#Wakana 5th Anniversary Live
putschki1969 · 3 months
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2024/02/19 Blog post by Wakana ふむふむの日2024を振り返ろう♪〜映画と衣装と肩の骨〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Looking Back At February 6 2024 ♪〜Movie, Dresses And Shoulder Bones〜
The other day, I went to see the movie "Golden Kamuy" with a friend 😊I received a special git at the cinema! A panel drawn by the original creator\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// I was so happy because I didn't expect to get something like this! 😍 The girl I went with is a big fan of the original work, actually, she is such a hardcore fan that she and her husband have even gone on a proper pilgrimage to Abashiri which is a place from the manga. I also enjoyed the manga so I decided to go and watch the film with her! The visuals were so powerful and the music was so wonderful that (despite the fairly fantasy-like setting) I felt a strange sense of reality that made me cry many times... It was the first time I watched a movie at the cinema since ``The Boy and the Heron'', I had a lot of fun! 😆 (By the way, the girl who went with me was the same friend who went with me when I watched “The Boy and the Heron” for the second time♪) Being at the movie theater for the first time in a long while got me really excited, initially, I only wanted to get some oolong tea at the snack bar but then, I ended up with all of this😂 How did this happen? When I looked at the menu, I got really excited 🤣I got a large popcorn and a hot dog *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I couldn't finish the giant popcorn and had to take it home *laughs* I quietly stuffed my mouth with the hot dog before the film had even begun🤤 Even though I had told myself that it would be better to wait until the film was over to avoid getting tired...🥺 Such a fickle nature🥺(Thankfully the movie was so interesting that I didn't feel sleepy at any point)
Now, I would like to talk a little about my “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which was held on February 6th! Here I am together with Saku-chan who joined me on the piano 😊We also made sure to take a picture where we look a bit cool📸 With this premium online live I celebrated a milestone, the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I wanted to start my celebrations together with everyone from my fan club! For some reason, those five years actually feel like a longer time... or rather, it feels like a lot more years have passed already. I included the entire “journey” from my solo debut up until now in the setlist!
M-01 Yureru Haru M-02 Tsubasa MC M-03 Ai no Hana M-04 Aki no Sakura (Acoustic ver.) MC M-05 Orange MC M-06 Haru wo Matsu (Kalafina) M-07 Shirushi MC M-08 Kinmokusei M-09 Flag MC M-10 magic moment MC M-11 Sono Saki e
There are songs from my 1st album "Wakana", my 2nd album "magic moment", my EP "Aki no Sakura" and my 3rd album "Sono Saki e"! I ended up cramming in as much as possible since I wanted to create a setlist that would allow me to look back on the past 5 years.😊 During my MCs I tried to express my feelings from each period, hopefully I was able to share some fresh thoughts with you.
I once again realized that the "chat" may be the best part of an online live performances! At live performances with an actual on-site audience it's not really possible to have a real conversation, but online, everyone can talk about all sorts of things. Of course, even if there are no words exchanged between us, I know that people are watching and supporting me but I always feel very relieved when people say a lot of things in the chat (*´- `) It's honestly so reassuring to know that everyone is watching and listening (^-^)
Despite all of that, my surprise lyric mishaps keep happening, whether it's been 5 years or 15 years, I will never get rid of those...😂Why? ? 😂 I could really feel everyone's surprise and kindness from the chat messages, it was a special sense of gratitude that I probably couldn't experience at a live performances with an on-site audience. Thank you again to everyone who watched and supported me! ! My 5th Anniversary celebrations have only just begun. At my upcoming band live on May 12th, I would like to have the time to reflect even more on the past five years ! Details will be posted soon! Please be patient a little while longer~・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Lastly, I would like to post some pictures of my dress from February 6th 😆This is the same dress I wore on the cover of my 1st album "Wakana"♪ I also wore it during the encore for my ``VOICE'' tour, at that time, it was altered a bit so it would work better for a live performance 😍 I had my hair down, which is quite unusual for me ♡ The makeup artist also added some sparkling hairpins 😍
I always wonder why my shoulder bones are so prominent...🤣 I think it's a skeletal issue because I am pretty sure not everyone's shoulder looks like that, right? 😂 I don't have any particular pain or problems in this area but I always feel like there's just a lot of bone sticking out. I envy people with smoother shoulders🥺
Anyway, I'm glad I was able to fit into a dress from 5 years ago ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For some reason, that got me super excited! 😂😂 Easy peasy🤗 Yay!
