying the combo a scotch and a gin 🥴
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publicdomainbooks · 2 years
Scrooge’s former self grew larger at the words, and the room became a little darker and more dirty. The panels shrunk, the windows cracked; fragments of plaster fell out of the ceiling, and the naked laths were shown instead; but how all this was brought about, Scrooge knew no more than you do. He only knew that it was quite correct; that everything had happened so; that there he was, alone again, when all the other boys had gone home for the jolly holidays.
He was not reading now, but walking up and down despairingly. Scrooge looked at the Ghost, and with a mournful shaking of his head, glanced anxiously towards the door.
It opened; and a little girl, much younger than the boy, came darting in, and putting her arms about his neck, and often kissing him, addressed him as her “Dear, dear brother.”
“I have come to bring you home, dear brother!” said the child, clapping her tiny hands, and bending down to laugh. “To bring you home, home, home!”
“Home, little Fan?” returned the boy.
“Yes!” said the child, brimful of glee. “Home, for good and all. Home, for ever and ever. Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home’s like Heaven! He spoke so gently to me one dear night when I was going to bed, that I was not afraid to ask him once more if you might come home; and he said Yes, you should; and sent me in a coach to bring you. And you’re to be a man!” said the child, opening her eyes, “and are never to come back here; but first, we’re to be together all the Christmas long, and have the merriest time in all the world.”
“You are quite a woman, little Fan!” exclaimed the boy.
She clapped her hands and laughed, and tried to touch his head; but being too little, laughed again, and stood on tiptoe to embrace him. Then she began to drag him, in her childish eagerness, towards the door; and he, nothing loth to go, accompanied her.
A terrible voice in the hall cried, “Bring down Master Scrooge’s box, there!” and in the hall appeared the schoolmaster himself, who glared on Master Scrooge with a ferocious condescension, and threw him into a dreadful state of mind by shaking hands with him. He then conveyed him and his sister into the veriest old well of a shivering best-parlour that ever was seen, where the maps upon the wall, and the celestial and terrestrial globes in the windows, were waxy with cold. Here he produced a decanter of curiously light wine, and a block of curiously heavy cake, and administered instalments of those dainties to the young people: at the same time, sending out a meagre servant to offer a glass of “something” to the postboy, who answered that he thanked the gentleman, but if it was the same tap as he had tasted before, he had rather not. Master Scrooge’s trunk being by this time tied on to the top of the chaise, the children bade the schoolmaster good-bye right willingly; and getting into it, drove gaily down the garden-sweep: the quick wheels dashing the hoar-frost and snow from off the dark leaves of the evergreens like spray.
“Always a delicate creature, whom a breath might have withered,” said the Ghost. “But she had a large heart!”
“So she had,” cried Scrooge. “You’re right. I will not gainsay it, Spirit. God forbid!”
“She died a woman,” said the Ghost, “and had, as I think, children.”
“One child,” Scrooge returned.
“True,” said the Ghost. “Your nephew!”
Scrooge seemed uneasy in his mind; and answered briefly, “Yes.”
Although they had but that moment left the school behind them, they were now in the busy thoroughfares of a city, where shadowy passengers passed and repassed; where shadowy carts and coaches battled for the way, and all the strife and tumult of a real city were. It was made plain enough, by the dressing of the shops, that here too it was Christmas time again; but it was evening, and the streets were lighted up.
The Ghost stopped at a certain warehouse door, and asked Scrooge if he knew it.
“Know it!” said Scrooge. “Was I apprenticed here!”
They went in. At sight of an old gentleman in a Welsh wig, sitting behind such a high desk, that if he had been two inches taller he must have knocked his head against the ceiling, Scrooge cried in great excitement:
“Why, it’s old Fezziwig! Bless his heart; it’s Fezziwig alive again!”
Old Fezziwig laid down his pen, and looked up at the clock, which pointed to the hour of seven. He rubbed his hands; adjusted his capacious waistcoat; laughed all over himself, from his shoes to his organ of benevolence; and called out in a comfortable, oily, rich, fat, jovial voice:
“Yo ho, there! Ebenezer! Dick!”
Scrooge’s former self, now grown a young man, came briskly in, accompanied by his fellow-’prentice.
“Dick Wilkins, to be sure!” said Scrooge to the Ghost. “Bless me, yes. There he is. He was very much attached to me, was Dick. Poor Dick! Dear, dear!”
“Yo ho, my boys!” said Fezziwig. “No more work to-night. Christmas Eve, Dick. Christmas, Ebenezer! Let’s have the shutters up,” cried old Fezziwig, with a sharp clap of his hands, “before a man can say Jack Robinson!”
You wouldn’t believe how those two fellows went at it! They charged into the street with the shutters—one, two, three—had ’em up in their places—four, five, six—barred ’em and pinned ’em—seven, eight, nine—and came back before you could have got to twelve, panting like race-horses.
“Hilli-ho!” cried old Fezziwig, skipping down from the high desk, with wonderful agility. “Clear away, my lads, and let’s have lots of room here! Hilli-ho, Dick! Chirrup, Ebenezer!”
Clear away! There was nothing they wouldn’t have cleared away, or couldn’t have cleared away, with old Fezziwig looking on. It was done in a minute. Every movable was packed off, as if it were dismissed from public life for evermore; the floor was swept and watered, the lamps were trimmed, fuel was heaped upon the fire; and the warehouse was as snug, and warm, and dry, and bright a ball-room, as you would desire to see upon a winter’s night.
In came a fiddler with a music-book, and went up to the lofty desk, and made an orchestra of it, and tuned like fifty stomach-aches. In came Mrs. Fezziwig, one vast substantial smile. In came the three Miss Fezziwigs, beaming and lovable. In came the six young followers whose hearts they broke. In came all the young men and women employed in the business. In came the housemaid, with her cousin, the baker. In came the cook, with her brother’s particular friend, the milkman. In came the boy from over the way, who was suspected of not having board enough from his master; trying to hide himself behind the girl from next door but one, who was proved to have had her ears pulled by her mistress. In they all came, one after another; some shyly, some boldly, some gracefully, some awkwardly, some pushing, some pulling; in they all came, anyhow and everyhow. Away they all went, twenty couple at once; hands half round and back again the other way; down the middle and up again; round and round in various stages of affectionate grouping; old top couple always turning up in the wrong place; new top couple starting off again, as soon as they got there; all top couples at last, and not a bottom one to help them! When this result was brought about, old Fezziwig, clapping his hands to stop the dance, cried out, “Well done!” and the fiddler plunged his hot face into a pot of porter, especially provided for that purpose. But scorning rest, upon his reappearance, he instantly began again, though there were no dancers yet, as if the other fiddler had been carried home, exhausted, on a shutter, and he were a bran-new man resolved to beat him out of sight, or perish.
There were more dances, and there were forfeits, and more dances, and there was cake, and there was negus, and there was a great piece of Cold Roast, and there was a great piece of Cold Boiled, and there were mince-pies, and plenty of beer. But the great effect of the evening came after the Roast and Boiled, when the fiddler (an artful dog, mind! The sort of man who knew his business better than you or I could have told it him!) struck up “Sir Roger de Coverley.” Then old Fezziwig stood out to dance with Mrs. Fezziwig. Top couple, too; with a good stiff piece of work cut out for them; three or four and twenty pair of partners; people who were not to be trifled with; people who would dance, and had no notion of walking.
