mooifyourecows · 11 months
hi moo! i saw a tweet about creators of online works (like fox writers, web comic artists, etc.) wanting to get feedback since it’s not very often they can go online and look for it outside of their platform so i just wanted to hop on and let you know how much i love your stuff!
you are the reason i even started reading fics! (technically it was my friend who was reading it that got me to but shh) i think i’ve actually told you the story before but it’s silly so i’ll say it again anyways! my friend was reading a lot of haikyuu stuff and i think this was before season 4 finished but like there had been a few episodes probably since you wrote about atsumu at that point but idk if you’ve read the manga so maybe i’m completely wrong about the timeline. ANYWAY, my friend had sent me a bunch of screenshots of different fics she was reading but she was telling me about this one where daichi was a bartender and him and oikawa were best friends (sound familiar?) so of course when she sent screenshots of that one i had to look for it. now at this point i had NO idea how ao3 worked and more specifically the searching (i have no idea how i managed to actually find it😭😭 i still can’t use the searching for anything but very broad stuff) but i spent HOURS typing in the same quote from that screenshot (pretty sure it was the homemade chocolate for valentine’s day scene) and narrowing down the word count to maybe like 500,000-600,000 words because she mentioned it was 500 something thousand and then with enough effort i found it!! i was so excited i read all of it in like two weeks in the middle of packing to move across the country😭😭(thinking back, definitely not the best use of my time but for the best🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️).
it’s kind of a stupid silly story, but without that amazing story i would’ve never found your work, let alone anyone else’s unless one of her silly screenshots caught my eye like that one and who knows if that would’ve happened🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ now i get so excited just thinking about what might happen next in your other stories and i’m your #1 biggest fan❤️❤️❤️
can’t wait for the next post you make, and maybe if you update open tab in the future i’ll have to make myself a mint julep🤔🤔 i hope you’re having the best time writing and doing whatever it is that you do in your free time and that you’re taking care of yourself!!!! sending so much love your way this summer!!!
thanks for sharing babe, it really does make me happy to hear details and specifics about how people found my stories or what they like about them. i'm glad that you were able to find joy in my writing! it means a lot to me
i actually started writing Open Tab shortly after Atsumu's first appearance in the manga at that training camp with Kageyama, and had to base his personality off of those tiny itty bitty scenes we got of him, so when nationals rolled around and we got to see more of him (like that he is an identical twin, wowzas what a shock) i got to see how my interpretation of him was a little off. I wrote him more as a smooth asshole when in reality he's way more prickly and childish and goofy. In my big Open Tab edit, I'm trying to subtly alter his character to better suit that without completely changing him. in fact, i originally planned Atsumu to be this kinda... antagonist type character? but then i decided that i couldn't actually make any haikyuu characters be real bad guys and i had to make him sympathetic instead. rip
anyway, thanks for the message, it's very sweet and touching and makes me happy 😊🖤
there WILL be an update for open tab in the near future. i just want to completely edit it first. but i'll for sure make announcements when that time comes 🌈💪
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theolddarkmachine · 6 years
Kingdom- Chapter Nine
Gajeel has had the dream about dying for the blue haired girl for as long as he can remember. Which is weird, since he’s never met anyone with blue hair in his life.
Levy has always loved myths and legends. So much so, in fact, that she was currently getting her master’s in mythological studies.
What neither of them realized was that they were living a legend all their own.
AKA the one with a knight, a princess, and a curse that keeps bringing them together just to pull them apart.
WOW IT HAS BEEN A REALLY LONG TIME HUH! Thank you guys for waiting so long for the update on this. I def had bitten off more than I could chew when I thought I could do the 12 Days prompts, Secret Santa and still do consistent updates, so y’all the true MVPs for putting up with me when I cut back on the multichaps lol I’ll be the first to admit that this was a bit harder to get back into than I thought, but it didn’t help that this chapter is introducing a whole other character. So not only was I dealing with coming back after like a month and a half, but I was writing a character that wasn’t even someone that I’ve been dealing with in that time off. RIP. Anyway, hang in there with me, this seems like a lot, but without any real payoff. It’s there. I swear. 
The deep amethyst of her aunt’s eyes had Levy frozen in place as she looked up at the tall woman, confusion and something a bit more ominous buzzing under her skin. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her aunt, per se. In fact, the woman was the only family she had left, as Levy was the only family still left to her. That kind of circumstance comes with obligatory appreciation. No matter how contrived it may have been, it was still there, even if they were nothing more to the other than the occasional birthday and Christmas cards.
“Are you going to let me in?” She asked, her voice husky and smooth like sweet smoke. Darkness was curling around the edges of her words, as if there was a joke that Levy wasn’t aware of.
More specifically, that she wasn’t invited to be aware of.
Shaking her head free of of her thoughts, Levy stepped aside to open the door further.
“Yeah, sorry, come in.”
With a curt nod, her aunt crossed the threshold of her apartment, heels clicking loudly on the tile of her foyer before she reached the carpet.
“Did I catch you at a bad time, dear?” Kearia asked, not seeming particularly worried on if she had, in fact, come at a bad time. Sitting lightly on her large, plush couch, her aunt looked out of place amongst the tattered gray fabric. She had an almost regal air about her as she crossed her legs, her straight back better suited for a throne rather than the couch that was almost as old as Levy was.
“Not at all, just wasn’t expecting any company is all,” she offered quickly, brushing off the strange tug of a familiar ache in the pit of her stomach. The swirling nexus of what felt a lot like fear was tugging at her insides, turning her blood cold as she went to join her guest on the opposite end of the couch.
A small voice in the back of her mind beat itself against her skull as it tried to get her to recall a memory so distant, she wasn’t even entirely sure it was her own. It danced away from her mind’s grasp in a taunting manner, nothing but blacks and reds and frozen air.
“My apologies, Levy, I should have called first. But I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to see my favorite niece,” her aunt offered her explanation before Levy could even ask for it, as if she could feel it pressing itself onto the tip of her tongue.
“I’m your only niece,” Levy tried to laugh, instead managing nothing more than a hollowed, brittle sound as her head pulsated with the distant memory and her incessant headache. The corner of Kearia’s mouth twitched upwards as she looked at her, purple gaze hardened into sharp amethysts that cut into her skin.
“Which only proves that it’s the truth,” she purred. Levy couldn’t help but draw comparison’s between herself and a predator’s dinner as she stared down her aunt’s smile. A frozen drop of panic rolled down her spine.
The single word was a hushed whisper against the back of her neck, raising the hair along her arms and her nape. This wasn’t the first time she had felt the bubbling fear coursing through her in her aunt’s presence. Ever since she was younger, she would swear she could feel something sinister looming under the surface of Kearia’s composed exterior. Something that made her body reel against the rest of her senses as it fought to get as far away as possible.
As time passed and she grew, Levy learned to swallow down the dread, chocking up her anxieties to her wild imagination. Too many stories and not enough reins tethering her thoughts to reality made it easy to lose herself to a made up world where her mostly absent aunt had a much darker purpose. The reasoning had helped her ignore the small voice that would warn her away from the sharp smile, and she hadn’t felt the electric sting of adrenaline caused by Kearia’s presence in quite some time.
But now, it was cascading over her with all the force of a waterfall, drowning her in an overflowing crest of expansive fear. It stole her breath, leaving a burning sensation in its place as her lungs fought for air.
“Tell me, Levy, how have you been?” She asked, eyeing her as if she could see straight through the muscle and bone to the organs beneath them. Then, it was gone. All the stinging pressure dissipated almost as quickly as it had appeared, cool air filling her as she sucked it in past the burnt inside of her lungs.
“I’ve been,” she started, rubbing at her sternum as her brows knit together before continuing, her voice flat as she spoke. “I’ve been okay.”
“Just okay?” Kearia dug, leaning forward to rest her elbow on her knee, propping her chin on her palm as she studied Levy closely. The purple of her eyes darkened into a stormy sky. “Levy, have you been holing yourself up again?”
Her interest was strange, mingling in the grey area between maternal and nosy.
Why do you care? The voice bit back, erring towards bitter before Levy pushed it further back.
“Aunt Kearia, you know I’m busy with my thesis,” she was a little more successful in her laugh this time as she waved a hand, brushing aside the question. “Didn’t you know grad school requires you to not have a life?”
“Mmhm,” Kearia hummed, her perfectly manicured black eyebrow shooting up towards her hairline. “So no young men in your life?”
Air stuck to the inside of her throat as she was hit with the vivid image of the knight from her dream bleeding out in her arms, tears dotting his cheeks from where they’d fallen from her own eyes.
“No,” she breathed, standing abruptly, the sudden motion startling her aunt as her eyes widened and she pushed back. “I forgot to ask if you’d like anything to drink.”
Tripping over her words, Levy made her way towards her kitchen before Kearia could respond. Heated pinpricks bore holes between her shoulder blades
“Is water okay?” She asked, not bothering to look back as she stumbled into the kitchen, hands grasping at the countertop to steady herself against the vertigo that had pitched the world forward. Tears pricked at the corner of her eyes as she heard the distant cries again, her own voice screaming out to Gajeel in a vain attempt to keep him tethered to Earth. But it was too late.
I had been too late.
He died.
No, she refused to believe that the dream was real.
But it had to be.
Levy’s knuckles turned white as she clutched the counter’s edge, working to breathe through the vision as she recalled the dream.
“Yes, dear, water is fine,” Kearia answered, her voice sounding much further than just her living room. All of Levy’s instincts fought against her as she tried to pick apart the tangled visions and thoughts. Everything told her it was real. She had felt the warm liquid spilling over her hands. Had felt the stinging tears as they’d burnt tracks down her cheeks.
She’d watched as death had dulled Gajeel’s eyes.
Yet she could not believe it. Even though she had built her life around believing that the stories she’d dedicated herself to were founded in reality, she rebelled against the possibility. It was one thing to believe the stories were real.
It was another entirely to be a part of one.
Bending at the waist to lower her head between her arms, Levy drank in large gulps of air. Each cooled gasp pushed itself through the burning confusion as she pushed down the vision of Gajeel’s dusky eyes. Several moments passed as she counted her breaths, in for two counts and out for two until her heart rate slowed and it no longer hurt to breathe.
Straightening herself up, she reached for two glasses from her cabinet, ignoring the way her hands trembled as they held the cups in their grasp.
Get it together, she admonished herself as as her hand slipped slightly, sending rivulets of water rolling down the side of a glass and pooling onto the counter. You’re just very hungover.
Those words became her mantra as she repeated the lie over and over, their mental cadence carrying her back into the living room.
“I thought I would have to go in there and rescue you,” her aunt laughed as she took her offered glass, fingertips brushing over the back of Levy’s hand and sending a shot of electricity burning up the nerves of her arm. Biting down on a hiss, she pulled away and made her way back to the other side of the couch.
“I just spilled a bit of water and had to clean it up,” she said before taking a sip of the liquid, it’s cool edge smoothing over the bitter taste at the back of her throat.
A small sound almost like a purr lifted itself from Kearia’s chest as her mauve gaze held her in place on the couch. Out of the corner of her eye, Levy could see her long nailed clutch tighten on her glass. For just a moment, the woman beside her didn’t even look like her aunt as her face contorted into a misshapen, rage filled mask. Lips pulling back over her teeth in a snarl and eyebrows pulling together, she looked like a monster as she leant forward.
Levy’s head snapped towards Kearia, eye widening as she saw her aunt still sitting there gracefully, taking a small sip from her water.
It’s okay, Levy, she thought as her heart hammered against the back of her sternum. You’re just very hungover.
“So tell me about your thesis. What’s it about?” Another polite question that hid poisoned barbs.
It’s okay.
Grinding her teeth against the warring emotions that pumped adrenaline through her, making her muscles twitch with anticipation, she chewed on her answer.
“I’m exploring the possibility of myths and stories being grounded in reality,” her words shook as she held Kearia’s hard gaze as if they were forced. Though, with the bitter taste of fear coating her tongue, she supposed they were.
“The one I’m working with a story about a dragon that befriends a prince, who later becomes a king. My argument though, is that the iron dragon may have actually been a real person, and that that was just a nickname.”
A spark of something almost like recognition flashed through the distant purple of her aunt’s eyes as she listened to her speak, only further burying the burning lump of fear in her gut. The way she was looking at her was almost like she knew something that Levy didn’t. Her lips twitched, their corners pulling up into a near smug smile as Levy continued to tell the story of the dragon and her theories.
“It sounds like you’ve done a lot of research, dear,” Kearia finally interjected, carefully setting her glass on the coffee table. “And it sounds like a very interesting story.”
Only, the way she said it made it sound like it wasn’t very interesting at all.
“I’m afraid though, that I need to cut this visit short,” she continued, standing abruptly from where she sat. Towering over Levy, she looked down at her over the bridge of her nose. The effect was a sharp pointed thing that looked and felt a lot like a glare.
“I suddenly don’t feel all too well. But we do so need to catch up, Levy dear.”
Following suit, Levy stood, putting her now empty glass next to her aunt’s as the woman opened her arms out to her for a hug.
Walking forward into the halo of her arms, Levy found herself pressed into her aunt in a warm embrace, her crown just barely meeting Kearia’s chin.
“Do try and get out a little more,” she said into Levy’s hair, voice twisting into almost overdone concern. “You deserve a break from time-to-time.”
Her nails pricked into the skin of Levy’s arms as she clutched at her biceps, using her hold to push her back so she could look down at her. A predatory smile cracked her red painted lips.
“I’m so proud of you.”
