#Ultraman Tunas
anne-lida · 1 year
Hello, Lida *-* I saw some Japanese titles in your WIPs names, so... Do you speak Japanese and never told me??? Do you know I love Japan, Japanese folklore, culture and their traditional food?? Now you know (Nikujaga is on the menu for dinner tonight ٩◔‿◔۶)
So, tell me more about those titles. And... how many languages do you speak? Did I see some Spanish titles too? Mmh.. Interesting!
Hello, dearest Lady Connor!
I'd just ran around my bed in excitement for... maybe two minutes or more after seeing your ask. Really tired, but happy to see you in my ask box! ^^
Anyway, for the ask:
I'll be very honest, I just started learning Japanese last December and I still can't make a proper sentence yet--probably even less knowledgable about Japanese anything than even you ^^'. Really sorry for disappointing you ;_;
Other than their foods, I do really love tokusatsu, especially shows like Super Sentai (and its American adaptation Power Rangers) and Kamen Rider. But last year, I delved into Ultraman franchise and found a... deep liking into a certain character ._.
And that's when I made that first Japanese-titled WIP ^^
(Btw, all of my Japanese-titled WIPs are Ultraman fanfics and for now, they're still written in English ^^)
So, for 限界を超えろ (Genkai wo koero!), I did post the faceclaim of its main character, Kazuki Ōkami ^^
Story-wise, it's a story of Kazuki, a paralympic athlete who was once a big fan of his city's hero, Ultraman Srika. One day, Kazuki lost his best friend during an attack and he found out that his very idol caused it. He was boiled in hellish fury, but far from enough to give him an even chance to survive the giant's blow, if he should fight Srika.
On his lonely walk, he sacrificed his life to save a mysterious young man, who turned out to be a new Ultraman in disguise named Gala. To pay for Kazuki's heroic deed, Gala bonded with him. Reviving him in the process and giving him ability to become giant. A chance to fight alongside Ultraman Srika, or against him :)
Yeah, that's basically what the first episode is ^^
The story of ミスター • ウルトラマン (Misutā Urutoraman) is still not well developed. The main concept is this series' Ultra host is a CEO of a food company. He only turned into giant if the company's properties were at high risk of getting damaged by the Kaiju and often used the catastrophic attacks to create his company's heroic image as "the savior of starvation" kind of thing through food donation xD
強大な翼 (Kyōdaina Tsubasa) popped quite recently. There's a pair of twins who worked in a Kaiju defense force--one is a pilot, and the other's a naval flight officer. On one mission of finding the Kaiju's nest far outside the border of the outmost village, the pilot's team was attacked by a mama Kaiju and the base lost contact with them. As the Kaiju got closer to the populated village, a mysterious Ultraman appeared and saved the day. Yet, after a search, no trace of the fallen pilots had been found.
And this is his story of finding his sister (and the process of accepting the possibility of her death) and, while still in grieving state, helping other living pilots protecting their homeland (along with the unknown gigantic alien).
Btw, on how many languages I speak...
Uh, it's only three ^^'
Japanese and Spanish (and Bable aka Asturian) are not even one of them. So if you (or anyone else) notice any mistake, please correct me xD
Idk if you also ask about the "Spanish-titled" files, but I'll tell you about it anyway xD
It's all under a WIP folder of a very loose Power Rangers fanfic. It was inspired by social-deduction games mechanic (like Mafia, Werewolf, Town of Salem, Among Us).
"During the sickening century of old, there were murderous beasts called "Monscuros". At night, they searched for foods and followers amongst humans and at day, dressed like the humans. The people of Nagüestia didn't have strength to hold off against their devilish power. But under the slightest glare of sun, people took a chance to push anyone who looked like they did the darkest sin last night into trials.
"Those people claimed that was the only way to win. But seeing so many innocent blood spilt before a sinner was caught, some of them silently believed more in the fabled Layenda. The heroes of the stars, who also hid amongst the men until the sun went down, when they would strike the monsters at the heart with their silver blade and starlight spells. Saving humanity from those wretched creatures... and themselves."