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Mr. Fezziwig’s Ball
But if they had been twice as many—ah, four times—old Fezziwig would have been a match for them, and so would Mrs. Fezziwig. As to her, she was worthy to be his partner in every sense of the term. If that’s not high praise, tell me higher, and I’ll use it. A positive light appeared to issue from Fezziwig’s calves. They shone in every part of the dance like moons. You couldn’t have predicted, at any given time, what would have become of them next. And when old Fezziwig and Mrs. Fezziwig had gone all through the dance; advance and retire, both hands to your partner, bow and curtsey, corkscrew, thread-the-needle, and back again to your place; Fezziwig “cut”—cut so deftly, that he appeared to wink with his legs, and came upon his feet again without a stagger.
When the clock struck eleven, this domestic ball broke up. Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig took their stations, one on either side of the door, and shaking hands with every person individually as he or she went out, wished him or her a Merry Christmas. When everybody had retired but the two ’prentices, they did the same to them; and thus the cheerful voices died away, and the lads were left to their beds; which were under a counter in the back-shop.
During the whole of this time, Scrooge had acted like a man out of his wits. His heart and soul were in the scene, and with his former self. He corroborated everything, remembered everything, enjoyed everything, and underwent the strangest agitation. It was not until now, when the bright faces of his former self and Dick were turned from them, that he remembered the Ghost, and became conscious that it was looking full upon him, while the light upon its head burnt very clear.
“A small matter,” said the Ghost, “to make these silly folks so full of gratitude.”
“Small!” echoed Scrooge.
The Spirit signed to him to listen to the two apprentices, who were pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig: and when he had done so, said,
“Why! Is it not? He has spent but a few pounds of your mortal money: three or four perhaps. Is that so much that he deserves this praise?”
“It isn’t that,” said Scrooge, heated by the remark, and speaking unconsciously like his former, not his latter, self. “It isn’t that, Spirit. He has the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lies in words and looks; in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count ’em up: what then? The happiness he gives, is quite as great as if it cost a fortune.”
He felt the Spirit’s glance, and stopped.
“What is the matter?” asked the Ghost.
“Nothing particular,” said Scrooge.
“Something, I think?” the Ghost insisted.
“No,” said Scrooge, “No. I should like to be able to say a word or two to my clerk just now. That’s all.”
His former self turned down the lamps as he gave utterance to the wish; and Scrooge and the Ghost again stood side by side in the open air.
“My time grows short,” observed the Spirit. “Quick!”
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sofflysteel · 2 years
Everyone is having fun with the Sam selling posts; one side likes to snark (I do that too, I like comedy, roasting others’ behavior was a staple during my growing years and never meant as mean-spirited), another side likes to post about how wretched that behavior is. Thus, the result of Mr. Heughan’s trip across the sea is a whole new flurry of “I’d never!!” on OL fandom Tumblr blogs. Ok, we’re different. That’s all it is. Sure, some people don’t mind waiting for hours to buy whiskey and meet someone they’re thrilled to meet; others can’t imagine ever doing such a thing. Hey—it’s fine. It doesn’t matter! He’s living his best life and it is my sincere hope that all of us are able to do the same. We deserve that.
Alright, that was a long detour to what I really wanted to talk about: LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THOSE WINE STORES! I’m sorry, excuse me, I am Pennsylvania born and bred. For us, the state owned the stores where alcohol is sold (employees are state employees), there was never alcohol sold in grocery stores until about ten years ago— but still only in chains that pay an exorbitant fee to get the license, our drinking age was 21 since the early 1900’s (decades before it became a national law). As a Pennsylvanian, I can’t help feeling this amazement after seeing the warehouses most of the rest of the USA apparently has! As a final note, I’ll just say it will be quite the accomplishment for The Sassenach Spirits company to crack the nut of the PA liquor control board and get permission to be sold in Pennsylvania. I’m not sure that will happen. We can’t order it in since it’s not sold here, that’s another law we have. If I really felt the need to have some, I’m not far from Ohio or West Virginia. As it is, Kentucky bourbon pleases me just fine...and our own Pennsylvania whiskeys. 😉
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horsesnbourbon · 2 months
Discover the Spirit of Bourbon at Buffalo Trace Distillery in Louisville, Kentucky
Experience the rich history and exquisite flavors of bourbon with a visit to Buffalo Trace Distillery, renowned as one of the best bourbon distillery tours in Louisville, Kentucky. At Horses-n-Bourbon, we invite you to embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Kentucky bourbon country and explore the timeless traditions and craftsmanship behind America's native spirit.
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Why Choose Buffalo Trace Distillery?
Legacy of Excellence: With over two centuries of distilling heritage, Buffalo Trace Distillery has earned its place as a true icon of the bourbon industry. As the oldest continuously operating distillery in America, Buffalo Trace is steeped in history and craftsmanship, producing award-winning bourbons cherished by enthusiasts around the world.
Immersive Distillery Tours: Step inside the historic distillery gates and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and aromas of bourbon production. Our guided tours offer an up-close look at the distilling process, from mash fermentation and barrel aging to bottling and labeling. Learn about the artistry and science behind bourbon-making as you explore our state-of-the-art facilities and aging warehouses.
World-Class Bourbon Tastings: No visit to Buffalo Trace Distillery is complete without a tasting of our exceptional bourbons. Sample a selection of our finest spirits, from smooth and mellow bourbons to bold and flavorful expressions, guided by our knowledgeable tour guides. Discover the unique characteristics and flavor profiles that make Buffalo Trace bourbons truly special.
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Your Bourbon Distillery Tour Experience
Guided Distillery Tours: Choose from a variety of tour options, including our popular Trace Tour, Hard Hat Tour, and Bourbon Barrel Tour, each offering a unique perspective on bourbon production at Buffalo Trace Distillery.
Barrelhouse Bar: Relax and unwind at our Barrelhouse Bar, where you can savor handcrafted cocktails featuring Buffalo Trace bourbons, along with a selection of curated spirits, craft beers, and local wines.
Gift Shop: Browse our onsite gift shop and take home a piece of bourbon history with a selection of branded merchandise, specialty bourbons, and unique souvenirs to commemorate your visit.
Plan Your Visit to Buffalo Trace Distillery Ready to experience the magic of bourbon at Buffalo Trace Distillery? Book your distillery tour today with Horses-n-Bourbon and discover why Buffalo Trace is considered one of the best bourbon distilleries in Louisville, Kentucky. Whether you're a bourbon aficionado or a curious newcomer, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable journey through the world of Kentucky bourbon. Cheers to the spirit of bourbon!
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elwynten · 2 months
Sword Oritoria, Chapter 10
Mapping expedition into Knossos.
The Hestia Familia was excluded from having to help map Knossos. Instead, we were given our first official expedition in the Dungeon.
