#Uchiha OC
hailuchiha · 3 months
Hey! Your blog is right up my alley and I love your writing? I saw something similar on a different blog, and I really wanted to see your take on it. Feel free to ignore if you don't want to write it 😿💔
Req: Itachi has a younger sister close to his age. When she's of age, Fugaku wants to teach Itachi his place and duty as Uchiha heir and has him breed his sister.
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!! 18+ NSFW!!
!!ALL characters involved are 18+ NO MINOR CHARACTERS!!
incest; betrayal?; expectations; breeding; sibling incest; old customs; lineage; loss of virginity; first time; misogynistic behavior; impartial treatment; noncon; taboo
Know Your Place
While Fugaku was far less intense than some of the older generation clan heads, be it Uchiha or from other clans, he still had to uphold some practices, especially since all eyes were always on the Uchihas.
His beloved wife was loathe to put her precious children through that ritual, begging him to use his position as clan head to vote his children out of it. However, Fugaku was nothing if not dutiful. He would not show any bias towards his family. Ancient Konoha customs were especially sacred to the Uchiha and Senju, since they were the founder's blood.
After many fights and arguments, Mikoto had unhappily relented, seeing that she couldn't change her husband's mind. His heart ached for his wife as he could imagine where she was coming from. So, to spare her somewhat, he suggested she should go visit her friend the fated day and to even have a sleepover if possible.
While she had still not been happy about his decision and what would befall their children, she had thanked him for the suggestion, ever courteous, and went to sleep with her back turned towards him.
The fateful day finally came. Mikoto, despite being upset with her husband, had taken his suggestion and planned a date with Kushina to spend the whole day together and end it in a sleepover. She had already told Sasuke to come straight to Naruto's home with him after their training ended. If there was one silver lining in the situation, she figured it was that her baby would be spared the fates of his elder siblings.
Their daughter had come of age around a week ago. Fugaku knew what had to be done. And it had to be done today, with his wife safely out of the picture so as not to have to witness what needed to happen.
Sometime before noon, Fugaku came into the living room and called for both his eldest children in a booming voice. Itachi came first, coming in from where he'd been in the back garden, looking mildly curious. Fugaku gestured for him to wait, to which he obliged, knowing he'd find out whatever his father wanted once his sister came down.
His second born, and only daughter, tiptoed down the stairs, poking her head around the door to gauge the situation. She flinched upon seeing his intense expression and straightened up, quickly slinking into the room and sitting opposite him, beside Itachi.
"You're both old enough now," he got straight to business. "Itachi, you're my heir. You need to stake your claim. As for you," he fixed his daughter with a cold gaze. "You must ensure and strengthen his position. Your place is beside him."
She bit the inside of her cheek, looking towards Itachi for clarity, but he was staring in confusion at their father.
"I don't understand father," she said, trying to lower the intensity radiating off of both the men. "It's understood I'll make sure his position is strong... Why are you saying it like this?"
Fugaku breathed out through his nose, praying for patience to get through this. He kept his demeanor and tone harsh, knowing that was the most efficient way to get through this.
He barked at her to undress, that she was to do as she was told. That was her position. He ignored the angry, hurt tears welling in her eyes and kept his gaze focused on his son, whose fists were balled tightly on his lap.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his daughter looking to Itachi for help, but eventually realizing her older brother wouldn't take her side here. If the situation weren't so dire, he would have smiled in pride at his son's sense of loyalty. Fugaku knew how much Itachi adored his younger siblings, but to see that he would do whatever it takes for his clan and village made him proud.
His daughter slowly undressed, fighting back tears and looking forlorn. When she was completely bare, she folded her arms over her chest, trying futilely for some semblance of modesty. He could see the slight tremours in Itachi's arms as he fought for restraint.
Fugaku took a quick inspection of her folds, having her hold her cunt open, feet spread far apart. He nodded with satisfaction upon finding her virginity in tact. Now to move on to the next part.
Next, he had her lay on the low table in front of Itachi, barking at her to spread her legs and keep them open when she would start to close them, shaking from the absurdity of the situation.
Itachi hadn't moved an inch from his spot, still kneeling at his seat. He didn't meet Fugaku's eyes when the clan head turned towards him.
"Itachi," he called out sternly, although his voice was considerably free of the harshness he had used on his daughter. "You are to be the future leader of this clan. You must take her, and make sure to spill inside. She'll bear many children for you."
