#Velvety free-tailed bat
loveisinthebat · 2 months
Soft buddy
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keywestwildlifecenter · 6 months
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Velvety Free-tailed Bat rescued by staff at Gerald Adams has been evaluated and will be returned to the wild this evening.
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skydalorian · 1 year
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Velvety Free-Tailed Bat & Red Myotis - Jean Charles Werner
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todaysbat · 7 months
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baroque-dx · 2 years
spectral bats <3
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Sir, that’s a cat?
Osamu Dazai x fem! reader 
Atushi looked around the well lit room of the so called Armed Detective Agency, from a spot next to a window, enjoying the breeze and still processing the fact that these ordinary looking individuals were some of the most powerful people in Yokohama. Dazai and Kunikida he recognized, the tall, blonde man tiredly lecturing the brunette as he lounged on a couch a ways away. When he’d arrived a few days before, he’d been introduced Ranpo, now busily filling paperwork while simultaneously munching on sweets, Yosano, who stood in a corner silently sipping her coffee as she observed the oddly tame environment, and Kenji, who was at the moment out on assignment with Junichiro. 
Atsushi would’ve said he was adjusting well, except he’d been raised to never lie if he could help it. And the truth was he was confused, terrified, and still wondering if the whole experience had been a vivid dream. Part of him hoped he’d wake up and find himself still on the run from that damn tiger. Hell, he’d even settle to be back at the orphanage. 
A flash of movement caught his eyes suddenly, a blur of motion at the corner of his vision. Turning, he saw a black cat staring him down intensely from it’s spot on the open window’s sill, it’s eyes seemingly glowing as he stared back. It tilted it’s head curiously in his direction, tail swaying back and forth behind it as it opened it’s mouth to let out a soft mew. At least cats were still the same here. 
The cat jumped down from it’s perch and moved toward him slowly, it’s movements relaxed and lazy. As it approached him, he didn’t realize he was holding his breath until it began to wind it’s way around his legs, back and forth while purrs rumbled through it’s small body. Encouraged, Atsushi bent down and began softly stroking the spot between the cat’s velvety ears, the purrs intensifying as he did. He wondered why it was here, and who it belonged to, since it looked too well fed to be a stray. And besides, no one else seemed to really care it was there, so he had to assume it was because everyone else was already familiar with it. 
He decided to ask Dazai, wincing as he straightened from his uncomfortable crouching position. Striding across the room, he almost tripped over his own feet as the cat quickly darted between his legs with a yowl, dashing over to where Dazai was still lounging contentedly on the sofa and launching itself up onto his body. The man let out a noise of surprise, then of joy as he brought the cat gently to his chest. The feline nuzzled into his warmth as he cooed to it, solving the mystery as to who the cat’s owner was. Annoyed by the sudden disruption of the quiet, Kunikida approached, eyes narrowed, fully prepared to lecture his partner once again. That was until he caught sight of the cat that had now situated itself on top of the other man. 
“Wonderful. She’s back. I’ll need her to brief us on what she’s learned as soon as she can, but I’ll need to finish up the paperwork for this case first.” The blonde rubbed the space between his eyes tiredly, as Dazai’s smile grew even wider.
“Meaning I have more time with my lovely belladonna! Take all the time you need, please, then take a little longer if you would.”
Confused, Atsushi watched Kunikida walk away muttering to himself, before turning back to Dazai and the cat who was now batting her paws at his nose. 
“So she is your cat then?” 
Dazai blinked, before realizing who he was referring to.
“Nope! This little thing here is my lovely girlfriend!” 
If Atsushi had been hoping for his question being answered to solve his confusion, he was incredibly disappointed. Dazai, meanwhile, went back to cuddling the soft bundle of fur, paying no mind to the white haired boy beside him, as if he hadn’t just called the random cat who’d shown up at the agency his girlfriend.
“Sir, I’m sorry but that’s a cat?” 
Dazai only giggled, while the cat suddenly left her spot, apparently fed up with his antics. As she walked away, he started yelling after her, sparking a strange little argument as she went.
“WhAaaaaAt. I was only playing with him a bit, love. 
Fair point, but you went along with it, so you can’t really say anything.”
The cat didn’t answer, settling for shooting Dazai a glare before turning the corner. 
A startling flash of violet light, followed by a clatter kept Atsuhi’s eyes on the doorway she’d vanished through, jaw dropping completely as, in place of the cat, a woman stepped out in it’s place. There was no mistaking it, though. Her eyes were the same, her gait just as relaxed, but holding just as much power, as if she’d be ready to fight at a moment’s notice. She looked weary, dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept in days, but as Dazai looked at her, Atsushi was convinced he was looking at the most beautiful woman in the world. 
He was more than a little embarrassed he hadn’t connected the dots sooner, and his superior laughed kindly as he saw the realization dawn on the boy. 
“Yes, her ability allows her to become a cat, not unlike how yours allows you to become a powerful tiger. She’s our top intelligence agent here, and goes weeks without contact while she keeps an eye on the Port Mafia’s movements. She’s just returned from one scouting job, and just in time to meet you!” 
The woman laughed, turning to Atsushi and smiling gently. 
“Sorry for this idiot, he finds it funny to introduce my as his girlfriend while I’m shifted. Lovely to meet you, Atsushi. I’m y/n l/n.” 
First post so I’m more than a little nervous, but I hope you enjoyed this little work. I guess I’m just doing this for fun, so if you enjoyed this, feel free to send me ideas/requests. I’m more than happy to try my hand for whatever characters you’d like in the fandoms listed on my account. Much love if you made it this far, likes, comments and reblogs are always welcome. <3
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mythicamagic · 4 years
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Thanks @prationality also a reminder to everyone that all prompts have been posted to Ao3 and so on under the title 'Romancing Ego.'
20: a kiss on where the back of the neck turns to shoulder.
"You know, when your reiki and youki brush against each other, it kinda feels like you're playing footsie under the table."
Kagome blinked, roused from her impromptu daydream and arching a brow at Shippo. "H-huh?"
The fox kit shrugged, licking at a lollipop casually while she tried and failed to scrub a bloodstain from a yukata in a tub filled with steaming water. "That was Sesshoumaru's energy passing by the hut just now, wasn't it? Find it kinda weird that your spiritual powers don't repel him but almost eagerly reach out instead. It's like they know each other really well, or are hmmnn...intimately acquainted?"
Rolling a stiff shoulder, she frowned and kneaded the sore, aching muscle at the back of her neck. It had begun acting up since she started washing clothes. Maybe the positions Sesshoumaru had lowered her into while seeking the most pleasurable angle were starting to take their toll. "I'm sure you're just imagining it Shippo."
