#Ubisoft revolution?
toaster-toads · 7 months
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Me just watching the Minecraft community stand up against their lazy game developers for ruining the gameplay of their favorite game while I’m looking at Ubisoft for ruining Assassin’s creed like…
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blue-inferno · 20 days
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astro-bear · 4 months
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"I realize now that it will take time. that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go and I doubt I will live to see its end, but I will travel down it; nonetheless.”
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newsintheshell · 7 months
Devil May Cry, Tomb Raider e Blue Eye Samurai fra le grandi soprese arrivate durante la premiere live di Castlevania Nocturne!
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Ve lo avevo anticipato e non poteva quindi farsi attendere il riassuntone del primo DROP 01 di Netflix, lo speciale evento virtuale in diretta streaming su YouTube e Twitch, imbastito per unire il watch party in anteprima di Castlevania: Nocturne e qualche breve ma gustoso sneak peek di alcune novità, lato animazione, attualmente in cantiere.
Purtroppo riguardo a Pluto siamo stati scammati, non hanno fatto vedere nulla di nuovo. Hanno semplicemente ripassato il trailer spaccamascella uscito un paio di mesi fa.
Tutto sommato, però, è stata un'ora e mezza piacevole, fra episodi - che non sono riuscito a seguire al verso, se non a spezzoni ahimè - e brevi teaser e showcase di merchandise vari. Un evento dal formato leggero, informale e conciso, che mi piacerebbe si ripetesse sinceramente.
Capisco che eventi più corposi come la Geeked Week e TUDUM siano maggiormente attesi in generale, ma le presentazioni in pillole, a mio modo di vedere, sono decisamente più fruibili e, appunto, più efficaci.
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Cominciamo con un primo annuncio MOTIVAZIONALE (*wink wink*). Dante, Vergil e Lady di nuovo in versione animata, 8 episodi, più stagioni in programma.
La sceneggiatura è stata concepita da Adi Shankar (Castlevania) and Alex Larsen (Yasuke), mentre il tutto porta la firma di STUDIO MIR (The Legend of Korra, Dota: Dragon's Blood, The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf).
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Mostrato un teaser che annuncia una terza stagione per la serie con protagonista il celebre riccio di SEGA. Ad un'occhiata da profano, ha tutta l'aria di una grandissima cutscene, ma non sembra male.
Non sono però mai stato un fan di Sonic, quindi skipponi. Go next.
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Altra produzione targata Adi Shankar, questa volta in mano allo studio BOBBYPILLS, che la chat di Twitch ha subito categorizzato come Suicide Squad made in Ubisoft e la chat di Twitch ha sempre ragione :v
Fra ultraviolenza in stile retro anni '90 e ironia, questo spinoff dello spinoff di Far Cry 3 (ci hanno infilato pure Rayman!!) sembra vare le carte in regola per rivelarsi una visione divertente. Il trailer ci dà appuntamento per il 19 ottobre.
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A quanto pare questo progetto era inizialmente comparso per la prima volta nel 2020, ma me lo devo essere perso.
Nata da un'idea dei coniugi Amber Noizumi e Micheal Green (Logan, Blade Runner 2049), è stata sostanzialmente presentata come una "storia di vendetta nel periodo Edo - Kill Bill incontra Yentl".
Come biglietto da visita è intrigante, ma ammetto che la trama di base mi ha lasciato con qualche dubbio. In sostanza, la nostra protagonista in cerca di vendetta, è una meticcia con gli occhi azzurri e per questo viene discriminata e trattata come una "creatura della vergogna". Le frontiere del Giappone sono ancora chiuse e razzismo e misoginia sono di casa, quindi che fare? Ci si traveste da uomo e si va a sbudellare gaijin finché non si trova quello che è tuo padre, l'occidentale che ti ha resa diverss e reietta dalla nascita. Ok...?
La serie, che arriverà in streaming il 3 novembre, a livello tecnico e di atmosfera si presenta molto bene comunque, quindi vedremo. Giudicate voi, ecco il treailer.
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Non ce la fate ad aspettare il 17 novembre per vedere la versione animata, in stile SCIENCE SARU (The Tatami Time Machine Blues, The Heike Story), del famoso fumetto di Bryan Lee O'Malley? Eccovi una clip in anteprima allora.
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Clip in anteprima anche per la nuova serie di He-Man e i Dominatori dell'Universo, che approderà sulla piattaforma nel 2024.
Pu confermando una vaga continuità con gli eventi della divisiva Masters of the Universe: Revelation, la serie è stata presentata ufficialmente come standalone, suggerendo un qualche tipo di correzione di rotta riguardo alla narrativa.
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E dulcis in fundo, anche sul gran finale abbiamo chiuso con il botto, con l'adattamento animato di un'altra storica icona videoludica: Lara Croft!