For a long moment, Fugaku feared his eldest won't obey. That this was where he'd draw the line and Fugaku would have to use stricter means. He fixed his son with a cold look, barely paying attention to his vulnerable daughter, who had hidden her face behind her hands. He let her hide for now.
Then, slowly, Itachi shifted, reaching out to grab the only item Fugaku had prepared for this occasion. He took the jar and opened it, dipping his fingers into the thick lubricant. Wordlessly, he brought the fingers to his sister's pink folds that were splayed uncomfortably in front of him. He didn't waste time in teasing or arousing pleasure, and simply got to work using his slick fingers to lubricate and open her up with quick motions as if sensing Fugaku's rising impatience.
The man pulled his daughter's trembling hands away from her face, revealing her teary eyes and conflicted expression. He wanted to give her a kind smile and comfort her, but he remembered his duty as a father and clan head were most important right now.
"Look at him," he said instead, words as stern as his eyes. "Don't bring your hands up again!"
Pleased with his work when her hands dropped to her sides on the tabletop, clenched into tight fists, Fugaku went behind Itachi who was lining up his manhood to his sister's prepared cunt. With a hand on his son's shoulder, Fugaku watched as his thick, engorged head breached his daughter's virgin entrance, telling him to keep pushing as she began to squirm.
He didn't comment when Itachi's hands went to her waist, holding her down as he spoke gentle words to calm his sister down and reassuring her that the pain would subside.
“Easy, love. Just a bit more… It’ll get better,” Itachi murmured against the skin of her neck before pressing a gentle kiss there.
With a few more thrusts, he was buried inside her, having successfully breached her cunt. Fugaku winced, having caught sight of the thin streaks of blood from her hymen coating the length of Itachi's fat cock as he pulled out to thrust back in, the red now pinkish from mixing with the white lubrication Itachi had used generously while preparing her. The clanhead patted his son on the back as he finally started to fuck his sister properly, seemingly having gotten over the inhibitions from earlier. Content in knowing that his work was done, Fugaku quietly exited the living room and retreated to his study.
As he leaned back in his chair and lit a cigar, he wished Mikoto would return home tonight instead of sleeping over at her friend's house after all. He was only human, and the past couple hours had aroused his need for his wife.
He blew out a ring of smoke, letting his eyes fall shut as the muffled sounds of his son breeding his daughter filtered through the thin walls to his office.
NOTE: edits and corrections may come along as i have time and notice them
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orphicmeliora · 1 month
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SUMMARY: An Uchiha is reborn into the Jujutsu Kaisen-verse after dying in the Uchiha massacre. This plays out as realistically as possible.
TAGS/WARNINGS: canon-typical violence, character study, eventual romance, hurt/comfort, angst, dubious morality.
Length: 36k+ words | Status: ongoing
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luchicm04 · 2 months
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Summary: When hatred and pride speak louder, even a childhood love can fall apart.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Fem!Uchiha, Uchiha Madara/Fem!Uchiha
Word count: 2.6k
Overall warnings: angst, bittersweet ending
All characters belong to Naruto, and all rights are reserved to the original work whose author allowed me to translate it.
A/N: The lyrics come from this song. Whoever cried, raise your hand. Please, leave your opinions and criticism in the comments.
posted on ao3
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I was there, standing on top of that mountain where I could see the sunset that covered the village below with golden light. After so many battles, Konoha finally flourished in peace. 
Peace that hadn’t existed in my heart for a long time since I met her: Alexia. 
In the heart of the war between Senju and Uchiha, in the small moments when there was a truce, I, Tobirama, youngest son of the general of the Senju clan liked to get away from all that suffering for a while. During the day, I found a way to escape to the river, just to be able to see and hear the current that followed its path without caring about what happened on its banks. It just flowed.  
And it was there, on one of those days, that I saw a little paper boat with a yellow flower inside going down through the crystal-clear water, and then one more and another. Like the curious child that I was, I went up the river in the opposite direction of the boats, until I saw her.  
A little girl with long, black hair messed up by the wind. She was kneeling on the riverbank and placing paper boats with colorful flowers in the water one by one, while her black eyes watched them move away. Until her eyes fell on me, and we stood staring without saying anything on either side of the river. Then, she got up, smiled at me and disappeared into the forest.  
Without realizing it, a soft smile curved my lips as I remembered that day. How the silent meeting of two children could change so much. 