And then she was gone. Before Levy was even able to pick her way through the wreckage of the swirling vortex in her mind, Kearia had shown herself out, the door slamming shut behind her. The harsh snap of the door faded into the now empty room as she stood alone. Spikes of dulled pain rolled through the base of her skull as she attempted to make sense of what had just happened.
The static hum of panic was still tickling the inside of her skin as she rubbed a hand over the back of her neck in a vain attempt at easing the tension there.
Images from the dream began to roll through her mind, no longer held back by the distraction of her aunt as she caught flashes of what she refused to believed was a dream. The severity of it sent her world pitching forward again, catching her off balance and causing her stomach to roil within her. Bile rose quickly in her throat as her body finally succumbed to the continuous pitching between her emotions and the dread fueled adrenaline.
Clasping a hand over her mouth, she found herself running towards the bathroom for the second time that day.
As she made her way passed her desk, she didn’t notice that the book was gone.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
my arms will hold you
summary // you and bucky are having your first child. [established! bucky barnes x fem!reader]
words // 7.7K (wowza) 
warnings // pregnancy, birth, brief mention of religion, excessive use of the nickname pretty girl, depiction of labor, post endgame, post tfatws. steve didn’t go back in time but no other changes to endgame ending. i hate the word belly so it’s literally not used at all sorry, it’a majority fluff!
notes // this got away from me, it was supposed to be short lol check out the iconic song you’ll be in my heart by phil collins! from the tarzan soundtrack! i researched a lot for this so hopefully it makes sense & works well!!
replies & reblogs are greatly appreciated 💞
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
7 Weeks 
You hope they have his eyes. Bright, blue and sparkling. You stare down at the three tests before you, all clear and unambiguously positive. 
A laugh bubbles out of you, full of joy and absolutely thrilled as you think of how long you’ve been trying and waiting for this. How happy Bucky will be. How happy you are. 
You hear your front door open and close which immediately makes you pick up one of the positive tests. “Bucky!” You call out in pure excitement, unwilling to wait and tell him the news any other day. 
He barely has the chance to put his bag down before you’re jumping into his arms. Your legs wrap around his hips as his hands come up to grip your thighs and hold you up. 
“Pretty girl.” He laughs as you pepper kisses across his face. “What’s got you so happy? I was only gone for three days!” 
You pull back to look him in the eye. He’s watching you with a bemused smile which makes you giggle. He has no idea of the test in your right hand or the other two sitting in your shared bathroom. 
“I’m pregnant.” You breathe out. His eyes trace over you as you bite down the smile threatening to break out on your face. You wrap an arm around his neck as you pull the hand holding the test in between the two of you. His eyes immediately snap to the test and you’re sure he can’t actually read it in this position, but you’re too excited to care. 
He shakes his head in shock. “You’re pregnant?” He asks softly. There was a happy lilt to his tone that lets you know his silence isn’t anger or nerves but just him struggling to figure out if this is real. 
You nod your head rapidly and can no longer hold back your smile. “Three tests. All of them say yes to there being a baby Barnes in eight or nine months.” 
His smile appears slowly, but it’s beautiful and bright as he gently places you back on your feet. “Fuck.” He laughs before pulling you into a kiss. 
It’s all smiles and one of the messiest kisses you’ve ever had, but definitely one of the best too. When he pulls back, he’s breathing heavily and he rests his forehead against yours. “I love you.” He whispers. 
His look is full of unadulterated love and affection, a look you’re sure you’re returning tenfold. “I love you more.” 
His hands move to your waist and he hoists you up again. “Not fucking possible, pretty girl.” He mumbles into your neck as he begins to press soft kisses to your skin. 
10 Weeks. 
Your foot is shaking anxiously on the edge of the exam table as your eyes filter around the room. You had been in this gynecologist office many times, but today you can’t help but feel anxious as you wait for your doctor. The nurse had already come in and done your pre-physical checks; Weight, blood pressure, and some questions. 
Bucky leans forward and wraps his hand around your ankle gently. “Relax, pretty girl.” He’s pulled up the guest chair so it’s next to you as you two wait. 
You chew on your nail nervously as you stare down at him. “What if I got your hopes up? What if it was a false positive?” You can’t help but feel like maybe you had jumped the gun in telling Bucky the day you had taken the test. 
Bucky’s hand moves up your leg until it’s resting right above your knee. “Then I’ll take you home and we’ll try again. I have no problem with trying for babies with you, pretty girl.” His hand slides further up and you laugh as you push it away. 
“Buck! I’m serious.” You groan. You hear footsteps outside your door and freeze before they fade away. “What if-“
“-Stop.” He says firmly. “I’m serious too. Then we try again. Maybe it’ll hurt for a while, but we'll get through it together.” He reaches up and pulls your hand away from your face before wrapping it in between both of his. “And I’m no doctor, but I’m sure three false positives is pretty rare.” 
Your heads snap up as the door opens and your doctor steps in along with a nurse. She turns to you both with a bright smile as the nurse shuts the door softly. 
“I hear somebody thinks they’re pregnant!” The nurse sits by the computer in the room as she comes to stand beside you. 
You nod slowly. “Me.” You shake your head in embarrassment. “Obviously. I’m the one with the vagina.” You flinch, but can’t stop the words from tumbling out. “I took three tests and they all came out positive. He says false positives are pretty rare, but he’s also not a doctor or scientist. He didn’t even go to college-“ You’re rambling on out of nerves. “Sorry. That came out wrong. I love you.” You say quickly glancing at Bucky before looking back at your doctor. 
Bucky laughs as she watches you with amused eyes. “He’s right though! False positives are far rarer than false negatives.” She pulls the stool towards your table and sits down next to you. 
You let out a deep breath. “That’s good to know.” Bucky squeezes your hand gently in a relax, I told you. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Barnes. I’m Dr. O.” She reaches her right hand across you, Bucky glances at you nervously before holding out his left hand to meet her. She doesn’t acknowledge the vibranium hand, just turns to look at you once the handshake is over. “I was so happy when my receptionist told me what your appointment was for, I know you two have been trying for awhile now.” 
“We’re just going to ask a few questions, then determine the best course of action for finding out if you're pregnant. Depending on how far along we think you are we’ll either do an ultrasound or blood test.” She explains as she leans away from you. 
You nod. “Sounds good.” It’s weird to have another person in the room besides your doctor and nurse, but Bucky’s presence is welcome. His hand in yours and thumb gently rubbing circles into your skin helps relax you as Dr. O talks. 
“Let’s start with when you took the tests.” She looks over to the nurse who nods, hands ready to take notes as you speak. 
You nod. “Around three weeks ago?” You look over at Bucky who nods. “We were out of town for a few days visiting a friend, so I booked the first appointment available after we got back.” 
“Where did you go?” She laughs when you furrow your brows at her question. “I’m sorry! I’m nosy.” 
You laugh gently at that. “Oh it’s fine! We went to Louisiana! One of Buck’s best friends is down there and we just love the area.” You explain. 
She nods. “What made you take the tests? Mention anything like a missed period, morning sickness, any other symptoms.” She explains. 
“I originally thought my period was late. I didn’t think anything of it until we reached the second month and then I realized it wasn’t late, I had missed two periods.” You explain as you think back to what made you get the tests that day. “But what really made me get the tests was I was planning on cooking for Buck, he was getting home from a work trip that day, and when I pulled out some of the ingredients I just felt so sick. It’s my favorite dish! The smell never bothers me, nothing in it bothers me, I was just so confused until I put two and two together and thought I should buy a test just to check.” You’re a little breathless as you finish and she’s nodding along as the computer keys clack away. 
“That sounds like you’re anywhere from nine to eleven weeks!” She stands up. “We can definitely try a transabdominal ultrasound. We should be able to get a clearer date and maybe even hear a heartbeat.” 
“Really?” You ask softly. You hadn’t expected to come in and hear or see your baby. You weren’t even sure if there was one. “We can… We can see the baby today?” 
“If your dates are correct, then yes!” She gives you an excited smile as she pulls the small machine towards your bedside. “Or we can do a blood test. It’s up to you.” 
“Oh, can we try the ultrasound? I would… That would make me feel better.” You admit, squeezing Bucky’s hand tightly. “Of course.” She agrees. 
Bucky pulls his hand away from its resting spot on your stomach, but doesn’t release his grip on you. You pull up your shirt with one hand as she and the nurse move around the room. “This will be cold. Try not to move around too much.” 
You flinch as the gel touches your stomach. “That is cold.” You murmur to Bucky as she pulls the wand towards you. He smiles up at you and it makes your cheeks warm. 
“Okay.” She hums as she moves the wand around your stomach. You wait with baited breath in hopes of hearing a heartbeat come through. Your grip on Bucky’s hand gets tighter and tighter as the seconds tick by, but he doesn’t say a word in complaint. 
Then there’s a loud thumping sound and Dr. O turns to you with a bright smile. “There we go! A nice, strong heartbeat.” She turns the screen so you and Bucky can see it clearly. 
You and Bucky look at each and it’s like everything has fallen into place.
Bucky Barnes had never allowed himself to dream of this life. A wife, a house of his own, a baby; Bucky Barnes had never imagined his own family. 
“Oh!” Both of your heads snap around the look at the doctor. “There’s two heartbeats.” She moves the wand around again and then there’s another steady thumping sound. “Baby A and Baby B.” She moves the wand back and forth so the two of you get a clearer picture. 
When you look back at Bucky his eyes are brimming with tears, but there's a smile on his face that makes your heart race. So big that his eyes crinkle and you’re positive his cheeks hurt, but it makes you smile too. 
“Twins.” You whisper to him. Everything else fades into the background as you two stare at each other. He nods and pulls your hand to his lips so he can press a kiss to it. “Twins.” He whispers back. 
“I’ll print out some photos for you two.” Dr. O says quietly. 
And… Bucky Barnes didn’t know if he still believed in God, but he would thank Him everyday for this miracle of a life he’s been granted. He would go through hell and back again if it meant he still got this life with you. 
16 Weeks
“Do you think it’s a boy and a girl? Two boys? Two girls?” Your now nursery is painted white with one forest green wall. Bucky is sitting on the floor in the middle of the room working on the matching cribs as you lean against the door jam. “Should we have waited until we were further in to start all this?” 
Bucky looks up at you and notices you chewing on the skin around your nail nervously as your eyes flicker around the half finished nursery. The walls had been painted when you had been gone for the day so you could stay away from the fumes. Bucky had started the cribs first, boxes of blankets, mattress pads and other small items were piled in the corner of the room. 
“I thought you wanted it to be a surprise.” He puts down the screwdriver in his hand to focus his full attention on you. “And your doctor said the first twelve weeks held the highest risk for anything happening.” 
You look down at him. “I know… I do want it to be a surprise… I just want to know what you think we’ll have. I think it’s boys.” You look down at your small, but there, bump. Your doctor had informed you that twins would most likely make gaining weight more likely and quicker than a single baby. You guess you just hadn’t expected the bump to show up so soon. 
You hear Bucky stand and watch as he stumbles over all the spread out pieces of the cribs. “Listen.” He tilts your chin up towards him. “I can’t promise you this will be perfect, but I can promise you I’ll be here every step of the way.” 
You reluctantly nod. Logically you knew he was right, you had taken all the necessary steps and precautions your doctor had suggested. You felt good, despite the uncomfortableness of growing two humans. “I know I’m being, like, anxious or whatever. I just… I want this so bad. I don’t know if I could survive if something happened.” You admit quietly, almost ashamed at the weight this feeling had left on your shoulders. 
“Pretty girl.” Bucky murmurs sadly. “If anything ever happened, I would be here every step of the way. You’ve got my heart. You’re my life.” He rubs reassuring hands up and down your arms. “And if you ever felt like you were too far gone, I’d be there to pull you back.” 
You feel your eyes tear as you look up at him. “Tell me what you think they’ll be. Boys. Girls.” You wrap your arms around his waist and step forward to rest your cheek against his chest. “Please.”
He wraps his arms around you in return and presses a kiss to your forehead. “I think we’re going to have girls.” He says softly, “And they’ll be beautiful like you. I hope they are. Your eyes, your hair, your pretty smile.” Bucky presses another gentle kiss to your forehead, you hum in response and he takes that as a hint to keep talking. “And smart like you too. I just want mini yous, pretty girl. If I could live my life surrounded by my girls, I would be content.” 
His soft words and the steady sound of his heartbeat in your ear pressed against his chest has you calming immediately. You take a deep breath before pulling back to look at him. “I love you, Bucky. I am so lucky that you’re my husband.” 
You can feel Bucky’s laugh and it makes you smile. “Pretty girl, I’m the lucky one. I never thought I’d have this. Buying a house and building cribs and picking out baby clothes.” 
“Buck-'' You try to interrupt him, but he shakes his head and you shut your mouth. Instead you smile up at him softly as he continues speaking.
“I never thought I could be loved like this.” He leans down and gently nudges his nose against yours. You close your eyes and do the same. “But I’m so happy I have it.”
You have to admit, when Bucky Barnes had come into your life with harsh stares and an intimidating presence, you had never imagined this would be the life you would have with him. 
“I love you pretty girl.” He declares, voice strong and full of love, before dropping to his knees in front of you. You laugh as his hands land gently on your stomach. “And I love you, babies Barnes.” 
“Babies Barnes?” You ask with a small smile. “That’s what we’re calling them now?” 
Bucky looks up at you with a shining smile. “We’ll talk names later, I think Babies Barnes sounds good for now.” 
You rest one of your hands on his and run your other hand through his hair as he talks quietly to your stomach. “What about the Barnes Babies?” You murmur. “Sounds better.” 