And that's the somewhat romantization vibe of that WIP ^^'
Also, I posted a drawing of a Layenda in the past.
So, yeah. Thank you so much for asking me! ^^
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charlesandmiranda · 4 months
Asakusa Adventures part one:
2/1 dinner with friends and 2/2 Senso-ji Temple
After leaving Ochanomizu, Charles and I took the train to Asakusa, our next stop in Tokyo. We had dinner plans to meet with a friend and her family that night, and we planned to explore the area the following day (which is yesterday, at the time of writing!)
Our friend, Penko, her husband As'maria, and two sons took us to Asakusa Ichimon, which is a super traditional restaurant. It was featured in the movie Shin Ultraman which came out in 2022, and Charles really wanted to visit it as a film location, but before we could even mention it to her, she was already suggesting that we should all go together, and so we did!
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The interior was amazing, I wish we had taken more photos. Taking photos inside establishments can sometimes be difficult, privacy is much more significant of a cultural consideration than in the US and we don't want to take photos of other patrons. It was a lot of gorgeous, dark wood, short, low to the ground tables, tatami mats, and floor chairs. There was a super zen, indoor water feature too, which was pretty cool, to put it mildly.
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I don't even begin to know how to describe how tasty the food was; there was a huge menu of sakes (Japanese style alcohol, think sort of like a "rice wine" even though that's not strictly accurate) and shochu (more like a liquor), almost all, if not all of which, we'd never seen before in the states. The entire meal was a like...5 course experience, starting with a small appetizer of fruit, tofu, fish egg and beans (in honor of the Setsubun holiday, which is today [2/3] at time of writing!) all the way to a hot pot of tuna, leek, mushrooms and more. Genuinely everything was like, beyond delicious, and it was sooooo much food, without ever making us feel like we were totally gonna pop (although it was close). There was also a beef dish mid meal that was the first beef Charles had eaten in close to two decades, and it was worth it.
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It was also really really special to get to spend the time getting to know Penko and her family better; I first met her here on tumblr actually, maybe....gosh, I don't know, 8 years ago? give or take a year? through a mutual fandom (we were both fans of a specific pairing in a video game called Danganronpa, where she was a very popular fan-artist at the time). Since then, we've met her in Japan a few times on trips, and we've slowly gotten to know her family over the last few years. After our engagement, Penko actually drew some lovely art for us as a congratulations; if you were at our wedding, we had it displayed near our guestbook :P
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The following day, we spent exploring around our Airbnb in Asakusa, as well as visiting Tokyo Skytree. Our stay was on the second floor, above a restaurant, right in the heart of the district.
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We started the morning early at Cafe Royal, a super old-school Showa-era coffee shop built in the early 1960s. We had coffees and breakfast there, and their specialty Royal Coffee has to have been one of the best coffees I've ever had. It almost reminded me of dark chocolate in terms of its acidity and smoothness. It was truly awesome.
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Afterwards, we spent some time shopping at Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing store (there are some in the states too, if you're curious!) My favorite pair of jeans ripped badly on the plane, and I wanted to replace them, so I bought a new pair at Uniqlo, as well as some of their warm layering clothing, which they're well known for, to stave off the February chill. Charles also got some warm winter wear, so we're both totally topped off for the rest of the trip with trendy heat-tech goodies.
We also wandered around the streets and streets and STREETS of Asakusa's extensive shopping and food district surrounding the massive, gorgeous Senso-ji temple. One thing I love about Japan is that these huge shopping districts often have covered roofs over the streets so even if it's raining or kinda crappy weather, you can still walk freely across blocks without too much trouble. We were mostly window shopping, but we definitely stopped for a few treats.
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From there, we headed to Tokyo Skytree, stay tuned for our next post!