After that meeting, I went to the river more often, wanting to see her again. But it was weeks before I saw the little boats go down the current once again. I found her in the same place and this time, I walked over and crouched down next to her.  
“Why do you do it?” I asked.  
She looked at me with those dark orbs, smiled and responded as if it were the simplest thing in the world.  
“Because I think it’s beautiful.”  
I saw her pick up another little boat with a red flower and place it in my hand. I quickly put it in the water and saw it go away down the river. I smiled without realizing it.  
“See? It’s so pretty,” she said and looked at me again. “I’m Alexia. And you?”  
“Tobirama,” I replied, hiding my surname, because during the war it wasn’t wise to say it to strangers and apparently, she knew that as she didn’t say hers either.  
We stayed there talking for hours, without ever saying where we came from, until I heard my brother Hashirama calling me from inside the forest. I went home but not before making her promise that we would see each other again, right there.  
The months passed and as the war worsened, our meetings began to become rarer, until she never appeared again.  
I felt a lonely tear run down my face. Even though we were just children, the loss of my first love hurt a lot. 
But I moved on with my life, and during the following years, thanks to the war, I didn’t have much time to rummage through the past. Until... 
Until, at the peak of my 21 st year, I became the second-best ninja in my clan, second only to my older brother.  
Even though the years passed, and I became a man, I still had the childhood habit of going to the river.  
That day, I bent down to wash my face in the cool water, and I felt my heart speed up when I saw a little paper boat with a pink flower touch my hand.  
I ran as fast as I could, going upstream and I saw her... she was there and looked at me as if she was waiting for me.  
Her black hair, now longer, swayed in the breeze. Her body, that was once small and thin, had become beautiful and curvy. She was a woman now, but her eyes, oh those dark eyes, were still the same ones that haunted my memories.  
I approached, and the only thing I could say was her name.  
Without knowing why, or without caring if I was going to be rejected, I kissed her. That old childhood love turned into an urgent desire to erase all that longing that I had stored deep within my being. Alexia responded to me with passion. She seemed to feel the same thing as me, and she wanted to make up for all the lost time.  
We pulled away from each other with difficulty, but the feeling of being complete surrounded us like a golden aura. We didn’t need to say anything to know that time hadn’t changed the feelings of the two children.  
We talked and kissed for hours on end, until we heard sounds coming from the forest, and before I knew it, she broke away from my embrace, looking me in the eyes and said:  
“Tobirama, I need to tell you something very important.” Her face became serious. “Meet me here tomorrow night. Please don’t miss it.”  
I nodded and let her go.  
I didn’t know that conversation would change my entire life.  
The night of our meeting had arrived. I managed to leave without being seen by my brother and went towards the agreed location. My hands were sweating, and my heart was racing with every step I took. I thought what I felt years ago was a child’s thing, but the closer I got, the more I knew I was madly in love with that woman. When I arrived, she was already there waiting for me, her gaze fixed on the waters of the river. She seemed sad and that made me worried.  
“Alexia, are you alright?” I asked and without waiting for an answer, I hugged her.  
Feeling her warm body pressed against mine, the kiss was inevitable. It started out soft, but when she opened the way for our tongues to mee, I could no longer resist. We made love right there, on the riverbank, listening to the water run and taking our secret with it.  
Leaning on my body, I heard her soft cry and little by little, hot tears touched my chest, making me look at her.  
“What happened? Did I hurt you?” I said with concern.  
“That’s not it,” she got up and started to dress up. “This shouldn’t have happened. Not without telling you first.”  
“Telling me what?” I started to worry even more, seeing her crying.  
“I know who you are, Tobirama Senju,” she whispered between tears, emphasizing the word ‘senju’. “And I... I am... Alexia Uchiha.”  
My heart almost stopped when I heard her say her full name. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t... the girl I loved since I was a child, the girl I loved there, on the riverbank, was from that damn clan that had been at war with my family and friends for years. I looked at that familiar and now strange face for several moments, until she broke the deadly silence that hung on us.  
“I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was afraid,” she took a step towards me. “Say something, Tobirama.”  
“Alexia... Uchiha...” I could only repeat her name, still not believing that joke of fate.  
She got closer to me, and with her trembling hand she tried to touch me, but my body involuntarily took a step back, avoiding the contact.  