20 Weeks 
“Bucky.” You call from your spot on the floor in the center of the nursery. You were in the middle of folding clothes. Most of the items were matching and you had been slowly but surely separating them out and into the two separate dressers. “Bucky!” You call again, raising your voice just a little more. 
There are heavy footsteps as Bucky rushes up the stairs. “What? What’s wrong?” He asks from the doorway while his eyes flicker around the room panicked. You feel a little guilty when you notice his shoulders relax at the sight of you fine on the floor. “Why are you down there?’ 
“I’m organizing the baby clothes.” You answer in a matter of fact tone. Bucky opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off already knowing what it’ll be. “I’m fine down here! I’m not in any more danger down here than I am sitting on the couch.” You look around the almost finished nursery. “You’ll just have to help me up later.” You look back up at him a little embarrassed. 
Bucky comes and kneels down beside you. You let out a relieved sigh as he runs his knuckle against your cheek gently. “What did you need, pretty girl?’ He asks with a knowing smile. 
“I’m starving.” You throw your head back in an overdramatic groan. “I would kill for some oreos…” You think for a moment. “Do we still have the kraft macaroni and cheese?” 
Bucky scrunches his nose up in disgust, but nods. “Please don’t ask me to mix those together.”
“I wasn’t!” You slap a hand against his chest. It makes him shake a little in his kneeling position, but he stays upright. “I want them separately. But I do want both. Please, Buck? You always make the macaroni and cheese so perfectly! I always mess it up.” You put on your best puppy dog eyes and pout your lips. 
He throws his head back in a laugh. “You don’t need to do all that, pretty girl.” He snorts. He kisses your cheek before standing up. “I would do anything you asked me to.” 
“Even bring me a glass or cherry Dr. Pepper with it?” You weren’t a huge soda person normally, but you had tried a sip of the drink when you and Bucky had gone out to dinner and it had become one of your biggest cravings. 
“Especially that.” He grins at you before spinning on his heel to retreat back downstairs. “Thank you!” You call out. “Call me if you need me!” He yells back and you smile to yourself. You place a hand on your stomach and look down. 
“That was your daddy.” You say softly. You rub gentle circles over your loose t-shirt. “He loves you two so much already. We love you two so much. We just can’t wait for you to get here.” You admit. Talking to your stomach has become a habit of yours. Your doctor had explained babies will usually respond to noise when they can start hearing and while she had assured you kicking with twins may take a little longer, you were desperate to feel them move around. 
You glance at the door before looking back down. “He’s been so much help. I’d read horror stories about husbands who are never home or who don’t take up cooking and cleaning. But your daddy just… does it all for me.” Your voice has taken on a tone of pure love as you talk to your babies about Bucky. “He built your cribs. Rubs my feet. Cooks me disgusting children’s food.” You giggle quietly. “I’m so happy I get to build you two a home full of love and-” You jump when you feel a gentle kick against your hand. “No way.” You whisper. 
“Bucky!” You yell out shakily. “Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!” You don’t think of the panic you could be making him feel as you stare down at your stomach with happy tears in your eyes. Bucky’s by your side in an instant, his hand coming to rest over yours and his eyes observing your face in a frenzied panic. 
“What’s wrong? What hurts?” He asks anxiously. You shake your head and move his hand so it’s resting underneath your own instead of on top. “What? Christ, pretty girl! Is every-”
“Just talk to them.” You say quietly. “About anything.” Your urge. 
Bucky looks at you questioningly, but settles next to you when you nod. “Okay…” He says quietly. “Um,” he glances at you, “I’m so excited for you two to be here.” He starts a little nervously. You squeeze his hand in reassurance. “I never thought I would have my own baby, let alone twins, with such a knockout.” He laughs when you roll your eyes. “I never thought I could love anybody this much, then I met your mom. Then she told me she was gonna have you guys and I… I knew that I would do anything if it meant I got to keep all this love in my li-” He cuts himself off and looks at you with wide eyes. 
“Did you feel it?” You ask softly. Bucky moves his hand over a little and lets out a wet laugh. “That’s... That’s fucking amazing.” He presses a kiss to your lips. “You’re fucking amazing.” 
The two of you can’t stop staring at each, certainly looking like some smiling fools, until Bucky’s eyes widen and he yanks himself away. “You’re macaroni and cheese!” He yells as he stumbles out of the room leaving you doubling over in laughter. 
26 Weeks
“When she said twins,” You pause as you take a deep breath, “I didn’t think she meant everything would be so much worse.” Bucky laughs as you settle on the couch next to him. He holds his arms up as he waits for you to rest your feet in his lap. 
He immediately begins to rub your feet as you turn the movie on. “What hurts?” He asks softly. His eyes trail over you like he expects a wound, something easily fixable, so he could better help you. 
You give him a gentle smile. “My feet. My back. I’m just uncomfortable, Buck.” You explain. You knew he felt bad that there wasn’t much he could do besides sit next to you and rub your feet and legs. “I don’t think I realized how fast things move when it’s two babies growing inside you instead of just one.” 
“I wish I could do more.” He says quietly as he massages your left foot. His vibranium hand is cool against your skin and offers some relief from the heat you felt was taking over. You know he’s unsure of what to say or do to help and that he didn’t want to say the wrong thing, but, “All I need is this, Buck.” You poke his thigh with your right foot. 
When he looks over at you questioningly, you smile. “I’m gonna be totally honest with you here, Bucky. There’s not much you can do to help me now, or the next few months, except keep rubbing my feet, helping around the house and keep calling me pretty girl.” 
He pinches your ankle. “For years you’ve told me you didn’t like that nickname.” There’s no malice or annoyance in his voice. Bucky knows as well as you do that although you may roll your eyes or laugh when he calls you that, you hate when he calls you anything else. 
Especially now. “Makes me feel good.” You shrug as nonchalantly as you can. “I’m gaining weight like crazy. I’m swollen and cranky, it’s nice to know you still think I’m your pretty girl.” You admit shyly. 
“I always think you’re pretty, my love.” You feel your neck heat at his words and his hand coming to rest on your thigh. “But… fuck… I don’t know if there’s anything as beautiful as watching you grow our children. I’m in awe of you everyday, pretty girl.” His eyes are lit up with passion. You laugh as he moves towards you. “I am so in love with you, it’s crazy. I just... I can barely keep my hands to myself half the time.” 
You cup his jaw with your hand and your nails lightly scratching at his beard. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Bucky Barnes.” You murmur as he leans in towards you. “Cause I’ll make you follow through.” 
He groans before pressing a kiss to your lips. “Come on, pretty girl. Come to bed. I think I know a way to make you feel a little better.” He whispers against your lips. You nod with an excited giggle as he stands and holds a hand out to you. 
32 Weeks
“I appreciate you guys coming out to see us.” You press a kiss to Sam’s cheek before moving to hug Wanda who was trailing into your house behind him. “We didn’t want a huge baby shower, but we did want to see some of our closest friends and it means so much you all came out!” You gush.
Wanda presses a kiss to your cheek before standing back and looking at you excitedly. “Oh, you look beautiful.” She says kindly, her eyes trailing over your now much larger bump. “Twins.” She murmurs wistfully as your hands grip hers tightly. 
“Oh, Wanda…” You trail off, suddenly feeling guilty for your pushful invitation to your closest friends. She shakes her hand with a bright smile. “None of that! I’m so excited for you and Bucky. I’ve never met two more deserving people.” She presses another kiss to your cheek as she moves past you. “Now where is your husband?” 
“In the backyard!” You laugh. “He’s working on grilling. We have drinks and snacks out there!” You push her and Sam towards the sliding door in your kitchen. Steve slips through your front door next, a bright smile on his face when he realizes it’s you who’s greeting him. 
“You look lovely.” He says kindly as he leans down to press a kiss to your head. “Bucky has spent hours on the phone talking about how beautiful you look, but still didn’t do you justice.”
“You charmer!” You squeeze his arm as you laugh. “He’s outside. I’ll give you fifty bucks if you say something just as sweet to him.” Steve shakes his head with an ill-suppressed smile. “Come on! I’ll add an extra twenty if you kiss him too.” You plead. You and Bucky had been so busy with preparations, neither of you had seen your friends in a long time. You were in desperate need of a laugh with everyone. 
Steve shakes his head, but he turns to you and winks when he goes to open the sliding door, which makes you smile largely.
You greet a few more friends; Rhodey who comes with a gentle smile and gifts from Pepper despite your warning against them. He has a nervous Peter Parker in tow, who adored you but was still terrified of Bucky despite it having been years since their fight. 
“For you.” He smiles sweetly. He’s gotten more handsome as he’s gotten older, more confident too, but he still turns red when you press a kiss to his cheek as you thank him for the small box he has handed over. You laugh as he rushes after Rhodey, face down in an attempt to hide the blush. 
You were unsure when the Avengers had become your family too. Bucky had brought you around eight months into your relationship and they had taken you in easily. Bucky says your light filled a void after all the darkness they had suffered. You shook him off, but the words always made your heart soar. If you were even just a small piece of their healing, you were happy. 
An arm wraps around your waist and you smile when you smell Bucky’s cologne. “Funny joke with Steve, pretty girl.” He whispers against the shell of your ear.
“I thought so.” You shiver. “Did he kiss you too? Please tell me he did!” You turn and look up at him with pleading eyes. Bucky laughs before reluctantly nodding. “That’s incredible.” You move away from your spot in the entrance and hold onto Bucky’s arm as he leads you towards the backyard. “Give him seventy dollars sometime today, please.” 
“What?” Bucky stops in his tracks, making you freeze too. “For what?”
You look up at him innocently. “For making your severely pregnant wife laugh.” Bucky slides the door open with a shake of his head and gestures for you to go out first. You smile gratefully and step out. 
Your friends are spread out in the small yard. Sam has taken over the grill, while Steve is deep in conversation with Rhodey and Wanda. Peter chatters away as Sam nods along his eyes glazed over. 
“Thank you for planning this.” You slip your hand into the crook of Bucky’s elbow as the two of you make your way into the group. “I didn’t realize how much I missed everyone with how busy we’ve been.” 
“Anything for you, pretty girl.” He says softly. “Everyone loves you, it wasn’t hard to convince them to make the trip to come see you.” 
“You sure know how to make a girl feel special.” You tease. Bucky laughs and presses a kiss to your cheek before going to join Sam at the grill. You meet Steve, Wanda and Rhodey with a smile. 
“We were just talking about names.” Steve quickly stands up from the chair he had been lounging in. You shake your head with narrowed eyes. “Sit down.” He orders, it’s not harsh, but he’s taken on a completely different tone of voice that makes you giggle. You glance at Wanda with comical, wide eyes before taking the seat. 
“I like it when you use your Captain's voice.” You glance at Wanda in thanks when she hands over a glass of water. “I never got to hear it. We met after you retired!” Steve’s cheeks turn a bright shade of red as Rhodey and Wanda laugh. “Anyways, tell me about the names!” 
Wanda starts. “Bucky told us you two wanted to find out the gender when you give birth, so we each came up with two names for each of the three scenarios. I was given the one girl, one boy scenario.” She explains quickly her hand waving around in front of her excitedly. 
“And what did you come up with?” You ask in amusement, but also with a little curiosity. You and Bucky had briefly discussed names, both floating around ideas when they appeared, but nothing had been chosen yet. Maybe one of your friends would have a good name idea. 
Wanda claps. “I chose Oliver George Barnes if it’s a boy! Oh, I think Oliver is such a lovely name. And then the baby has Bucky’s dad’s name too. A little bit of old and new.” She explains and you nod along. “And for a girl, Elena Rebecca Barnes.” 
You furrow your brows at her. “How do you know so much about Buck’s family’s names?” A light blush colors her cheeks. “I may have visited the Bucky Barnes page on the Smithsonian website in preparation.” She admits.
“Okay Rhodey, hit me!” You turn so you can look at him. He sits up a little straighter. “For two girls. Baby girl number one, Olivia Rose Barnes” You scrunch your nose up at the middle name. “And for girl number two, Eloise Ann Barnes.” Your eyes widen at the suggestion. You had expected him to just repeat your name back to you. 
“I… I actually kind of like Eloise.” You admit after a moment. “Little El.” One of your hands comes to rest on your stomach. You look up at Steve with a smile. “Hit me with the two boys' names, Rogers.” 
Steve glances over at Bucky and Sam before stepping towards you conspiratorially. “Samuel James Barnes and Theodore George Barnes.” You look over at Bucky and your eyes meet his. You smile softly when he waves you over. 
“Those are lovely, Steve.” You hold your hand out for him and he helps you stand. “I… I will tell Buck about all of these names. I love them all.” You say gratefully before slowly making your way towards the grill. 
Bucky’s arm wraps around your waist as soon as you’re beside him. “What are you four whispering about over there, pretty girl?” He asks quietly as Sam and Peter begin to bring the plates of food over to the table Bucky had set up earlier. 
You glance back at Sam to make sure he’s out of hearing distance. “Baby names! Buck, Steve came up with Samuel James Barnes. I just love it.” Bucky’s already shaking his head with a frown. “What?” You ask. 
“I’m not naming our son after me and Sam.” He glances back at the group who has come together at the table. Wanda and Steve wave you two over and you hold up a finger in response before looking back at Bucky. “What were the girls names?” He asks. 
You shrug. “Olivia Rose, Eloise Ann, and Elena Rebecca.” None of the names hit a particular chord with you, but you could admit they were all very pretty. “I like Eleanor, I think.” You admit as Bucky mulls the names over. 