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toku-explained · 7 months
The Legend Alchemist
This is a new one. SHT is pre empted, so both series have web specials. You think they'd do this more often nowadays. As I have no idea when the specials will actually be available, going to post this now as is.
Blazar: Perfect Analyse Gadget, PAG, analyses the new Ultraman, and with the assistance of replicas Mogusion-chan and Gedos-chan, discusses the new Kaiju. Those two, after embarrassment from his tics, get in an argument over whether underground or underwater Kaiju are better, only to turn on PAG who prefers robot and space Kaiju.
Gotchard Vs Legend: Scientists use the Aurora Curtain system to observe the World of Gotchard, their leader, Houou Kaguya Quartz, declare this new Rider will be his, looking at his Legendriver and Kamen Rider Legend card. Ichinose serves Kajiki, who wants to tell him about a rumoured underground society, when an aurora curtain warps Ichinose into a cell, greeted by who appears to be Kajiki, but is in fact a butler, Butler. He presents his lord, Houou, who feels Gotchard isn't a gorgeous as he should be. Using VR they show that the World of Legend prospered from using dimensional travel, until Hundred invaded from another world, until Houou repelled them, the Houou tower built in his honour, he has also gathered Rider Chemy Cards, including for Gotchard, he wants to improve Gotchard. Hundred infiltrate the Tower, and he takes Ichinose and Butler to the army of Kasshins. He Chemy Rides into Legend, fighting while using the Legend Ride Magnum to summon Gaim, Hibiki, Kaixa and Kiva to fight for him, he summoned Riders' attacks seemingly enhanced in gorgeousness. He forces Ichinose to henshin, and decides to enhance his gorgeousness with his Rider Chemy Cards, having Butler force him to become ExceedMighty, he successfully defeats the Kasshin, but they then overload the Gotchardriver, Kaguya Chemy Rides into Den-O to defeat the lead Kasshin, then steals the Gotchardriver. The Leader of Hundred looks at a Ridewatch, and swears all worlds shall be theirs.
Donbrothers Vs Donburis: Sad this isn't a real crossover, I was looking forwards to pretending we'd been watching Avataro Sentai Donburis fight Avataro Sentai Donfragrance for a year. Going in I wasn't sure if this was during the series, or after Donbrothers Vs Zenkaiger. In the end, it takes place right before the endgame arc starts. Taro and Jiro stop by the Oden cart, where Sonoi has started helping out and presents his experimental dish Oden Don, Taro is enthralled, and decides to make ass dishes Donburi. Sonoshi is seething from the previous humiliation by the Donbrothers and Sonoi, and summons backup, a figure identical to Sonoi except without the feathers and with a brown shirt, who ignores Sonoshi. Taro gives a lecture on Donburi to the others, Haruka sneaks away only to find a Love letter she concludes is for her, and wonders who of the guys could have written it. "Sonoi" interrupts, he is Mr À La Carte, and is offended by placing other foods over rice, rendering the dishes Taro has prepared à la carte, and brainwashing Jiro with these dishes, Taro challenges he will present the ultimate Donburi. While he does other stuff, the others work on their own dishes aided by the Noto in their own way, and Taro arrives with tuna for his own dish. Taro and Haruka go to Kaito for advice to make the ultimate Donburi, he and Stacey, the True Rival , present the special seasoning, and plan to have another battle. Unfortunately the Tekkadon, Tendon, Katsudon, Kensaidon and Gyudon presented to Jiro and Mr À La Carte are rejected as being à la carte, so they go back, and prepare the Donburi Donburi, a behemoth meal that enthralls Jiro, allowing him to break free. An angered Mr À La Carte transforms, again resembling Sonoi with Donburi à la carte on the shield, and TekkadonRed, TendonBlue, KatsudonYellow, KaisendonBlack and GyudonPink face him, using their own special abilities, and Jiro, overflowing with power, receives a gear from the Donburi Phoenix, becoming Goldon Doragoku. The Donbrothers use a special technique to defeat Mr À La Carte and Sonoshi, who laments he will have to call in "those two". Turns out nobody wrote the love letter for Haruka, it was Stacey attempting to express his true feelings toward Kaito.
