yugogeer012 · 1 year
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It's back and I finally reached 500 pages baby~!
Pages 500-505
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r-edacted · 1 year
skateboarding isn't that hard guys I promise (ZeexEmma)
a/n: this is literally the first time I've EVER written a fanfic so I apologize if this is crummy. There were no cooks in the kitchen so I had to make my own food. I don't have an ao3 account so imma have to slap it here until I can get one! enjoy! Emma has never touched a skateboard in her life despite her athleticism. She always gravitated more toward things like tennis or volleyball. But finding out that one of her good friends did skateboard she decided she wanted to try. So they agreed to meet at the skatepark after school. It can't be as hard as riding a bike right?
Oh how wrong she was. 
"Hey ems you don't have to get on the board if you're not ready," Zee assures, noticing Emma's nervous expression. She's seen people skateboarding on TV before. Chase even used them in his stupid pranks but has never actually tried to ride one before. She was now remembering all those epic skateboarding fail compilations she's seen go viral online. But she was ready! Emma made sure to get the proper protective gear before asking Zee to teach her. 
"Don't worry Zee I'm ready! Besides, I always get a bit nervous before doing stuff like this." Emma replied. She didn't want Zee to think she feared a board with wheels.
"Alright, well first you get on the board. Remember balance is important and so is staying chill." Zee demonstrates by standing on his board with the greatest of ease. They take a swig of their soda while balancing on the board. "Easy as one, two…uhhhh.." zee trails off. "Three?" Emma finished. "Yea! Three! There are so many numbers to keep track of, it's crazy!" Zee laughed and Emma giggled. Zee got off their board and gestured to Emma to give it a go. "Your turn ems!" Emma took a deep breath and slowly placed her right foot on the board feeling it shift slightly. Then her left foot, keeping her feet on the two couples of screws that are screwed into the board. "That's it ems!" Zee cheered. "Bend your knees a bit to give yourself more balance." Zee bent their knees as an example. Emma mimicked Zee and felt the board roll a bit to the right causing her to yelp in surprise. She instinctively started holding her arms up to keep her balance, making her wobble a bit. "Woah! Easy skateboard!." She nervously shouted. Zee rushed behind Emma just in case she fell. "Don't worry ems if you happen to slip I got you. You won't fall." Zee assures. "Thanks, Zee." Emma calmed down and was back to being balanced on the board. “Do you want me to push you a bit so you can get used to the board moving?” zee asked. “ Totally! If I can't skateboard I at least wanna feel like I can” Zee smiled. “Cool! Alright here we go, keep your arms out ems." Zee gingerly held Emma's waist and began to push Emma across the skate park. Starting slow but gradually gaining speed until Zee was lightly jogging across the pavement. “WOHOOO! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN ZEE!” Emma laughed. Zee grinned looking at Emma's excited face. However, Zee probably should've focused on the ground because they tripped on a rock causing Zee to let go of Emma. Emma shrieked waving her arms in the air as her skateboard speeds to a chain link fence. “Emma look out!” Zee bolted off the ground and sprinted to the board and pulled Emma off, but being a string bean meant that he wasn't able to hold her. Zee folded like a lawn chair but was able to shield Emma from the impact of falling on the pavement and landed on Zee’s lap. “OMG zee are you ok?” Emma looked down at Zee. “Yup..im ok!” Zee gives a weak thumbs up as they open their eyes to see Emma above them. Emma’s face softened when seeing her friend had no series injuries. “I'm just glad you didn't get hurt bro” They smile at each other before Emma realized how close their faces were. Emma's face gains a light pink hue and bolts up. “Haha yea, that was so much fun! We should totally do this again sometime or not I don't know whatever you like haha!” Zee gets up and walks to the fence to grab their board. “Yea, I think we should pause the skateboarding lessons until tomorrow. Wanna go get some ice cream?” Emma's face brightened with excitement while putting her skateboarding gear in her backpack. “Heck yea! You buying?” “Who said I was?” “Says me Hezekias” Emma taunts. “Well considering I did save your life today id say you owe me one” Zee gives a triumphant look at Emma and she caves. “Alright alright fine.” She grins and gives Zee a soft punch on the arm while the two walk to the ice cream parlor nearby.
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deepseawave · 4 years
Everyone loves Kirishima
Kirishima and Shinsou
Kirishima approaches Shinsou while he’s eating dinner in the cafeteria
Ojiro and Bakugou are looking at them (Ojiro seems a bit worried, Bakugou’s just staring and looks kind of annoyed maybe)
“Hey I’m Eijirou Kirishima! You were super awesome at the sports festival! You were really determined” he clenches a fist, gives a wide smile, sharp teeth on display “it’s so manly to put so much effort into reaching your goals!”
Shinsou is annoyed and apprehensive
Is he going to ask him to mind control someone for him? Is he mocking him? Is he going to tell him that he’s destined to be a villain with that power or some shit? What does this obnoxious person want from him?
“What do you want?”
Kirishima chuckles, nervously drumming his fingers on the table (he took a seat at Shinsou’s table, further annoying the tired boy)
“Oh… yeah, well, you know your power is really amazing and I kinda- well, I wanted to ask you if you could use it on me? It’s so strong and I wanted to feel it myself, you know?”
Shinsou is baffled, this guy just randomly comes up to him, all smiles and compliments and - he realizes - he’s genuinely in awe of him and now he’s asking to be brainwashed??? What the hell kind of prank is that? What’s with this boy?
Kirishima takes his silent staring as a sign that he overstepped some boundaries
“You can totally refuse to do it!”