"Heh, nope I'm not."
Kagome's mouth turned dry but she scrubbed stained clothes against the washboard more aggressively, water sloshing about loudly from her ministrations and soaking her arm. "Spit it out then, buddy. Why's it important?"
The fox kit cushioned his head with his arms, elbows bent. Green eyes glittered with mischief. "I don't have anything to say about it~ not my fault your energies are flirting so openly."
Stiffening and then hissing at the pulsing, tight sensation cramping her muscle behind her neck and shoulder, she forced a smile. "They're not flirting, Shippo. Ahahaha, promise! Don't go blurting that around, k?" she chirped. "People might get the wrong idea."
Cherubic features stared up at her, batting delicate lashes innocently. "I think I'll go tell Sango and Miroku."
"WHAT?" hysteria laced her voice.
"Better yet, maybe the whooole village should know."
"Shippo- no!"
"Hello everyone!" Rin called happily, ducking under the flap covering Kaede's hut, arms full of edible fungi.
Shippo immediately whirled to look at her with a large, toothily grin. "Hey Rin, guess what?"
Opening his mouth to blurt something- Shippo found himself snatched back, a hand pressing over his lips. Kagome beamed and petted unruly red locks firmly, "n-nothing Rin! Shippo just has an over-active imagination, that's all."
Rin tilted her head while the kit wriggled and squirmed in Kagome's arms, seconds before he let out a muffled 'transform!' and burst from her arms in a puff of smoke. She was left groping open air as he flew free as a small frog, hopping towards the door.
"Stop him!" Kagome yelled, hurrying to stand but having to pause and wince, clutching her shoulder.
Rin dutifully obeyed and grabbed an empty pot, trying and failing to slam it down over the leaping frog. The miko felt her stomach drop as he lept out under the entrance, no doubt fleeing. Dread, nausea and fear climbed up her throat like she'd swallowed mud, body rejecting it.
If their secret got out and Sesshoumaru felt cornered and exposed, he could potentially break off their arrangement. For some reason, she just couldn't handle the idea. Kagome grit her teeth, forcing herself to rise and push past the discomfort. Anything was better than being denied that warm, safe, pleasurable place Sesshoumaru took her to. Words of panic built upon her tongue- before the flap was pushed back.
Ducking inside their humble hut, the Daiyoukai straightened.
Kagome's heart automatically skipped a beat, mouth opening soundlessly and clicking shut the second he raised a hand. A fluffy tail was grasped in his fist, Shippo hanging from a tight grip and squeaking.
"I-I was just teasing," he said thinly.
"Hn," frosty golden eyes strayed down to the kit. "Jokes should not lead to the distress of your pack member, brat."
Shippo whimpered an apology and was released to pounce off the floor and into the safety of her arms while Kagome shook her head. "It's fine, Shippo. You didn't realise," she mumbled.
Rin piped up in greeting to the stoic lord, who acknowledged her with an incline of his head, eyes softening just a touch.
After assuring Shippo that she was alright, he and Rin exchanged conspiratory glances while heading out of the hut together, whispering fiercely. Kagome immediately pinched the bridge of her nose when left alone, sighing.
"That was a close one," she exhaled in a rush, rubbing sore flesh absentmindedly. "I mean did you hear him? He was going to blab to everyone that we were flirting! I nearly died from panic."
Sesshoumaru regarded her with a peculiar intentness to his severe gaze, shifting over her features carefully. She noticed he usually returned to his guarded and aloof persona when out in public, so different from when they were alone in the cave together.
"It was fortunate this one caught him then," he uttered quietly. Drawing himself forward, Sesshoumaru then stepped around her, attention straying.
Feeling like circled prey, Kagome clutched at her shoulder and blushed. She was about to ask what was wrong when the demon lowered himself to sit behind her.
"What are you doing?" a thin hiss slid out.
"Spare me the theatrics and lower your garment."
Red-faced, Kagome's hands fretted. "We can't do anything- what if someone walks in?"
His attention flicked up to her eyes, a wicked smile lifting kissable lips. "As much as the idea of pleasuring you covertly in public appeals to me, that was not my intention. You are in discomfort."
Her breathing stalled as he tugged the back of her summer yukata down, exposing the creamy expanse of her shoulders. Sesshoumaru swept the thick fall of curling black hair over one side to expose her neck, brushing the crook of one finger across her exquisite nape.
Kagome shivered, hands curling in her clothing. Her senses spread out nervously, searching for any sign of her friends approaching the hut.
"Relax," he tutted, tone sharp and the opposite of soothing. Giving a sigh that fanned warm breath over her flesh- Sesshoumaru pressed a long kiss to the flesh between her neck and shoulder. He then caressed the spot, massaging sore muscle with the pads of deft fingers and thumb. Kagome caught herself moaning openly- a hand clamping over her mouth. Blue eyes widened slightly when she realised it belonged to the demon and was not her own. "You will give us away, miko," a velvety voice purred.
She wanted to ask why he was doing this for her, but he seemed to understand her muffled noise.
"This one is partially responsible for this, I'd wager. Set aside your qualms for now, no one will see," he uttered, pressing more lingering, open-mouthed kisses to burning skin. "The sight of you lasciviously caught in carnal need belongs to this Sesshoumaru alone."
Squeezing her eyes shut, Kagome held the steel band of his arm like a lifeline as he continued working out the knots in her muscles. His calloused palm soon became slick with her saliva as she couldn't help but moan and lick any available flesh. Two fingers- the claws clipped blunt for...recreational uses- pressed against her lips. She accepted them into her mouth and lewdly sucked, tongue curling around the digits and treating them very reminiscent of something else.
Feathery bangs tickled her neck as Sesshoumaru bent his head, letting out a halting breath. "From the glare Inuyasha sent my way, the runt no doubt knows of our agreement," a sinuous, wet tongue slid over her nape. "He likely thinks I have corrupted you, miko. No one need know the truth...the endless depths of your hunger."
By now she was squirming, ashamed of herself but also uncaring. Her body sighed and melted in his hands, becoming putty. Sesshoumaru's touch strayed from her shoulder, inching down her collarbone and gliding lower-
Footsteps crunching on dried earth caught their attention.
Soaked digits were ripped from her mouth, Kagome shoving his arm away in panic as Sesshoumaru yanked her yukata back up her shoulders.
By the time Kaede entered, the demon and miko were 5 feet apart, Kagome preparing tea.
The old woman rose a brow, her single eye straying between the two and noting the rumpled curl of Kagome's collar. Nonetheless, she shuffled in and began helping her brightest student.
It wasn't any of her business.