“That’s a pretty name.” He says softly. “Eleanor Rebecca Barnes.” He adds on and a smile breaks out on your face. You lean up and he meets you halfway in a gentle kiss. When you pull back he rests his forehead against yours. 
“Did we just pick a baby name?” You whisper in shock. Bucky’s eyes crinkle as he smiles excitedly. “I think we did, pretty girl.” 
38 Weeks
At first you think they’re just kicking. They’d been doing it more and more the further along you got. You groan and shift around in bed as quietly as possible trying not to wake Bucky. 
You take a few deep breaths as you try to drift off into sleep, but a shooting pain hits you and your arm whips out and your hand grips Bucky’s shirt. 
You gasp. “Bucky.” You pull at his shirt in an attempt to wake him. You whine in pain and begin to pull harder. “Bucky!” You say a little louder.
You feel him begin to wake under your palm. “What’s up, pretty girl?” He mumbles into his pillow, still not looking over at you. 
The pain rips through you again and this time you yank at his shirt violently. “James Buchanan Barnes if you don’t get the fuck up, I will murder you.” 
That has him turning to look at you with wide eyes. His eyes scan over you and pause on the hand sitting on your stomach before they trail up to your face scrunched up in pain. 
“Oh shit.” He stumbles out of the bed and comes around to your side. You turn to look up at him with pleading eyes and notice the pure panic in his. “Um- Okay.” He stands up straight and takes a few deep breaths.
Another contraction hits. “Take your time.” You grit out as you try to breathe through it. “Not like I’m having a fucking baby here.” 
“Shut up.” He laughs as he leans down to gently grip your arm. “Did your water break?” He asks as he helps your stand. 
You look down at the mattress then the floor before shaking your head. “Not yet, but these really hurt I-“
“Don’t have to explain yourself to me, pretty girl.” He helps you around the room and into the bathroom and helps you sit on top of the toilet lid. “You don’t have pants on, what should I grab for you to wear?” 
You glance down at your bare thighs, you hadn’t really realized. “A dress! Just grab a dress, I can slip into it.” You murmur as you rest your forehead against the tiled wall next to you. 
Bucky disappears and you count to yourself as you breathe through your pain. “I’m okay. I’m okay.” You murmur. They were early, two weeks early, but Dr. O had warned you that multiples liked to make surprise appearances. 
“A dress.” Bucky stands in front of you with one of your maternity sun dresses. He helps you stand again and you take it from his hands. 
“Go put on pants, I can get the dress on myself.” Bucky looks hesitant at the suggestion even though all he’s got on is a t-shirt and boxers. “Buck. Please. The sooner we’re both ready the sooner we can go.” 
He nods and sprints out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. You slide the t-shirt you had fallen asleep in off and pull the dress over your body. You let out a sigh of relief at the fact that Bucky had chosen one of the stretchy cotton dresses and not one of your nicer maternity ones. You brush your teeth quickly and splash some water on your face.
“Bucky.” You cry out when you feel the rush of water between your legs. 
“Let’s go.” Bucky appears in the doorway with sweatpants and his jacket pulled haphazardly over his shirt. He freezes when he notices your problem. He doesn’t say anything, just disappears then reappears with clean underwear for you. He helps you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom again then helps you change again. “Let’s go.” He says softly with a gentle kiss to your temple. 
It’s all a blur from there. Bucky’s grabbing your go bag, leading you to the car and driving you to the hospital. 
“She’s having our babies.” Bucky blurts out to the receptionist once the two of you reach the neonatal ward. She smiles pacifingly at him before looking at you with concern. “Sit her down, sir.” She orders and Bucky helps you sit in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. 
“She should be in a bed right?” Bucky asks worriedly looking back and forth between you and her. 
“One of the nurses is going to bring a wheel cheer so we can bring her to her room.” She explains kindly. “I just need your names and your doctor’s name.” 
You block Bucky’s voice out as another contraction hits. “Fuck, fuck fuck.” You cry. “B - A - R - N -E-S.” Bucky glances back at you at the sound of your cry. “Her doctor is Dr. O.” The woman hums as her fingers fly across the keyboard. 
There’s a gentle hand on your shoulder that makes you look up. “I’m Natalie.” The woman smiles kindly. “I’m gonna bring you to your room, okay?” 
You nod slowly with tears in your eyes. You’re tired and uncomfortable and the pain keeps getting worse and worse. “Let’s get you up, mama.” She helps you stand slowly and guides you to the wheelchair waiting by the doors. 
You glance back at Bucky, who’s still talking with the receptionist and scribbling answers on the clipboard she had slid over to him. “My husband. I need Bucky. I-“
“They’ll bring him back as soon as he’s done with the paperwork.” She rubs your shoulder calmingly. “I promise all we’re gonna do is get you in bed.” 
You take a deep breath as she pushes you down the hall and away from Bucky. “I can’t do this without him.” You’re breathing heavily as the contractions hit you. “I need him. Please. Can’t he do paperwork later? It’s not like I can leave!” You cry out. 
She gently moves you from the wheelchair to the hospital bed. “We’ll wait until your husband, Bucky, right?” She asks as she pushes you back so you’re laying down. You give her a teary eyed nod. “We’ll wait until Bucky is here to help change you into your gown.” She murmurs reassuringly. 
There’s a knock on the door and then Bucky is rushing in with another nurse trailing after him. “I’m pretty sure half the answers on that paperwork are illegible but…” The nurse trails off with an amused smile. 
“Hey, pretty girl.” Bucky pushes back the stray hairs that are sticking to your sweaty forehead before giving you a kiss. “I’m here. What do you need?” 
“It’s up to you, mama.” Natalie places the hospital gown on the edge of your bed. “If you want us or your husband to help you into the gown.” She gives you a knowing smile. 
“Can we…” You take a deep breath. “Can we have a moment?” They nod and leave the room. You look up at Bucky with teary eyes. “I don’t think I can do this, Buck.” You admit. 
He helps you sit up while shaking his head. “Yes you can, pretty girl.” He murmurs reassuringly. He lifts your dress so it scrunches up at your hips and waits until you raise your arms so he can take it off completely. He picks the pink gown up and slides it over your held out arms. 
“How do you know that?” You wipe hastily at the tears streaming down your face as Bucky moves around the tie the gown in the back. He helps you lay back down before slipping his shoes off and crawling in beside you. 
You moan in relief when he starts rubbing gentle circles over your stomach and as his warmth envelopes you. Bucky presses gentle kisses to your neck and jaw. “I know because you are the strongest woman I know.” He whispers. “You have been growing these humans in your uterus for almost nine months. And you’ve done it without flinching. This isn’t gonna be what takes you out, pretty girl.” 
There’s a gentle knock on the door and your nurse comes back in with a soft smile, followed by Dr. O and two more people. “Who’s ready to have some babies?” Dr. O asks with a bright smile. 
You look up at Bucky, who can’t do anything but stare at you in awe, then nod. “We are.”
Twelve and a Half Hours Later 
“I don’t think I could be any more in love with you.” Bucky declares as the nurses dance about the room, cleaning your crying babies up. “Shut up.” You murmur tiredly. “I wanna see my babies.” They’ve been checking and cleaning for what felt like forever. 
“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.” The two nurses come over with little bundles in their arms. “You have two healthy babies, a boy and a girl.” You look up at Bucky with bright eyes as the nurse hands him the blue bundle. 
Your eyes move away as the pink bundle is gently handed over to you. “Hello.” You whisper softly at the fidgeting baby. You can’t stop the tears from streaming down your cheeks as you down at your baby girl. Completely healthy and absolutely beautiful. “Eleanor Rebecca Barnes.” You murmur, running a gentle finger over her cheek. 
“Pretty girl.” Bucky’s voice is wet and you look up to see tears on his cheeks too. You scoot over and make room for him to sit beside you again for the first time in hours. He sits as slowly as he can and then looks over at the baby in your arms as you glance at the baby in his. “Hello, Eleanor.” Bucky whispers to the little girl. 
There’s a knock at the door that has the two of you snapping your heads up. You see the balloons first and then Steve and Sam behind them. 
“Boys.” You whisper happily. Bucky nods them into the room. They come to stand in front of your bed as quietly as they can. “Meet Eleanor Rebecca Barnes and,” you and Bucky glance at each other with soft smiles, “and Steven Samuel Barnes.” He finishes for you. 
Their eyes snap to you two in shock. “What?” Sam asks after a moment of silence. “You… You said you would never name a baby after me.” He’s getting choked up as he stares at Bucky in betrayal. 
“Yeah, well.” Bucky shakes his head. “You’re uh… You’re one of my best friends.” He looks over at Steve. “You’re both some of my best friends. And uh… I wouldn’t.” He sniffles and you lean your head in his shoulder in an attempt to give him comfort. 
He presses a kiss to your hair before he looks back at the boys. “I wouldn’t have all this if you two hadn’t stuck your necks out on the line for me. If you two hadn’t kept looking for me.” 
“Buck, you built this life all on your own.” Steve says gently. 
Bucky shakes his head fondly. “I know that, punk. I got the girl and the house and the babies all on my own. But I wouldn’t have even had the chance without you two so…” He trails off before looking back down at the babies you two held in your arms. 
“Can I take a picture?” Sam asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket. You two nod excitedly and look up at the camera with tired but thrilled smiles. “Beautiful family, Buck. You two should be proud.” 
“Oh, Steve, grab a nurse or someone in the hallway please!” You plead. “I want a picture of all of us!” He obliges without a fight. although you’re sure right now nobody would pick a fight or say no to you. 
One of your nurses comes back in with him. “Okay! Just a couple pictures then I gotta kick you two out. Mama needs her rest.” 
You all nod in acceptance as Steve and Sam come to stand on either side of you and Bucky. “One...Two...Three!” She snaps the picture and turns the phone around to show you. 
Your heart all but jumps out of your chest at how sweet it looks. “I love it. Thank you.” She hands the phone back to Sam and ushers the two men out. Sam calling over his shoulder, “We’ll come back tomorrow!” 
You and Bucky laugh. “My heart is so full right now.” You whisper.
“I love you, pretty girl.” Bucky whispers in response. “I love our family.” You can’t do anything but nod. “I love you too. I love our family.” 
The two of you sit in silence as you bask in the glow of your family. 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // i really enjoyed writing this. it’s so happy & made me so happy. thank you to the anon who requested it! i really hope you all enjoyed this because it’s probably one of my favorite pieces now.
if you did enjoy it, replies & reblogs are greatly appreciated 💞
765 notes · View notes
jonnyparable · 2 years
Cottage Hills : A Winter Tale, Part XX
A Night with Shalabar!
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Hello again avid readers, we here at Echo Dela Mode continue to be your number one source for all the latest news about the fascinating lives of the rich and famous! Following Gourmand Swindleton's surprising announcement a few days ago, we are certain you must all be eager to know what is in store for the quiet little town of Cottage Hills! Wait no more, as we bring you all the latest news from the heart of it all!
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Anticipation certainly is mounting here in the wintry cold, as we await the stupendous Lady Contestina Divadonna, the splendid soprano's Midwinter opera performance tonight, where she will serenade us with some of her most popular songs from the hit musical of the season, "Shalabar".
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Shalabar follows the historical love affair between the Maharaja of Sri Vama, and Shalabar, the handmaiden of the Queen, who herself rises up the ranks to become Queen, before taking her own life in the end. Tonight's very special performance is the doing of none other than Gourmand Swindleton, the new Mayor of Cottage Hills, who has put together a private show in the town's beautiful centuries old church for the who's who of the region, as part of his plans to rejuvenate the region! Speaking of which, read on as we say hello to a few of tonight's esteemed guests!
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It will soon be time! As we wait patiently outside the town's church, the first guests start streaming in as their cars fill the road in front of the church, and wowza, its definitely an illustrious guest list for tonight! First in attendance is the ever punctual Baron and Baroness Cobbles of Cobbleton! Followed by the Duke and Duchess Hildegarde of Windenburg, in all their ceremonial finery.
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"Good evening Duchess Hildegarde! What stunning attire! You look like you sprang to life from the pages of Shalabar itself!"
Duchess Hildeharde:
"Then the dressmaker was successful! This dress was designed by my palace. They drew inspiration from traditional Sri Vamian sarees, which are very beautiful. It's truly a work of art. I'm very lucky to be wearing it."
Duke Hildegarde:
"And we're all lucky to see it!"
That we are! Tonight is truly an event fit for royalty, and without a doubt, a historical night for the tiny town of Cottage Hills!
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Next to arrive is Studio Town's newest and brightest star, Ruby Valore! She shows up in emerald, and unaccompanied tonight, following rumours of a messy, drunken breakup with fellow young actor Sydney Starr, but as usual, she's happy to see us!
"Hello, Ruby, you look amazing! Simply stunning! Flying solo at the opera tonight?"
"Hey, it's you honey! Hicc! Thank you, its an original Johan Strauss! Hicc! Oh excuse me, I must have had one too many Martinis! But ol' Ruby is free as a bird tonight! Just the way I like it! Ooh but look you brought me so many handsome cameramen! My favourite kind of man! You guys always make me look fabulous!"
Strike a pose, Ruby! The absolute darling of the cinema firmament! What a card!
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Right behind her is none other than wealthy businessman, Mickey Landgraab and his wife, artist and philanthropist Tiffany Zarubin, who also runs an exclusive garden club. Up next and fashionably late, is of course celebrity power couple, Kennedy Cox and Astrid May!
"Why if it isn't Echo Dela Mode! Now I definitely know we're in the right place! That, plus all the fancy cars! How do you do?"
