#Which was written SPECIFICALLY for shameless whump
firstfandomfangirl · 1 year
why did I stop writing whump
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harleyshahas · 3 months
16, 7, 30!
(Is ecto :>)
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
If I had to pick, the story I'm most proud of - even though it's certainly not my most popular by and means, and it desperately needs to be rewritten and edited - has to be Futuristic Lovers. It's basically a love letter to Treasure Planet and Anastasia, two of my absolute favorite movies when I was wee, and it took me almost 8 years to write. I honestly wouldn't recommend it to anyone because the first ten chapters are baaaaad, but I'm proud of it nonetheless if only because it's a monument to me that, hey, I can finish a project given enough time and the proper enrichment lol
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
What fanfic tropes won't I write? I don't really know here, I'm kinda blanking on this right now... I've been writing fic a long time, reading it even longer, so I know what I like to read and what I'll avoid, and I that kinda goes for writing, I guess. I can say for certain what genres I like and don't like, which very much includes tragedy. Don't like tragic and unhappy endings. I'm all for whump and angst trains, as long as the payoff is cathartic, but for me, I like a happy ending at the end of a bad day. Tend to avoid major character death, so I don't know that I'll ever write that unless it's already canon.
Over-Flanderizing a character is also extremely aggravating, as well as the incorporation of therapy speak in fics. Also hate when there's an overabundance of "consent is kinky" in any given fic. It's one thing if it's just a shameless pwp, it's another if it's a moment that takes me out of the fic. I like to keep my characters as in-character as possible, and that tends comes with a lot of Not Asking for Permission.
30. Do you write down all your ideas? What makes you decide to write one versus the other?
When I was still a tween, I used to write down any and every idea that popped into my head - had a dedicated ideas notebook and everything. Between then and now, after 14+ years, I've since lost that habit, but I've been trying to pick it back up. I try to at least jot down a general prompt idea in a dedicated notes folder on my phone now to at least revisit at a later date. If I have a scene haunting my every moment for more than a few hours, that tends to get scribbled down real quick, too, especially if it's for a wip I'm trying to work on.
Honestly, whatever winds up actually being written is what I happen to be vibing with at the time. Right now, I desperately want to write Blackice Hades/Persephone AU because I just saw some gorgeous fanart and Sefikura molestation in the back alleys of Wall Market cuz I've been playing FF7 Remake, because if I have one very specific kink, then it's boy's in skirts and being extremely uncomfortable about it (I'm not at all projecting, I swear).
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neuro-whump · 4 years
Lost in Transit, Part 4
This is my entry to the Box Boy Extended Universe which was originally created by @sweetwhumpandhellacomf and written by @shameless-whumper and I’m using a lot of world-building which was done by @ashintheairlikesnow. Still somewhat vague on hospital procedure here.
CN: Dehumanization, human trafficking, amnesia, mistaken identity, box boy universe, vomiting, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, IVs
798591’s new owner had told him to obey the nurses, and the nurses had told him to sleep. So he tried to sleep. He really, really tried. It hadn’t been so bad when they were there with him, talking to him and giving him nice touches but now he was all alone in this white room and he could hear machine noises and someone else whimpering down the hall and it was making it very, very hard not to remember things he was supposed to forget.
“Position 30. Position 31. Position 32.”
“I don’t want to —“
“Position 32, 798591.”
He wasn’t supposed to remember training, he was only supposed to know it.
“Look at the page 798591.”
“It hurts, ow, ow it hurts please no more.”
The pain in his head had been starting to go away but every lapse and correction sent a spike of it through his skull just behind his eyes, and made the room spin a little bit. The hot cramping pain sitting in his stomach had got a little better once he’d been sick but it was getting worse again with all the spinning.
He lay there, and squeezed his eyes shut and tried to make himself obey his orders and fall asleep. He been afraid to be in the dark again after being left for so long in his box but now he thinks he would have preferred to have the lights off. It would be easier not to think about any of those forbidden memories without being able to see all these glaring white surfaces. He looked at the button Kenna had told him about and wondered if he pressed it, if someone would come and turn the light off. But he was afraid to cause any more trouble. He was not supposed to complain, or make trouble, or make a mess and he had already done all three of those things and his owner had left him here and not said when she would be back and Kenna said she was scary and he didn’t want to make her any more upset with him and find out.
She would be back in the morning. Joey had said she would be back in the morning. She was just leaving other people to deal with him while he was sick and disgusting and making a mess. He was where he should be, and he was grateful, and Dr. de Courcy was going to come back tomorrow. He tried to think about that, and not about the shine of the white walls or the soft sounds of pain he could hear from elsewhere or any of the other things he was not supposed to be thinking about.