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gravityflops · 3 years
The Oracle
summery: Kaykye recounts a time in his childhood when he was warned very explicitly of what his future held.
word count: 2229
warnings: mentions of blood
No one ever believes they deserve forgiveness.
I certainly don’t. And I know that my brother certainly did.
But most times, it doesn’t matter what you think you deserve. Karma is a merciless beast. It does not sleep. It does not have a deadline.
I wish I’d gotten mine sooner. Perhaps then there wouldn’t have been so much bloodshed. Maybe I wouldn’t have been able to eventually trick myself into believing I could get away with anything.
Maybe the repercussions would have been easier to take. Even if they were inhumane. I deserved every moment.
What I put my pack through. My home. My origins. My family. My brother.
From the very moment I chose anger over support.
There were signs, and I refused to listen.
The first was when I was just boy.
When we were small, my brother and I would spend all our days together. Climbing trees, catching minnows in the streams, laughing and playing. But we had our differences. I would hunt rabbits. He would pick flowers. It didn’t matter to us.
The world felt so big, and it felt as though we owned all of it.
Of course, we never did stray far enough to see the borders of our territory until we were becoming young men. It was never on our minds. To us, it simply made sense that the world was like those linen maps our warriors stretched over pinewood tables, surely if we walked far enough we would careen off the edge. But it was of no consequence to us anyway. Children were as children would always be, all we that we knew was all that mattered.
That was not to say we were completely sheltered from the outside world in our youth, however.
Merchants, hawkers, mercenaries, even entire caravans and traveling bazaars were allowed to pass through our land. It was an unspoken agreement, they would sell us goods from faraway places and in exchange, we would keep them safe from animals and bandits. But this agreement mattered little to me, I’d only known what I’d seen through my lens of youthful ignorance: strange, wonderful creatures of all shapes and sizes.
Such things fascinated my brother and I, yet we had only been allowed to visit a bazaar once, with, to my discontent, our mother in tow.
I recall the day was fine. The sun shone, not a cloud in the sky, it was pleasantly warm. A minor detail but one prevalent only because such days were rare in our northern territory, even in the summer seasons. I wanted to speak with the strangers, hear their tales from faraway lands, I was certain such days were common where they were from. The grass is always greener on the other side and all that.
But when we were so small, Mother acted as though she never wanted to let go of our hands. She loved us, truly, a remarkable woman. I remember her eyes, always full of care and tenderness. Eos rest her kind soul. She deserved much better than the fate she received, and there is not a day that passes that I wish I had not taken her for granted. Though, I digress.
Despite Mother’s bearlike protectiveness, I was rather overjoyed at the prospect of seeing the foreigners for myself instead of simply listening to stories the full-growns shared of their time in the bazaars.
It was truly the first time I’d realized perhaps our world was bigger than I could imagine, that what I knew was only a small corner of it. Though my brother was not as pleased with this discovery as I was.
Daku had always been a shy sort of character, and unlike myself, likely would not have enjoyed the bazaar without someone else’s hand in his.
I recall with a smile that, with the promise of keeping him safe from the strangers, I convinced him to exchange holding Mother’s hand for mine. After all, we were the alpha’s boys, we were unstoppable together.
It’s fascinating, I think, to look back and realize that a silver tongue was something I’d always had. Even if, at the time, convincing Mother that we could handle ourselves if we stayed with each other while we wandered off seemed like a grand feat.
Daku was skeptical to leave her behind. But he conceded as she did. He trusted her judgments. She trusted mine.
We’d seen all sorts of oddities that day. Strange foods, objects, relics. Strange people, with feathers, or scales, or bare skin instead of fur. With more or less than than one tail. With more or less than for arms. With magic, without. With tools, weapons. With stories.
That was the day my brother and I were first introduced to different types of magic. Ones that did not only empower the body, but the mind.
The oracle was the first I’d seen, and I was not inclined to believe her, or care about what she had to say.
Daku was the one who’d taken an interest in her tent. It looked scary, and I’d thought, this is the sort of adventure that costed the hero more than they had been willing to lose. But it was the one thing my brother had shown genuine interest in, so I agreed to follow him inside. We would stick together, I promised him, after all.
The tent seemed darker the first moments we stepped in, as our eyes had to adjust to the candle-lit setting after being outside in the sunlight all morning. The woman inside had greeted us in a language that we could not understand. Suddenly Daku was not as daring as he had been a moment ago, hiding behind me.
I responded to her first, with a meager, “Uhm.. Hello…”
“Welcome, wolf cubs.” She spoke with an accent. I’d had to take a moment to understand her. “You have come to know what is to come.”
“..You.. can read the future?” Daku had asked, sheepishly peering over my shoulder.
“It is your fortune that I can see, little pup,” the old woman responded. The golden light of the candles illuminated the wrinkles that creased her face when she smiled.
It sounded like nonsense to me. I wanted to go see the men juggling the jewel-studded scimitars again, not listen to some furless old lady spin some story about something that could easily be faked.
I started to shake my head and turn to leave, but Daku tugged at my cloak, his way of silently pleading with me for just one more minute to see what the woman was about. I agreed with reluctance. My brother flashed me a happy smile and inquired, “How does it work?”
“With some assistance from a friend.” Her hands formed a ball, and within them an orb appeared seemingly out of cloud and sun.
Daku’s eyes filled with wonder. I thought it must have been a clever act of misdirection, a trick of the light, but I had to admit I was a little won over by it. Maybe this wouldn’t be so boring.
“Woah… C-can you tell us our fortune?” Daku asked, bouncing on his toes.
“Hm.. Most often, I require coin..”
My brother deflated a little. He turned to me. “We didn’t bring any coin, did we?”
I shook my head. Coin was for the full-growns, it was something we used only for trade. We had not planned to trade for anything.
“But..” Her velvety eyes twinkled. “There is a special aura about you two. I will serve for free, if you are still willing.”
Daku gave me another pleading look. I could not keep my smile contained.
“Wonderful. Approach, little ones.”
We did so. She ushered Daku closer first with the twitch of her finger, and as he stood before her, she hovered her palm over the orb of light.
“Young wolf, what is your name?”
“..D-Daku..” he answered, shifting his weight between his feet in anticipation. “..Of the Matsumaru Pack.”
The candles seemed to dim and flicker. I watched them with mild curiosity as the oracle’s eyes closed.
“You.. Daku Matsumaru, you have a long life ahead of you. Sorrow and fortune await you.”
This time I had to force myself to contain my smirk. The old bat probably said the same to all of her clients. But it seemed to make Daku happy, so I didn’t wish to break the illusion. She continued on.
“A great hardship, but you will be rewarded in the end. Your journey will not be in vain. Remember that there are more people by your side than you allow yourself to perceive.