Echo :
"Hello Astrid! Kennedy, you look sharp as ever. Astrid, darling, you're truly a vision in red, don't upstage the diva now! Excited to watch the soprano tonight you two?"
"Well aren't you a doll? Oh absolutely, I'm a huge fan of the diva, and she can never be upstaged by little old me, don't you worry about that. I'm certain tonight will be more than worth the trip here. Aren't you fellas chilly? I'm freezing! Come on Kenny baby, let's head on inside!"
Good idea, Astrid! As the rest of the guests arrive and make their way inside, we, dear readers, will follow them in and bring to you all the excitement and spectacle within, courtesy of Gourmand Swindleton, who has invited Echo Dela Mode, and a select few members of the press to join our esteemed guests in the town's historic church!
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Inside the church, Gourmand himself greets us all in front of a large red velvet curtain. There are rows of pews in the cavernous space, and wintry moonlight shines through the large stained windows on either side. The guests are all seated in the church's pews, and Gourmand is greeted by roaring applause.
Gourmand :
"Good evening! Friends! Esteemed guests from near and far, members of the press, and welcome to Cottage Hills! The building we are in is a historic church, hundreds of years old! A truly worthy backdrop for tonight's performance! Thank you for coming today, to this beautiful town, it is an honour to be in the midst of you all! It is my hope that tonight's performance will usher in a new era of fame and prosperity for this town, that as you know, I now run, and that tonight will be a glorious, historic event!"
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"I have spared no expense in recreating the dazzling beauty, the colours, the sounds of Sri Vama, and we shall all be magically transported tonight to the Indian coast by not only the gorgeous set, but by the music, the dancing, and the unbeatable voice of the Angel of Song, the minstrel of heaven herself, our Lady Contestina Divadonna! Now, we all know you're not here to hear me! So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present to you..... SHALABAR!"
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The gathered dignitaries erupt in applause! The curtains go up and a mystifying purple light washes over our guests, as the sound of a lone flute fills the hall and rings out in the silence. Shalabar has begun!
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emma-what-son · 3 years
(Echee post) Did Emma Watson actually graduate from Brown University? Special treatment at college?
Posted on November 8, 2015
*PS this is a work in progress, will take a few days to get it in order...so apologies if it is incomplete Intro Emma has been talking about how important education is to her since she was 10. Even during the first interviews for Harry Potter promotion, back in 2001 for Philosopher's Stone, she was adamant about going to college. She's continuously said how important college/education is throughout the Harry Potter promotion years, but does what she say match up with what she actually did? She was playing along with that bullshit "Classy, educated" image she and her PR team (like her publicist Luke) have crafted for her, the one where she claims she is exactly the same as Hermione, the beloved character from the Harry Potter franchise. Course though, she's contradicted herself on that multiple, multiple times - sometimes saying she's exactly like Hermione, and other times claiming they're extremely different. There was some extremely strange stuff going down with Emma's Brown University Education though....as will be revealed below. And you'll have to start wondering if she actually did graduate or how much, how extensive and enormous, was the amount of special, unequal treatment she got for being a celebrity and a feminist (College campuses love pandering to social justice warriors/feminists - part of it is a natural love for them and another part is Obama forcing them to through the OCR and Title IX) Emma's Education Emma entered Brown University the Fall of 2009. Brown is a private, 4 year university/college in America. Emma entered Brown as an international student studying on an F-1 Visa. Okay Emma didn't do much BS during her first 3 semester (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010) at Brown and seemed to study there like most normal students, but it's after the first three semesters that things started getting extremely strange and Emma started telling a whole bunch of lies. Emma constantly raved about how awesome college is and gave every single impression she was going back to Brown in Spring 2011. getSurrey November 2010: getSurrey: Will you carry on acting? Emma: I will keep on acting. I’ve just been in a film called My Week With Marilyn. I’ve just finished shooting that. But finishing university is a priority. But I hope I do lots more things. I don’t really want to be put in a box – just yet. I’m not exactly sure. University Magazine Interview by Colin Turner (November 2010?): (Okay just note that this interview came out in June/July 2011 for Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 Promotion, but Emma mentions in the interview she just finished filming My Week with Marilyn, which happened in November 2010. Uni magazine is this student run magazine, so I'm assuming they don't do monthly issues (don't have the money/people for that) so it takes them several months to release an issue.) Colin Turner: You’ve gone to university, obviously, do you imagine taking up acting in the future or are you just seeing what happens? Emma: I just did a movie, finished something last week, “My week with Marilyn”, which is exciting. No, I think I’ll just keep doing things. But my education is my number one priority at the moment and everything else comes around that really. Parade Magazine Interview November 2010 (Emma Watson's Campus Confidential, interviewed by Jeanne Wolf): "I get some amazing offers to act, and sometimes it’s hard to say, “No, I’m going to stay here and do my homework.” People are like, “What do you mean she’s not available?” I may do some theater next summer, but this college experience is really important to me, and I won’t give it up for anything. I’m not going to school just for the academics–I wanted to share ideas, to be around people who are passionate about learning."
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Echee says: Okay, notice how in November 2010 and even right up until January 17, Emma claims/gives the strong impression she's definitely going back to Brown University for the Spring 2011 semester. Big lol at the "this college experience is really important to me, and I won’t give it up for anything" two months before she did. By the way I have to mention the whole "Sorry for long absence from here - so much to do and so little time to do it in before I go back to school! Hope you're all ok x" was originally a tweet from Emma's @EmWatson twitter account but after she left university she deleted it lol. The picture I posted is from the official (that's why there's the blue check mark) Emma Watson Facebook page run by both Emma and her team. I guess she forgot to delete the facebook post after she deleted her tweet. For Spring 2011, the first day of classes was January 26 (per the academic calendar). Yet even at January 17, Emma stated she was getting ready to go back to school, hence her "so little time to do it in before I go back to school!" How the fuck can she be confused 1 week before classes start whether she's taking a personal leave of absence or not? Brown University Personal Leave of Absence Deadline
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Brown University 3 types of leaves of absence
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Okay, so of Brown University's three types of leaves of absence, Emma took personal. The deadline to declare you're taking next semester off is December 1, hence the Brown policy "If you are planning to take leave for the spring semester (Semester 2), you must declare by Dec. 1st." Either Emma was lying and trying to delay revealing she was taking time off to do her Perks of Being a Wallflower filming and BS Lancôme makeup and perfume work (very possible since she lies so much), or she was honestly undecided until right before, and thus requested special, unequal treatment that despite her missing the deadline, she should be allowed to take a leave of absence. Anyway I think it was special treatment from Brown allowing their publicity cow to get what she wanted. That means she was clearly lying in her January 17 tweet about going back to school.
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This from Amanda Foreman, Emma's interviewer, for Emma's Vogue Magazine July 2011 interview: Emma struggled valiantly to fit everything into her life, becoming increasingly exhausted, until over Christmas advisors at Brown suggested that she take a leave of absence, a turn of events Yates was not surprised by. Notice how the Vogue article says it was "over Christmas"....Christmas Break for Brown starts after December 1, the deadline. First off, unless Emma's doctor signed off on it, then it was NOT a medical leave of absence, and her advisors gave her special treatment since she missed the personal leave of absence deadline already. And You know December 25 is over 3 weeks after the December 1st deadline, so that's an amazingly long extension despite the severe, absolute terms of "You must declare by December 1". Anyway, wowza, off to a bad start....getting special treatment when you're quitting school temporarily. Well, whatever, it's equality feminist Emma Watson that we are talking about here. She runs her mouth off talking about feminism and equality and whatever but like most Western (usually Caucasian) privileged feminists, have no idea what she's talking about. Despite Brown's Spring 2011 semester starting at the end of January, Emma kept quiet about all this until March 7, 2011. She announced it on her website EmmaWatson.com (which is now defunct and shut down): Here's her statement on March 7, 2011: As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything. But recently I've had so much to juggle that being a student AND fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible. I've decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects. I will still be working towards my degree … it's just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought : ) Hope you are all well! Thank you for all your continuing support. Emma xx.
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On February 10, 2011 (well after the Brown semester had started), Emma confirms on twitter that she will be filming Perks of Being a Wallflower, which interfered with Brown (Brown school date ends May 20, Perks started filming May 9) and she had also already had various talks and was close to finalizing a deal with Lancôme. And she knew she would have to do some filming work for Lancôme commercials in the coming months. At this point clearly she was taking the semester off and yet she didn't announce it until March 7, 2011. Why'd she wait an entire month??? Why be so secretive of it? Just like how a week before classes started she was claiming she was getting ready to go back to school. And then why wait another month before she and Harry Potter publicist Vanessa Davies, release more details of this leave of absence? April 23, 2011 Press Release to Associated Press: LONDON (AP) — A spokeswoman for Harry Potter star Emma Watson says she will be transferring from Brown University to another university in the autumn. Vanessa Davies denied reports that the 21-year-old actress was "bullied out" of the Rhode Island university, saying there was no truth in reports by a number of online publications who cited classmates and "insiders". Davies said Saturday that Watson, who plays Hermione in the wizard movie series, has decided to pursue a different course not offered at Brown. She added that the star "has absolutely loved her time at Brown" and made many good friends there. Watson has recently taken time out of her studies to focus on her movie career. She has said that her first days in college were difficult. Davies did not identify the university Watson will be transferring to. Emma releases a statement April 30, 2011 on her website EmmaWatson.com (now defunct): I felt the need to let you all know the reason I took a semester off from Brown had nothing to do with bullying as the media have been suggesting recently. I have never been bullied in my life and certainly never at Brown. This "10 points to Gryffindor" incident never even happened. I feel the need to say this because accusing Brown students of something as serious as bullying and this causing me to leave seems beyond unfair. Please don't try and speculate about what I might do in September - no one can possibly know because I don't even know yet! Like my other fellow Brown students I am trying to figure out my third year and whether or not I will spend it abroad (this is common).
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If you wondered why Emma let Vanessa Davies announce the transferring information, instead of Emma just announcing it on her website a week later, it's because Davies is head of publicity at Harry Potter, so they were working out how best to frame the narrative that Emma is still a hardworking student. Don't forget, ~200 million is spent on Harry Potter marketing for HP Deathly Hallows and Davies is part of that team and one of the heads. Warner Brothers had to protect their little cash cow until the movies were over and Emma couldn't damage their profits. Also, the Harry Potter spokesperson, Vanessa Davies, says Emma will be "transferring" but from Emma's own message (and it's later revealed), she was actually only just studying abroad, not transferring. Weird. April 2011 Associated Press Interview: I just knew I was going to be beating myself up because I wasn't going to be able to be doing the best that I knew that I could at school or in my job. If I'd been getting B's or C's I would've been really upset. Wonderland Magazine February 2014: You realize you can't do everything. I really did think I could do it all - commute back to the UK for Potter filming and press, then go to Brown for finals, and keep up with my friends and family. You can't do it by the way. You do have to take breaks. It's how I became interested in meditation and yoga. I developed bedtime rituals. Elle Magazine UK November 2011: Of course Harry Potter got in the way, with its relentless round of reshoots and promotion, meaning that Emma had to temporarily halt her studies at the start of this year. "I was basically commuting across the Atlantic. Taking a semester out wasn't what I wanted to do, but I am still enrolled at Brown." Collider.com Interview with Steve Weintraub November 14, 2010: Well, I keep trying to but she keeps finding her way back into my life. I still have two movies left to promote, and they’re still cutting and editing Part 2 so I might have to do some more voice recording and other stuff for it, so it’s a very gradual goodbye. I’m being eased out of it gently........I mean we are special, it is Harry Potter. But we only had two days—I was being sarcastic (laughs). Sorry, I have to like fill that in because otherwise it will be written, “we are special!” (laughs). But yeah we only had two days to shoot it and we needed so much more time than that. So yeah, we have reshoots at Christmas. So it’s not over. It’s not over yet guys! Echee says: Okay, what? Notice how in Wonderland Emma claims she was busy filming for Harry Potter and her Elle Magazine interviewer claims the same. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 filming ended in June 2010, and then for less than a week they had to reshoot the epilogue in December 2010 (they reshot around Christmas time, so Emma had already finished her Brown Semester). They re-shot the epilogue because the makeup/CGI made the actors look elderly instead of middle aged. Also, HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premiere was July 15, 2011. Generally press begins one month in advance (though you might do some magazine interviews 3-4 months in advance). Emma was not seen at any events/doing press until beginning of July 2011. She was stuck in Pittsburgh doing Perks of Being a Wallflower filming (which took place from May 9 to June 29, 2011) Emma was also filming for and doing work on her Lancôme stuff in March/April. How can she claim she was too busy during the Spring 2011 school year (which was from January 26 - May 20) with Potter filming and promotion? She did none of that. The overlap she had with school and non-school stuff was Perks filming and Lancôme filming/promotion. It had NOTHING to do with taking time off for Potter. Plus she was negotiating those deals for Perks in January 2011 and for Lancôme in December-ish. There was ZERO reason for her to take time off from school, but she did, because she was desperate for fame/money, and she blamed it on Potter to hide the truth. PopSugar On-Set May/June 2011 Interview with
Shannon Vestal Robson: Shannon: Have you read the book, and do you feel pressure to live up to it? Emma: I read the script first and then I read the book. It was so funny because I read the script and I came back to Brown and I told my roommates that I've just read this amazing script, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and my friends were like, "Oh, that's my favorite book. So jealous that you get to play Sam. If I was ever going to be in a movie, if I was ever going to play any character ever, it would be Sam. Notice how Emma mentions going back to Brown and asking her Brown roommates (Scout Willis, Madison Utendahl, etc.) about the book. So even during the Fall 2010 Semester, she was secretly thinking of filming Perks next year. And remember the interviews I posted above (from November 2010) where she claimed education and university came first? BS. She was already planning back in September 2010 (when she went back to Brown) about leaving next year. Also, remember this. Emma is claiming she was overworked with Brown and Potter stuff.....why in September 2010 was she looking at possible filming projects that would coincide with Spring 2011 Semester and Summer? If you claim you are overworked, why are you looking to add on more, extra, unnecessary work. She was also negotiating her Lancôme deal in December 2010 as well. Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 New York City Press Conference July 2011 (Listen at 17:30): "I'm going to Oxford, in the fall, to study English for a year. Just to explain, I haven't left Brown. I'm still enrolled at Brown, but I'm doing my third year abroad. Studying at home, abroad, for me. So I'll go back to the States to do my last year. I took a semester off but my A-Level credits actually count as an advance-place-me-out-a-semester so I'm no further behind, I'm still technically going into my third year. So, yeah, that's that." Something to remember is how Vanessa Davies (when the Harry Potter spokeswoman announced Emma was transferring from Brown in April)says "Watson, who plays Hermione in the wizard movie series, has decided to pursue a different course not offered at Brown". On Emma's EmmaWatson.com website in the FAQ section (undated), she says this: I was seriously torn as to whether to stay in the UK or go to the States as let's face it the UK has some of the best universities in the world. But, ultimately, I loved the course at Brown and really liked the idea of experiencing a different country and culture - and I must say I've never been happier, I absolutely love Brown. So strange how Emma + her Harry Potter spokesperson contradict each other. Emma claims she purposefully chose Brown (instead of staying in the UK for university) because she loved Brown's course, but then the spokesperson said the reason Emma is transferring is because Emma was sad that Brown didn't have the course she wanted to take. Emma reveals in the press conference that she will be studying English a Oxford. The thing is, Emma was and did graduate as an English Literature major. So Brown did have the course she wanted to take (which is what she earlier said). Okay so Watson claims here that despite taking an entire semester (3-5 classes) off, she's no further behind than the rest of her classmates. Damn, this girl must be such a hard worker to not fall behind. Still, is she telling the truth, lying as usual, or begging/threatening Brown University to give her special, unequal treatment? Fact checking Watson's "advance-place-me-out-a-semester" claim Brown University Office of the Registrar - The College, Advanced Standing Guidelines
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Anyway, there's a lot of information and I only parsed out a bit of it, but here's a quick summary. Basically, to graduate from Brown University, you need to take a minimum of 30 classes during your college years (can be at Brown or other approved colleges) and also a minimum of 8 semesters. Just to mention, A-Levels are the UK equivalent of American Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. Also, when Brown says "credits" they mean courses/classes. So, yes, Emma told the truth in that her semester standing is no further behind because her A-Levels counted as an extra semester. However! Emma is still behind in total number of classes taken because A-Levels do not count towards your degree requirement of 30 classes/courses. So she needs to take more classes per semester than the average person since she's behind.