Since we weren't going to be involved with Knossos for now. I decided to help the Loki Familia, the Ganasha Familia and the couple other Familia's that will be going into Knossos. To help them I nullified Penia's, Thanatos's and Dionysus's connection to arcanum. It is what I did with Ishtar. So, when they are damaged enough instead of their arcanum kicking in to save them and they are sent back to the upper world. Instead, nothing will happen, or they have a good chance of dying like a normal human would. This way when Dionysus kills Penia and when or if Thanatos kills himself. The alter will not react to the arcanum, although I also Nullified the alter just in case, thus the green flesh plant material will not be activated. Ruining Dionysus's plans.
I also Nullified Filvis's Einsel spell, preventing her from cloning herself and making another Filvis or Ein as well as preventing the two from rejoining.
Since the Hestia Familia will be in the Water World or Water City. That is about all I can do to help until we finish our expedition.
Preparations for the Final Battle of Knossos
I ported to the 30th floor of Babel Tower, where the Denatos was usually held. Finn, Fels, Tsubaki and a few other people were gathered around the large round table. I hadn't been invited so I just gate crashed.
As I walked up to the table Finn and Tsubaki saw me. Finn was the first to say anything.
"What are you doing here Eilwyn Tengee? And how did you know we would be here?" Finn asked.
I grinned. "You keep asking me that question. You should know the answer to that by now. As for why I'm here. I'm her to impart some information to you. As I told Loki, Dionysus is Enyo not Demeter. Dionysus blackmailed Demeter to help him. That is why it looks like Demeter is Enyo. That also implies that Dionysus was not killed in Knossos when y'all were doing the mapping expedition. He's alive and well. The reason his followers lost their falna is because he was deceiving them. He concocted a way for Penia to be their patron instead of Dionysus himself. His only follower is Filvis." I explained to the group.
"How could Dionysus convince his followers to covert to Peina?" Finn asked.
"Alcohol, or rather divine wine. Dionysus was able to make divine wine that could get even the 'gods' drunk. He used it to get Penia and his 'followers' drunk and Penia converted his followers to herself. That is also how he convinced everyone to believe he was a nice guy. He was drunk almost all the time so he could hide his true demeanor and agenda. When he sobers up, he reverted to his real, evil self." I replied.
"Hmmm, I see. Then where is Demeter if she's not Enyo." Finn asked.
"She's hiding in her warehouse in the Beor Mountains. She's lost many of her Familia because of Dionysus and many more are being held hostage in Knossos. Plus, she knows she is expected to be the scapegoat, of being Enyo." I told him and the group.
"If Dionysus didn't die, who did and where is Dionysus?" Shakti asked.
"Dionysus killed Penia to make it look like he had been killed and gone back to the upper world. He is in hiding in Knossos right now. But his plan didn't work out quite the way he wanted it to. He believed Penia's arcanum would activate and cause the alter to make the spirits to create the green flesh and it would fill Knossos, hopefully killing many of those in Knossos while the green flesh would give the demi-spirits magical energy to help power their spell." I explained.
"But why didn't Penia's arcanum activate? What happened to her?" Shakti asked.
I grinned at Shakti. "I Nullified her connection to arcanum so when Dionysus killed her, her arcanum didn't activate to heal her. Thus, preventing the alter to activate. Although Dionysus did find a way to still activate the alter, although when it activated it was a lot weaker than planned. There is still the green flesh in Knossos although it is only on the tenth floor. Because of that the demi-spirit's spell is weaker. It will still destroy most of Orario just not all of it, now." I told them.
"Plus, you should let the groups going into Knossos know when they get to the green flesh, the green flesh is a trap. Anywhere the green flesh is the spirits can use magic on them. Destroy the green flesh and magic can't be used against them until the green flesh grows back." I explained.
"How do you know all of this? Are you involved with Enyo?" Tsubaki asked me.
"I have seen some of the future. I've seen what would happen so I have been changing what I can." I said to the group in general, then I turned to Tsubaki. "And no, I'm not involved with Enyo. I'm here to destroy him and help save the city." I told her.
"And in doing that. What I tell you now goes no farther than this room. I would like every group that is going to help with the attack on Knossos to see me before they go in. I am able to boost people's abilities or status. I'm willing to give everyone that goes in a giant boost to their status as well as magic immunity, for the duration of the battle. And as a bonus anyone that helps, I will let them keep half of the status boost after it is over with." I offered.
"That's not possible!" One of the people there I didn't know, exclaimed.
I chuckled and looked at Finn then Fels. "Would the two of you like to explain that I can do what I said I can do?" I asked Finn and Fels.
"I don't know who lord Eilwyn can do the things he can do. But if he says he can do something, he is quite capable of doing it." Fels told the group.
"I have seen Eilwyn Tengee do some amazing thing that no one else is able to do. How or why, he can do those things is beyond me. But as Fels said. If Eilwyn Tengee says he can do something, he can do it." Finn put in.
"Do you know anything about the demi-spirits we will run into?" Finn asked.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, I do. The crystal orbs were implanted into Grand Treants. They have their main head, which are casting the destructive spell. Then towards the bottom of the trunk there are three more heads. Thos other three heads will be casting spells to protect the demi-spirit. Although with everyone that is going in will have Magic Immunity. They really won't have to worry about most of that. But they will have to worry about aftereffects. That is if an ice spell is cast, the ice won't affect them, but, they will have to deal with the ground covered in ice." I said and shrugged.
"As I told Loki, there are seven demi-spirits. There are six that will be performing the chant for the spell to destroy Orario. But there is a seventh demi-spirit that is Dionysus is saving as a trump card. I'm sure a little white rabbit could take care of the seventh demi-spirit." I told Finn and turned to leave the chamber.
After I left Babel Tower. I went to the homes of every Familia that was going to be part of the attack on Knossos. I gave everyone Physical Enhancement Level 2 as well and Magic Immunity. If anyone that received the Physical enhancement had just leveled up, instead of their stats being I-0, there strength, durability, agility, dexterity stats should be "SS". The boost won't affect skills or magic, though. I informed the 'gods' of each Familia they needed to update everyone's status and why.
After I had gone to all the other Familia's, I went to the Igashu Familia last to give them Physical Enhancement Level 2 and Magic Immunity. I left them for last so my Team and I could head into the Dungeon with them as soon as Igashu/Fels updated everyone's status.
I had Nullified Filvis's ability to clone herself. But, I want to be able to talk to Filvis and not Ein. Filvis when she clones herself leaves herself mainly as is but Eins if all of Filvis's dark parts from being a creature. And I want to get a clear answer from Filvis so I dropped the Nullification so she will be able to clone herself, for now.
I had already given Wiene, Sky and Fia Physical Enhancement Level 2 and Magic Immunity, before we left Hearthstone Manor. They had already Ranked up to Level 4 fighting Amphisbaena. My Team and I had ranked up to Level 5 and Rosni had ranked up to Level 4. All at the same time. We haven't been able to report our ranking up to The Guild yet because as soon as we killed Amphisbaena, we headed back home so Hestia could update all of our status and so I could update my Familia's status. Both my Familia's and my Team's status had to be updated twice. Once to see if we had ranked up. After I had found out that we all had Ranked up, I gave my Familia Physical Enhancement Level 2 and Magic Immunity. Then I dropped the Nullification on part of their status, so they naturally went up in most of their stats, like I had done every time we all ranked up. Then me Team went to Hestia again so she could update our status again and I updated my Familia's status as well.