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What other shows have that BLACK/Blade/Showa Ultraman appeal of being super wacky silly fun time most of the time until it just fucking crushes your soul. Like, kids in the 60's watched the Jamila episode & then were expected to just continue with their lives as normal can you believe that shit?
genuinely just so deeply fucked up. Kotaro Minami spends like 80% of the series fighting stupid cactus monsters and a mammoth that is stealing tuna and at least 3 plots spun out of japan's hyperfixation with psychics at the time and then somewhere in the late 30s Shadow Moon comes back and it's like oh, shit, right, this series had themes and a point it's going to make and, and it's really fucking depressing actually!
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pleistocene-polina · 4 years
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Here are some boys (and girls) from the Kaijustars AU at a Halloween party.
Godzilla is Ghost Godzilla tm, Gamera is a ninja turtle (of course), Ultraman is a toilet paper mummy ‘coz why not, Eleking is the little mermaid, Guiron is Pyramid Head,  SpaceGodzilla is a dude with a fish tank on his head  an astronaut, Dada is a zebra man ‘coz zebras are cool, Gabara clearly had no idea for a costume,  Jet is a killer clown, Belial just got his head stuck in a pumpkin – plz help him, Hedorah is a flower child, Taro is a sweet little angel (I mean, that’s just who he is), Zilla has a tuna on her head (eh? eh?), Gyaos is a vampire (makes sense), Baltan cosplays as himself from @galionne-vibin ‘s Ultra Swap AU (I just love it too much), King Caesar is (you won’t believe it) Caesar, Tiga is… distressed, Evil Tiga is Shadow, Zero & Geed are matching skeleton bros, that trash can is not Zett’s costume – It’s a disguise he used to get to this party, Zigra is twice the shark he used to be (eh? eh?), Gigan has a chicken hat from MGS5 and he just wants to show it to everybody, Mothra has a froggo costume, Kiryu is an EVA, Gezora is a flower, Destoroyah is death
And this is all I could fit on one page
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wits-writing · 4 years
Ultraman Z Ep. 14: “Four-Dimensional Capriccio” (TV Review)
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(Original Air Date: September 25, 2020, Director: Kiyotaka Taguchi, Writer: Kota Fukihara)
While STORAGE celebrate the advancements made with King Joe and the retirement of Sevenger, things start getting twisted about their headquarters. The culprit behind the space/time bending coming from Shinya Kaburagi, still possessed by Celebro, releasing the extradimensional monster Bullton against them.
[Full Review Under the Cut]
This episode centering the four-dimensional alien Bullton was a major point in its favor from the start. The monster had a brief role way back in episode one as the being that separated Zett from Zero but seeing it in action more directly is a blast. During my recent marathon of the original 1966 Ultraman series; Bullton’s debut, “Passport to Infinity”, was easily among my favorites from that show. (For anyone curious the official Ultraman YouTube channel, at time of writing, has also made that classic available with captions after this episode of Ultraman Z aired.) Its design as a living MC Escher painting reflected in its power to fold space/time in on themselves, using radio antennae and eggbeater looking extensions to more actively deal with anyone who tries to stop it. Bullton’s fun in a way that demands creative execution when bringing it into play.
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The more general chaos Bullton causes during STORAGE’s celebration once released by Celebro leads to a litany of comedic beats that keep the episode’s tone breezy. Starting in minor ways like making most of the STORAGE staff float off the ground as they watch Bako do card tricks. Bako’s nonplussed reaction to the situation as everyone else flails about being an exemplary moment from the senior engineer. He gets a lot of fun moments in the episode, like when the engineering staff think he’ll spoil their party when he unexpectedly comes back early from his vacation, but instead he shows off a giant tuna he caught and offers it as the party’s main course. His chill vibes shine this episode between how he handles Bullton’s arrival and responding to questions about his fishing ability and magic tricks as “just something I picked up.”
