#West Bengal State Universities
fatehbaz · 10 months
all the time, gotta walk away, for a moment, take a break, infuriated, when reading about European implementation of forced labour in plantations (especially in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whether it's sugarcane or rubber or tea or banana, whether it's British plantations in Assam or Malaya; Belgian plantations in Congo; French plantations in West Africa; Dutch plantations in Java; United States-controlled plantations in Haiti or Guatemala or Cuba or Colombia). and the story is always: "and then the government tried to find a way to reimpose slavery under a different name. and then the government destroyed vast regions of forest for monoculture plantations. and then the government forced thousands to become homeless and then criminalized poverty to force people into plantation work or prison labor." like the plantation industries are central (entangled with every commodity and every infrastructure project) and their directors are influencing each other despite spatial distance between London and the Caribbean and the Philippines.
and so the same few dozen administrators and companies and institutions keep making appearances everywhere, like they have outsized influence in history. like they are important nodes in a network. and they all cite each other, and write letters to each other, and send plant collection gifts to each other, and attend each other's lectures, and inspire other companies and colonial powers to adapt their policies/techniques. not to over-simplify, but sometimes it's like the same prominent people, and a few key well-placed connections and enablers in research institutions or infrastructure companies. they're prison wardens and lietuenant governors and medical doctors and engineers and military commanders and botanists and bankers, and they all co-ordinate these multi-faceted plans to dispossess the locals, build the roads, occupy the local government, co-erce the labour, tend the plants, ship the products.
so you'll be reading the story of like a decade in British Singapore and you're like "oh, i bet that one ambitious British surgeon who is into 'economics' and is obsessed with tigers and has the big nutmeg garden in his backyard is gonna show up again" and sure enough he does. but also sometimes you're reading about another situation halfway across the planet and then they surprise you (because so many of them are wealthy and influential and friends with each other) and it'll be like "oh you're reading about a British officer displacing local people to construct a new building in Nigeria? surprise cameo! he just got a letter from the dude at the university back in London or the agriculturalist in Jamaica or the urban planner from Bombay, they all went to school together and they're also all investors in the same rubber plantation in Malaya". so you'll see repeated references to the same names like "the British governor of Bengal" or "[a financial institution or bank from Paris or New York City]" or "[a specific colonial doctor/laboratory that does unethical experiments or eugenics stuff]" or "lead tropical agriculture adviser to [major corporation]" or "the United Fruit Company" and it's like "not you again"
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February 21 is named International Mother Language day by UNESCO.
In case you don’t know, Ekushey February is a day of remembrance for Bangladeshis. On February 21, 1952, students of Dhaka University and other members of the community were holding a protest to have Bangla (Bengali) recognized as an official language of the country. At the time Pakistan was ruling over East Bengal (now Bangladesh), and had declared Urdu the official language of both East and West Pakistan and prohibited the learning/teaching/speaking of Bangla.
That day, demonstrators were tear gassed and police opened fire, killing 29 people.
Almost 20 years later, East Bengal would face a bloody genocide that was largely ignored by the United States even after Archer Blood sent Nixon and Kissinger multiple telegrams describing the massacre and atrocities being carried out by Pakistan and its sympathizers. Hindus were largely targeted in this genocide as Pakistan wanted to create an Urdu speaking Islamic country, while Bengalis just wanted to live as Bengalis regardless of religion. Tactics such as humiliation, false imprisonment, and sexual assault were used large and wide.
Bangladesh survived and rose out of the bloody and brutality into a young nation. It’s still a country that has many struggles, issues exacerbated by Operation Searchlight.
After the war was won, funnily enough Israel was the first country to reach out to Bangladesh and say it recognizes Bangladesh as an independent country. However, Bangladesh refused Israel’s recognition and proceeded to outwardly support Palestine’s support for liberation. Bangladesh publicly supported Palestine during the 1973 Yom Kippur War and sent medical teams and supplies to help Palestine.
To me, the liberation of Palestine has been a matter close to my heart simply through birth, before I even knew what liberation meant I knew Palestine required it. The liberation of my people is interconnected to the liberation of Palestine. As a child of genocide survivors, hearing their stories, and seeing genocides take place in front of my eyes is heartbreaking and distressing. But I also continue to have hope, because so many countries have faced the same and at the end of the day they were the ones that came out on top.
One day, just like Bangladesh, Palestine will be free.
Joy Bangla and Free Palestine.
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literary-illuminati · 2 years
Books I Read In July
31. India In The Persianate Age by Richard M. Eaton
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So this has been on my list for, like, 2 years(?),since I asked for recs on Indian history after finishing After Tamerlane and someone mentioned it. Having finished it - good recommendation! Shockingly readable, and if absolutely nothing else has given me a basic understanding of the broad strokes of medieval Indian history. (Now just to read up on the Congo basin and points south, and South-East Asia, and I’ll have something like an extraordinarily cursory understanding of the political history of the entire world).
But no it really was interesting. Beaton’s central thesis - that it’s more useful to think of medieval India as a period of conflict and syncretization between Persianiate and Sanskrit cultural spheres, not a period of holy war and strict us-them divides - seems a bit overstated, but it’s definitely worth taking seriously (and certainly a useful corrective to the political narratives that have dominated since). The Mughal’s in particular seemed to have been a really syncretic empire, legitimized by islamic clergy but with Rajputs and other hindu aristocrats playing keys roles in just about all realms of the state, and the symbolism  and rhetoric of the state definitely seemed to be pretty thoroughly syncretized by the eighteenth century. 
Also, like, to the extent there even is a popular memory of the Mughals in the west, it’s definitely of the ‘ancient, decadent empire’ sort, so useful to remember that they’re almost quintessentially early modern. 
It’s mostly an aside in the book, but one thing that really did strike me (largely because it agreed with what I remember of  Darwin’s take in After Tamerlane) is that the colonization of India was in large part only possible because India was so much like Europe - The collapse of the Mughals sort of rhymes with general anarchy of the Early Modern in terms of giving opportunities for state formation, and more specifically there had been something like an Indian Military Revolution leaving large populations of trained professional mercenaries very skilled at their craft and without much loyalty beyond their next paychecks, and (probably more importantly, especially in Bengal) fairly sophisticated credit markets that could be tapped to provide capital for military adventures. If the Brits hadn’t been able to tap into both the military and credit markets and exploit them to the hilt, there’s simply no way they would have been able to exploit the opportunities they did and dominate the subcontinent. 
Which definitely does lead one to wonder how much of a delay you’d need to allow proper Indian fiscal-military states to consolidate on their own and resist complete European domination/jump into the empire-building game themselves, and what that would have looked like. From my (again, very vague) understanding of it, the Sikh Empire and Sultanate of Mysore managed to get pretty close to fighting the Brits on even ground even historically. 
32. The Galaxy and the Ground Within by Becky Chambers
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Hugo novel nominee 6 out of 6! We did it! Confetti and sparklers! 
Okay it’s not really hate-reading but I’ve literally read all but one thing Chambers has ever published at this point, I think. Please don’t let the sequel to Hymn to the Wild Build get nominated for a Hugo next year. 
