#Voice drama
kuro-ayame · 3 months
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『HIGH CARD』 season 2 ピクチャーオーディオドラマ - Playlist
Illustrator and character designer: Ebimo
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warm-starlight · 7 months
A different story hidden behind that scene voice drama 007.
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maristelina · 8 months
Mikoto T2 Neoplasm Voice Drama Translation
Take my translation with a grain of salt. I did try my best.
Es: Mikoto Mikoto: Oh…Hey Warden, Es: You… are Mikoto right? Mikoto: Eh? What are you talking about? It feels like it's been a while, doesn't it? Have you been well? Huh? What is this? Chains? I hate these, Take them off Es: Request denied. You are too dangerous. Physical restraint is essential. Mikoto: Uh.. Um… What are you saying, capturing such a harmless person like me? Es: As I thought, you have no self-awareness. Mikoto: Well, I get it. I must have caused a ruckus while I was asleep, right? Everyone told me that I really went all out with the chaos. Es: It seems so. Mikoto: I guess it's something like sleepwalking disorder. Lately I've been feeling drowsy more frequently too. Oh man, that's troublesome, isn't it? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: I can tell from everyone's attitude that they're scared of me. I can read the room/atmosphere… I… Es: Hmm… Mikoto: It's frustrating, isn't it? I've been confused ever since I got here. Es: You really laugh when you're in pain/troubled, don't you? Mikoto: Eh? Es: You don't get angry or yell. You laugh like you're in a bind/at a loss. Mikoto: That sounds about right. I might have that kind of trait. Usually, if I laugh and gloss it over, things go well. I'm good at that kind of thing, so I manage somehow. But, it doesn't end, does it? My head is filled with things I have no memory of doing. Orekoto: I constantly feel irritated Es: There it is. Orekoto: Seems like you haven't been beaten up enough, huh, you brat of a guard. Es: Ah… Gr….. Orekoto: Hah? Cat got your tongue? Es: Even though you got done in by Kotoko. Orekoto: That was just because I was caught off guard. We fought while you were asleep, it's not like I lost or anything. Es: Multiple personality disorder. Is it correct to understand that you, who are speaking now, are a separate personality from the Mikoto earlier? Mikoto: You're accepting this quite normally, aren't you. Multiple personalities is ridiculous, right? Es: Yes. I didn't think something like that could really exist either. Mikoto: Yeah, exactly. If it wasn't me, I wouldn't believe it either. I'd just think it's a lie to escape the guilt of killing someone. Es: However, Milgram recognizes you as such. I'm just accepting it as fact and moving my thoughts forward. So, what should I call you? Orekoto: I don't know man. Call me whatever you want. Es: For convenience, I will call you John. Orekoto: That's a dog-like name. Es: It's used to refer to a person of unknown identity. It comes from "John Doe". Do you like it? Orekoto: Is it okay to show off knowledge like that? Es: But you seem quite calm today. I thought you were a monster. I didn't expect we could communicate this well. Orekoto/John: Don't get cocky. If it wasn't for these chains your face would be smashed in by now brat. Es: Oh? How scary. I'm scared. /s Mikoto: Hmph. Es: Then you are not Milgram's prisoner. The best proof is that Milgram's restraints are not effective on you. Milgram has judged Mikoto to be the prisoner, while you, a separate personality, are an exception. Orekoto/John: Ah I see. So for you, multiple personalities has been anything but confirmed. Es: That's why today, chair creaks I thought I'd hear you out as an important witness. I'm very glad we are able to have a proper conversation. Orekoto/John: But you know, this isn't a good thing. Probably. Es: What are you trying to say? Orekoto/John: I(Boku) might be disappearing (?!) Es: gasps Orekoto/John: Clearly, the time I'm(ore) out in front is getting longer. Thanks to that, my existence is becoming more stable. Isn't that the reason we can talk properly now? Es: makes a concerned sound Orekoto/John: Maybe it would have been better if I (ore) stayed a monster. … Oh? What's with that look? Es: I'm surprised to hear you speak so rationally, contrary to what I expected. Orekoto: I have a college degree after all. How does one develop Multiple Personality Disorder?
Es: To be precise, it is called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Generally, it is thought to occur when another personality is created and separated in order to protect oneself from suffering, stress, trauma, etc. Orekoto/John: Hm. 多分俺は僕の受けたストレスを解消するために出てきてる。俺が長く出てるってことは、それだけ僕が強いストレスを受け続けているわけだ。 I'm (ore) probably emerging to relieve the stress he's (Boku) under. The fact that I'm (ore) out for longer means he's (boku) under more severe constant stress.