Everyone's basic status was no less than "SS". But, like I had told the others, once the battle of Knossos was over, I would take away some of the boost and leave them with only Physical Enhancement Level 1, which would leave them with most of their basic status at "C". Then when they Rank up again, I would give them Physical Enhancement Level 2 so their stats would go up to around a "C" again.
When I was finished with the Igashu Familia. I went back to Hearthstone Manor to wait along with the rest of the Hestia Familia and the Eilwyn Familia to go into Knossos after everyone else had gone in.
Finn had to do some extra work because he had to find all of the first-tier adventurers from the disbanded Freya Familia. He was going to use them as a second wave attack on Knossos. It took time but Finn was able to find everyone he was looking for to have them wait to attack after the Loki Familia and the Ganasha Familia had gone in and opened the way for them.
The Hestia Familia would be going in close to the same time the ex-Freya members would be going in. The hard part was waiting to go into the labyrinth Knossos. The only members of the Familia that aren't going in is Horn and Mari. Everyone else is a Level three or higher.
We received our orders to head in over one of the oculas Fels had given us.
"Everyone grab your payload and head down." I called out.
Everyone in the Familia has a Companion, but most of them don't use shapeshifting very much. So, they're not used to flying. Because of that, My Team along with Wiene, Fia and Sky will be carrying the others down into Knossos. The person we are carrying is our payload.
Dragon wings and tails sprouted on our backs, and we took to the air. We each hovered over the person we were to carry, letting them put on a harness for them to ride in. Sky and Fia just took ahold of the person they were to carry in their talons after they shifted to their natural forms.
Since none of the 'gods' that died in Knossos went back to the upper world, they didn't create huge holes from the nineth floor to the surface. So, to make it easier for everyone to get into Knossos, I ported down to the nineth floor and used some of my Earth Controle to create a hole or shaft to the surface.
We glided down into the labyrinth to the nineth floor.
Because of how far down the nineth floor was, it took a several minutes to glide that far down.
On the ground on the ninth floor. We could hear the different battles through the oculus. Lili told Finn she would take two fronts to help him out. It took a few moments, but Finn agreed, giving him a lighter load to bear in the battle.
Before Lili could send anyone out as back up, I spoke up. "Lili. I'll go find Bete and his party that fell in the trap."
I turned to Sky. "Can you echo locate like Rei? I asked.
Sky nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, I can. why?" She replied.
"Take Kimmy, Iris and Fia and help Raul find the hostages. With your echo location it will be easier for you to find them." I told her.
"I will." Sky told me and she motioned for Iris, Kimmy and Fia to follow her. "Let's fly." She added as she ran to gain enough speed to take flight.
Fia, Kimmy and Iris followed after Sky and all of them were shortly in the air flying away from us.
Before they were out of sight. I gave Sky and Iris, Healing. That way they will be able to heal all of the hostages when they find them.
[Sky, Iris, I gave both of you, Healing so you can heal the hostages.] I sent to them so they would know.
[You did? Thank you. That will help a lot.] Sky replied.
[All right! I'm a doctor now!] Iris exclaimed.
"Can I go with you?" Wiene asked me.
I smiled at Wiene. "I'd like that." I told her and I looked at Cindy. "You can come with me as well. My Dragon Girls can keep me safe." I told Cindy.
"Tsk, like you need being kept safe." Cindy scoffed.
I looked at Lili. "We're off." I told her.
Lili had already used her magic and had turned into Finn. "I already knew you were off." Lili/Finn retorted.
I chuckled. then i did a quick mental search for Bete and Lefiya. Finding them I saw where they were. "Ok, girls, take ahold." I told them.
Wiene took a hold of one hand while Cindy took my other hand in her hand. I looked at our joined hand and then I looked at Wiene, who had a big smile on her face. Then to Cindy who was also smiling. I chuckled and lightly squeezed their hands, then I ported us to where Bete was.
I let go of Wiene's and Cindy's hands and stepped forward several steps. "Hello Filvis, Ein." I greeted Filvis and the masked creature known as Ein, who is also Filvis's clone.
I snapped my fingers. I don't have to do anything when I use most of my 'magic' but I sometimes say something or do something so others know something has happened. Plus, in this world when someone uses magic, they have to say something.
When I snapped my fingers, I Nullified Filvis's Einsel magic, or her cloning magic. By Nullifying Filvis's Einsel magic, she will not be able to rejoin with her other half so Filvis and Ein will have to stay separate entities.
"Miss Filvis!" Lafia exclaimed at seeing Filvis alive.
"Lefiya, why are you here?" Filvis asked Lefiya while Ein looked at me.
"How are you here? I saw you killed by… That masked person." Lefiya asked pointing at Ein.
I explained what had happened during the nightmare on the 27th floor and how Filvis had survived because a magic stone had been place in her chest. As well as Filvis's anguish of becoming a creature and constantly hearing the demi-spirit in her head, causing Filvis to follow its bidding.
Everyone was looking at me as I told Filvis's story. "How did you know?" Filvis asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I know some of the future, so I know about you. That is one reason you can't join back with your other half. I've blocked your Einsel magic." I told them.
"That is not possible." Ein replied.
I chuckled. "It is quite possible for me to do." I assured Ein. Then I turned to Filvis. "Filvis, I have a question for you." I started.
"W-what question?"
"If you had met Lefiya earlier, would you have done things differently?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter. I met Lefiya to late."
"That is not what I asked you. I want to know if you had met Filvis shortly after you had become a creature if you would have done things differently? Would have meeting Lefiya earlier caused you to be yourself instead of a pawn in someone's scheme? If you had a fresh start, would, you, take it?" I asked.
Filvis looked over at Ein and nodded her head.
"Tsk!" Ein made a noise of disgust.
Filvis looked over at Ein, then to Lefiya then finally she looked at me. "Yes, if I had met Lefiya earlier, I would have done things much differently. I wish none of this had ever happened. I'm corrupted." Filvis declared, with anguish.
I nodded my head in understanding. "That's what I wanted to know." I told Filvis.
"You're not…!" Cindy exclaimed.
I nodded my head, yes. "She won't have a magic stone anymore." I told Cindy.
"[Dawn, put the name Filvis Challia, on one of the gravestones, please.]" I said and sent to Dawn in the graveyard on Pern, and I spelled out Filvis's full name for Dawn.
"That was stupid. Talking to yourself like that. You idiot." Bete told me.
I chuckled. "I wasn't talking to myself. I was sending a mental message to Dawn, the spirit that takes care of my graveyard. Any name I have Dawn put on one of the gravestones. That person, if they die will appear in front of the gravestone with their name on it, whole and healthy. That means, if Filvis were to die right now." I started then turned to Filvis. "She would appear in the graveyard whole and health and without the magic stone in her chest. Dawn would great her and welcome her to her new home." I explained.
A black shadow started rising up from the floor around both Filvis and Ein. Before either of them noticed it was there the shadow had enveloped them up to their necks.