But no honestly I didn’t even hate this one. Extremely readable - would have been great for a train ride or day stuck in an airport - and it even has a bit of interpersonal conflict! Little, little bit, argument lasts for three pages before they agree to disagree, and I get the feeling I’m supposed to find one side much more obviously correct than I do, but still! 
I’ve said it before, but I really do want to like the Wayfarers universe. And, well, in large part that assuredly just because I can’t think of any other proper space opera settings that have even slightly taken off that are newer than Mass Effect, and also it’s the blessedly rare setting where the entire universe isn’t warped around the sheer magnetic Specialness of humanity, but still, it’s a fun, well-thought out setting! Would love to read a story with a plot set in it some day! 
Though the whole Aeluon demographics thing is still bothering me - a population can’t recover from a bottleneck when the average number of kids per potential mother is less than two! Especially when they’ve got the whole galactic military superpower thing going on. They should still be slowly limping to extinction! (and really, if you actually want to dig into the drama of a huge cultural expectation to have kids, that seems like a way richer vein to tap anyway.)
33. Six-Gun Snow White Catherynne Valente 
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So on account of really loving The Past Is Red, and still having lines from The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland stuck in my head on occasion, and having gone feral over L’Esprit de L’Escalier when it came out last year, I just kind of decided to put holds on every Valente book my library had (there were a lot). Of the three I’ve read so far, this was easily the weakest 
I mean the conceit is good - I still adore retelling fairytales and classics in new settings (fuck you I will defend 10 Things I Hate About You and She’s The Man to my dying breath), I love mixing up any post-medieval time period with mythic/fantasy elements, and the prose and imagery is still mostly very good. 
But after the first act the whole thing just felt very confused and meandering and not sure what to do with itself, honestly. And maybe I’m just not cultured enough to get it, but the ending really fell a bit flat imo. 
34. Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed The World by Adam Tooze
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Since he’s the public intellectual of the moment, and also because my god I knew less about the history of the Great Finacial Crisis than I thought I did. 
So beyond an understanding of just how long the crsis lasted and how comparatively hypercompetent the Chinese government was compared to anyone else, I have mostly been left with an incredible disdain for the European elite in general and Germany’s political class in particular. Just, totally fucked everything up and made everything worse for everyone, for almost no reason whatsoever. France comes out smelling of roses and seeming well-governed, by comparison. France!
Beyond that, it really just was a decade where the West’s most salient political divide was between well-heeled technocrats trying to keep global capitalism running relatively smoothly and the inarticulate nationalist screaming, huh? Truly depressing era for the left. (tbf so are most of them).
Relatedly but wow has spending the last section on Ukraine made this book age amazingly. More topical now than four years ago, somehow.
35. Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne Valente
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So this one I liked a fair bit better than Snow White, though honestly it really could have been a short story instead of a novella. The bits of the HOA agreement for the magical-realist-suburb the story takes place in before each chapter were clever and nicely dystopian/faerie-ish. 
The whole conceit of the Garden of Eden as this stifling hyper-manicured stepford wives gated community was generally really well done, but as previously mentioned I’m an extremely easy sell for that sortof thing. It really did take me altogether too long to realize that all the other people had animal names, so it seemed clever to me when that was pointed out anyway.
Beyond that it was all a bit confused, really. Blasphemous in a 1990s feminist fantasy sort of way? Adam is also Bluebeard, a giant and a brute who murders his wives when they realize what he is after finding the mementos he keeps, or otherwise displease him and then demanding his Father make him a new one, Eve eventually convincing him to eat the Apple is something like an analogy to poisoning an abusive husband. That sort of thing. 
36. Deathless by Catherynne Valente
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Now this one, this one was good, IMO. But then like I said, I’m an easy sell for twentieth century fairy tales, and even moreso Soviet ones. And Valente really leaned into the fairy tale-ness with this one, all the rich description and obscure metaphors and triptychs upon trptychs upon triptychs. Also the little domestic/family spirits who’d gotten cooped together in communal housing like everyone else and formed a housing committee to start making the place bigger on the inside (and realized that they can cause far more trouble for people by being informants than just spoiling milk) and the kazakh dragon whose horde is oil and wheat were both great. 
The plot was, honestly, still rather meandering. But hey, when it’s a novel length fairy tale that kind of comes with the territory. And being in Marya’s head was always enjoyable. 
…really don’t have too much to say about this one except that it was good, honestly. 
37. A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow
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And Hugo Novella Nominee number five!
So I absolutely adored Ten Thousand Doors of January, which was also the only thing by Harrow I’d previously read. So it’s possible I went in with overinflated expectations. But still, this was honestly a pretty big dissapointment. 
And okay, part of it is, just like songs about how sexy being a musician is or dense essays about how criticism and Studying Theory are moral imperatives, stories about how ~important~ stories are have to be really good to not leave me rolling my eyes. And that goes double and triple for stuff that just leans into many worlds theory to justify itself about why there are all these convenient parallel worlds where fairy tales are real exactly as you imagine them, and triple for stuff that tries to get all cute and meta about all the cliches but then still expect you to take it seriously. 
So I mean, even going in, this probably wasn’t the book for me. But still, it was just so…impressed with itself? Or no, that’s unfair, more that the reviews and marketing copy on the book jacket were impressed with it. And I just..didn’t see it? If it wasn’t gay the entire plot seems like it could have been a made-for-tv movie I watched as a kid. Certainly not exactly ‘subversive’ or ‘groundbreaking’ or whatever. 
Also I was kind of surprised how how fucked up the original Sleeping Beauty story was (Princeess didn’t wake up with true love’s kiss, she woke up when the prince rapes her while she sleeps, she gets pregnant, and her newborn baby suckles the splinter out of her finger) was treated as this, like, shocking revelation. I mean I was absolutely a miserable child who sought these things out but still, pretty sure I’d heard that by the time I was 14. Like Cinderella’s stepsisters slicing chunks of their feet off to fit in the slipper, y’know?
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gisthaldia2024 · 1 month
Building Tomorrow: Best Colleges for Engineering Diplomas Revealed
Starting a journey towards a diploma in engineering in West Bengal unlocks a realm of innovation and promise. Here, we are going to focus on the Best Colleges for Engineering Diplomas shaping the future of engineering education in this vigorous Indian state.
Ghosh Institute of Science & Technology (GIST), Haldia - located in the heart of Haldia, GIST is a shining example of superior engineering education in West Bengal. Its state-of-the-art facilities and industry-aligned curriculum prepare students to meet the demands of the ever-changing engineering landscape.
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur) - A foundation of technical education in India, IIT Kharagpur's respected faculty and cutting-edge research facilities make it a premier destination for striving engineers.
Jadavpur University - Renowned for its strong prominence on research and innovation, Jadavpur University boasts a rich legacy of producing engineering graduates who excel in their fields.
West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT) - Serving as a hub for technological advancement, WBUT offers diverse engineering disciplines and fosters industry collaboration to ensure graduates are well-equipped for real-world challenges.
Heritage Institute of Technology - With a focus on practical learning and industry exposure, Heritage Institute of Technology provides a nurturing environment for budding engineers to thrive and innovate.
In West Bengal, these institutions indicate excellence, offering a blend of academic thoroughness, practical experience, and industry exposure. desiring engineers can chart their path to success with confidence, knowing that these colleges provide the foundation for building a Radiant tomorrow.
