slushglow · 2 years
Bro just please tell us some head cannons u have for emo yuichi and Leo I need to know more - what do they like most about each other? What do they together? What do the other turtles think of him?Broooo bring in the head cannons
I AM SO GLAD U ASKED JAJSJFJFN watch how hard i can word vomit about them 🔊🔊🔊🔊
hahaha i'll just go down the list of what u mentioned here so i can maintain some self control LMFAO, but BEFORE i begin:
would like to mention that leosagi r BEST FRIENDS before they ever start a relationship in my au (which takes place a good couple yrs down the road, like late teens/early twenties. maybe even longer. i'm still debating lol) i really value platonic relationships and i guess i'm projecting but i really wanted to explore this aspect on these two cause i feel like it really fits !!!
leo was recently instated as the new leader and he's struggling under the pressure and expectations, he's having a hard time at home with the weird vibes between him and raph and splinter, he and raph r arguing a lot more, he never wants to be at home, they're all still recovering a little bit from the shredder incident and trying to make their new lair feel like how everything used to be, leo just wants things to go back to normal, etc etc. guy is not having a good time.
usagi is also struggling between three jobs and having no one to rely on. he is COMPLETELY ALONE, and has been for a while now, and at this point he's just accepted it and rolls with the punches. he is visibly a miserable guy. he doesn't have family or friends to turn to considering he's basically disgraced from his clan (not that he really wanted to stay anyway, more will be explained later HAHAHA), he's not doing well mentally either, and he's trying to stay afloat in a foreign city that he's still learning to actually live in. he's not good at relying on other people and always expects strings to be attached when it comes to people trying to look out for him, etc etc. both he and leo r not doing well.
while i admit the love at first sight is cute, that's not the road i wanted to take with them. what they both really need more than a relationship is a friend, and i think they would both find that friend in each other. i think they would be absolute menaces at their worst but also be capable of bringing out the best in each other. they r the besties ever !!!!
okay with that out of the way i am ACTUALLY going to answer ur ask now lmfao.
im only going to do a few qualities otherwise i will be here FOR HOURSSSS HAHAHA
- leo recognizes that usagi isn't one to beat around the bush, especially when it comes to telling him how he feels. he's blunt, but not generally in a mean way (usually lmfao). he tells leo what he needs to hear, even if leo in particular doesn't WANT to hear it. usagi doesn't lie to him, or ever make promises he can't keep, but he also doesn't BREAK promises that he makes. leo really appreciates that about him.
- usagi hasn't known leo his whole life, and so he doesn't have the same issue as his brothers with giving leo casual praise. yes, usagi is very much going to be the first person to call leo a gigantic dumbass, but he's also going to recognize leo is talented and calculated and very capable of being cunning when he isn't being a fool LMFAO. i think having someone that has faith in his abilities most of the time would really help settle some of leo's inferiority/superiority complex issues, especially from someone that is essentially a clean slate and doesn't have huge expectations of what they already know about leo. i think this would start leo's journey into being more self-assured, since usagi has been there to tell him what he needs to hear from the very start of their friendship. leo can always count on usagi to have his back when he's feeling down about himself :)
- usagi is actually very hilarious. leo didn't see it much when they were first getting to know each other but usagi makes the MOST out of pocket comments and jokes all the time with a completely straight face and it cracks leo up. usagi starts being a lot more silly with leo once they've been around each other more and his humor starts showing through. also usagi is like the only person in the world that will laugh at leo's awful puns. usagi recognizes they're awful and he KNOWS they r so so awful but he can't help but laugh bc leo's delivery is so good. the first time leo makes usagi laugh he goes out of his way to make him do it again bc usagi has a really contagious laugh and he wants to hear it more !!! usagi deserves to laugh. they actually bond a lot over their inside jokes and humor lol
- no one has ever tried to be so persistent in being usagi's friend. like, an actual friend who genuinely cares about him and just wants him to be less miserable and goes out of their way to spend time with him bc they think he's COOL and someone fun to be around. usagi didn't appreciate it at first (he thought leo was trying to make fun of him/just trying to be a nuisance) but then he realizes that leo is just like. a good person. under all the bravado and jokes and bad puns he's someone that cares and doesn't expect anything from it and usagi wants to meet leo halfway and show that he cares too. leo is essentially his first friend and first BEST FRIEND and he has no way to articulate how much he appreciates leo and the olive branch he gave him so he tries to show it as often as he can instead.
- leo also goes out of his way to spend time with usagi, whether that be between his shifts at work or literally sitting in the place of business until usagi gets off. it starts off as leo just not wanting to be home but then it's genuinely just him trying to spend as much time with usagi as possible before he has to work again (which is basically all the time.) they never run out of things to talk about, and when usagi is too drained to actually hold a conversation leo can fill the silence for literal HOURS and usagi never gets tired of it bc he likes to listen to leo talk, and leo doesn't feel like he's annoying or anything. they can also exist in silence with each other and just enjoy the other's presence. it's never awkward and it's just really natural for them both!
- usagi hasnt really had someone like . worry about his well-being in a long time and so leo constantly being up in his business asking him if he's gotten enough sleep/if he's feeling okay takes a lot to get used to. it grated his nerves at first but then leo explained that usagi always seems so sad and downright depressed and he always asks if there's something that he can do to make him feel a little better. leo doesn't really motherhen him which usagi appreciates also; he acknowledges that usagi isn't feeling great and will try to do something to make him feel better but he backs off bc he knows how annoying it is when people won't listen to how much u DONT want to talk about it (looking at u very lovingly rn raph ❤️ ur trying ur best). usagi also does the same for leo, they only push each other to talk when they REALLY think the other needs an intervention haha.