So, that’s it for today! Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Details Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue
Advanced Ticket Lottery for BL Members
[Ticket Sales Service] SKIYAKI TICKET ※To apply, you will need to register your SC ID at "Botanical Land" and your SKIYAKI ID on the SKIYAKI TICKET site/app. Pre-registration is possible, so it is recommended to do this before the application period starts. Please note: The registration procedure includes a verfication via text message which apparently does not work for some overseas phone numbers. ※On the day of the event, present the screen displaying the QR code issued to the SKIYAKI TICKET app (no prints or screenshots permitted); Please note: To display the electronic ticket, a separate app is required
Quantity limit: Up to 2 tickets per person Payment method: Credit card/convenience store payment Ticketing method: Download the dedicated app to issue a QR code ticket Application period: February 21 to February 27 Announcement of Results: March 1~ Payment deadline: March 8
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hikaru9 · 7 years
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Kalafina 27 Week Challenge (2017 Edition) - Week 4
Favourite and second favourite song in “Seventh Heaven”:
1. seventh heaven 2. love come down
It was difficult to choose. I was really sure about “seventh heaven” being my favourite song of the album, but I had to think about the second place. I narrowed the choice to “love come down”, “Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku” and “serenato”. “Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku” was the first song in which we heard Keiko’s singing in a Kalafina ballad. “oblivious” is such an amazing song and I love Wakana, but when I heard Keiko’s singing the beginning of “Kimi ga”, I knew who my favourite was. “serenato” is such a passionate song, but I realized I really love the “Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE SELECTION 2009-2012″ version too, so lately I listen to that more than the studio version. “love come down” has been a constant in my life and, thinking about it, it’s one of those songs I always listen to. I have so much fun everytime it’s on my playlist and it’s always a pleasure watching it/hearing it live. Thus, I think it is my second favourite over all.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~』 Commentary
An exclusive streaming event was held for fan club members to celebrate Wakana’s 5th anniversary as a solo artist. She was joined by Hirotaka Sakurada on piano. Instagram post by Wakana | Tweet by Wakana
‖Event details “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” Date: February 6, 2024 Time: 18:30~ Starring: Wakana, Hirotaka Sakurada (Piano)
Live Commentary Ohhhh, what a lovely throwback to see Wakana in her 1st album dress. She looks beautiful😍
1.揺れる春 (Yureru Haru): Surprised by how much I like Wakana's high notes here. Usually I am not a huge fan. Very solid performance. 2.翼 (Tsubasa): Saku-chan's piano arrangement is lovely and Wakana is slaying as she always does with this song. MC: Pleasantly surprised to see her taking a longer break to talk to us. I feared this would be a somewhat rushed event with just a couple songs being performed. She is even reading through some of the comments. 3.愛の花 (Ai no Hana): *sobs* So happy to hear this again. It's one of my all-time favourites. Wa's voice was a bit shaky but she knocked it out of the park at the end. The oooh part killed me. Goosebumps all over. 4.アキノサクラ (Aki no Sakura): Hearing it live always makes me appreciate the song a bit more. Very nice! MC 5.オレンジ (Orange): The bridge was absolutely perfect. MC: Yay, we are gettng a Kalafina cover, honestly did not expect that. Wakana says she has a lot of fond memories of the recording when the three of them and Saku-chan all got together at the studio to record their parts. 6. 春を待つ (Haru wo Matsu): Waahhhh, this was even better than her performance from the "magic moment" live 7.標 (Shirushi): Always beautiful, especially in such an intimate setting. Her vocals are flawless here. MC: Now I need to get back to work so I can't continue watching. Will have to get back to this later. Thank God we are getting an archived version.TBC~ 8.金木犀 (Kinmokusei): First "Ai no Hana" and now "Kinmokusei"! Two of my faves. Unfortunately, this performance is a bit too shaky for me T_T Probably the weakest of this event, at least in my opinion. 9.Flag: Awwww, it's not a Wakana live without her screwing up some lyrics XD She handles it well though. She always sounds so epic at the end of this song. MC 10.magic moment: Never been a big fan of the song but this is a precious performance. The way she just couldn't figure out that final line and had to give it two tries. Poor baby!! She's so embarrassed. MC 11.そのさきへ (Sono Saki e): I kinda wish she had performed Toki wo Koeru Yoru ni (時を越える夜に) instead of this but oh well.
『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Announced!
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana's solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 Venue: I'M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc.
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putschki1969 · 2 months
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Live Title & Promo Visuals Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! The official title for the live was announced today!
Title: 『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue Advanced Ticket Lottery: March 11~March 17 General Sale: March 30~
Botanical Land Post | Instagram Post | Tweet
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2024/03/08 Instagram post by Wakana
I went to a wonderful studio the other day🌿 It was a lovely room with lush greenery and plenty of light. It was fun to fantasise about where I would place my furniture if I lived there 😌💕(Source)
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2024/03/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第7回目‼︎〜卒業とチョコチップと「The “VOICE” Stories」〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol.7!! ~Graduation, Chocolate Chips, and 「The “VOICE” Stories」 ~
The 7th episode of "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded! Thank you for sending me your "graduation memories"~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Maybe the topic was a bit tricky this time so there weren't a lot of submissions🤣 But I definitely related to a lot of your stories about things that you want to graduate from and finally leave behind 😭✨ (I certainly want to get rid of my late-night cravings for Korean food)
By the way, I was surprised that I couldn't recall which song our choir was singing at one of my graduation ceremonies even though I was sure that I would remember such a detail. I vividly remember singing at the graduation ceremony as a member of my junior high school choir. I had a pretty loud voice but most of the other members were rather quiet so I would always hide somewhere in the back because otherwise I would stand out too much with my singing😂 (Sorry teacher, please forgive the antics of an adolescent). However, back then there was a boy in our local boys' and girls' choir and he would always make sure to sing with a loud and firm voice. I looked up to him with great respect and thought he was incredibly courageous, he honestly was my hero✨😂 (I was still hiding in the back but he encouraged me to sing with all my might) All the parents mentioned that they were amazed by how well our voices could be heard (*´-`) Despite all of that, I totally forgot what song it was 🤣🤣 That's the most important part! ! *laughs* Oh well, that's how life is...(I'll ask a friend next time💌)
Before I read all of your graduation stories , I went on a tangent about Baskin-Robins ice cream. It went on for quite some time so please be prepared! ! 😂 It was about my favourite chocolate chip ice cream which I had to get as soon as it came out! ♡ it was my first time in years to eat this flavour ♡ (If you add your favourite ice cream flavour in the Baskin-Robins app, you'll receive a notification when it's released). I also tried the newly released matcha brownie flavour 🍨 It was so delicious! 😳 But for some reason...I can't really recommend this particular combination of flavours🤣 It’s better to eat them individually!!👍
Well, the next talk theme is... there will be NO talk theme! 😂 I feel like everyone was having a hard time thinking of stories for the talk themes🥺 I didn't intend to inconvenience anyone...😇Please forgive me...😇 So next time, just throw some random messages at me! Don't even think about it, no matter what it is, just submit it and let me talk about it. So if you have anything you want to ask me or want me to talk about, please don't hesitate! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Really anything is fine! 🤗💕 I’ll be waiting💕
Also, the official title for my upcoming 5th Anniversary Live has been announced✨ The full title is Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~! The title of my first tour after my solo debut was ``VOICE'', it was about having my “voice” heard and expressing my “voice”. Back then, there were so many things that felt new to me, and I'm sure it was the same for all of you. Five years have passed since then and I have come across several new "voices" within me. New thoughts and feelings were born within my heart and expressed through my "voice". And of course I've been supported by the voices of encouragement from many people throughout all these years. For these reasons, I decided to name the live The “VOICE” Stories, I want to create an environment for people to hear my new “VOICE”. I will be sharing various thoughts and sing songs from the past five years. I would be happy if you came to experience this special moment together with me. Please come to “I'M A SHOW” in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! The live promo visual has also been released🤗✨
All right, that’s it for today! Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #7
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #7 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 7 Topic “Memories of Graduation”
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on April 10th, the topic is “Something I Want to Ask Wakana/Something I Want Wakana to Talk About” The submission deadline is 03/31.