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What is the process of counselling for the NEET PG?
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The NEET PG is a common entrance exam for medical post-graduation admission in India. The admission counselling is conducted for MD/ MS/ DNB courses for around 65,000 seats in different clinical, para-clinical and non-clinical seats after MBBS. Every year around 1.6 - 1.7 lakh (160k - 170k) MBBS graduates appear for the NEET PG examination. The exam is soon going to be replaced with the NExT examination from 2024 onwards (as per the recent announcement by the National Medical Commission).
The NEET PG admission counselling is conducted by two types of government agencies: Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) and State Medical Counselling Authority (as defined by the respected state government).
What is Medical Counselling Committee (MCC)?
The MCC is a central government agency which conducts medical pg admissions on MD/ MS/ DNB seats across India. The students need to register online through its official website, www.mcc.nic.in. The MCC is governed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India.
What type of PG Seats are included in MCC PG Counselling? What seat distribution is in MCC PG?
100% All India Quota (AIQ)
100% DNB Quota (NBES Degree & Diploma) seats
100% Management/ Paid Quota (Deemed University) seats
100% Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Quota (Deemed University)
AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) Quota
BHU (Banaras Hindu University) Quota
DU (Delhi University) Quota
IP (Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) Quota
What is included in MCC PG AIQ Quota?
50% seats of State Government Medical Colleges across India
50% seats of BHU (Banaras Hindu University)
50% seats of AMU (Aligarh Muslim University)
50% seats of Delhi University (DU), Central Institutes, IP University
What seat reservation is in NEET PG AIQ Quota?
15% Schedule Caste (SC)
7.5% Schedule Tribe (ST)
27% OBC- (Non-Creamy Layer) as per the Central OBC list
10% Economic Weaker Section (EWS)
5% Physical Handicap (PwD): 21 Benchmark Disabilities under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016
What are MCC PG Counselling Rules?
MCC announce the SCHEDULE for different rounds, choice filling deadlines, Institute reporting deadlines
MCC conduct 4 ROUNDS of allotment
Pattern: After every MCC-PG allotment round, the consequent schedule of the State Counselling round
Only Round-1 has allowed candidates for FREE EXIT.
Round-2 onwards NO FREE EXIT: If do not join the allotted seat, the Registration Fee will be forfeited
Candidate Can not hold 2 seats at a time: MCC & State Counselling
Opting Upgradation: Your existing Reported Seat will be as allotted if you do not get a new seat in the Next round.
Allotment Letter: After each allotment round, if you have been allotted any seat, you can download this letter from your MCC-PG Online Account.
Admission Letter: After allotment, you need to go to the allotted institute for Document Verification then only your seat admission has been confirmed & will be issued an Admission Letter.
NOTE: The above details are as per MCC PG Information Bulletin 2022.
What are different State PG Medical Counselling Committees?
GUJARAT: Admission Committee for Professional Post-Graduate Medical Courses (ACPPGMEC)
MAHARASHTRA: Directorate of Medical Education & Research, Maharashtra
RAJASTHAN: Rajasthan Medical PG Counselling Committee 2022
KERALA: Commissioner for Entrance Examination (CEE), Govt. of Kerala
TELANGANA: Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS)
ANDHRA PRADESH: NTRUHS Medical PG Admission committee
TAMIL NADU: Directorate of Medical Education, Govt. of Tamilnadu
DELHI: Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi
BIHAR: Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB)
UTTAR PRADESH: Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
WEST BENGAL: West Bengal Medical Counselling Committee (WBMCC)
MADHYA PRADESH: Department of Medical Education, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
KARNATAKA: Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA)
PUNJAB: Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot
HARYANA: Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak
HIMACHAL PRADESH: Directorate of Medical Education & Research, Simla, Govt. of HP
JHARKHAND: Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB)
ODISHA: Directorate of Medical Education & Training, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
CHHATTISGARH: Directorate of Medical Education, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
UTTARAKHAND: Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Medical University
PUDUCHERRY: Department of Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Puducherry
JAMMU & KASHMIR: Jammu & Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination
ASSAM: Directorate of Medical Education, Assam
TRIPURA: Directorate of Medical Education, Govt. of Tripura
MANIPUR: Manipur Health Directorate, Govt. of Manipur
SIKKIM: Education Department, Govt. of Sikkim
NAGALAND: Department of Technical Education, Nagaland
MIZORAM: Department of Higher and Technical Education, Mizoram
ARUNACHAL PRADESH: Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
If I can’t secure my admission for residency then what other options I can go for?
If you fail to secure a seat for your residency and still wish to go for a clinical practice then you can go for a fellowship. Fellowship provides you an opportunity to practice in your choice of options without going for NEET PG entrance exam. You can find the list of all the available fellowships here.
How do I proceed with NEET PG Counselling? The NEET PG is conducted by The National Board of Examination (NBE), you need to register yourself along with all the required details to proceed with NEET PG counselling.
How many Counselling rounds are there in NEET PG? In total there are 4 rounds of NEET PG counselling.
What happens in the NEET Counselling process? The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) and The State Medical Counselling Authority (as defined by the respected state government) provide admissions to the candidates based on their merit, choice filling, quota etc.
What happens in PG Counselling? During PG Counselling medical students try to secure their admission for residency, there are in total 4 rounds and multiple factors decide if you can secure your admission.
What happens when you get Counselling? Depending on what stage you are during your counselling you can decide your step ahead, if you have already secured your admission in the first round then you need to proceed with the medical institute for your document verification and admission process, if you’ve not secured a seat after first round then you need to follow the upcoming rounds and make choices accordingly.
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
Parvez Sharma
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DOB : July 8, 1976
Occupation : Journalist, Filmmaker,Writer, Activist
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Ethnicity : Indian 🇮🇳
Spouce : Dan
Awards : Best Film,Mix Brasil 2008,Best Film,Image +Nation,Montreal 2008,Monette Horowitz Award,Cinereach Award,Arts PAC—Artists for Freedom Of Expression,Arcus Foundation Award,The Hartley Film Award,Andy Warhol Foundation for The Visual Arts 2006,GLAAD Media Award,Stonewall Community Fund, etc
Parvez Sharma (also known as Parvez Hussein Sharma) is an Indian-born American journalist, writer, filmmaker & activist. He proudly identify himself as Gay & Muslim. Sharma's writings have appeared on The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast and The Guardian.He is a recipient of the 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship in the film/video category. He is best known for his films In the name of Allah (short), A Jihad for Love, A Sinner in Mecca, & his book A Sinner in Mecca: A Gay Muslim's Hajj of Defiance. He received the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary amongst several other international awards for A Jihad for Love. For his 2 controversial documentaries, Parvez Sharma faced lots of criticism from Muslim communities.After the release of A Jihad for Love, Sharma was labeled as Apostate by the Muslim Judicial Council of South Africa.
Early Life:
Parvez Sharma was born on 8th July of 1975 in a small town of New Delhi. His parents were sunni muslim. He grew up in various cities all over India. His high school was a Catholic School called St Mary's Academy where all students had to recite the Pater Noster during morning assembly. At the age 12, he had (inappropriately) speed-read his mother’s copy of “Gone with the Wind” & even gotten his hands on Christopher Isherwood’s “Berlin Diaries”. By 13 he was precociously photographing everything with a pretty basic Vivitar camera which was gifted by his American cousin.