Preannunciata un paio di anni fa, ma anche qua io non ne ho alcun ricordo, la serie si ispira alla trilogia reboot di Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider e Shadow of the Tomb Raider).
In programma per il 2024, è prodotta in casa Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania, Masters of the Universe: Revelation).
Per chi si fosse perso la premiere in anteprima e volesse comunque un assaggino di Castlevania: Nocturne, nel mentre aspetta di poter maratonare la prima stagione (vi ricordo che esce domani by the way), ecco i primi sette minuti della prima puntata in omaggio.
Quel poco che sono riuscito a vedere, non mi è dispiaciuto affatto, ma la sensazione che ho avuto è stata quella di una serie molto introduttiva, con in mente un arco narrativo da sviluppare potenzialmente su più stagioni e che quindi potrebbe risultare un po' lentina e all'acqua di rose. Per ora mi mantengo curioso.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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poz-patrol · 7 months
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bestraymancover · 1 year
Choose who do you think shoud represent Rayman 2 in the tournament!
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Since Tumblr polls have a 10 choices Limit, both Rayman DS covers are bundled into a single slot, with a new poll being created in case they were to win
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aquilae-stims · 1 year
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Assassin's Creed : Unity
x  x  x  |  x  x  x  |  x  x  x
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teecupangel · 1 year
Sigh. I just watched a youtube video so here we go.
A friendly reminder that the Assassin Brotherhood did not trick Shay Patrick Cormac into triggering the earthquake in Lisbon!
The entire Brotherhood and Shay didn't know that the Piece of Eden in Lisbon was the only thing keeping the land stable!
Achilles and Hope can't even believe what Shay was saying (even though they should have given him the benefit of the doubt because, come on, by this time, they all should know how deus ex machina these POEs are)
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What about Haiti then?
Well, in an earlier memory, Achilles and Adéwalé actually talked about it and Adéwalé made it clear that they could not find anyone that could tell them what had happened to the Precursor site (aka: the place that held the same POE that Shay tried to retrieve)
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This means that Achilles and the Brotherhood did not know that the POE was the trigger in Haiti as well.
Of course, this does not excuse the Brotherhood's actions against Shay. It's clear that Shay was distraught and most probably in shock yet they didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt.
ESPECIALLY ACHILLES WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR FREAKING MENTOR! (And yeah, they tried to explain that it's because he's still grieving over the death of his wife and child but STILL)
However, it is simply false to summarize the whole thing as 'these jerks tricked Shay (and the player) into doing a terrible thing' because the word trick meant it was intentional.
It was not intentional.
Shay and the rest of the Brotherhood did not have all the information and they all went straight to making bad conclusions that started the main conflict of Rogue!
In other words, Shay wouldn't have freaking defected IF EVERYONE JUST SIT THEIR ASSES DOWN AND FUCKING TALKED TO EACH OTHER.
Thank you and I still love that youtube channel.
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ripperroo91 · 2 years
Teensie Vs. Spy
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The funniest thing in the Anniversary Assasssin's creed video is when it shows Arno and says "Start a Revolution" as if Unity has anything to do with the French Revolution . You know who starts a Revolution ??? MY BOY CONNOR !!! He was robbed again off his screen time .
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shaycormacaroni · 2 years
What Ubisoft expected Shay to do after he got the Precursors Box:
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i remember playing assassin’s creed when i was a kid, it was Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood! My brother introduced me to the game and he made it sound so cool so I was like
Alright, i’ll give it a try my twelve years old ass said
imagine my horror when Caterina Sforza and Ezio Auditore in that one scene and I had no idea what the fuck was going on like why am I in a war😭 and the armor i was wearing suddenly went flying like damn— but that was my first Assassin’s Creed game and I absolutely fell in love with it, I also fell in love with Ezio Auditore and I’m so glad he was my first ac protagonist.
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mister-killjoy · 2 years
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sequencer987 · 2 years
Assassin’s Creed really did audaciously skip the 1890s, huh.
Chicago alone had more than enough violence in the 1890s to carry a whole Assassin’s Creed game.
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nerdy-sessions · 2 years
Far Cry 6 Review: The Tale of "Not Cuba" Under the Rule of "Not Castro"
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Alright, let's get this party started with a game review. What better game to start with than one fresh on my mind because I just finished it last week on the PlayStation5.
I will keep it spoiler free. If any of you want my thoughts on the story later and are curious enough, I'll post a more spoiler-y review later.
For those unfamiliar with the Far Cry franchise, each game's plot surrounds taking down some kind of crazy tyrannical bad guy keeping a fictional area under an iron fist. For example, the previous installment, Far Cry 5 (and my personal favorite in the series) saw us in fictional Hope County, Montana, USA, going after a crazy religious cult leader forcing the populace to join with his group or suffer and die.