Eventually, his stomach lurched and cramped in a way that sent pain radiating out through his belly, and the only thought in his head was that he was going to be sick again. It was almost an improvement.
He managed to make it across the room to be sick into the toilet instead of the bed, but it hurt, and then he just folded up on the floor in the bathroom and waited for the cramping to stop enough that he could stand up and get back into bed - or get worse until he was sick again. There was a new sharp twinge of pain in the crook of his elbow too, and a trickle of blood running down his arm when he looked at it. He’d pulled out the IV Joey had put into his arm by accident, and Kenna had told him specifically that he was supposed to call someone rather than let that happen.
“What’s it done this time? Christ what a mess.”
“Who the fuck is going to want this one, huh?”
The shooting pain of the reset was worse than the last ones had been, it left a trail of dark spots across his vision. The cold, hard floor was making it harder to avoid the thoughts he was not supposed to be having. There was more whimpering noises, he thought might be the one making them this time.
He was too miserable to realize someone else had come into the room until there was a strange man standing directly over him.  He cowered back a little without meaning to, even though there wasn’t really anywhere for him to go.
“What’s happened?” the strange man said softly, as he crouched down next to 798591, “did you fall?”
798591 shook his head and tried to pick himself back up.
“Easy there,” said the stranger. He was wearing a badge with letters on it, but 798591 couldn’t read them and he didn’t want to look at them to hard and risk another correction.
“I’m Aaron,” said the new person, seeing him looking, “I’m gonna sort you out, and then I need to draw a little more blood. Now what’s happened? Did you get sick?”
He nodded.
“That’s okay,” said Aaron, “Do you feel like you can go back to bed, or are you still too nauseous?”
798591 shook his head, his stomach was still hurting, but he didn’t feel as sick, and he wanted to be off the floor. He would probably be punished now for letting the IV come out, but at least it sounded like he would be allowed back in bed after. He couldn’t quite bring himself to admit it, but he held his arm out so the new person could see and get it over with.
“Lost your IV?” Aaron asked, “that’s never fun. Don’t worry, I can sort that out for you in a minute. Are you in pain anywhere else?”
798591 nodded.
“Where does it hurt?”
He pressed his fingers into his eye sockets before he could stop himself. He wasn’t supposed to complain, but he wasn’t supposed to lie and keep secrets and he was so tired.
“Headache huh,” Aaron said, “I’ll page the resident, see if they can get you something for it.”
Aaron stood back up for a minute, 798591 couldn’t see what he was doing, and he was afraid for a moment that he would leave again, but he knelt back down and got 798591 to sit up and rinse his mouth out, and then gave him a cup of water to take the stinging taste of the mouthwash out of his mouth.
“Alright,” said Aaron, “feel ready to stand back up? I can get a chair if you can’t.”
798591 clambered back up to his feet and let Aaron take him back to bed. It stung when Aaron drew more blood and put the IV back into a new part of his arm but only for a moment. And then a second person came in, a second man, with ruffled hair, looked at 798591 and then at Aaron and asked, “what’s the problem?”
798591 thought that maybe the new person would be responsible for punishing him, but instead, Aaron said, “he had some nausea, which he says is better now, and a headache, which is new, based on the chart. I was hoping you could help him out.”
The ruffled man looked at 798591 and then back at Aaron, and then picked up the clipboard that was hanging off the edge of the bed and read it and frowned.
“Is Dr. de Courcy still here?” he asked.
“Don’t think so,” said Aaron, “but I can try to page her if you like.”
The ruffled man shook his head vigorously, “no, no, I’ll just give him some acetaminophen and see how he does.”
He didn’t give 798591 anything though, he scribbled a bit on the clipboard, and rushed back out of the room. Aaron moved things around the room a bit and then went away and came back with two pills in a small paper cup, which he gave 798591 to swallow with another cup of water.
He nodded and looked pleased when 798591 swallowed them the first time, “hopefully those help with that headache,” he said, “and there’s more water here for you, and a basin in case your stomach plays up again, alright?” He asked, showing 798591 where everything was.
798591 nodded, too frightened to ask Aaron to turn the light off, and then Aaron walked away again and didn’t come back.
798591 still hadn’t been punished, and he was still awake when he was supposed to be sleeping.  Had that little stinging pain in his arm been it? Where they leaving it to Dr. de Courcy? She was his owner, and Kenna had said she was scary, and it would make sense. Maybe that’s why the ruffled man had wanted to get her. They’d let him come and lie down in bed at least. It was a lot more comfortable than —.