He recieved his bachelor degree in English literature from Presidency College of the University of Calcutta.He received his master's degrees in Mass Communication (Film and Television) from Jamia Millia Islamia University,Broadcast Journalism from the University of Wales,Cardiff & Video from American University's School of Communication.He moved to the United States in 2000 as a student at Columbia University's Film School, but was unable to continue a second semester due to lack of funds and moved to American University where he was given scholarships.
Parvez Sharma worked as a journalist for India's 24-hour news television network NDTV.He also worked on programming for BBC World Television(India), the Discovery Channel(United States), & the World Bank (United States).Parvez Sharma worked in several radio,print, and broadcast.
In the nineties, Sharma was a print journalist for several prominent Indian newspapers including The Telegraph,The Statesman,The Economic Times,The Business Standard, & India Currents Magazine.While at the Statesman he reported on what was the first ever detailing of the lesbian experience within India for a national newspaper - Emerging from the Shadows (July 3, 1994)– which became a rallying point for lesbians around the country and was crucial in the formation of many lesbian organizations.
Sharma was instrumental in setting up the first organized LGBT effort in the eastern state of West Bengal,setting benchmarks for many other LGBT organizing efforts around the subcontinent.
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In his short film, In the name of Allah , Parvez interviewed American,British & South Asian Gay & Lesbian Muslims.A Jihad for Love film was preceded by this short film.Parvez Sharma came up with the idea after listening to the stories of gay muslims, when he attended American University.He decided to give a voice "to a community that really needed to be heard, and that until now hadn't been.Parvez Sharma and his film's co-producer Sandi Dubowski raised more than a million dollars over a 6 year period to make this daring film. Parvez conducted interviews of many LGBTQ+ muslims from different backgrounds.He met these people through the Internet.The film was filmed in 12 different countries and in 9 languages. Sharma compiled 400 hours of footage of interviews throughout North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, & the Middle East.Countries included Iran,Iraq,Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Bangladesh,Pakistan,Turkey,France,India,South Africa,USA & UK.
In just its opening week during a limited release of 33 cities, A Jihad for Love, for example, ran for four weeks at New York's IFC theaters.The film grossed $22,287, out of which, $10,519 was just in New York.The Domestic Total Gross for the film is $105,659.A Jihad for Love was theatrically released in 33 cities,while A Sinner in Mecca was only released in four cities, for a week each.Its box office numbers were low, except in New York where it had a higher box office return of $11,220.The film also premiered in 2007 at the Toronto International Film Festival & in 2008 at the Berlinale.It went on to premier at more than a hundred film festivals globally and was released in theaters in the US and Canada in 2008 by First Run Features and Mongrel Media.A Jihad for Love was broadcast in India and other countries by India's NDTV.It was shown in two parts over the Aug 1-2 and Aug 8-9 weekends.Further A Jihad for Love was banned from screening in the Singapore International Film Festival, 2008.The film was also banned in several muslim-majority countries.By 2011, Sharma conducted live events and screenings of A Jihad for Love in many Muslim nations and capitals ranging from Beirut,Lebanon and Istanbul, Turkey, to Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan and Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.In Indonesia, the film did an 8-city tour to acclaim.
In 2007 he wrote a chapter for the book Gay Travels in the Muslim World. In 2009 Parvez Sharma wrote the foreword for the anthology Islam and Homosexuality.
In 2009, Sharma was named as one of "50 Visionaries changing your world" in a list headed by the Dalai Lama.The OUT Magazine named Parvez Sharma one of the OUT 100 twice for 2008 and 2015- "one of the 100 gay men and women who have helped shape our culture during the year".On 29 May 2013 Sharma was honored as an "LGBT hero" by first-lady Michelle Obama at a DNC fundraiser in New York.
As an activist Parvez Sharma has spoken internationally on distinguished film/media panels and panels on Muslim & South asian LGBTQ+ issues, human rights violations across the world & the crisis in 21st century Islam.
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indian-turmeric · 2 years
The use of turmeric takes us back nearly 4000 times to the India Vedic culture. Wherein it was used as a cooking spice and had some religious significance. It presumably reached China by 700 ad, East Africa by 800 ad announcements, West Africa by 1200 ad announcements, and Jamaica in the eighteenth century.
Turmeric or Curcuma longa are tropical spice that began from India. The roots of Turmeric are gathered for both medicinal and food purposes. In entire world India remains the largest patron for turmeric.
India holds the first rank for world’s highest production of turmeric and it contributes 80% to the global product. As per records India has produce 389,000 MT during 2018-19 from 246,000 hectares. So India is a top leading producer and also exporter of turmeric powder& finger in the world. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Assam are some of the important states cultivates which produce turmeric.
Indian States and type of Turmeric
Meghalaya- Lakadong
Kerela- Alleppey
Tamil Nadu-Madras
Tamil Nadu-Erode
Telangana-Nizamabad bulb
India holds the Turmeric patent:
As per the information two American experimenters which are of Indian origin, Suman K. Das and Harihar k. Cohly of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, put a claim to the US Patent and Trademark Office, maintaining that they had discovered oral and topical use of turmeric powder to heal surgical wounds and ulcers. And, surprise, they were granted a patent in March 1995 for commodity you had known for times and our Ayurveda for centuries. Turmeric powder (haldi) is an Indian discovery and cannot be patented. So ordered the US Patent and Trademark Office before sweeping six claims on the matter off the table. Mr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar the former Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has courageously fought and abandoned the wrong US patents on turmeric and Basmati rice grounded on India’s traditional knowledge. But to US chains, he certified patents grounded on ultramodern knowledge of Indian laboratories, introducing the trend of rear transfer of technology.
As SAVI AGRO FOODS are manufacturers for Maharashtra origin turmeric fingers and Powder. We offer premium quality of Turmeric Powder in Indian and also for exports. SAVI AGRO FOODS have started its own premium brand known as Harjeevan. If you have any requirement you can directly reach out us on [email protected]
#Indianspices #food #healthyfood #spices
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hlc2025 · 5 hours
Best Post Graduate Diploma Courses in Law, West Bengal
Haldia Law College (HLC) in West Bengal offers some of the best post-graduate diploma courses in law, ideal for those looking to specialize and enhance their legal expertise. Notably, the college's postgraduate programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills essential for various legal careers. HLC’s faculty comprises experienced legal professionals who guide students through a rigorous curriculum, incorporating contemporary legal issues and research methodologies. The college's state-of-the-art facilities, including a comprehensive library and dedicated moot court, further enrich the learning experience.
HLC stands out for its commitment to producing well-rounded legal professionals. The college's strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical training ensures that graduates are well-prepared for careers in advocacy, judicial services, corporate law, and academia. Additionally, HLC's affiliations and approvals from prestigious bodies like the Bar Council of India and Vidyasagar University highlight its credibility and excellence in legal education. Students benefit from a dynamic academic environment, extensive research opportunities, and robust placement support, making HLC a top choice for post-graduate legal studies in West Bengal. Contact us for more information.