- they do the thing where if they get food, often times the other likes whatever part they don't. usagi doesn't like salami and whatnot on his pizza so he'll pick it off and let leo eat it; leo doesn't like the crunchy parts on crab ragoon so he'll eat the middle then let usagi eat whatever's left etc lol.
- they'll do the thing where it's like "this made me think of u" and they get it for the other, like knick knacks and little food types of stuff. they make it a competition to who can get the coolest knick knack for the other LOL
- they r both really really impressed with how talented the other is. usagi is traditionally trained and it SHOWS, he often times wins their spars and he's very very skilled and leo thinks he's so fucking cool bc he's so nonchalant about it. like usagi just did the sickest move and he's like "damn. that was crazy." and leo is like 🤯🤯🤯🤯 leo is cunning and strategic and usagi is pretty impressed (and it's hard to impress this guy !!!!) with how inventive he is on his feet, and how fast he can assess a situation just by vibes alone. leo also thinks outside the box a lot and his style of fighting is really cool to usagi; they both just think the other is the coolest HAHA.
i already mentioned that leo goes out of his way to spend time with usagi whenever he's free, and even when he's not leo is usually right at his hip lmfao. they both go to different areas of the hidden city and hang out mostly, they do the "bro showed me a spot" and try to see who can find the coolest spot to hang out in HAHAHA. they spar and talk and joke around and share food. normal friend stuff.
sometimes usagi takes a nap bc he's so exhausted tho and leo just hangs around on his phone with him. whenever usagi is free is when they actually get to do the fun stuff; they get into deep shit sometimes in the hidden city and that's usually a fuckin time lmfao.
usagi luvsss music tho but he doesn't really have time to search for stuff on his own, so leo always shows up with music recommendations whenever they have time and exchange different songs back and forth. would like to mention usagi LOVESSS BABYMETAL and gets leo into them as a result hahaha. BABYMETAL NEVER MISSES ‼️‼️‼️‼️ banger after banger only 🔊🔊🔊
usagi also tries to teach leo more japanese and how to write kanji. he thinks it's fucking hilarious that leo doesn't know it. he's always like "u know ninjitsu, ur trained in sword fighting, and u have a literal world class japanese warrior as ur father, but u don't know japanese ??? 🤨 L." HAHAHA but they're getting there !! leo's japanese has improved a lot since he started hanging with usagi !!!
so leo actually gatekeeps his and usagi's friendship for almost a good yr before he ever lets usagi meet his brothers. he wanted this one thing to himself and it was kinda like an escape from all the bad vibes at home. also he was scared that usagi would think his brothers r cooler than him lmfaooo. don't worry usagi sets him straight about that tho !!!
also usagi knows a lot about leo's bros just from how much he talks/rants about them, and he tries to pay attention bc he knows leo's bros mean everything to him !!!!
raphael: he and raph actually get along pretty great !!! maybe even the most. raph does mother hen him once they get comfortable with each other but usagi knows it comes from a place of care, which he really really appreciates bc he isn't close with his family the way the guys r. they both give each other advice and have really good conversations with each other. they've both stayed awake for hours just talking about different stuff and the bros and everything. i hc raph is actually going thru a pretty bad depressive episode around this point in time too and usagi gives him some pretty sound advice about how he's feeling and how to not let it completely take over. he tells raph to also rely on the others; he knows what it's like to have ur emotions feel like a burden but he tells him there is no way the others would ever want him to feel the way he does. they care so much about him !!! usagi thinks raph is surprisingly easy to talk to also :)
donnie: at first they got on each other's nerves. i think they're both pretty similar even if donnie is slightly more eccentric, plus i imagine that like most people donnie doesn't like change, and leo HAS been changing a lot outside of his periphery ever since he started hanging with usagi more! donnie is like that's the guy that's been making my brother not come home until like eight in the morning and makes him never want to be here. so there was kinda a grudge on his part bc he does miss leo :( however i think they bond when they find themselves roasting leo together or something i just think that would be absolutely hilarious HAHAHA. they end up being really good friends also !!!! i imagine they appreciate how low energy the other can be sometimes, and usagi is genuinely impressed at how smart donnie is.
mikey: PLSSSS DONT HATE ME but i hc they get along the least. NOT BC THEY DONT LIKE EACH OTHER ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ but mikey is even more high energy than leo and sometimes usagi literally cant take it haha, but that's only when his social quota is really low already. otherwise he and mikey get along pretty great !!! mikey was one of the first ones to really initiate him into the family and let him know he's welcome any time and like obviously it's mikey so usagi has a soft spot for him. however he doesn't really like the doctor feelings schtick he pulls sometimes (among mikey's other PHDs lmfao) and he very much tries to escape those sessions when mikey busts them out HAHAHA.
i imagine usagi slotting into the family pretty easily actually, he's just another kid that splinter doesn't realize he's collecting lmfao.
i imagine him feeling sort of on the fringes at first tho, bc he hasn't known them his whole like like say april, hasn't been thru life changing battles with them like casey or cassandra. he's not even just that odd relative like draxum lol. he's just leo's friend and he doesn't want to encroach on their little unit they have going on or be a burden or anything so it takes a little while for him to open up to them and let them get to know him. they grow closer tho the more leo starts bringing him around and actually interacting :) usagi is very fond of all of them !!
WOW OKAY LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF WORD VOMIT !!! i really hope this answered ur questions !! SOOOO SORRY ABOUT THIS INCREDIBLY LONG ESSAY LMFAO could literally write a dissertation about these idiots if i tried hahaha. sorry it took me so long to answer btw i wanted to make sure i included as much information and as many points as possible without giving away too much lol.
thank u so much for ur ask !!!!
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