The latest installment in Ubisoft's FPS franchise takes us to the fictional Caribbean island nation of Yara (aka: basically Cuba). In true Far Cry fashion, "Not Cuba" and her people are suffering from the tyrannical rule of a megalomaniacal dictator, Anton Castillo.
"Not Castro" Castillo is played quite brilliantly by Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian actor Giancarlo Esposito. As far as I know, this is the first time the Far Cry franchise has employed a famous television actor to play their main villain, and my encounters with him in the game were some of my favorite parts.
You play as ex-Yaran army soldier Dani Rojas. Dani can be either male or female, and you pick Dani's gender, and therefore voice and appearance, at the beginning of the game (also a first for the franchise).
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Through a series of unfortunate events Dani is lucky enough to survive, Dani ends up fighting for the revolutionary force bent on taking down "Not Castro" called Libertad.
Now some of you may be wondering: What did good ol' Giancarlo do THIS time (he sure plays villains a lot, doesn't he? He's pretty dang good at it...)
Well, "Not Castro" has evidently been enslaving the populace of Yara to produce a supposedly cancer-curing drug called Viviro. Viviro is grown using a poison that the plants love, but sickens and kills humans if exposed to it for too long. Combine this along with other classic fascist tropes like mass killings for speaking out against the government, and you've got yourself quite a messed up government.
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You will be tasked with acting as Libertad's muscle and unite the various rebellious factions in Yara against "Not Castro".
You will be using an ungodly amount of customizable weapons, unbelievable furry and scaly animal companions called "amigos" (including a soccer-jersey wearing gator named GUAPO with a golden tooth and a ghost panther that EATS SOULS), a vast array of "Mad Max"-esque and military vehicles (you for real unlock a tank used in a previous revolution in 1967 named "Karlito" that shoots flames), and cobbled together super weapons called "supremos" to achieve victory and overthrow "Not Castro's" fascist regime.
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That's the basic premise of the game. If you were looking for a realistic FPS experience, this game isn't for you. None of the Far Cry games are for you, really. BUT. If you wanna feel like an epic, unstoppable freedom fighter with many much guns and explosives, then this game is definitely for you.
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Let's start with what I really liked about this game...
The size of the map, the island of "Not Cuba" Yara, is incredible. It's definitely the biggest Far Cry game to date. The map is filled with all sorts of missions, outposts and bases to capture (in true Far Cry fashion), treasure hunts, caches to loot for weapons and clothing, and interesting side-characters to meet. I very much enjoyed exploring the island whilst taking down the FND ("Not Castro's" military forces) at every turn.
The map also features the sprawling metropolis of Esperanza, the capital city of "Not Cuba". In another first for the franchise, we get to sneak around and fight in a metropolitan setting. Previous Far Cry games have always been super remote with no big cities. The urban combat in Esperanza was really fun. If you venture to the city though, be warned: the toughest enemies lurk there.
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The vast availability of weapons at your disposal was very refreshing. A massive armory of pistols, rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, bow and arrows, and the aforementioned "supremos" are available for use once unlocked or found, most of them completely customizable (if you have the crafting components).
The "supremos" I mentioned are a unique component to the game and new to the franchise. They are essentially super backpacks you can craft (using depleted Uranium you can loot from the FND...lol such Cold War references) that have different attacks or effects. The game's starting "supremo", the Exterminador, is one I couldn't bring myself to part with. Why? It shoots missiles from your back. MISSILES! That lock onto enemies and blow them to smithereens.
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Other "supremos" can do things like release EMP charges that disable vehicles, improve stealth, heal yourself and allies, and so on. I stuck with the missiles, though. For reasons.
Now some of you may be thinking that's too OP. Well good news. "Supremos" need to recharge after you use them. So don't go thinking you can use the Exterminador over and over for easy victory. It ain't that simple.
The PS5 ran the game beautifully. The graphics were incredible, and I often found myself just looking around at the tropical landscape of "Not Cuba" as I traveled from place to place. There are small loading times when you fast travel or when you first load up, but they are insanely short and it never bothered me.
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Also a first for the franchise, the cutscenes were mostly 3rd-person instead of 1st-person like before. I found that unique and fun to watch. I will admit it did ruin the immersion of it for me at times, but again, not really a big issue for me.
Once you complete the game, you can continue exploring the map and complete any missions you haven't completed in a way that doesn't retcon the story and everything you did. In addition, every real-life week, the FND will recapture a region of the map and all the bases and outposts in that region that you have previously captured. The enemies guarding these retaken regions are strong, and present unique challenges, rewards, and replayability after the game has been completed.