“…What… What kind of hardship?” Daku asked. I’d noticed he’d started to wring his hands.
“A long, lonely one.”
At that, I did scoff.
“Now I know you’re making stuff up. He’ll never be lonely because he’ll always have me.” I’d slung my arm around my brother’s shoulders. Daku gave me a smile, nerves eased.
“Will he?”
The look the oracle gave me was unreadable. I didn’t know what she could be thinking but something about her expression sent a shiver slithering down my spine.
“What else can you tell me? B-besides the.. hardship.. part..,” Daku stammered, likely sensing my discomfort.
Her eyes softened when the attention was directed back to him. Something churned in my stomach. What was with this lady? I wondered, one of my ears flicking in annoyance, if it was because I’d wanted to leave. A dismissal for a dismissal. It seemed petty to me.
“I see admiration. A great hero not only to the Matsumaru Pack, but all of its neighbors.”
“What?” I couldn’t help but burst out. “But he’s so timid! He doesn’t even handle a sword!”
If I’d bothered to look, I would have seen Daku’s gaze fall to the floor.
The old woman did not grace my exclamation with a response. Instead, she asked me, “What is your name?”
“…Kaykye, of the Matsumaru Pack,” I responded, puffing out my chest. Daku was not a proud entity, but our pack certainly was. He does not display such in his greetings, so I would be proud for him.
“…Kaykye Matsumaru.”
Again, I felt my fur stand on end. She didn’t say my name like she had Daku’s. She’d spoken it like the name of a deadly poison. As though she were a mother warning her pups of a plant that they should avoid eating, or a dangerous creature they needed to watch out for.
I was frowning now. My brother wrapped his arm around my shoulders too for a moment, though backed away when the oracle’s hands slammed down on the table with a mighty thud. He backed away and hid behind me.
Again, she placed her hand over the orb. I didn’t want her to read my fortune, but she was speaking before I could protest. I would not soon forget what I would hear.
“Kaykye Matsumaru will be a disease to his kin! Blood flows like a lethal flood on the path he walks, a monster will grow within you for all eternity, and until Kaykye perishes, for what you have done you will know no peace for the rest of your days!”
The candles blew out and my legs gave way. I may have acted tough when I was a boy, but I was still just that: a young boy. I had not been prepared to hear such a thing and neither had my brother. I barely recognized the terrified shriek as his. My head was swimming and all I could hear was the screams of my pack, the images flashing in my mind of swords and blood and war, and some monster that bore my face.
I had been staring at my hands when the tent flap was thrown open.
“Daku! Kaykye!” my mother had cried, alerted by the sound of my brother’s shriek. She’d rushed to our sides, lifted me to my feet and held me close. I had not embraced her back.
She threatened the old woman and told her never to go near her boys again.
The oracle merely replied that it wouldn’t be a concern. That she was fleeing this dimension while she could. That I hadn’t a clue of the storm awaiting me.
Sometimes I wonder, if her boys hadn’t been watching, if she would have spilled the oracle’s blood then and there, and that would have been the first time a life was taken because of me.
We went home early. Mother had told me that she would not let that happen, that there was nothing bad coming. Father told me to stop listening to such lies from a foreigner, that the sun would not set on us, that my potential was for greatness, not destruction. The elders had shared similar opinions.
Daku tried to tell me he didn’t really believe the old woman was telling the truth. She was only saying that to scare me, and she was cruel for doing so.
I thought it unlikely. She did not receive any coin from us. She risked the anger of the wolves by frightening the Matsumaru alpha’s youngest son.
There would be no benefit in lying, other than to stir up chaos.
I did not utter a word to anyone.
I did not believe them.
And I did not sleep that night.
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loveisinthebat · 7 months
Flat Stanley
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keywestwildlifecenter · 7 months
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Glad to partner with Florida Keys SPCA to get this Velvety Free-tailed Bat rescued at Key West High School. The native bat is uninjured and will be released later today. Thanks to all involved! A timely rescue for this Halloween season!
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slash-em-up · 4 years
Marry Your Monsters pt. 4
Husband and wife get reacquainted... biblically. Very NSFW!!
Sleeping in Jesse’s embrace again was beyond comforting, and Miranda was incredibly reluctant to leave, even when her stomach or bladder needed relief.
She’d spent the better part of her pregnancy without someone there to anchor her, and she resented her body’s betrayal at making her leave now that she had it.
Jesse took her periodic departures in-stride and did little more than turn in the bed and drape his long arm back over her when she returned.
The analogue clock on the wall read 10:17 when Miranda woke to find herself alone in the cot. Whether that was AM or PM was harder to determine; but her internal timer said it was probably night.
Running a hand through her hair, Miranda scooted to the edge of the bed and reached for her purse, pulling the leather bag to her and rooting around for a hair-tie.
Locating one, she quickly put her blonde bob into a tail and meandered through the small room towards the bathroom.  
Damn, her back ached.  
She’d never take being able to bend over and crack her spine for granted ever again once this little terror was out of her.
Splashing some cold water on her face from the faucet, she took stock of the spartan quarters. There was no mirror in the bathroom, oddly enough – the medicine cabinet was laid bare, but filled with everything you might need for first-aid.
Which turned out to be very useful a few moments later, as Jesse strode back into the room with blood on his hands.
“Jesus, Jesse... are you ok?”
He shrugged before crossing behind her, still reluctant to have her look at him head-on.
He ran his hands under her arms, pressing lightly to her sides in an effort to distract her with his touch as he turned the faucet back on, running his knuckles under the stream.
“Did you punch someone? Fuck – you're bleeding pretty bad... Let me tape that...”
Miranda could feel Jesse’s chest expand and contract against her as he huffed in amusement.  
He’d often joked that she was like a mother-hen, and she continued to prove his playful teasing completely accurate as she inexpertly placed some gauze and surgical tape around his wound.
His long fingers wrapped around her hand for a light squeeze before coming up to tug at her ponytail questioningly.
“I had to get that rats nest out of my face for a bit... I didn’t see a blowout salon on my way in, so get used to it.”
In response, Jesse slid the tie down - freeing her locks before running one large hand across her scalp.
Miranda shivered a bit at the light scratch of his blunt nails against the back of her neck.  
It had been so long since anyone had touched her like that, that even the smallest hint of the passionate caresses they used to share was enough to fluster her.
She audibly gasped – the noise echoing through the small room – as Jesse’s hand moved to gently curl around one of her breasts through the thin linen of her dress.
Miranda’s back stiffened at the contact, causing Jesse to withdraw immediately.
A soft “No...” left Miranda’s lips at her husband's retreat.
Jesse paused – hands hovering by her sides – ready to remove himself completely at her prompting.
