mwagneto · 9 months
okay google how do i move out of eastern europe but stay in the eu but go somewhere i speak the language but somewhere that has healthcare and somewhere where i dont need to become a construction worker and also somewhere that is not germany. thanks
#i wanna go to aotearoa I've always wanted to but it's so FAR AWAY. also i need somewhere cold also i#love authentic gothic buildings too much to leave europe. but omfggggg#like it's truly so. i dont want to move somewhere where english isnt a main language but the#uk is out and ireland is unlikely and canada is just somewhat nicer french usa and nz is 4 days travel away. blows up#whatever i have 4 semesters of uni left to think about it. it just feels like im#hurtling full speed at the inevitability of living the rest of my life in Germany#i dont want to live in germany idek why but im sooo. like omg nooo 😭😭😭#partly because it's such a cliché but also coz it's such a vacation country for me like we#went there for vacation like. unironically at least 3 times every single year#insert joke abt *getting back at the 10000000000 german tourists that come to hungary every day* that I'm too sleepy to make#it's so . like i used to have a specific goal in mind (uk ☹️) but then SOMEONE had to go and leave the eu#and also the uk sucks fat shit like csöbörből vödörbe omg. but now i have no#real goal so im just drifting w the vague knowledge that any second now I'll have to pack all my#shit up and escape before it's too late. but where 😀😀😀#i have no qualms abt leaving my f*mily behind but I'll miss budapest#and if i left Europe I'd miss it too especially coz even canada feels really far let alone nz which yknow. 3-4 days of travel#it's the lack of goals that's killing me like OMFGG HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK HARD AND#STRIVE FOR SMTG WHEN I HAVE NOTHING SPECIFIC IN MIND...#i mean ''get the fuck out'' is something but it's not Enough. i need to be insane about a#place that's accessible. all the cities/locations im crazy about are inaccessible for one reason or another#bristol and wales are in the uk. nz is on the exact opposite side of the planet. life so sad.#canada is the most likely one honestly but like omgggg. godddddjfdnffnfjfmmf#they should invent a budapest that's not in hungary. they should invent a hungary that isn't comically awful#barking#ok to rb#eastern europe#like im fluent in 3 languages and i can get by in like 10 other ones i Could brush up on any language relatively quickly if it came to that#but it's like. 1. I'd have to pick a location 2. learning a new language also means#getting an entire new personality as well which yknow. idk if i have the capacity for another one rn#i should just become fluent in the ones im somewhat good at but idk which to pick
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sad--tree · 1 year
this vacation is not off 2 a good start yall :(
pippin had 2 go in2 hospital the morning that i left bc she'd suddenly gotten really sick and now she's gonna be there for a couple days bc of IV hydration/diagnostics/observation (*scream*)
aforementioned travel sequence from hell
airline FORGOT my suitcase in stockholm (tho supposedly it'll get delivered 2 me tmrw.....)
i FORGOT THE RIGHT PLUG ADAPTOR i brought the uk one by accident instead -_-
and finally, most recently i made a complete and utter fool of myself at the self checkout at the grocery store across the street so now i can Never Ever Go Back There Again
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fuck-customers · 5 months
There is a travel ban for a reason. My office didnt close and we arent essential. They dont let us WFH. Should i report them somewhere? I cant get out of my home and its too dangerous to leave yet im fully expected to go to work today
Yes you should report it.
If you are in the US go to
I tried to add China and Japan but their sites only posted the laws regarding labour contracts but no way to report employer violations.
I am missing a few countries so let me know what country you are in and I'll try to add it.