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The vehicle selection, as I mentioned before, is really fun. In addition to the Libertad and military vehicles you can unlock, there are 4 special vehicles you can unlock throughout the game that you can customize with weapons, armored plating, and colors (again, provided you have the crafting components).
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As you can see, the selection of vehicles is hilariously 1950's and 60's, which "Not Cuba" does well to reflect actual Cuba.
Actor Danny Trejo is in the game for seemingly no reason. He has his own side-mission you do for him and everything (defending him from the FND while he cooks tacos). It's delightfully entertaining.
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A fighting game-style mini game where you literally use roosters you find around "Not Cuba" in a COCKFIGHTING RING. It's frankly hilarious.
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My main gripe about Far Cry 6 is the story. In the most non-spoilery way possible, I will try to explain why.
Most of the characters that are a part of the main story are...forgettable. They have you running around doing everything for them; the most you interact with them is via phone when they are telling you what to do. Later, when some of these characters die, it's clear that the game wants you to feel bad, but I didn't. It's hard to feel sympathy for character you barely interact or have chemistry with. There are some side-characters I really enjoyed, though. Like Juan Cortez (the guy that makes your "supremos" for you) who tells you ridiculous stories about toppling countries with the CIA and the KGB...which can't be true...right?
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The ending is lame. I expected some kind of big payoff after the main story end; a dramatic conclusion against "Not Castro"...but nope. Just...ends abruptly. Made me feeling unsatisfied with all the work I did.
Your character, Dani, doesn't have an interesting backstory besides the ex-Yaran military thing combined with an orphan trope. As the game goes on, I expected to learn more about Dani, but...he/she is just kinda there in the middle of the revolution. Which, I guess could be interesting? But it really wasn't.
Sometimes, the story has you make decisions that seem pretty important. But they really aren't, and don't have an impact on the story in the long-run.
Moving on from my story gripes, here are a few others:
Ubisoft's games have been pretty buggy lately, haven't they? Assassin's Creed: Valhalla has come under fire for bugs and glitches, and Far Cry 6 is no different, sadly. In addition to standard bugs like clipping and lag, there are potentially story-breaking bugs that can happen. There was a story mission where you have to blow up some rocks over a canyon to stop an FND convoy to steal some supplies. Once all the enemies were taken out, the mission objective was to wait for a certain character to show up and confirm the mission success. I waited for probably about 5 minutes before wandering around the mission area, trying to find the NPC in question. She was trapped behind some of the boulders that came crashing down the canyon as part of the ambush, and I had to reboot the game. Mission-breaking glitches happened like this a couple of times.
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I really had no interest in the multiplayer. Usually games like this have fun or interesting co-op or multiplayer scenarios, but Far Cry 6 is lacking. The game tries to get you to do these side-missions (which you can do solo if you want, but it's kinda boring) where you have to steal chemical weapons from the military that overheat and explode if they are in sunlight for too long.
(Try stealing the dang things at night, guys...come on...)
The rewards for doing these optional side missions are lacking, so I didn't have any inspiration to do any more than 1 of them by myself.
There is a co-op feature as well for when you are on the main map doing missions and exploring, but I didn't see the appeal of playing with strangers. At time of writing, none of my friends or family had the game on PS4 or PS5.
There is a real-time, passive mission system that can net you extra rewards in the game called "Benito's Banditos". Essentially, you send Libertad members on missions (that you don't see happen or get to be a part of) and rely on arbitrary percentages to hope the mission doesn't fail catastrophically and get your resistance soldiers killed. Later in the game, I just started ignoring it because my weapons were fully upgraded and I didn't need or want anything else the system could offer. Just ended up taking time for nothing.
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There is DLC for this game, by the way.
In addition to the thievery of wanting you to spend real money in their Ubisoft game store for cosmetic items and epic weapons, they also have 3 DLCs out (which can be obtained if you purchase the season pass). Evidently, you get to play as 3 of the previous games' villains (the ones from Far Cry 3, 4, and 5). So...yeah. Haven't played the DLC and don't plan on it right now. If I ever do, I'll add another review for them later. I doubt it, though. I don't have the season pass, and alone, each of the 3 cost about 20 bucks.
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I'll have to look into them further...see if they are worth it. Maybe you guys have played them and have comments. I'd love to hear from you.
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Overall, Far Cry 6 is a decent addition to the franchise. It definitely isn't as engaging or gripping as the previous 3 entries in the series, but it was a a good deal of fun anyway (if you aren't a stickler for good stories like I am, maybe you would rank it as bit higher).
My final score is:
Let me know your thoughts on Far Cry 6!
And remember,
~Viva Libertad!
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baneshake · 2 years
Connor, on Pacifistic Measures
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