Es: Stress huh? It's probably because of Milgram, I see. Orekoto/John: Especially the verdict of "GUILTY/Not Forgiven" He (Boku) feels tremendous stress. So he leaves his heart/mind to me. Es: I see. Orekoto/John: It's no wonder. To him, he's being blamed for a crime he has no memory of. / It's not unreasonable. From his (Boku) point of view, he is being blamed for a crime they have no memory of. Es: "If that's true, are you the one who actually committed the murder?" Orekoto/John: Yes. It was me. (Ore-da)
Orekoto/John: I'm (ore) the one who killed them. Es: ん… Orekoto/John: So, I (Boku) really didn't do it. Es: Why did you kill them? Let's hear your explanation. Orekoto/John: (むしゃくしゃして。) I was frustrated. Es: Who did you kill? Orekoto/John: (そこら辺歩いてた奴。) Some guy who was walking around.
Es: How many did you kill? Orekoto/John: I don't remember. That was the first time I emerged. It's hazy. Es: You have the audacity to say that without any shame. Orekoto/John: Legally speaking, what would happen to me? Es: You might get a reduced sentence based on a psychological evaluation, but depending on the number of people you killed, you might not be able to avoid the death penalty. Orekoto/John: (いや、やったのは俺だ。僕は寝ていただけだ。) No, I (ore) was the one who did it. He (Boku) was just sleeping. Es: As if things could be that convenient.
Orekoto/John (Boku): 僕の身にもなってやれよ。僕はただストレスに耐えていただけなんだぜ。一人でじっと耐えていたんだ。爆発するまで誰かを傷つけようなんて考えてなかったんだよ。 Put yourself in my shoes. I (boku) was just enduring the stress, that's all. I (boku) was enduring it alone. I (boku) never thought about hurting anyone until it reached a breaking point.
そういうことができない奴なんだ。気を使って空気を見て、周りの顔色を窺ってばっかで、そういうことができないから、爆発しそうだったから俺が生まれたんだ。あんまりだろう。何も捨てねえんだぞ。 I'm (boku) not the kind of guy who can do that. I'm (boku) always worried about the atmosphere/the room, watching people's expressions, so I (boku) can't do things like that. That's why I (boku) was about to explode, so I (ore) was born. It's too much. I (boku) haven't done anything wrong!
Es: Even if that's how it was, even if it wasn't Mikoto's intention, human lives have been lost. Orekoto/John: Urgh… Es: Even if the one inside was you, John, there's no way to prove it. At the very least, it won't fully hold up in court. It could even be deemed as a lie.
Orekoto/John: YOU!! Es: ! Orekoto/John: (お前はどう思うんだ?) What do YOU actually think?! Es: Mine? Orekoto/John: I (ore) did it. He (boku) didn't do it. You're just going by what Milgram says. Why the hell does it matter what the justice/criminal system thinks, what about YOUR judgement?! What do you think about me? Es: ... Orekoto/John: Forgive me (Boku) already. I'm (ore) the one who did it...
Es: I can't judge right away. It's not something I can decide to forgive so easily. In fact, Mikoto's mindset/emotional landscape was far too cruel. I judged not to forgive. / I've decided not to forgive. Orekoto/John: (You're saying that because you think) That's probably because multiple personalities could be fake. I (boku) truly did nothing wrong. I (ore) was the one who killed.
Es: …
Orekoto/John: Can you be satisfied with that? Imagine waking up in the morning and finding out you've become a murderer.
Es: The act of creating you could be called a sin. / It might be said that the sin is in having given birth to you.
Orekoto/John: !!!!!!!!!!!! … You are probably right…
Orekoto/John: I (ore) am his (boku) ideal self. I'm (ore) the one who doesn't just lie down and resign ourselves to unfairness and stress. If I (Ore) hadn't been born, he (Boku) would have surely reached his limit and broken down. Es: Then… you… Orekoto/John: It's true that I (boku) wished for an existence that could break everything. Maybe it's because of my (Boku's) weakness that I couldn't face it alone. But that's all. Is that a sin/crime?
Es: That's for us to consider moving forward. Orekoto/John: Talking with you, I (ore) understand that what I (ore) did cannot be forgiven. I (ore) accept that.
Es: Yeah, that's right. Orekoto/John: Milgram's subject of judgment is him (Boku), Mikoto. Not me (ore)… John that is. Es: That is correct. Orekoto/John: Please forgive him (boku). Otherwise he (boku) won't be able to endure anymore. Es: I see, you want me to decide that since it was another other personality that committed the crime, it doesn't count as his (Boku's) sin.
