#Vin asmodeus
woesunf · 6 months
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Also I want to talk more about voidkin asylum bc it’s driving me insane nostalgically and my memories of playing it are just like so insane.
I know this topic is talked abt a lot among the ex-fans, but like… why?
We literally just want to play the game brah.
Why did they always get mad over stupid and frivolous stuff.
If you spoke a word around them they didn’t like istg they would turn the entire server on you.
Never happened to me I never spoke but it was crazy when I would witness it.
Also not letting us go into the abyss for the maze or let us out after night when we rightfully got the key.
Literally the point of the game.
They would force us to respawn into closed rooms.
They would just get mad over nothing for reals.
It was funny though to witness it all go down as a silent observer.
Also on discord they had a whole section dedicated to meme-ing and hating on patients.
Like y’all hated us so much but we’re the ones making your game popular, bc there was like 0 staff members ever playing the game.
I think it was called like “patient moment” or smth.
Vin was a strange person, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend I don’t still stalk them to try and find any new accounts they might make bc I’m a chismosa and probably have some issues.
I also stalk their old accounts they don’t have access to anymore…
Maybe there’s smth wrong with me lol
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
The Meet up
Note: This a revamp of my self-indulge fic that tells my MC’s brothers meeting the brothers. The names are the same but some of the personality and backstory change a bit. And I made this fic take place at the start of season 3
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Summary: Ever since Solomon started teaching Tia to be a Sorcerer, however she kept her training a secret from her brothers. But her brothers found out and spied on her training for quite some time until Solomon gave Tia a babysitting job.
POV: Oscar (second oldest) and Solomon
Warning: Death threats, Gun, and kidnapping
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Oscar’s Pov
I hated when I had to watch with Vin, I love my brother. But Unholy shit he can’t focus on spying to save his life! 
As I watch Tia talking to the white-haired man, Vin is watching Pang Sabong on his phone. I was holding my urge to smack the phone out of his hand. But I kept my focus on Tia and the man.
I recognize the guy from the pictures that Tia showed us when she went to that mysterious college she went to for two bloody years which she didn’t tell us! Me and my brothers suspected she and this guy may have a relationship, but one day Luis told us that Tia confessed that she was seeing someone and it's not the guy with white hair. Which made me both curious and worried, if she is doing something illegal with this guy or if he’s tricking her. I don’t want her getting hurt again.
Luckily, I wasn’t alone on this. I suggest keeping an eye on her and all of my brothers agree. Which led me and Vin here.
Three months later me and my brothers took turns spying on her and that man. During all of this we learned that the man’s name is Solomon and that he practices dark arts. I know this because I’ve seen it before. Me and a fellow priest answered a call of demonic possession and the symbols we saw while we were performing an exorcism on the poor man are demonic in origin. What scared me was the symbols I saw glimpses of this Solomon guy were of high rank demons that were mostly familiar with two notes were Paimon and Asmodeus demonic sigils on his back when he was changing out from his shirt after a failed water spell Tia did. Oh, did I forget to mention that he’s teaching my sister demonic magic and spells!!!
I brought this to Luis who, he and the rest of my brothers only manage to see Solomon and Tia on his words “Hanging like two close na Kaibigan”. Which made me call bullshit on that. A man with good looks had more ulterior motives than just “Hanging out” with a sweet and innocent girl like my sister. But I saw Luis' reaction when I said that, he seems to want to agree and yet tell me that I was wrong in some part, but the thing he said about Tia and this Solomon fellow are friends is true. This discussion was two weeks ago.
Left with more question than answer, we kept on spying on the two.
After what seems to be an hour, Solomon is talking to Tia, something that piques my interest. “That’s why I suggested that you take this babysitting gig…” I listen in carefully as Solomon continues “So, are you ready to head to the interview?” The fuck his talking about? Interview? What Interview?!?! “Feeling nervous at all?” I would be fucking nervous when a guy who I consider as a friend just told me I have to do a fucking interview… Well not exactly, I learned from experience how to deal with these kinds of things. But This man just asks my baby sister to go to an interview without warning?!?!