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bitethebullets · 1 year
hope actual Japanese fans get barricade for the japan shows bc its honestly shitty seeing the same ppl at barricade every show and taking up spots of locals who don't have as many shows as the EU/UK and NA legs and its fucked up + dont start me on the line numbering system like honestly you are not a genuine fan and i promise mcr wont leave their wives and fuck you for lining up every show
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byarcadiaorg · 4 months
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- drawing opportunities and writing opportunities
I spend three months on the project as an illustrator, I was not asked for a portfolio or any technical questions. The interview was too easy and unprofessional some would say. I didn't think of it much since this was supposed to be a volunteership. On my contract, it was stated this is a Volunteership agreement, badly written and with grammatical English mistakes. Despite that, it is also stated that you are supposed to pay 300 Euro if you leave early before the 14 days period. At some point after my drawings were constantly rejected with random criticisms and passive-aggressive feedback I decided to not waste my precious time any longer since I seriously consider art and my style was just not what the company needed. So I sent an email to HR requesting more info on my resignation. They immediately removed me from the project and sent me the threatening letter everyone received, with the CEO's [Doğukan Ejder's] IBAN. I immediately consulted my two Lawyers who informed me that the contract is not valid because according to UK/EU law which they looooove shoving to your face, they should pay "volunteers" low wages. The contract is not valid, this is a scam to get 300 out of you, since on the contract it is stated that their training (non-existant btw) is worth 300EU and thats why you need to pay them. When someone offers you a benefit like this (just like giving you 300euro) you are not considered a volunteer. I was also misled by my art consultant because she told me to write that I am aware of the Breach of contract on my email, even though I just wanted to know more info on how I can leave. I shouldn't have trusted any of them. Please dont make the same mistake…I deeply regret the wasted time and effort I gave just to constantly be mislead,threatened, exploited and treated unprofessionally from this so called Non profit organization who Ironically asks you for money even though there are no expenses since no one gets paid. Plus all their lawyers are students. What a Joke… I work in a Corporate organization in the UK we constantly deal with UK and EU laws and consumer rights don't believe them and don't fall victim to their scam just ignore everything.
Advice to Management:
You deserve to be in jail.
— former Illustrator at Arcadia, GlassDoor, 14 April 2023
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patchesjam · 10 months
Did you grow up somewhere else and move to the UK later or have you lived here always?
i used (before fawking leaving the eu) to spend about 2 months each year living with family in sweden and although i dont remember it at all i spent the first 2 years of my life growing up in bilbao, but aside from that ive always lived in the uk!
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cursologist · 2 years
Scotland Wales and NI are occupied in the sense that England has done everything in its power to ensure that 1. Leaving would be nearly impossible due to threat of loyalist terrorism (The Troubles are something people would prefer to avoid happening again, methinks) and 2. British Parliament has those countries by the balls in a Vice grip that would completely fuck them if they tried to secede from the ‘United’ Kingdom, even though Scotland and Wales are countries where most people would rather be EU than UK (not sure about the Isle of Man but NI is very. Protestant, let’s call it.)
this is probably a reply to a question i had months ago that i dont remember but thanks!
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plusdepreuves · 4 years
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I went to Normandy a couple of years ago and it was surprisingly very warm ??? It was mid april and tbh i didn’t think it was be so nice to walk along the channel. When i went back to Paris (cause uni you know) everyone could see how happy i was. I had eaten the sun and and i was glowing from inside. I could see england on the other side and i was hoping to move there but it was still surreal. But then it happened !!! Maybe i will go back one day I need to work on my karma. I have decided good things will happen to me now.
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sunuism · 3 years
i bought the boots...
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
Honestly I actually can’t believe there are people claiming Boris Johnson disbanding parliament is a good idea akdjsksjaka like this isn’t even a matter of opinion like how absolutely dense do u have to be to think a man using his power to remove all competition and do exactly what he wants with the country when he wants (exactly as Hitler did btw) is a good idea like please tell me what crack you’re smoking
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ihatecispeople · 3 years
does your uni not have a policy that says all group emails are to be bcc only?? we get data breach warnings that our contact info was leaked if someone accidentally puts the mailing list in the to: or cc: fields. with the uk leaving the EU idk if you can invoke gdpr but there's probably some legislation that actually says the uni cocked up massively by letting the reply all happen
i literally dont know whats wrong with them this happened over the christmas break last year and like 80 ppl keps ccing the ENTIRE SCHOOL being like "im not enrolled in the class?" that was supposed to go to like a subsection of a specific class
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polkadotfairyposts · 4 years
Ok, so as an english person living in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I now actually really *get* the need for independence.
Here's my brief, foggy and perhaps mildly innacurate because im a bit shit with dates and names but bear with me. I was also drunk when i wrote this but it still stands
So, Scotland is one of the oldest *established* countries in europe, in 843 or 834 it became a recognised country
England, being England, kept on invading and there was a lot of dispute about territory.
You know thoose historical figures you hear about a lot, William Wallace of Braveheart fame, Robert the Bruce of Outlaw King. These guys were about in the 1300s. Contantly battling with England over their sovreinty
In 1314, the Battle of Bannockburn happens, Robert the Bruce pretty much destroys the English army near Stirling
1320, the Declaration of Arbroath is signed, stating the people of Scotland, not a king or leader, but the people theselves are sovereign, in quite a dramatic comparison so England's monarchy and heirarchical system. Yes, the Scots had kings and nobility, but the people were the most important, kings were not chosen by God
It was written in Latin, but says the following:
As long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself".