Slowly, her hand left its place clasping the sink, rising to guide the strong hand in front of her to one of the straps of her dress.
She licked her lips, listening to the heavy breathing of the man behind her.
Guiding his fingers, Miranda helped him lower the black fabric, baring one of her shoulders to his gaze.  
His chest rumbled with a silent groan, making her smile.
Needing no further prompting, Jesse made short work of the rest of her top and she leaned her head back into his chest at the feeling of the cool air on her breasts – heavier than Jesse remembered as he once again cupped them in his palms. A lovely side-effect of pregnancy.
Her nipples pebbled as the A/C turned on above them.
Miranda moaned and ground her hips back against him as he pinched and worried her soft, sensitive skin.
Jesse was delighted with her reaction – he'd always loved playing with her tits; but whether because of their time apart, or the additional sensitivity of her condition, Miranda was nearly panting from how wonderful his hands felt.
He’d deny it until the day he died; but having a gorgeous woman come apart in his arms – at his touch – while his face was the shambles it had become, was cathartic.  
And he was determined to express his appreciation by making his wife cum as hard as she could.
One part of him was furious that he couldn’t bury his face between her thighs or suckle at the milk starting to well from her breasts; but he pushed that aside in favor of ripping the seam of his wife’s dress until she stood nearly naked in a pool of black.
Maybe the underwear she was currently sporting weren’t the sexiest he’d ever seen her in... but the way she was panting and rubbing her thighs together, desperate for any bit of friction, made her more attractive to him than ever.
She was still turned against the sink; but he could see one curious blue eye peering at him over her pale shoulder.
He wished she knew how widely he wanted to grin as he slowly slid her panties down her hips, making sure to run his thumbs over her ass as he went.
She’s always been his queen; but standing before him like this she was closer to a goddess. All those supple curves softened by her pregnancy; sensitivity heightened until she nearly wept for his touch...
He wished he could marry her all over again.
Jesse was still trying to determine why Preston had brought her here – knowing the man, it wasn’t for anything good; and likely it would have been better if she’d stayed exactly where she had been – for both of them... but fuck if he wasn’t ecstatic when she pushed her hips back with a whine, moaning at the feeling of his erection against her.
Reaching back, he quickly undid the ties holding his hospital gown together and let it join the remnants of her dress on the floor. If he couldn’t get his mouth on her then by god, he was going to get as close to her as he possibly could, in whatever ways he could.
Miranda whimpered as he bent her further over the sink, constantly mindful of her stomach, making sure the precious bump wasn’t pressing against anything harmful.
He didn’t even need to prompt her to spread her legs; she wanted him inside her, connecting them both in ways deeper than words ever could.
Though tall for a woman, Miranda still needed to hoist herself up on her toes to get her pelvis closer to Jesse’s - no mean feat with the extra weight around her middle.
The slick running down her thighs cut short any teasing Jesse might have started at her desperation, but he couldn’t resist running one of his hands between her legs – feeling that warm velvety softness tremble and give beneath his roaming fingers.
“Jesse... Please!”
She writhed and moaned as he slid one, then two long digits into her dripping hole – prepping her for his cock.
Her insides gripped his fingers tightly, holding him in as if her cunt had missed him just as much as she had.
He curled his body over her, pressing his chest to her back and inhaling the sweet smell of her sweat – her sex – everything uniquely Miranda.
This new position gave him space to curl his fingers inside of her and rub at that delicious gland that made her buck and cry out as he pressed it mercilessly.
She was gasping like she did when she was getting close to her finish, and Jesse refused to stop until she did.
Miranda went rigid and her breath caught as Jesse brought her to orgasm.
He hadn’t even touched her clit, the bastard.
His wrist rolled in time with her hips, keeping constant pressure on her g-spot until she was sure she was about to black out from pleasure.
She batted at his hand until he let up and as she sucked in air like a drowning woman he pressed his mask lightly back into her hair, inhaling deeply.
“...Fuck...” Miranda gasped.
She pressed herself into a standing position, and Jesse moved to accommodate her; backing up and turning ever so slightly as she moved to face him.
His remaining eye was blown wide, and his considerable erection pressed eagerly against her with every inhale.
She brought up her hand to caress the side of his neck, and after a moment of hesitation he softened into her touch.
“I want to ride you... I want to watch you cum inside me... please...”
Jesse paused, considering.
Damn, he could never deny her anything...
“Fucking son of a bitch...”
Preston muttered the insult under his breath as he raised the glass of ice up to his jaw.
The bruise from Jesse’s fist driving into his face was already looking pretty spectacular and would probably only get worse – but it was proof-positive in his mind that Jesse was losing his touch.
Going soft.
Even taking liberties with a woman like his wife shouldn’t have driven the man Preston had kiss-assed to for years into such a public and emotional explosion.
Though Preston had to admit, Miranda was a fucking wildcat, even with that nasty parasite growing in her.
Lowering the tumbler, Preston zoomed in on the naked bodies moving together on his computer screen.
His eyes flicked over the scene as he quickly unzipped his pants and palmed his cock.
Jesse Cromeans was finished.
He just didn’t know it yet.
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baadbaadblacksheep · 6 years
LtR Halloween Ficlet
Read on Ao3: [Here]
Based in the Learning the Rope AU by @purely-a-trashcan. Not canon, just a fun little whatever. 
“Van Helsing. The vampire slayer. And Gabe’s Dracula.”
Genji continues to give Jesse the same unimpressed look, tilting his nose up. Brat.
“Oh come on. At least ours makes sense. What are you even supposed to be?” Jesse scoffs, crossing his arms. His hair has gotten long enough to hold back into a tight band at the nape of his neck, but the shorter locks in front are still framing his face. The costume had taken months to put together. Jesse had enlisted Gabe’s help, and Gabe took his costuming abilities seriously. It had only taken so long because Gabe had his own costume to work on as well, and between work, scenes, and enjoying life together in general, it didn’t leave much free time for the costumes to get worked on. Jesse had been as involved as he could be, giving Gabe specifics and trying on bits and pieces as they went, making what he could and ordering what was easier to buy than make. But Gabe had pulled it off in the end, trying to hold a humble façade when Jesse had gushed and showered him with praise for the final product.
Genji sniffs, observing his matte black fingernails, filed into sharp points at the tips. “Vampire kitten and his undead handler. Obviously.” Furry black cat ears were clipped into place on Genji’s head instead of his usual green. A matching black tail swayed behind him when he moved his hips, attached to the tiny black shorts hugging his hips. If it weren’t for the black tights decorated with little white paw prints covering his skin, Jack might not have approved, considering how much cheek was hanging out. Genji had plenty of skin showing above the shorts, his velvety top just covering his pierced nipples enough to claim to be a top at all. It had long sleeves attached that allowed his shoulders to be bare while covering the rest of his arms, ending in a loop around his middle fingers that kept the material tight on his body. Black velvet heels completed the picture, making Genji as tall as Jesse for once. Which was saying something for their height, considering Jesse had a small heel on his boots as well.