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Vanity Fair May 2010 Interview: After shopping classes, she settled on European women's history, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and acting. “I think actually I'm the worst person in the class,” says Watson cheerily. So in Emma's first semester (that's the time period they're talking about), Emma took 3 classes - women's history (lol at this feminist class), Ovid, and acting. Brown requires students to take 3-5 classes a semester and so Emma took the bare minimum....kind of super lazy for someone so excited to get to college and start learning and whatever else she's been spouting for years. Okay, Brown's most basic, elementary requirement that ALL students have to fulfill to graduate is to take 30 classes. Since Emma only took 3 classes her first semester, that means 30 - 3 = 27 classes left to take over 7 semesters. Since Emma took a semester off but claims advanced standing, meaning she wants to graduate in May 2013 (September 2009 - May 2013), that means...... 27 classes over 6 total semesters. 27 / 6 = 4.5 classes per semester This I will go into detail in below, later, but just a heads up, Emma also took the Fall 2012 Semester off in order to film Noah. Because Emma had enough A-Levels, she did indeed get 2 semesters of advanced standing, but to graduate in 6 semesters means...... 30 minimum classes to graduate / 6 semesters = 5 classes a semester every semester Brown only allows you to take a max of 5 classes a semester and since Emma only took 3 classes her very first semester at Brown, it means it's impossible for Emma to graduate by May 2013 without special, unequal treatment....special treatment being either lowering the required 30 classes or allowing her to take 6 classes a semester, but come on, Emma is super lazy and unprofessional. Can you honestly see this girl doing 6 classes a semester when she lazily only took 3 classes her first semester? Freshman year is the easiest you know.... And their 30 classes requirement is their most basic requirement - to let her worm her way out of it would be absolutely disgusting.
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mrsteveecook · 6 years
5 updates (sleeping in the office, the engagement ring, and more)
Here are five updates from people who had their letters answered here in the past.
1. I’m supposed to sleep in the office when I travel for work
I just wanted to give you an update here since my last day at work is this Friday! After reading your advice and the 400+ comments from readers (wowza) I began looking for new work a few weeks after I submitted my question and am very excited for my new job. I’ll be getting a pay bump and will be at a much larger organization with more resources and structure.
While I was in the process of looking for new work, I had 2 more work trips scheduled with my job. Based on your advice, I told my manager I wasn’t comfortable staying in the office. There was a little bit of pushback on this, but it was finally agreed upon that I would stay in the CEO’s apartment while he was out of town on the first trip. On the second trip however, I stayed in another property he owned with another new employee (also a young woman). This second property had 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom (which could only be accessed by going through the bedroom). I got the bedroom while my colleague took the couch and it was a bit awkward for her to need to come in through my bedroom to use the bathroom a few times during the entire 3-day trip. Additionally, on the second night we were staying there the power went out in the entire apartment and both of us spent about 30 minutes searching around the house and property for the fuse box. The whole thing felt so ridiculous, at a certain point it became humorous.
Thanks again for your and everyone’s advice — I was crying from laughing so hard at some of the reader comments.
2. Do ethics rules prohibit accepting an engagement ring? (#4 at the link)
(Reminder of who’s who: Jennifer is the friend whose government lead told her she couldn’t accept an engagement rule from her fiance, Steve.)
Jennifer just called me back. After talking to her PM, she called Steve to talk to him, and he talked to his bosses. Apparently, my firm’s leadership didn’t even have to get involved. Steve’s bosses talked to Jennifer’s government lead’s bosses. Not only has this been quashed, the government lead is suspended pending dismissal! That happened QUICKLY. I’m absolutely gobsmacked at how fast this happened.
Apparently, this guy’s been an ass for much longer than Jennifer’s been at that client location. This was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. Hooray for happy endings!
3. How can I ward off coworkers who will want to touch my pregnant belly? (#3 at the link)
Thanks to you and your readers for answering my question about warding off unwanted belly pats while pregnant.
I’d hoped there would be something I could say once to my coworkers that would prevent it. After reading your advice and the commenters’, I realized that yeah, it would sound pretty weird to say, “I’m pregnant! Please don’t touch me.” As someone pointed out, normal people would find that off-putting, and boundary-violators would think it didn’t apply to them.
The good news is that I had very little unwanted touching. Only twice, actually.
The first was a coworker with whom I have a friendly but not close relationship. She put her hand on my stomach, and, reflexively, I did an exaggerated, “joking” cringe. She looked surprised, and I said lightly, “Oh, I’m not a touchy person.” (New use of the word “touchy,” but she knew what I meant.) She apologized, I said it wasn’t a big deal, and it was all good.
The other person was a job candidate! Bold move to rub your interviewer’s pregnant stomach. (She didn’t get the job, but not because of that.)
Something that helped keep people away was sitting down more. Typically, if someone drops by my cubicle to chat, I stand up. I stopped doing that while pregnant. In fact, I sat every chance I had. Having my belly out of arm’s reach made a difference, I think. Harder for people to pat it impulsively.
Thanks again for your advice, and for everybody’s suggestions and commiseration in the comments! I really appreciate it.
4. Should I tell references their recommended candidate was horrible?
Thank you so much for answering my question in your blog! I was so excited to see your advice. I decided against speaking to the references of my awful coworker, because it seemed petty. All that tarnishing his reputation to his references would do is put myself into an even more awkward situation of being one of the few people who could give him a reference, and having to tell him that he needed to look elsewhere for someone to recommend him.
I went to my boss and laundry listed the problems I’m encountering after reading your advice about seeing what we could do, despite his contract. Apparently, I was not the only one to complain and my manager was shocked it took me so long to talk with her, and said she noticed (as did many other people, apparently) that I was doing the work of two people to compensate for Fergus.
His contract was not renewed, and he will not be back anymore. I got assist in the interviews for the next person, and will handle bringing a new person in much differently, having learned a LOT from this past year. I’m very optimistic about how things will be from now on!
5. My whole team brings their spouses on business trips
When I originally wrote to you, I was surprised that so many employees brought spouses to conferences. I followed your advice – and the suggestions of many of the commenters – and avoided making a big deal out of it. I followed the company’s policy on travel authorizations, which meant encouraging employees to choose the cheapest travel options within reason.
As I talked to employees about these conferences, I discovered that several questioned the value of attending the same ones year after year. It was easy for me to approve a more flexible professional development plan, where employees could choose from several possible conferences or paid training options based on their interests, skill needs, or even the advertised keynote speakers. Several members of our team are trying new conferences this summer and fall, and one has selected going to a training workshop instead. And fewer members have mentioned bringing their spouses.
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I’m supposed to sleep in the office when I travel for work
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5 updates (sleeping in the office, the engagement ring, and more) was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager https://ift.tt/2ORQfCD
0 notes
survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 12 “Cries in Japanese” - Steffen
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http://youtu.be/fi-5lcsiBHc godt
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Okay now that I've got my composure back, here's a recap of what happened: 1) I made a chat with Steffen and Drew, made a very logical and reasonable plea, and awaited their reply for several hours 2) I flat-out told Dom and Ashton I would be voting for one of them for the sake of clarity. Ended up deciding on Ashton since he tried to lie to me again like I'm some idiot? 3) Steffen and Drew were honest with me - flat-out said they were sending me home 4) I get frustrated and rageful. I decide that just because they say I'm out doesn't mean I'm out, so I go to Ashton and spill tea on how they don't trust him 5) He runs back to Drew and tells him what I say 6) I explode in main chat because I have nothing to lose and make it a point to know that the 4 of them are tight 7) 45 minutes before tribal, Pippa messages me, saying how she likes my genuine nature, doesn't think I deserve to leave, and would be willing to hand me her and Andrew's idol. 8) I freak out and then find myself in a f3 alliance with the both of them - the deal is that I play the idol on myself and vote for Drew. (Which is what I did) 9) Before our idol exchange is complete, Sarah starts rage-calling me (on Snap and on Skype) to say that I wasn't going anywhere. 10) Confused, I let her continue as we go on call. She tells me of her special idol that resets the challenge. She promises to throw so that I can merge. and I was over here contemplating how I would face Matt and Bodhi after getting pre-merged. wowza! dont count miss crow out! VL Confessional: caw caw aint dead yet bitch!
Now that merge has come around, I've been offered wayyy too many alliances. First off, we have the general, villains alliance of the last 5 of us. Then we have the inner core of that between myself, Tommy, and Sarah. Then we have the true inner core of that between myself, Sarah, and Brian. Then we have the iconic power duo of myself and Sarah within that. THEN I'm now working with Andrew and Pippa in a final 3 alliance. AND ON TOP OF THAT Johnny is trying to orchestrate an alliance between myself, Brian, him, and Steffen AND THE CHERRY ON THE FUCKING CAKE Is that Drew is still trying to salvage w/e the fuck we have at this point... but I told him no. so. there's that. ANYWAYS. CROW HAS LIFE AGAIN IN THIS GAME!
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SO WOW! Honestly, the past 12 hours has been overwhelmingly shocking, and I've purposely taken a step back for multiple reasons. One was because I didn't want to dig too deep into people about what happened with Ashton's blindside, particularly with Crow and Steffen, and also I didn't want to be too eager. Last time I played I was way too eager at merge, and it caught me on the second vote, so I'm not trying to go down that early again this time. Let's recap though: 1. Crow got an idol given to him by a hero, and no one knows which one yet, and that person made a deal with him that Crow couldn't tell anyone, and it means he won't even tell me. 2. Crow doesn't trust Steffen anymore because Steffen voted for Crow originally, and then used his power, which made Crow think that Steffen didn't trust him, and that Crow would use his vote against Steffen, which made Crow wary. 3. Steffen had a second "idol" he didn't tell me about............ INTERESTING! I mean listen. I wouldn't have told Steffen if I found an idol either, but still, I partially thought we had an understanding, but I also totally wouldn't expect him to just give it to me, that's his, and he can do what he wants with it. If anything, I can guilt trip him about our idol. 4. Drew knew about Steffen's vote steal idol, which means that those two revealed themselves as a tight duo as well, and I know that I have that tight duo relationship with Drew, and also with Steffen, and in fact I share an idol with both of them, so I'm curious as to what they may or may not have told each other... All I will find out soon I'm sure. 5. Tommy told me that there was an alliance with Isaac, Kendall, Alex, Drew, Pippa, Andrew, but little does he know that I was in that alliance too, and I think it's getting out because Alex told Tommy after the aftermath of the Isaac vote, which is very interesting, and also turns out that Tommy was told I was the one that threw out his name, so Tommy may be wary of me at this point, and I need to look out for that. I told Trace and Dom that I was in that alliance, so this way they knew about it before they could be told I was a part of it as well, and they find me sketchy, and Steffen already knows. Last but not least, rip Ashton. What a great lad, and would've been an incredible sheep in my grand scheme, but now I need to look for alternative options. My plan for the day is to talk around, not talk about any proposals of plans or anything, except with Steffen, and then get Steffen back on Crow's good side. Brian and I did our part, and now Crow and Steffen need to go through therapy in order for the four of us to be able to be double agents for each other during this beginning phase of merge. I'm curious how this day is going to go on, but it shall be interesting to see how everything plays out. This is where the game takes a step forward, and everything resets, and I'm ready to play an under the radar snaky game. I think a lot of people trust me, and I'm going to have to do a lot of damage control along the way, but at this point, I'm playing with no fear, and I'm going full force into this merge in a very strategic manner, so bring it on!