Boom, right?!
The union of the crown happened, im hhazy on it all, watch Mary Queen of Scots to get a fairly good idea. Its mostly to do with a lot of Protestant/Catholic issues, mostly fuelled by English politics, as far as i can see, but i. Could be v wrong. There was alot of hoo-ha regarding recognising Scotland's monarchy, especially involving the "Auld Alliance" with France, who England was continually picking fights with
1703: The Scottish Parliament passes the Act of Security, under which Scotland will not in future be bound to accept the same monarch as England unless Scotland is accorded completely free trade with England and the colonies.
So, the Treaty of the Union happened in 1707 (thats right, its only just over 300 years old) but lets just look at the curcumstance in which it was signed
In the years (maybe decades) leading up to this, England imposed some kind of tax or restrictions on scottish trading.
5 February 1705: The English Parliament pass the Alien Act, restricting scottish exports and trades. Big economic impact here. Many purses made a lot lighter.
So, the Scottish Parliament (made of nobles and officials, no vote for the people. Rumoura of bribery and threats abound) decide to enter into this Union. A draft is written, its voted in, the Scottish Parliament is dissolved. There was a LOT of anti-union feeling about this. Theres a rumour the Treaty was signed in an actual basement in edinburgh to avoid protests happening around the city. (I obvs dont know the truth in that)
Magically, when the scottish parliament was dissolved, restrictions were removed and scotland was able to trade freely as part of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain"
Now, theres a king, exiled, James, or "the Pretender", hanging in France, decides to rally troops from there and head back to try and sort a Jacobite uprising. This, in 1708, failed.
1715 sees another Jacobite uprising. Defeated
1720 Spain tries to. Help another Jacobite uprising. Defeated.
Honestly, just keep on going through rinse and repeat until the big one.
You all know Bonnie Prince Charlie and the 1745 Jacobite uprising and the absolute massacre of Culloden, especially if youve followed the Outlander series.
This was the last big rebellion. And I'll tell you for why.
Scottish culture was all but outlawed. Kilts, Tartan, Pipes, Gaelic, all punishable offenses. The Highland clearances happened (basically rich people owned the land, decided it was gonna make them more money to feed cattle than people and moved villages and townspeople to the most barren areas, on the brink of survival. A lot of folk were destitute, some left in ships bound for the US willingly , many were sent as punishment for even minor crimes)
Now, im not saying the Scots were angels and innocents subjected to English rule, a good few profited highly from Slave Trade and many oof Glasgow and Edinburgh's city statues are of questionable admirability.
But this Union of Equals is anything but.
In the 1990s, the Scots had to fight tooth and nail to get their own parliament back. This was under Labour and Donald Dewar became First Minister.
In 2014, there was an epic vote for Scots on whether to become and Independent country again. From polling at just 26%a year or so before, the Yes vote went up to 45%. Not enough to win the referendum, but a huge improvement. The Better Together campaign raised questions such as EU membership, pensions, currency, could Scotland afford it?
The DAY AFTER the No vote was announced, David Cameron announces EVEL (yeah, it looks like evil) English Votes for English Laws. Freezing Scottish MPs out of decision-making. So much for "Stay with us, Scotland. Lead us, dont leave us"
2016 the goddamned Brexit vote happens. It was 52/48 Now you know, if that had been the outcome for Yes, the uproar would have been "its too close to call" "thats not a big enough margin!" but because it was what an underlying majority of Tory backbenchers actually wanted, it was accepted. People who voted to stay in the EU were labelled Remoaners and the 16m+ who voted against it were ignored in favour of the 17m+ who voted for. Also worth noting, scotlannd voted 62% to stay in the EU. A much higher margin than to remain ppart of the UK. We were ignored. So much for Scotland staying in the UK to stay in the EU
Oh, and the last decade of Tory austrity has seen oension age increase and pension amount decrease. We've one of the worst ppensions in the developed world. There goes that argument
As a result of the Brexit vote, the sterling decreased in value. Fuck it, a number of Scots wouldnt even mind using the Euro if we were to rejoin them, but we'd be well within our rights to use our own Scots ��£££
Also, the Macrone report shows pretty well that Scotland has a wealth of natural resources it would be able to use, we could definitely afford it.