""At the end of illusion, the spirptreturns - forming an unbreakable bond"" Both Filvis and Ein spoke the spell at the same time. ""Einsel."" They both said the spell's name, but…
Nothing happened. They didn't rejoin and become one person. Shock, surprise and fear ran across both Filvis's and Ein's faces.
"What happened!? What went wrong!?" Ein screamed.
"I told you I canceled your magic, so you can't rejoin." I told Ein and Filvis. I'll be seeing you in a minute." I told them.
"AAAAAAHHHHHGGGG!" Both Ein and Filvis screamed. right before they both went up in a cloud of smoke and ash. The shadow receded into the floor leaving two piles of ash and two magic stones.
Everyone in the room was staring at what remained of Filvis and Ein.
I turned to Lefiya and used Mind restore on her to take her mental state back before she met Filvis. Lefiya would still remember Filvis but she won't have as much of a mental connection with Filvis. Lefiya will greave the loss of Filvis but it will me more as if she had just met Filvis instead of Lefiya having a close relationship with her.
"They're both dead?" Bete said more than asked.
"Yes, they are. Now you can go help with the demi-spirit." I replied.
"How?" Asfi asked.
I chuckled. "Does it matter?" I asked in return.
"I guess not." Asfi replied still confused.
I turned to Ryu and held out my hand to her.
"Is what you said, true?" Ryu asked me.
"Is what true? Is it true that she will revive at a graveyard whole and heathy? Yes, that is true. My name was the first name on the mausoleum. Cindy's name is on one of the gravestones as well as Wiene, here." I told Ryu and I put an arm around Wiene.
Wiene snuggled into my embrace and smiled. "My name is really on one of those gravestones, so if I die, I'll go to the graveyard and be all right?" Wiene asked me.
I hadn't told Wiene, Fia, Sky or Mari that I had their names put on the gravestones or what happened if their names were on the gravestones.
I nodded my head, yes. "Yes, your name, as well as Sky's name, Fia's names, Mari's name and all the names of the members of my Team are on the gravestones." I assured Wiene.
"If I die and go the graveyard, I won't be a monster anymore?"
"You're not a monster now. But no, if you died and go to the graveyard you won't have a magic stone in your chest anymore." I told Wiene.
Wiene smiled. "That is good to know." And Wiene hugged me. "I love you." She told me.
I kissed Wiene on the top if her head. "I love you too, Sweetheart."
Ryu stood with her hand out still. I reached out and took Ryu's hand in mine. I released Wiene so I could put my other hand on topo of Ryu's hand as well. "And your name is on one of those gravestones as well. I want to make sure those that are close to me, I won't lose." I told Ryu.
"Just don't use that knowledge as an excuse to go crazy when you fight monsters or people." I chided her as I pulled Ryu in and hugged her to me.
Ryu stiffened up for a moment, then she slowly put her arms around me and returned my hug. "I would not do that. I would not want to waste my life like that." Ryu told me.
"That's good to hear." I told her.
At that time, Aisha, Haruhime and the Barbera entered the chamber we were in.
I released Ryu and turned to the group. "Hello Haruhime, Aisha. I'm sorry but you're not needed here anymore." I told them.
"BETE LOOOOGA!" Lena, one of the Berbara or ex-Berbara yelled and ran over to Bete.
Bete covered has face with his hand. "Not her again." He growled.
I looked at Cindy. "Could you keep her busy for a little while?" I asked her.
Cindy rolled her eyes. "If you insist." She replied.
I nodded my head, yes. "I insist and thank you."
I walked over to Bete and Lena. "Lena, would you talk to Cindy for a minute or two? I need to talk to Bete." I told Lena and put my hand on her shoulders and pushed her towards Cindy and Wiene.
I turned back to Bete. "I can fix this for you… for a price. Lena will think of you as a big brother and nothing else." I offered.
"If I just kill her, I won't owe you anything." Bete growled.
I chuckled. "I know you talk big, but you really don't want to kill her. Even though she is a pain the butt, you still have some respect for her tenacity. Besides I won't ask for too much in return. Just think of her as an adopted sister. Someone you are willing to spend a little time with and to teach to fight and survive in the Dungeon. That's not too much trouble considering she could be chasing you to mate with her for years to come." I suggested.
"I don't need a little sister, you idiot."
"Having an adopted little sister would be a lot better than a lovesick young girl that constantly want's your attention and refuses to leave you alone." I told him.
"I hate this. All right. I'd rather have a little sister than some harlot chasing me all the time." Bete finally admitted.
I turned to Cindy, Wiene and Lena. I reached into Lena's mind and planted deep in her mind that she thinks of Bete as a big brother. She respects him as a big brother and only as a big brother and that she wants to learn how to fight from Bete, but she knows there are limits she has to accept.
I turned back to Bete. "Say hello to your little sister." I told Bete and walked over to Cindy, Wiene and Ryu. I put an arm around Cindy.
I looked at the Berbera and the others in the chamber. "You might want to see about getting back to your original group and help them out." I suggested.
Ryu turned to me. "You told me Hestia would let me join her Familia." She stated.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, I did."
"I would like to join the Hestia Familia if I can, then." Ryu told me.
I smiled at Ryu. "After this is over with. I'll tell Hestia you want to join our Familia." I told her.
"Thank you." Ryu told me.
"Welcome to the Familia, Ryu." Cindy told Ryu.
"I'm not a member yet." Ryu replied.
Cindy shrugged her shoulders. "You will be, so it's the same thing." Cindy assured Ryu.
"Thank you." Ryu told Cindy.
Shortly after that the battle of Knossos ended with Bell charging his Argonaut Skill for a full five minutes and killing the seventh demi-spirit, they named Nidhogg. You could hear the ringing of limit off from Bell charging his Skill for that long.
As Cindy, Wiene and I were leaving Knossos, we ran into some of the Loki Familia that were set up as a medical sight.
Bell was fast asleep sitting against the wall. He had made it back to where the Loki Familia had the medical sight set up, with Raul and a few other lower-level Loki Familia members were helping out. Bell wasn't hurt but he was worn out. All he really needed was some sleep which was what he was getting.
Ais was walking along the same tunnel Bell was in. Raul had just ran off to get one of the magic users that knew a healing spell to help Ais out, because all of their healing potions had already been used. Ais had informed Raul that she didn't need any healing, but Raul being Raul, he had to try to help Ais anyway.
Ais stopped when she saw Bell leaning against the wall. She knelt down to look at Bell. Then she sat down beside him. Bell shifted in his sleep and laid his head on Ais's shoulder.
Ais leaned over and whispered into Bell's ear. "You saved me." She told Bell. Then she laid her head against the top of Bell's head.
I watched all of this transpire from a little ways away. As Ais laid her head on Bell's head, I walked over to them, and I squatted down in front of Bell and Ais and I smiled at Ais.
"Bell saved you?" I said looking Ais in the eye.
Ais looked at me with eyes that looked like a deer caught in head lights, and she took in a quick breath of air. "Uh!" Her cheeks started turning pink.
"Wouldn't that make Bell… your hero?" I asked Ais as I looked over at Bell with his head still laying on Ais's shoulder. "You should let Bell know that." I finished as I stood up, Cindy, Wiene and I walked away.