Shinsou’s still not saying anything,
Kirishima stands up and goes to leave “I’m really sorry for bothering you and wasting your time like that, it won’t happen again!” he bows
“You really want me to use my quirk on you?“
“Yeah! I mean, only if you want to…”
Shinsou narrows his eyes suspiciously
“You willingly allow me to control you?”
Kirishima nods excitedly
“Yeah! You can tell me to do whatev-“
His eyes glaze over and he’s quiet, expression neutral
Shinsou is still taken aback by how easily Kirishima put his trust in him and gave up control over his own body like that, who would do anything like that as if it were the easiest thing in the world to do?
Kaminari comes over and pokes Kirishima in the side
“Whoa, that’s hella creepy dude, he looks nothing like himself like this. So lifeless…” he shudders
Shinsou shrugs his shoulders, he looks at Kiri and tells him to do a push-up
Kirishima drops down to the floor and does as told, clapping his hands together when he pushes back up, before stopping in his tracks in the original position (his hands and feet still on the ground, ready to drop back down if necessary)
That’s a bit odd, Shinsou thinks to himself
“He’s so extra, of course he’d add a small challenge like that if he’s not doing his usual amount of push-ups, this guy” Kaminari snorts
“Oh! I know! Tell him to give me a high five and a hug!” he demands getting all in Shinsou’s face
“Whatever” Shinsou deems it harmless and orders Kirishima to do it
Kirishima stands up and high fives Kaminari and to Kami’s and Shinsou’s surprise he keeps moving his hand and Kami catches on and grins while going through their handshake (the squad would totally have a handshake and Bakugou of course refuses to do it)
Afterwards Kirishima hugs Kaminari, who’s smiling “Wohooo! Even like this, he’s still the best hugger!”
The hug only stops when Kaminari stops reciprocating and steps back from Kirishima
Shinsou’s now frowning, what the hell…?
“Cut the shit, Pikachu!” Bakugou calls, glaring at Kaminari
“Hey brainfuck, tell hair for brains to get his ass over here and eat his fucking vegetables!!”
Shinsou rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to retort but Kaminari grabs both him and Kirishima and drags them over to their table
Shinsou is kind of intrigued though, sure his quirk seemed to take effect, but Kirishima was still acting kind of strange…
“Eat your vegetables Kirishima”
Kirishima takes his chopsticks and puts some broccoli in his mouth, as soon as it touches his tongue and he bites into it his mouth twists slightly and he scrunches up his nose
Bakugou is watching closely
After eating two pieces of broccoli Kirishima takes a piece of meat and chews on it slowly
“Would you look at that, even Shinsou can’t make Kirishima eat all his vegetables! You can stop trying now Bakugou!” Sero says while laughing at Bakugou
“Fuck you tape face!”
Shinsou is kind of perplexed, what is this? What is up with this weird guy? What’s his deal? How is he doing that?
Kirishima keeps eating the vegetables on his plate with slight disdain on his face while throwing in some meat in between bites (Bakugou: “fuck you soy sauce, you were wrong, he is eating his goddamn vegetables”)
After he is done with his food, Shinsou releases him
Kirishima looks at his plate “You made me eat my vegetables?” He looks over at Bakugou with a pout “You can’t play dirty like that, that’s cheating, Bakugou!”
“Not manly at all” he mutters with a pout, Bakugou sneers
Kirishima elaborately thanks Shinsou, still in awe of his amazing quirk
Shinsou goes back to his own table and mulls over the incident
Two days later Kirishima sees him in the hallway and approaches him again, waving and smiling
“Thanks again, it was really nice of you to do that even though you don’t really know me!”
“Your quirk is super strong! I don’t even really remember most of what happened while you were using it on me! Man, you really are awesome and crazy strong!”
“Thanks I guess, you’re really weird though”
“Huh? Why’s that?”
“You’re too trusting if you’re so willing to be used like a puppet by someone you haven’t even talked to before”
He shrugs “I trust you man, you want to be a hero just as much as everyone else here and your resolve is impressive, from what I know you’re a good person, so why should I be worried?”
Shinsou just stares at him (he still looks at ease - standing so close to him, talking to him - even after being brainwashed and forced to do things, he’s even praising him, calling him a good person?? W h a t ?)
“Making me eat so many vegetables wasn’t very nice though!” Kirishima says jokingly, laughing
“Oh! That reminds me- I think I found a loophole or something? After doing whatever it was you instructed me to do, there was a brief moment of clarity in my mind? Like, it was all foggy before, but for a moment I could think and do stuff? Like clapping my hands or sneaking in some meat! I gave it some thought and you could counter that by giving the person you’re using your quirk on multiple different things to do to keep them busy after completing a task. Or maybe you could tell them to stand by and wait for further instructions, which is a task in and of itself, whoa, that’d be super cool if it worked, kind of like they’re a robot or something …”
Kirishima keeps rambling excitedly
Shinsou isn’t able to say anything, he’s overwhelmed, this guy is too much for him, he’s this close to brainwashing him again, just to make him stop talking and freakin smiling already, this can’t even be real, he’s too trusting, too nice, too excited, too fucking helpful, too loud, too bright, he’s like a goddamn puppy and Shinsou can’t handle it
“Ok. Thanks. Bye.” He practically runs away, his mind screaming internally cause omg, this guy is just too much of everything and he can’t tell why he does what he does
And that’s how Shinsou starts recognizing red hair he previously didn’t care about one bit and now Kirishima still manages to catch him off guard by just being himself
part 1/Shoji
part 2/Shinsou
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