Soooo, we comme to the "once in a generation" arguement. This was said a lot, by both sides. As a turn of phrase. Same as many things. Boris Johnson said he'd rather be dead in a ditch than take an extension for EU talks. He took that extension and thougb ive been thoroughly searching ditches up and down the UK, not spotted him yet.
Nowhere in the Edinburgh Agreement (the document agreement 2014 referendum) does it state "once in a generation". It *does* state that scotland can holld another referendum following "constitutional change". One word. Brexit. Thays one big motherfucking change.
If were talking about a generation, in human terms, thay could be 20/30/40/50 years or so. But if we're talking political generation, its worth noting in talks with Ireland, this was defined as seven years. Since the Edinburgh Agreement was signed in 2012,we're past that. And even if we go by 2014, thay makes 2021 the year we can do another.
12 consecutive polls have shown Yes well ahead for independence. Scotland also allows 16-18 year olds to vote. And EU citizens living in Scotland.
The point is, if Scotlannd wants it, Scotland shoukd be able to choose it.
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boypanadol · 3 years
the uk should be kicked out from eurovision since theyre leaving the eu. they dont get to have fun anymore
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aurordream · 7 years
Well there were four distinct MoodsTM amongst my colleagues at work today
1 - Absolutely devastated that the Conservatives lost their majority. Brexit is now ruined. They’ll never get any of their glorious policies through Parliament with a coaliton goverment. Theresa May has fucked up and needs to GO
2 - Well sure the Tories lost some power, but Labour didn’t win so all is good. So long as ‘that moron Corbyn’ isnt PM and it will be Conservative policies going through Parliament they’re satisfied.
3 - Angry and dissapointed that the Tories are back in, and with the DUP of all parties backing them up. We arent getting any of the Labour policies they got excited for, we will have to deal with the Tory ones, and people are going to suffer, now with extra DUP racism and homophobia
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Helloo, in response to your text post on covert racism in the uk, i jus wanna say- I live in the EU and lived in London for a short in a predominantly POC neighbourhood (mostly w/ people from Jamaica or south-east Asia). For context I just wanna say that in London its mapped out in a circular way where there are diff zones, and at any which direction you go most places are in the 1st (very very central london where things may seem far from one another but may only be like 2-3miles away at most) to 6th zones (way far outside), so living in the center is a luxury for accessibility and being close to ones work.
The neigbourhood I lived in was in zone 1 bordering zone 2. Being so central, most oei please would guess that rent would have been INSANELY expensive, but by comparison to other places the rent I had to pay and saw others had to pay was approximately the same one would pay in zone 2/zone 3, which arguably made it worthwhile. However, it had just begun to be gentrified, and this could be seen from the more upscale (and expensive in rent) appartment buildings and complexes they had recently put in or planned to put in and through the fact that they were planning to tear down the local mall, the sole wage earning point for many POC people in that neighbourhood, to expand the campus of a well funded art university campus that was right across from it. Now, with wealthier people coming to this neighbourhood, I noticed that they kind of didnt wanna see the place for what it is/was. There was a sense of people wanting to pretend that this humble neighbourhood was some expensive ass place on the other end of zone 1. Even the non-white people i know who moved there, because of the fact that they had the money to leave beyond the means of many, had adopted this kind of attitude. So when you said in your post they just kinda pretend it isnt there, I 100% agree with you. They dont wanna outwardly say that POC are causing problems for them and in a wierdly imperialist way they shut them down by just lessening their access to shit to make way for people with more money and stuff, which is basically how and why they can be so covert in their racism. I know this is long but i hope this makes sense :)
Right! They don't want to seem racist so they don't say anything but behind the scenes they're completely evil. They will literally try to gentrify entire neighborhoods not caring if the current residents will have a place to stay or if they're safe. All they can think about is money and themselves. And middle class POC....yeah something's wrong with them cuz in the eyes of the upper class there is no middle class. We're all just poor and meaningless to them.
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mrgan · 4 years
Neven’s Pizza Dough
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Sour cream, mozzarella, Sulguni cheese, pepperoni. Home oven, baking steel.
I like pizza, and I make it often. You also like pizza. Perhaps you’d like to make it as well? Here’s the recipe for my sourdough pizza, ideal for Neapolitan or NYC-style pies, baked in a home oven with a baking steel or stone, or in an outdoor oven. Scroll past the recipe if you’d like to learn more!