Coming into merge, you need to count on your relationships, and I know mine are overly shaky, but I still think I can bounce back from some of them. These are the people I trust in order: 1. Steffen - My ride or die, he knows I won't turn on him, we share an idol together and I've told him almost everything about my game, but still huge threat. 2. Trace - Too standup of a guy, and I know he trusts me or Dom the most, but legitimately wants him, Dom and I in the finals, so I'm gonna keep with that. 3. Crow - I really don't see any benefit in Crow's game where he turns on me, and it's great to know that because we're that good of friends. 4. Dom - We don't talk as much one on one, but we still are pretty damn solid, and he doesn't seem like the kinda guy to make a move against me this early. 5. Andrew - I really really really want to work with Andrew probably more than anyone above, but at the same time, I've gotta just keep on my toes because he wants this bad and seems like he would do anything to get it. 6.Drew - I just don't think Drew is going to last deep, but we share an idol, and it seems our relationship was by force, but he was the one who asked for a deal, so i'll hold to it for now? 7. Tommy - Tommy is a fucking sociopath, but loves me for some reason. We'll see with that boy, but I see people coming for him hard soon, and I'm not going to be too bothered if he goes. 8. Brian - I built this relationship with Brian right when we swapped tribes, and I know he isn't too active, but I want to have his back for Steffen's sake, and hopefully it will transfer to my sake as well. 9. Junior - I have been bro'ing down with him a lot, and I think there's a very good shot that we can maintain a decent relationship for the time being, but I'm not looking to solidify deals or anything. 10. Pippa - I think she's still mad at me from the Isaac vote, and I just can't believe that she wants to work with me. I think Andrew will work on her for me. 11. Kendall - Kendall and I share a bit of interest in this game, and I think she has bigger fish to fry, but she's horribly inactive and doesn't deserve to be here anymore, and in order to knock down Sarah, I've gotta go for Kendall first. 12. Sarah - Easily the biggest threat to my personal game left right now. She knows that I threw her name around the only tribal we went to, and now I have a big Bull's Eye on my back, so I've just gotta lay low, remain cordial and hope she tries to use me for moves opposed to going for me. Only time will tell. I do know that Sarah/Brian/Crow/Junior are VERY close, I'm not too sure about Tommy, but he seems like he's not too hellbent on the Heroes vs Villains thing. I'm trying to lay low so hard, and I'm hoping to use my relationships to the best of my abilities for as long as I can, but I know I'm going to be under fire sooner rather than later. I really want to come off as unthreatening for the time being and hope that people don't see a purpose of coming for me, but at the same time, I want to utilize these idols that I have in my back pocket and show that I can add something to my resume, but only time will tell how things will go. I want to purposely not invest as much time in talking to people for the sole reason of sticking around longer, even if it's at the expense of my allies.
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so like...time to put the charm on trace his insecurities are getting idoled out and basically being a goat so hopefully i can convince him that hes being johnnys goat and that he can flip ... not that i want him to flip right away but hes now my work in progess WISH ME LUCK? FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK IMMA NEED IT 
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I've been lackluster on these, oops.  Hopefully I survive this round in order to ensure that I can be super extra in the following rounds and make more confessionals. Anyway, game stuff ! Crow and Steffen?  Not on great terms right now!  Hopefully that gets fixed because an alliance between the three of us plus Johnny is supposed to be a thing that's supposed to run this game.  So yea ! Crow and Sarah?  My parents!  Favorite alliance I have with my 2 "day 1s."  I'll try and stick loyal to this, however I think that going to the end with either of this people is death. I think I'm currently in a shitty position to win.  Like I'll need to become super duper likable quick because I'm currently sitting around big threat after big threat.  Sarah's being targeted.  Andrew's being targeted.  Drew's being targeted.  Johnny's being targeted.  Steffen's being targeted.  And of COURSE, almost all of these people are people I'd love to go far with.  But realistically, if I had to pick a final 3 right here, right now.  I'd love to go to the end with Pippa and Kendall.  I feel like they're both likable, but I feel like they're games are kinda lackluster up to this point.  Who am I to speak though when mine isn't too hot either? Anyway, that's just me rn.  I'll be back later after immunity!
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Okay so fuck. We merged. And first I'd like to say. Ahem. YES. TWAS I WHO STARTED THE FIRE UPON DREW'S HOUSE!! So fuckin basically I had been thinking about giving Crow the hero idol after his rant in the one world bc like I don't trust Drew and getting him out before merge would have been amazing. So I'm screaming about it in my host chat and then Pippa messages me hey I have a really awful idea and I'm like oh fuck we might have the same idea can we call and I'm like okay we'll say our ideas in the 3 2 1 and the it happens and we're both like "GIVE CROW THE HERO IDOL AND GET HIM TO KILL DREW" dfghjkl and I'm like AAAAA and she's like AAAAA and we're both like AAAAA ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!! ! !  ! ! ! ! !!! !  ! ! !!! ! ! Anyway Pippa gets good with Crow and I'm like fuck okay Crow seems like he's someone who plays based on loyalty but we could be TOTALLY fucking wrong BUT he does end up playing the idol and voting Drew. Perfect plan, right? Well know because Steffen exists. And I should have seen this shit coming because I knew from way back when from Isaac's rat ass that Steffen found that vote steal day 2. And of COURSE Steffen doesn't take the opportunity to vote Drew anyway because Steffen rarely makes big moves (looks back at the ballsy comment). So Ashton goes and I feel like shit but at the same time it sounded like Ashton was up Drew's ass so I'd rather him then Dom especially bc I think we wanna target Dom this round if he isn't immune? Also I now have Ashton's idol all to myself :~) Still woulda been nice tho if Drew went bc basically what this was was Drew asking too many questions about Alex leaving with the brawn idol so I basically called a meeting with Drew by some train tracks and was gonna push him in front of the next oncoming train house of cards style but... can't have everything! Honestly this was just Pippa and I being like - rather be iconic and lose than be boring and win. And like fuck it we tried making a power play okay? Idc I can say I tried. And now it's fuckin hilarious bc everyone's on a wild goose chase to find who gave Crow the hero idol bc it was actually revealed on an official pic that that was the hero idol lmao. Whoops! Also I'm pretty sure Crow told Sarah bc I got some interesting info from Junior last night that at like 8:30 Sarah had to get off call with Junior because Crow needed to call her and I'm like hmmmmmm but idk if he leaked who gave it to him. I know they're close tho. So now it comes down to who to take out. Basically Junior and I had a talk and there are kinda floater minions who can get far - specifically Kendall and Brian for Sarah and Dom for Drew. He initially wanted to go for Kendall or Brian but I suggested maybe link up with Sarah's crew first to take out Dom before Drew gets into too big of a power position. That way, I can be pushing my own agenda of continuing to work with Crow bc Pippa and I have a final 3 deal with him at this point. Which idk how strongly we're all gonna stick to it but I'd like to stick to it as long as I realistically can unless I'm voted out first? Yeah idk. We'll see. But this could also garner trust with Sarah. The other fun thing is if Dom (a hero) goes first then Junior's paranoid ass said he'd be fine taking out Brian (a villain) next, just because Junior still has a worry that the heroes will gang up on the villains and I'm like lmao at this point I don't trust most of the heroes left but okay Junior! Yeah honestly I'm gonna try working with Brian but we kinda have a messy history both in and out of the game, and I usually don't with people but I can at least try with him even thought I want him out soon? He probably wants me gone soon too so like oh well. Only person I haven't talked to all game tho. Also there's Johnny and Trace which side note - Johnny, Sarah, and Drew have kinda been labeled the leaders I think at this point? Idk if Junior, Pippa, and I are also seen as a faction but I guess we'll find out soon. So I'm looking out for Johnny too bc I'm kinda suspicious of him, and I think Trace is definitely with him. Anyway I think we'll get a clearer picture of wtf is happening after immunity results, but I just wanna make sure I'm good with Crow, keep Sarah from being paranoid, get a good target on Dom, and test the waters with Brian. Whew. I have my work cut out for me and if I flop 13th place here I come!
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Operation STAY UNDER THE RADAR is in full swing. Here's my philosophy on this. I think that I'm fairly safe this round, and my name will probably not go around, just due to the Villains who I have relationships with, and I just don't see it happening. I don't care if I'm on the wrong side of the vote this round because the second round of merge always proves to be the most hectic. Everyone wants the first round to be easy, which means that it's typically side vs side, but the second round is when everyone jumps around and starts acting crazy, and that's where I'll SLOWLY slide from the cracks. I don't care who goes, I hope idols and shit are played and, as long as it isn't me, I know I'm strategically capable to work any angle I need to next round, but why be pushy now? It's still final 13 and I'm not looking to become a target for at least 3-4 more rounds, until I have to finally start hustling at this game. It's all in the plan... It's all in the plan.
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Honestly, this round they're going for Junior or Kendall, and I, for the first time, have no fucking idea where those names came from, but once I know exactly who is doing what, I'm just going to make my rounds and make sure that people trust that I'm doing what they want me to do, so they think I'm more valuable. I'm at a point in the game where I am laying lower than I ever have before, and I think that this is going to be a really good round for me. I'm waiting to see which person my alliance of five is going to target, and then that's probably how I'll vote, and no one will think differently of me for it. Personally, i'd like it if Junior stayed and Kendall went home, but Junior going home wouldn't be horrible either because he's a villain, and I can't get a great read on him, but I'm also contemplating trying to scoop him up as an ally, so we'll see what ends up happening. This round should be pretty simple for me. I just have to play it cool, and then hope to advance my position as time goes on.
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I FEEL BETRAYED *blood drips from my heart* APPARENTLY there was an alliance made with Kendall, Sarah, Brian, Tommy, Steffen and Drew in it, and they're all trying to get Junior out tonight and I'm fucking choking. How DARE they try to do something without me? They must go bye bye now. I am absolutely using this to get the rest of the numbers onto voting for Kendall and hoping that it works. Again, I'm not going to go to town with this, but hopefully Kendall can go home tonight, and then Drew and Steffen have no choice but to come back to us, and then later on, I can even blame Tommy to Sarah and just say that I was going on self preservation and that  I need to do stuff to work on this.
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0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
How to Get a Non-Immigrant O-1 Visa for the USA
Yah. We are going back to the US on an O-1 visa
How can we get back to the US?
This has been the question we’ve repeatedly asked since we first moved back from the States in 2006 after living in Raleigh, North Carolina for two years.
We tried one option – invest in property.
Thanks to the Global Financial Crisis and some stupid real estate decisions on our behalf that one failed miserably. You can read more about that disastrous episode in our life in detail here. 
We resorted to the next option, me returning to teaching in Raleigh on a J-1 visa and Craig a J-2 visa. I lasted two years. It didn’t set my soul on fire. I returned home setting my teaching license on fire instead and threw everything I had into our travel blog.
And we still continued to ask the question, how can we move back to the US?
USA visa options
It didn’t seem we had any US visa options left that would work for us.
Invest a million dollars into a business over there that employs 20 Americans – not quite at that stage yet.
Win a Green Card in the Diversity Visa Lottery – we’ve been trying for over 10 years. Bit slow on the mojo there.
Business Visa – not quite what we were after, but slot it into Plan C, whenever we future out A and B. With this visa you can get up to 10 years, BUT…that’s not what we wanted. We wanted permission to live and work in the country with no limits on how many months of the year we could stay.
H3 Visa- this would mean we’d have to return to a job and be employed by an American company that would sponsor us, claiming that no other American could do our job. No thanks.
Tourist Visa – Plan E. 6 months permission to travel. Must leave the continent before returning for another other six months. Sounded really exhausting and not practical.
Visa Waiver – the least attractive option with 90 days permission to travel the country at a time.
Was our dream dead?
We almost gave up, but with the strong calling we had to return to the US, I had an inkling the Universe would shuffle things around to get us there.
I really felt my life had no other option but to live in the US. It’s the fiercest calling I’ve had and I know it’s the right choice for my life path.
There must another visa option for us?
A couple of years ago, we read a blog post by Gala Darling mentioning how she got a visa to live in the US as a New Zealander. I reached out to her to ask her how. She told me she got an O-1 non immigrant visa and gave me the details of her immigration lawyer.
The wheels started turning.
We chatted to her immigration lawyer to get a clearer picture of whether we satisfied the o-1 visa requirements.
Perhaps, I didn’t feel confident enough in my extraordinary ability at this stage and the success of our blog to carry us, or perhaps I did not feel confident in the lawyer, or perhaps he in us.
Whatever it was, we didn’t pursue it, adding it to the do it later bucket. We had a lot going on with the blog and had just started traveling around Australia, so it was not a current priority.
When our Australian road trip finished and we settled on the Gold Coast, the stirring began again.
