luminosity-arts · 6 years
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Aaand finally another installment in my ATA gods/goddesses drawing extravaganza! I’m probably only gonna do one more in the next week or so and then have a part 2 sort of thing later since I’m ready to draw something besides people now.  Anyhow, Khoza is a mortal man born with the blessing of Ryuza, which allowed him to use magic in a world where at the time, it should have been impossible. He defeated Sarna’s killer Varendil, and shattered her crystal heart bringing magic back to the world for good. In the process of doing this he used all his magic to shatter the heart, which led to him being the first person to develop what is known in modern times as Khoza’s Disease. A person develops Khoza’s Disease when they use all their magic, which causes the body to substitute life energy in order for them to keep using magic when they really shouldn’t be able to. The effects of this cannot be reversed, so not only is life energy depleted much faster then normal, the more a person with the disease uses magic, the faster it will kill them. If not using magic at all, a person with Khoza’s disease will have their life expectancy cut roughly in half. 
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lantilles · 6 years
A Lament
A few evenings ago my name was brought up in a conversation about people toxic to the roleplay community. I was on an alt that I haven’t really named much, so I don’t think the person knew I was in the chat channel.
But they said it and you know, it’s true. I was a toxic person to the roleplay community, both Varendil and I were toxic people, and I don’t think we’ve ever really truly apologized for that.
We took a community that was full of creative and talented people and used it as a playground to make ourselves look better. We thought ourselves better than others and decided to be loud about our false superiority. We were wrong. We were immature and toxic to a group of people who we should have been celebrating and working with. Roleplayers already get a bad rap, and what we did may have made that rap even worse.
How many people were steered away from MG because of us? How many people decided to not even bother with roleplay, or give it up, because of us? The idea that we may have driven people away from the community terrifies us and makes us ashamed. We met on Moon Guard, we met through roleplay! We were helping to destroy the very thing that brought us together.
It’s been almost six years since we took rpl down, and shortly after, deleted nearly everything that dealt with it. Yet six years later, the taint of what we did still lingers. And that will never go away and we have to live with knowing that we’ve stuck in people’s minds for *that* long, for something we should have never done to begin with.
We’re sorry we used the community like that, insulted you while claiming to make things better. We should not have done that, we were wrong to do that. We should not have taken up a mantle of roleplay police, and we definitely shouldn’t have done it so publicly as well. We publicly shamed people who did not deserve it. We are sorry. No amount of words can really express how much we regret what we did to you.
For those who keep doing this, who keep bashing on roleplayers publicly (and heck, even in group chats, I know you’re still around): Stop. Just stop it. You aren’t better than the ERP alts in Goldshire, you aren’t better than the High Elves in Stormwind or any of the other people you insult. We are all the same people, doing the same exact thing. If you don’t care what other people think, then at least think about yourself. You surround yourself with negativity and eventually, you become that.  If all you’re doing is focusing on the bad and the stuff you dislike, you aren’t going to like anything. Stop being a pud.
In six years, Varendil and I have matured. We got married, got better jobs, and grew up. We are no longer the people we were back then. We’ve always been passionate about storytelling and characters, but we’ve learned to stick with our own stuff. What other people do is none of our business. It took us a while to get to where we are now, but we are happier for it. We urge anyone who was like us to do the same.
I know this is probably too little too late, and we aren’t expecting for people to just forgive and forget. In all honestly, no one should forget how toxic we were, and how destructive we were. Use us as an example for people who want to be roleplay police: in the end, you aren’t going to have fun. You’re being a jerk, you’re not funny, you should really just relax.
So, from Varendil and I, we are sorry. We cannot go back and change the things we did, and heal the wounds we caused to the community, but we can speak out against this type of behavior when it pops up, and I plan to do that. We cannot fix the damage we may have caused, but we can stand up against people who try to do the same thing.
We hurt people while trying to be cool and edgy, thinking we were better than others when we weren’t. We’ve taken strides to improve ourselves as people over the past few years, but improving ourselves will not fix the damage we’ve done to the community. We hurt people for our own enjoyment, and for those we hurt, we won’t ask for your forgiveness because we don’t truly deserve it. We did what we did knowing full well how scummy we were.
I just wanted to write this up, clear the air, and officially apologize for what we did. Thank you for reading.