Before I could take two steps, I heard Ais. "I'll decide who or what is a monster and who is not a monster." She said.
Continuing on down the tunnel, I could feel Ais's eyes on my back as we walked away from her and Bell.
After the Battle of Knossos was over and we had a little time to rest. I went to Hestia.
"Hestia, do you remember Ryu?" I asked her.
"The Elf that has helped up out a time or two?" Hestia answered my question with her own question.
"That's her." I told Hestia.
"Why? What about her?" She asked with some curiosity on her face.
"She would like to join the Hestia Familia. If you are willing to take her in, that is." I informed Hestia.
"Miss Elf wants to join my Familia!?" Hestia said excitedly, her twin ponytails were swishing back and forth in her excitement. "She won't want my Bell, will she?" She added going from excitement to concern in the blink of an eye.
I chuckled. "No, she doesn't want Bell." I assured her.
"Ok, I'll let her join my Familia, then. When does she want to join?"
"As soon as I let her know. Then we'll need to help her move her belongings to the manor. Right now, she's living behind the restaurant." I told Hestia.
"Go tell her, she can join my Familia." Hestia told me shooing me out to get Ryu.
"I'll go tell her, but she'll probably have to wait until after she gets off work tonight." I told Hestia as I headed out the door.
I went to the Benevolent Mistress to talk to Ryu. I informed her that lady Hestia would let her join the Familia and that she would give Ryu her blessing that evening after Ryu gets off of work. I also told Ryu that we would help her move into the Hearthstone Manor.
That evening, I waited for Ryu to get off of work. I escorted Ryu back to the Hearthstone Manor.
"You didn't have to come here to walk me to Hearthstone Manor." Ryu told me as we walked along the almost empty street.
"I wasn't going to let a lady walk alone in the dark." I told Ryu.
"Thank you, but I am quite capable of taking care of myself as you know."
I chuckled. "That is beside the point. I gentleman should escort a lady after dark." I told Ryu as I reached over and took her hand in mine.
Ryu flinched at feeling me take her hand. But she stopped herself from pulling her hand away. So, Ryu and I walked hand in hand the rest of the way to Hearthstone Manor. With Malita and Taima following behind us in their cat forms.
Once at the Hearthstone Manor, I quickly found Hestia.
"Lady Hestia, you know Ryu. She's here to join our Familia." I said as a greeting.
Hestia grinned from ear to ear. "So, you want to join my Familia, Miss Elf?" Hestia asked Ryu.
"Yes, goddess Hestia." Ryu replied.
Hearing Ryu's reply, I Nullified her falna from Astrea.
"I have a suggestion before Hestia gives you her falna." I started.
"What suggestion?" Hestia asked.
"According to the Guild, Gale Wind is dead. Technically that means Ryu Lion is dead. I would suggest Ryu come up with a different name to use. I'm sure she could stick with Ryu, but she needs to come up with a different surname or last name, before you give her your falna." I suggested.
Hestia nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, that makes since. What do you think Miss Elf?" Hestia asked Ryu.
I leaned closer to Ryu. "If you haven't figured it out yet. Hestia's name for you is, Miss Elf. It's not an insult, it's just what she does with some people. Like Lili, Bell's supporter. Hestia calls her Supporter or Miss Supporter.
Hestia giggled.
"I'm not sure what name I should take." Ryu stated.
"Ok, how about we go into the dining room, and we can go over some possible surnames for you." I suggested.
"Yes, please." Ryu replied.
"That sounds like a good idea." Hestia said.
I escorted Ryu to the dining room and offered her a seat. I sat down beside her and Hestia sat across the table.
I created a copy of my interdimensional lap top computer and pulled up names that mean elf or lion.
"What's that?" Hestia asked me, pointing to the laptop.
Since it would take too long to explain what it really was, I lied to Hestia and Ryu. "It's something I made using my Enigma Skill. I can put all kinds of information into it and pull up the information I want later." I explained.
"That's useful." Hestia told me.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, it is." I replied as I did a search for surnames that mean elf or would make a good elf surname and lion.
It took a few minutes for me to gather a short list.
"Okay, I've found four fairly good names. Algar, which means elf spear, Elric which means elf ruler. Although I don't think Ryu would want that as a last name, but I don't think anyone here would know what it means. Nightstar, it doesn't really have any specific meaning, but since she gets a boost with one or two of her skills at night, Nightstar kind of makes since. And last is Leon, (pronounced lee-on) and means lion." I told Ryu and Hestia what I had found that I thought would be the better names.
"I'm not royalty so you are correct that Elric would not be my choice of a name." Ryu admitted.
"That leaves Algar, Nightstar and Leon." I reiterated.
"You can always stay in your chianthrope form. That way the Guild wouldn't know who you are, and your name wouldn't make much of a difference. I'm just trying to stay close to your old name and also something that will be fairly easy to remember until you get used to using it." I told Ryu.
Ryu nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, I can stay in my chiethrope form. I could do that. I think that would leave out Algar since it means elf spear." Ryu put in.
"Okay, that leaves Nightstar and Leon." I listed the last two names.
"Because Leon means lion. Wouldn't that leave Leon out as well?" Hestia asked.
"Not necessarily. Lion can represent bravery, loyalty and ferocity as well as a few other things. So, it would still work." I replied.
After thinking about it for several minutes, Ryu made her decision. "I think I'll go with Nightstar. That way no one should connect it to Gale Wind, and I should be able to remember it fairly easily. And as lord Eilwyn said, if I stay in my chienthrope form no one should make the connection to me being Ryu Lion, Gale wind." Ryu stated.
"I guess that settles it then. We can go up to our apartment and Hestia can give you her falna up there. After you change form that is." I said.
Ryu nodded her head in agreement. "That would be fine." Ryu said.
I stood up from the table. "Lady Hestia, if you would." I said and motioned with my hand for her to lead the way. Then I looked at Ryu. "I'll show you where my Team's apartment is." I told her and held out my hand to help her out of her chair and to stand up.
Ryu looked at my hand for a moment. Then she reached out and took hold of my hand and stood up.
Hestia led the way to the third floor, then to my sitting room. Inside the room I pointed to the massage chair and explained how to sit on it.
Ryu shifted to her chienthrope form. She turned and looked at me.
"Oh, sorry, Ryu Nightstar. The members of my Team aren't bashful." I said and walked over to the door to the PD. I opened the door, walked through, then closed the door behind me and waited.
After waiting several minutes, Hestia opened the door to the PD. "Ryu's finished. She is now a full-fledged member of my Familia." She told me with a big grin on her face. "She ranked up to level five. She should rank up to level six pretty soon. I guess it's all those years without having her status updated that she ranked up and will be able to rank up again so quickly." Hestia told me, then she looked at me. "But then… with you and your Team I shouldn't be surprised that someone in my Familia can rank up so fast." She added.
I chuckled.
Ryu Nightstar received a new Spell. The rest of us didn't learn about it until later:
Astraea Record: Astraea Record allows Ryuu to use magic from other people who have received Astraea's falna. When she says its name, hieroglyphs of light in the shape of Astrea Familia's emblem shine under her feet. As she recites the chant countless crystals of light float and surround her like stars.