Orekoto/John: Yes. If you forgive him (Boku), then I'll disappear.
Es: !!
Orekoto/John: That's right, in the end I (ore) have to vanish. I'll take on everything and vanish. I will.
…Because I (ore) was born to protect him (boku). Es: For that purpose. You were born. Orekoto/John: If it's to protect him (Boku), then I'll do anything.
Bell Chimes
Es: John… Mikoto: Hm? What is it? A dog's name? Es: Mikoto… Mikoto: Warden, you have a pet dog? What kind of breed is it? Wait, let me think, not a Toy Poodle, but I might surprisingly like the ones that are ugly-cute. Not a French Bulldog or anything like that. Es: That's not it. (irritated) Mikoto: Then a pug? Es: It's not a dog's name! Mikoto: Ehh? Then, what is it? Es: It's the name of your friend. Mikoto: laughs No way! I don't know anyone with that name!
Es: Deep Inhale I suppose so. Mikoto: Huh? Es: Prisoner #9, Mikoto. Sing your sins…
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kgmilgramau · 1 month
voice drama (interrogate)
007- Lily
(We will be very happy if you read and talk about it)
(The investigation helps to increase your voting decisions so you can consider the investigation, so if you want to know more, reading the debt investigation chapter might help)
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[door opens and closes]
[sound footsteps]
Nugget: Prisoner number 7, Lily. you came before me? That's great.
Lily: Thank you. Let's start..
Nugget :Um..ok..
Nugget : Milgram exists to reveal the sin of you, prisoners, and to hand down the appropriately judgment. so we have to exchange information.
Lily: Yes, you can ask me anything.
Nugget : So..you and Billy are twins?
Lily: I'm 16 years old. sibling, not a twin. Teddy misunderstood this too. But it's okay.
Nugget: Hm, that's probably because you guys are stuck together, Are you that close?
Lily: Yes, because I'm not close to anyone and...I don't want to.
Nugget : Why, don't you like making friends with other people?
Lily: I don't want to trust other people because...
Lily : Just..uh..
Lily: Something bad happened to me because of this...
Nugget: It's okay. I don't want to ask you too many negative questions. Let's talk about it. I'll wait and see later.
Nugget : Anyway, you said you didn't trust anyone but Billy. I won't force you to trust me.
[Lily looks thoughtful until her face looks like she's frowning.]
Lily: I'll..I'll think about it.
Nugget : Okay, that's fine. Let's talk a little more.
Lily : Let me ask you something..
Lily: After all, this place is a prison, right? You are the one who judges sin, right? So please, please...
Lily: Please don't forgive me...
Nugget : Wait..what?
Lily : I made a mistake..I killed someone..Isn't that appropriate?
Lily: I don't want to stay like this any longer and I don't even want to think about what it'll be like if I leave...just end this..just disappear and that's all good...
Lily: If you're going to let me continue like this.
I can't stand it!!
[Sound of loud slap on Lily's cheek]
Lily : .....
Nugget : Shut up Lily..It's all my decision, You can't order me. I will judge all your sins. Guilty or innocent, I will choose..
Lily : But..but...I..
[Bell sound]
Nugget : Whether you want to stay or not. I will judge it by your sins.
Lily : ....
Lily: I understand...
Lily: I still don't understand enough here, right?...I'm really sorry...
Nugget : I didn't mean to do this to you. But if you're still freaking out like this, I'll never be able to talk to you.
Nugget: I'm sorry...I hope you understand..
Lily : ....
Nugget : [sigh]... Prisoner number 7, Lily.
Sing out your sins!
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pardi-real · 8 days
Lucas's Winter Voice Drama
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clover-color · 10 months
voice drama ss2
Just imagine before the real comes🥺💚💔
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I'm excited to hear her song soon and I want to hear amana Interrogation with Es because in the first season they seemed to love each other very much(I'm sarcastic)🥹
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roseforthethorns · 1 year
I mean, I was already completely invested in today’s episode (omg Ben Galpin’s little moments where you can hear Jonathan’s despair are *chef kiss*), but then the episode ends with that BANGER OF A SONG?!
@re-dracula is the absolute highlight of my year.
YES YOU GAVE US THE FUNNY!!!! (Bonkscream)
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dollgram · 2 months
VD - Schadenfreude
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🐰: DOLLGRAM'S first trial starts now.
🐰: You got all that? Good. The prisoners are sleeping, so let's get on with it already.
