omenousraven · 3 months
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Voidstar a.k.a Xisuma of Hermitclan
Voidstar (previously Voidstep) plays his position as leader pretty softly, preferring a more input focused method to leading his clan. Of course, this doesn't mean he takes his position of leader lightly.
Having been leader for a while at this point, Voidstar is one of the few members of Hermitclan to remember a time when the twoleg scrap yard was considered a new thing, and he was there when the clan first began to try to put use to their unusual situation. Voidstar was even the first cat out of Hermitclan to wear a helmet into battle, after scavenging it from the twolegs.
Currently, Voidstar has managed to keep 8 of his nine lives, loosing the first after cutting himself on rusty metal while scavenging.
Voidstar also falls into the rank of shaper, a Hermitclan specific sub rank that has the extra duty of putting to use the materials scavenged from the scrapyard.
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raisans-art · 2 years
Who were the first cats to form Hermitclan? I assume Voidstar came first but was there anyone with him at the very start? If he was alone who do you think was the first to join him?
Sorry for all the questions this is just a very interesting au
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It started with Voidstar (X) who was still Voidstep at the time out in exile. As he traveled, he befriended a lot of cats and they formed a group and eventually settled down in a territory and officially formed a clan.
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pink-beast-rhino · 4 years
When Limbo voidsteps with his dash he can’t hit or be hit by enemies. But if he’s in his pocket void and you enter operator mode, you can hit and be hit by others.
If you’re doing kuva missions you can voidstep with limbo and keep him there, only Operatoring out to gank the Kuva clouds and return to the frame for immunity
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ardenttheories · 5 years
could you do a knight of void? please?? :'))
The Knight of Void is one who Exploits/Protects Void, or Exploits/Protects with Void, for the benefit of the team, which is Confusion, Uncertainty, Secrets, Irrelevance, the Void itself, the Unknown, Hidden things, and Doubt.
As a general rule of thumb, all Knights put up a facade that covers their feelings of feelings of inadequacy. While they don’t lack their Aspect, they often feel that they do, and thus try to present themselves as who they’d rather be. 
Of course, the Knight of Void complicates this somewhat. It’s a facade of Lack - a facade to cover up a lack of Lack. It doesn’t quite work, it sounds contradictory, and in some ways it is. So, how does this work?
The Knight may have no facade at all - rather, they have what other people perceive as a facade. Their true Self is right there in view, perfectly open and willing, but everyone mistakes it for a show, and therefore it always goes under the radar. It can be a very lonely existance if everyone assumes that you’re someone you’re not - especially when you’re being nobody but yourself.
On the other hand, the Knight may put up a facade of sheer confidence, of someone who knows everything, someone with booksmarts and a place in the world - all to hide the fact that they have no idea what the fuck is going on. They’re so aware of the Irrelevant that they begin to worry that maybe they’re Irrelevant, too, and it eats away at them until they become desperate to front as someone with Importance. 
In truth, they can be Withdrawn and quiet. They’re very subtle people, and when their facade isn’t in place - or, in the first instance, just all the time - they tend to slip easily into the background. It can be hard to remember that they’re even there, and people might find that the Knight sneaks up on them without meaning to, simply because they just… forgot that the Knight existed.
In that sense, people might even struggle to remember the Knight’s name. Like they’re always getting it wrong, or that it’s just on the tip of their tongue, they should know it, but they just don’t.  
They’re wonderful at keeping Secrets, and likely have no desire to share the Secrets they know at all - and would initially be very unwilling to Exploit them. 
They would be filled with Doubt and Confusion over their actions. They’d struggle to figure out if what they’re doing is right, if it has meaning, if everything is completely Meaningless; they’d worry that they have no place in the world, with their friends, in the session - and this, admittedly, is likely what causes the facade in the first place.
They’re so terrified of being forgotten that they either try to cover themself up with a personality that can’t be forgotten (yet still is anyway), or they try to be themselves as much as they can so that their genuine personality can win out in people’s minds (yet it never does). 
It’s a knock to their confidence that likely has the Knight struggling from day one. Even if they started getting into the swing of things - the way most Knights do, leading forward and taking on a fairly immediate role - they might still worry that they’re not enough, not good enough, not doing enough. 