“Please, say something,” her voice was already starting to get exasperated with my silence. “Say that this doesn’t change anything. Say that you love me. Say that everything will be alright. Just say... say it and I will wait for you.”  
But I didn’t say it. Even though my heart was screaming like crazy inside my chest, I didn’t say the words that she wanted to hear. I couldn’t.  
I caught a glimpse of her beautiful eyes fading with the tears that came flooding back before she left.  
When I found out who that little boy was in the river, I knew I had to stay away for my safety and his. However, the war helped me maintain my decision. I was sent to another village along with other women and children who could not fight. But fate found a way to bring us together again many years later. I wanted to see him, see how he grew up and try to make possible that childish love that I always carried in my chest, despite the situation.  
An Uchiha and a Sunju. It seemed like a joke, but I didn’t care. I wanted to fight for that feeling.  
But my hope faded that night, after we made love. He ran away from my touch like running away from a venomous snake when he learned the truth. I saw the hurt in his eyes, and anger. I was willing to face everything and everyone for us, I just needed to hear him say it. But the words didn’t come.  
After that fateful night, I still hadn’t given up on us. Maybe he just needed some time to put his thoughts in order, maybe there was still hope. But I was wrong.  
Every day that followed, I went to the riverbank and one by one, I placed the little paper boats with flowers in the current and watched them slowly descend into the clear waters, waiting to hear his footsteps on the gravel. The long-awaited steps never came.  
And every time, I cried. But this time, I held back the tears and noticed that someone placed a coat over my shoulders and spoke to me in a soft voice.  
“Alexia, what are you doing here?” he said in a worried smile. “It’s getting cold. Let’s go before you get sick."  
I looked at him as I stood up. His long, black hair was tousled because of the wind, which I didn’t even realize was blowing strongly, and his dark eyes, so similar to mine, stood out from the strong, beautiful face that smiled at me. Madara Uchiha, the new leader of the clan. I had known him for a long time, but only at that moment did I really pay attention to him. I took one last look at the waters of the river and followed him back home.  
That image of Alexia waiting for me, words I didn’t say and the sadness in her eyes, the plea in her voice haunted my thoughts.  
Every day I went to the river, and I saw, day after day, the little paper boats going down the river. I knew they were for me, that she was waiting for me just behind that curve. But my pride prevented me from going there and taking her in my arms and never letting her go.  
Another little boat came down and came closer to my feet, and before I could pick it up, it sank and dissolved in the water. I didn’t know why, but that image made me cry. Nevertheless, I still didn’t go after her.  
A year has passed since that day, and there have never been any paper boats for me on the river again. 
Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don’t sound the same
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
‘Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
And as the world loves to play tricks, that same year the battle between the Senju and Uchiha clans ended, beginning an alliance that led to the founding of Konoha. If I had said something, if I had waited... 
Mm, too young, too foolish to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party ‘cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby’s dancing, but she’s dancing with another man
But I hadn’t said anything, I hadn’t waited, and I lost her. Now, we live in the same village, our families are no longer enemies and there is no more war. But it’s too late for us. 
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out of my life
Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh
And that haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I see her almost every day, but her eyes don’t look at me anymore and her smile doesn’t shine for me. Now, another man holds her hand, another man is the owner of her look and the reason for her smile. 
Mm, too young, too foolish to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party ‘cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby’s dancing, but she’s dancing with another man
Although it hurts
I’ll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I knw I’m probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
I could see him day after day gluing together, piece by piece, Alexia’s heart, which I broke. Healing her wings, which I hurt, and giving her the love that, out of pride, I couldn’t give. 
I hope he buys you flowers, I hope he holds you hand
Give you all his hours when he has the chance
Take you to every party
‘Cause I remember how much you loved t dance
Do all the things I would have done
When I was your man
And today, I’m here, at the top of this mountain. Down there, I can hear the happy laughter and the music that rose up to me. 
It was Alexia’s wedding, my Alexia... I lost her the moment I was too weak to say I loved her. 
My life ended there, on the edge of that river. Those waters witnessed who foolish I was, how my hatred and my pride took from me the woman I loved my entire life. 
The sun had already set on the horizon and the stars were beginning to emerge in the dark blue sky. That was when I noticed someone approaching, a servant, who handed something into my hand that made my heart skip a beat. 
It was a paper boat with a white flower. My eyes clouded with the threat of tears, until I saw that there seemed to be something written on the paper. I unfolded the little boat and read the words that seemed a little shaky. 