S: Ehh? Where are we going?
🐰: The Panopticon.
S: What's that?
🐰: It's where the prisoner's cells are.
S: Hmm.
[door opening and closing]
S: What's this room?
🐰: It's your room.
S: And that?
🐰: Mine.
S: Jackie's room has a bunny door… Adorable!
🐰: ...Don't call me that.
S: Jackie?
🐰: A bunny. I've got horns, can't you see them?
S: Oh! So calling you Jackie is okay?
🐰: No. Don't call me that either.
S: Hahahaha~
[more footsteps]
S: What are these?
🐰: Shower room and storage room.
S: …
🐰: …
S: You're a terrible tour guide, you know.
🐰: Who said this was a tour?
S: Me, obviously. And I'm in charge, so it's a tour.
🐰: You're in charge of the prisoners. I'm in charge of you.
S: Nuh-uh.
🐰: Shut up. Anyways, this is the dining room.
S: Ooh, fancy! Wait, who's cooking?
🐰: I don't know. Not my problem.
S: You're a terrible host, you know.
🐰: Stop complaining. We're here.
[door opening]
S: Wow, this place is pretty big! Where are we, anyways?
🐰: The Panopticon.
S: You know what I meant. Where are we, geographically?
🐰: You ask a lot of questions, don't you. What a pain.
S: Oh, you love it. What are these doors?
🐰: The cells.
S: Huh? But you said there were four prisoners. What's with the extra ones?
🐰: I don't know. I didn't design this place.
S: Ugh, you're useless.
🐰: …
S: …
🐰: …
S: Well? Aren't you going to introduce me to the prisoners?
🐰: Oh, right. Over there is prisoner number five, Asakimi Jun. She's a celebrity or something.
S: Ooh, a celebrity! How scandalous!
🐰: That's prisoner number six, Naokira Tadashi. I'd suggest you be careful with that one.
S: Ehh? Am I gonna get beat up or something?
🐰: No. The prisoners are unable to attack you. I meant be careful to not get manipulated.
S: Aww, Jackie's worried about me.
🐰: ...Moving on. That's prisoner number seven, Matsumochi Nobui. This one seems like a bit of a wildcard, so keep an eye on her.
🐰: And that's prisoner number eight, Fujikane Yuuhiko. I don't think we have to worry about this one, he's scared of everything.
S: Interesting…
[bell rings]
S: What's that?
🐰: That means it's almost time to start. Don't get cold feet now, got it?
S: Oh, no need to worry about that. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things turn out... Hahaha.
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ikemenfangirl · 7 months
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URADOL : 2D idol group
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In order to fulfill the “dream” 10 years from now,
We hide the secret.
That said, we actually...
There is a "secret" that must never be known to the fans
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Title: URADOL ウラドル
Website: https://spyaim-urdl.eternal-voyage.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spyaim_urdl
❗️MV : Give me the light ❗️
: https://youtu.be/3QwjdDXiUYg
Yamada Shiro (https://twitter.com/yamashiro_k)
same artist of Ikémen Vampire and Ikémen Sengoku
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KEI - Keisho Isumi
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RAN - Ranma Fujisaki
CV: Maeno Tomoaki #前野智昭
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LUI - Lui Usami
CV: Hatano Wataru #羽多野渉
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Yuiji Natsuhara
CV: Nakamura Shugo #仲村宗悟
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Hajime Kirigaya
CV: Horie Shun #堀江瞬
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Kaeda Ijuin
CV: Okamoto Nobuhiko #岡本信彦
【URADOL Stage/trying】
RELEASE :: November 24th, 2023
เพื่อเติมเต็ม “ความฝัน” 10 ปีนับจากนี้
เราซ่อน "ความลับ" ที่แฟน ๆ จะต้องไม่เคยล่วงรู้ .
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no-gram · 3 months
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Jacka:...... Ah! Good morning! I've been waiting for you to wake up…!
Ai:You are ......
Jacka:You don't remember, do you? Well...first of all. Do you know where you are?
Ai: This is... this is a prison.
Jacka:Correct! Yes, I should introduce myself. I'm...I'm Jackalope. Well, you can call me Jacka...? But call me whatever you want!
Ai: Nice to meet you. I'm...Ai. I'm the administrator of this prison.
Jacka: Nice to meet you, Ai. I'm glad to see you're swallowing so quickly! Well, do you remember that much?
Jacka: I'll be quick, but can you get ready to leave the room?
Ai: Where are we going?
