#Tw homophibic slurs
zappedbyzabka · 2 years
russolaw sensei post, except instead of flirtatious Johnny it's clueless johnny
"sensei, my hamstrings are so tight"
daniel like, God help me I am a professional. he helps out Johnny and his stupid hamstrings, using the power of balance and breathing
sensei, I think I got this kick down but I'm losing power somewhere
daniel, taking a deep breath to get his hands around Johnny's slim hips without accidentally rubbing a chub against Johnny's ass
and worst of all: Johnny actually having a crush on his sense but being too into karate when he's doing karate. but also having a bad experience with his previous sensei (coughKreesecough), and his stepdad - both of whom have told him again and again that he's useless. kreese even told him he wasn't that hot at karate and Johnny really wants to be good for sensei LaRusso
tbh they'd never have gotten together if johnny hadn't slipped on the balance pond and slammed his hip into the wood before falling in.
so Johnny's in sensei's bedroom (the dojo is also his house? Johnny thinks that's the coolest thing). So, Johnny's in sensei LaRusso's bedroom in his boxers, getting a deep massage with some stinky smelling green stuff. It's weird but it seems to be working. the only problem is, sensei LaRusso smells like sweat and himself and he's really close to johnny. and Johnny can't even talk about karate to distract himself because sensei told him to zip it the the fourth time Johnny apologized for falling in the pond.
So yeah, Johnny's a little sweaty and a little hot because sensei's thick fingers are digging into his hip, massaging and rubbing the muscle. And if he shuts his eyes he can imagine what it would be like if those hands were on both his hips, with sensei LaRusso's cock deep in his -
Johnny coughs, shakes his head. And it's bad. He's already sporting a semi. Scratch that, it's worse. sensei LaRusso's seen his semi. And sensei's eyes are going up, taking in the flush on his cheeks and chest. Even his stupid nipples are in on it, all stiff and pointy.
"Sorry Mr.LaRusso," Johnny isn't calling him sensei when he's trying will *away* the boner. "Sorry, it's just -"
"Naw it's ok, Johnny," and sensei LaRusso's blushing too. Oh god Johnny's made him awkward, he wants to die.
"I'm really sorry, sensei!" Johnny stutters, past caring now. he just wants to do damage control so it won't end up like last time. "Sorry, I'll keep it professional at class, promise! I dont want to make you uncomfortable, I'll get over it!"
And he really wants to, is the thing. Sensei Kreese calling him a dirty fag was bad enough, but Sensei LaRusso... And oh god, Johnny's eyes are starting to water and his nose is starting to tickle. And now sensei LaRusso is looking straight at him, frowning because Johnny's being a crybaby.
"Johnny... you're not supposed to keep it professional, I am. And I'm not uncomfortable just because you like," Sensei LaRusso bites his lip. "Because you like men, ok?"
Johnny looks up. And ok, he kind of has to because Sensei LaRusso tilts his chin up. And then sensei looks him dead in the eye and says, "I like men sometimes Johnny. Its fine. It's the same as liking anybody, you just have to be respectful about it."
And ok that one really breaks Johnny's brain. so he does the only thing that makes sense: he kisses Sensei LaRusso. And it's so stupid, he doesn't even lead with his good side: it's a lame close mouthed kiss. Like someone Iin middle school, oh God.
"Johnny, I'm your teacher," sensei LaRusso says and pushes him back a little. but only a little. "I would be taking advantage."
"So don't, " says Johnny leaning forward again. Maybe he can try tongue this time. "You said it was OK if we were respectful." And Johnny's cock, which had gone woefully soft earlier, pokes Sensei LaRusso in the arm.
"Johnny..." Sensei LaRusso bites his lip and Johnny's temper decides for him.
"If you want to say I'm not worth it, just say it sensei! Ive heard it all: fag, pussy, degenerate. so I can take it. if you don't like me just say s-"
And then sensei LaRusso's tongue is in his mouth and those big hands are in his hair. And sensei looks pissed for some reason?
"Who called you that?" Another bruising kiss. "Nobody should call you that."
And sensei's so close; Johnny's hips buck up on instinct. Sensei LaRusso looks at his straining cock, at his blotchy chest. Frowns and bites hia lip again. Shakes his head and breathes. And then gently pushes Johnny down to the bed.
Then sensei.. sensei kneels between his legs. Pulling his boxers down and grabbing his thighs to push them up.
"Tell me if anything feels weird, or too much," sensei says and then two things happen. Sensei spits on his hand. Then he wraps it around Johnny's cock. Johnny fucks up into it immediately, mewling.
"Good boy," sensei murmurs, speeding up his strokes. Johnny feels one of his fingers rub behind his balls. "Tell me if it feels weird, Johnny. Okay?"
"Okay," huffs Johnny, too busy fucking up into sensei LaRussos tight fist. There's a click, and a wet sound and then there's a finger. rubbing at his -
Johnny shoots all over sensei's fist, gulping huge breaths of air that subside to hiccups as he comes down. Sensei LaRusso's hand is still on his softening cock, holding it. His other finger is still rubbing at Johnny's...
"Did you like that? Was that okay?" Sensei's eyes are big and brown, and if Johnny didn't know better he'd say sensei was nervous.
So Johnny laughs, shaking his head as he reaches down to grab sensei's gross cum filled hand. "Yeah sensei, it was more than good it was great!"
And sure sensei tells him that you can't be calling someone sensei after they've had their hand on your cock, but also sensei's face is red the whole time so that kind of makes up for it.
So cute❣️
I love minx Johnny but I also like awkward soft Johnny
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Tw period typical homophobia. Use of homophibic slurs in a story/joking manor!
Munver where Jason has 0 sexuality based shame through the sheer power of cognitive dissonance. He just doesn't think he's gay(or bi but he wouldn't know that's an option). His heterosexuality is as apparent to him as the sky being blue. He completely resolves any internal conflict between his religion and very gay thoughts for Eddie because he "doesn't like him like that." and "everyone thinks other men's bodies are attractive. It's not gay."
"I'm not some fag."
He in fact was.
He's an all-American, heterosexual male. Sure he stares at Eddie's pretty lips and into his sharp eyes. Chiseled face perfectly framed by shaggy locks of black hair. His tight jean-.
But that's all just because he doesn't hate the freak that much anymore ever since he realized he was a cool dude post all the inter-dimensional psychic bullshit. Him and Eddie just hang out now.
Jason who's just kinda casually gay because: 1) no one would ever accuse the current king of Hawkins high of being a homo, and 2) it isn't too obvious (to his worshippers) because everyone takes his unconscious flirting as him being a nice guy. It's only like a couple of dudes on the basketball team who suspect something more. But they don't mention it to not cause themselves problems with Hawkin High's prince.
But Eddie (the schools resident queer) is baffled at how this preppy asshole hasn't gotten clocked by entire town yet.
So he takes it opon himself to give the jock a few... very important realizations.
In the back of his van, drunk and high off weed of course.
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