I want you to know that despite what happened between us, I have no regrets. On the contrary, you will always be in my heart, as my first love. It’s a shame that it’s too late for both of us, but I wish from the bottom of my soul that you find someone, and that you don’t let your pride speak louder than your love again. Be happy.  
As I read that, my fists clenched the paper tightly and the little flower fell apart on the floor. And I couldn’t hold it back any longer. I fell on the ground and cried, cried until my eyes had no more tears to cry. 
I cried for the lost love. I cried for the future without Alexia. I cried for the regret of not having said the words she expected to hear. And I cried even more for having my heart in pieces while my pride remained whole. 
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spvce-oddity · 8 months
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ive been reading boruto and the whole time i kept thinking "sasuke only having one child is stupid if he wants to revive the clan" so, more uchiha babies!
Sarada and Rio are the only girls, everyone else is a boy (for now. unless i change my mind lmao).
Itachi is the first male born, named, obviously, after Sasuke's brother. He, Ryuuji and Rio are all genin, whereas the younger twins are still at the academy!
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drowningindango · 10 months
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I’ve been playing around with a few new brushes.
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clansecretsfreak · 22 days
Clan Secrets-verse (3) Tobirama Senju!
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So let's dive right in to this.
In Clan Sectres, Tobirama became Hokage during First Shinobi War, just after Hashirama dies of unknown illness.
His regin as the Hokage is five years long. He dies at the age of 62 y.o. becoming over four years older than Hashirama ever got to be.
He marries as of yet unnamed Hatake, fathering twins born almost nine month after his death, thus never meeting them.
His wife, in fear of her husbands enemies and wishing for a somewhat normal childhood for her children, hides under her maiden name of Hateke with her twin sons Takuya and Sakumo Hatake(we will be back to that).
Now this hidding thing only works because both of them were extriemly private people, with only direct and close family knowing about the whole relashionship. Kagami also knew, having been adopted by them both almost the moment Tobirama started training him.
Now back to the twins. They were born 38 years Before Kiyubi Attack (this is essencialy my calendar for this world so get used to that phase), with Takuya being younger by a few minutes.
Takuya is killed on a mission (infuelced by Black Zetsu, making him a victim of Senju Purge even if unknowingly (if you don't understand check out my other posts)). He is eleven, death date: 14th of June, 25 years Before Kyubi Attack.
Sakumo dies at the age of 29 years old, death date: 13th December 8 years Before Kyubi Attack (Kakashi is six at the time).
Kakashi is born 14 years Before Kyubi Attack (when you read down, you will see that Obito is two years older than Kakashi. It is not a mistake.)
And while we are discussing Tobiramas 'lineage', we must also talk about Kagami the adopted child Uchiha.
This one is more simple because I haven't fine tuned his timeline yet to be honest. Anyways, Kagami at some point marries Asami Senju, a childhood friend, and has a son Tora (yes, like the demon cat) Uchiha who marries Elizah Uchiha (she will be important in the future, I promise) born around 38 years Before Kyubi Attack, dies at 28 y.o.
They have two sons, the elder one - Obito Uchiha (yes, that Obito), born 16 years before Kyubi Attack and Shisui Uchiha, born 10 years Before Kyubi Attack (he was only six when Obito 'died' so he doesn't really have much memories of his older brother, what with war going on and everything.)
Obito dies at 27 (I think, and hope I didn't mess up the time line with this one) and Shisui at 18.
And thats it. I hope it wasn't all over the place.
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cheekh · 2 months
Your fic gave me lil bro Naruto feels UWU May I request older Naruto and Ena art??
dear anon
thank you for the adorable prompt! sorry it took a few days since i was busy, but here!
really hope you like it because i had fun making it ❤️
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Sarada siblings au
Sarada picnic with her siblings
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tsukinomesaya · 3 months
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"I'd do anything to see you smile.... Madara-sama..."
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noxxha · 1 year
How do you think Madara would approach his wife? Children? What expectations would he have for them and how would he behave towards them?
Hello, anon - thank you for your question! Madara and how he would behave towards his wife and children eh? Let’s see…
I think Madara would treat his wife with respect. I do not agree with the characterization of him that he would beat, even abuse his wife, or force himself upon her - his character does not read that way in my eyes, not when you consider that - at his core - Madara was kind, compassionate and he valued family above all else. In an AU I can see him being into BDSM if nothing else, but even that practice is rooted in respect and trust.