Jacka: We're going to go around the prison to where the prisoners are. This is a small prison, so I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the map in no time... but it would be nice to have an explanation, wouldn't it?
Ai: Okay, let's go.
Jacka: Um...do you mind if I hold you?
Ai: Can't you walk by yourself?
Jacka: Well, well, well... look! Your stride is different, isn't it?
Ai:Sigh...I guess we have no choice.
Jacka: There's your room now, and my room, and storage and dining room. There's also a shower room.
Ai: Are there any rules?
Jacka: Hmm, why don't you decide...? You are the administrator, right?
Ai: Do you know how it feels to suddenly have power in a strange place?
Jacka: Do you think I can understand other people's feelings?
Ai: ...I lose. Tell me the next room.
[Door opens]
Jacka: The next room is a very special place, so listen carefully. This is the Panopticon. You can look around and keep an eye on all the prisoners too. They're all sleeping now, though.
Ai: Prisoners...
Jacka: Are you worried?Well, it's not comforting, but they are all girls about your age. I'm sure you'll get to know them quickly. Well, they are all called to be evil person.
Yes, let me introduce all of you! I think it will be much easier for you that way, rather than going about your business without knowing anything about them.
Ai:agree.. We need efficiency in our work.
Jacka: You're very motivated, aren't you? You're not even intimidated by the prisoners. That's worth explaining.
Jacka: Okay, first then, prisoner number 001, Tsuguha. She is the youngest girl here, 12 years old. She seems a little cautious, so please be gentle with her.
Ai: An elementary school student, huh? I wonder if I can be gentle.
Jacka: You might be able to force her to disclose information by frightening her, but there are not many prisoners in this prison. We can unravel their information over time. If so, don't you think it's worth being gentle?
Ai: Maybe so. But they are equally bad people here. We will not know until we interact with them.
Jacka: It's good that you are willing to do this, but don't overdo it. I don't want you to miss the truth. Next.
Jacka: Prisoner number 002, Jun. She's the staunchest of them all. She's not very sociable.
Ai: Hmm.Is intimidation sometimes necessary?
Jacka: I'm scared! I may have to make you learn to be nice...
Jacka: Let's move on already!!Prisoner number 003 Kizuna. Hmmm, she seems relatively bright and normal among the prisoners. But she might be the one I don't understand the most.
Ai: What do you mean you don't know her well?
Jacka: She is more ambiguous than the other prisoners. It's like there's something the prison can't detect.
Jacka: You are halfway there. Keep up the good work. Prisoner 004, Tuzuri. Hmmm. She seem calmer than the other prisoners. Maybe too calm, in fact.
Ai: How can he be calm in the presence of potential bad guys? I can say this now that I don't know anything about them, but I find it more suspicious when people are calm.
Jacka: My explanation is only an image, but it may indicate that we should also value our intuition.
Jacka: Alright, well, let's move on. Prisoner number 005, Itoho. Hmmm, she is the oldest one. Perhaps that's why she has a certain amount of leeway.
Ai: Can i stand up to an older opponent?
Jacka: You threaten younger people, but are intimidated by older people?
Ai: Don't drag out the joke...I'm starting to look foolish. I still don't really understand proper communication.
Jacka: I don't think intimidation is allowed, but we are here to record what you feel and what you learn, so it's up to you how you behave.
Jacka: last. Prisoner number 006, Rinne. You can tell at first glance. There is something bizarre about her. Now you are pure and innocent, for better or worse, so be careful not to be consumed by her pressure.
Ai: ...I definitely have a sense of responsibility as an administrator. I don't know if I have the dignity, but I am ready to manage these girls. I will not be defeated so easily. I don't know if I can defeat violence, but...
Jacka: Oh, you will be fine on that point. The prisoners cannot hurt you.
Ai: Wow, that's great.
[The sound of bells]
Jacka: Just in time. Now, your life as an administrator is about to begin. The girls will be waking up soon.
Jacka: Let's review. You are the keeper of this prison. You have to give the prisoners a "Justice" or "Evil" verdict. You can base your decision on whether they are good people or not, whether you like them or not, the law or not, or any other criteria.If I were to give advice, it would be to give justice to the people you want to model your life on.
Ai: I should have thought about how to address everyone. I'll have to improvise and see what I can do.
Jacka: That's it. They can't hear my voice. good luck.
Ai: Nah...that's terrible.
No, I'm an administrator. I am not going to be outdone by girls my age. First impressions count.
Jacka: That's the spirit. I'll be watching from afar. So, Ai, I look forward to seeing what your choice will be.