The irony is, of course, that they’re more than competent Players. 
They can Exploit anything that is Hidden or Unknown - such as Secrets that might be able to topple a dynasty, or a legendary item that actually exists but is lost in some dark, cavernous place. 
They can Exploit the Void itself, and the ambiguity that comes from it. Becoming invisible, or turning other Players invisible, by making them Irrelevant is a big part of that - but so is Exploiting the Void that exists within someone, the ways that they don’t Matter or Lack. 
They can Exploit that a weaker Player is always ignored by giving them an item of extreme importance, thereby keeping it Hidden in plain sight. They can Exploit Irrelevancy to make someone like the Black King mean nothing in the overarching Importance of the game, thereby making it easier to win - because the game would recognise him as an Optional Boss rather than a Required Boss.
They could Exploit Void in incredibly potent ways, such as by Voiding out people or things - quite literally using the Void to keep them Hidden from view - or by using the Void itself to forge Hidden pathways and shortcuts throughout their Lands. There might be some areas that are just so Unimportant that the Knight can Exploit their Irrelevancy, making them hubs of activity for Players that will always go under the radar. 
In an admittedly ironic twist of events, it might turn out that the Knight’s friends are just… incredibly nosy. They always try to figure out things that they shouldn’t, things that might make them suffer if they ever Knew about it. Some of the Knight’s Exploitation of Void (and subsequent Protection with it) could just be Hiding things from other Players that would drive them mad or Grimdark. Some things just shouldn’t be known; some things are best left in the Darkness to fester and rot.
Additionally, they’d be master blackmailers. On top of Protecting Secrets, they can Exploit them, too - so, imagine someone who knows every dark Secret you’ve ever tried to keep close to your chest. Now imagine you’re going to go to something dumb, and the Knight threatens to tell everyone that thing you’ve never, ever wanted anyone to know. Needless to say, the Knight wouldn’t have to try hard to stop Players from doing bad things. 
They could (potentially) Exploit Grimdarkness. While definitely not guaranteed (and very dangerous), the Knight could harness the power of Grimdarkness with complete mental control. We’ve already seen the sort of power Rose and Eridan wield when the Void and Horrorterrors take control - so you can surely imagine how powerfully destructive the Knight of Void would be when they Exploit the Grimdarkness to have their own will in tact throughout it. 
Despite how flashy they can be, they prefer to work from the Shadows, silent and Unseen. Even in combat, they always attack first, and the battle is often over before it’s even begun. 
They can likely Exploit Darkness, too, and weaponise it in some way. Perhaps that means by using Darkness to cover up giant holes for enemies to fall down, or by using Shadows to make a room look like it’s filled up by more people than it actually is. They may even be able to twist Shadows around to look like terrible creatures - though they probably couldn’t make the creatures come to life. A Shadow is, after all, just a Shadow - a lack of Light. 
On top of that, there may be a Hidden skill which is specific only to the Knight. It would likely unlock with Godtiering, and there’s quite literally anything it could be - so long as it’s Hidden within them until they truly need it. This might be a very special, very powerful fraymotif, one that they don’t need to pay for to unlock, or an ability that isn’t actually Void-related at all.
Or, maybe it is Void-related, and they can just create supermassive blackholes. That’s an Exploitation of nothing on a massive scale. 
Naturally, there’s much smaller abilities that are specific to them - such as Voidstepping. I’d honestly say it’s exactly what Flashstepping is, except the Knight is Exploiting the Void to step through Hidden paths rather than just going really, really fast. One moment they’d be there - the next, gone. 
All of this, of course, would be to Protect Void or to Protect their team with Void. They’re well aware that there’s very little Void that exists within their session, and that it’s fading fast; that if they’re not careful, there will be absolutely no Void left at all. In trying to Protect their friends, therefore, they Protect Void as well; using it as much as they can to increase (ironically) its Importance in the session. 
The Knight always represents that which the session lacks - which makes the Knight of Void a very interesting Player. There’s an extreme lack of Doubt, Confusion, Uncertainty, Irrelevance, of Hidden things - which sounds very useful, until you realise that it means the Players are literally always exposed.