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ikmbbsabroad · 15 days
Best MBBS  Abroad Consultant in Kolkata
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Best MBBS  Abroad Consultant in Kolkata
Best MBBS  Abroad Consultant in Kolkata:-
MBBS Every student in India dreams of pursuing a career in medicine. Every student and parent is attending for the MBBS admissions Consultant in Kolkata, West Bengal. Every NEET applicant in Kolkata, West Bengal, aspires to study MBBS at the top medical council in the city or somewhere else. Students who performed well in the NEET (National Eligibility and Entrance Test) were fortunate to secure admission to the top medical council in Kolkata, West Bengal. Many students seek admission advice and comfort from the MBBS admissions consultant in Kolkata, West Bengal. Ikmbbs Abroad is the best medical council admission adviser in Kolkata, WB, among other MBBS admission consultants in Kolkata, West Bengal.
It is quite difficult to obtain admission to top medical colleges, whether in India or overseas. It takes time and medication to achieve your goal of becoming a member of your desired medical council. A true MBBS admission adviser can provide suitable counsel and top medical council admission in Kolkata, West Bengal. Ikmbbs Abroad Foundation, an MBBS admission consultancy in Kolkata, West Bengal, provides world-class services to scholars and parents in the field of medical council admission in Kolkata, WB, India, or overseas.
India’s Leading Overseas Education Counsellor offers excellent and skilled reassuring services for all your advanced studies concerns. Study-abroad counselors in Kolkata recognize us for our large network of branches. We provide free comforting services for nations such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, France, Germany, Malaysia, and others. We represent over 850 universities in 16 countries, so you will have a variety of options when choosing a university. Still, operation and admission guidance, as well as operation documentation, are available if you seek abroad education counsellors in Kolkata to assist with course and university selection. We assist with everything from aptitude testing, test preparation for IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, GMAT, GRE, SAT, and ACT, career counseling, admission guidance, financial assistance, visa services, trip support, and FX support. Many scholars have used our services to help them pursue their ambitions of studying in Australia and Ireland. We’ve opened doors to universities in Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. With Ed smart, you may reach these and many other destinations. We would be delighted for you to visit our Kolkata branch and begin your study abroad journey. Kolkata is a major financial and marketing hub. Kolkata is home to the renowned Calcutta Stock Exchange. Kolkata’s IT sector is rapidly increasing. The town also boasts a high-performing healthcare system, which includes 48 government hospitals and nearly 360 private institutions. Kolkata scholars excel in medical sciences, trades and humanities, engineering, literature, and business operations. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMC), Presidency University, the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), the University of Calcutta, and St. Xavier’s College are some of the well-known educational institutions in Kolkata (SXC).
At the moment, every student in India wishes to pursue a career in medicine. Every student and parent is looking for an MBBS admissions consultant in Kolkata, West Bengal. Every NEET applicant in Kolkata, West Bengal, aspires to study MBBS at a premier medical college in Kolkata, WB, or abroad. Students who perform well in the NEET (National Eligibility and Entrance Test) stand a good chance of gaining admission to prestigious medical colleges in Kolkata, West Bengal. Many students are looking for an MBBS admissions consultant in Kolkata, West Bengal, to help them with their admissions. Ikmbbs Abroad is the leading medical council admission consulting in Kolkata, West Bengal, among other MBBS admission consultation firms. Millions of scholars aspire to research medicines. A position on a prestigious Indian medical council is usually sought by more than 18 lakh scholars each time. There is only a slim probability of scholars being accepted into an Indian MBBS program. MBBS seats are highly competitive. For MBBS admission, selecting the right council is critical because it provides a solid basis for their future.
Ikmbbs provides the following services and facilities:
IKMbbs Abroad Ways provides free career coaching to its students.
Adequate entrance guidelines in India and overseas.
Education loans or bank loan help for higher education.
We will provide travel support to students and parents throughout the course.
Ikmbbs overseas offers placement support services to students in their final year and even after they have completed their degree, making it the leading admission consultancy in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
If the students are eligible for the course, they will be admitted directly.
Seat reservations are made in advance so that students can secure their seats before the session begins.
Students can use accommodation services and facilities. Depending on the student’s demand for a dormitory on or off campus, Ikmbbs Educational Consulting Foundation provides the essential lodging amenities.
Ikmbbs overseas serves as your local guardian if you have been admitted to foreign colleges or universities through them.
Ikmbbs overseas provides foreign exchange services and facilities, allowing students and parents to effortlessly get local currency.
Ikmbbs Abroad is sincerely dedicated about its mission of assisting scholars. We guide academics not only as professionals, but also as friends or in any other way feasible. We always attempt to interact with our scholars so that they don’t feel alone on this critical trip of their lives. Because what important is not just the end result, but also being with our scholars in between trips, as they may become demotivated or exhausted, and they may require a companion, friend, or champion. Our consultancy in no way encourages students to enroll in random courses or activities. However, it takes a long time because we believe in deep discussions exclusively. We only recommend a course when we believe it is the best fit for them.
Our consulting recognizes the importance of communication because it may solve a wide range of problems and difficulties that anyone may experience. These conversations entail understanding scholars’ interests. Our medical admissions counselors are honest, professional, knowledgeable, and qualified. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us; we will do our best to assist you. And remember that if you want your future to be as brilliant as the sun, you must work hard now. An educational consultation can be the key to your success, and we will be delighted if you choose to share in your enjoyment with us. It will be a source of pride if we can assist you in obtaining your ultimate goal, your dream abroad medical council or university. With the correct direction and advice, as well as your own hard work, you may achieve any dream or desire.
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momento-hashbrowni · 21 days
Propers of the Feast Day of St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church
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St. Robert Bellarmine was born in 1542 to impoverished Tuscan nobles,Vincenzo Bellarmino and Cinzia Cervini, in a town outside of Siena. His mother was the sister of Marcello Cervini degli Spannocchi, who in 1555 would be Pope Marcellus II for 22 days. He was a Jesuit in the early days of the order, entering only 20 years after the order's founding. He was a student and later formidable professor of Thomistic theology, having studied in Padua and teaching in Louvain (the city's first Jesuit professor), and a powerful preacher. He actually started as a professor, being ordained a year after securing his professorial position. His career as a theology professor would last from 1569 until 1589.
It was thanks to his career in theology that he would be called upon ever more by the Church, such as in 1589 after the murder of King Henry III of France when he was called to join the Papal legate of Pope Sixtus V to serve as the accompanying theologian. The next year, upon Pope Sixtus V's death, he was briefly considered for the Papacy, though some would advise against this, such as the Count of Olivares writing to King Phillip III of Spain:
Bellarmine is beloved for his great goodness, but he is a scholar who lives only among books and not of much practical ability . . . . He would not do for a Pope, for he is mindful only of the interests of the Church and is unresponsive to the reasons of princes . . . He would scruple to accept gifts . . . I suggest that we exert no action in his favor.
Quoting directly from the Galileo Project's webpage on him: "Bellarmine served as rector of the Collegio Romano in 1592, as provincial of the Neapolitan province of the Jesuits in 1594, and papal theologian in 1597. In 1599 he was made a cardinal. From this time forward he was a member of the Roman Congregation and served on many commissions. In 1602 he was consecrated an archbishop and sent by Pope Clement VIII to Capua, where he concerned himself mainly with pastoral duties. In 1605 he was recalled to Rome."