Ai: Good morning, prisoners. I'm the administrator.Have a good life.
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bloodraynebeast · 2 years
So the Hanahiko crew’s - minus Tsukasa - short audio segment from one of the livestreams was translated. | Credit: English translation by Keru ( / rokutosei ) To summarise:
Moe arrives with fan letters of the occult magazine where Yashiki has his own section for advice - and for potential spirit leads.
Mashita is just there for unknown reasons. Tells Yashiki to lock the damn door for once.
Yashiki is asked by a fan about handling gross things - because he’s an expert. Mashita scolds him for putting everything and anything gross into his bag.
Everybody “Shuu!”
Moe suggests a fan get a cat in order to help them wake up in the morning.
Confused middle-aged men as Moe talks about people on the news.
Yashiki mentioning Saya a few times and being reminded of her death is sometimes too much to bear. Somebody hug this man.
Mashita agrees that remembering his past mentor is also painful. Somebody hug this man too.
Moe references ‘Blue End’ to another fan. The men are confused again but Yashiki is just glad to see Moe all cheery.
Mashita admitting he just wanted to pass some time at Yashiki’s place.
Lastly, Moe teasing Mashita about Yashiki???
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warm-starlight · 7 months
A different story hidden behind that scene voice drama 006
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maristelina · 10 months
Amane Voice Drama Really Bad Translation
Please take my really bad translation with a truckload of salt. It's super incomplete. I was having troubles understanding what's going on because of my current anemia and uh episode. I wanted to share this because I want to see how close I got later when more competent people translates the Voice Drama.
Amane: We were disappointed in MILGRAM's judgement. We thought it could be a new world. You're quite something, always looking down on others from above. I'm pretty sure I told you not to be conceited. On top of that, you say something incomprehensible like not forgiving us.
How dare you say that. But we are magnanimous. Let's set aside time for dialogue with the warden once again. After all, our history is one that has been made through dialogue.
Es: Get to the point quickly. What's wrong, Amane? Don't think I can just overlook your drastically changed attitude and move on. It's the result of my judgment that you've become like this. The way you talk. You're like a completely different person at the moment. Everyone who is unforgiven is under the mental stress of hearing voices blaming their own sins. Is your change also due to that influence?
Amane: The ridiculous voices? Ah, we did indeed hear it. But, that's not a big deal because we have steadfast teachings. We have clear and sublime faith. No matter what is said from the outside, we won't be shaken.
Es: Faith. You're talking about the religion you believe in.
Amane: The power that Milgram possesses seems to be true. Have you also taken a peek at our faith?
Es: It was quite an abstract expression(??), but I judged that your killing of people was due to religious beliefs.
Amane: It's not murder; I simply administered punishment according to the doctrine.
Es: So you're saying it's not a sin.
Amane: Is faith a sin?
Es: Faith itself is free, and while many are non-religious, I understand that there are those who are saved by religion.
Amane: Is that so? Are the unforgiven prisoners lost? They might also need our faith.
Es: I'd rather you refrain from proselytizing within Milgram
Amane: Faith is free. Faith exists for the sake of those who are lost.
Es: We've gotten off-topic. So, what exactly are you now? You keep saying 'we,' does that mean you're not Amane Momose?
Amane: I am Momose Amane and yet not Momose Amane. I am a spokesperson for our faith. You said you won't forgive us. I think there's a need for dialogue and warning because you made a wrong judgment, so I am speaking as 'we.'
Es: So, in essence, I am speaking with the concept of your religion itself right now. Is that what you're saying?
Amane: You can think of it that way if you like. So, let's issue the warning again. Warden. Milgram made the decision not to forgive us.
Es: Ah, yes, that's correct.
Amane: As I said earlier, our actions are actions of faith???, and they don't amount to sin. Therefore, Milgram is wrong. People are getting killed in the prison. I understand that I'm breaking the law.
Es: As I said before, there are things more important than the law. This is Milgram. Such arbitrary rules cannot be accepted as a standard. Therefore, I won't forgive. That's all. Faith in religion is also free. However, your so-called doctrine cannot become the standard for overall sin.
Amane: Isn't Milgram trying to establish new standards precisely because foolish laws can't properly guide this world? Are you still bound by the law?
As a mere warden I have no way of knowing Milgram's philosophy. It's not because love is against the law. Your killing of people is not forgiven by Milgram. I simply made that judgment. The orders are to deny your doctrine.
Amane: If you don't change your mind, we can never forgive you either.