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putschki1969 · 5 days
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Live Goods
Details regarding the merchandise sale for Wakana's upcoming 5t Anniversary Live have been announced. Live goods will be available for purchase at the venue and in Wakana's Official Online Shop.
【Venue sale】 May 12th (Sun) @I'M A SHOW ◆Pre-sale 13:00-14:00 ◆Regular sale 1st Stage 14:45-15:30 / 2nd Stage 18:15-19:00 【Online sale】 ▼Space Craft Online Shop▼ https://spacecraft-shop.jp/wakana Order period: May 3rd to May 10th Scheduled to ship: Late May (mid-June depending on stock)
※Interesting that they chose to not have a pamphlet for this live. Maybe it's because another (bigger) live event/tour is planned for the second half of the year so they are waiting to do a pamphlet for that? ※The acrylic stand is currently NOT available in the online shop which is a huge bummer. There's no mention of the item being venue-exclusive so I wonder why it's not part of the online line-up. My best guess is that it is because they expect to run out of stock quickly at the venue sale so they will wait until that's over to make the remaining products available online. Update: They added the acrylic stand! YAY!
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Botanical Tsushin Back Issues
Goods news for collectors of Wakana's fan club bulletin! If you have joined her fan club recently or are interested in additional copies, here's your chance! Back issues #7-#13 are now available for purchase at Wakana's Official Online Shop! Please note that you need to be a registered fan club member to buy these items.
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Wakana on Instagram
Post #1: 2024/04/30 Wakana is sharing some off-shots of her Botanical Tsushin cover shoot. Issue #15 has been sent out a few days ago. Post #2: 2024/05/02 Wakana is busy rehearsing for her upcoming live
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putschki1969 · 10 days
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2024/04/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第8回目‼︎〜ガーデン史上最長の回が誕生しました〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden Vol.8!! ~The Longest Episode in the History of My Garden~
Wakana's Talk Garden Vol.8 has just been uploaded! This time, I abandonded the idea of a strict topic (the presents are also on hold for the time being☆), and instead, I wanted to do a sort of extra edition where you could send me all of your questions for me. I was very determined to read as many messages as possible! And as a result...the podcast ended up being over an hour long!! 😂🤣Sorry!! *laughs* I didn't edit it at all so you get to listen to everything🤣Everyone, please take your time and check it out\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
I'd like to post some photos of the things I talked about in the podcast! This here is the whiskey which I always use to make highballs🥃Looks cute together with Tet. Next up are my training items. A FLOWIN training mat with pads. Apparently, professional footballer Yūto Nagatomo ⚽️ also uses them. Next are my voice training companions. These are textbooks for voice lessons. They are incredibly helpful. This is already my second Concone book. Then we have this English chat app. Here you can see Teacher Susan (AI). She says a lot of difficult things that I struggle to understand. Finally, these are my hair care and makeup products. I use most of them daily, depending on my mood. I mainly go for the pink one in the middle. And these are my latest top makeup products. The yellow ones look so cute. I bought the star-shaped shiny silver one to apply some of it to my décolletage at the Ghibli concert but then I completely forgot to do it.
All right. that's about it! If I wasn't able to convey my answers properly during the podcast, please check out the pictures here for reference !(I'm not very good at explaining)
Thank you so much for all the messages! 🤗
If there's anything else you'd like to ask me, please feel free to write it in the comment section of this blog post or along with your message for the next talk topic o(^▽^)o
Speaking of which, the next talk topic for the episode on May 10th will focus on two things since my concert "Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The "VOICE" Stories~" is just two days after that and May 12th also happens to be Mother's Day, so I'd like to hear about both the concert as well as everyone's mothers🤔Therefore, the next talk topic is: ・Stories about your mother ・Your routine on the day of a live ・Things you're looking forward to at the concert
I know, I'm greedy😂You can choose your favourite topic and narrow it down to one or you can write something for all of them!! I'll be waiting for your submissions~~!! !! !! !! !!
Well, that's it for today! Until next time~☆( '▽')/
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2024/04/28 Blog post by Wakana 会報続編‼︎春の訪れとあなたとの出逢い〜薬局編〜
FC Bulletin Sequel‼︎ Arrival of Spring & Meeting You〜Pharmacy Edition〜
This is a continuation from the Talk Corner in the latest issue of my fan club bulletin. My diagnosis story ended with me visiting an ENT specialist due to a feeling of pressure in my ears. There, I ended up receiving a shocking diagnosis from the doctor that I might be experiencing hay fever😇 Unable to accept this sudden reality, I grabbed my prescription and headed to the pharmacy, feeling anxious. When I entered the pharmacy feeling depressed, I was greeted by two female pharmacists with kind smiles.
