#Why Doppel as the art teacher? I dunno I was running low on Bugs
barbaracleboy · 2 years
So, I thought up a new Bug Fables AU...well, “new” may not be 100% accurate, I know someone else has thought up an idea like this, but still: 
Bug Fables but High School!...I call it Four Kingdoms High I haven’t done many drawings for it, mainly because I feel like there should be new designs for most of the characters but I’m unsure of how they’d look.  Under the Keep Reading is a bunch of roles various characters have, though, along with some info on the setting itself.
Vi is a Freshman and new to the school (though she spent a year in a different High School, she was kicked out and pretty much had to start over).
Kabbu is a Junior at the school and general helpful guy.
Neo is a Junior, and one of the nerdier students, but is known for being a nice and helpful dude.
Mothiva’s a popular girl Junior and also a social media influencer. She’s been held back once or twice.
Zasp is Mothiva’s boyfriend (they’re open about it in this universe) and head of the Football team. He’s also a Junior and has also been held back (due to his focus on Mothiva).
Eetl is a TA, a Senior, and a worried nerd.
Jaune is a Sophomore at the school and tries to help Vi out when she can. She also spent/wasted a year at the old school Vi went to, though it was before Vi went there. Jaune and Vi were both kicked out for starting fights and beating up students that messed with them.
There’s probably more one can think of for other students, but I haven’t thought of it much so instead here’s the staff:
Artis is a secretary.
Maki and Kina are yard duties (Yin goes to the Preschool on the campus).
Elizant II is the English (or Bugnish, I suppose) Teacher.
Bianca is the Preschool Teacher.
Hector IV is the History/Social Studies Teacher.
Muze’s Dad is the Math Teacher.
H.B. is the Science and Computer Teacher.
Leif is the Janitor.
Fry is the cook.
Doppel is the Art Teacher.
Fuff is the Gym Teacher.
Layra II is the Superintendent.
Vanessa II is the Principal.
And Hoaxe is a hobo that breaks into the Principal’s Office sometimes and tries and fails to do stupid things in her place lmao.
Finally, the setting and some deeper info on certain characters:
Leif is still a weirdly aged Mushroom Moth (he worked for a few years back when the old Principal was around, then got experimented on, then woke up in the present day and became Janitor again under the new Principal for a few years now).
Bianca lives in a huge mansion with many of her children. Some of them moved out, but a good number (especially of the younger ones) live here.  Elizant I was the previous Principal, and Elizant II was very briefly her successor. Elizant chose Vanessa II to replace her, though, because she was too stressed.
The sports team of the School is called “The Chompers”, and their mascot is Chompy.
Vi and Jaune’s old school was the Hive from Hollow Knight. Just ‘cuz.
That was a butt-ton of writing, I apologize, but hopefully (if you read it) you found at least some of it to be interesting! I’m surprised by how into this AU I am, tbh.
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