Someone valuing family would not intentionally hurt them.
That means that he would at least respect his wife. Whether he would love her is rooted in many different headcanons of mine (I do have an OC that is romantically linked with him in pretty much every story that includes romance, for example), but I will keep this general and keep my OC out of the picture, but that does not entirely mean that I will say that he loved his wife…if going for a slightly more historically accurate depiction of the Narutoverse Madara would probably not “love” her, but at most be fond of his wife (or it would deepen into love in due time). If looking at his characterization he does strike me as the type of character that would love his wife, however - perhaps not entirely as strongly as he loved his family, but she would be some treasured by him regardless. So yes, I will say that he loved his wife like the complimentary piece that she was to him.
The expectations he would have for his wife is generally to be a “polite/kind” front for the rest of the clan. She would take care of the clan not unlike a mother caring for her child/ren, which means that she shouldered a more “social” responsibility than he would (in a way).
I headcanon that (Uchiha) women were exceptional in their own way. While they were seldom on the battlefront because they secured both the future and survival of the clan (yes there are undertones of sexism there, but if that is what it takes to survive then so be it), they were instead very capable at hunting, treating illnesses, and were very “survival orientated” in general.
This might better explain why Madara’s wife would have the responsibility she had. She was meant to bring the clan together and keep it afloat while the men risked their lives in the war/s. So Madara would make sure that she was trained in negotiations with villages (import and export), that she could handle money and spend their funds wisely, but also that she was compassionate and strict if need be.
He did not expect too much from her on the household front, like I headcanon with Izuna, he did not share the traditional view on man and woman there (because of his parents and their relationship): he preferred to help out whenever he could. Be it cooking, washing laundry, having a discussion or two about funds, cleaning the house - it was the type of normality he craved, as it helped him stay sane.
If he was married during the founding of Konoha I can see that his wife had a more political position as well. Being at Madara’s side as both someone supporting him, as well as challenging him (and Hashirama and Tobirama).
Madara’s behavior would in general be a kind one, soft one even, towards his wife. As is the case with Izuna, there were some gestures of affection only reserved for his brother, but Madara would have no issues with touching his wife - holding her hand, caressing her face, a hand on her shoulder and knee. Kissing her would be a gesture he only did in private, though.
Out in public he would loosely rest a hand against her waist, or they would walk with their arms linked, if they were meant to be seen together. If apart he would speak highly of her to his kinsmen, should anyone ask about her.
Madara would never - under any circumstance - force himself upon his wife. Love-making was a very sacred practice that was not consummated as often as people would perhaps think. It was also a very intricate dance where their roles changed from one night to the next. Madara had actually few issues with his wife being assertive between the sheets.
As is the case with the headcanons for Izuna, even with Madara I will make a distinction between the children of the clan and his own, biological children.
Like Izuna Madara would be gentle with children in general. He was the oldest of five, he practically raised Izuna alongside Tajima and their mother (until her passing as well), so I can see him as being kind - soft even - towards children.
But he will not tolerate disrespectful behaviour from them. There is a hierarchy in their clan, and while he is not quite so strict about it - as he perhaps should be - he will put even children in their place should he need to.
When sparring with children he is just as strict as his brother, but he is a touch more merciful than Izuna on the other hand - especially the youngest shinobi of their clan are allowed to hit him more times than anyone would hope to achieve in a single training session (If anyone but Izuna is his sparring partner, that is).
If Madara had children (I can see him as a father of three in total) of his own, he would be quite a “warm” father so to speak. He would be attentive to their needs and protect them from harm. Like Izuna he would have few issues with letting his child/ren climb over him, play with him and even pester him with questions about anything and everything - he would also put them aside as many times as it was required, to finish a particular task in peace. A sharp glance was often enough to get his disapproval across (no Sharingan, though).
As with his wife he would never - no matter the circumstances - raise his hand against his child/ren.
He would also - in private - harbour the wish (tiny as it was) that they would not grow up as shinobi, as well as harbouring the wish for a daughter (if pre-Konoha) for the sole reason that the chances of having to bury their own child was diminished. But he would of course love his daughter as well, with a similar fervor to the way he loved his wife. It would not come naturally how to raise a daughter, though - he was born the eldest of five brothers after all. Like Izuna, Madara believed in biological differences between men and women (Yin and Yang), but that would not be entirely helpful when caring for his daughter (until she was older).
