#Van Augre
One Piece — "You're Blackbeard?!"
From Volume 56 - Chapter 543 / Season 7 Episode 446. Vice Warden Hannyabal was going to risk his life to stop Luffy, but was suddenly stopped by Warlord of the Sea, Marshall D. Teach. Luffy's reactive personality would make him quick to pick a fight with Blackbeard, but he's in a rush to head to Marineford and save Ace, there's no time to lose!! How will he act?
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the-bejeesus · 3 years
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Using the scans from One Piece World Top 100 to make high-quality profile pictures designed for use on Discord or other chats (Part 51 of 76)
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487: The Insatiable Akainu! Lava Fists Pummel Luffy!
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Akainu... come on, mate. Enough is enough.
I never thought it would be easy escaping Marineford after all the fighting but I honestly didn’t think it would be as hard as this. In a way, this is good because it’s more realistic. I would probably have complained if the Allies sailed away without meeting resistance.
The Admirals should probably have a quick look behind, though, because while they’re gleefully picking off the retreating survivors, Blackbeard is finishing what Whitebeard started (trans: taking the credit for his hard work).
Sink Marineford into the Water!
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The episode opened with Teach’s sweet, gentle laughter.
Just kidding. It was of the maniacal, villainous variety, as he was enjoying himself immensely. “I can feel the power coursing through my veins!” he roared, as he punched the air and chunks of Marineford crashed to the ground. “I feel like I could control the whole world!”
Is it better than a really good cherry pie, though? Doubtful.
Random Marines looked on in horror as their beloved symbol was reduced to rubble. One of them was so angry, he was moved to call Teach what he is. Teach, being a sympathetic sort, laughed and said, “Wanna fight? No? What a shame! Oh, well. I have no choice. Let’s start with sinking Marineford into the sea!”
A shaft of light broke through the clouds. Oh, yes. Yes, please do, Teach.
But Sengoku was like, “NOT ON MY WATCH, WHIPPERSNAPPER!” Once again, his speech was excellent. 
“A building can easily be rebuilt. But the island of Marineford is located virtually in the centre of the world. To protect the people of the world who are threatened by rampaging villains, it is important to them that we are here. Justice that comes from humanity will never perish. Don't claim to be able to sink Marineford so lightly you little punk!”
It’s interesting that Sengoku talks of protecting the people of the world, how important the symbol is to the people, and that justice stemming from humanity will never die. Sengoku is concerned with ordinary people, with their safety, and believes his justice stems from that humanity. Some noble beliefs right there. I guess that’s where he differs from Akainu. Akainu, I imagine, wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about protecting ordinary people if they got in the way of Justice Being Done. Buster Call, anyone? Innocents are unfortunate collateral.
It was also interesting that the Blackbeard pirates are currently holding their own against Sengoku. They may be new but they are no slouches in combat. (And I’m still confused by San Juan Wolf. That guy is so massive, he could sink Marineford himself. Couldn’t he just pick up Sengoku and launch him like a baseball?)
It’s really weird, but right now, I am rooting for Teach. This is because when Whitebeard threatened to sink Marineford, I was all for it. The Marines executed Ace, who they claimed was symbolic of Roger. I wanted Whitebeard to make it even by smashing Marineford, their stronghold, part of that symbolic triangle of justice. Now that Whitebeard, the symbol of the old Era, is gone, I want the pirates to get even. Two pirate symbols wiped out and no Marine symbols? I call that unfair. If it means Teach has even the score, that’s fine by me.
This, of course, means the fodder Marines who haven’t sniffed the Justice Poppers are now stuck between a rock and a hard place. Blackbeard vs Sengoku at one end and Akainu vs Everyone at the other. Joy of joys! The Marines who have come over all stab happy are causing Coby and Helmeppo to have Doubts. Yes, justice is wonderful, but some of their colleagues are chasing overkill and the zealous, foaming-at-the-mouth anger is making them uncomfortable. I like that Oda included the scene. There is hope for the Marines yet. Hurry up and grab yourself a good fruit, Coby. We need you as an Admiral.
Because if Akainu doesn’t stop it, someone will deck him with extreme prejudice one day...
I hope it’s Jimbei.
It’s okay, Jimbei. It’s okay... ;_;
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Yet again, Ivankov agreed to act as a distraction to let Jimbei hoof it to safety. (I hope he’s okay because he collapsed after inhaling a lot of smoke. Please, Oda, I cannot handle any more deaths. Ivankov is precious to me now.) This was a wise move because Akainu was, by that point, so angry and intent on murdering Luffy that he might not have noticed Marineford crumbling behind him.