One of 37 Doctors of the Church, St. Robert Bellarmine was a leading figure in the Counter-Reformation, and in so doing saved the Church from the ravages of Protestantism. He wrote theological treatises and catechisms written for different demographics ranging from fellow professors to children and was a major player in multiple high-profile cases of the day, including (as shamelessly quoted from Wikipedia): the Giordano Bruno affair, the Galileo affair, and the trial of Friar Fulgenzio Manfredi. He was an active supporter of the reforms of the Council of Trent and defended for all of his days the authority of the Papacy, as exhibited in the trial of Friar Fulgenzio Manfredi, who had preached against Papal authority in Venice. It is fascinating that, alongside his ardent defense of the power of the Papacy, he numbers among the Catholic thinkers in history who believed that a Pope could lose his station by merit of misdeeds; it is an uncommon yet important question, what happens if the Pope is a heretic, and his answer was simple: a Pope who can be proven a heretic or tyrant, or who otherwise acts in ways to directly and intentionally undermine the faith, has lost his authority and position.
His patronage is as follows: Bellarmine University (Kentucky), Bellarmine Preparatory School (Washington state), Fairfield University (Connecticut), Bellarmine College Preparatory (California), St. Robert's School of Darjeeling (West Bengal, India), canonists, canon lawyers, catechists, His Excellency Bishop Robert Barron, catechumens, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, St. Robert Catholic High School (Ontario), and St. Robert Bellarmine's Church of the SSPX (Minnesota).
I can't deny his place as a Doctor of the Church. Like all Counter-Reformers, he contributed his mind, body, and soul to the preservation of the Church when She was under assault by liturgical abuse and reckless reforms. He deserves the honor among the 37. We need a Robert Bellarmine now, or maybe we have one and we just need to know who he is. I know several canonists have recently written extensively on the post-Conciliar issues and even the issues unique to the Papacy of Francis, so maybe we already have at least one modern Bellarmine.
Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, patron of canonist and catechists, defender of the Faith: pray for us.
(edit) I forgot the picture. Here is the picture:
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kingstoninstitute · 1 month
Discovering Potential: The Leading BBA Colleges in West Bengal
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Are you considering pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in West Bengal? Look no further. West Bengal is home to several esteemed institutions that offer top-notch management education. In this article, we'll explore some of the leading BBA colleges in West Bengal, along with valuable insights into BBA courses, study tips for BBA students, and career opportunities awaiting graduates.
Leading BBA Colleges in West Bengal
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta: Renowned globally for its excellence in management education, IIM Calcutta stands tall as one of the premier institutions offering BBA courses. With its rigorous curriculum, esteemed faculty, and state-of-the-art infrastructure, IIM Calcutta provides students with a holistic learning experience.
Jadavpur University, Kolkata: Jadavpur University is renowned for its academic excellence and provides a comprehensive BBA program that equips students with essential skills and knowledge in business administration. The university's emphasis on research-oriented learning and industry exposure makes it a preferred choice for aspiring business leaders.
St. Xavier's College, Kolkata: St. Xavier's College is synonymous with academic excellence and holistic development. The BBA program at St. Xavier's College cultivates students' analytical, communication, and leadership skills, equipping them for the ever-changing business landscape.
Kingston Educational Institute, Kolkata: Kingston Educational Institute offers a robust BBA curriculum that focuses on practical learning and industry relevance. With its esteemed faculty members and strong industry connections, Kingston Educational Institute ensures that students are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges.
BBA Courses: A Gateway to Success
Core Subjects: BBA courses typically cover a wide range of subjects, including accounting, marketing, finance, human resource management, and operations management. These subjects provide students with a solid foundation in business administration.
Specializations: Many BBA programs offer specializations in areas such as entrepreneurship, international business, supply chain management, and information technology. Students can choose a specialization based on their interests and career goals.
Internship Opportunities: BBA programs often include internships or industry projects that allow students to gain practical experience and apply their classroom learning in real-world settings. These internships can be instrumental in enhancing students' employability and expanding their professional network.
Study Tips for BBA Students
Time Management: Effective time management is crucial for BBA students, given the demanding nature of the curriculum. Creating a study schedule and prioritizing tasks can help students stay organized and meet deadlines efficiently.
Active Learning: Instead of passively reading textbooks, BBA students should engage in active learning by participating in class discussions, solving case studies, and working on group projects. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and retention of concepts.
Seeking Guidance: Don't hesitate to seek guidance from professors, seniors, or career counselors whenever needed. They can provide valuable insights, mentorship, and advice to help students navigate their academic and professional journeys.
Career Opportunities
Corporate Sector: BBA graduates have diverse career opportunities in the corporate sector, including roles in finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and consulting. Multinational corporations, banks, consulting firms, and retail companies are among the top recruiters.
Entrepreneurship: Many BBA graduates choose to pursue entrepreneurship and start their own business ventures. The knowledge and skills acquired during the BBA program equip them with the necessary tools to succeed as entrepreneurs.
Higher Education: BBA graduates can pursue higher education by opting for master's degrees such as MBA (Master of Business Administration) or specialized master's programs in areas like finance, marketing, or management. Obtaining a postgraduate degree can significantly improve career opportunities and provide access to senior-level roles.
In conclusion, pursuing a BBA degree from one of the leading colleges in West Bengal can be a transformative experience, laying the foundation for a successful career in the dynamic field of business administration. By choosing the best college, staying focused on academics, and seizing opportunities for growth, BBA students can unlock their full potential and embark on a fulfilling professional journey.
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ies10 · 2 months
Raiganj University: Shaping Minds, Shaping the Future
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Nestled in the serene landscape of West Bengal, Raiganj University is considered a beacon of higher education that has nurtured young minds and shaped the future since its inception. Raiganj University was established to provide quality education and foster intellectual growth. It has become a preeminent educational center in the region, offering diverse academic programs and comprehensive development opportunities.
History and Evolution:
Located in the heart of Uttar Dinajpur district of West Bengal, Raiganj University has its roots in its founding in 1948. Originally founded as RG University, it has transformed and grown into the respected institution it is today. The University's development reflects the region's rich cultural heritage and educational ambitions to continue to commit to academic excellence and social progress.
Academic Excellence: 
At Raiganj University, academic excellence is not just an aspiration, but a way of life. The University is proud of its diverse faculty of outstanding scholars, researchers, and industry professionals who are dedicated to imparting knowledge and developing students who are passionate about learning. With a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in a variety of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, commerce, social sciences, and humanities, we offer students the opportunity to explore their interests and pursue their academic ambitions.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Raiganj University has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities designed to support students' academic and extra-curricular activities. From well-equipped classrooms and laboratories to an extensive library with a wealth of books, magazines, and digital resources, the university offers a conducive environment for learning and research. In addition, the campus includes facilities such as sports facilities, an auditorium, and a recreation room, providing a comprehensive educational experience for all students.