Neven’s Sourdough Pizza
Servings: two 12” pizzas. Time: 3.5 hours (mix and proof) + 1 to 14 days (fridge-ferment) + 6 hours (final proof) + 10 to 20 minutes (shape, top, and bake)
260 g high-gluten or bread flour (or all-purpose flour)
40 g (15%) whole wheat or rye flour (or any flour, really)
9 g (3%) salt
15 g (5%) ripe sourdough starter
200 g (66%) water
Put all the dry ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixer (”a KitchenAid”) outfitted with the dough hook and stir with a spatula to combine. Add the starter and about 2/3 of the water. Start the mixer on low speed and mix for 1 minute; add the rest of the water, and mix for 4 more minutes. Switch to medium speed and mix for another 5 minutes. If at any point the dough threatens to crawl out of the bowl, stop the mixer and scrape the mess back down into the bowl.
Once mixed, move the dough to a new bowl. (I prefer a shallower, wider, non-metal one myself.) Cover the bowl and let the dough rest in a warm spot (70–74°F?) for 3 hours. Every 30 minutes or so, perform a stretch-and-fold.
Scoop the dough with a flexible dough scraper onto a lightly oiled work surface and cut into two 262 g portions. Shape each portion into a ball, tucking the ends in toward the middle to form a taut, balloon-like surface on one side. Pop into a lightly oiled 16 oz deli container (do you have some from food deliveries?), messy side down. Cover and pop in the back of the fridge for 1-14 days. (I find the flavor is best around 7 days.)
6 hours before baking, remove the containers from the fridge and leave them on the counter. 2 hours before baking, uncover them. This will dry out the top somewhat, which is great; that will become the not-so-sticky bottom of your crust.
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Portioned dough balls after being uncovered.
If using a home oven: 1 hour before baking, pop a baking stone or baking steel or upside-down pan on a rack 6-8" from the top broiler. Crank it up to 550ºF and leave it there.
To stretch the dough: hold the container upside down and wiggle the dough out of it gently; dont worry about whether it stays a perfect ball. Place it into a shallow, wide bowl of flour and make sure the wet end and the sides get some flour (not too much) on them. Place it on your wooden peel with the dry (previously the top) side down and press gently around the inside of the rim to make a little ringed pizza-prototype.
Then pick it up and stretch with your knuckles (don’t use your fingers). It should be very friendly, stretchy without any pullback or tearing. Stretch to 10" in size. Shimmy the peel a bit to make sure no part of the dough has stuck; repeat this shimmying every minute or so if it takes you that long to top it.
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Stretching the dough using knuckles only.
My topping strategy for a standard cheese pizza: layer the dough with sliced mozzarella cheese, then add dabs of sauce, and your toppings. Now gently tug under the rim all around to stretch to 12″; the weight of the toppings will help prevent pullback.
Redistribute the toppings if needed. Shimmy again. Expertly slide onto the steel/stone/pan.
If using a home oven: set a timer for 4 minutes. Then, open the oven door and check the underside of your pizza. Almost done, while the top is still a bit pale? If so, slide a metal pizza pan (or a cookie sheet or something else thin, metal, and as large as the pie) under it. This prevents the bottom from getting overbaked. Rotate the arrangement 180º to get even baking. Set a timer for 3 minutes.
When the pizza is gorgeous, slide it out with a metal pizza peel or a large flat spatula or whatever. (Don’t use your wooden peel—that’s for shaping and launching only.) Rest it on a cooling rack for 1-2 minutes to dry out the bottom. Then move to a cutting board or plate and slice. (Don’t use your wooden peel for this either, please!)
If using an outdoor pizza oven: if you own one of these, you probably know what to do. Have at it, sport!
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Sour cream, mozzarella, provolone, chives and garlic chives. Ooni Koda oven.
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33% whole wheat in this dough. Aged for 9 days in the fridge.
A note on baker’s percentages 
When a dough is “66% hydrated,” that doesn’t mean the final ball of dough is two-thirds water. Rather, what bakers mean is, water is equal to 66% of the flour weight. Got it? That way, you can measure out your flour and scale all the other ingredients to it. I no longer refer to a recipe when I mix the dough, because I’ve memorized the percentages: 66% water, 3% salt, 5% starter. I also know that I need 150 g of flour per pizza; from these figures I can easily arrive at the weight of the other ingredients. Can you do the math in your head for, say, four pizzas? It’s easy! (Or maybe I’m just a math genius. (I am not a math genius.))