Akainu did land a hit. I may have sworn at the screen when I realised he’d got Luffy and Jimbei. 
Uncle Jimbei’s strategy was simple. Get into open water and outrun Akainu. If Aokiji hadn’t cheekily frozen the water, Jimbei would have been in the clear! As Akainu indulged in a spot of shit-talking, "You gonna keep protecting him with a hole in his chest? He's gonna die soon." 
I bet he regretted it when Crocodile came screaming out of nowhere and spirited away Luffy and Jimbei in a massive sand tornado. (Crocodile, if you survive this, team up with Jimbei and get a crew together. You two would unstoppable.) He yelled, “CATCH THESE GUYS AND GET THEM ON A SHIP!” Then he turned round to face Akainu, joining forces with the Whitebeard Division Commanders.
Someone did catch them, but it wasn’t the random bunch Crocodile shouted at.
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He’s so out of his depth it’s hilarious.
And speaking of depth...
Guess who popped out of the water?
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It was only Trafalgar Law! :D And now, after years, I finally know what that damned symbol is! (For anyone who has followed NWOP more recently, a friend gave me a phone strap she said was One Piece merch. It had some of those little sea mine symbols on dangling chains but I had no clue what they were.
Trafalgar Law is the only other Hot Shit Rookie to grace the battlefield. Kidd will be so jealous. He seems the bitter type...
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Relax... He Be A Doctor...
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483-484: ‘Looking for the Answer! Fire Fist Ace Dies On the Battlefield!’ and ‘The Navy Headquarters Falls! Whitebeard's Unspeakable Wrath.’
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Actually watched these on Friday but was too bummed about what had happened to post. Turns out one of the spoilers was real, after all. Joy of joys. One more to go and then all I’ll have floating around my head is that Sanji has a sister.
Annoyed at the spoiler-tastic title, though. Thanks, Toei, for ruining that in advance. I was also unwittingly spoiled by the latest Uniqlo/SJ 50 t-shirt drop (but didn’t know it at the time because I was clueless about the panel’s context).
Yes, I am delaying the inevitable...
Better get on with it.
R.I.P. Fire Fist Ace
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I am sad and mad at the waste of life.
Ace had so much to live for, but he had no regrets, so from his perspective, it is okay. I mean, the old cliche is true, right? Death is easy for the dead. Those they leave behind have to deal with the fallout. And Luffy is... beyond distraught. Catatonic with despair, actually, to the point Jimbei had to step in or else he would have been fried by Akainu.
Picking up where 483 left off, despite the Big Damned Spoiler Title, I knew Ace was not in a good way. If that title hadn’t ruined it, I might have thought even then that Ace would make it through. If Whitebeard can fight on with a hole in his chest, why couldn’t Ace? And the Pirate Alliance had Emporio Ivankov on their side, right?
There were a few final twists and turns, a few flashes of drama, before the quiet, sad moment happened. Garp rushing down to Ace, Sengoku having to pin him to stop Garp killing Akainu (I wish he hadn’t. I still want that Garp Monkey D. Family Team to happen). The nightmare fuel scene when Akainu was shot point blank by bazooka fire and walked back through the flames like a zombie with parts missing. The moment when Jimbei stood between Ace and Akainu “You will not touch him again! I have been ready to die since the beginning!” with Akainu retorting, “Looks like I need to execute a traitor.” Marco breaking free courtesy of Mr 3, enabling Luffy to take Ace away...
Damn, I really didn’t think Oda would have the cajones to kill off Ace. The moment was done well, though, so at least there’s that. Weirdly, the scene reminded me of Mufasa’s death (from The Lion King). Just Luffy’s fragile, tentative questions, “Hey. Hey... are you alright?” mixed with the horror of realisation something was terribly wrong when he placed his hand on Ace’s back and it came back thick with blood.
But still, he could deny it then. Ace could be treated. Ace could be cured. Emporio Ivankov was on his side!
Unfortunately, the damage was irreparable. Ace’s organs had been completely burned away. The moment Ivankov had to break that news was horrible. I felt so bad for Luffy. He tried to bargain desperately: “You can’t die! You promised you would never die, no matter what!”
Knowing he didn’t have much time left, Ace took advantage of the quiet moment to have a last talk with his little brother. I liked how Toei froze the battle, cast everything and everyone but Ace and Luffy in greyscale, because for that moment, the only alive people in the world were two brothers. 
“I wouldn't even have had a will to live if it weren't for Sabo and a high maintenance brother like you. If you see Dadan someday, say hello for me. When I face my own death, I even miss a woman like her. There is one thing that makes me wanna stay. That is my desire to see you fulfill your dream. But I'm sure that you can do it. Because you're my brother. Like we promised that day, I have no regrets in life. Something tells me that what I truly wanted was not fame. Did I deserve to be born? What I wanted was the answer to that question.