The crystals create a 5 meters radius area that protects her from any attack, which has received the name "star sanctuary". The barrier is strong enough to fend off the assault of multiple second-class adventurers. Once she finishes chanting the crystals are absorbed into Ryuu's body and she can cast the desired magic. Ryuu only needs to say the name of the magic she wants to use, skipping its chant.
Agaris Alvesynth: Alise's powerful fire enchant magic. It covers Ryuu's legs, hands, and sword with fire. It can also release a torrent of flames through a sword and generate explosions. However, due to her inexperience Ryuu still can't control its firepower as well as Alise.
Gokou: Kaguya's magic that creates blades of lights that move at the same time as Ryuu makes a slash with her real sword. When used together with the sword-drawing technique of the same name, it creates five god-speed magic slashes from different positions which surround the enemy.
Rea Vindemia: Maryuu's wide-area healing magic that can heal wounds and restore stamina.
Mūs Mine: Lyra's magic that creates a minefield.
Irivute: Ryana’s fire magic.
Other Magic: Apart from the magic already listed, Ryuu can also use: A speed increase magic from Noin, A magic that grants an impenetrable defense from Asta, A magic that releases wind claws from Neze, A magic which launches a two-fist attack from Iska, and A lightning magic from Celty.
I went back to the sitting room where Ryu was. "You can pick out a bedroom now if you want to." I offered.
Ryu pointed to the door I had just walked through. "Where does that go? It looks like it opens into the air over the courtyard." She inquired.
"That's my Team's appartement. This room is what we call our sitting room." I told Ryu and opened the door to the PD. "This door opens onto a Pocket Dimension or PD for short." I told her.
"How can you get all of this land and a house in the manor?" Ryu asked.
I explained about my accident and receiving all kinds of abilities and powers and that one of those abilities I received, I could create these PD's. I reminded Ryu about me able to give her Malita.
"There are still a few bedrooms free in our appartement, if you would like to take one of those. Or you can take one of the bedrooms in the Manor. If you take a bedroom in the manor, you can still use the yard, pond, the beach and ocean in the PD all you want. And you are very welcome to visit us in the house in the PD." I told Ryu. "If the weather is bad, like when it's raining or cold. We usually get several of our friends in the PD so they can be out in the sun and where it's warm."
"May I see the bedrooms in both the manor and the… PD?" Ryu asked.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Sure, you can." I told Ryu and escorted her to the house. I gave Ryu a full tour of the house and yard. "In the PD, each bedroom has its own bathroom, plus there are boy's and girl's shared bath house in the hallway." I told her.
Then I took Ryu back out to the manor and showed her a couple of the empty bedrooms she could pick from. "Each floor has its own bathrooms, but there are large far eastern bath houses on the main floor you can use as well. When we first moved here, we had the place renovated and Hestia let Mikoto design those two bathrooms." I explained.
After seeing the different bedroom, Ryu chose a bedroom just down the hall from our sitting room in the manor. I can understand why Ryu didn't take one of the empty bedrooms in the PD. Being an elf it wouldn't look proper for her to be living in a smaller house while I'm living there as well. Living in a manor with males was expected if the Familia was made up of both males and females. Besides her room was close enough that she could use the big bath house in the PD if she wanted to.
With Ryu's bedroom picked out. "We'll help you move your belongings in the morning. If you want you can quit working at the Benevolent Mistress and just be an adventurer, or you can work at the Winged Manticore." I offered.
"The Winged Manticore? What is that?" Ryu asked.
"The Hestia Familia opened an armory, a home and hearth store and a restaurant just a few blocks from here. Anya is working part time at the Restaurant, the Winged Manticore. She also works part time Dungeon diving." I told Ryu. "And Miach moved the Blue Pharmacy into the building as well.
"May I work part time at the Winged Manticore and part time as an adventurer like Anya?" Ryu asked.
I nodded my head I agreement. "That would be fine. Just give Mama Mia a two week notice that you're quitting. After that you can either start working at the restaurant or you can spend a few days or even a few weeks in the Dungeon before you start working part time at both. I'm sure Anya would like to go into the Dungeon with you and I'm sure we could find you a supporter if you want one. I'm fairly sure Wiene, Sky and Fia would be happy to join you in the Dungeon as well. They are all level four. With them being level four, you will have to stay in the higher levels, but after we spent that time on the 37th floor. You might not want to go down too deep for a while anyway." I said.
"I will think about what I want to do while I'm working my last two weeks at Mama Mia's." Ryu Nightstar the chienthrope told me.
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lmwarehousing · 2 months
3PL Warehouse Storage and Fulfillment Services
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L&M Distribution and Logistics is dedicated to streamlining your supply chain. We offer a comprehensive suite of 3PL warehouse storage services, including secure storage like warehouse storage services Philadelphia, beverage warehouse services, quick transportation, and expert handling – all at exceptional value. We expertly manage every detail, from the initial pickup to final delivery, ensuring your wine, spirits, and food products reach their destination quickly and undamaged. Our commitment to transparency and industry regulations guarantees a smooth and reliable experience.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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John (Johnnie) Walker was born July 25th, 1805, at Todriggs Farm, Kilmarnock, East Ayrshire.
When his father Alexander died in 1820, he was left £417 in trust. In 1820, the trustees invested in an Italian warehouse, grocery, and wine and spirits shop on the High Street in Kilmarnock.
Even though his main trade was selling groceries, over time he became well known as the go-to supplier of tea, fine wines, and spirits. He sold all kinds of alcohol, including rum, brandy, and gin, but it was his own private label whisky that gained him recognition in the region. Most shop owners of the day stocked single malts, with inconsistent taste and texture. Mr. Walker, being a savvy businessman, made his whisky through blending, giving him the ability to maintain good flavour quality in every bottle.
In 1833, John married Elizabeth Purves, who later gave birth to their first son, Alexander. John was known locally as a member of trade associations and the Freemasons. A major flood damaged many local businesses in 1852, and reports show that his entire stock was ruined. It took almost two years to rebuild the business, but afterwards, the popularity of his signature blend continued to grow until his death in 1857.
After his death, the family business was taken over by Alexander.The country was at the centre of the Industrial Revolution, and with the arrival of the railroad in 1843 on his side, Alexander Walker created a distribution network that shipped John’s whisky worldwide. By 1862, sales averaged 100,000 gallons each year. The first copyrighted blend, called “Old Highland Whisky,” hit the shelves in 1867. This recipe is a direct ancestor of what we know call Johnnie Walker Black Label.
The famous square bottle and 24 degree-slanted label were introduced shortly thereafter, creating a distinctive look, and reducing breakage compared to the previously used round bottles. Many historians consider Alexander the real driving force that took Johnnie Walker scotch whisky from hometown bestseller to a globally recognized brand. Alexander’s sons introduced the naming conventions of “Red Label” and “Black Label” in 1909. Around the same time, the original sketch of the sophisticated walking man was created and added to the bottles. The brand website puts it best: “At a stroke, John Walker the Victorian grocer became Johnnie Walker, the Edwardian dandy.”