As much as there’s nothing hidding from the Players’ sight - Quests that are much more obvious and easier, Denizens that are already awake and willing to talk, Consorts that are much more coherent - there’s nothing to hide the Players, either. Derse Royalty will always know where the Players are at any given time, making it much easier for them to launch concentrated attacks on underlevelled Players - and try strategising against an enemy that already knows your next five moves.
There might be a leak in their chatlogs, meaning that literally nothing is a Secret. Players can find out dirt on other Players at the drop of a hat, and that can obviously cause a significant amount of tension. 
It would also be detrimental to the growth of the Players if everything is just… so straightforward. Part of SBURB’s struggles comes from trying to work everything out, having to take time, learning and growing as people because you’ve experienced a thousand new things. If all the information is right there, there’s no need to grow, to experience those things; Players can just waltz right up to their Denizens without earning it, and they’ll be awful Gods at the end of it as a result.
As a much more interesting thought, and one that can be taken any way you like, this probably means that something very weird or very wrong is happening with the Incipisphere. It is a place of Void - of Confusion and Unknowing and Hidden things - and yet this is a session that explicitly lacks Void, including in a literal sense.
There might be something in the Medium that means the Void doesn’t work as it’s meant to - some Light-based anomaly that completely ruins how everything runs. Maybe it isn’t intentional, maybe it is; maybe this is some threat to the session like LE is. Whatever the case, it ensures that there is little to no Hiding space because everything is cast in a radiant Light.
This makes the session more vulnerable to outside attacks. This also makes it much harder to traverse the Void itself, because while all the pathways through it might be more obvious and straightened out, there’s doubtlessly Things lurking in the remaining Darkness that can likewise see the Players much easier. That, or the Light-based anomaly will send Beasts after the Players that Know exactly where they will be. 
Once they’ve become Realised, the Knight of Void… doesn’t actually change much. And it’s mostly because a Knight becomes Realised when they realise they don’t need to have their facade up all the time, that they’re good and worthy of wielding their Aspect.
If they never had the facade to begin with, the only true difference is that they’re more accepting of who they are. They let themselves be awash with Confusion, and understand that sometimes there’s going to be things that even they don’t know. They’re happy and content to just let things be, to let themselves fade into the background, to be an observer more than a participant.
By this point, people will notice them unless they don’t want to be noticed - it’s the natural confidence that comes with accepting that you know what you’re worth things. They’re more than likely to have a few good friends that know exactly who they are, and try to get them involved wherever they can. 
It just means that, instead of trying to push the Knight to “be the real them” or the Knight trying so hard to be noticed, everyone involved is much happer to let the Knight slip away if they have to. There’s no hurt feelings, and everyone knows that the Knight loves them still. 
They’ll accept that they are good at and know a lot of things, and that they can’t be great at everything; that Irrelevancy exists, and there’s some ways that they are Irrelevant, but more ways that they’re Important, too. They might never make it into office, or become the most powerful, popular Player, but they’re Important to their friends - they’re Important to that little old lady down the street when they bring her the newspaper each morning - and in some ways that’s enough. 
They don’t need to be Seen. Once they take that pressure off, that’s when they can really live. They’ll keep doing everything from the Shadows, content with who the are, and they’ll live for all the things that Matter to them - no matter how big or small. 
Of course, they’ll still be quiet, still a bit reserved and shy, but they’ll also be more open. If they had no facade, then people will start to see that this really is who they are, and that the Knight (ironically) never once Lied. Despite this, their relationship dynamics will change; people will stop trying to pry in to find this Self that doesn’t exist, and the Knight will be able to realise that, yes, that really is who they’ve been all along
If they did have a facade - well, they’ll drop it, and they’ll feel sheer relief at the fact that a thousand eyes aren’t on them all the time. They’ll accept that Irrelevancy is part of their life and get rid of the people who are Irrelevant to them. There’s no point wasting time on people who don’t Matter, or on a facade that never Mattered to begin with.  
Essentially, they just become more confident in who they are and what they do. 
As an added extra thought for narrative relevance, since that’s been on the blog a lot lately:
They’re Unseen, capable of doing a thousand things without anyone ever knowing it. In a comic like Homestuck, this would probably mean that the Knight is someone we often can’t be, and then when we are, they just… show that they’ve done things off-screen that we’ll never be able to see. They work specifically out of our point of reference, and do Nothing at all when we’re watching them.