Es: What do you mean "we"? You make me laugh. What you're doing is simply murder. Whether you talk about it as a whole or sing it like a noble ideal, it's murder. Momose Amane. The one who killed was not "you all," it was you. Don't divert your eyes from your own actions by playing games.
Amane: I have a duty for God!
Es: So? What are you gonna do about it? / What would you do if that's the case?
Amane: I will never forgive you! I will definitely never forgive you!
Es: I'm saying that attacking me is pointless.
Amane: I will never forgive you!
Es: Weren't you taught that those scissors you got from the supply should not be directed at people?
Amane: According to the doctrine, the guards' insults towards us are fully subject to penalties. We won't forgive.
Es: It's poitnless, you might as well give up.
Amane: I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you!
Es: Attacks from prisoners to guards are not possible. It's Milgram's principle, but a certain multiple personality individual slipped through this rule. In other words, Milgram's prisoner classification focuses on the mind rather than the body, so if the mind is separate, the rule doesn't apply. It seems like they're struggling with a flawed rule.
Amane: I'll kill you! I will fucking kill you!
Es: Thanks to that flawed rule, it has been proven this way. The fact that you're wielding scissors now doesn't make you a god or a concept. You're just Amane, plain and simple. Quite literally, what you're doing is just a pretend game. It's trivial. This is what you wanted with Milgram, isn't it? A direct showdown.
Es: What's wrong? Have you indeed desired to be treated like a child? In my opinion, the fact that you are a child is closely related to this matter. No matter what you assert, no matter how much you try to act mature, you are a child. It's an unchangeable fact.
Amane: You're also a child!
Es: I'm 15 years old, so in Puerto Rico and Haiti, I'm considered an adult. You're 12 years old, so you're a child in any country. You look frustrated.
Es: Either way is fine. Why? In the first place, there are two main reasons why children are given reduced sentences by law: the potential for rehabilitation and the influence of their environment, I believe. In this case, it's mainly the latter. As I mentioned before, early childhood is heavily impacted by parental upbringing, and the effects of the rearing environment are substantial. Children born into households that practice religion, for instance, grow up recognizing it as a rule of the world.
Amane: What are you trying to say?
Es: It's about how they feel that the doctrines of what is commonly known as a religion are everything in the world.
Amane: You are arguing against the idea that being underdeveloped due to being of a young age.
Es: Certainly, the ego was fully developed. However, because this ego was nurtured in a specialized environment isolated from society, the argument remains among us whether this is your sin or rather the sin of your parents' environment. Here, we assess the potential for rehabilitation, as I mentioned earlier.
Amane: W-well, what do you mean by "among us"? Isn't it me? Aren't we from the same country? The warden and I understand five years' worth. As for me being special, it's just that my environment is unique, and everyone else's is ordinary. There are people who have actually gone there. I've been told things like you're being deceived, it's not too late even now, or you're mentally unstable. They still treat me like a child after all. It's because I'm a child that they think I've been brainwashed. But that's not the case. Even I, as a child, understand everything. Please don't label people as unhappy. I'm fortunate to have been born to my parents. It's challenging, and sometimes it gets tight, but I'm happy to live under pure teachings. That's the path I want to take. I see, you all think it's brainwashing, don't you?
From my perspective, you all are also being brainwashed by the religion of mainstream values. Why do you blindly believe in it just because there are many people following it?
Es: I understand
Amane: It's only natural that those of us who haven't been acknowledged by society due to our small numbers would see the potential for a new world in Milgram.
Es: Yes, I understand well. That's why your doctrines aren't acknowledged. Teachings that affirm life are not permitted by my standards. Huh.
Amane: That is correct.
Es: Our judgement, huh? I'll take another look at your feelings. Next time, if you feel something even deeper there, I intend to accept it properly. It's like a direct showdown, isn't it? That's right.
Amane: If, in the end, you deny and don't forgive me or us, then at that time, I won't forgive you. No, that's not it. I won't forgive you. Evading responsibility for your actions through pretend play is the next line. Thanks, it's not just you. It's all of you. I said I won't forgive you. It's a direct showdown. You're not allowed to keep your hands clean.
Es: What are you talking about?
Amane: I suppose so. The warden refers to themselves as "you all." If it's you, then it's you.
Are you experiencing a headache? Are you alright, warden? Please stand up on your own. That's a trial given by God. It's a trial of pain/sickness. Escaping from it is the greatest evil according to our teachings. One of the Eight Principles, isn't it? It's not allowed for anyone, no matter who they are. People do tend to act that way. Like a devil among prisoners, trying to steal trials from others.