“Obviously,” Jesse echoes, rolling his eyes.
Both boys halt their faux-squabble as their boyfriends finally emerge, joining them where they wait in the living room. Genji lets out an excited squeal, instantly at Jack’s side under his arm like he belonged there. “Jack you look perfect!” he purred out, running his hands over the red leather jacket. Jack let out a soft laugh, petting at Genji’s head carefully around the ears.
“I should hope so, kitten. You’re the one who did the makeup.”
Indeed, Jack’s face was blanched with white, the scars streaking his face still visible despite the paint. His eyes had a startling depth to them, the areas around them darkened by Genji’s makeup expertise. Jack had opted out of the idea of fangs when Genji suggested they both be vampires, opting instead to call it ‘undead’. To his relief, Genji had actually liked that idea, letting him go without the uncomfortable fangs while Genji had specifically wanted ones that poked past his lip to be seen without having to actively show them off. Genji did not like subtlety.
“Not going to wear the mask?” Jesse asked Gabe, quietly admiring how Gabriel’s waist looked in the belt cinching the long cloak to him at the hips. Gabe shook his head, smiling at Jesse’s hands running over his chest, making small, unnecessary adjustments as an excuse to touch.
“Decided against it. Went with plan B.” Gabe couldn’t help but smile at Jesse’s involuntary blush. Plan B was no mask, but fangs instead. And Jesse had liked the fangs when Gabriel had tried them on. He had liked them a lot.
Ana and her sub Reinhardt held a costume party in her diner every year, closing the business off to the public and creating a safe space for kinksters to be among their people. No kink was incorporated into the party itself, but Genji showing up collared and leashed had no one batting an eye. Others incorporated collars, cuffs, harnesses, and other accessories into their costumes, and no one would complain at the sight of a sub shuddering when hidden toys broke their resolve.
“You’re the DD tonight, right?” Jack checked with Gabe when they got out of the SUV, the gravel parking lot crunching under their feet. Genji was tugging on his fiance’s hand, trying without a hint of success to get him moving faster. He had been impatient to get to the party all night.
Gabe rolled his eyes with a smile, “Yes, Jack. Let Genji pour drinks down your throat to his heart’s content.” Jack snorted at that, holding his kitten tight to his side when the tugging on his jacket started.
“I’m not going to get trashed. I just want to play it safe.”
Gabe held the door open for them all, stopping Jesse as he came past for a quick kiss before following behind. They were greeted with Reinhardt’s booming yell as Ana crossed the room, looking calm and demure in her pirate gear in comparison to the large man following her lead closely. Reinhardt was decked out in his prized knight’s armor, only increasing the space he took up in a room. The party attendants readily moved out of his way when he bounded through, avoiding getting knocked on their ass by inches when he bounded through.
“Ah. Van Helsing. You look very handsome, Jesse,” Ana complimented, smiling at Jesse’s beaming grin and his drawled but quiet ‘thank y’ kindly’. She turned to Gabriel, quirking a brow. “You always go all out for the holiday. If you do not have fangs I will be disappointed.” Gabriel shot her a wide grin, showing off the pronounced, elongated canines. No simple plastic fangs for Gabriel Reyes. The fangs were temporary, made of some sort of ceramic fitted perfectly to his teeth, but they looked convincingly real. Ana looked impressed.
“I haven’t tested them out yet, but the night is still young,” Gabe commented, giving Jesse a sidelong glance with a smirk. Jesse blushed and fidgeted, looking away to pretend he hadn’t just been staring at the display of Gabe’s fangs. It was only partially true that he hadn’t tested the fangs. They had been scraped and teased along some choice areas of Jesse’s skin, especially his neck, but Gabe hadn’t bitten down. And Jesse had been near-shaking with want by the end of Gabe’s teasing, tilting his head away for Gabe to access his neck and faintly wishing for more pressure to come down.
Genji pouted, leaning in as he hung onto Jack’s arm. “Ana, I’ve got fangs too!” He pointed out, tapping a finger to the tip of one that rested against his lower lip.
Ana and Reinhardt laughed, Reinhardt’s laughter significantly louder than Ana’s soft chuckle. “A vampire kitten this year! Of course!” Reinhardt boomed, making Genji tilt his chin up happily at the recognition. “And Jack, you’re yourself after you’ve worked an 80 hour week!” Jack failed to contain his smile at that, hearing Gabe huff out a knowing laugh beside him.
“I haven’t worked that much in years. The company’s grown a lot since then, thank goodness.”
“I think he meant when you were still at the law firm,” Ana commented with a knowing smile, “I remember you and Gabe coming in here late at night before we closed. You would order coffee and fall asleep at the table before I could even pour you a cup.” Jack nodded, smiling wider at the memory.  Genji huffed next to him, tugging at his leather jacket’s sleeve. No one was paying attention to him again and that wasn’t acceptable.
“Fareeha is serving drinks tonight at the counter. I am fine with Jesse drinking, but you may have to sweet talk her into allowing it. Her uniform is not a costume,” Ana told them in dismissal, waving them away to enjoy the party. “Come Reinhardt,” She commanded casually, reaching up to caress said man’s face. He melted into her touch and followed loyally behind her as they traveled back into the crowd.
Genji was already tugging Jack towards the counter. “Daddy, you promised!” he reminded his fiancé, his pout having now curled into a mischievous smile.
“Alright alright,” Jack said on a sigh, trapping both of Genji’s tugging hands into one of his own, the other still holding the black leather leash, “Calm down baby. We’re going to be here for a while.”
“What’s Genji so riled up about?” Jesse questioned, watching his best friend bounce on his heels while he ordered his drink.
Huffing out a laugh, Gabe found Jesse’s hand and held it in his own, leading the younger to the counter. “Jack promised Genji he would drink with him tonight. But Genji drinks like he’s trying to drown and he’ll want Jack to keep up with him.” Genji was sucking some sort of fruity concoction down like a thirsty man in the desert, smiling like he was planning something devious.
Fareeha was in her LAPD uniform, pouring out drinks for anyone who requested it. She eyed Jesse as he approached, pouring out a double whiskey for Jack. Genji was instantly complaining about the choice in alcohol, making Jack sigh heavily and promise he would switch his drink choice to whatever Genji wanted after this one.
“He can have a beer. One. Of the lowest alcohol content we have,” Fareeha said as soon as they were near. Gabe was grinning and pulling Jesse close, who was looking disappointed.