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inforedacted-blog · 5 years
@trackr liked x.
    Wraith grunts when she feels talons dig into her shoulder, the piercing only softened by her scarf and a padded jacket. She tries to wave it away but pulls her hand back when its beak comes dangerously close to snapping on her fingers. There’s a ruffle of feathers right next to her head, and she tries to turn to look at the crow but finds that the sharp beak is far too close to her face for her liking and decides to turn away again. There’s an awkward moment where she isn’t entirely sure what to do so she opts to keep her head turned away from the bird and try to find Bloodhound. Even if it wasn’t one of their birds maybe they could at least get it off of her.
    She gets a few odd looks, walking around the open area with a bird on her shoulder and she kind of wants to bear the pain of voidstepping in hopes that it would dislodge the bird and get her out of sight. Logically, Wraith knows better than to do that. She doesn’t need someone freaking out because she just disappeared in the middle of the room. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t consider it, though.
    Leaving the more public room Wraith makes her way to a secluded lounge, trying her luck in hopes she could find the tracker here. She pushes the door open, still trying to keep the bird lodged in her shoulder both calm and as far away from her face as possible. “You in here, ‘Hound? Need some help.”
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asilversky · 5 years
I’mma be on WoW until around midnight EST. Breaks inbetween obvi, but hmu for rp in that time!
Whisper Voidstep. It me.
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medernus · 6 years
so Griff officially has two main relationships. >Engaged to @voidstep >probably gonna get engaged to @goddamnitconnor
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spiderspeaks · 7 years
Continued from here with @ask-thegoatbro
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> I sympathize with you, deary. Truly I do. But I hold no grudge for you thinking me to be Dangerous. After all I have a very dangerous skill under my belt. The ability to traverse time and space and void skip my want to places isn’t something to be taken lightly. 
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>You needn’t worry about that too much. It’s basically null on the Surface since the determination of HUMANS far surpasses my own. And because there is too much of it present I can’t LOAD or SAVE. I could never RESET, to there’s that. But, VoidStepping simply requires my inattention to reality for a moment. Nothing too complicated. 
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> You needn’t worry about my relating to others. I’ve plenty that I know that do. Some are close friends that I met for that very same reason. You may seem mature, Asriel, but you are still very much a child. Even with that mature gaze I can see that you’ve been through quite a lot that you still don’t understand, my deary. 
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> Seek the aid of other timelines deary. We survived. We are the lucky ones. I know that you don’t feel it but, you too, are very lucky. Not all CHARAS and FRISKS are the same. Mine isn’t and probably wishes they’d fade to nonexistence
>Someone has a solution for you. Of that much I am certain. Regardless.. should you ever desire a place to relax and bask in the sun, the HUB, my own timeline, is always open to you, deary. 
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despcsyni · 6 years
voidstep replied to your post: Okay so I don’t know what it is but! I’m not high...
/ Wheezes I’m tearing up in the cafe at work I didn’t know how bad i needed to hear something like this ��
I LOVE YOU BB SDFSDFSDFSDF. I’m glad, i hope work goes good today and i love you lots and i’m here. <3
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raisans-art · 2 years
How did Voidstar end up in his current position? He left his old clan and presumably founded this one, but why?
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Voidstep (X) and Shadepounce (Evil X) grew up rather estranged as siblings. Shadepounce had a thirst for power to become the top of the pecking over, and even stand over StarClan. He wanted control and manipulated his brother into helping him along.
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Eventually, Voidstep stood up for himself, and tried to stop Shadepounce’s ambitions.
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In turn, Shadepounce turned their clan against Voidstep, saying that he was planning on usurping the current leader.
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Voidstep was driven out and exiled from his clan.
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Just the full EP for all to listen to. What do you think? Post your thoughts in the comments below. Favorite. SUB 4 WUB!
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flareflarerp · 9 years
aceCombine- Drowning (No Vocal)- Re-mastered
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acid0n · 10 years
A collection of many Dub/Glitch/Trap/Drum/Bass Genres all in one spot. THE Spot. THIS Spot.
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medernus · 6 years
P.S. Don’t fetishize me, Venya.
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raisans-art · 2 years
What's your favorite Hermitclan name, either inside or outside of the clan?