Meanwhile, Juggler goes off in monster in monster form to talk to Celebro about interrupting their party. A strong scene between the former and current villains. Juggler lets Celebro know that he’s been aware of him for a while, even saying he’s “rooting for him” to get Celebro to back off of his “little pranks” this once. Though Celebro relishes the fact he executed his scheme at the perfect time. The joy he takes in that is the first distinct personality the show’s given to Celebro, who has otherwise seemed like a dispassionate figure only concerned with his experiments. The best visual gag in the episode comes when the confrontation between Juggler and Celebro ends on the alien parasite using Bullton’s power to teleport Juggler into a bathroom, exactly where Hebikura always excuses himself to disappear and be Juggler. Him reacting with a shrug and deciding he may as well take a leak while he’s there topping it off.
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STORAGE’s confrontation with Bullton isn’t all antics and shenanigans, as Haruki and Yoko’s internal dilemmas get spotlighted throughout this episode in mostly small ways that get externalized as the episode goes along. While everyone at STORAGE is celebrating the success and prestige King Joe has brought them, Yoko confides in Haruki that the implications of a weapon like Joe brings with it and how it might not belong in anyone’s hands, even the “right” ones. It’s an especially stark contrast to how Yuka, being the one we see kicking off the party, celebrates “having her genius recognized” by the world at large requesting access to their giant robot technology. When they figure out the way Bullton alters the environment is connected to their subconscious desires, Yuka tells Yoko the 4D-space loop she’s caught in comes from her deep down not wanting to use Joe at all. Her having issues with King Joe as a weapon are minor in the scheme of this episode, but it’s a good thread that I hope to see more of in the future.
Meanwhile, Haruki’s thread builds on his guilt from the last couple episodes. His story in this episode seems more in line with the comedic antics going on with everyone else when Bullton first gets released. The fourth dimensional being’s powers sending him through a minor time loop. He keeps getting sent back to right before his first bite of the tuna Bako brought to the party, since he wanted to keep eating it. A nice gag in an episode full of them making what happens next have an even stronger impact. When Yoko’s able to tell Haruki to focus on what he really wants to get out of the time loop, he ends up sent back in time and face to face with Masaru Natsukawa, his father.
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The deliberate contrast between the tone of this moment and the rest of the episode hit especially hard during my first viewing, since otherwise this episode continues the comedic streak of last week’s clip show. Brought back to the man he idealized growing up, he gets the impossible opportunity to have a man-to-man, heart-to-heart discussion about what he’s gone through. Keeping it vague by framing it as questions about Masaru’s job as a firefighter, Haruki gets the advice he needs to carry on doing his job without hesitation. His dad tells him about “his justice”, that you can only work to help those within your reach. Reaching everyone will never be possible, so you should never forget about those shortcomings and carry them with you as determination to always do more. The conversation’s capped off with Haruki asking Masaru for a handshake before he leaves, a flash of recognition appearing on his dad’s face as he realizes who he’s been talking to as a final touching note on the episode’s crowning moment.
When the episode gets back to the havoc caused by Bullton once it moves into the city and the actual fight against it begins, the comedic tone comes back among some gorgeous shots of widespread destruction. What else can be expected when the 4D-alien’s powers let it stay mostly still and bend space to deflects its opponents’ attacks right back at them. Though when it’s not teleporting, it does hop and roll around in a fantastically goofy manner. Haruki starts the fight against Bullton by fighting fire with fire, using Gamma Futures own dimensional abilities in a rapid back and forth. Though that apparently even match ends up with Bullton sinking Ultraman Z neck deep in the ground before rolling back and forth over the Ultra’s face. Switching over to the direct, physical abilities of Beta Smash ends up being what it takes to defeat the twisting indirect nature of Bullton as Ultraman Z manages to toss the alien into the air where it explodes.