“Don’t worry Fareeha. No underage drinking tonight. I need him sober for my plans tonight.” Jesse’s face grew hot at Gabe’s bluntness, covering his face with a hand.
Genji sidled up to Jesse, letting out a laugh at his reddened face. “That’s funny. I need Jack drunk to consider what I want to do with him tonight,” he purred, ignoring Jesse’s inquisitive look.
The pained groan that escaped Jack as he slowly managed to roll out of bed the next morning was involuntary, sounding out as Jack tried to register what specifically hurt. As it stood, his whole body felt like a pain center. He was too old to be drinking like Genji, he thought. The throbbing of his heartbeat could be felt pulsing in his head and behind his eyes, hot like an iron brand. His muscles protested the movement, still burning with the exertion of abnormal activities. Jack was no stranger to the gym, still an almost-daily part of his routine since he was much younger, but Genji had wanted to try that one position and the alcohol had made Jack forget that he nearly threw out his back last time they had attempted that.
And speaking of his back, it burned. Jack had expected his back to hurt, as older bodies tended to get back pain easier, but this back pain didn’t feel normal. It wasn’t muscle deep, it just felt like the skin was hot and tender. Jack wracked his brain for memories as he slipped on some sweatpants, glancing at Genji’s form in the bed. His kitten was already slowly waking at the lack of a warm body next to him, rolling over to the warm spot left where Jack had been and snuggling up to the pillow there. Jack turned and left the bedroom before he could be tempted to crawl back into bed, following the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen.
“Morning,” Jack manages to rasp out to Gabriel, who was standing at the kitchen counter with a mug of coffee still steaming next to him.
“You look like hell. Getting old, Morrison,” Gabriel commented with a smirk. He managed not to chuckle when Jack flinched at the sudden sound of the toaster popping up two halves of a bagel.
“You’re older than me,” Jack shot back, the exchange between them a running joke since they hit their thirties. As time went on and age caught up with them, it was getting to be less of a joke and more of a sad truth.
Jack passed by his best friend, opening up the fridge to retrieve some juice for Genji. “Genji probably isn’t too far behind me. Even after a night like that he doesn’t sleep for long once he’s left alone in bed.” Gabe huffed out a laughed, turning to look at Jack and reply, when he got a glimpse of Jack’s back that was facing him. Jack turned to give him an inquisitive look at Gabe’s sudden gasp.
“Dios mio, Jack, what the hell did you do last night?”
Jack snorted, pouring the juice in a glass as he spoke, “Well do you remember that time Genji wanted to try that thing and I almost threw out my back—“
“I didn’t mean that Jack, Christ. Have you even seen your back?” Gabe was already tugging his phone from his pants pocket, making Jack turn again to get a picture. “You look like you got mauled by an angry badger.”
Jack gawked at the picture when Gabe turned his phone to show him. True enough, his back was covered in long red scratches, mainly behind his shoulder, the skin inflamed and irritated around them. “What the hell?” he breathed out, taking hold of the phone. “That explains why it feels like it’s burning. I thought it was just my back aching in a new way.” Gabe chuffed out a laugh and left the kitchen, going to get their first aid kit.
Genji shuffled into the kitchen, wrapped in part of the huge comforter from their bed, dragging the rest behind him as he took small steps towards his goal: the glass of juice waiting for him on the counter. His makeup was still on, only slightly smudged from last night’s activities. Genji didn’t take an hour on his makeup just for it to smear off. The boy’s knowledge of makeup and how to make it last through any test Genji could throw at it impressed Jack at times. Jack himself had managed to scrub off the paint from his face before he had crashed last night, though a phantom of the black and white coloring remained. It would take a good soaping in the shower to get the rest off.
“What are you looking at?” Genji half-whispered, eyes barely open as he sipped meekly through the straw in his glass.
Jack turned the phone for Genji to look at. “That’s my back. Do you know anything about this?” It took a moment for Genji to really look at it, struggling to look at the phone’s brightness with bleary, bloodshot eyes.
“Oh. Hm…” Genji tried to hide his growing smile behind the part of the comforter fisted in the hand not holding his drink. “Oops.”
“What do you mean, ‘oops’?” Jack questioned, squinting down at the younger. Genji only smiled wider, releasing the comforter from his grip and letting gravity keep it hung on his form.
“Well…” Genji muttered, tapping the nails of his now free hand against the glass he held. The sound was an annoyance in Jack’s slightly hungover state, drawing his eyes’ attention. Wait. Sharp, matte black nails filed into perfect kitten claws…
Gabe returned with the first aid kid, eying Genji’s nails just as curiously as Jack. “Gatito, do you have something to say?” Gabe asked as he disinfected the shallow scratches, making Jack hiss under his breath at the sting.
Genji directed his smile to the floor, avoiding eye contact with the two men staring expectedly at him. “I had to hang on! It was necessary in that position. Gabi, do you remember that thing Jack and I tried once where Jack almost threw out his back—“
“What in the Sam Hill happened to you?” Jesse asked Jack as he strolled in, stealing Gabe’s coffee mug from the counter to take a long drink. Jack’s eyebrows shot up, staring at Jesse a moment before glancing at Gabe, a smug smirk of his own forming.
“I could ask you the same thing, Jess.”
Jesse turned his attention back to them, confusion gracing his features as he held Gabe’s mug to his bare chest. Genji was grinning wide with amusement, Jack’s smug look remained, and Gabe looked downright guilty… and a little proud? “What? …What???”
Gabe cleared his throat, beckoning Jesse over. “Come here, Jessito. I think you might need some first aid too.”
On the left side of Jesse’s neck were two small, perfect puncture marks, a small smattering of red marks trailing around his collar and chest leading to them. Jesse let out a pained groan as Gabe pressed disinfectant to the small wounds on his neck, remembering the night before.
“Oh, yeah. Van Helsing took on Dracula and lost.”
[Now with accompanying smut! Click!!]
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notjustanyannie · 4 years
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tachtutor · 4 years
Bat Says Hi As It Hunts
Bat Says Hi As It Hunts
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Each night, small groups of a species called velvety free-tail bats emerge from their roosts in the Panamanian rainforests to hunt for their insect prey, using echolocation.
“When bats are hunting, especially when they’re in open areas, they produce two really distinct call types. They have their “search-phase” calls when they’re just scanning the environment, and then they have “feeding…
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Could you do a continuation of reader infiltrating the Akatsuki?
I feel like I’m writing a mini-series story with this scenario and I’m surprised with how many people like this one. Hopefully I did this one justice and you like it. Thank you for the request. 