It's so hard to choose!!! I thought so long and hard about all of them like full on wracked my brain, thought about it during work levels of obsessed.
I think my favourites are Bravesky (just based on how long it took to get his name right), Waspbite, Littlewing, Redflash, Aspenwool, Sunstrike, and Voidstep for Voidstar's warrior name.
And of course Bean and Lady Liz are some of my favs as well
Just.... Bean.
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raisans-art · 2 years
I would love to hear how you came up with some of the names (or all of them 👀) if you wanted to talk about it perhaps 👀👀👀
Also I think waspbite is very fitting for False! I really like the wasp theme more than the eagle theme (not that eagle theme is bad!). The bee theme fits nicely with her colors, and makes her sound more intimidating!
Ok so:
Voidstar/Voidstep(X): from Xisumavoid and I wanted to make his paws large. So Voidstep.
Hillsong(Joe): from Joe Hills and the fact that he makes music in a way
Bearcreek(Cub): wanted a tie in to Cub so I went with the Bear prefix and added creek because it sounded nice and he's very chill sounding and controlled.
Aspenwool(Zed): aspen because aspen trees have bright yellow leaves in fall and wool because sheep. Took a while for me to cave in on using wool.
Canopystorm(Doc): his original name was going to be Scarletstorm because I wanted to use the prefix Scarlet, but there was no reason I could think of that his parents would name him Scarletkit at birth with the way he looked so I landed on Canopy because he could look like a tree canopy on a rainy day.
Shadedsoil(Hypno): Know nothing about this man. He's part of podzol party so I made shaded the prefix to go with his black back and soil because of the podzol
Snowmask(Etho): Snow because Canadian and has white hair and mask because of his black fur covering his muzzle and chest
Wolfshadow(Ren): wolf cuz dog and shadow because of his little thing that he had with Martyn in Last Life.
Shrubfur(Bdubs): he's tiny, he needed a name that exemplified that. Also because of his moss cloak
Spiritblossom(Cleo): Blossom from her coat and spirit to call back to the zombie part of her name
Doespot(Gem): Doe for her deer connections and spot for her spotted back
Bravesky(Wels): A bitch and a half of brainstorming during work. Many scraped concepts and names. Try Bravefeather, Braveclaw, Cardinaltail, Skyheart, Bravepeak, Eaglepeak, and Mountainsky. One of my friends finally slapped Bravesky together
Marshtail(Jevin): slimes live in swamps/marshes
Cattlehunt(Beef): Also a very hard one. Didn't want to use cow so I landed on using Cattle instead. Hunt for the butcher effect.
Mossfrost(Iskall): moss to try to get some green imagery in there and frost because Iskall
Waspbite(False): Again a hard one. I played with the Eagle thing for a bit with Swifteagle, Eagletalon, and Eaglecall, but I remembered her shop and wanted to use wasp because wasps are bastards
Redflash(mumbo): I wanted him to have a redstone adjacent name so I figured Redflash would work for the way an observer has a flashing red light.
Barkscar(Scar): terraforming and tree building with his name tacked to the end
Littlewing(Grian): small and associated with flying
Petalrush(Stress): I know in season 7 she had that big fairy forest thing and I chose rush because I wanted her to seem really fast and quick witted
Sunstrike(Impulse): agonized over this as well. I wanted him to have the prefix Sun because of being a bright and positive force. So Sunshine, Sunheart, Sunglare??? I landed on strike because I didn't want him to seem like a pushover. He can kill you if he wanted to. He won't but he could.
Quickblaze(Tango): I wanted him to seem very energetic and add that fire motif that we love giving him. I tried a bit putting Blaze in front but landed on Quickblaze
Moonleap(Pearl): I wanted moon in there and tried things like Silvermoon, Moongleam, etc, but I wanted her name to have energy. So, Moonleap.
Pinefall(Keralis): didn't have a lot to go off of. I wanted to reference his lumbering with it so I tried out Timbertalon, Splinterclaw, and Timberfall and that lead me to Pinefall.
Sleekscale(xB): I wanted his name to be connected to the water. tried out different fishy thing like trout, minnow, and pike but landed on Sleekscale after I sketched his design out
Bouldertooth(TFC): rock related something and tooth because I wanted his teeth to stick out
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