Though the explosion leaves a lingering effect in the sky above the city, signaling that Bullton’s defeat may have had a greater purpose in Celebro’s plan. Ending the episode on an ominous note.
Between the fourth-dimensional antics that make up most of the episode and the look into deeper themes and character pathos, “Four-Dimensional Capriccio” makes a great addition to the greater arc of Ultraman Z. Outside of the central meat of the episode are some changes to the opening and closing credits’ music. The opening follows recent Ultraman tradition where the second half of a season changes over to the second verse of the song’s full version. The new ending theme, “Promise for the Future”, is an excellent high energy number sung by Tasuku Hatanaka, the voice of Ultraman Z.
Things are set to escalate quickly next time on Ultraman Z as Geed makes another return and Zett attains a new powerful form.
If you like what you’ve read here, please like/reblog or share elsewhere online, follow me on Twitter (@WC_WIT), and consider throwing some support my way at either Ko-Fi.com or Patreon.com at the extension “/witswriting”
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toku-explained · 3 years
The Cobra Sister
Trigger: Everyone is down about the realisation of their delusions, and how it nearly caused them to fail, when President Shizuma arrives, relieved everyone's fine after alien radiation, dubbed Morpheus R, appeared around Nursedessei, causing the issues. While wondering why Tuna was unaffected, everyone readies to investigate Morpheus R readings in Chihiro City. The Dark Giants have not yet realised the manipulation, and Carmeara and Hudram start fighting. Kengo wonders if his dream from the previous episode was also Morpheus R when Yuna spots a strange man Kengo seems to not notice, and knowing he's the culprit, gives chase to Kengo's confusion, when Hudram and Carmeara appearand start wrecking the city with their battle, Darrgon attempts to stop them, having realised the trap, but they continue fighting. With GUTS-Select scrambling for emergency repairs and Yuna not listening, Kengo becomes Trigger to fight, but just gives them a new target. Yuna confronts the man, who says everyone was being tested and she was the only one not to fail, they're now to test if she can be a saviour. She tries to use Yuzare's power to help Kengo, but just hears Yuzare apologising. Mitsukani arrives to protect his daughter, apologising for ever involving her in the fighting, as GUTS Falcon and Nursedessei arrive to bring the battle, and Kengo notices Carmeara crying. Yuna says she is scared, but still wants to help, painfully channeling Yuzare's power and supported by her father taking the burden, they empower Trigger enough to drive the Giants off, Darrgon and Hudram noting Yuzare has awakened, and Carmear leaves after Trigger blocks an attack. The man declares Yuna to have failed for letting her emotions get to her for a moment, and transforms into a Kyrieloid, recognised by Mitsukani. Trigger fights, the Kyrieloid shoots down Nursedessei. Yuna sees in her father the light of the hero he once fought alongside, and draws that out, producing a Sparklence her father uses to call Ultraman Tiga forth. Tiga restores Trigger, then they use Power-type, then chase with Sky-type, before bringing it down in Multi-type with a double Zeppelion Ray. Everyone celebrates, Yuna thanking her father.
Galaxy Rescue Force: A training sim against a Red King has Ribut instruct Poccola and RB. Afterwards he tells them to break and when they're back it'll be formation G7, the two complain about his pushing them. Ribut talks with Sora, mentioning how he's come to appreciate how the Galaxy Rescue Force allows members of different races to work together. The two Junior's come back more enthusiastic, as Ribut begins more training.