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Reader infiltrates the Akatsuki’s base: Part V
Your travels with Itachi were dull, leaving you plenty of time to contemplate for yourself. You knew how much of a mess you were in with these Akatsuki members but you longed to be free of them. Every day was a challenge to keep your temperament in check. There were some days where you wanted to yell and fight back. Other days, you wanted to run and be alone.
However, you could never be alone, knowing Itachi could follow you and find you. He was rather decent company. He was quiet and reserve.
He spoke sharply to you when in command, but amongst the mundane affairs he was soft and patient. He always gave you space to sort through your thoughts and learn the reasons behind your actions.
When you two had met up with Kisame, he was worse company in comparison to Itachi. Kisame filled the air with light chatter and found it amusing to try to get under your skin. He had managed to get under your skin a few times, but his large stature and immense blade kept you from fighting back.
He was a bit insufferable. You were slowly becoming less intimidated by his being and more annoyed with him. Although no matter how annoyed you got, he was always quick to remind you of your place, making fear riddle through you.
After reuniting with Kisame, he had divulged into the details of his small assignment. There was a small bounty to be collected for a ninja that was wanted dead or alive. Kisame preferred their target to be dead. Itachi showed indifference to the matter as he helped Kisame track the ninja that
Kisame got a lead on. You were merely a witness as your expertise was not needed. That small mission was insignificant but gave you insight on how well the two Akatsuki members worked together.
It was when you three were traveling to the bounty collection office with the prize of a dead man’s corpse slung over Kisame’s shoulder that you felt another presence.
You had halted as Itachi had paused too simultaneously, knowing exactly who that chakra belonged to. His eyes drifted slightly over to observe you before reverting back to the presence.
Kisame had stepped ahead of the group before picking up on both you and Itachi’s behavior.
“What is it?” Kisame questioned. His voice was gravelly as he shifted the weight on his shoulders.
He soon received his answer as a plant like humanoid emerge from the ground. Your eyes narrowed at the plant-like being, noting his chakra was rather strange. Half his body was black and the other was white, dividing straight down his body vertically. His hair was green and his yellow eyes taking an interest in you as he smiled.
“Pein appreciates the intel gathered on the chunin exams and will have another team investigate further,” the white half of the being spoke in a velvety voice.
Concerned filled you at the mention of the chunin exams. You quickly reasoned that this being was another member of the Akatsuki and was a confident of Pein’s that you had not known about. You had no intel on this member. You were left feeling on edge as you wondered what the Akatsuki were planning with the chunin exams.
“That’s fine. What will our new assignment be then?” Itachi spoke finely, his tone flat.
“Pein would like you to start searching for the four-tails,” the black half responded in a deeper voice.
Your eyes raised immediately at the mention of the four-tails, knowing it hailed from Land of Earth, your home.
“Understood,” Itachi nodded in affirmation.
“I see you collected a body, perhaps we can take it off your hands,” the white half spoke calmly as he eyed Kisame.
Kisame was quick to sling the body off him and dumping it onto the ground, carelessly. “Be my guest,” Kisame offered, his tone light.
“Be sure not to eat it. The ninja has a bounty on his head and you know how Kakuzu gets about every penny,” Itachi advised, carefully.
Your eyes widened at that, realizing this plant thing was a cannibal. Your jaw tightened as you tried to get a grip on your nerves.
“Ah, yes. I remember the last time,” the white one recalled.
“We don’t eat garbage that’s not fresh,” the black one remarked, sounding offended.
“It’s only a few hours,” Kisame jested, crackling. He was not at all disturbed by the topic.
“We’ll take it and leave. Leader-sama will be expecting to hear an update from you within three weeks” that black one informed, sounding irritated.
“Thank you, Zetsu,” Itachi responded, formally.
The plant-like thing named Zetsu nodded as it took the corpse and began sinking back into the ground, disappearing.
You soon felt his presence dissipate and was left with a sickening feeling in your stomach.
“Finally, we’re done with the bounty hunting. It got a bit repetitive.” Kisame remarked, chuckling lightly. He seemed eager to have a new assignment.
“We’re going to have to change direction,” Itachi mentioned gingerly as he closed his eyes. He opened them once again, his attention directed at you. “The Land of Earth is your home, Y/N. Tell us what do you know of the four-tails jinchuuriki,” Itachi stated coolly.
Your mouth was slightly agape as you were unsteady about the situation.
“You can’t be serious?” You muttered.
Kisame crackled. “Why would we joke? You should know by now the Akatsuki takes itself very seriously,” Kisame mocked, amused with your reaction.
“I don’t know much…” You admitted slowly, afraid that they wouldn’t believe you.
You soon felt the heat of the mark upon the back of your neck ignite. It stung as Itachi’s eyes were critically staring at yours.
“I swear there’s not much to know! The four-tails lives in the Land of Earth, but I do not know a name or a face,” you stuttered at the pain.
Itachi’s eyes narrowed. “There is something you’re not telling us.”
You bit your lip nervously.
“They know where to find the information,” Kisame assumed, a sharp grin growing on his face.
Your lack of response only confirmed Kisame’s theory.
“But I can’t go with you to the Land of Earth,” you tried to reasoned, your stare only holding Itachi’s. “Your leader said I was marked as a trader. They will be looking for me and if anyone recognizes me, I’m a goner. I can’t go back there.”
Itachi barely batted an eye at your argument, lengthening the silence between you three. “It is true that tracker ninja will be looking for you, but I doubt they would be looking for you inside the Land of Earth itself.
Your last known location was outside of your country’s borders before you were declared rogue. Even if that title was a false pretense to cover for your mission and you had returned to Iwagakure with open arms, they would thoroughly interrogate you. However, with your chakra submission capabilities and our subtle presence, we should be able to investigate without drawing much attention to ourselves.”
“But… I…” you trailed off unsure.
“Just don’t get caught,” Kisame chuckled.
You glared sharply over to the big tall blue man. “Thanks for the advice,” you remarked snippy.
“Ha, easy there, chum” Kisame warned, his smile faltering.
The seal on the back of your neck burned again and brought your attention back to Itachi. Your annoyance disappearing at the tinge in your neck, helplessness and unwillingness to oblige filling you. 
Itachi’s cold hard stare lingered on you, never wavering.
“You will help us find the four-tails,” Itachi spoke firmly with resolve.
Looking into Itachi’s merciless eyes, you knew there was no room for argument. You were going to have to help them find the four-tails. You just only hoped that no one would discover or recognized you.
“Plus, if everything goes to shit, plan B is we’ll kill anyone that gets in our way,” Kisame suggested, cracking a grin wickedly.
Dread filled you as you felt as if a rock was sinking to the bottom of your stomach. 
Part VI
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