Just TWO pizzas? So what’s my boyfriend going to eat?
You can easily double the recipe. I wouldn’t go beyond 2x; you can’t mix much more than a kilo of dough in a typical stand mixer. If you’re doing a big pizza party and you want to make eight pies, first of all, congratulations! second, do it in two batches.
Do you think I’m the sort of person who has sourdough starter just sitting around?
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“What does it matter what you say about people?”
I get it. I wasn’t always a Sourdough Guy. So, let me give you a recipe using commercial yeast. Bonus: it’s faster!
Normal-Person Pizza
Servings: two 12” pizzas. Time: 3 hours (mix and proof) + 10 to 20 minutes (shape, top, and bake)
260 g high-gluten or bread flour (or all-purpose flour)
40 g (15%) whole wheat or rye flour (or any flour, really)
9 g (3%) salt
3 g instant yeast (~1 tsp, about half a little package thingy, 1%)
200 g (66%) water
Put all the dry ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixer (”a KitchenAid”) outfitted with the dough hook and stir with a spatula to combine. Add about 2/3 of the water. Start the mixer on low speed and mix for 1 minute; add the rest of the water, and mix for 4 more minutes. Switch to medium speed and mix for another 5 minutes. If at any point the dough threatens to crawl out of the bowl, stop the mixer and scrape it back down into the bowl.
Once mixed, move the dough to a new bowl. (I prefer a shallower, wider, non-metal one myself.) Cover the bowl and let the dough rest in a warm spot (70–74°C?) for 2 hours. Every 30 minutes or so, perform a stretch-and-fold.
Scoop the dough with a flexible dough scraper onto a lightly oiled work surface and cut into two 262 g portions. Shape each portion into a ball, tucking the ends in toward the middle to form a taut, balloon-like surface on one side. Place on a well floured board; flour the top some more; and cover with a clean, non-terry (non-”fuzzy”; you want “smooth”) kitchen towel. Rest for another 1-2 hours, watching for the dough to grow some more and start looking really taut and ready.
Proceed with the tossing, topping, and baking.
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Carmelina brand tomatoes, sauced; garlic, fresh oregano. Ooni Koda oven.
Wait, but I don't have a stand mixer either 😐
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“It’s always gonna be something with you, isn’t it, Joe?”
No, that’s cool, that’s cool. Just mix by hand. Or by spatula, really. Mash it and fold it and fold it and mash it. Make sure you do frequent and thorough stretch-and-folds in this case. You really want to distribute everything uniformly in there.
And now, a word from our sponsors
(Note: none of the following products or brands are my sponsors. This is merely an idiom, come on.)
Juuuust in case you’re looking to add to your kitchen setup, here are the products I use for pizza making. Some of the links below include my referral code, which means I’ll get a tiny cut of the sale; the price is the same to you, though, so like, what does it matter? (I still feel a little uneasy. Sorry.)
Ooni Koda outdoor pizza oven. Simple, portable, hot as heck. Makes pizza you simply can’t get out of a home oven. These links give you 10% off! (UK link, EU link. These links all give you 10% off. BAM!)
Carmelina canned tomatoes in puree. Sweet, rich, flavorful. Buy them by the case.
Tillamook sour cream. Yes, sour cream makes a perfect sauce for a white pizza—which is generally an easier base to put creative toppings on! Make sure to buy the stuff where the ingredients are just cream and cultures, none of this cornstarch/carrageenan nonsense.
For flour, look for a local mill, if possible. Shop at restaurant-supply stores!
16 oz deli containers. Washable, sturdy, endlessly reusable. Love ‘em.
CoverMate bowl covers. Reusable, washable, transparent, secure.
Gram-precision kitchen scale. You know you need one. My favorite feature: extra long timeout (before it turns off) so I can forget to get the flour and run downstairs and hunt for it and when I come back, my measurement is still up on the screen.
I also like Ooni’s bamboo and metal peels a lot. You can get very cheap ones on Amazon, but understand that they’re… cheap.
Saf-Instant yeast. It’s got the cutest box. You can keep it in the freezer for years and use it right out of the freezer.
Oxo pizza cutter wheel. Whatever wheel you buy, just make sure it’s large and heavy—that’s what helps you cut neatly.
In conclusion
Pizza is good. Thank you.
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Sliced mozzarella, parmesan, Carmelina brand tomatoes. Home oven, baking steel.
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