The company has continued to grow, of course, adding Blue, Double Black, Gold, and Platinum label Johnnie Walker to the line. Now among a portfolio of brands owned by a large international company, the whisky is no longer distilled in Kilmarnock, and the original plant has been demolished. Though the facilities are gone, you’ll still find the resilient, Scottish spirit of the original Johnnie Walker in every sip.
You can find the full story on the Johnnie Walker website here https://www.johnniewalker.com/en-gb/the-world-of-johnnie-walker/the-story/
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Ask For 4 Months, Cadi Grants Favor,” Toronto Star. December 8, 1932. Page 2. ---- Court Recommends Burwash for Musehuk – Drunk Damaged New Police Station --- ‘Thomas Clarke, charged with being drunk,’ read out P.C. Collins in early men’s court to-day.
‘He died last night,’ stated Fred Sherriffs, J.P. ‘He passed away in number three police station.’
Deceased, 29, born in Canada, was charged with being intoxicated on Bathurst St.
A McDonald, charged with being drunk and with doing malicious damage to property, was remanded for a week on his own bail, in the care of Capt. Mason of the church army.
Police alleged that he had been drinking native wine and charged that he entered the new and beautiful No. 12 police station on north Yonge ST. and did $50 worth of damage. For creating a fuss in the lion’s den, he was promptly arrested on two charges.
Orie Thompson was convicted of drunkenness by Magistrate Tinker and was fined $10 or fifteen days.
Steve Museliuk, charged with vagrancy, asked for four months. He got his wish.
‘I am committing you to jail for four months and recommending Burwash,’ said Magistrate Tinker.
Robbery Is ChargeCharged with shopbreaking, Joseph Schwab, 28, of Lippincott, St., and Alfred Currie, 32, of Augusta Ave., were remanded by Magistrate Jones in men’s court to-day until December 14. Bail was $1,000 for each man.
One was arrested by motorcycle officers while he was alleged to have been trying to sell some leather goods belonging to an east-end dealer. The other was arrested by Detectives Butler and Harris.
Police alleged that the arrests solve the theft of 148 dozen pairs of leather soles from the warehouse of Zeomon Enchin, of 19 Grenadier Rd., on Tuesday night. The initial arrest was made by Motorcycle Officers Jerry and Craig from information received.
Appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing a gold watch, John Zone was given 30 days.
Earns $5 a Week‘She told me she worked from 7 in the morning until 9 at night for $5 a week,’ said P.C. Robb in testifying against Rosie Leisiltz, Queen St., charged with a breach of the Liquor Control Act. ‘The restaurant she works in is beneath the single room where she live with a crippled husband and two children. Here were three men drinking beer out of a jug.’
Beer was exhibited and P.C. Colson said that the woman had told him all her trouble. He said he had been the paralyzed husband sitting in a chair.
The crown pointed out that accused was working long hours for little money to support her husband and family, rather than go on city relief.
Found guilty, she was remanded for sentenced until Dec. 21 on a bond of $200.
Limit on the LiquorMary Smith, Queen St. E., charged with having liquor contrary to the Liquor Control Act, pleaded not guilty and denied any knowledge of a half-full jug of wine which was found in her room.
Plainclothesmen Crawford and McKay said they found liquor for which there was no provision made on her permit. It was also disclosed that a limit had been set on the quantity of liquor she was allowed to purchase each month.
She was not allowed to buy more than 48 bottles of beer, two bottles of spirits and 12 bottles of wine.
‘That’s not much of a limit,’ remarked the bench.
Accused was fined $10 and costs or 30 days, her permit was cancelled and her house declared a public place.
Betting Slips in YiddishCounsel Austin Ross, appearing for Louis Binder, charged with recording bets, a plea of not guilty.
Plainclothesmen Mckay and Crawford said they entered a Queen St. W. house and found accused with $44 worth of betting slips.
‘He had racing forms and the slips were written in Yiddish,’ they said.
Mr. Ross then changed the plea to guilty and  accused was fined $50 and costs or 30 days.
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dia-liquor · 2 months
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Discover Denver's Finest: Your Ultimate Online Delivery Liquor Store in 80249
Looking for the best online delivery liquor store in Denver, Colorado 80249, United States? Look no further than our curated selection at [Store Name]. We're your one-stop destination for premium spirits, fine wines, and craft beers, all conveniently available for delivery straight to your doorstep.
At Dia-Liquor warehouse , we understand that convenience is key, which is why we've streamlined our online ordering process to make it quick and easy for you to find exactly what you're looking for. Whether you're in search of a smooth bourbon, a crisp Chardonnay, or a refreshing IPA, our extensive inventory has something to satisfy every palate.
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gosingapore · 3 months
Discover The Popular Clarke Quay in Singapore
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Culinary Delights: A Gastronomic Adventure Awaits
Let’s kick off our Clarke Quay escapade with a culinary voyage like no other. With a plethora of dining options ranging from local delicacies to international cuisine, food enthusiasts are in for a treat. Craving some authentic Singaporean flavors? Indulge in mouthwatering chili crab or fragrant Hainanese chicken rice at one of Clarke Quay’s renowned seafood restaurants. For those with a penchant for global gastronomy, savor tantalizing Italian fare at riverside trattorias or feast on sizzling Korean BBQ delights.
Thirst-Quenching Libations: Cheers to Good Times!
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Entertainment Extravaganza: Let the Fun Begin!
But wait, there’s more! Clarke Quay is not just about wining and dining—it’s also a playground for thrill-seekers and entertainment enthusiasts. Unleash your competitive spirit at interactive game centers, challenge your friends to a round of laser tag, or test your problem-solving skills at immersive escape rooms. For those craving adrenaline-pumping thrills, embark on a river cruise along the Singapore River or soar to new heights on the G-MAX Reverse Bungy.
Cultural Charms: Heritage Meets Modernity
Amidst the modernity and excitement, Clarke Quay also pays homage to Singapore’s rich heritage and cultural roots. Take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque riverside promenade, adorned with historical landmarks and iconic sculptures. Marvel at the stunning architecture of restored warehouses juxtaposed with modern skyscrapers, offering a captivating blend of old-world charm and contemporary flair.
Plan Your Visit: Where the Fun Never Ends
Ready to dive into the delights of Clarke Quay? Whether you’re seeking gastronomic adventures, pulsating nightlife, thrilling entertainment, or cultural exploration, Clarke Quay promises an experience like no other. So, gather your friends, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready for an unforgettable journey through Singapore’s premier entertainment district. Clarke Quay awaits—where the fun never ends!
Book a Singapore River Cruise
Discover a new side of Singapore as you embark on a delightful boat cruise that will introduce you to the current exciting urban scene as well as Singapore’s rich and interesting past. Drift along Singapore River on a bumboat and enjoy a relaxing scenic route, cruising past iconic buildings.
Singapore River is currently operating at Clarke Quay Jetty only.
Book a Chilli Crab Seafood Dinner and Singapore River Cruise Tour at Clarke Quay Experience the best of Singapore with our Authentic Seafood and Cityscape Tour along the iconic Singapore River at Clarke Quay. Indulge in delectable seafood, including the famous chilli crabs, as you enjoy breathtaking views of Singapore River.
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openingnightposts · 4 months
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