I can't raise my voice to let anyone hear anymore, Could you tell them what I'm about to say now? Old man, everyone, and you Luffy. Thank you... for loving someone like me: a good for nothing who has such bad blood in his veins... Thank you!”
Yeah, so at that point, I was just staring at the screen, watching Ace die and labouring under the same haze of denial as Luffy. It still wasn’t real. Then Ace’s eyes glazed over, the little flame inside him finally winked out and he slumped to the ground with a smile on his face. Even the vivre card burned to ashes.
Watching Luffy realise his brother was dead was worse than Ace’s last words. Eyes wide, he just stared at his blood-soaked hands and shook. “Ace...? Ace...?”
Then he screamed. The grief was too much and he shut down completely.
This is the second gut-wrenching loss Luffy has suffered in quick succession. As far as he’s concerned, he’s lost his crew. Now, he has lost his only brother. I wonder how this will affect Luffy going forward? I’m assuming Luffy will use Ace’s death to swear vengeance on the Marines and World Government. Take note, Marines: this is how you create a mighty enemy. Luffy does need to be stronger. But, damn, if that is not a harsh way to learn that lesson...
Oh, and I don’t ever want to see Jimbei sobbing again. That was too much on top of everything else. ;_;
Akainu Is Not A Good Person
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He’s behind me, isn’t he?
That shot is honestly the only thing that cheered me up over these two episodes. I watched it three times and laughed like a drain every time.
Then it just got better because Oda let Whitebeard loose on Akainu and it was glorious! It’s as if Oda realised, “Yeah, the fans will be grieving and seething, let’s give them an outlet for their feelz.”
Akainu made another swipe at Luffy, but Marco stepped in. Unfortunately, Marco was wearing sandals. (Not the most effective footwear for facing off against Akainu. You’d need steel toe capped boots or special heat-entry PPE for that. Marco, you must update your look. Function over fashion. I know it will sting but it is for a good cause.) He couldn’t hold off Akainu completely. But someone who could rumbled up behind him.
Man... Whitebeard was mad. Beyond mad. “I will hammer you into the ground like a tent peg” mad. “I will punch you to pate” mad. I actually cheered when that first punch connected. The best part was when he grabbed Akainu by the collar, tossed him in the air and broke him with a devastating punch. I’ve never been happy to see someone bleed before. That was new.
But Akainu did get a hit in. Note to All Pirates: Do not let Akainu anywhere near your torso. Reblog to save a life!
It’s maybe too late for Whitebeard, though. I am not going to jump the gun again because Oda has subverted tropes before, but it seems like Whitebeard is intent on Marineford being his last stand. He split the battlefield so the Pirate Allies could escape, trapping himself on the other side with all the Marines. 
It was also satisfying to see Marineford sinking into the sea along with Akainu! I may also have cheered at this and laughed: “YES! BYE, SAKAZUKI! SINK INTO THE OCEAN AND DROWN!” A measured response? Absolutely not. Do I think he will be saved? Hopefully not!
Then Teach appeared.
This is the first time I was not excited to see him and his crew. I thought, “Come on, mate. There’s a time and a place...” 
But clearly, for Blackbeard, this is the perfect time and place.
Not Even In The Mood For Blackbeard
Teach has the chutzpah to turn up at Whitebeard’s last stand and advertise his new crew. I might be going off them. There are now ten Blackbeard pirates, so that’s my Individual Blackbeards vs Individual Strawhats theory up in smoke.  (Unless Luffy recruits another crew member. Then it’s back on!) 
So far, we have:
1. Blackbeard 2. Van Augr 3. Jacques Laffite 4. Jesus Burgess 5. Doc Q 6. San Juan Wolf 7. Catalina Devon 8. Shiryu of the Rain 9. Vasco Shot 10. Guy With Horns I Don’t Remember
Now it makes sense why Teach was sniffing about Impel Down. He was recruiting! Still don’t know what his game is, though. Why is he here now? What’s the point in having a chuckle at Whitebeard’s expense? Why advertise your new crew? I don’t think the Marines will be impressed that you took time off to recruit while there was a big battle going on.
I also have questions about San Juan Wolf.
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How does San Juan Wolf fit on any ship? He is so massive he barely fits into shot and suffers from goddamned distance fade. Does he just trail after Teach’s ship like a massive, violent puppy? Where did they keep him in Impel Down? Would Ikea be interested in such space-defying dimensions?
I’ll have to stay tuned, I guess.
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No, thank you, Ace. You’ve been great. ;_;
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