Kirisaki Shidou, his actions who is cutting and tearing, violating our taboos. I issued a warning. If they continue, I might have to intervene. Is it perhaps already too late?
Es: Shut up.
Amane: Resorting to violence, how childish
Es: Silence. I am the one who makes the rules here.
Amane: What sets us apart from you?
Es: I told you to shut up didn't I? Listen to what I say.
Amane: If the world you create is attractive to me, or perhaps.
Es: Prisoner #8, Sing your sins!
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kgmilgramau · 6 days
voice drama(interrogate)
008- Billy
(We will be very happy if you read and talk about it)
(The investigation helps to increase your voting decisions so you can consider the investigation, so if you want to know more, reading the debt investigation chapter might help)
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[sound footsteps] 
[door opens and closes]
Billy: Hmm..Warden...not here?
Billy: time to hide!
[sound footsteps] 
[door opens and closes]
[sound footsteps] 
Nugget: late...[Sigh]
Billy: Boo!!
[Billy comes out of hiding and grabs Nugget on the shoulder]
Nugget : Agh!!
Billy: Ah, haha, Warden! that's pretty loud.
Nugget : 008!
Billy: Ah, sorry~
[Billy raises his hands in surrender]
Nugget : We should get started. There's no time to play!
Billy: Wow, I got scolded again~
[Billy sits down at the table and smiles]
Nugget : [Sigh] Alright, thanks, let's get started.
Nugget :Milgram exists to reveal the sin of you, prisoners, and to hand down the appropriately judgment. so we have to exchange information
Billy: Exchange information? talk? yay! Let's talk!
Nugget :It's not like that!
Nugget : You must tell me your information!
Billy:like personal information? I'm Billy, age 14, weight 67, height 1--
Nugget : No...not like that..
Billy: Haha, I'm just kidding. I found out from Lily.
Nugget : 008..you-
Billy: Billy, please call me Billy, Warden.
Billy: Oh yes! By the way, what's your name?
Nugget :...Nugget..
Billy: Nugget! Nuggets! Um...I'm hungry.
Billy: Do you like nuggets so your name yourself that?
Nugget :...what kind of question is that?? It..isn't about you.
[During the interrogation, there was the sound of a door opening]
Billy: Huh? Mr. cat!
Nugget : Ah...
[Nugget's expression is pale]
Billy: Mr. cat, what are you doing? So cute!
[Billy picks up Tender and puts him on his lap]
Nugget : stop rushing me..
Billy: ...?
Billy: Warden..?
Nugget : Stop it...
Billy: Warden..??
Nugget : you know I'm trying!!
[After Nugget's yelling Tender scratches Billy's hand and leaves his lap]
Billy: Ouch?! Oh my..my hand!
[Tender looks at Nugget and makes a "meow" sound and walks away]
Billy: What's wrong with you, Mr. Cat?
[Billy look at Tender who has walked away before looking at Nugget]
Nugget :Ah...
[Nugget puts his head in his hands and clenches his hair]
Billy: Warden..is something wrong?
[Bell sound]
Nugget : No..I'm okay..
[Nugget lets out a loud sigh before returning to his normal expression.]
Nugget : We've talked enough...it's time to stop now.
Billy: Uh..Yes..just wanted to make sure you're okay.
Nugget: Thank you..
[Nugget looked at Billy's hand]
Nugget : After this, don't forget to heal your wound..
Billy: Ah..understood!
[Billy smiles]
Nugget: Prisoner number 8, Billy.
Sing out your sins!
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pardi-real · 9 days
Lato's Winter Voice Drama
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0v3rachi3v3r · 11 months
Listen on SoundCloud
Hi, I'm Nagisa, and I sing/mix sometimes.
I specialize in vocal mixing, but have experience mixing instrumentals/BGMs and audio dramas as well. You can listen to the reel for some stuff I've mixed recently!
0:00 - Show Must Go On! [Full Mix, 10-Person Chorus] 0:25 - We Don't Talk About Bruno [Full Mix, 6-Person Chorus] 0:50 - Astro Lost [Full Mix, Solo Feat. 10 Friends] 1:11 - Jewel Star Friendship [Mix/Master, 7-Person Chorus] 1:42 - Pride [Mix/Master, 9-Person Chorus]
You can find me on most platforms under 0v3rachi3v3r , and I also dabble in Jp/En translations for various projects.
If you'd like to commission me, you can find the information on my VGen where I take commission requests for Mixes, Harmony Guides, Translations, and more! My Ask/DMs are open if you have any questions!
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