While he would be a constant presence in the life of his child/ren, he would take a slightly more passive role if gifted with a daughter. Observing his wife and daughter, and learning so how to be there for her when she was beginning to walk and babble.
That said, he is well aware that his wish cannot be granted - and so he will train them to become the strongest they can be. Being strict, merciful and even a touch harsher on his own children, than those of the clan.
If Madara became a father after Konoha is founded, he would still be an attentive father (knowing the importance of his presence in their life) - but he would be a touch more subdued in his love for them, as the loss of Izuna would be that all-consuming that not even his child/ren could help him through it. He would wish for a son with all his heart, though, but would not follow through with his intention, of naming his son after his beloved brother, in the end.
But in general he would be a supportive father. Kind and warm, yet also a touch uncomfortable and cold at times (due to the war and the issues it caused within him). His neglect would never be intentional, however and his wife would make sure to educate their children about some of Madara’s PTSD-symptoms and make sure they never grew up feeling like they were in any way defect. But he would also be a father that in general touched his children a lot, as it was through gestures that Madara communicated his love and appreciation for his family - and it also helped him. Words he simply could not trust in the same way.
His expectations for his child/ren would simply be that they became as strong as they could become, so he knew the clan was in good hands after his passing. Only when they were older would his expectations become more like those for his wife; that they cared for the clan, and had a “polite/kind” (daughter) front for the rest of the clan.
All in all Madara would be a loved husband and father, the same he had been a loved son and loved (older)brother.
I hope this answer is satisfying, anon. :)
Thank you once more for your lovely question. It was a joy answering this.
All the best and take care o/
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proximacalamity · 8 months
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silly old thing I made because I want sarada to have a sister and I wanted to fuck around with her outfit.
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hailuchiha · 3 months
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!! 18+ NSFW!!
!!ALL characters involved are 18+ NO MINOR CHARACTERS!!
incest; possessiveness; noncon; sibling incest; brosis; dark content; taboo
There were few things that angered Itachi. At least to the point that he retorted or took some form of action.
Seeing his sister kissing some nobody under the cover of the large tree near the training grounds just so happened to be something that awoke his rage.
"What do you think you're doing?"
He didn't raise his voice. Didn't even let any anger seep into his tone.
And yet, his apparently simple question made the boy, because that's what he was compared to Itachi- a fucking boy, jump away from her as if burned.
His sister masked her fear well with a confused frown aimed at him. Itachi almost cracked a smile.
Silly girl, he wanted to say.
“Why’d you have to scare him away, onii-chan?”
Itachi couldn’t believe his ears.
“You’re still defending him? After that coward all but abandoned you so easily?”
The younger Uchiha averted her gaze, huffing as she trailed behind her brother. It was just so infuriating. She couldn’t meet anyone thanks to her overprotective family…
“W-Well, what did you expect after showing up like that?”
Itachi’s brow twitched.
“What d-do you think you’re doing?! Please- I said sorry!”
Her words fell on deaf ears. If Itachi heard her, he didn’t let it show.
Instead, he pushed in all the way, breaking into her virgin cunt, pausing only as his hips came to rest against hers. She clamped up, biting into her hand so hard she drew blood.
Itachi tsked at the sight, pulling her hand out of her mouth.
“Stop that,” he said, expression unchanging as he held her gaze, waiting for the glazed look to clear in her eyes.
She sucked in a shuddering breath, thighs twitching around Itachi.
“W-Why are you doing this?” her voice hitched with a sob clogged in her throat.
“Why, because I had to remind you who you belong to, love.”
“You’re my brother!”
Itachi’s cock twitched inside her, making her squirm. He gave her another moment before starting to thrust, setting a harsh pace from the get go.
“Precisely,” he whispered into her ear before biting her earlobe.
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
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Yoko's Mangekyou Sharingan
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lani866 · 1 year
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foursome on vacation
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avikats66 · 1 month
Uchiha Naruko
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Next generation Uchiha spawn #3, Naruko! Please don’t scrutinize the shape of her head too strongly: wonky and inconsistent anatomy is the price I pay for drawing anything other than a straight-on perspective. Hoping to redraw this after I redraw Youka :)
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drowningindango · 9 months
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[Myoko x Touka]
Isn’t it nice when you have the power to make fake manga panels?
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