Pharmacist 1 (hereinafter referred to as Pharma1): "This is a prescription for an allergy medicine. Do you suffer from hay fever?" Wakana (hereinafter referred to as W): "Yes…it seems like I'm making hay fever debut..." Pharma1+Pharma2: (with a big smile in unison) "Ohhh! Welcome to our world! \(^o^)/" 😂 Pharma1: "Don't worry. It will go away if you take this medicine. Also, the doctor didn't prescribe anything strong so I don't think you're struggling with serious symptoms." Pharma2: "These days, there are many ways to deal with hay fever so you really don’t need to worry!" W: "Thank you…😭" (What a relief *sobs* Along with the pressure in my ears, I sometimes got itchy eyes. I had been prescribed eye drops, but the pharmacists told me there was a ``eye drop-type eye wash'' that they recommended. I asked them to introduce it to me. ) Pharma1: "Well, that girl from one of the something-something~zaka bands is doing a commercial for it." Pharma2: "That’s right, the one from the ~Zaka group!." Pharma1: "What's their name again? There are too many already!" Pharma2: "Hmm, yes, I wonder which group it was…" W: " Ugh, sorry, I'm not familiar with the group...'' (← I wasn't able to follow their conversation and had to give a vague answer. The two of them kept trying to remember the group's name instead of trying to figure out the girl's name from the commercial. By the way, the correct answer was Erika Ikuta from the first group, Nogizaka46.)
This is the eyewash that was recommended. In the morning, usuallly use something else to wash my eyes but the two pharmacists said this eye wash was even better😳 Now, after washing my face in the morning and before putting in my contacts, I always use this "Well Wash EYE"! ←It kind of looks like in the commercial. Of course, you can also use it as a sort of eye drop when you are out and about, so I keep it in my bag 😊
Anyway, I was very anxious about experiencing my very first hay fever, but thanks to the two kind pharmacists my future is looking bright! ! 😊 . . . . As for my current condition, I think the hay fever has completely gone away🤣🤣🤣 I no longer need to take allergy medicine every night 😂 Sometimes my eyes mysteriously swell, when I went to the allergist, I was prescribed the same medicine as last time, so I think I'll keep it on hand in case something flares up again. It was a short experience with hay fever...🥺😂 However, it may be a seasonal thing and the symptoms may appear again in the future! If that happens, I will remember those kind pharmacists and get through it! ! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Now, I'll post some pictures from the "Selfie Challenge" that I talked about in my last "Talk Garden" episode! [Note: A fan asked her to post more pictures of herself on Instagram since it's mostly flowers and the sky XD] Ughhh, it's so difficult... I don't even know what to do with my face. This is clearly the face of someone who has been completely defeated... The road to selfies is rough *laughs*😂 I'll continue to do my best so please support me! ! 🥺🥺✨
So, that’s it for today! Everyone, please enjoy Golden Week ~ \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #8
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #8 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 8 Topic “Anything you'd like to ask Wakana” Someone asked Wakana about her weight. To be honest, I've always been curious about that as well (especially since Keiko started talking so openly about her weight and different diets) but I would have never found the courage to actually ask her about it. Unfortunately, Wakana is not nearly as willing to share this sort of stuff with us. She says she is a bit embarrassed and would rather not talk about it but for the past five years, she has roughly been the same weight. Another interesting snippet: Her favourite movie is Interstellar, her favourite actors are Haruka Ayase and Takao Osawa
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Instagram posts by Wakana
Post 1 | Post 2
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 FC Tokuten
Fan club members who have tickets for both performances of "Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The "VOICE" Stories~" will receive a commemorative postcard autographed by Wakana!! Please stop by the fan club booth at the collection time listed below.
[Details for FC Tokuten] Date: May 12, 2024 Place of collection: Fan club booth at I'M A SHOW Time of collection: 13:00-14:00, 14:45-15:30/18:15-19:00 How to redeem the tokuten: Your tickets (or QR code) and membership ID will be checked.
※Tickets purchased outside of the FC advance sale are eligible. ※Your seat number and membership number will be recorded. ※Please note that this benefit is limited to the day of the event.
『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~ After Talk Event』
A fan club exclusive live stream will be held to reflect on the May 12 concert. After the 5th anniversary band live, Wakana will look back on the live and share her thoughts on it. The broadcast will be enjoyable not only for those who attended the live but also those who couldn't make it. Be sure to watch this FC-exclusive live stream!
‖Event details Botanical Land FC Exclusive Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The "VOICE" Stories~ After Talk Event Date: May 17, 2024 Time: 19:00- Appearing artist: Wakana
‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan Tickets Live stream platform: Bitfan Live Streaming ticket ¥2,000 (tax included)
[Application period] April 26 - May 23 ※Tickets are exclusive to FC members. ※Archive will be available until May 24. ❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ In order to buy a ticket, please refer to the tutorial provided by Botanical Land! I have also written my own tutorial for a previous FC event so feel free to check that out! Bitfan is a very foreigner-friendly platform so be sure to use this opportunity!
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putschki1969 · 4 days
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2024/05/04 Instagram post by Wakana
Today, I would like to introduce the merchandise for my “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE“Stories~” which will be held on May 12! ️🥳🎉 First up is the T-shirt!!👕 With the live title in mind, I designed a logo with a book📖 When you open it, you'll discover five years' worth of stories in it...I wanted the illustration to capture that feeling✨ The T-shirt is a refreshing light blue colour. The material is soft and very comfortable! 🤗 ↑Btw, I am wearing a size L here👍
Next up we have an acrylic stand, it's been a while since I've had one a part of the line-up!! It's called “Swaying Wakana Acrylic Stand”✨ It features a mini-Wakana gently swaying underneath a botanical moon 😊 Try letting Wakana sway every day😊💕
Last but not least, here's me doing my regular physical challenge, the Y-shaped balance! Yay!!