“A little nervous… yeah” Oh I can hear the nervousness in her voice. I saw Solomon hand Tia a note, presumably the address to this babysit gig he’s talking about. This might be the only chance we got is a gamble, but it seems that his taking is leading my sister off somewhere.
“Vin! Listen. Follow Tia and make sure nothing bad happens!” I whisper angrily in Vin’s ear, he was about to complain when we noticed Tia was about to Leave. “Remember. Focus on watching over Tia, if anything happens it's all on you!” I emphasized to him that he got the message.
“What are you going to do?”
“Don’t worry, I’m just going to chat with our friend over there”
Solomon’s Pov
I should’ve told her the truth. But Asmo talked me into keeping this as a surprise for Tia.
As I watch Tia head to Serenity Manor where the brothers are staying during their break from RAD. I was about to leave when suddenly a man with blue hair with black side bangs approached me, he was wearing a catholic priest garb. Right out of the bat I recognize the man, he’s one of Tia’s brothers, the second eldest if I recall.
“Why hello there-” as greet him, the man quickly pulled out a revolver from his robe, and pointed the gun right at my face.
“I was thinking about you Solomon and how you have demonic symbols, especially the demonic sigil of Paimon and Asmodeus. Then it hit me. You are King Solomon, the same Solomon in the lesser key of Solomon”
I wasn’t expecting a priest to have a gun, let alone just drawing it out so casually. I’m intrigued by his aggressive behavior and want to learn more; I place a hand under my chin and smile. “Why yes. I am that Solomon. though there are some parts of that lore and history that are misinterpreted.”
“Oh? Like you made a pact with seventy-two demons just help you make a fucking Temple?” I can tell from his facial expression and his mono tone of his voice, that he is not amuse at the fact I was that Solomon, I mean I can’t blame him, making pact with demons aren’t child play nor it shouldn’t take light of. That brought the question. Do he or any of Tia’s brothers know about her pact with seven of the most “Powerful” demons of hell? If so, how do they react? Do they even know Tia’s relationship with Lucifer? Oh, my little Apprentice, what secret have you been hiding?
“Is there something wrong with making a pact with demons?” I want to know his opinion on this, but mostly how his face looks at this moment, because I can’t wait to see his reaction to finding out the truth.
“Selling your soul for a momentary or deepest desire comes to mind.”
Before I could respond to his answer, someone from behind blindfolded me and quickly grabbed my hands, pulling them to my back and swiftly handcuffing my hands.
“Don’t you worry…” It’s a different voice. “Judging by how you reacted to a gun pointing at your face. I assume you're not scared of dying?”
“Yes. I’m immoral. So, anything you would be to me will not kill me”
Then I heard him chuckle. “Good, I’m not immortal like you… But don't I’m scared of dying either” I could feel his breath near my ear as he whispered those words to me.
Before long, two sets of hands grab me by the arms and start dragging me, before throwing me into what I felt was a trunk of a car, then I heard the trunk door slamming shut. It seems that I’m being kidnapped… What fun!
Pang Sabong is Tagalog for Cock fight
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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syruppawnao · 4 years
Story Obey me FR 9-17
Même dans les moments difficiles, la vie continue.