It was very comfortable.
His stomach wasn’t feeling as bad and he drank another cup of water, which felt nice on his throat, and curled up, and squeezed his eyes shut, and tried to be grateful instead of scared.
He tried to be grateful instead of scared until eventually he was too exhausted to be anything, and finally dropped off to have nightmares instead of worries.
@haro-whumps @whatwasmyprevioususername
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Colton/Kauri Fanfiction #1
@shameless-whumper and I ended up basically accidentally creating a challenge in which I promised to reward anyone who drew a specific, amazing fanart idea I was sent in an ask with a fake fanfiction drabble that featured the Colton/Kauri pairing.
You guys took me up on it.
Holy shit did you ever.
I am currently sitting at I believe four fanfic drabbles owed with at least one more soon to be claimed, I think. 
I’ve finished the first, and it’s below the cut. I give you... @haro-whumps‘s request for “Colton touches Kauri’s hair”:
Tagging: @maybeawhumpblog, @pepperonyscience, @haro-whumps, @18-toe-beans, @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @giggly-evil-puppy, @lump-of-whump, @whimpers-and-whumpers
(Colton is of course @shameless-whumper‘s and this drabble comes with express permission and no small amount of glee)
The fog was deep and my voice was inside and it told me a secret by NotAHowenShipper Youtube Videos - The Host
No Archive Warnings Apply, Colton/Kauri, On the Run, Forbidden Love, All They Do Is Kiss (This Time), I wrote this instead of sleeping, should I write another one where they do more, maybe if I get enough comments lol, omg can you even imagine the Host’s face, Owen Grant is a dick, wouldn’t it be so funny if Vincent Shield saw this
Kauri and Colton are on the run after leaving the Host and Owen Grant. They’re alone in the city with no one to turn to but each other. A cold night in a dark alley changes everything.
I love comments and kudos, you guys!!! Let me know if I should write a chapter two or something that gets a little ~spicier~, if you get my drift! LOL these two were so cute in the Better Box Boy video, I hope we see them again. They are TOTALLY made for each other, right????
This was written after like six Redbulls and at 3 AM so don’t judge!!!
The alley is already dark, the shadows of the buildings on either side closing in over their heads. The footsteps pound past, a flash of darker shadow in the yellow late-afternoon winter sunlight. 
Colton’s black hoodie blends in, the hood pulled up to hide as much of his face as possible, and he presses Kauri against the crumbling brick wall behind him to hide the younger man, in his thin white T-shirt, from the handlers pursuing them. He has a hand against the wall on either side of Kauri, boxing him in, his mouth very nearly pressed against Kauri’s ear. “Just be quiet and they won’t see us,” He murmurs, and thinks that Kauri’s ear feels cold where his lips just barely brush along the shell.
Kauri was already shivering long before they made it into the alley, but here out of the weak sunlight the temperature drops even more, and he can hear Kauri’s soft breathing starting to get shallow and panicked. 
Or maybe he’s breathing faster because of something else.
“It’s okay,” Colton says softly, low voice pitched deep enough not to carry. Black curls gently graze against his forehead, his cheek, and Kauri is biting his lower lip, his eyes staring to the side, towards the entrance of the alley. “It’s gonna be okay, Kauri, I promise, just wait until they’re gone.”
He can still hear them shouting to each other, trying to find them, and while Kauri nods, Colton chances a direct look and finds his blue eyes are wide, white-rimmed, and frightened. 
He can’t stand it; hates the way Kauri looks so scared, even days after running out of the Host’s house. They could be picked up any second, the moment a sleeve rides up enough to show the barcodes and numbers tattooed into their wrists, the second their jittery nervousness is read for what it is by strangers on the street.
Pets on the run, to be rounded up and returned to Owen Grant and the Host - probably sent back to the Facility to be refurbished and sold off like virus-riddled computers. He doesn’t even know why he decided to run when he did. Owen and the Host had been in another room, and he’d just grabbed Kauri’s arm and said, come with me.
The real question was why Kauri had so quickly gone with him.
No argument, no fight. Kauri had only whispered, yes, flashed him a slight, shy smile, and run right after him out the door. The Host and Owen hadn’t even noticed until they were most of the way down the block, and he’d heard them shouting as a distant sound that seemed barely human. 
But barely human is what they are, and the only way to stay together now is to never stop moving. They’re hungry - Colton’s been panhandling, making enough to get by but not really enough to live on, even as homeless ex-pet runaways. Kauri’s too distinctive, his looks are too much like Vincent Shield, and so he mostly stays back in shadows while Colton, who looks like no one in particular or at least no one famous, does his best to keep them fed. 