=> 2024/05/05 Instagram post by Wakana
2024/05/06 Instagram post by Wakana
This is the second installment of my live goods introduction for "Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE Stories”~" 🥳🎉 Today I will be showing you the pouch and ribbon keychain✨ Let's start with “The “VOICE” Stories Pouch which is a light blue that matches the T-shirt. It's made of soft fabric so it can hold a lot of things. You can put in various things. I was able to put in a mobile battery, an eco bag, my earphones, lip balm, gloss, and a wallet 👝 It also has a handle so it's convenient if you want to take it out of your bag 🤗 Then we have the “Shark-chan Ribbon Keychain”🦈💕 The two ribbons each have a different pattern, so you can enjoy different impressions 🎀 And I am sure it will add a great accent to your bag or backpack! I think it would also be cute if you attached it to your cell phone 🤗 By the way, Shark-chan is removable so you can put it wherever you like! 🦈🦈(Source)
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Live Goods Update!
Good news, the acrylic stand is now available for purchase in Wakana's Official Online Shop! For some reason, it wasn't featured in yesterday's line-up so I was afraid they wouldn't make it available for those who couldn't attend the live.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
『Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~』 "magic moment" Mishap & Full Video
This was such a precious moment. Even though I feel a bit bad for Wakana, I can't help but find it really endearing. This is the infamous mishap from Wakana's latest Online event. She just couldn't remember the last few words of her song "magic moment". I guess it wouldn't be a Wakana concert without her forgetting some lyrics. »Eien ni dokoka tooku«
‖Event details “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” Date: February 6, 2024 Time: 18:30~ Starring: Wakana, Hirotaka Sakurada (Piano) ‖My Report/Live Comments
Here’s my recording of Wakana’s 5th Anniversary Fan Club Event. Please enjoy!
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M-01 Yureru Haru M-02 Tsubasa MC M-03 Ai no Hana M-04 Aki no Sakura (Acoustic ver.) MC M-05 Orange MC M-06 Haru wo Matsu (Kalafina) M-07 Shirushi MC M-08 Kinmokusei M-09 Flag MC M-10 magic moment MC M-11 Sono Saki e
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putschki1969 · 4 months
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~』
An exclusive streaming event will be held for fan club members to celebrate Wakana's 5th anniversary as a solo artist. She will be joined by Hirotaka Sakurada on piano. Please be sure to tune in!
‖Event details “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” Date: February 6, 2024 Time: 18:30~ Starring: Wakana, Hirotaka Sakurada (Piano)
‖Ticket details Ticket sales: Bitfan Tickets Live streaming: Bitfan Live [Purchase period] January 10th to February 12th ●Event viewing ticket ¥3,800 (tax included) ※For FC members ONLY ※An archived version will be available for viewing at the streaming URL after the live broadcast. You can watch it until February 13th. ❗ Join her FAN CLUB NOW! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗ In order to buy a ticket, please refer to the tutorial provided by Botanical Land! I have also written my own tutorial for a previous FC event so feel free to check that out! Bitfan is a very foreigner-friendly platform so be sure to use this opportunity!
Oh yes, I am excited for this. I think Wakana is planning to do a lot for her 5th Anniversary. Hopefully she can hold a proper tour. This event will definitely be a perfect "prologue". Also happy to see Saku-chan again.
2024/01/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第5回目!〜その1〜
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Talk Garden Vol. 5!〜Part 1〜
"Wakana's Talk Garden Vol.5" has been uploaded! This time, I intended to talk about both the messages I received on the talk theme and the comments on my latest blog post...but I just didn't have enough time😂💦 Just talking about the comments from my blog post ended up taking 45 minutes...😅 I didn't even mention the messages for the regular talk theme...😅 It's all because I don't prepare in advance with some sort of script or rough schedule🫠🫠I'm so sorry! ! 😂💦
Due to the length, I made a “Vol#5 Part①” in which I only talk about the blog comments🤣 “Vol#5 Part②” will be uploaded at a later date, on that podcast I will be focusing on reading the messages for the original talk theme 🧚✨
The comment section was full of everyone's thoughts and feelings, I had a really hard time reading through all of them, I actually cried so many times that I had a stuffy nose. Despite that, I am happy that you shared your thoughts with me, I felt like I could relate to everyone in my own way. Thank you so much.
When I read that many of you are seeking music as a source of comfort in times like this, I wanted nothing more than to sing for you right away. Which is why I was more than happy to be able to announce an online broadcast for February 6th. I would like to have a fun time with everyone at my first live show of this year, February 6th marks the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I'm really looking forward to it! ! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Oh, by the way. I forgot to announce the next talk theme during the new episode, the talk theme for "Talk Garden Vol.6" scheduled to air on February 10th will be: "Memories of Valentine's Day"! I can't wait to read all your sweet and funny stories, of course you can also send me all of your sad stories ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Well, please enjoy the episode even though it's long♪
Until next time~��( *'▽’*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #4 & #5
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Episode #4 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——«« Episode #5 Part 1 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 4 Topic “Things I should do before the end of they year but somehow, I turn a blind eye to it”
Vol 5 Topic "Please let me hear your current thoughts"
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on February 10th, the topic is “Memories of Valentine's Day.” The submission deadline is 01/31.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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2024/02/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第6回目!〜みんなのバレンタインと美味しいチョコレート♡〜
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Talk Garden vol.6!〜Everyone's Valentine And Delicious Chocolate♡〜
Vol.6 of Wakana's Talk Garden has been uploaded! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// First of all, thank you so much for sending me so many Valentine's Day memories! ! 😂😂 I was wondering what would happen after I had made my blog post last time because it was so close to the deadline, surprisingly, it turned out to be the highest number of submissions ever! ! ! *laughs* There were so many people who sent a submission for the first time! ! 😭[I was one of them XD] I really felt everyone's love...😭✨It's almost as if I received Valentine's Day gifts a little early...😭💕I'm so grateful💕 As always, it was fun talking to you! ︎Sharing everyone's stories, tears, laughter, and warmth...♡ But!!When it comes to tragic stories, no one can beat me! ! 🤣 I don't think anyone reasonable would disagree with me on this, right? 😂😂 *laughs* (By the way, now that I think about it, it might have been 3rd grade instead of 1st grade *laughs*) Well, those are treasured memories...😌✨ [Note: She is talking about something "incredibly sad" that happened to her in elementary school. There was a boy she liked a lot so Wakana asked her mum to help her prepare some chocolate for him. After she gave him the chocolate he was quite apologetic and pretty much told her straight-up that he didn't like her. Needless to say, Wakana's little heart was broken into pieces.]