Revice: George appears to genuinely not know where Sakura got a belt from. Ikki recovers, and a brother double kick finishes Seiko. Amahiko simply summons another Planaria, and the ViStamp Seiko had shatters before the new Planaria appears to abduct Seiko. Daiji tells Sakura to hand over the belt and says that Ikki being hurt is her fault, she storms off, Vice noting the darkness in her. George apparently scrapped the driver Sakura received, as Amahiko suggests his goal is to become Giff, which Aguilera is unamused by, Wakabayashi wants the Planaria contractor found. Papa and especially Mama are worried about Sakura, Ikki goes to find her. Aguilera approaches Sakura to try to recruit her again, revealing she's been with the Deadmans since infancy and that they make her happy, Sakura doesn't believe she is. Seiko is leading Giff Jr's in battle again, as Demons and Live go into battle against them. Ikki finds Sakura, and tells her he won't stop her fighting, but she needs to have real strength, not just the attitude. Kadota collapses after trying to add the Batta Genomix on top of Mogura, not being strong enough to use both at once, as Ikki arrives and changes, the riders try to handle the Juniors, Olteca, Julio, Seiko and another Planaria. Sakura at the dojo tries continuously to henshin unsuccessfully, until recalling Ikki's words about dropping the act, and cries, acknowledging how weak she is. She then sees the darkness in her approach her. The Riders are cornered, Amahiko declares his victory, Aguilera telling him to wait as Sakura approaches, driver in hand. Acknowledging her weakness and claiming knowing her weakness will make her invincible, Sakura transforms into Jamen Rider Jeanne. Everyone gets their wind, Vice is put in charge of keeping Sakura's Akuma, a weakling with no fighting ability safe, until it joins with Sakura as part of Jeanne's finisher, used to free Seiko from the Akuma. Sakura sees Amahiko, and recognising him from earlier realises he's the one manipulating Seiko, and begs Seiko not to give up on Ryou. Ikki and Daiji find Sakura, Daiji apologising and Ikki revealing he asked Fenix to help with treating Ryou. As the siblings head off, Vice dubs Sakura's Akuma as Lovekov.
Zenkaiger: Kaito, Vroon and Flint return from trying to find Mitsuko on Renaitopia, when they spot Magine trying to help a girl, Yuna, find her doll, Mimi, which she made herself, suddenly they hear people yelling about radishes. Daikon World is attacking people with ground Daikon, which makes trash they've thrown away attack them, Vroon getting subjected to this, Stacaesar appears to help Daikon World flee. At the Palace, it's explained Stacey is now helping Hakaiser defend the Worlds, but Barashitara mocks Stacey's friendship with Hakaiser. At Colourful Yatsude suggests the grudge of the garbage is due to all the parts of Daikon being used, while the group goes out Yatsude intends to help Yuna, but she just leaves. Magine spots Yuna throwing garbage and tries to stop her, Flint approaches having realised Yuna threw Mimi away, Yuna admitting that she felt it had been a bad job and was scared to show her friends, Flint recalls creating a music box as a child which was misshapen and sounded bad which she threw away, Zox eventually found it for her, and Magine relates to her fortune telling. So she can find Mimi, Yuna hoes with them to Daikon World. Everyone minus the trash immobilised Vroon arrives to fight Daikon World. Magine lets Yuna get Ground Radish on her, and flies her back to Flint so they can shoot down trash aside from Mimi. Hakaiser and Stacaesar arrive, and ground radish on Zyuran and Fain gets them attacked by defeated Kudakks and even starts drawing Kikaitopia onto human world. Mimi arrives, approaching Yuna with a knife. Secchan advises Zyuran to use Magiranger on himself and Gaon, they use Giruma Magi Magica, powering the Kudakks up to Kudaiters, bringing them peace from not being discarded. A Zenkai Cannon finishes Daikon World. Stacey calls a Nu-Kudaitest to become Dai Daikon World before Kaito can try to save Isao again. Zenryoku ZenkaiOh opposes, but is held back by grated Daikon. Kaito uses Secret Power to summon Magic Dial Fighter, which summons Yatsude with her cooking for the Daikon to complement, allowing their victory. Boccowaus suggests to Gege that they focus Hakaiser on a new task.
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