Research and Innovation: 
Research and Innovation is an integral part of Raiganj University's academic ethos. The university actively promotes a culture of research and discovery, encouraging faculty and students to engage in meaningful research that addresses real-world challenges and contributes to the advancement of knowledge. Raiganj University remains at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation through its interdisciplinary research centers and collaborative partnerships both within the university and with industry.
Community Engagement and Outreach: 
Raiganj University is deeply committed to serving the community and promoting social responsibility beyond the campus. The University actively works with local communities to address their needs and challenges through a variety of outreach programs, advisory activities, and initiatives to promote inclusive development. Through educational initiatives, health camps, environmental projects, and more, Raiganj University strives to make a meaningful and lasting impact on society.
Global Perspective: 
Although rooted in the local context, Raiganj University has a global perspective and promotes intercultural understanding and cooperation. The university fosters international exchange programs, collaborative research activities, and partnerships with institutions around the world, allowing students and faculty to broaden their horizons and gain valuable insights from diverse perspectives. By promoting global awareness and intercultural dialogue, Raiganj University prepares its graduates to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.
In conclusion, Raiganj University is a shining example of academic excellence, innovation, and civic engagement. With an unwavering commitment to fostering holistic development and developing future leaders, the university continues to inspire generations of students to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on the world. Raiganj University looks to the future and remains committed to its mission of shaping minds and building the future based on the values ​​of integrity, excellence, and social responsibility.
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faizcollegetour · 2 months
Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Distance Learning Overview
JMI (Jamia Millia Islamia) is one of the top management universities in terms of fees and learning quality. It is a central government-run university and the facilities are top class. It has secured an A grade by NAAC and is ranked 36 for its MBA course by NIRF in 2021. To get admission you have to take your entrance test followed by GD and PI. The admission form can be filled out online only. 
The Centre for Distance and Open Education of Jamia Millia Islamia Was Established as a Part of Jamia Millia Islamia University in September 2002. It is Approved and Recognized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) and Distance Education Council (DEC). Apart From this the Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Distance Learning program offered is Recognized by the UGC-DEB and Approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). The Center Has Established Various students Support Centres in the Context of Students Aid, Which are located in the Different States of India Including Rajasthan, Assam, Haryana, Punjab, Bihar, Up, West Bengal, Kerala, Delhi, and the National Capital Region. The Jamia Millia Islamia Distance Education is also known as Arjun Singh Centre for Distance and Open Learning. The Purpose of Setting Up This Center is to Educate Those humans Who Are Unable to Get Admission to the Regular programs available in different Universities. This May Be Due to Their Poor Financial Condition. Through Students Can Enroll in Different Programs Here by Paying a Low Fee.  
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Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Program Offered
Jamia Millia Islamia Distance Education Courses are UGC-DEB-approved courses that provide distance mode. All the courses are listed below:
Master’s Program
Fee (per year)
Eligibility Criteria
MA in Education
INR 12000
Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with 50% of the aggregate.
2 years (4 semesters)
MA in History
INR 10000
MA in Human Resource Management
INR 16000
MA in Sociology
INR 10000
MA in Political Science
MA in Public Administration
MA in English
MA in Hindi
Master of Business Administration
Master of Commerce
INR 12000
Undergraduate Program
Fee (per year)
Eligibility Criteria
Bachelor of Education
INR 7200
A student must have passed 10+2 from a recognized university.
2 years
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Business Administration
INR 8800
Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Finance
Diploma Program
Fee (per year)
Eligibility Criteria
Diploma in Early Childhood Care & Education
INR 6000
10 or bachelor’s degree
1 year
Certificate Program
Fee (per year)
Eligibility Criteria
Certificate in Computer Hardware & Network Technology
INR 8000
10+2 or Bachelor’s Degree in any field
1 year
Certificate in Information Technology
INR 6000
Postgraduate Diploma Programs
Fee (per year)
Eligibility Criteria
Postgraduate Diploma in Geoinformatics
INR 20000
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline
1 year
Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
INR 15500
Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Distance Learning Admission Procedure
The following steps need to be followed for admission to one of the distance learning courses –
Read the Prospectus carefully.
Fill out the application form carefully.
Attach all the necessary documents in series.
Check the course and admission fee first before making the admission.
Submit the fee in cash or through the Demand Draft in favour of the university. 
Necessary Documents to be attached to the application form:
Date of Birth Certificate
Class 10th mark sheet
Class 12th mark sheet
Certificate and Mark sheets of graduation (for PG courses only)
1 passport-sized colour photograph, to be pasted on the form
3 passport-sized colour photographs
Experience certificate (if applicable)
SC/ST certificate
Character certificate from the previous institution
Migration/Transfer certificate
DD for the programme fee, with the candidate’s name, application number and program code written at the back of the DD
Proof of Enrolment (for students of Jamia Millia Islamia only)
NOC from the previous employer (if applicable)
The following additional documents are required from Foreign students/ NRIs:
Copy of Passport
Translations of mark sheets, if not in English
Translated and attested copy of Resident Permit
NRI Status certificate. Please check with the Advisor’s office  (details below) to obtain a complete list of documents.
Medical Certificate (for PwD candidates only)
Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Distance Learning Admission Eligibility Criteria
Age Criteria: There is no upper age limit for admission to any of the programmes.
Reservation Criteria:
a) Reservation of seats is applicable for SC/ST students of any religion looking for admission to the distance course only as per Central Government norms. There will also be a relaxation of 5% marks in the eligibility criteria.
b) JMI being a minority university, 30% of the seats are reserved for Muslim students in each program, 10% of which will be women candidates.
c) An additional 10% of the seats are reserved for Muslim OBC – Non-creamy layer/ ST
Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI) Distance Learning Fee Structure
The course fee for most of the postgraduate programs is in the range from Rs.7800-Rs.14000. For Bachelor’s degree courses, the fee ranges from Rs.7200-8800. B.Ed is the only course which costs Rs.30000 for two years. PG Diploma and Certificate programs cost Rs.5600-Rs.15500. PG Diploma in Geo-informatics (PGDGI) is another special course with a total fee of Rs.36200.
For students from other nations/ NRIs, the fee can range anywhere between $300-600.
To learn more about Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMI), fill out the form available at the right side of the blog and get your free admission counselling session with our senior counsellors. 
Jamia Millia Islamia University Distance Education Placement 
Jamia Millia Islamia University has a dedicated placement cell that assists students in taking internships and job opportunities. The university has witnessed successful placements across different areas. Reputed & Popular companies and multinational corporations participate in the placement drives of this university. The placement statistics for the 2023 batch indicate that over 350 students have already been placed by 45 employers. The highest salary provided during the placements was INR 25 LPA, and top companies include KPMG, Accenture, and ICICI Bank. Jamia Millia Islamia placements serve as a testament to the commitment to nurturing talented students and facilitating their professional growth.
Jamia Millia Islamia University Distance Education Reviews
Jamia Millia Islamia is affiliated with various government bodies and holds prestigious accreditations.
The university has been awarded an A++ Grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). 
It is recognized by the UGC, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE). 
JMI has also achieved impressive rankings, such as securing the 3rd rank among universities in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023. 
It holds commendable roles in different disciplines, including architecture, law, dental, management, and engineering.