In the last blog post, I talked about a``mysterious chocolate that was so delicious but I couldn't remember its name,'' I did my best to search for it and... I actually discovered it! ! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ I managed to order it from an official website that said they would ship it right away! ! Ta da~♡
The mysterious delicious chocolate shop is actually a Belgian chocolate specialty store called “Rêve De Bijoux”! Apparently it's a select shop that sells a variety of Belgian chocolates that are carefully selected every year・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ It is not the same chocolate I used to eat, their selections seems to have evolved so the "chocolate of memories" no longer exists🤔I decided to choose a chocolate that had a similar shape to the one I had gotten in the past, I also chose a brand that I had purchased before😁
This is ZUUT's new product, "ZUUT Praline -2024 New Selection-"🍫 (I've bought some of their chocolate before) Way too beautiful...✨ It's almost a waste to eat them...✨(I will though)
And this is the chocolate of my memories, Rêve De Bijoux! ! (the box itself has not changed at all) The contents are all new though, I haven't had any of these before! This truffle seems to be very popular 😳💓 I am sharing my reaction on the podcast! ! So be sure to listen to it😆
And here is the decaffeinated coffee I drank with my chocolate ☕️ It's the instant coffee on the right. Although it is caffeine-free, it has a strong refined taste and is delicious 😳 (despite being instant) Personally, I like the fact that there is not a lot of acidity! What's even better is that it's organic and decaffeinated without the use of chemicals ♡
The drip coffee on the left is not decaffeinated but I really like it ☕️ It's called Cafe Verona from Starbucks. It has a very bitter taste that I occasionally crave😍
I had a lot of fun ordering chocolates and taking advantage the talk theme for the episode 😂 If you have any delicious sweets or foods you recommend, please let me know 😄 The next talk theme for March 10th will be “Graduation Memories”! ! Memories of your graduation ceremony from your school days, or when you graduated from ◯◯, etc, everything is welcome🤗 It shouldn't be that difficult! *laughs* I'm waiting for your submissions! ! !
Thank you to everyone who watched “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” held on February 6th! ! ! 😭✨ You can still watch the archived video until the 13th (Tuesday), so I don't want to reveal too much! ! 😂 Let's just say, something quite shocking occured🤣 If you haven't seen it yet, please be sure to check it out! ! 😂😂
During this online event, I also announced my next live! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live” Date: May 12, 2024 Venue: I'M A SHOW Yurakucho Marion Appearing artists: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe, etc.
I wanted to start this year's 5th Anniversary celebrations with all of my fan club members. But I also want to use this year to share my music with many more people, that's why we have decided to hold a proper band live for the first time in a long time😄!! ️ Everyone, please come to "I'M A SHOW" in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! \(^o^)/
Lastly , here's a picture of myself and Sakurada-san who joined me on the piano on February 6th♪
Well, that's it for today. Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #6
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Episode #6 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 6 Topic “Memories of Valentine's Day”
OMG, I can't believe she actually read my message😳 I always stress way too much over what to write and I am generally super self-conscious when it comes to my Japanese skills so I never really leave any comments, let alone long messages. But Wakana's blog post from last time made me feel so bad for her that I couldn't help but submit at least something. Apparently, lots of other people felt the same way XD That makes it all the more surprising my message ended up being chosen. I had no idea it would be so embarrassing to hear her read my message🙈 Especially now that it turns out my guess about the mysterious chocolate was completely off. I speculated that she might have talked about a popular Austrian sweet called "Mozartkugel" but turns out she was talking about a special chocolate from Belgium (see images above). Oh well, the message was a great transition to her introducing the chocolate and doing a little taste test. And I am happy that she at least remembers receiving my packages of "Mozartkugeln" during various lives. Also, this is the third time she has mentioned "Sachertorte" in relation to Vienna so I guess she must be pretty obsessed with it. I need to find a way to bring one as present for her.
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on March 10th, the topic is “Memories of Graduation” The submission deadline is 02/29.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
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2024/01/30 Blog post by Wakana みんな、明日は何の日か知ってるかい?〜締め切りの日です〜
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Everyone, What Day Is It Tomorrow?〜Deadline Day〜
These are the present postcards and stickers for the people whose messages I read in the previous “Wakana’s Talk Garden”😍 I got New Year's cards and made some Shark-chan stickers in auspicious colours 🥳🎉 Gold, red and white! Aren't they super cute!? 😳 They might be my favourite so far 😊Everyone, please wait for it to arrive 💌
I keep using my failed attempts for myself💻 (Even though I make some mistakes here and there, I feel like I've gotten better at making stickers!!)