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Lucifer (satan) - MAAAAAAMMOOOOONN… Levi - Eh, je suis fatigué de t’entendre imiter Lucifer. Beel - Pourquoi n’essayes-tu pas de dire quelque chose avec la voix de Lucifer que le vrai Lucifer ne dirait jamais ? Lucifer (satan) - Ah, ouais, d'accord. Quelque chose que Lucifer ne dirait jamais… Je suis amoureux de Ruri-chan ! C'est mon bébé ! Kyaaa ! ♥♥ Beel - Pff… Levi - OMG ! LOOOOOOL Je meurs ! LOLOLOL Satan (luci) - Ils profitent du fait que je suis beaucoup moins puissant ici dans le corps de Satan. MC - Oui, et c’est super drôle ! Loool / Oui, et c’est inexcusable. / Ne les laisses pas t’atteindre. Satan (luci) - C’est un peu trop demander quand ils sont ici en train de le faire dans la même pièce que moi. Bref, Levi, Beel, que faites-vous tous les deux ici dans la chambre de MC ? Beel - Eh bien, Lucifer a dit ... euh, je veux dire, Satan a dit que si je traînais ici et faisais beaucoup de bruit, il me donnerait des friandises.
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Lucifer (satan) - Beel ! Dois-tu être stupide et honnête comme ça ? Allons ! Satan (luci) - Je vois. Alors vous essayez de me harceler. Levi - Juste ennuyé, Levi est ! Seule raison d'être ici… mm, oui, seule raison ! En fait, la vérité est qu’un nouveau jeu est sorti, et j’attends qu’Akuzon le livre. Je suis tellement excité que c'est fou. Beel - Tu sais, j'ai remarqué que Mammon n'est pas là. Bizarre, il campe habituellement dans la chambre de MC toute la journée. Satan (luci) -… Lucifer (satan) -… Levi - Beel, mentionné Mammon, tu ne devrais pas. Beel - Pourquoi pas ? Levi - Eh bien, garde ça entre nous, tu dois ! C'est un secret ! J'ai entendu dire que Mammon et Satan avaient élaboré un plan pour organiser une fête avec un tas de succubes, profitant du fait que Satan est dans le corps de Lucifer ! Beel - Et… Que s'est-il passé ? Levi - Découvrez leur plan et dites-leur qu'ils ne pouvaient pas y aller, Lucifer l'a fait. Et allez à leur place, Asmodeus l'a fait. Très très heureux, semblait-il !
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Satan (luci) - Pour quelque chose qui est censé être secret, cela ne te dérange certainement pas d'en parler si fort que chacun de nous peut l'entendre. Levi - Mammon profite du fait que Lucifer n'est pas aussi puissant que d'habitude pour faire ce qu'il veut. Comme, après les cours, il est allé prendre la tête du club de presse RAD et l'a amené à Satan. Lucifer (satan) - Levi, espèce d'idiot ! Levi - Ensuite, Satan s'est fait passer pour Lucifer et a dit qu'il augmenterait le financement de leur club l'année prochaine en échange d'un POT-DE-VIN ! Satan (luci) -… Beel. Beel - Quoi? Satan (luci) - Je veux que tu ailles trouver Mammon et que tu l’attaches pour moi. Accroche-le la tête en bas. Beel - ... moi? Euh, je comprends que tu ne peux pas contrôler Mammon pour le moment puisque tu es dans le corps de Satan, Lucifer, mais quand même- Satan (luci) - Je vais te donner cent douzaines de beignets de l'oncle Démon en récompense pour ça. Beel - Deal ! Lucifer (satan) - Alors tu vas pendre Mammon la tête en bas, hein ? Ok alors, qu'en est-il de moi? Je sais que tu veux me punir, mais tu ne peux sûrement pas pendre ton propre corps à l'envers. Satan (luci) - Ne sois pas si suffisant, Satan. Lucifer (satan) - Je suis Lucifer, pas Satan. Et tu devrais vraiment être plus respectueux envers ton frère aîné, tu sais ? Beel -… C'est juste moi, ou est-ce que les choses sont encore pires entre ces deux-là maintenant qu'ils ont changé de corps ? Levi - Ouais, mais c’est drôle. Alors ça ne me dérange pas.
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woesunf · 8 months
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If I ever made a YouTube channel, this would be one of the first things I talk about.
The cult of vin is actually so interesting and the downfall of it is so crazy.
The rabbit hole of vin asmodeus…
I know so much about vin, they’re digital footprint is insane
Lowkey wonder where they are now
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