-Courtney and Taylor
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luminosity-arts · 6 years
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Aaand it’s Sarna! Sarna is the mortal daughter of Ryuza who gave magic to humanity. After being killed by man named Varendil, Ryuza took her spirit back from Earth into the heavens and she now exists as the sun, watching over and protecting humanity along with Ryuza (who exists as the moon). The source of her magic/power is her crystalline heart, which Varendil took after killing her in an effort to rid the world of magic.  (I just realized I’ve drawn a bunch of girls in a row the next one is a guy I promise haha) 
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lantilles · 7 years
EVERY TIME @lechet starts talking about all those crazy moon guard rp adventures, I get this awful itch to get back on wow, drag the husband along, and just do nothing in Silvermoon but talk IC with each other.
I really want to write the ending to Lanuria and Varendil, but I don’t think I could really do it. Husband wrote a good story for an ending to Varendil’s story, but Lanuria’s needs more...umphf and less greedy goblins being assholes and Varendil one upping them with his business skills and shrewdness. 
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lantilles · 7 years
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Eight years ago, Lanuria Rivenblaze married Varendil Dawnblade in a wedding ceremony in Crystalsong Forest. It was a small and sweet ceremony, though the vows have most likely been lost to time and new computers, but their love stayed strong through deaths of family and friends. The two are mostly retired, having left the Horde for more neutral grounds. Seven years ago, while having dinner to celebrate the one year anniversary of those characters, @clifford-telegenic proposed to me. I still can't believe that two blood elves who met on a single chat channel on a single wow server, that I only went to because of a boyfriend at the time, who I met on a rather small dating site, was playing there, fell in love. And I still can't believe that those two players fell in love either. There are still a few people who remember us before we started dating and the freaking mess I was trying to get over those feelings for Taylor and then coming to accept them, and then the excitement of finally metting him in real life. (Looking at you, @lechet) Thanks for being on thise journey with us. I'm really happy that all this happened and I'm here. He has improved my life and helped me become a better person, lifting me up and believing in me, but never doing the job for me because I had to decide to become a better person. Looking back, I can see a little bit of Lanuria and Varendil in the real us, how their relationship started, how the two went through struggles and mishaps, how we finally accepted what we had was real. And that's pretty awesome. And sure, we don't get to kill scourge or have cool dialogue while doing it, but we get to kill time and have cool dialogue doing it. Love you beyond words, husband. :) (Art is by Nuellen, but I can't freaking remember your Tumblr name on mobile. :P)
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lantilles · 7 years
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Anyone who did instances with Lanuria and Varendil back in WotLK know how bad ass Varen was at healing!
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lantilles · 7 years
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When Varendil is getting tired. (Credit to @clifford-telegenic)
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lantilles · 11 years
Hey Kids! Do You Like Getting Married?
((I really wanted to post this because I'm telling Interspacing about Lan and Varen and I have all these belf feels?))
How many times has this happened to you?!
Boy: Let’s get married. Then I’ll feel less guilty about the things I put between your legs.
Girl: I’d love to! But first I need a standard white wedding dress, or perhaps some commonly-seen crafted robes to dress up in.
Boy: Oh, and I should get my not-at-all-compensatory enormous weapon enchanted with a purely cosmetic glow.
Both: Wow. Where are we going to find someone that can help with all of our problems?
Hello! This is where I come in! I am Varendil Dawnblade of Honest Varendil’s Enchanting Emporium, Tailoring Hut, and Discount Weddings!
Even if you’re not sure she’s the one, due to today’s highly volatile combat environments and confusing inheritance laws, you can’t afford NOT to be married to the person you want to have your stuff once you’re ganked and teabagged by some gnome in Wintergrasp Fortress! We’re here to help!
At Honest Varendil’s Discount Weddings, we provide bargain weddings in almost any locale. Our priests have real wedding experience to provide you with a top notch ceremony at bottom-gouge prices.
But how do we do it? Honest Varendil’s Discount Weddings is a one-couple operation. This means we can cut out the middlemen and pass the savings on to you!
No witness? No problem! Save your anxiety for unmet expectations on the wedding night!
Need a wedding dress or tuxedo? Our highly skilled tailors can turn out clean, guaranteed-to-fit product in no time at all!
Contact Varendil or Lanuria Dawnblade for a FREE consultation! You cannot be turned down due to preexisting conditions such as undeath, homosexuality or troll descent!
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