How can we move back to the US?
One day, Craig was scrolling through Instagram and saw an update from Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, saying how she had just been granted her non-immigrant visa to the US.
It was the same O-1 visa Gala had and Natalie generously gave us the details of her immigration lawyer, James Hollis from Siskind Susser PC, one of the leading immigration law firms in North America.
This time we felt confident. And this is when the wheels really started turning and our vision for our America Unplugged Road Trip across all 50 states began.
We emailed James and then had an initial Skype chat and liked him straight away. James is a Southerner and after living in Raleigh for four years, it’s a warmth we can connect with easily. It’s true what they say about Southern charm!
James is also an expert in O-1 visa applications and clearly explained the process and the investment – in time, energy and finances – and had much confidence and excitement for our case.
He was upfront with us in regards to the possibility of us getting approved as our business had grown a lot since we last thought about the O-1 visa.
Basically, the 0-1 visa requires that you have extraordinary ability in your particular field, much like actors and actresses have to prove their expertise in entertainment.
For us, we had to prove extraordinary ability in the art of travel blogging – details on all that down below!
When you have a strong calling for something like this that we have, don’t take a no as a definite end, but a delay helping you to get ready to shine your best.
Should you get an immigration lawyer for US non-immigrant O-1 visas?
We had two options.
Put the O-1 visa application together ourselves, not having a clue about the visa class and process and probably getting it all wrong. This was a huge risk we weren’t prepared to take.
Invest in James to do the job he’s a specialist at and bring it over the line.
After taking a read of the qualifications for this visa listed below, what would you do?
O-1 Visa Qualifications:
To qualify for an O-1 visa, you have to either win an award like the Nobel Prize or present evidence of at least three of the following:
Documentation of the alien’s receipt of nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor.
Documentation of the alien’s membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their disciplines or fields.
Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the alien, relating to the alien’s work in the field for which classification is sought, which shall include the title, date, and author of such published material, and any necessary translation; [i.e. published material about you/what you do]
Evidence of the alien’s participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or in an allied field of specialization to that for which classification is sought.
Evidence of the alien’s original scientific, scholarly, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field; [i.e. letters from journalists and other experts in the field attesting to your contributions and why they are significant]
Evidence of the alien’s authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional journals, or other major media; [i.e. published material by you]
Evidence that the alien has been employed in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation.
Evidence that the alien has either commanded a high salary or will command a high salary or other remuneration for services, evidenced by contracts or other reliable evidence. [i.e. contracts with companies / governmental entities showing that you have commanded high remuneration for your services]
Guess what we did? We hired James.
James also mentioned that the spouse of an O-1 visa holder (spouses and children get O-3 visas) do not get work authorization. His initial plan was that we could bring one of us over as an O-1 and the other as an O-2 (a visa for support staff). But, a closer reading of the regulations revealed that O-2’s are only available for O-1’s in arts and athletics.
So, unfortunately, that option was off the table. For both of us to work (run our business while we’re in the US) we both needed to qualify for the O-1 visa.
After going through the complete process now, and having a three-year visa stamped in our passports, I am so glad we invested in James. As we sat in the US consulate office in Sydney the other week waiting for our interview and final visa approval with our 500-page application document each (not a typo), Craig and I said to each other,
“Imagine if we tried to do this ourselves. There’s just no way we would have got it right.”
Just reading James’ cover letter for the petition went over my head with the legalese. I’m sure we would have bombed it.
The O-1 visa
Why the O-1 visa for us?
The O-1 visa could grant us non-immigrant status for a period of up to three years. That means we have permission to live and run our business in the country for that long without any visa renewal requirements or having to leave the country.
Now, it might sound confusing as we are moving to the US for three years, which seems like a migration type thing. But, it’s a non-immigrant visa as we don’t have permission to stay there permanently – yet.
For the O-1 visa, immigration can grant you a period of either one, two, or three years. Fortunately, we were granted the full three-year period. Yah. And after the three years, we will be working with James again to ask for an O-1 visa extension.
I do know of another Aussie who has followed the same path, and after six years of O-1 he was able to apply for a green card. Fingers crossed!!!
If you’ve ever wondered how those Aussie actors and actresses can take Hollywood by storm, it’s on an O-1 visa.
This visa is a business non-immigrant visa for individuals with an extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, athletic, or motion pictures. Why thank you. Yes. We are extraordinary!!
When we approached the interview desk at the US consulate in Sydney, the lady asked with a smile on here face,
“Why are you extraordinary?”
It was quite the thrill to hear and answer that! I think I may greet every person I meet like that from now on.
To qualify for an O-1 visa, you must demonstrate extraordinary ability by sustained national or international acclaim and must be coming temporarily to the United States to continue work in the area of extraordinary ability.
We have extraordinary ability in the art of travel blogging and are moving to the US to blog about travel in the US and partner with specific tourism boards and travel brands.
After consulting with his firm, James decided the best route for us to take was having an agent represent us.
The best way to obtain an O-1 visa in your situation is to go through an agent. The only substantive requirement is that you sign a contract with the agent where the agent confirms that they are your agent for US immigration purposes and that the agent will be assisting you in negotiating and obtaining engagements for you to do work. The agent will sign the US immigration documents – drafted by me – on your behalf. This is the easiest way to make sure that you don’t have to negotiate contracts 3 years out before filing for the O-1 or get the O-1 for a shorter period and extend it several times while you’re in the US.
So, if you get an O-1 visa, it means you are at the top of your field, and you have to prove it, hence the 500-page document and over six month period getting all the documents in order.
It did take us longer, we actually started this process with James way back in December 2015 as we have so many balls to juggle, and so much going on that we move at a turtle’s pace most of the time.
The problem with being extraordinary in travel blogging is that the business requires you travel a lot, which sucks up your time and energy to do other things.
But, we got there eventually, and my philosophy is that it’s always at the right time.
Required documentation for the O-1 visa
Letters of recommendation
We had to source 10 reference letters each from people in our field who knew of our extraordinary ability. This included other extraordinary bloggers in our field and extraordinary people we had worked with!
Thanks guys, you know who you are!!!
Examples of contracts
We provided several examples of contracts we’d had previously with other companies we’d partnered with. We had to prove that we had the ability to generate our own income.
Also, we had to provide contracts for work arranged already in the US. This was a hard one for us. We couldn’t sign off on any contracts with companies in the US as we didn’t have visa approval yet.
Instead, we provided letters of intent from various companies and tourism boards showing that we intended to work together upon visa approval.
Three-year itinerary
Four weeks after we sent in our initial application to US Immigration in the US, they returned with a request for more information – a detailed three-year itinerary of our travels.
Because we were applying for the full three years, they wanted to know:
Each state and destination we would be visiting
Specific dates for each destination and length of stay
Story ideas for each destination
Who we would be working with at each destination (sponsors/partnerships)
Can you imagine how difficult it is to project a 3-year detailed travel itinerary and partnerships when we plan to visit all 50 states?? Lol. 
42 pages and several days later we had our three-year itinerary sent to them. Of course, we had a disclaimer at the bottom of this itinerary stating:
“This itinerary is subject to change. It is difficult to confirm all dates for the next 3 years on a touring schedule as we are still working on booking these tours with our corporate and tourism board partners.”
The positive of this – from researching things to do in all 50 states, we now had an idea of what to write about. There year content plan. I like it!
Going back to Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah with our kids is definitely on our list.
Examples of our extraordinary ability
This is where the bulk of the application document pages came in.
We provided evidence of where we had been featured online, on TV, radio, and print.
Also, we showed where we had spoken at conferences and blogging events demonstrating our extraordinary ability in leading others within our field. And this also included any travel blogging awards or recognition we had received.
Memberships of Associations
We showed that we were members of the North American Travel Journalists Association (NATJA) and the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW).
These are paid memberships within these organizations, memberships that require you to demonstrate a level of success with your blog.
Panel and judging panels
We provided evidence of where we had assisted in the judging of other’s work in our field and any relevant panels.
Role Description
We each had to write a letter on behalf of the other outlining the various roles we each play within the business and on the road, and why we are each a necessary part of our brand.
In a nutshell, these are our roles.
Chief writer
Email marketing
Public speaking
Brand ambassador
Products and courses creator
Video host
Freelance writer
Book keeper
Homeschooling teacher
Social Media Manager
Business Manager
Research and travel planning
Assistant website designer
Assistant homeschooling teacher
The O-1 visa process
The basic flow of how it all came together.
Collect all the required supporting documentation. This took us about six months from people and companies around the world. It was intense.
File petition form I-129, a petition for non-immigrant worker. It should be filed at least 45 days before the date of employment in the US.
Once submitted, the approval process is 4-6 weeks. However, they may come back with a request for more information. It took six weeks for us to receive an initial response, which was a request for our three-year itinerary. That took us some time to put together as it was over Christmas. Once we finally resubmitted in January we received word quite quickly after two weeks that it was a YES!!
But, wait there is more.
This is where it gets complicated and I don’t understand why this happens.
Once approved, you still have to submit another application form online, the DS-2019, and apply for an in-person interview at the nearest US consulate to you. We were so lucky to grab an appointment two weeks away. The next available appointment wasn’t until April, months later. Be prepared for delays like this.
You then attend the interview at the US consulate for your final approval and to get your visa stamped in your passport (hopefully).
For our interview, James advised us to print off our entire application document – 500 pages each! Just in case they wanted to go through it. This cost us $120 at a local printer shop. They didn’t even look at it, but it was better to be prepared. We didn’t want to come all this way to kill ourselves in the final moments. We paid careful attention to the website, which stated no bags or phones were allowed in the consulate and there were no storage options. So we left them all at home and took the 1-hour train ride to Sydney and arrived with our brick-heavy paperwork in a plastic bag to a line full of people on their phones and carrying bags, and storage facilities present!! I tell ya we deserved that final yes
They take your passport to give you the visa and then send it back priority post. We got it back the next day.
Honestly, we didn’t really. I was so exhausted by the process, and I felt like it was such a given for us for so long, that it just felt kinda like another normal day.
It was a weird reaction. I’m super glad we’re starting our America Unplugged journey in Hawaii. I think I need that tropical, island aloha vibe to kickstart me.
I think that is where we’ll celebrate.
Costs of the O-1 visa
The visa costs for us two as O-1 applicants, plus various costs to bring our kids:
Form I-129 ($325 x2)
Machine Readable Visa Fee ($190 x4)
Immigration Lawyer fees for James ($4,500 x2 USD)
Printing off documents ($150+)
Passport photos x4 ($80)
Membership Fees for NATJA ($175×2) and SATW ($175×2)
DS-2019 fees ($1,026)
Reciprocity fee for Aussies only at US consulate ($420)
TOTAL COST – $16,304 (Australian Dollars)
We were shocked when after our final visa approval at the interview we were asked to go to the payment counter to pay ANOTHER $420.
Haven’t we already paid all the fees through the process?!!
We timidly asked the man what we were now paying for and why. He said it was a reciprocity fee – because the Australian government charges US non-immigrants an issuance fee, the US charges Aussies back. Thanks for that Aussie government!!
Frightened by the cost of the O-1 Visa?
We hear ya!
It’s a BIG investment.
Weigh up the investment carefully. It’s not just money either, it’s time and energy. You really want to have this visa and you do have to prove you’re extraordinary ability so if you doubt you can do that, then don’t do it, you’ll waste your money.
For us, it was about the return on the investment. It’s an investment in ourselves and our business that we believe will reap big benefits in the long-term.
It’s all about perspective.
Yeah, $16,000 is not chump change for us, but when we think about, Australian families won’t think twice about outlaying $15,000 – 20,000+ on a 3-4 week family holiday to the US, so it’s a pretty good price for three years.
This is about opportunity!
It’s the next step in our life and business to move to the US.
Not only have we been attempting to find a way since 2007, way before the blog was born, but we believe we’ve accomplished most of what we want to do blog wise in Australia now.
It’s time for us to take our business to the next level – and we LOVE traveling in the US, it’s such an amazing family travel destination, and our readers are very excited about following our journey. 
I don’t like stagnation. I love to grow and evolve. The US is a much bigger pond, which is bloody scary, but thrilling at the same time. And it also places us in the Northern Hemisphere. There is way more opportunity for travel stories there.
Australia is so damn isolated and so bloody big and desolate, there really is a finite number of things you can write about travel in Australia and it’s such an effort and expense to venture outside its borders.
So the investment made sense and after running the figures, and making a few cuts here and there, we could see that the return we’d get would be far bigger.
I feel exactly how I felt when we left to go on our Australian road trip. Fear that comes with risk. Knowing that this could totally be the wrong decision and it will screw us. But, believing that the words my heart speak to me are truth, if I don’t follow it then the consequences will be greater.
So it’s a thrilling risk.
A risk that I know deep inside of me will pay off.
I know I’ll look back in a few years time, possibly when we’re extending our US visa for another three years, and say, boy I am so glad we took that leap and made that risk. It was the best decision I ever made. I sure said that about the Australia leap.
Rinse. Repeat.
When you take the time to connect the dots of your life looking back, you have more confidence to move forward.
You see the patterns, you can identify with them, and you can make clear and confident decisions that involve a large investment of money, and even more of time!
Follow our “America Unplugged” Road Trip
Teaser video:
We depart Australia on March 20, 2017 (just 2 weeks from this publication date).
As mentioned, our first stop is Hawaii, a place I’ve yet to visit. Craig visited way back in 1994 and we are excited to take the kids there.
What happens after that? Plans are being created behind the scenes.
To follow our journey:
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Bring. It. On.
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