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
The next episode is scheduled for February 10th, I'll be looking for Valentine's Day cards to send to everyone whose message I read during the podcast~💓 Well, this time's theme is "Valentine's Day Memories"... Everyone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! So far, there is only a very small number of messages! ! ! 😂😂😂 Only about 1/5 of the usual amount have been sent in! ! ! *laughs* What's happening?~~🥺Everyone, please don't leave me hanging~~🥺🥺 I'm happy with any memories, so please send them to me~🥺 You are gonna make me cry if you don't 🤣🤣
Even if you are the type of person that says they have no memories because they leave all their memories in the past and live comfortably in the present, please just tell me about this year's Valentine's Day ♡ *laughs* Let me know what you want to eat for Valentine's Day, maybe you want to eat ◯◯ instead of chocolate? Or maybe you want to propose to your lover on Valentine's Day?! ← I definitely want to hear about that! Or tell me a random trivia about Valentine's Day! Honestly, anything is fine\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
By the way, I recently got in the mood for Valentine's Day and bought my favourite Lindt chocolate 😊 Lindt is probably most well-know for their Lindor round chocolate! ! The first time I saw them was when I went to New York! ! I received this cute round candy-like thing at the entrance of the store, and when I ate it, it was so delicious...😆 Up until that point I hadn't been a huge fan of sweets but Lindt changed my mind! (I like the milk and white chocolate one with chocolate chips in it. The salted caramel one is delicious too! Also, the newly released matcha tea one! LOL) And these thin bars of chocolate are absolutely delicious too😳💕 I will sometimes have a glass of wine and some dried fruits with it, it's like I am in a dreamland😳💕 Of course it also goes well with coffee ♡ By the way, I always keep some bite-sized chocolates on hand for my morning coffee time. Meiji's matcha and strawberry chocolates are delicious (^^) I somehow ended up buying Kiss Chocolate when I went shopping a while back *laughs*. I like white chocolate and chocolate chips (^^)
There is a chocolate other than Lindt that I love, I received it from a fan a long time ago and fell in love with it, so much so that I ordered it myself the following year! But...I can't remember the name anymore😂😂 I am always looking through the department store's Valentine's Day special online store and hope I can recall what the packaging looked like! *laughs* I'm pretty sure it might have been a German chocolate, or maybe not...?🤔
Anyway, everyone, please send me you memories of Valentine's Day! I repeat, “Memories of VALENTINE'S DAY♡”😂😂 The deadline is tomorrow! ! I'm waiting! ! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
I will be uploading rehearsal photos on Instagram for my online live on February 6th, so please look forward to it 😆 Until next time~☆( *'▽’*)/
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2024/02/02 Instagram post by Wakana
We had a rehearsal for “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which will be held exclusively for FC members on February 6th☺️🎶 I was joined by Saku-chan on piano🎹📸 After spending a lot of time rehearsing, we look pretty exhausted😇 I'm so sleepy 😇zzz Please take a look at the fun photos of us gradually becoming more and more blurry🤗(Source)
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putschki1969 · 4 years
Heya, Sarah! Sorry for the negative question...but has Wakana cried in one of her lives? She was referring to herself crying in one of the lives during an interview
Hi there!! Sorry for the late reply, I keep forgetting about posts in my drafts.
Either way, you have nothing to worry about, this is in no way shape or form a negative question. Believe me, I have received enough NEGATIVE questions in my time here on Tumblr to know what they look like and yours definitely doesn’t look anything like that.
Also, a quick reminder: Tears aren’t inherently bad. Yes, we often associate them with bad feelings such as sadness, frustration or anger but people cry because of all sorts of things. Tears are a useful outlet when we feel overwhelmed with emotion. For many of us crying is actually a cathartic process that provides a sense of relief and healing.
Now, let’s get to your question. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ Wakana is very sensitive. She will cry about anything, she is the type of person that wears her emotions on her sleeve. She will never hesitate to express her feelings so there have actually been many occasions where she has openly cried in the past. Wakana is easily moved to tears during concerts whether that be during the performance of an emotional song or during a final greeting.
Wakana cried A LOT during her Winter Special Live performances. Reflecting on her first year as a solo artist made her very emotional. Also, to have the audience sing together with her during “Koi wa Itsumo” got her choked up a little as well. Finally, when we all stood up to sing Happy Birthday for her, she obviously couldn’t hold back her tears.
She was an emotional wreck during the Nagoya live of her VOICE tour back in spring 2019 (it was the final performances of the tour).
Of course she also cried a lot back in the Kalafina days (unfortuantely, most of these moments never got caught on camera).
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hello. I would like to ask if there was ever an available live for 5th anniversary. Because I searched on youtube and found none. I was wondering if one existed. I just discovered interlude 01 and fell in love with it. I love the song and the meaning of the song. Keiko really brought the vibes. I wish there was a live of it. Thank you very much.
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Hi there!
Parts of Kalafina’s 5th Anniversary Live were broadcast on TV/released on Blu-ray but never the whole thing. 
Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE “oblivious” SETLIST
love come down
Ashita no Keshiki
Natsu no Ringo
interlude 01
Yane no Mukou ni
seventh heaven
to the beginning
Mata Kaze ga Tsuyoku Natta
Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete iku
Hikari Furu
EN: Mirai
EN: Sprinter
They performed a total of 20 songs in Tokyo and Osaka (the setlist was the same for both lives). There is a 「Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE “oblivious”WOWOW Broadcast」which featured quite a big portion of the live (10 songs in total) as well as some interviews and behind the scenes footage.
1.overture~Oblivious2.love come down3.Interview「Explain what Kalafina means to you in less than a minute」4.moonfesta~ムーンフェスタ~5.Interview「Kalafina’s 5-year track record」6.Manten | 満天7.Live Rehearsal8.Interview「What do live performances mean to Kalafina?」9.BTS footage from the day of the live10.to the beginning11.Mata Kaze ga Tsuyoku Natta | また風が強くなった12.Ongaku | 音楽13.“Consolation” recording footage14.Interview「What kind of person is Yuki Kajiura for you?」15.Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku | 君が光に変えて行く16.Hikaru Furu | ひかりふる17.Interview「Kalafina’s 6th year」18.Mirai | 未来19.sprinter20.BTS footage from after the live
And then there’s the bonus content of the First Press Limited Edition of Kalafina’s album The Best “Red”. The limited edition came with a blu-ray containing six songs from the 5th Anniversary Live. Unfortunately five of them were already featured in the WOWOW broadcast so there’s really only one “new” performance.
1.oblivious2.ARIA3.Manten | 満天 4.to the beginning5.Hikari Furu | ひかりふる 6.Mirai | 未来
Unfortunately, “interlude 01″ never got a video release. The only audio live recording can be found on 「Kalafina 5th Anniversary LIVE SELECTION 2009-2012」and that is from their Kalafina LIVE 2009 “progressive” at Yokohama Blitz on Dec 27, 2009.