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indianchamber · 2 months
Developing Cricket & Cricketers of Bengal
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In its centenary year, the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has partnered with the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) and ARIVAA Sports to inaugurate the "Bengal Pro T20 League" aimed at benefiting cricket fraternity in Bengal. ICC has signed a tripartite MoU with CAB and ARIVAA Sports for a period of 3 years to promote the Bengal Pro T20 League through its extensive network. This league marks the first time that 8 teams for both men and women will compete, with matches scheduled at iconic venues such as Eden Gardens and Jadavpur University at Salt Lake. In the past, ICC has organized various sports events, including the ICC-RCGC Open Golf Championship Tournament in 2021 at the RCGC club in Kolkata. The Bengal Pro T20 League opens a new line for budding  cricketers of West Bengal. 
Today under the New Education Policy we are taught that we can make any line as our profession, if we love that line. And if we are to make Cricket as our Profession, a little bit of Corporate Handholding can do wonders and open a Pandoras Box of Talents.  In the journey of success there are small steps which takes a man or woman forward and towards the top and a person evolves with experience and becomes a leader. Moreover, when one is working in a Team Environment, the task is to identify talent, trust them and nurture them.
We have to believe that they can do it and remove the fear of failure, which has been said by Swami Vivekananda too. It is the leader’s job to ensure that every team member when performing is in the best mental state. This is true for Cricket as well as the Corporate World and when the two merge, success is sure to happen. Come and join us in developing Bengal Cricket Talent. And we can think of carrying forward this to other states too.
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gist2024 · 2 months
best colleges for diploma in engineering
Type: Private engineering college.
Founded: 2006
Location: Haldia, West Bengal, India.
Diploma Courses: West Bengal State Council of Technical Education
Degree Courses: West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT)
Programs: GIST offers a variety of engineering programs at both the diploma and undergraduate level. Some popular courses include:
Computer Science & Technology
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
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Modern Campus: GIST has a well-equipped campus with academic buildings, laboratories, workshops, and other student amenities.
Library: Extensive library resources for student and faculty research.
Hostels: Separate hostel facilities for boys and girls.
Sports and Recreation: Facilities for various sports and other extracurricular activities.
Focus Areas
Practical Learning: Emphasis on hands-on training and industry-relevant skills.
Industry Partnerships: Collaborations with industries for internships and potential job placements.
Student Development: Initiatives for overall student growth, including technical societies and clubs.
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saharaground · 2 months
Jhenaidah - Healthcare and Ambulance Services
Jhenaidah is a district within the Khulna Division, situated in the southwestern region of Bangladesh, covering an expanse of 1,964.77 km2 (758.60 sq mi). It shares its boundaries with Kushtia District to the north, Jessore District and the Indian state of West Bengal to the south, Rajbari District and Magura District to the east, and Chuadanga District and West Bengal, India to the west. The place is known for their cultural heritage, particularly in traditional music, with a significant influence of Baul and Bhatiali songs. The region has historical landmarks such as the nine-domed mosque in Kaliganj and the grave of Lalon Shah. 
As for their healthcare services, like many districts in Bangladesh, Jhenaidah also possesses healthcare facilities dedicated to serving the local community. These include hospitals, clinics, and health centers who are focused on delivering vital medical services. However, obstacles still persist, such as limitations in the availability of advanced medical treatments and specialised healthcare professionals, especially in remote regions. Collaborative efforts from the government and various organisations persist in improving healthcare infrastructure to tackle these challenges. 
Some of the hospitals available in Jashore are, 
Islami Bank Community Hospital
Prince Hospital
Jhenaidah Sadar Hospital 
AL Falah Hospital
Jhenaidah Diabetic Hospital
Care Hospital
Rabeya Hospital And Diagnostic Centre
Jhenaidah Government Eye Hospital
25 Bed Child Hospital
Fariha Medical Care 
Jhenaidah Central Hospital 
Nesabiswas Tower
Digipath Medical Services
Dhaka Lab And Specialized Hospital
Shishu Hospital Jhenaidah
Hasan Clinic
Jhenaidah Sadar Upozilla Jame Mosjid
Pahari Bonoji Owsudhalay
Somota Diagnostic
Maharajpur UH & FWC, Sadar,Jhenaidah
Dudshar Mother and Child Welfare Center
Al-Aqsa Hospital & Diagnostic Center
Karatipara Community Clinic, Jhenidah
Kaliganj Upazila Shastho Complex, Jhenaidah
Nur Jahan Private Hospital
Upazila Health Complex (Harinakundu)
Shailkupa Upazila Health Complex
Upazila Health Complex, Kotchandpur
Kaligonj Diabetic Hospital
NOVA AID Hospital And Diagnostic Centre
Islamic University Medical Centre
General Hospital
Ibn Sina Diagnostic Center
Joradoh Union Shastho O Poribar Kallayan Kendro
Jhaodiya Union Shastho Kendro  
Health Aid Medical Center
Government Hospital
Even after having multiple hospitals, addressing critical health emergencies still remains a challenge. These facilities lack essential equipment and specialised medical staff for comprehensive patient care, allowing patients to often seek treatment elsewhere. It is the duty of healthcare services and professionals to ensure the well-being of these individuals during transportation. They need to be provided with Ambulance services to uphold the stability of the patient's condition during the transit. 
Therefore, in order to guarantee the health and safety of a wide range of patients, emergency healthcare services offer comprehensive ambulance support, encompassing various types of ambulances and medical assistance, such as, 
Standard or Basic Ambulances
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Ambulances
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Ambulances
Air Ambulances
Advanced Life Support (ASL) Ambulances 
Ambulances for Transporting Deceased Bodies
The ambulance services play a vital role in ensuring the stability of patients' health during transportation. These ambulances are furnished with essential elements to stabilise critical patients, essentially operating as condensed Intensive Care Units (ICUs). With the exception of Standard Ambulances and those designated for transporting deceased bodies, these vehicles contain all the necessary equipment and facilities akin to a comprehensive ICUs. Additionally, these ambulances are manned by skilled and certified healthcare professionals, such as paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), who possess the expertise to manage diverse medical emergencies. Their extensive training over several years enables them to effectively serve critical patients. 
These ambulances (except Standard Ambulances and Ambulances for Transporting Deceased Bodies) are equipped with, 
Bi-phasic Defibrillator
Automatic external Defibrillator (AED)
Cardiac Monitor 
Suction Pump (electronic and manual)
Infusion Pump 
Syringe Pump
Volumetric Pump
Artificial Manual Breathing Unit (adult, child and neonatal)
Mouth to Mask Ventilation Device
Pulse Oxymeter 
Fluid and Blood Warmer
Roll-in Cot Main Stretcher (Manual or Auto loading)
Foldable secondary stretcher
Spine Board with restraint set
Resuscitator Adult with Overpressure Valve
Cervical Collar different size (set of 6)
Dual Head Stethoscope
Wall-Mounted Sphygmomanometer
Portable O2 Cylinder – D Size with regulator
Portable Suction Unit
Stair Chair stretcher
Head Immobiliser
Scoop Stretcher
Traction Devices
Extrication Devices
Compression Device 
First Aid Kit
Vacuum Mattress
Ambulance services aim to provide timely and effective medical care, ensuring that patients receive the necessary interventions to stabilise their health en route to medical facilities.
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