They’re hungry, and hunted, and running out of time to figure out another plan. He doesn’t even really know where he is, or why he ran, or what he expects to happen next. The weirdest part is that it doesn’t even matter.
All that matters is who came with him.
Kauri shivers again, and he’s close enough to feel it. Colton lifts a hand to his face, and Kauri’s breathing calms, a little, at the touch. Colton swallows against the urge to keep this up, to never stop doing whatever it took to make Kauri feel just a little safer. 
“Hey, are you shaking ‘cause you’re scared, or is this just because of the cold?” His heart is pounding but it feels like it’s less from fear than it was before, now some other feeling creeping its way in. 
It’s something he doesn’t want to think about, or to talk about, but it’s still been between them from the moment he’d seen Kauri from behind the camera.
“Can-... do I get to say both?” Kauri whispers, and the two of them laugh, airy and breathless and barely sounds at all. “They almost got us that time, Colton.”
“It doesn’t matter. We got away again. We’ll always get away, I promise, I’ll make sure you always get away.”
Kauri turns his head a little, and they’re barely an inch apart, now. “I don’t want me to always get away, Colton,” Kauri says, and there’s a hitch to his voice. “I want both of us to always get away... together.”
The air is warmer between them than the cold around them, and this time when he feels Kauri shiver, Colton pushes closer to him instead of pulling back. He unzips his sweatshirt - they’d dropped the branded Host’s merchandise as fast as they could, taking a sweatshirt right off the hanger at a convenience store and putting the Host’s sweater in its place - and slides it off his shoulders.
Colton wonders why it is that this is the person he wanted so badly to protect that he’d lose everything - and risk even more - just to end up here. Some sweet guy he’d only barely met, barely spoken to… but here they were.
Together, half-starved and freezing in a dirty alley, and Colton is taking off the only warm clothing he has to slide it over the shoulders of the younger man looking up at him with wide, blue eyes, his face slightly scrunched up with confusion. 
“Colton, no,” Kauri says softly, but he pulls the sweatshirt tighter around himself, and Colton swallows against an unfamiliar feeling (but no, it’s not unfamiliar at all) of wanting to see Kauri wearing his clothes - all of them, not just his sweatshirt - one day. “You’ll get cold.”
“You’re already cold,” Colton says softly, and his smile is slight and maybe a little sharp, but softer than it ever was for the Host. And Kauri’s returning smile had none of the nervous fear of every time Colton had seen him look towards Owen Grant when Colton had stood behind the camera.
“I don’t want us to trade off being cold,” Kauri says, and his hands are a little shaky when he reaches out, twisting fingers into the fabric of the thick long-sleeved shirt Colton was wearing under the hoodie. When he pulls Colton forward, he moves easily enough, until they’re touching and Colton can feel Kauri’s heart beating as hard and fast as his own. Kauri shifts, pulling the sides of the hoodie around so they wrapped around behind Colton, too, and Kauri’s shiver was still there but it had changed, too. “We could be warm together, instead.”
Colton’s forehead drops forward, to rest against Kauri’s, breathing a little harder. “We don’t even know who we are,” He whispers, and there’s real pain in that confession. He doesn’t know why he’d signed up for the pet program, what he’d done in his past that was so bad he had given up everything.
But he’s found something else in the process.
“I could be a murderer. I could be something terrible, and you don’t even know.” Even as he speaks the words, Colton’s hands move up to cup Kauri’s face, the cold cheeks against his warm palms. He moved his fingers up into Kauri’s hair, into wild black curls that had gone tangled with days on the run, a little dirty, but still they feel impossibly soft to him. 
Kauri melts into the touch, leaning his head back slightly, and he’s so close. He’s so, so close. 
“I could be a murderer, too,” Kauri whispers, and Colton can’t stop the huff of laughter. Kauri’s eyes flash with defensiveness and the scrunch of confusion shifts to an attempt at an angry frown, but his hands stay wrapped in Colton’s shirt, and Colton doesn’t pull his hands back from his hair. “I could be a murderer!”
“No offense,” Colton says softly, “But killing someone is genuinely the second-most impossible thing I’ve ever tried to imagine you doing.”
“What’s the most impossible thing?” Kauri asks, and Colton keeps one hand in his hair, sliding around behind his head, while the other moves to take him by the chin, lifting his head just a little bit.
The wide blue eyes are on his, now, and they’re not frightened anymore.
“The most impossible thing I can imagine you doing is this,” Colton whispers, and leans down to kiss him. 
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