I am sorry that I couldn’t be of more help to you. (。•́︿•̀。)
〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ Here’s a Google Drive link for all the things I just mentioned (the WOWOW live, the The Best “Red” bonus content and the track from the 5th Anniversary Live Selection).
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Can I ask if you have the Kalafina 5th Anniversary Live oblivious wowow version. Thanks!
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Hi there!!
Sure, of course, here you go…(^v^)
I will keep this online for a couple of days and then I am gonna remove it again. Please be sure to download it as soon as possible. I am always struggling with my Google Drive storage space.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2022/05/03 Blog post by Wakana  Flag〜やっとやっとお伝え出来ます‼︎〜
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Flag〜It’s Finally Out‼︎〜
The other day, I went to Billboard Live Yokohama to see Yoshiko Hanzaki's 5th anniversary concert! Satoshi Takebe-san was accompanying her on piano! 😊🌟 Such a gorgeous performance with a strings quartet! ️ Here’s the original drink, it was called "Shizuko and Mitsuo's Wedding Anniversary 48" (seems like it was referring to the wedding anniversary of her parents 🥰💕). It was delicious ♪ ↑ The second picture was taken by my manager. She is much better at taking pictures. It was my first time after a long time attenting one of Hanzaki-san’s live performances, I kept crying from beginning to end ... 😭✨ I have an affliction where I will immediately break into tears  as soon as I hear Hanzaki-san’s singing voice *laughs* Really, she sounded wonderful ... After the performance, I went to see her backstage and my eyes were still swollen. I had to laugh when I heard Hanzaki-san’s speaking voice for the first time *laughs*🤣 We had a lot of fun! 
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄ ▽  ̄0) / 
I'm worried that I might have scared awayHanzaki-san... (* ´-`) Takebe-san was laughing from somewhere was laughing from somewhere in the back ☆ 
On a side note, the full version of my Lament (character-themed song) "Flag" for the character "Florence" in the new RPG "MementoMori" was released yesterday! ️ \\\\ ٩ ('ω') و //// 
▼ [MV] "Flag" (Song. Wakana) (Full Ver.) [MementoMori]  https://youtu.be/3E3v-SdxVW0 
Three days ago, we released a special version of the song combined with Ayaka Suwa's voice over, I was very happy to receive many impressions and comments from everyone! !! (;;) ✨ And I'm also incredibly happy to receive a lot of kind comments on the full version of the song which was released yesterday 😭✨ Thank you! 
I already mentioned it on Instagram but I recorded this song back in September. I've had to be quiet for half a year, it was really painful 😂 I was dying to tell you as quickly as possible 😂 Finally the news are out, I'm so happy! !! !! \ (^ O ^) / My feelings for this song were really profound and all-encompassing, I felt as if I was making an entire album. It was just too much *laughs*🤣. I may have put too much pressure on myself challenging this song, no matter if I was awake or asleep, the song was constantly on my mind, I had a hard time coming to terms with what I wanted to do with it. Still, I decided it was most important to put all my aspirations into the song in order to best express the music ! \\\ ٩ (๑` ^ ´๑) ۶ //// 
During the recording, I put all of myself into the singing! Thinking back on it, I was quite nervous, it almost felt like it was the day of a concert (´ω `). To tell you the truth, the harmony in this song is extremely difficult, I had to practice so much to make it sound smooth, I don’t think I can do it again🤣🤣 Truly, the harmony was a real struggle.  
But overall, the recording was really fun and when I think back on it, I realise that I felt super empowered that day (why?). Anyway, I recorded it with the thought of wanting to sing it in front of all of you. Back then I didn’t think too much of it but I feel like I got sick when I came home.
I'm really grateful to have gotten the opportunity to do this recording 🤗💕 I am glad I can add some colour via music to a great work which is a team effort of so many different people. May it be part of the "joy" and "happiness" of many people 🌟 Please enjoy the song together with the game! !! ((o (^ ∇ ^) o)) 
Well then, I will leave it around here! Until next time~ ☆ (*'▽' *) / 
 *** Wakana ***
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putschki1969 · 3 years
Hi, Puts! I wonder if you, after so long listening to Kalafina and knowing all about them, are still surprised by something new in the songs. I ask because, after 5 years of listening and watching, the last surprise I had was hearing the original version of Serenato and Wakana's interpretation. Just amazing how she sings this song, the song is all hers, and I never realized it like the last time. These surprises have happened a lot and demonstrate the enormous talent of the girls and the genius of Kajiura-san, who managed to get the most out of them in terms of voice and interpretation. What do you say?
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Hi there!
Awwwww, you flatter me. But I definitely do not know everything there is to know :P And I continue to learn new stuff about them all the time.
Yup, while I have never been a huge fan of "serenato" (I know, I am in the minority), I agree, it is 100% Wakana's song and she slays it, I'd say that goes for every official version of the song though, the old ones (studio version, "old Wakana voice" version as recorded in the 5th Anniversary Live Selection album) as well as the more recent one ("new Wakana voice" version as recorded in the 10th Anniversary Live release). Overall, I do enjoy the old versions more though since Wakana's voice sounded fuller and warmer back then and her parts are generally more pronounced I guess (?), especially in the studio version because there you can't really hear Keiko and Hikaru all that much. Anyways. she still does a great job at the 10th Anniversary Live imo and I do love that version quite a bit, random accordion inserts notwithstanding XD. On a random side note, this ask has made me realise that I have barely ever listened to the studio version of "serenato" XD
I personally tend to learn new things when I dig deep into the lyrics of a song. I am the type of person that has a hard time making out lyrics no matter the language so more and more often I make the effort of sitting down with the original Japanese lyrics, trying to understand and possibly translate them in my mind (first and foremost I like to rely on my own interpration), then I'd usually end up checking out various translations out there to see what others have come up with. It's really enlightening and enhances my listening experience.
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